HomeMy WebLinkAbout205764 01/31/2012 CITY OF CARMEL, INDIANA VENDOR: 358200 Page 1 of 1 0 ONE CIVIC SQUARE AMERICAN MESSAGING CARMEL, INDIANA 46032 PO BOX 5749 CHECK AMOUNT: $555.48 CAROL STREAM IL 60197 -5749 CHECK NUMBER: 205764 CHECK DATE: 1/31/2012 DEPARTMENT ACCOUNT PO NUMBER INVOICE NUMBER AMOUNT DESCRIPTION 1115 R4350900 Y2429517MB 203.32 Y2- 429517 1110 4353099 Y2429526MB 246.36 Y2- 429526 601 5023990 Y2529520MA 22.52 Y2- 429520 651 5023990 Y2529520MA 83.28 Y2- 429520 1720 LAKEPOINT DR STE 100 Account Name: CARMEL COMMUNICATIONS CENTER i' cunt Number: Y2 429517 LEWISVILLE, TX 75057 Acou A merican Messaging For All Inquiries: 888 223- 4123PAYMENTOUE Hearing Impaired (TTY): 800 643 -2995 Please send written correspondence that is not payment related to the address above. Page 1 of 2 Invoice Invoice Prior Payments Current Amount Number Date Balance Charges Due Y2429517MB 02/01/12 $41.02 $20.77 $203.32 $223.57 PRIOR BALANCE 41.02 LOCKBOX PAYMENT 0000205130 01/10/12 -20.77 317 553 -1395 CPD ALL CALL Service From 02/01/12 To 02/29/12 CC: E404677453 0.00 317 553 -1476 EXEC All Call Service From 02/01/12 To 02/29/12 CC: E404677458 0.00 317- 553 -2896 LOST ADVISOR ELITE PAGER 01/05/12 CC: E403592607 99.00 317 553 -5726 CFD ALL CALL Service From 02/01/12 To 02/29/12 CC: E404677460 0.00 317 553 -7530 ERT All Call Service From 02/01/12 To 02/29/12 CC: E404677454 0.00 317 553 -8728 LOST ADVISOR ELITE PAGER 01/05/12 CC: E402707490 99.00 317 553 -9112 HAZ MAT All Call Service From 02/01/12 To 02/29/12 CC: E404677461 0.00 PAPER INVOICE FEE 01/21/12 4.95 GOVERNMENT FEES AND TAXES IN USF SURCHARGE 01/21/12 0.02 INDIANA UTILITY SALES TAX 0.35 IMPORTANT MESSAGES Effective January, the AMS Federal Universal Service Charge (FUSC) increased from 1.836% to 2.148 AMS FUSC is an American Messaging Services charge that recovers government mandated costs and is subject to change each calendar quarter based on an FCC assessment rate. This surcharge is our charge, not a tax. Thank you for your prompt payment. American Messaging appreciates your business. A "Late Payment Fee' will be assessed on the past due balance in the amount of the lesser of: (a) the maximum amount allowed by law or (b) the greater of: 1.5% of the unpaid balance or current minimum Late Payment Fee. Billing errors are not waived if American Messaging is not notified in writing within 60 days from the invoice date. 6 ao� �o Q�QO �o��a Qac�aoc�caa ����at�oa® oadao�� Payment Due -The date payment is Account Name: John Smith Overcalls If von exceed the monthly P.O. Box 293450 Account Number: Ht 000001 dlle to American Messag If P awnent American Lewisville, TX 75029 t ppypENT DUE: Ot /15 /OB Call limit, an additional per page fee is in frill is not received by this date, a Messaging For All Inquiries: 888- 247 -7890 charged You can not cam' over unused late fee will be assessed on the unpaid Plam, won wbtten cooesponAeroa that 6 not payment Wad,, the add­ above. Page 1 or 1 calls to the following month. balance. Invoice Invoice Prior Payments Current Amount Number Date Balance Charges Due H1000001ZA 1 01/01/06 1 $110.00 5110.00 $149.76 5149.76 Contribution Reimbursements Prior Balance Total amount due on American Messaging assesses a WORM the previous invoice. t GL Federal Universal Service American to PRIOR BALANCE 110.00 reco costs imposed on PAYME SALE CHECx rc12345 12!15!05 110.00 Messag by the Federal Government E DISPLAY PAG[P 12!10!05 SN: 4X3aL5TV8A 125.00 Amount Due Amount to be paid by 214- 5'51210 DISPLAY PAGING Service from 12!15;05 to 12i31 fQ5 4.50 t support nniveisal service, and a 214 5551210 D:SPLAt' PAGING Service Trom O1 (01l O6 to 01!'31 lO6 9.00 _.1 A die payment due date'. Includes prior 214 -555 -1210 PAGER REPLACE [NT PROGRAM Service,roc.01;01 /08 to 01/31106 2.00 Regulatory Charge to recoverAmenean balulee, CUrnlit eh ;1T Rlt�7nelrtsand 2 x-555 -1210 VOICEMAIL Service from 01/01/06 to 0131106 5100 Me�ssCa��i�ny$ costs ofeomp�il r ing 81111 t", 2.14- 555 -1210 WERCALLS: 10 CALLS .200 Usage from 11115105 to 12/1.;05 2 -00 """U' "'"t' credits applied to the account AM S PEO UNIV SVC CHO (0 22 certain governmentally imposed Aa5 REGULATORY CHG .03 GOVERNttFNT FFES AND TAXES requireents. Pa er Phone Number P ger TEXAS STATE SALES TAX m 1.49 9 CITY TAX .52 nwnberorpersonal identification TOTAL /4t0UHT out: $149.76 niunber. 4 Government Fees and Taxes IMPORTANT MESSAGES Includes government mandated local, Wv are n v 1 p M rg If t a0n9 sarrices .I tr r try wo1. mnv2rJ to z: a 1 1 'our H a e e ae state and federal taxes, PUC surch Sale Charge for paging equipment ads PZ s, ,s nr w.b a a a nut 1o all yoo as�,9irg �a is and III IWa nfn,r a :an.. hr comPaly and federal and excise taxes v here purchased. applicable. Thank you for your prompt payment. American Messaging appreciates your business. 