HomeMy WebLinkAboutDept Report 08-16-11 CARMEL PLAN. COMMISSION
AUGUST 16 2011
5. Docket No. 11070010 OAi,Carmel Dr -Range LineRoad Overlay Sunset Amendment., The
applicant seeks :to :amend Zoning Ordinance Chapter 23F: Carmel Drive-Range Line Road Overlay
Zone in order to remove the sunset clause: Filed by'the•Carmel?Department of Community Services.
6. Docket No..11070011 OA: Old Town Overlay Demolition Sunset Amendment.iThe, applicant
seeks'to.amend Zoning-Ordinance,, Chapter 23D: Old Town District, Overlay Zone in order to remove
the sunset clause :on the process for demolition of Contributing Buildings in the Overlay. Filed by the
Carmel'Departn ent of Community Services.
Carmel.Dr -Range Line Road Overlay Sunset Amendment.
The proposal: is to remove the sunset provision,(expiration:date) of the Carmel Drive RangeLine Road Overlay
Adopted in:2005, the purpose of the Carmel Drive Range Line Road Overlay Zone is to enhance the livability
of Carmel by encouraging a range of activities in mixed -use buildings, and. to. establish an attractive and safely
designed- pedestrian. oriented environment in buildings and along •streetscapes. -included within the Overlay Zone
Chapter is a sunset provision mandating its expiration at the end. of 2011. The original expiration date of
December 31, 2006 was' inserted into the Overlay as a trial period to ensure that if major problems arose, the
regulations ,would expire'
You may recall the Department; proposed to delete the sunset provision (expiration date) last year While the
Plan Commtssion.recommended it favorably, the Council voted to extend the, sunset clause for` an additional year,
until December 2011. The hesitance raised at the time was'thafthe required second story added unnecessary cost
to projects, particularly in these difficult economic times.
The Carmel Drive.— Range Line Road Overlay Zone' has been ,a valuable tool in, recent years for staff and our
decision makers, in achieving the highest quality development in the corridor: Several sites have planned or
completed redevelopment "along Range Line Road either under the regulation or influence of the Overlay,
CVS Pharmacy
Turkey Hill•Market
Nightingale Offices
KT. C (approved•pre -Overlay with :variances for narrower setbacks),
Companion Ariinial,Hospital (approved pre- Ovetlaywith.variances for narrower setbacks)
The Department proposes to eliminate the sunset provision because the Overlay has served Carmel well and
continues to dwso. The•private "market' continues to develop under itsstandards, with and without variances.
The entirety :of the'•Overlay Zone (Zoning Ordinance, Chapter 23F, may be viewed on the City's website at
Old Overlay Demolition Sunset Amendment.
The proposal is to remove the sunset provision(expiratton, date) on the: requirements for demolishing contributing
buildings in the Old Town District Overlay Zone.
'Background: In 2008 the Old Town Overlay was amended toareguite approval by the Director to demolish a
contributingbuilding in the boundary of the Overlay '(previously.only:required in the Historic Range Line Road
Sub&Area): Prong„ with the 2008 requirements, a sunset /expiration date of December 31, 2010, was established.
The Department proposed to delete the sunset/expiration date last year The 'Plan Commission recommended it
favorably; lint the Council voted to extend it for additional year, through December 2011.
In harmony with the Purpose and Intent;of the Old Town Overlay, many residents have echoed the importance of
the historic character of commercial and residential areas of Old Town. For this reason, the Department again
proposes to eliminate the sunset provision 'so that the extra protection afforded to contributing buildings may
remain in effect.
Proposal: This proposed ordinance amendment consists of two steps:
1. Delete the Sunset Provision, 23D:02.B.5(f), thereby Director Approval a more permanent
requirement for the demolition of contributing buildings. This section applies to all Sub -Areas
of the'Overlay Zone.
2. Delete the Demolition requirements specific to the Historic Range Line Road Sub -Area,
23D.03.A:2(a). This sub -area was previously the only area requiring Director Approval for the
demolition of contributing buildings. This language was kept in 2008 in the event that the
Overlay wide language was :allowed to expire.
Also attached for your reference =is the :Contributing Building Map (Old Town Overlay; Figure 3), which
identifiesthe Contributing Buildingslto +which the demolition requirements apply:
The entirety of the Old Town Overlay, Zone (Zoning Ordinance, Chapter 23D) may be viewed on the City's
website at:aittp: //www.ci carmel.-in.us/ services /DOCS /DOCSCAO.htm #Codes.
Recommendation: The, Dept of Community Services (DOGS) recommends that the Plan Commission suspends
its rules of procedure;and votes to forward these two ordinance amendment items to City Council with a
favorable recommendation.