HomeMy WebLinkAboutPacket 02-21-12Paul G. Reis, Esq.
Carmel, Indiana
February 21, 2012 Qat+
Docket Number
11120027 Z
Planned Unit Development Ordinance
3fig(pointe on Meridian
Carmel Plan Commission
February 21, 2012
Planned Unit Development Ordinance
3-fig hpointe on Meridian
1. Project Overview
2. Proposed Planned Unit Development Ordinance
3. Comparison of Proposed Zoning Standards with U.S. 31 Overlay Zone
4. Comparison of Proposed Uses with U.S. 31 Overlay Zone
5. Review of Planned Unit Development Ordinance and Comprehensive
6. Traffic Generation Analysis
7. Conceptual Screening Plan based upon proposed PUD Ordinance
8. Conceptual Site Plan based upon proposed PUD Ordinance
9. Conceptual Perimeter Landscape Plan based upon proposed PUD
10. Conceptual Building Elevations based upon proposed PUD Ordinance
Planned Unit Development Ordinance
Highpointe on Meridian
Project Overview
Highpointe on Meridian is a proposed planned unit development which will rezone the
27± acre parcel of undeveloped land owned by Frank Regan, located south and west of the
intersection of 136 Street and Illinois Parkway
The Regan parcel is currently zoned under the B -5, Business District, zoning
classification and is located in the U.S. 31 Overlay Zone, which excludes certain uses otherwise
permitted under the B -5 zoning classification. The proposed Highpointe on Meridian Planned
Unit Development District would permit a variety of potential land uses including: office, multi-
family residential, medical, senior living and educational uses. The U.S. 31 Overlay Zone
currently restricts land uses on the Regan parcel to promote large office development similar to
the current office development along the U.S. 31 corridor and excludes all residential uses.
Although the Regan parcel is within the U.S. 31 Overlay Zone, it is important to recognize that it
is not directly adjacent to U.S. 31. The Regan parcel is nearly 200 feet from the drive lanes of
U.S. 31, separated from U.S. 31 by the state highway right -of -way and Illinois Street.
Highpointe on Meridian will provide a transitional area from the intense, large scale
office uses of the U.S. 31 Corridor to the adjacent single family residential neighborhoods by
permitting lower intensity commercial and residential uses together with development standards
that are consistent with the goals of the Carmel Clay Comprehensive Plan and the adjacent single
Carmel Plan Commission
February 21, 2012
3- fighpointe on Meridian
Project Overview
Carmel Plan Commission
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family residential areas. Retail and service uses are limited consistent with the U.S. 31 Overlay
Zone. Standalone retail buildings or strip retail development is prohibited. The proposed
development standards include:
Maximum building heights will not exceed three stories or sixty (60) feet for
residential and commercial buildings other than office buildings.
Office buildings will not exceed seventy -two (72) feet in height; however if the
office building is located within two hundred (200) feet of a residential zone, it
cannot exceed three stories or sixty (60) feet.
As recommended by the Comprehensive Plan, buildings will have significant
setbacks from single family residential areas. The proposed PUD Ordinance
requires buildings to be "pulled up" to Illinois Street to increase the distance of
the buildings to the single family neighborhoods and to create a "streetscape"
along Illinois Street.
The development will be screened from the adjacent residential areas using an
earthen mound with a six (6) foot wood privacy fence or a ten (10) foot landscape
All development plans must include specific provisions for incorporating
pedestrian and bicycle access, circulation and amenities into the development and
connectivity with the existing multi -use paths along Illinois Street and 136
Please refer to the Comparison of the Zoning Standards between the proposed PUD Ordinance
and the U.S. 31 Overlay Zone under TAB 3; the Comparison of the Permitted Uses under the
proposed PUD Ordinance and the U.S. 31 Overlay Zone under TAB 4 and the Review of the
proposed PUD Ordinance with the Comprehensive Plan under TAB 5.
Adjacent property owners and neighbors have expressed concerns about two issues in
particular: the potential impact on traffic in the area and screening the development from the
adjacent neighborhoods. In response to the traffic concern, the development team engaged A &F
Engineering to perform a traffic generation analysis for the multi family housing complex
development. A copy of that analysis is included under TAB 6. The conceptual site plan
(TAB 8) shows two points of access: one on Illinois Street and one on 136 Street. The analysis
confirms that the majority of the traffic will use the Illinois Street entrance. The development
team is in discussion with the City Engineering Department and the Fire Department to
determine whether the access point on 136 Street could be designed as "right in/right- out
This would prevent left turns for westbound traffic which could have an impact on the
roundabout at Oak Ridge Road.
In response to the screening issue, the development team is working with Hamilton
County to address drainage issues and to allow for an earth mound with a six foot wood privacy
fence. This fence will provide the desired screening and will also serve to separate the
neighborhoods from the stormwater detention ponds to be constructed for the development. A
conceptual screening plan is included under TAB 7.
3fiighpointe on 'Meridian
Project Overview
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Conceptual renderings, drawings and plans are included under TABS 8, 9 and 10 to
illustrate how Highpointe on Meridian could be developed under the proposed PUD Ordinance.