0 Serial Number Uniquely Important Messages Be sire identifies your- paging equipment A 1 11, P e n men, F­ a assess«,, eR h III MN a:A ha mnlnl et... to check this section for important American Messaging notes and messages. PaPagin Service C ha r g es Cha,nes Please tlotash here and r.Nm this pootlatt w/th your paymmnt 9 9 r9 CUSTOMER ACCOUNT NO: HI-000001 4 American for month)v-pagingservice. Aprorated INVOICE NO: HIOOOD01ZA Messaging BILLING DATE: 01101!06 charge for a partial period of service CURRENT CHARGES 149.6 Late Fees Important information may appear on your invoice. Tlic partial regarding late fee rates is noted here. AMOUNT DUE 01 +15!06 SIa9.]G month charge on this invoice is for 10 FP 1 B 1 1 A 10061 10061 •SDGT MAKE CHECK PAYABLE TO service tr0111 lZ1S /US t0 I2/31�0�. JOHN SMITH AMERICAN MESSAGING ATTN All SMITH 5075 SHORHAM PLACE AMOUNT 5 0110 SUITE 120 PAID DALLAS TX 75025 AMERICAN MESSAGING Enhanced Services Change f ur,ririadirr „i,id,i,rr :unrrrriririrt. ,ruin! m,r,i An °t °w 19 09 99999 -9999 optional enhanced service(s), such as idt,u.,.d drddidrr ,rant „ddddr,r,ru,ddurr,i Voicen,ail, Pager Replacement Program, •araso aeeessm.,n�a Y. y es, (:Rase tlroc+ btrx dlrU sae reverse aye. CL�titom Greeting. PageSaver”' etc. 000000000066081786792100000110000000149760 1720 LAKEPOINT DR STE 100 Account Name: CARMEL COMMUNICATIONS CENTER `\American LEWISVILLE, TX 75057 Account Number Y2-429517 Messaging For All Inquiries: 888 223 -4123 PAYMENT�DUE X02/15'/12{ Hearing Impaired (TTY): 800 643 -2995 Please send written correspondence that is not payment related to the address above. Page 2 of 2 Invoice Invoice Prior Payments Current Amount Number Date Balance Charges Due Y2429517MB 02/01/12 $41.02 $20.77 $203.32 $223.57 mount TOTAL AMOUNT DUE $223.57 a Payment Due -Tire date payment is Account Neme: John smith Overcalls if you exceed the monthly P.O. BOX 293450 Account Number: HI 000001 due to Amencart Messaging. If payment �r�American Lewisville, TX 75029 ppyrAENT DI E 01 /15 (06 call limit, all additional per page fee 1s in full is not received by this (Lite, a Messaging For All Inquiries: 866- 247 -7890 J charged You can not carry over unused late fee will be assessed on the unpaid Plosso wdue,, <onesnendence. that Is net Paytrent tat—I m th WwX at>oya. Page 1 of I mils to die follwing month. balance. Invoice Invoice Prior Payments Current Amount Number Date Balance Charges Due H100000IZA 01 $110.00 4110.00 $149.76 $149.76 Contribution Reimbursements Prior Balance Toud amowht due on American Messaging assesses a die previous invoice. Federal Universal Service Charge to PRIOR BALANCE O 110.00 recover costs imposed oil American PAN YMET CHECK +12345 12/15;05 I10.00 t h e Federa SAL[ DISPLAY PAGER 12110/05 SN: AX3BL51YBA 125.00 Messaging by th CloVenhmeRt Amount Due .Amount to be paid by 214-555 -121C OI SPLAY PAGING Service from 12!15:05 to 12/31 /OS O a.50 to support universal service, mid a ,,11 214- 555 -1210 DISPLAY PAGING Service from Of /ot 106 to 01/131/06 9.00 iaigf tl)r thepa}mentdLle lnelilde pnor 21s 555 -121C PAGER REPLACEMLNT PROGRAM a them 01(01;'06 to 01101!06 2.00 R GtWatoI�'(.lo� 'er:imeilCan tY�}ti 214- 555 -1210 VOICEMAIL Service from 01!01!06 to Oti31106 5.00 balance, current charges, p and 214- 555 -1210 OVERCALLS: 10 CALLS 0 .200 Usage from 11/15105 to 12/14/05 2.00 Messaging costs ofcomphing with credits applied to the acconnt. AMS FED UN1V SVC CHO certain governnientalty inhposed Ally REGULATORY CHG .03 GOVERNMENT FEES AN9 TAXES requirements. Pager Phone Number Pager TEXAS STATE SALE" TAY 4 9 CITY TAX .52 number or personal identification number TOTAL AMOUNT DUE $149.76 Government Fees and Taxes 1 IMPORTANT MESSAGES Includes governnient mandated local, We are cemn ft d to prey d ng you the Oast wireless mes O g rvices it the Ua c" and look Vu, al to 1 1 you P nc d .,essay nD state and federal taxes, PUC surcharges Sale Charge for paging equipment acts Please s;51 ,a e,1ne web ,1 www.ame,.ann eaa G g t,,. a1I gee• meaea� ng ne.., and let as a acen Pony. and federal and excise taxes xv[iere purchased. applicable. Thank you for your prompt payment. American Messaging appreciates your business. 10 Serial Number Uniquely Important Messages Be sure identifies your paging equipment. aloo, .1; e— maraftaue N— the am to check this section for important American Messaging notes and Paging Service Charges Charges P TOME Aa COUNT r NO: Al4 00001 r aurp y �an, a and messages. CUSTOMER ACCOUNT N0: N1 4M10001 American for month Y paging service. A prorated BILLING DAT E: HI 01106 A Messaging BILLI DATE: HI00 charge for a partial period of service Late Fees important information CURRENT CHARGES ".49. ;6 may appear on your invoice. Tire partial regarding late fee rates is noted here. month charg On this invoice is for AMOUNT DUE 01/15;06 314G.iG 10 FP 1 6 1 1 A 10061 10061 "SDGT MAKE CHECK PAYABLE TO service from 12/15/05 to 12,31105. JOHN SMITH AMERICAN MESSAGING AT TN ANNA SMITH 5G75 SHOFHAM PLACE AMOUNT 5 a 1:1 El 1:1 El 120 PAID DALI-AS TX 75025 MIERICAN MESSAGING Enhanced Services Charge for inn, ��I1„ ,1�„� ��1 P 0 Boa 9999 C Any— 1L 89999 -9999 optional enhanced service(s), such as UoicemaiL Pager Replacement Program, A a•n; en asa Mass nanMaP yes, plxse i�mYf Mrz end see reverse 5:118. CLUrtOm Cmr ,eting, PageSaver", etc. 000000000066061786792100000110BOD000149760 CHANGE OF MAILING ADDRESS SECTION ONLY Please contact our Customer Service Department to have the account name