HomeMy WebLinkAbout168825 02/16/2009 CITY OF CARMEL, INDIANA VENDOR: 357697 Page 1 of 1 ONE CIVIC SQUARE DIRECT TV CARMEL, INDIANA 46032 PO BOX 60035 CHECK AMOUNT: $158.95 ray ib 71- LOS ANGELES CA 90060 -0036 CHECK NUMBER: 168825 CHECK DATE: 2116/2009 DEPARTMENT ACCOUNT PO NUMBER INVOICE NUMBER AM OUNT: DESCRIPTION 1115 4353099 943612644 81.97 056203803 1047 4349500 947920024 76.98 038575356 P t -1 b H q y r� i N a ".�$m1'd V A e" R DATE DUE AMOUNT DUE r. INVOICE t• ACCOUNT NUMBS NUMBER w 038575356 02/24/09 $76.98 947920024 qg To contact us call 1- 888 388 -4249 g i. y r �E d ayrr Summary i ts to r 3i, '1 Statement Date: 02/05/09 Previous Balance 76.98 5 Page 1 of i for: Payments -76.98 u� CARMEL CLAY PARKS REC Current Charges Fees 76.98 st� °,a For Service at: Adjustments Credits 0.00 r r �N 1235 CENTRAL PARK DR E Taxes 0.00 CARMEL, IN 46032 -4421 Amount Due $76.98 ACtIVItY Start End Description Amount Previous Balance 76.98jF, 01/24 Payment Thank You -76.9$ Current Charges for Service Period 02/04/09. 03/03/09 02/04 03103 Business Choice Monthly 69.99 02104 03103 Local Channels Monthly 6.99 N AMOUNT DUE $76.98 6 IONpoft@nt Information Our electronic, payment processing system does not r0d comments enclosed with your payment. Please do not write comments on the bottom of your bitL or enclose correspondence with your payment. How to contact us- PHONE- U.S. MAIL. 1-888-888-4244 0RECTV. Inc- Business 5erviceCenter P.O Box 5392 Miami. FL 33152--5392 Commercial V Agreement You received your D|RECTV Comm arciai Viewing Agreement with your contract. The Commercial Viewing Agreement describes the terms and conditions upon which you accept ouryervice Please consult the Commercial Viewing Agreement for complete information about bitting and p�ymentun your account. Errors orQue�5tionsAbout Your Invoice If you have question about your invbicp pieasp_ cat[ urwrite to us �saoun as possible, You must contact us within 60 days of receiving the invoicm in question, and you must pay undisputed portions of the invoice by the due date in order to avoid an administrative |ate f�e and posyibie discunne.ction of your service. We will not report your account as de'Unquent or take-, any action to collect the disputed amount white your dispute is under investigation, We wit[ make every effort to resoive ciaim5 informally. Any claims not so resolved may be r�sohed only through binding arbiiratinn, as provided in the Commercial Viewing 4greoment Upcoming 0 Our custVmeisalready -enjoy 100%digita\^quaUty pictur�. Thb Jbcoming digital transition will only affect the iooe\channeig for minority of 0RECfV customer-, with anaiog-oniyTVswho receive these local channels via an off-air ontenria rather than from oursoteUite�. After February 17th. 2009. these cuStomerswiU need m digitoi^to-anaiog converter box to rec(z;ive full novver, uYer{ho'airdigital broadcasts- A ef a iimit0d number of off-air television stations (''(owpoweC. "Class 4" or 'traosLg!n," stat|on�] will not change. This change will not aUect your ability \n watch pre'recorded movies and play videogameg using your existing equipment, Formori;� ir�orrh�itiun� DTV.yuv, diredvzum/OTV2009 or call 1­800-531 -5000. To learn about subsidized Coupons for converter boxc�, visit