HomeMy WebLinkAbout174751 07/22/2009 CITY OF CARMEL, INDIANA VENDOR: 360134 Page 1 of 1 ONE CIVIC SQUARE BEN FRANKLIN PLUMBING CHECK AMOUNT: $198.00 CARMEL, INDIANA 46032 1551 S FRANKLIN ROAD INDIANAPOLIS IN 46233 CHECK NUMBER: 174751 CHECK DATE: 7/22/2009 DEPARTMENT ACCOUNT PO NUMB INVOICE NUMBER AMOUNT DESCRIPTION 1120 4350100 334954 198.00 BUILDING REPAIRS MA 1 Invoice BF Indianapolis, IN #1090 Benjamin Franklin. Plumbing 1551 South Franklin Road Indianapolis IN 46239 317 -375 -2175 FAX: 317-375-2179 Invoice 334954 Account 23437 Date: 07/01/09 Page 1 of 1 Service At: CARMEL FIRE DEPT 41 CARMEL FIRE DEPT 41 2 CIVIC SQUARE 2 CIVIC SQUARE CARMEL IN 46032 CARMEL IN 46032 .Service Date 07/01/09 PO Job 273574 REPLACED P TRAP ON LEFT SINK MENS ROOM SOUTH END. 2 YR WAR. Description Of Service Quantity Unit Price Extended Price Tx Sink Trap or tailpiece 1 $169.00 $169.00 Collected Service Fee S29-$79 I $29.00 $29.00 Balance Due $198.00 Indianapolis n n A n (317) 846 -8995 (317) 921 -1800 INVOICE 2 g (317) 375 -2175 (800) DIAL 11 1 9 (3 17) 881 -5961 (866) 867 -5309 DATE Anderson Muncie PLUMBER p TYRE PUNCTUALP UMM (765) 644-7908 (765) 289 -8026 I A there s any delay (800) 562 -8559 (800) 679 -8046 JOB# Z 73 7 it's you W pay!, (91 (800) 841 -7275 BEN SOCIETY MEMBER ❑YES ONO NAME iZ Q��F. ADDRESS C r v i L Scpy �1 R r CITY Z y l STATE S ZIP LOCATION ADDRESS HOME PHONE '5 tG WORK PHONE CELL PHONE OTHER CONTACT C t i (L502) t tollel rebuild vintage r (1.510) thaw Pozen pipe d T �v�� a „s (1.500) faucet rebu3l vmtage 1.507 closet f an a re acelreset toilet 1 l., p rrxr b LSd1 ma orwaterl as leak research r'1 6 (LSgb) concrete emave patct ;2x2 (L517) wth FVR burner assembly v, N '(L50fi);watecheatermajorrebuild 6 flush {1.'9]9) showerd alnscreate.access 1 1 Qt Y z (1.400) faucet rebuild -press bat (L41 0) up l0 4' Cl galy drain leak (L402) toilet major rebuild (L412) mechanical vent install �D C 4 (1-404) water heater elements (L417) wlh hot surface ignitor 3 ?1f 263 (1.405) nat. gas key shut -off (1.419) kit trim package w) strainers (L407) tub waste Overflow (1.421) wlh gas thermostat control Qty (1409) up to 1.5" gas or water leak 1.424) pump water out of crawl s !H T (1.300)faucet rebuild 2l3 handiee x v (1.374) RPDttest f tr,U e >L Y 4 t ta 1.30 hk. minorto bow g at k (U316) pressuve;asslst cartridge Nk g a r 4 ank l gas at it (1.319) wlh dlp.mbe 2 9, a t (1.306} wlil upper elefneni (1.307} up to 1 balllvalve o ,(1.3)6) spanner,flange toilet reset z y (1.310) Sloan repair kit complete r +(1.328) faucet pop up ass mbly F� (1.311) pp tatwo 75,,holler drain valves (1330) expansion tank }d Qty a (L312),up to 1 I wa ertleak 1 (1.340) tankless'vdh flush o n• (1.313 }'tp to 4,.PVC drain leak L344 minorrwatereor, as leak research s. A (L200) faucet rebuild 1 handle (1-215) saddle valve (L202) hose faucet rebuild (L216) fct spray hose head Ir (1-204) basket strainer (L218) cut access install panel Y Y 44 /p /a 2 (1-205) hot cold shut -off valves (L220) wfh thermocouple 97 tl (L206) valve nipple (1-221) f.dr backwater device 207 1. (1.225) w electric t Qty 1.209) sink iec trap or tailp (1.229) well