changed Account Number: Address: City: State: Zip Code: Can be reached at the following telephone numbers: Day: Evening: Please allow two billing cycles before an address change will take effect. You can also view your bill or change your address by visiting our website at http ✓lwww.americanmessaging.net and logging into My Paging Account. DST 00071032 Prescribed by State Board of Accounts City Form No. 201 (Rev. 1995) ACCOUNTS PAYABLE VOUCHER CITY OF CARMEL An invoice or bill to be properly itemized must show: kind of service, where performed, dates service rendered, by whom, rates per day, number of hours, rate per hour, number of units, price per unit, etc. Payee Purchase Order No. Terms Date Due Invoice Invoice Description Amount Date Number (or note attached invoice(s) or bill(s)) 02/01/12 Y2429517MB $203.32 1 hereby certify that the attached invoice(s), or bill(s), is (are) true and correct and I have audited same in accordance with IC 5- 11- 10 -1.6 20 Clerk- Treasurer VOUCHER NO. WARRANT NO. ALLOWED 20 American Messaging IN SUM OF P. O. Box 5749 Carol Stream, IL 60197 $203.32 ON ACCOUNT OF APPROPRIATION FOR Carmel Clay Communications PO# Dept. INVOICE NO. ACCT #/TITLE AMOUNT Board Members Encumbered I hereby certify that the attached invoice(s), or 27696 I Y2429517MB I 43- 509.00 $203.32 bill(s) is (are) true and correct and that the materials or services itemized thereon for which charge is made were ordered and received except Monday, January 30, 2012 Director Title Cost distribution ledger classification if claim paid motor vehicle highway fund 1720 LAKEPOINT DR STE 100 Account Name CARMEL UTILITES American LEWISVILLE, TX 75057 Account Number Y2 429520 For All Inquiries: 888 223 -4123 PAYAIENTDUE}Q'i /1'S%12m'�� Messaging w Hearing Impaired (TTY): 800 643 -2995 Please send written correspondence that is not payment related to the address above. Page 1 of 2 Invoice Invoice Prior Payments Current Amount Number Date Balance Charges Due Y2429520MA 01/01/12 $219.14 $105.58 $105.80 $219.36 PRIOR BALANCE 219.14 LOCKBOX PAYMENT 0000204120 12/12/11 105.58 317 -553 -0581 ARNONE, PAUL Service From 01/01/12 To 01/31/12 CC: E403615233 6.75 317 553 -0787 FROMAN, JAIMIE Service From 01/01/12 To 01/31/12 CC: E403120484 6.75 317 553 -1689 COOPER, CALVIN Service From 01/01/12 To 01/31/12 CC: E404754307 6.75 317 553 -1704 EDISON, LARRY Service From 01/01/12 To 01/31/12 CC: E0713404 6.75 317 553 -1782 HOOVER, AARON Service From 01/01/12 To 01/31/12 CC: E1134755 6.75 317 553 -1844 MASSINGILL, RANDY Service From 01101/12 To 01/31/12 CC: E404640529 6.75 317 553 -2171 CARTER, CRAIG Service From 01/01/12 To 01/31/12 CC: E403651665 6.75 317 553 -2411 KINKEAD, ROBBIE Service From 01/01/12 To 01/31/12 CC: E404641164 6.75 317 553 -2439 KLEINSMITH, JORDAN Service From 01/01/12 To 01/31/12 CC: E407004097 6.75 317 553 -2518 LIFE STATION ON -CALL Service From 01/01/12 To 01/31/12 CC: E402342276 6.75 317 553 -2536 OLIVER, BRAD Service From 01/01/12 To 01131/12 CC: E403389912 6.75 317 553 -2609 PARTLOW, SHANE Service From 01/01/12 To 01/31/12 CC: E404640526 6.75 IMPORTANT MESSAGES Effective January, the AMS Federal Universal Service Charge (FUSC) increased from 1.836% to 2.148 AMS FUSC is an American Messaging Services charge that recovers government mandated costs and is subject to change each calendar quarter based on an FCC assessment rate. This surcharge is our charge, not a tax. Thank you for your prompt payment. American Messaging appreciates your business. A "Late Payment Fee' will be assessed on the past due balance in the amount of the lesser of: (a) the maximum amount allowed by law or (b) the greater of: 1.5% of the unpaid balance or current minimum Late Payment Fee. Billing errors are not waived if American Messaging is not notified in writing within 60 days from the invoice date. 6 now Uo M&B Woua aWaMQa ��aa ®oar oanoo�� Payment Due The date payment is Account Name: John Smith Overcalls Ifyou exceed the monthly P.O. Box 293450 Account Number: H1 000001 due to American Messaging. If payment American Lewisville, TX 75029 call limit, an additional per page fee is In full is not re'ce'ived by this date, a Messa pp77 TT1pp PAYMENT DUE: 01/15/06 (7 'p For All Inquiries: 808 247 -7890 charged. You can not Carry over unused late fee ,hi ll be assessed on the unpaid Pease send carman —a "p: ndanca that LS nw paYmant rela1.>,, la ma addo— ahm+a. Page 1 of 1 calls to die following month. balance. invoice Invoice Prior Payments Current Amount Number Pate Balance Charpea Due H100000IZA 01/01106 4110.00 $110.00 $149.76 8149.76 Contribution Reimbursements Prior Balance Total amount due on American Messaging assesses a die previous invoice. t nm=az ailim Federal Universal Service Charge to PRIOR BALANCE 110.00 recover costs ii ntposed on American PAYMENT CHECK k12345 127 i 5i OS 110.00 Messa ging b the federal I Government SALE DISPLAY Service 16:05 from PAGER 12/ 5N: 4X36LSiV0A 125.00 y LLI 12/15/05 t 12731/05 M1.50 Amount Due -Amount to OTSPLAY PAGING to be paid by to support universal service, and a 55 -1210 216.5 Di SPLAY AGING fram P 01101 /O6 to 01!31/08 the payment due (Lite, Includes prior 213- 555 -1210 PAGER YE P PROGRAM Sorv Servictl ica from 0101;06 to 01/31106 2.00 9.00 Regulatory Charge to rlecover AmeRCan 11M1 555 1210 VOICEMAIL Sery "'a from 01101!06 to 01!31106 5.00 fT� YYttl1, t1 balance, current harg $,paylThG7rt$ and 214- 555 -1210 OIERCALLS: '0 CALLS 0 .200 UseOe from 11/15/05 to 12/13!05 2.00 Messag'ngscostsofcompV`tngwlUr credits applied to the account- NaS FED UNIV SVC CHG .22 certain governmentally imposed AMS REGULATORY CNG .03 governmentally fAVERNMENT FEES AI,D TAXES requirements. Pager Phone Number -Pager TEX GT ATE S4LE6 T AX 1.