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Correspondence 2011
COPIES SHEET NO. DESCRIPTION 1 Secondary Plat (Recorded) (Mylar) 2 Secondary Plat (Recorded) (Paper) DATE: TO: ATTENTION: Angie Conn RE: Carmel Planning Department One Civic Square Carmel, Indiana 46032 Heather Knoll, Section 3B LETTER OF TRANSMITTAL STOEPPELWERTH ASSOCIATES, INC. 7965 East 106 Street Fishers, Indiana 46038 -2505 Phone (317) 849 -5935 Fax (317) 849 -5942 September 30, 2011 JOB NUMBER: 47175RYL -S3B WE ARE SENDING YOU UPS Courier 1 X Other: Deliver THESE ARE TRANSMITTED as checked below: For Approval X As Requested 1 X For Your Use 1 1 REMARKS: If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me at,bhuff(e)a,stoeopelwerth.com or (317) 570 4841. Thank you, Brett. A. Huff S: \47175 RYL -S3 B\B lueBook \Agen cy_Correspon den ce \Carmel P I ann ingConn09 -30 -1 1. doe 1 For Review and Comment Conn, Angelina V From: Sent: To: Cc: Subject: Attachments: Brett Huff Stoeppelwerth Assoc., Inc. Project Manager 317 -570 -4841 Brett Huff [BHuff @Stoeppelwerth.com] Monday, September 12, 2011 12:22 PM plats@hamiltoncounty.in.gov Conn, Angelina V; Krueskamp, Theresa A; Barnes, David R Heather Knoll Section 3B ACAD- ACAD- 47175S3B1.dxf; HK3B Plat sheet 1 of 5.pdf; HK3B Plat sheet 2 of 5.pdf; HK3B Plat sheet 3 of 5.pdf; HK3B Plat sheet 4 of 5.pdf; HK3B Plat sheet 5 of 5.pdf; ACAD- 47175S3B1.dwg Attached please find the revised plat. The mylar and paper copies will'be delivered today to the planning departmentfor signatures, and I am anticipating being scheduled for the September 21 BPW meeting. Please let me know if you have any questions. Thank you. 1 COPIES SHEET NO. DESCRIPTION 1 Secondary Plat (Mylar) 2 Secondary Plat (Paper) DATE: TO: Septemberl2, 2011 ATTENTION: Angie Conn RE: Heather Knoll, Section 3B LETTER OF TRANSMITTAL STOEPPELWERTH ASSOCIATES, INC. 7965 East 106 Street Fishers, Indiana 46038 -2505 Phone (317) 849 -5935 Fax (317) 849 -5942 Department of Community Services 1 Civic Square Carmel, Indiana 46032 WE ARE SENDING YOU 1 UPS 1 1 Courier 1 X 1 Other: Deliver (DJS) THESE ,ARE 'TRANSMITTED as checked below: For Approval 1 X As Requested For Review and Comment X For Your Use REMARKS: If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me at bhuff(&stoeppelwerth.com or (317) 570 -4841. Thank you, 51/ Brett A. Huff S: \47 I75RYL- S3I3 \I3Iue_ Book\ Agency_ Correspondence \TRANS DOCSConn09 -12- 11.doc I y 7du JOB NUMBER: 471'75RYL -S3B Conn, Angelina V From: Sent: To: Cc: Subject: Barnes, David R Wednesday, September 07, 2011 8:44 AM 'Brett Huff'; Conn, Angelina V •Duncan, Gary R Windier, Kenny RE: Heather Knoll 3B Plat Revision Brett: if the revised plat hasnot been signed off by DOCS then it will have to appear on the 9/21 BPW meeting. It is listed on today's agenda but will have to be tabled for now. From Brett Huff Jmailto:BHuff@Stoeopelwerth.comi Sent: Wednesday,;Septeniber "07, 20118:23 AM To: Barnes, David R; Conn, Angelina V; Duncan, Gary R Cc: Windier, Kenny Subject: RE: Heather Knoll 3B Plat Revision David, I assume since a haven't; heard back -on this plat revision that this plat has been pulled from the BPW agenda today? Which is understandable with the last minute adjustments. We will, provide new signed mylars to Angie for a signature again and look to be on the September 28 BPW meeting agenda. We will also provide the required paper and pdf versions,as well. Brett Huff Stoeppelwerth.