pressure switch witch gauge alsp or con waste (1-231) sis appliance connector (1.213) universal tub spout (1-234) T P valve (1-214) 1.5" or 2' PVC check valve (1-236) complete fev trim incl stops (1.100) faucet aerator (1111) 4pt toilet tune up (1-101) nut ferrule (L113) vacuum breaker for silcock (1.102) tubltlle minorrzulking 115) disposal corn only /spray head only a �ry1.y (L103)4teilet stop plate supply- (bl17) clean sump /sewage pit T A i ✓(L104)'cleanout plugltest plug (L'119)'w!h T- drip leg 't'' (L105).tip toe cartrldgettace plate (1.012) crawispece access `Qty t 1.106) toileYhandle'anly!(apperonly {1.014) limited access ($99)' (Lto7),flloor lrain'strainer lid (1.016) cut access open Ing ($99) i .(1.'106) pip' ngerlsupporf spedial'order parts "'($99)''' inor ad'ustment E 1[X7 a o e Sub Total Above A PAYMENT OF THIS INVOICPCONTRACT DUE UPON COMPLETION OF WORK Less Discount I UTi10RIZATION TO PROCEED WITti A20VE SOLVTION I, ,M1e unoe,si pnea. rim ....autnonxea renn:senlalive,Ienan, el the premises a�M1 ht k 1 d 5 0 I.. by Ih Y P 1 tll Chi b I y al A my 9 (l M1 dtl d M1 to d y. l a p 6 1 I 1 r1y It n rs In a i n r d I n u a I I P w Sub I otal Above Ite 1"11 d d p I C 3a 3o I Ci t tl g 1 B D 11y 1.1 11ro. t n In b y I d by ii- ki P d. i, h e, I her tl tt nclvtl n� Ire pl°e se, tlr 1eb,natl no pdbvalle,rxermsro. ee_ApTrtwlperene tlpntlds riled service CalIFee(E $.r �•�'c' C1 9 I hereby authorize you to proceed for the Straight Forward Price of /qp, c1 Ben S70 iety AUTHORIZED CHECK DRIVER'S LICENSE ND. I E XP. DATE sICN.TVRE. cAaR I I TOTAL DUE TODAY CREDIT LARD CN 1� AUTM. GODS NUMBER C REDIT CARD NUMBER MtC ­0E _I pis, CpD= E %P. DATE. 1 .7 visA coDE_ ❑Am E,� coD Description of work performed Wo ua' mead vr. Unless Otherwise Stated Work performed to my satisfaction 02007 Ben Franklin Plumbing Llc.k CP1D700n16 See oack for Terms and Condi,ion=_ White CItiiCe Veil- Cusome 7'" o,,,Utl Prescribed by State Board of Accounts City Form No. 201 (Rev, 1995) ACCOUNTS PAYABLE VOUCHER m CITY OF CARMEL An invoice or bill to be properly itemized must show: kind of service, where performed, dates service rendered, by whom, rates per day, number of hours, rate per hour, number of units, price per unit, etc. Payee Purchase Order No. Terms Date Due Invoice Invoice Description Amount Date Number (or note attached invoice(s) or bill(s)) 334954 $198.00 I hereby certify that the attached invoice(s), or bill(s), is (are) true and correct and I have audited same in accordance with IC 5- 11- 10 -1.6 20 Clerk- Treasurer VOUCHER NO. WARRANT NO. Ben Franklin Indianapolis, IN #32 ALLOWED 20 IN SUM OF S 1551 South Franklin Road Indianapolis, IN 46239 5198.00 ON ACCOUNT OF APPROPRIATION FOR Carmel Fire Department PO# Dept. INVOICE NO. ACCT #/TITLE AMOUNT Board Members 1120 334954 43- 501.00 5198.00 1 hereby certify that the attached invoice(s), or bill(s) is (are) true and correct and that the materials or services itemized thereon for which charge is made were ordered and received except JUL 2 0 2009 Fire Chief Title Cost distribution ledger classification if claim paid motor vehicle highway fund