`9 CITY TAX .52 number or per-LiLlnal identification number. TOTAL AMOUNT DUE $149.76 Government Fees and Taxes I IMPORTANT MESSAGES Includes government mandated local, we a,e ccmmlaad to providin web you ale best w relew saIRN sarYmaM1 I, the Indi and look m 2.m sen,,v a l at Y our paging a,d n e state and federal taxes, PUC surcharges Sale Charge for paging equipment —ds. P ease. us o ;na b at w— ame6acoro g ir g .nel1,,, A. Y na- needs ii a and far aW nformac n 'ho or, —,panY and federal and excise taxes where purchased. c applicable. Thank you for your prompt payment. American Messaging appreciates your business. O Serial Number Uniquely Important Messages Be sure identifies your paging equipment A Yaia Palmani Pie �ii :.1a »9sm1,n am Pasta a a la ma a„ QD to check this section for important American Messaging notes and O P/eeme detach here ana retam Ihla port your paym ion with t messages. '.7 C Paging Service Cha Char -ges American CUSTOMER ACCOUNT N0: Nt -000001 INVOICE NO: HIOOOOOIZA Messaging for monthly pagi service. ,4 p BILLING GATE: O1.N1r06 charge for a partial period of service Late Fees Important information CURRENTCHARGES 140.76 may appear on your invoice. The t>vtial regarding tau fee rates is noted here. AMOUNT OUE 01116706 6149.]5 month charge on this invoice Is for 10 FP 1 B 1 1 A 10061 10061 —5DGT MAKE CHECK PAYABLE TO service from 12/15/05 to 12 /31 /Oi. JOHN SMITH AMERICAN MESSAGING ATTN ANNA SMITH 5 75 SU ITE 120H� PLACE AMO UNT 6 a DALLAS TX 75025 X) II���I ,IddL„�d�61,L���IIIL��dd,Ll „��d L�Llfh��l AM0R SCAN MESSAGING Enhanced Services Cha,�efor Anytewn IL -9999 optional enhanced senice(s), Such as Idl„ IL... h. L. 1 .ILh,,,dlth�,d.h6L,,,,u„61u,.,1 Voicemail, Pager Replacement Program, Ej A«aant,r ea,.ddm.lcPan� +f yes, please tl�eti1 Mr a:uJ see reverse s#a. Custom Greeting, PageS wers etc. 000000000066 Da176679210D00011D0OU0001V9760 1720 LAKEPOINT DR STE 100 Account Name: CARMEL UTILITES merican LEWISVILLE, TX 75057 Account Number Y2-429520 For All Inquiries: 888 223 -4123 sRAY(�ENT, DUE OiJ1S /�12`�i Messaging Hearing Impaired (TTY): 800 643 -2995 Please send written correspondence that is not payment related to the address above. Page 2 of 2 Invoice Invoice Prior Payments Current Amount Number Date Balance Charges Due Y2429520MA 01101112 $219.14 $105.58 $105.80 $219.36 if 1 317 553 -3470 OPERATOR ON CALL Service From 01/01/12 To 01/31/12 CC: E404640521 6.75 NETWORK ADMIN FEE 12/23/11 4.42 PAPER INVOICE FEE 12/24/11 4.95 AMS FED UNIVERSAL SVC FEE 12/24/11 1.32 AMS REGULATORY CHG 12/23/11 0.78 IN UTILITY RECEIPTS SURCHARGE 12/24/11 1.25 GOVERNMENT FEES AND TAXES IN USF SURCHARGE 12/24/11 0.23 INDIANA UTILITY SALES TAX 5.10 TOTAL AMOUNT DUE $219.36 0 'TWO gug NOVI 3 Al Payment Due The date payment is Account Name: John smith Overcalls If you exceed the monthly P.O. Sox 293450 Account Number: Ht 000001 due to American Messaging. Ifpayment 1 American Lowi61ille, Tx 75029 call limit, an additional per page fee is n PAYM DUE: 01/16/ 08 in fill] is not received by this date, a Messa $t $For All Inqui ^les: 899 -247 -7890 charged. you can not cam' over unused late fee %aill be assessed on the unpaid Pta se no -men a1ne :;P- I.deIrs that Is not payn ent,siatad !o the,ddress Rho,, Pa 1 of calls to the following month. balance. Invoice Invoice Prior Payments Current Amount Number Date 983anee Charges Oue H, 00000, ZA 01101 rob 5,10.00 -$110. DO S 49.76 $149.76 ®i Contribution Reimbursements is Prior Balance Tota( amowrt due on American Messaging assesses a the precious invoice. t Federal Universal Service C to PRt0p BALANCE „0 Op recover cosh imposed (in American PAYMENT CHECK 912345 12/15/05 O 1,0.00 Messag by the Federal l- SVenlnlent SA_E DISPLAY PAGEN ,1, ,6_GS SN: 4X3SL5,'V3A 125.00 lvt �t C IIV U Cll Vl Amount Due A monnt to be aid by 21x' S 121 DISPLAY PAGING 2 15:05 t 1113,;05 4 50 to support tmi� P etsal service, and a 214 -555 1210 DISPLAY PAGING 5 'a t 01)01 106 To 01/31/06 9.00 �1 die payment due date. hrtlLlcles 214 -555 1210 PAGER REPLACEMENT PROGRAM Serlioe from 01101106 to 0131106 2.00 Regulatory Charge to recover American balance, current charges, t' p ayments and 214- 555,2,0 VOICEMAIL Service from O,!O,;v ^6 to O,;:i,i06 5.00 NI of conlrl with t" 214- 55512,0 OVEBCALI -.S: 1O CALi.S N .200 Usage from 1,;15105 to 12!14;05 2.00 C' D Y' credits applied to the account AMS FED U Il 5VC CHO .22 certain g- mmimentally imposed MS REGLLA"ORY CUR, G .03 GOVER:NMENI' FEES AND TAXES t�qulrements. Pager Phone Number Pagt:r TEXAZ STATE SALES TAX CITY TAX .52 number or personal identification TOTAL AMOUNT DUE $149.76 nurnbec Government Fees and Taxes IMPORTANT MESSAGES Includes government mandated local, W. n a to F vltl'. 