HomeMy WebLinkAbout168382 02/04/2009 CITY OF CARMEL, INDIANA VENDOR: 029100 Page 1 of 1 ONE CIVIC SQUARE BREHOB CORPORATION 0 CHECK AMOUNT: $638.00 CARMEL, INDIANA 46032 1334 S MERIDIAN ST PO BOX 2023 CHECK NUMBER: 168382 INDIANAPOLIS IN 46206 -2023 CHECK DATE: 2/4/2009 DEP ACCOUNT PO NUMBER INV OICE NUMBER AMOUNT DESCRIPTION 651 5023990 495746 638.00 OTHER EXPENSES F v1 ELECTRIC DIVISION (317) 231 -8080 AIR COMPRESSOR DIVISION Indianapolis (317) 231 -8090 Fort Wayne (260)490 -5237 J ORIGINAL INVOICE— PAGE 1 Dayton (513) 755 -1300 Brehob Detroit (248) 658 -1600 Columbus (614) 228 -2647 Electric Air Compressor ressor Crane Hoist CRANE 8 HOIST DIVISION p Indianapolis (317)231.8080 Cincinnati (513) 755 -1300 Louisville (502) 499 -8080 Fort Wayne (260) 490 -5237 P.O. Box 2023-1334 S. Meridian St. Sales Parts a Repair Service Rental Crane Manufacturing Indianapolis, IN 46206 -2023 24 Hour Emergency Service Sold To Ship To CITY OF CARMEL UTILITIES CITY OF CARMEL UTILITIES 760 3RD AVE., SW #110 9609 N. RIVER RD. CARMEL, IN INDIANAPOLIS, IN 46032 -0000 46280 -0000 JOE FATTrErl 571-2634 X216 JOB NO. SO INVOICE DATE INVOICE NO. DATE ENTERE T D CUST. ORUER NO. SALESMAN SHIPMENT R EOUESTED SHIP VIA DATE SHIPPED TERMS: F.O.B. W iz,ap6ls 1.2 S114 3 1110 31 Q NET 30 SHIPPED ORDER BIT DESCRIPTION UNIT PRICE EXTENDED PRICE ELECTRIC REPAIR 7 1 /2HP BALDOR 3PH 60HZ 230 /460VOLT 20.6/11.3AMP 1765RPM 213T FRAME CAT# M3770T SIN F0612136080 TEFC SRD.MTR W/1/2 TERMBOX BARE SHAFT FURNISHED NEW BALDOR #M3770T. 1 1 M3770T 638.00 638.00 7 1/2 HP BALDOR 3PH 60HZ 230 /460VOLT THANK YOU FOR YOUR ORDER MARK WADE /ROB TAYLOR INVO TOTAL 638.00 'Past Due Invoices are subject to a service charge of 1 per month. Our permission must be obtained before returning merchandise to us. Tha You Acceptance of Brehob's product or services shall be deemed to constitute an agreement on the part of the Buyer to the terms and conditions set forth on the reverse side of this document which supersede all previous agreements. The terms and conditions slated herein shall take precedence over any other conditions and no contrary, additional or different conditions shall be binding on Brehob unless accepted by Brehob in writing. 3HEr103 CORPORATION i EMAS AND CONDITIONS 1. Payment Terms Brehob's standard crab t tarms era th rt; (:;3) day; net Buyer afire ^s is pay ill P a ih ate of one and one- half precent (1 °.o) per month on all delinquent accounts, together er,th costs of collection and reau.:nai attcr.ley fees 2. Shipment E, Returns Brehob's standard prices are F O B product =hip point. Fre;ghi emerges va,ll r ri- t to the purchase price and paid by the Buyer 'Vethod and rouie of shipment are at Prshob s scretion unless the Buyer suprli _r J instruc ions. All shipments are insured at the Suyer's c: pense arx made et the Bluyer's nsx In no even are o oducis to 1,;; rL1 first obtain- ing Brehob's written consent No products may be r9tur�ecl r.tf 'r r.0 oa `ml tine sf. phing date Proo_lci pnrc red for return must be shipped postage or freight prep2 d by c D e e ;nm �s unct charge voll be made, r.y F,rehob. 3 Delay. Brehob will not be liable for any deli; in the p r(orr,anre c' orders or cuntracts• or in the delivery of products, or for any damages suffered by the Buyer by reason of suc! delay. hen s. c'n oelny .s nirectly or indirecily, caused by, or in any manner arises from fires, floods, accidents. civil unrest, acts of God, wa goverrmcrta :niarrerence or embargoes. strikes, labor difficulties, shortage of labor, fuel. power, materials, supplies, transpor,at cn delays ,inavailabihty of product. or any other cause or causes (whether or not similar in nature to any of these hereinribove specified) ho; gr,)hcb's coniro' 4_ Prices Taxes. Prices are subleci to charge v,r.thout noiicc and orders calling `or delivery ail' nc a. i 'o t')e price in effect at the ti—e of shipment qun :dons ,:;lire thirty (30) cai;;ndbr days it ter: subject to termination by notice v.ith n'J ­1 L,c r.