These include a conceptual site plan, a conceptual perimeter landscape plan and conceptual
building elevations. As each project approaches development, specific development,
architectural design, exterior lighting, landscaping and signage plans will be submitted to the
Plan Commission for review and approval.
Respectfully submitted,
Paul G. Reis, Esq.
Krieg DeVault LLP
On behalf of:
Frank K. Regan
J. C. Hart Company
Spectrum Retirement Communities
Opus Group
K0_3947518 1 DOC
NO. Z-
Revised: 2 -9 -12
Ordinance No. Z-
Sponsor: Councilor(s)
WHEREAS, Section 31.6.4 of the Carmel Zoning Ordinance Z -289, (the "Carmel Zoning
Ordinance provides for the establishment of a Planned Unit Development District in
accordance with the requirements of I.C. 36 -7 -4 -1500 et seq.;
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED by the Common Council of the City of
Carmel, Indiana, that pursuant to I.C. 36 -7 -4 -1500 et seq., and after receiving a favorable
recommendation by the Carmel Plan Commission under docket number 11120027 Z, it hereby
adopts this ordinance, (the "Ordinance to establish the Highpointe On Meridian Planned Unit
Development District, as an amendment to the Carmel Zoning Ordinance.
Section 1. Applicability of Ordinance:
Section 1.1. The Official Zoning Map of the City of Carmel and Clay Township, a part
of the Carmel Zoning Ordinance, is hereby changed to designate the land described in
Exhibit "A (the "Real Estate as a planned unit development district.
Section 1.2. Development in the planned unit development district will be governed
entirely by the provisions of this Ordinance, with the exception that provisions of the
Carmel Zoning Ordinance specifically referenced within this Ordinance will also apply.
All prior ordinances or parts thereof inconsistent with any provision of this Ordinance and
its exhibits are hereby inapplicable to the use and development of the Real Estate.
Section 1.3. Any capitalized term not defined herein will have the meaning as set forth
in the Carmel Zoning Ordinance.
Section 2. Plan Commission Approval and Zoning Waiver:
Section 2.1. Development Plan. The Commission will review the Development Plan
(DP) of any proposed use of any Lot or parcel of ground within the Real Estate prior to the
issuance of an Improvement Location Permit by the Department in accordance with and
pursuant to Section 24.02: Development Plan of the Carmel Zoning Ordinance.
A. The Commission must approve, approve with conditions, or disapprove
the Development Plan (DP) for any tract of land within the Real Estate.
B. The Commission will hold a public hearing before it decides whether to
approve or disapprove a DP. However, no DP is required for additions to existing
structures which:
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a. Are attached to the existing structure;
b. Continue the architectural design of the existing structure,
including exterior color and materials; doors and windows, other
c. Meet with requirements of this Ordinance;
d. Do not exceed twenty percent (20 of the original gross floor area
of the existing structure, applicable from the date of this ordinance,
e. Have received a prior ADLS approval from the Commission.
C. The Commission will review a DP application to determine if the DP
satisfies the development requirements specified in Sections 3.1 through 3.3 and
Sections 5.1 through 5.8 of this Ordinance. The Commission's review will
include, but not be limited to, the following items:
a. Existing site features, including topography and wooded areas;
b. Zoning on site;
c. Surrounding zoning and existing land use;
d. Streets, curbs and gutters, sidewalks, and bicycle paths;
e. Access to public streets;
f. Driveway and curb cut locations in relation to other sites;
g. General vehicular and pedestrian traffic;
h. Vehicle and bicycle parking facilities and internal site circulation;
i. Special and general easements for public or private use;
j. On -site and off -site surface and subsurface storm water drainage
including drainage calculations;
k. On -site and off-site utilities;
1. The means and impact of sanitary sewage disposal and water
supply techniques;
m. Dedication of streets and rights -of -way, or reservation of land to be
sold to governmental authorities for future development of streets
and rights -of -way;
n. Proposed setbacks, site landscaping and screening, and
compatibility with existing platted residential uses;
o. Project signage; and
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P. Compatibility of proposed project with existing development
within the Real Estate.
D. The Commission will make written findings concerning each decision to
approve or disapprove a DP. The President of the Commission will be
responsible for signing the written findings of the Commission.
Section 2.2. Architectural Design, Exterior Lighting, Landscaping and Signage. To
insure the compatibility of the proposed use with adjoining areas, the Commission will
review the Architectural Design, Exterior Lighting, Landscaping and Signage (ADLS)
application of any proposed use of any Lot or parcel of ground within the Real Estate prior
to the issuance of an Improvement Location Permit by the Department in accordance with
and pursuant to Section 24.03: Architectural Design, Exterior Lighting, Landscaping and
Signage of the Carmel Zoning Ordinance.
Except as provided in Section 2.I B. above, for all projects within the Real Estate, the
Commission will review and approve the Architectural Design, Exterior Lighting,
Landscaping and Signage (ADLS), access to the property, site layout, parking and site
circulation, pursuant to Sections 5.9 through 8 of this Ordinance.