9 Y th b t I35 a,s rig sera ces' T o,stry ard look,9rwarl •o I I y F 9 ssagino state Land tederaI taxes, PUC surcharges Sale Charge for paging equipment nnnda. PI a e �;at n nP wPb,.,,� .a .n annaz,aAn ,e, for al ro Paglr0 ,e<r.1 a,d for as i n ma —p.ry. and federal and excise taxes wfiere purchased. applicable. Thank you for your prompt payment. American Messaging appreciates your business. e Serial Number Uniquely Important Messages Be sure identifies your paging equipment A 1a P me nP PP UP 9 x, t a Na any N to check this section for irnportant American Messaging notes and messages. Paging Service Charges Chaves Vl COSdetach -yortion American CUSTOMER ACCOUNT NO: Ht -000001 for monthly paging ser"lice. A prorated INVOICE NO: H,GOOOOIZA Messaging BILLING DATE: 01;01!06 charge for a partial period Of service CURRENT CHARGES 76 La t e Fees Important information may appear on your Invoce. The 1xirtial regarding late fee rates is noted here. month charge on this invoice is for AMOUNT DUE O $149.T b ,v' EP a 1 1 A 1006' -0061 "SDGT MAKE CHECK PAYABLE TO Service from 12. 15/05 to 1 1 /Oi. JOHN SMITH AMERICAN MESSAGING ATTN ANNA SMITH 5075 SHORHAM PLACE AMOUNT El D 1:1 El 120 PAID DALLAS TX 75025 AMERICA.' MESSAGING Enhanced Services Charge for u,..i,i.i,u.....i,i,i,i „„ini ,,,i i,i,i,,,,,n„i,m,,,i P D Bo, 9909 C Any G.R IL 99999 -9999 optional enhanced servicc(s), Such as Voiceniail, Pager Replacement Program, Ej Arol— Pruseta doss har lr vas. ;;iee« n+mca t,. a;:d say rrYerse ame. Custom Greeting, PageSaver” etc. 000000000066081786792100000110000000149760 CHANGE OF MAILING ADDRESS SECTION ONLY Please contact our Customer Service Department to have the account name changed Account Number: Address: City: State: Zip Code: Can be reached at the following telephone numbers: Day: Evening: Please allow two billing cycles before an address change will take effect. You can also view your bill or change your address by visiting our website at http ://www.americanmessaging.net and logging into My Paging Account. 0 DST 00071032 Prescribed by State Board of Accounts City Form No. 201 (Rev 1995) ACCOUNTS PAYABLE VOUCHER CITY OF CARMEL An invoice or bill to be properly itemized must show, kind of service, where performed, dates of service rendered, by whom, rates per day, number of units, price per unit, etc. Payee 358200 American Messaging Purchase Order No. PO Box 5749 Terms Carol Stream, IL 60197 -5749 Due Date 1/30/2012 Invoice Invoice Description Date Number (or note attached invoice(s) or bill(s)) Amount 1/30/2012 Y2429520MI $22.52 hereby certify that the attached invoice(s), or bill(s) is (are) true and -orrect and I have audited same in accordance with IC 5- 11- 10 -1.6 Date Vrhcer VOUCHER 113598 WARRANT ALLOWED 358200 IN SUM OF American Messaging PO Box 5749 Carol Stream, IL 60197 -5749 Carmel Water Utility ON ACCOUNT OF APPROPRIATION FOR Board members PO INV ACCT AMOUNT Audit Trail Code Y2429520MA 01- 6360 -03 $11.26 Y2429520MA 01- 6360 -06 $11.26 Voucher Total $22.52 Cost distribution ledger classification if claim paid under vehicle highway fund 1720 LAKEPOINT DR STE 100 Account Name: CARMEL UTILITES American LEWISVILLE, TX 75057 Account Number Y2-429520 Messaging For All I 888 223 -4123 9 PAYh1ENT DUE 01 15/ 12 5, t G Hearing Impaired (TTY): 800 643 -2995 Please send written correspondence that is not payment related to the address above. Page 1 of 2 Invoice Invoice Prior Payments Current Amount Number Date Balance Charges Due Y2429520MA 01/01/12 $219.14 $105.58 $105.80 $219.36 PRIOR BALANCE 219.14 LOCKBOX PAYMENT 0000204120 12/12/11 105.58 317 553 -0581 ARNONE, PAUL Service From 01/01/12 To 01/31/12 CC: E403615233 6.75 317 553 -0787 FROMAN, JAIMIE Service From 01/01/12 To 01131/12 CC: E403120484 6.75 317- 553 -1689 COOPER, CALVIN Service From 01/01/12 To 01/31/12 CC: E404754307 6.75 317 553 -1704 EDISON, LARRY Service From 01/01/12 To 01/31/12 CC: E0713404 6.75 317 553 -1782 HOOVER, AARON Service From 01/01/12 To 01/31/12 CC: E1134755 6.75 317 553 -1844 MASSINGILL, RANDY Service From 01/01/12 To 01/31/12 CC: E404640529 6.75 317 553 -2171 CARTER, CRAIG Service From 01/01/12 To 01/31/12 CC: E403651665 6.75 317 553 -2411 KINKEAD, ROBBIE Service From 01/01/12 To 01/31/12 CC: E404641164 6.75 317 553 -2439 KLEINSMITH, JORDAN Service From 01/01/12 To 01/31/12 CC: E407004097 6.75 317 553 -2518 LIFE STATION ON -CALL Service From 01/01/12 To 01/31/12 CC: E402342276 6.75 317 553 -2536 OLIVER, BRAD Service From 01/01 /12 To 01/31/12 CC: E403389912 6.75 317 553 -2609 PARTLOW, SHANE Service From 01/01/12 To 01/31/12 CC: E404640526 6.75 IMPORTANT MESSAGES Effective January, the AMS Federal Universal Service Charge (FUSC) increased from 1.836% to 2.148 MET AMS FUSC is an American Messaging Services charge that recovers government mandated costs and is subject to change each calendar quarter based on an FCC assessment rate. This surcharge is our charge, not a tax. Thank you for your prompt payment. American Messaging appreciates your business. A "Late Payment