HomeMy WebLinkAbout172739 05/27/2009 CITY OF CARMEL, INDIANA VENDOR: 360134 Page 1 of 1 ONE CIVIC SQUARE BEN FRANKLIN PLUMBING CARMEL, INDIANA 46032 1551 S FRANKLIN ROAD CHECK AMOUNT: $228.00 INDIANAPOLIS IN 46239 CHECK NUMBER: 172739 CHECK DATE: 5/27/2009 D_ EPAR TMENT ACCOUNT P NU MBER INVO NU AMO UNT DES F 1120 4350100 329816 228.00 BUILDING REPAIRS MA Invoice BF Indianapolis, IN #1090 Benjamin Franklin Plumbing 1551 South Franklin Road Indianapolis IN 46239 317 -375 -2175 FAX: 317 -375 -2179 Invoice# 329816 Account 23437 Date: 05/07/09 Page 1 of 1 Service At: CARMEL FIRE DEPT 41 CARMEL FIRE DEPT 41 2 CIVIC SQUARE 2 CIVIC SQUARE CARMEL IN 46032 CARMEL IN 46032 Service Date 05/07/09 PO Job 269558 CLEARED DRAIN-IN FURNACE ROOM 67 DAY WARR Description Of Service Quantity Unit ['rice Extended Price Tx Any 2" or Smaller Drain 1 $199.00 $199.00 Collected Service Fee $29 $79 1 $29.00 $29.00 Balance Due $228.00 Terms: n lnvoir_e. Thank You ludianapolis (3 t7) 846 -8995 (317) 921 -1800 INVOIC P (317) 375 -2175 (SOU) DIAL I I I DATE 7 (317) 881 -Sy61 (866) 867 -5309 Anderson Muncie PLUMBER lee /4 THEPUNCIUAL PLU_BWE7j. (765) 644 -7008 (765) 289 -8026 (800) 552 -5559 (800) 679 -8046 JOB# If there's any delay, Columbus it you we pay!r. (812) 372 -7129 (800) 841 -7275 BEN SOCIETY MEMBER LYES ❑NO NAME l c/fa'Nj L n� �c pf ADDRESS CITY STATE ZIP yCO3 LOCATION ADDRE HOME PHONE e2 WORK PHONE CELL PHONE (S/ 7 �a OTHER CONTACT (1500) faudebrebmld ventage -(L507) 66 tt (tango replacelreset toilet r (L502)to llefr tag ebulld vene (L510)thaw'frozenplpes'� f e y 1503 u to 2 ball valve r (1511 ma o `waterlgas7eak research T (1504) hand deg'(per yard) ,tu '(L515) PV w_ 1h control module 05) concreta remove patch' x2 (1517) w1h burneYassembty Qt (15 L (1506) wter,h aeate mapor rebuild &flu 1 sh,. (15 9) shower drain create access (1400) faucet rebuild press bal (1410) up to 4" 0i I galy arain leak (1-402) toilet major rebuild (L412) mechanical vent install $309 $263 (1-404) water heater elements (L417) w)h hot surface ignitor (1405) nat. gas key shut -off (1419) kit trim package wl strainers (1-407) tub waste Overflow (1421) w1h gas thermostat control Qty (1409) up to 1.5" gas or water leak (1-424) pump water out of crawl f (1390) faucet rebuild 213 handle (L314) RPD test r 4 Y u (L303) toilet or rebuild y h „(1316) pressure assist cartnd min ge� L (L304)tanklobowigasketkif (L319)wlirdiptube�,� 1 ®T x t- '(1306} wlh uppei; j•„ .(1-324) wm flue pope &flttings upto 6'' L (6307) ail valve ;j i (1_326)spanner flanged reset r (1310) Sloan repair kit complete .(L328) faucet pap up assembly (l 371) up to two;_7 boder,aram valves {1330) expansion tank Qt y (1312) up to 1 i water leak I; (1-340).tankless w1h flusf x y 1313 up to 4" PVC dram leak L344 minor water or es leak research (1_200) faucet rebuild i handle (1215) saddle valve (1_202) hose faucet rebuild (1216) I'd spray hose head (1204) basket strainer (L218) cut access install panel $169 $144 (1.205) hot cold shut -off valves (L220) w!h thermocouple (1-206) valve nipple (L221) f d. backwater device (1207) supply tube (1-225) wlh electric thermostat (qty (1209) sink trap or tailpiece (1_229} well