& Assoc., Inc. Project..Mdnager 317- 570 -4841 From: Brett Huff 'Sent: Friday,.Septernber 02, 2011.3;57 PM To: :Banes, DavidR Conn, AngetinaIV; Duncan, Gary R Cc: Windier, Kenny Subject: HeatherKnoll 3B Pla €Revision David, Attached is ,the pit showing, the changes we are requesting to snake to the plat as we discussed. The intent is to try-and stay on.the agenda for Sept. 7. Please advise if this will be possible. I was hoping to not have to replace the previously signed Iasi page but with the boundary change I had .to adjust the legal description slightly. The changes are marked on the attached pd. as well as'hsted below. 1. To .rrevir; d iPe",/k71 g f'r ov ^rk-lP with the: d.c. d ownw f ihs n,;,rlh, we ha 8.22' limy vie adfacerai ownet s'piopeily':bne and ternove. any overlap. 2. Lot 127. Post construction of this project we have noticed that the path around the perimeter of the Pond was placed slightly East of where it was proposed and now encroaches this lot by approx. 0.5' along the western property line. To avoid any easements or liabilities we held the northwest property corner and slightly angled the lot line:approx. 1.0` East and then tied back into the previous location at the Right-of-Way. This will remove the 'path from encroaching this lot. 3: Lots 128-131-,. Again,.the path was constructed ;slightly encroaching the rear of these properties. To remove the encroachment we have shifted the rear property line of these.lots 1.0' east 4. All affected bearings and distances have been adjusted along with the legal description. 1 We- apologize for the inconvenience andappreciate any efforts to keep this on the current agenda if possible. Brett Huff Stoeppelwerth Assoc., Inc. Project Manager Conn, Angelina V front: Brett Huff [BHuff @Stoeppelwerth.comj Sent: Friday, September 02. 2011 3 :57 PM To: Barnes, David R; Conn, Angelina V; Duncan, Gary R Cc: Windier, Kenny Subject: Heather Knoll 3B Plat Revision Attachments: HK3B Plat Revisions 9- 2- 11.pdf David. Attached is the pdf showing the changes we are requesting to to the plat ;as we discussed. The intent is to try and;stay on:the. agenda for Sept. 7. .Please advise if this will be possible. I was hoping to not have to replace the previously signed last page :butwith the boundary change 1 had to adjust' the legal description slightly. The changes are marked on the attached pdf. as-well as listed below. 1. To:avoid leaving an overlap with the exiting deed owner to the north, we have shifted the "18.22' jog line" west 1,.0' to match the adjacent owners property line and remove any overlap. 2: Lot127. Post construction of this project we have noticed that the path around the perimeter of the Pond was placed slightly East of where it was proposed and now encroaches this lot by approx. 0.5' along the western property liner To avoid any easements or liabilities we held the northwest property corner and slightly angled the lot line approx. 1:0' East and then tied back into the previous location at the Right -of -Way. This will remove the path from encroaching this lot. 3. .Lots 128 -131. Again, the path was constructed slightly encroaching the rear of these properties. To remove the encroachmentweTha`ve shifted the rear property line of these lots 1.0' east 4. All `affected':bearirigsaand distances have been adjusted along with the legal description. We apologize for the"incorivehience andappreciate any efforts to keep this on the current agenda if possible. Brett Huff Stoeppelwerth Project Manager 317 570 -4841 'Conn, Angelina V From: Brett Huff [BHuff Sent: Monday ,August 29, 2011 '2 05 PM To Barnes David R Windier' Kenny, Cc: Duncan; Gary R; Conn, Angelina .V, °Kempa L Subject: RE: Heather Knoll Section 3B Great. Thanks, Dave. Brett Huff Stoeppelwerth Assoc.,Inc. Project Manager 317- 570 -4841 From: Barnes, David R