Fee" will be assessed on the past due balance in the amount of the lesser of: (a) the maximum amount allowed by law or (b) the greater of: 1.5% of the unpaid balance or current minimum Late Payment Fee. Billing errors are not waived if American Messaging is not notified in writing within 60 days from the invoice date. 6 Please detach here and return this portion with your payment �erican CUSTOMER ACCOUNT NO: Y2- 1_ Messaging INVOICE NO: Y2 42952 429520MA BILLING DATE: 01101/12 CURRENT CHARGES $105.80 AMOUNT DUE 01/15/12 F $219.36 MAKE CHECK PAYABLE TO MB 01 001427 08925 B 9 A AMERICAN MESSAGING CARMEL UTILITES ATTN:A000UNTS PAYABLE 760 3RD AVE SW -1 STE 110 AMOUNT 5 CARMEL, IN 46032 -7612 PAID Illl�rllll���rrl�l��'I�IIIII' AMERICAN MESSAGING PO BOX 5749 CAROL STREAM IL 60197 -5749 F1 Account or user address change? II. I�III' I' IIIIIIIII�I���II��IIII���I�IIIIIJ�I�r� If yes, please check box and see reverse side. 00000000006602524295200000000001 ,058000002 9362 1720 LAKEPOINT DR STE 100 Account Name: CARMEL UTILITES A merican LEWISVILLE, TX 75057 Account Number Y2-429520 Messaging For All Inquiries: 888 223- 4123� PAYh7ENT�DUE01 /15J�12'ts Hearing Impaired (TTY): 800 643 -2995 Please send written correspondence that is not payment related to the address above. Page 2 of 2 Invoice Invoice Prior Payments Current Amount Number Date Balance Charges Due Y2429520MA 01/01/12 $219.14 $105.58 $105.80 $219.36 317 553 -3470 OPERATOR ON CALL Service From 01/01/12 To 01/31/12 CC: E404640521 6.75 NETWORK ADMIN FEE 12/23/11 v 4.42 PAPER INVOICE FEE 12/24/11 4.95 AMS FED UNIVERSAL SVC FEE 12/24/11 1.32 AMS REGULATORY CHG 12/23/11 0.78 IN UTILITY RECEIPTS SURCHARGE 12/24/11 1.25 GOVERNMENT FEES AND TAXES IN USF SURCHARGE 12/24/11 0.23 INDIANA UTILITY SALES TAX 5.10 TOTAL AMOUNT DUE $219.36 0 Prescribed by State Board of Accounts City Form No. 201 (Rev 1995) ACCOUNTS PAYABLE VOUCHER CITY OF CARMEL An invoice or bill to be properly itemized must show, kind of service, where performed, dates of service rendered, by whom, rates per day, number of units, price per unit, etc. Payee 358200 AMERICAN MESSAGING Purchase Order No. PO Box 5749 Terms Carol STream, IL 60197 -5749 Due Date 1/30/2012 Invoice Invoice Description Date Number (or note attached invoice(s) or bill(s)) Amount 1/30/2012 Y2429520W $83.28 I hereby certify that the attached invoice(s), or bill(s) is (are) true and correct and I have audited same in accordance with IC 5- 11- 10 -1.6 Date O r VOUCHER 116680 WARRANT ALLOWED 358200 IN SUM OF AMERICAN MESSAGING PO Box 5749 Carol STream, IL 60197 -5749 Carmel Wastewater Utility ON ACCOUNT OF APPROPRIATION FOR Board members PO INV ACCT AMOUNT Audit Trail Code Y2429520MA 01- 7362 -05 $45.02 Y2429520MA 01- 7360 -01 $38.26 Voucher Total $83.28 Cost distribution ledger classification if claim paid under vehicle highway fund 1720 LAKEPOINT DR STE 100 Account Name CARMEL POLICE DEPT. A `�American LEWISVILLE, TX 75057 Account Number Y2-429526 Messaging q paY Elrr our c ,..r `re For All In 888 223 4123 02/15/12�,� Hearing Impaired (TTY): 800 643 -2995 Please send written correspondence that is not payment related to the address above. Page 1 of 2 Invoice Invoice Prior Payments Current Amount Number Date Balance Charges Due Y2429526MB 02/01/12 $296.53 $152.17 $246.36 $390.72 1111111111 J!'11 o PRIOR BALANCE 296.53 LOCKBOX PAYMENT 0000205130 01/10/12 152.17 ARS LABEL 01/03/12 9.95 317 553 -0994 ROBERT ROBINSON Service From 02/01/12 To 02/29/12 CC: E404825562 6.75 317- 553 -1287 ADMIN ALL CALL Service From 02/01/12 To 02/29112 CC: E404677457 0.00 317 553 -2504 ED ALVAREZ Service From 02/01/12 To 02/29/12 CC: E404752090 6.75 317 553 -2604 BRIAN SCHMIDT Service From 02/01/12 To 02/29/12 CC: E403086215 6.75 317 553 -2792 ENTRY ALL CALL Service From 02/01/12 To 02/29/12 CC: E404677455 0.00 317 553 -3498 REV. GEORGE DAVIS Service From 02/01/12 To 02/29/12 CC: E403211364 6.75 317 553 -4884 MARK HULETT Service From 02/01/12 To 02/29/12 CC: E404592330 6.75 317 553 -5733 REV. ALAN GOERTEMILLER Service From 02/01/12 To 02/29/12 CC: E404431858 6.75 317 553 -6704 FR. JOHN DUNCAN Service From 02/01/12 To 02/29/12 CC: E403390676 6.75 317 553 -7221 ZACH HASTY Service From 02/01/12 To 02/29/12 CC: E0821222 6.75 317 553 -8401 GROUP CALL Service From 02/01/12 To 02/29/12 CC: E407104253 0.00 IMPORTANT MESSAGES Effective January, the AMS Federal Universal Service Charge (FUSC) increased from 1.836% to 2.148 AMS FUSC is an American Messaging Services charge that recovers government mandated costs and is subject to change each calendar quarter based on an FCC assessment rate. This surcharge is our charge, not a tax. Thank you for your prompt payment. American Messaging appreciates your business. �a.e.W...ca......._..a.r u. s...... c... c.. d.... tWa�cncJ. cLaraJa. �4arnw�wJhc. amwunt .nfthwJwcc.ar.nL•!n.\,tkaw.rsa vm... moron...-,. t. ett.....,.- i. w....,-... s.-.., ���.�.a........w..v.e...