di:v2009.gov or call 1-888-D'TV-2009- For current closed-captioning issues Caii1^888.'MV'4388, Addrets format inquih�stoC Schrum, Sr Manager; Phone: 31U^964'lU1D, Fax: 310-964'37n3;emai(: CiosedCaptions0directv.com; or Mail. Closed Captioos, P.D. Box 1076, EiSegundo, C4 911245-1076. Thank you for cho*siNgDIRECTV' Taxer not /oduae�Aec°ipt oiomsovpmor^mm.no.ss,4*un,,^ee/mso/mro!necrvvomw,rc.a�A�eemen,.o/nporvsewu,mno'p'uv.ue^ the J's wu0_Doomsrn('xc.omecTvonum,cyc*neor�/n",000arL trademarks "/mnsu/v' Inc. At[ other trauemvrksand mamoors mepfone,t�,"/mv.,r o*mox"cu`c5.�3-m moOJm0 ORA J ACCOUNTS PAYABLE VOUCHER CITY OF CARMEL An invoice of bill to be properly itemized must show; kind of service, where performed, dates service rendered, by whom, rates per day, number of hours, rate per hour, number of units, price per unit, etc. Payee Purchase Order No. 357697 DirecTV Terms PO Box 60036 Date Due Los Angeles, CA 90060 -0036 Invoice Invoice Description Date Number (or note attached invoice(s) or bill(s)) Amount 2/5109 947920024 Dish service Monon Center 76.98 Acct. 38575356 Total 76.98 1 hereby certify that the attached invoice(s), or bill(s) is (are) true and correct and I have audited same in accordance with IC 5- 11- 10 -1.6 1 20 Clerk- Treasurer Voucher No. Warrant No. 357697 DirecTV Allowed 20 PO Box 60036 Los Angeles, CA 90060 -0036 In Sum of 76.98 ON ACCOUNT OF APPROPRIATION FOR 104 Program Fund PO# or INVOICE NO. ACCT #/TITLE AMOUNT Board Members Dept 1047 947920024 4349500 76.98 1 hereby certify that the attached invoice(s), or bill(s) is (are) true and correct and that the materials or services itemized thereon for which charge is made were ordered and received except 13 -Feb 2009 Signature 76.98 Accounts Payable Coordinator Cost distribution ledger classification if Title claim paid motor vehicle highway fund f 3 ''T a '.�°F pF.r i,° a ituY �d r- C 2y �yi, a t 4 r3 .�r�.° ,x n S A .?f," Tkx 1.` •i1: m cv4- �!s x e ``n n �4 g. xna�� u a ��eF `�'''.r�`r? e w r'a,� c� •'fi.T+'�'.t,� .ob �N ACCOUNT NUMBER DATE DUE AMOUNT DUE INVOICE NUMBER n 056203803 02/17/09 $81.97 943612644 4 To contact us call 1- 888 -388 -4249 D rys r, s Y: r y .Summar if #kaki 1 r� r 's' wl t td i y. Statement Date: 01/29/09 Previous Balance 81.97 Page 1 of 1 for Payments -81.97 xt, CITY OF CARMEL /CARMELCLAY COM Current Charges Fees 81.97 r r M? For Service at: 9 z ,r� ,1h, Adjustments Credits 0.00 ATTN TODD LUCKOSKI Taxes 0.00 540 W 136TH ST r` Amount Due $81.97 CARMEL, IN 46032-8806 k„ Activity Start End Description Amount tnYr 5pH Previous Balance 81.97 F�3 01/12 Payment -Thank You -81.97 Current Charges for Service Period 01/28/09 02/27/09 01/28 02/27 OFFICE CHOICE Monthly 69.99 01128 02/27 Local Channels Monthly 6.99 Fees N 01/29 Additional Receiver 4.99 AMOUNT DUE $81.97 6 "-U Important Information Our electronic payment processingsystern does not read comments enclosed with your payment. Please do not write comments on the bottom of yuur Will or enclose correspondence with your payment. How to contact us: PHONE, U.S. MAIL 1-888'388-4249 D|RECTV. Inc.. Business Service Center P.O. Box 5392 Miami, FL33152-5392 Commercial View Agreement You recewed Your D|RECTV Comm Viewing kjp&em4nt with your contract. The Commercia( Viewing