December 13, 2004
l h. North Meridian Medical Pavilion
The applicant seeks the following development standards variance'
Docket No. 04110022 V Chapter 25.07.02-08.b number o£ signs
The site is located at approximately 12202 North Meridian Street (US 31) and is to be rczoncd to
B6/Busincss, within the US 31 Overlay. Filed by Mike Cook of' Wooden & McLaughlin LLP for the
Lauth Property Group.
General Info:
Thc petitioner requests approval to
take a wall sign form thc proposed
Illinois street frontage and move it to
thc Meridian Street/US 31 frontage.
One type o£ sign will identify the
building, while the other type o£ sign
will identify a major tenant within the
The petitioner would like to have one
of their tenants have a wall sign.
Meridian St. has a greater traffic count
than Illinois St. will have when built.
The Meridian street frontage has a
greater advantage of visibility to the
public. The petitioner should provide
an updated building elevation with the proposed signage: tenant and building ID signs.
Findings of Fact: number of signs per frontage
1.) The approval of this variance will not be injurious to the public health, safety, morals,
and general welfare of the community because' the petitioner is moving one sign, allowed
by the Sign ordinance, from the proposed Illinois Street frontage to the Meridian Street
frontage. This will benefit users of the US 31 Highway for visibility purposes, and it will
benefit the residents to the west of the proposed Illinois Street.
The use and value of the area adjacent to the property included in the variance will not be
affected in a substantially adverse manner because:
the sign will not be facing the Illinois Street frontage and residential uses to the west of
proposed Illinois Street. This will benefit users of the US 31 Highway for visibility purposes,
and it will benefit the residents to the west of the proposed Illinois Street.
The strict application of the terms of the Zoning Ordinance to the property will result in
practical difficulties in the use of the property because:
The strict application of the Zoning Ordinance may result in practical difficulties in the use oF
the property, due to fact that the tenant may not be able adequately identify its location, because
it will not be facing a highly traveled road frontage.
The Department recommends positive consideration of Docket No. 04110022 V.