jmailto:dbarnes®®carmel.in.aov1 Sent: Monday,,August 29, 2011 2:01 FM To: Brett Huff Cc: Duncan, Gary R; Conn, Angelina V; Kempa, Lisa L Subject: RE: Heather•Knoll'Section 3B Brett. Brett; Nou;are correct. Those bonds were placed in a Heather Knoll folder and set aside from the 3B active folder. It appears the bonding -isin order for this Plat. Upon.receiving the original mylar from Community Services I will be able to submit it for appearance on the :BRW,agenda. I apologize for the oversight. Lisa: Please confirm your department is ok for plat approval. Dave From: Brett Huff' fmailto :BHuff©Stoeppelwerth.comj Sent: Monday,. 29, 2011,1:48 PM To• Barnes; David R Cc Duncan; Gary R;'Cpnn,, Angelina V; Kempa, Lisa L Subject 'Hea Knoll'Section 3B David; I. afslightly confused. I have attached the Estimate we provided back:in June prior to construction. The :developer ?has assured -me :that he has all required bonds in place for Section 3B. ..Did these bonds inadvertently get Oacedfunder Heather Knoll 3A?, By all my accounts you should have the required bonding. Please let me know 4 you cannot retrieve the bonds and d' will provide copy from the developer. AFso, piease torviccad:'any i�stine in/Pima1k n io my attention kr lead of Keith Gi'tson so Vdi;.'A:3r1 qt kty midi ess any commentsiyou may have. Thank you. Brett Huff Stoeppel &_Assoc, Inc. Project Manager 317 570 -4841 From: Keith Gilson Sent: Monday,:August'29, 2011 1:23 PM To: Brett Huff' Subject: FW: Heather Knoll Section 3B COPIES SHEET NO. DESCRIPTION 1 Secondary Plat (Mylar) 2i Secondary Plat (Paper) DATE: TO: ATTENTION: Angie Conn RE: THESE ARE TRANSMITTED as checked below: For Approval X For Your:Use REMARKS: August 25, 20111 LETTER OF TRANSMITTAL STOEPPELWERTH. ASSOCIATES, INC. 7965 East 106 Street Fishers, Indiana 46038 -2505 Phone (317) 849 -5935 Fax (317) 849 -5942 Department of Community Services 1 Civic Square Carmel, Indiana 46032 Heather Knoll, Section 3B WE ARE SENDING YOU 1 UPS Courier X Other: Deliver (CCH) JOB NUMBER: 47175RYL -S3B X As Requested 1 For Review and, Comment If you have any questions, please feel free to contact meat bhuffnstoeppelwerth.com or (317) 570 -4841. Thank you, j Brett A. Huff S: \47175RYL -S3 B\Blue_Book\ Agency_ Correspondence \'IRANSDOCSConn08- 25- 11.doc Conn,.. Angelina V From:. Keith Gilson [KGilson @Stoeppelwerth:cam] Sent Thursday, August 18, 2011 2:56 PM To: plats @hamiltondounty:in.gov Cc: Krueskamp, Theresa A; Conn. Angelina.: V;, Brett. Huff Subject: Heather Knoll, Section .3 Attachments: ACAD- ACAD- 47175S3B1.dxf; ACAD- 47175S3Bt.dwg; Sheet 1.pdf; Sheet 2.pdf; Sheet 3.pdf; Sheet 4.pdf; Sheet 5.pdf Her is the plat for Heather Knoll, Section 3. If you need anything else please let me know. Thanks StoemePcue3tk, ,1440 iate¢, 7966 $awt 106,74 Sheet 71.dlen4 172 46038 Vureet: 317- 570 -4702 Deed 'az: 377 -570 -4722 1 COPIES SHEET NO. DESCRIPTION 1 Plat (Mylar) 2 Plat (Paper) 1 CD -Rom (Digital Files) DATE: August18,2011 TO: ATTENTION: Angie Conn RE: WE ARE SENDING YOU UPS Courier 1 Other: THESE:ARE,TRANSMITTED as checked below: 1 J, ForApprovaI 1 For Nour Use REMARKS: LETTER OF TRANSMITTAL STOEPPELWERTH ASSOCIATES, INC. 7965' East 106 Street Fishers, Indiana46038 Phone (317) 849 =5935 FAX (317) 849 -5942 City of Carmel Department of Community Services One Civic Square Cannel, Indiana 46032 Heather Knoll, Section 3B 1 X 1 As Requested If you have any questions, please give me a call at (317) 570 -4841. Cc: Kenny Windier BAH /meb S: \4717553 \Blue_Book\Agency_ Correspondence \TRA NSCarme I DOCCon n08- 18- 11.doc JOB NUMBER: 47175 S3 1 1 For Review and Comment Thank you, Ai l Brett A. of