HomeMy WebLinkAbout206251 02/14/2012 CITY OF CARMEL, INDIANA VENDOR: 355214 Page 1 of 1 ONE CIVIC SQUARE GENUINE PARTS COMPANY INDIANAPOLIS CARMEL, INDIANA 46032 5959 COLLECTIONS CENTER DRIVE L�1ECK AMOUNT: $6.40 CHICAGO IL 60693 CHECK NUMBER: 206251 CHECK DATE: 2/14/2012 DEPARTMENT ACCOUNT PO NUMBER INVOICE NUMBER AMOUNT DESCRIPTION 651 5023990 08518048 6.40 OTHER EXPENSES a0® Control No. Q56 CARMEL NAPA 1441 S WILFORD AVE STE 140 Y 0C R y REMIT .-GPC I D U BY VER BY 595 COLLECTION CTR. DR. CARPEL, IN 46032-E CHICAGO T.LL. 60693 1000060178205593 RECEIVED By x ALL GOODS RETURNED MUST BE ACCOMPANIED BY THIS INVOICE ACCT NO. SOLD TO DATE I M%0 C� M I STORE NO. EMP SR 01.8048 CITY OF' CARMEL.-SE D 8 F)F101 3q I 760 3RD AVE* GW I Of I TIME PURCHASE ORDER NO. ATTENTION CARMEL, IN 46 11-19 i ch a 1 9) INVOICE TYPE QUANTITY PART NUMBER LINE DESCRIPTION PRICE NET TOTAL CODE 0- 0 7 tj u4uu 1. 1 G, 9 2 /02() SUB tj tj TPTAL 1 mlsc.�j T.. Account No TERMS 08518048 2% 10TH,NET 20TH Closing Date Due Date Sequence No 01/31/12 02/20112 18380144 Previous Balance Payments(s) Received 76.64 76.64- New Charges /Credits Finance Charge New Balance 6.85 .00 6.85 Total Past Due Current Future Aged .00 6.85 .00 Account Past Due Past Due Past Due 10 Days 40 Days 70 or More Days Status .00 .00 .00 Pagel of 2 CITY OF CARMEL- SEWAGE DEPT 760 3RD AVE SW 5 `y CARMEL IN 46032 -2584 If you have QUESTIONS CALL: (877) 558 -9287 Press 1 for invoice copies. Visit our website for invoice copies at www.MAPAaccount.com You may deduct early Payment Discount of: .14 Therefore if Paid By: 02110112 Your Payment Should Be: 6.71 Your WA account is on the web! www.NAPAaccount.com Click on CUSTOMER LOGIN and ACCOUNT ACTIVATION Enter the 8 -digit sequence number from your current monthly statement and enter your email address. A password will be emailed back to you. You will have access to: Copies of statements and invoices Receive your monthly statement via E -mail Up to date account balance Last payment and date received E -Mail your customer representative We Appreciate Your Business WE PROVIDE MORE TIMELY AND ACCURATE INFORMATION TO THE BUSINESS COMMUNITY BY SH A R ING OUR ACCOUNTS RECEIVABLE INFORMATION WITH D B AND EOUIFAX 039979 2 2 047439 P Customer Copy Retain for your Records Acct No. 08518048 1 Page 2 of 2 Customer I CITY OF CARMEL- SEWAGE DEPT Statement of Account with 1 Date Type Inv. No. Amount Due Explanation 01119 RI 820559 6.85 micha TOTAL DUE $6.85 TYPE CODES RI Invoice RB Charge Back RM Credit Memo RU Unapplied Payment RF Finance Charge X# Miscellaneous Accounting Entry d U C IU 7 E d a n 0 u c N E r m a E v D C N O O t UI n m m L C OI (0 n v v N t0 VOUCHER 116777 WARRANT ALLOWED 355214 IN OF NAPA GENUINE PARTS CO INDIANi 5969 COLLECTIONS CENTER DRIVE CHICAGO, IL 60693 Carmel Wastewater Utility ON ACCOUNT OF APPROPRIATION FOR Board members PO INV ACCT AMOUNT Audit Trail Code 820559 01- 7500 -02 $6.40 Voucher Total $6.40 Cost distribution ledger classification if claim paid under vehicle highway fund Prescribed by State Board of Accounts City Form No. 201 (Rev 1995) ACCOUNTS PAYABLE VOUCHER CITY OF CARMEL An invoice or to be properly itemized must show, kind of service, where performed, dates of service rendered, by whom, rates per day, number of units, price per unit, etc. Payee 355214 NAPA GENUINE PARTS CO INDIANAPOLIS Purchase Order No. 5969 COLLECTIONS CENTER DRIVE Terms CHICAGO, IL 60693 Due Date 2/8/2012 Invoice Invoice Description Date Number (or note attached invoice(s) or bill(s)) Amount 2/8/2012 820559 $6.40 hereby certify that the attached invoice(s), or bill(s) is (are) true and correct and I have audited same in accordance with IC 5- 11- 10 -1.6 c, t. •nom Date Officer