�n 1n e„s tl VVI in t�.r img. The erne, ni of the urn excise or other taxes ipph able '.dci. tf.c '%U :chase price and shall _)c, e thereof the Buyer small prov,de Brr;hob .v &-n acc^ptablu on cent f,caie. 5. Warranty kie.r �.on�r_nt Ti _.e Buyer is as ,om ,ded for in the wa- d' "Ity. 6. \yfarranty R FLU t Of Repaired Em :pment Srdiect to 'r)0 cond -ons sei i,,rth in aragraph 7, all products V ch i iave been rebuilt or repaired by Rrel nb a warrant, t,e i from ;elects in material oc wrorl< s�iship as follows (a) Standard three phase moto,s, one horsepo% %,e• and larger one from date of shipment. (b) Hoist, cranes and industrial pimps 60 days from the date of shipment (c) Air Compressors: Rcmanufactu Units on^ year, RapE a 60 Bays from date of shipment (d) Fractional horsepokmar motes -,nd ad cthcr equrn«2r,t 30 days fr date of shipment. 7. Limitation on Warranty The ton =a^ rq rvarrari;;- on rEf;u It and ;epe e u is subject to all of the following conditions: (a) Any material or r c.n_ !nip Brehob's c.,. Mimi or, s'nr II e ,r ose to ;nave been ceiective will be replaced or repaired (at Brehob's option n u -ire: 161 c ne. So on of deice;,. ny r au or replacemenl by Brehob shall be Buyer's sole and exclusive remedy a; v, or it Lc t I, (b) This warranty is val,d or.,. ,r „nr• s rTCV 11 .d with SLWRa i star ?mg and nverload 3nc' low voltage protection as provided in Naiional Etcgtr Curl,,, �I h ber,n operaietj nccr proper load, usage, conditions, and competent supervision and it eu,J :pr Is -Irge- (c) No claim or warrawy honorec it er,jiomernt as bey I Ia np c -a with oe;cre return to Brehob's plant for inspection for a war- ranty claim Brehob n not 'ce respor,s'r,le fo, any bas., w the equipment or -he misapplication of compo- nent parts a "(J' n b)U e�,',. ,12 !f su.t i ni �r (e) i1c waranl; a:ms wig be iloro­ ,d �i ii 48 hcufs alter such defect beconw_, (f) If emurawn wd�rng Is or vvar ,nt r00_lrS ,ire n;;lra cost incurred will be invoiced (g) If service is oau,reo .n cusi;.m­ p.a,,t nr. VVL1 ranty repairs of .w! )men� sod by Brehob, secviceman's time and travel experses octal be charged to am f C� plant 8 Disclaimer THERE AflE NO WARR; NIMLS MADE BY BREHOB, WHETi--;ER EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED, EXCEPT AS STATED HEREIN' BPEHOS MAKES YO VVAPHAi% l Y OF ioFRCI 1A 'ABILITY OR FITNESS OF THE R THE' RODUCT FOR ANY PARTICULAR PUR- POSE BUYER .Ai t' "'.i, s; I .'i,T iT .5 NO' lLLJED UPON T -I•= SKIL t OR JUDG1 OF BREHOB OR ANY Or BREHOB'S AGENTS, EMPLOYEES Oft I Ls TO EE,ECT Oil FUPLN:SH i FOR ANY PARTICULAR PURPOSE. 9, Exclus,vo 1 -1 reay Ti c :clu ve i :.M 1 of I ,iris rrans�,ci,on mall oa t`.% apa or replacement of the product. Th s exclusive rel r.rr6y shau no: he 6o.&T•ed 'r r we ;aI ac ssen� ai p,,rpuse su long as Urenob is vAlling and able to repair or replace de;zctive p oducts 11 We p ;;sc •r,ed ula ­U or nc ,e pu price. F;tcepi as herein provided, every form of liability for direct o consequenUa damage or loss. arising Irur cunt act tort or otherwise. is exprassiy excluded and denied, in- cluding without limiting the generality of the foregoing. joys of profits ,i damages to buildings, contents products, or persons. 10. Claims. Any controversy or clam aril ng out of or relating to this order. or ;he performance or breach thereof, other than an action by Brehob for the collection of the account. shali be settled by arbitration in the City of Indianapolis, Indiana, in accordance with the rules and procedures in obia ning of The American Arbitration Association. Prescribed by State Board of Accounts city form No. zui kKev iaao� ACCOUNTS PAYABLE VOUCHER CITY OF CARMEL i An invoice or bill to be properly itemized must show, kind of service, where performed, dates of service rendered, by whom, rates per day, number of units, price per unit, etc. Payee 29100 BREHOB CORPORATION Purchase Order No. 1334 S MERIDIAN ST Terms PO BOX 2023 Due Date 1 /30/2009 INDIANAPOLIS, IN 46206 -2023 Invoice Invoice Description Date Number (or note attached invoice(s) or bill(s)) Amount 1/30/2009 495746 COR $638.00 j) ereby certify that the attached invoice(s), or bill(s) is (are) true and rrect and I have audited same in accordance with IC 5- 11- 10 -1.6 Date GO ic /OICHER 087216 WARRANT ALLOWED '9'1;00 IN SUM OF 3F'EHOB CORPORATION „334 S MERIDIAN ST 'O BOX 2023 NDIAN IN 46206 -2023 .Carmel Wastewater Utility ON ACCOUNT OF APPROPRIATION FOR Board members 'O INV ACCT AMOUNT Audit Trail Code 495746 CORE 01- 7202 -06 $638.00 t r i f Voucher Total $638.00 c '.ost distribution ledger classification if :laim paid under vehicle highway fund