pressure switch gauge (L210) lisp or cent waste (1231) s/s appliance connector (1213) universal tub spout (L234) T P valve (L214) 1.5 or 2" PVC check valve (1_236) complete lav trim ind stops (1100) faucet. aerator (1111) Opt. toilet tuneup r (L101) nut &ferrule (1113) vacuum breakerfor slicdck• '(1_102) tubltile minor caulking 1_115) disposal conn onlylspray'head'only 29 -$J 1 (l p, pl _P (L117) clean sumplseviage pet L104 1103 toilet stop, late su ply cleanout lu hest lu" (1719 w1h T P die le (1105) tip toe cartndgelface plate (L012) crawlspace access (599) Oty (1106) toilet handle onlylllapper only (L014) limited access ($99) (1107) door drain strainer lid {1016) cut access opening' (599) 1106 e han 6 eds6pport' (1018 special orde( parts ($99 (1109) minor ad NE o Sub Total Above PAYMENT OF THIS INVOICE/CONTRACT DUE UPON COMPLETION OF WORK Less Discount S AUTHORIZATION r PROCEED WITH ABDVE SOLUTION 1, W4 untlersignetl, am ownCr;dnll,orieed re.,re�e� be ibe Pe-1— al wb,e the work mp�tiencC Jb0V re to be Conc- I hereby nu:horl'.0 y0R IC Rerlorm Solution, and to use such libel aM ma: eu as you do o °eaa 1 12 ;n „rshtlY g 1 Y d `h 1 Sub Total Above wnllen, then l l nde r' pursu I t I C 3N-0 30 1 '0 V l ,,,itle5 C_14l eel to --d h m -e l e n. o, the Ueck Iha ca tl bl ey's f etl h/ B. F In Plumb 3' ,e� 1 have read tel Vitl ng the antl ccnh” 'C.h Inr, 9.. be tr�u.Cby II Ihn.1 r.cn Ali R�.l wA be d .ra.a.�CC E'/ Service Call Fee 6 $�C a hereby authorize ou to proceed for the Straight Forward Price of Ben Society 71 CHECK D RIVE R'$ LICENSE N0. EXRO H TO AT nuTHORIZE'. 1EAS TAL DUE TODAY SIGNATUR J� f CREDITC .0 CHECK 7 1 Al1TH. coo WA I ANTY /CR D_u/._BER •�M /C IFOD �I Oisc CODE P rATE �J -%Y� 1VISAA CODE_ 1Am E °p CODE- a f Description of work performed 1- 7 r"� o 'Ca Z,/cz J.�L� n G. J All ara eed 2 yr. Unless Otherwise Stated Work performed to my satisfaction 02007 yen Franklin Plenhing Lle.q CPi010001 See back far, Terms and Clrn lions VOUG,,HER N.O. WARRA NO. ALLOWED 20 Ben Franklin Indianapolis, IN #32 IN SUM OF 1551 South Franklin Road Indianapolis, IN 46239 $228.00 ON ACCOUNT OF APPROPRIATION FOR Carmel Fire Department PO# Dept. INVOICE NO. ACCT /TITLE AMOUNT Board Members 1120 329816 43- 501.00 $228.00 I hereby certify that the attached invoice(s), or bill(s) is (are) true and correct and that the materials or services itemized thereon for which charge is made were ordered and received except MAY 2 2 2009 b Fire Chief Title Cost distribution ledger classification if claim paid motor vehicle highway fund Prescribed by State Board of Accounts City Form No. 201 (Rev. 1995) f0 ACCOUNTS PAYABLE VOUCHER CITY OF CARMEL An invoice or bill to be properly itemized must show: kind of service, where performed, dates service rendered, by whom, rates per day, number of hours, rate per hour, number of units, price per unit, etc. Payee Purchase Order No. Terms Date Due Invoice Invoice Description Amount Date Number (or note attached invoice(s) or bill(s)) 329816 $228.00 I hereby certify that the attached invoice(s), or bill(s), is (are) true and correct and I have audited same in accordance with IC 5- 11- 10 -1.6 20 Clerk- Treasurer