�. Payment Due -the (Litt payment is Account xa me Jorn Smith Overcalls If you exceed the monthly P.O. Box 293460 Account Numbs Ht- 000001 ii� an du full is n t received l �tl»S d te e1ht Messaging For All InquixieS: $88.247.7890 O! PAYMENT OOE Ol /15 /O6 Cchharged -You Can notcarry over unused page fee is late fee xrill be assessed on the unpaid PIa a =end written mnea,nndnnrn that I, not payment alm i the ebb— aho Page 1 of 1 calls to die following month. balance. Invoice Invoice Prior Payments Current Amount Nuaaer Date Balance Cher0ea Due M10000012A 01/01/06 $110.00 $110.00 $149.76 $149.76 Contribution Reimbursements Prior Balance Toud amount due on American Messaging assesses a die previous invoice. Federal Univet- Service Charge to PRIOR. BALANCE „0. CO recover cost imposed on American PAYMENT CHECK -12345 12/15/05 O 110.00 O F 6.ALE UISPLAt' PAGEfl 11110/05 SN: AX30LSTV3A 125.00 MeS- �aprrtc by dhe lJm Amount Due Amount to be paid by 214.555 -1210 DISPLAY PAGING Service tram 12/15/05 to 12/31105 4.50 to support universal service, and a 214.55 512,0 DISPLAY PAGING Service tr'; 0 1 101106 to Ot 131 i06 9.00 Y" t..,,. die payment due date''. Includes prior 21,1555 -1210 PAGER REPLACEMENT PROGRAM SerYice iron 01/01/06 to 01131106 2.00 Regulatory Charge to reco merican balance, current charges, payments and 21d- 5551210 1 ICIMAIL Se ice frem 01101:06 to 01131/06 5.00 M Ot1(Y.S costs of C() tTT rn when 214- 555 -1210 OVERCALLS: 0 CALLS 0 20 Usage from ,1115105 to 12/13105 2.00 ng -.-tom g credits applied to the accotrnL AM' -EG JNIV SVC CHG 22 certain governmentally imposed AMS REGULATORY CIiG .03 GOVERNMENT FEES AN0 TAXES requrernents. P a Pa Pager Phone Number ger TEXAS STATE SALES TAY g T CITY TA% .52 nunher or personal identification TOTAL AMOUNT DUE $149. 76 number. Go Government Fees and Taxes IMPORTANT MESSAGES lnc1udes goncrnment mandated local, We as cenmiituo m p' S 8 you the bas, wireless mess q g es in Me noustry an010ek /o—nJ to serving A I you b g nc me —ging state' and &decal tuxes, PUC lirch,arge.'1 S ale Charge for paging equipment n8eds Piease s, e6 o n woo www.anerkanrtn5sa91 g. r a5 your mas ses rig „a< ,.r a for am.' seen P pant. and federal and excise taxes where purchased. applicable. Thank you for your prompt payment. American Messaging appreciates your business. O Serial Number Uniquely Important Messages Be sure identifies your pagIng equipment to check this section for important A YaH P.,ymmt �ae'r_ ce dswueG m Yw Pass tuP palancen tM1e aniPxn' af... American Messaging notes and messages. Paging service Charges Chaves PlCUST ;H1410ortlanw/tAyour A merican t CUSTOMER ACCOUNT NO: H1 -000001 for nhonthiy paging service. A prorate e"i °NC on E: o;1ot2A Messaging charge for a partial period of service Late Fees Important information may appear on your invoice. I'lhe partial CURRENT CHARGES 4 °e.6 regarding late fee rates is n re rioted he. AMOUNT OUE 011/5x06 $149.]6 month charge on this invoice Is for 10 FP 1 e 1 i A 1006' 10061 "5[D- MAKE CHECK PAYABLE TO service from 12' 15 to 12/31/05. JOHN SMITH AMERICAN MESSAGING ATTN ANNA SMITH AMOUNT El E-] 50 ]5 $HORHAM PI.AC.E PAID SUITE 120 DALLAS Tx 15025 AMERICAti MESSAGING Enhanced Services Cha,ge for P 0 0or 99 Any[nwn IL 99 99999 -9999 optional enhanoed seiiicc(s), such as Uoicemail, Pager Replaconent Program, n, aaro n:as.<sa�a] r. res. Pleas+ onec, iw> any See .eYarse s:aa. Custom Greeting. PageSaver"' etc. 00000000006608L 78679210U00011G000000119760 1720 LAKEPOINT DR STE 100 Account Name: CARMEL POLICE DEPT. J,American LEWISVILLE, TX 75057 Account Number Y2 x mac. t Messaging For All Inquiries: 888 223 -4123 YPAYMENTDOE 0 9M M I F Hearing Impaired (TTY): 800 643 -2995 Please send written correspondence that is not payment related to the address above. Page 2 of 2 Invoice Invoice Prior Payments Current Amount Number Date Balance Charges Due Y2429526MB 02/01/12 $296.53 $152.17 $246.36 $390.72 D 317 553 -9286 SNIPER ALL CALL Service From 02/01/12 To 02/29/12 CC: E404677456 0.00 317 553 -9464 LOST ADVISOR ELITE PAGER 01/20/12 CC: E403055900 99.00 317 553 -9605 JEFF LAKER Service From 02/01/12 To 02/29/12 CC: E407034609 6.75 317 553 -9611 SCOTT SPILLMAN Service From 02/01/12 To 02/29/12 CC: E403538516 6.75 317 553 -9619 DAN MATTHEWS Service From 02/01/12 To 02/29/12 CC: E402740452 6.75 317 553 -9631 JIM HERRON Service From 02/01/12 To 02/29/12 CC: E403335745 6.75 317 553 -9634 DAN JENT Service From 02/01/12 To 02/29/12 CC: E1181704 6.75 317 553 -9640 SCOTT MOORE Service From 02/01/12 To 02/29/12 CC: E403269052 6.75 317 553 -9657 BOB PELZER Service From 02/01/12 To 02/29/12 CC: F404746504 6.75 317 553 -9681 ANDY GERDT Service From 02/01/12 To 02/29/12 CC: E403042161 6.75 317 553 -9693 RICK STITES Service From 02/01/12 To 02/29/12 CC: E404832343 6.75 NETWORK ADMIN FEE 01/20/12 5.78 PAPER INVOICE FEE 01/21/12 4.95 AMS FED UNIVERSAL SVC FEE 01/21/12 1.72 AMS REGULATORY CHG 01/20/12 1.02 IN UTILITY RECEIPTS SURCHARGE 01/21/12 1.63 GOVERNMENT FEES AND TAXES IN USF SURCHARGE 01/21/12 0.30 INDIANA UTILITY SALES TAX 7.26 TOTAL AMOUNT DUE $390.72 0 Payment Due -The date payment is Account Name: John smith Overcalls If you exceed the mondhh- P.O. Box 293450 A0c0Unt Number: H1 000001 due to American Messaging. if payment American Legisville, TX 75029 ppyMENT DUE: 01 /15/06 call limit, all additional per page fee Is in frill is not receiver by this