Agreement describes th� terms and cordidons upon vvhich you aicc�_!pt our st?n/ice. Please consuit the Commercial Viewing A�jreement for complete information about bAiing and payment -on your accouni Errors or Questions About Your Invoice If you have a quesnnn ebdutyour invoice p(aase cuK or write to us as soon as possibie. You must contact us within 60 days of receiving the invoice in qucsdon, and you mus�L peyuhdisputed portions of the invoice by the due date in order to avoid an adm/n|stra\ive |ate tee and possibie discon5ec§'5n ofyburse( ­ep_CjFT��iracEcuMt as dA\inquent or take any achnn to coi\ect the disputed amouAt white your dispute is under /nveshga1ion.VVe wit[ make every effort �o rosoive otorma\y. Any �iaims not so /esotved may be resolved only through binding arbitration, as provided in the CommerdaiViewingAgnaement. Upcoming Digital Transition Our custome/sa|ready anjoy100%di§|tai-qua|itypic{ura.The upcoming digital transition vwiinntyaffect the iocaichanne\s for a minority of DIRECT V customer's with ana|og^onNTVs who receive these iocai channe\s ma an off-air antenna rather than irom our sa{e8itet, Aber February 17th. 2009. these customers wilt need a digital-|o-anaiog converter box to receive fuii power uver'the-ai� digital brnadcasts- [Reception Cf a Urhited number of off-air teievision stations ("low power'. `Ciass A" or 'trahs|Aor' stations) m/|U not chanOe. This changevviK not affect your ability towatch pre-recorded movies and play video game� using your existing oguipmpnt. For mbre inforrhahon: DTVgov. directv.com/DTY2OO9orcuK 1-800-531-5000. To team about subsidized cou�.0ny for conv��rter bux4L� visit d(v2OU9.gov or cat[ 1-888-DTV-2OO9. T hank yo0Yor choosing DIRECTV. ro"e5 "m mu"o^o'nvce/n,o+ Dmsu,vvoo ammioo iu,vWoc`m th term» of the DRscrvovmmrrc/a/xoaomrnt� omccr/ser/c^s not ,,ov/deu ou,muo the u.s. omco IV, /n,_oi*�cTv Ind mv Cyclone o,o/soi000 arc trademarks o/o/mscrV,/oc.m'omcro"u,ma,x,."u5emice mark, are m,provo,,rvf,xe/,revru/vevwo^r`. OVA zpnuCsS'm n."E:~Vw Prescribed by State Board of Accounts City Form No. 201 (Rev. 1995) ACCOUNTS PAYABLE VOUCHER CITY OF CARMEL r An invoice or bill to be properly itemized must show: kind of service, where performed, dates service rendered, by whom, rates per day, number of hours, rate per hour, number of units, price per unit, etc. Payee Purchase Order No. Terms Date Due Invoice Invoice Description Amount Date Number (or note attached invoice(s) or bill(s)) 01/29/09 I 943612644 I I $81.97 1 hereby certify that the attached invoice(s), or bill(s), is (are) true and correct and I have audited same in accordance with IC 5- 11- 10 -1.6 20 Clerk- Treasurer VOUCHER NO. WARRANT NO. ALLOWED 20 _DIRECTV (Mo. Serv) IN SUM OF P.O. Box 60036 Los Angeles, CA 90060 -0036 $81.97 ON ACCOUNT OF APPROPRIATION FOR Carmel Clay Communications PO# Dept. INVOICE NO. ACCT /TITLE AMOUNT Board Members 1115 943612644 43- 530.99 $81.97 I hereby certify that the attached invoice(s), or bill(s) is (are) true and correct and that the materials or services itemized thereon for which charge is made were ordered and received except Wednesday, February 11, 2009 40, 0,- Director Title Cost distribution ledger classification if claim paid motor vehicle highway fund