date, a Messaging P0 All Inquiries: 888 247 7090 0 charged You can not cam over unused late fee Hill be assessed on the unpaid Please Send sitters csr-Suerdence that Is not payment Agatad to the address above. Page 1 of 1 calls to die folkyMng month. balance. Invoice Invoice Prior Payments Current Amount Number Date Balance Charges Oue HIOOOOO17A 01 /01/06 4110.00 4110.00 $149.78 5149.76 Contribution Reimbursements Prior Balance Total amount due on American Messaging assesses a die previous irwoice. Federal Universal Service Art to PRIDR BALANCE O f 10.00 recover cost-, imposed on American PAYU ENT -CHECK 1112345 12.15!05 110.00 Messagin by die Federal GCn'enllnt'Tit SALE DISPLAY PAGER 12:18/05 SIX: A%3BL51'VBA 125.00 "J' c, Amount Due Amount to be paid by 214- 555 -12100 DISPLAY PAGING Service from 12!15!05 to 12131 /05 O 4,50 to Support universal Service, and a 214- 5551210 DISPLAY PAGING Service tram 01101106 to 01!31)06 9.00 n Y die payment due date. Includes prior 214- 555 -1210 PAGER REPLACEMENT PROGRAM Gervine floc 01/01/06 to 01 /31106 2.00 Regulatory Charge to recoverAmencan 214 5551210 VOICEMAIL Service from 01/01106 to 01131106 5.00 balance, current charges, payments and ?14 -555 -1210 OVERCALLS: 10 CALLS 9 .200 Usage from t1115/05 to 12!14!05 2.00 Messagings costs of comphring with credits applied to the account. "US =ED UN'V SVC CHIC t o 22 certain governmentally imposed AM S REGULATOBY CHG .03 GOVERNMENT FEES ANa TA XES requirements. Pager Phone Number Pager TE %AS STATE SALES TAX 1.49 CITY TAX .52 numbe or personal identification number. AMOUNT DUE E14Ii Government Fees and Taxes IMPORTANT MESSAGES Inclurdes gmiernment mandated local, Y are ccrnrvttetl to Isovidrig yoo Iha best vnreless meSSeelnq sarvkas in 1ne IMUSry a� 1ooA torwxrd ro aervi ei1 of roVr puMlrg a d ntessagirg state and ILderal taxes, PUC surcharges Sale Charge for Paging equipment reeds. Plea :a 1;4R us an the gab a1 ggg.am ineenmesseling.nat for al. you, massagi se ad s arxi for adonione Inlonna ion on the onmpnhy. and federal and excise taxes where Purchased. applicable. Thank you for your prompt payment. American Messaging appreciates your business. Serial Number Uniquely important Messages Be sure identifies your paging equipment. A— Permert neeba,sab«ag he— ,n In. -1 a.._ to check this section for important American Messaging notes and Plisse detach hers and return this Wake, g/th t messages. Paging Service Charges charges y�rPa,men American GUSTONER ACCOUNT NO: H1-00000/ T� for nionthly paging service. A prorated INVOICE NO: H10000D1ZA Messa BILLING DATE: 01:91106 O""'O charge for a Partial period of service CURRENT CHARGES 149.16 Late Fees important information may appear on your invoice.'r he partial AMOUNT DUE regarding late fee rates is noted here. month charge on this invoice is for s,4s.]s t0 FP 1 B 1 1 A 1008: 10061 '•SOGi MAKE CHECK PAYABLE 6 TO service from 12.15/05 to 12.31/05. JOHN SMITH AMERICAN MESSAGING ATTr1 ANNA SMITH 5075 SHORHAM PLACE AMOUNT s 1-100 SUITE 120 PAID DALLAS T% 75025 AMEfl IC44 MEESSAGiNG Enhanced Services Charge for II I 1 1 11 Ill l l rr 1111 rri l l l I1 1 111 1 P o Box 9989 Char [nwn IL 99999 -9999 optional enhanced service(s), such as LII„ IL.,. L. IrLll ,Ir „J111 „LId,L,dILlll„I Voicenhail, Pager R ep lacement Prop urn, o A.- m „n,tsaraedaCeAr R ep lacement yes, ;wise c!mG Mx old see reverse s.Je. Custom Greeting, PageSavers etc. 0000000000660e17667921aa000lboaa000al49760 CHANGE OF MAILING ADDRESS SECTION ONLY Please contact our Customer Service Department to have the account name changed Account Number: Address: City: State: Zip Code: Can be reached at the following telephone numbers: Day: Evening: Please allow two billing cycles before an address change will take effect. You can also view your bill or change your address by visiting our website at http ✓lwww.americanmessaging.net and logging into My Paging Account. DST 00071032 Prescribed by State Board of Accounts City Form No. 201 (Rev. 1995) ACCOUNTS PAYABLE VOUCHER CITY OF CARMEL An invoice or bill to be properly itemized must show: kind of service, where performed, dates service rendered, by whom, rates per day, number of hours, rate per hour, number of units, price per unit, etc. Payee Purchase Order No. Terms Date Due Invoice Invoice Description Amount Date Number (or note attached invoice(s) or bill(s)) 02/01/12 Y2429526MB monthly payment $246.36 1 hereby certify that the attached invoice(s), or bill(s), is (are) true and correct and I have audited same in accordance with IC 5- 11- 10 -1.6 20 Clerk- Treasurer VOUCHER NO. WARRANT NO. ALLOWED 20 American Messaging IN SUM OF P.O. Box 5749 Carol Stream, IL 60197 -5749 $246.36 ON ACCOUNT OF APPROPRIATION FOR Carmel Police Department PO# Dept. INVOICE NO. ACCT #/TITLE AMOUNT Board Members 1110 I Y2429526MB I 43- 530.99 I $246.36 1 hereby certify that the attached invoice(s), or bill(s) is (are) true and correct and that the materials or services itemized thereon for which charge is made were ordered and received except Monday, January 30, 2012 Chief of Police Title Cost distribution ledger classification if claim paid motor vehicle highway fund