Section 2.3 Zoning Waiver. The applicant may request a Plan Commission Waiver to
the dimensional and quantitative standards of this Ordinance, by not greater than thirty
five percent (35 The Commission may, after a public hearing, grant a Plan
Commission Waiver of the Development Requirements of this Ordinance. Any approval
to permit such a waiver will be subject to the following criteria:
A. The proposal will be in harmony with the purposes and the land -use
standards contained in this Ordinance.
Revised: 2 -9 -12
A. ADLS approval will be necessary prior to:
a. The establishment of any use of land;
b. The issuance of any Improvement Location Permit;
c. The erection, reconstruction or structural alteration of any
building(s) within the Real Estate; or
d. Any changes in any site improvements.
B. An amendment to an ADLS may be reviewed and approved by a
committee of the Commission according to the Rules of Procedure. However, any
interested party may appeal the decision of the committee directly to the
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B. The proposal will not produce a Site Plan or street/circulation system that
would be impractical or detract from the appearance of the Development Plan, and
will not adversely affect emergency vehicle access or deprive adjoining properties
of adequate light and air.
C. The proposal exhibits creative building and site design characteristics,
including, but not limited to: architectural style and /or scale, landscape treatment,
tree preservation, public art, provisions for bicycles and /or mass transit, reduced
surface parking coupled with provisions for above or below ground parking
In granting a waiver, the Commission may impose such reasonable conditions that will, in
its judgment, promote the purposes of this Ordinance. This Section does not affect the
right of an applicant under Indiana law to petition the Board of Zoning Appeals for a
variance from development standards, as provided in IC 36 -7 -4 -918.5 and the Carmel
Zoning Ordinance.
Section 3. Permitted Uses:
Section 3.1. Permitted Primary Uses.
Amenity Area
Artificial Lake or Pond
Automated Teller Machine
Clinic or medical health center
College or University
Day Care
Financial Institution
General Office
General Retail and Personal Services (subject
to space and operation limitations)
Section 3.2 Retail and Service Uses.
Retail and service uses may be included in one or more buildings within a DP, subject to
the following:
Revised: 2 -9 -12
A. Retail and Service Uses may comprise up to:
Health and Fitness Facility
Kindergarten Pre School Private School
Medical Office
Multi Family Housing Complex
Physical Therapy Rehabilitation Facility
Private Parking Area
Professional Office
Trade or Business School
Restaurant (with walk -up window but no drive
thru window)
Senior Living Community
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Section 4. Definitions:
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a. Fifteen percent (15 of the Gross Floor Area (GFA) of any
building; or,
b. Up to thirty percent (30 of the GFA of one building may be
retail and service uses, provided that:
1. Total square footage of retail and service uses designated in
the development plan does not exceed fifteen percent (15 of the
GFA of all buildings combined; or,
2. Retail and service uses over fifteen percent (15 of the
GFA of any one building be located on the ground floor or below
B. The Commission may grant a zoning waiver to allow retail and service
uses to be located on floors other than ground or below grade, pursuant to the
criteria found in Section 2.3 above.
Section 3.3 Accessory Buildings and Uses. All Accessory Buildings and uses which
are permitted in the B -5 zoning district (including Private Garages and carports) will be
permitted and will be subject to the provisions of Section 25.01.02 of the Carmel Zoning
AMENITY AREA. An area, building and /or other facility containing amenity services,
recreational activities; fitness and/or exercise services and facilities, community rooms
and other facilities intended for the use of and to serve the residents of a Multi Family
Housing Complex, a Senior Living Community, as well as for office /service /retail tenants
and their employees located on the Real Estate; including, but not limited to: private
recreational facilities; swimming pools; changing areas and storage; recreational and
fitness areas and equipment; tennis, basketball, volleyball and multi purpose sport courts;
laundry facilities; concierge services; leasing property management offices; meeting
rooms; and other facilities and amenities intended to benefit the development and use of
the Real Estate.
DAY CARE. A program for the care of preschool and school age children and /or adults
away from their permanent residence for any part of a twenty -four (24) hour day.
PRESERVATION /CONSERVATION AREA. The area of the Real Estate generally
located at the northeast end of the Real Estate south and west of the intersection of
Illinois Street and 136` Street as is depicted on Exhibit "B which is attached hereto and
made a part hereof.
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Section 5. Height, Area and Architectural Requirements; Pedestrian and Bicycle Access:
Section 5.1. Maximum Building Heights. Multi Family Housing Complex, Senior
Living Community and other uses: three stories or sixty (60) feet; office uses: seventy-
two (72) feet; excepting for any office building located within two hundred (200) feet of a
residential zone will not exceed 3 stories or sixty (60) feet.
Revised: 2 -9 -12
SENIOR LIVING COMMUNITY. A senior housing development planned and operated
to provide a continuum of housing, accommodations, services and care for seniors,
including but not limited to independent living, assisted living, memory care and skilled
nursing care. and which may include support services and facilities; including, without
limitation, (i) indoor /outdoor recreation, (ii) physical therapy, (iii) entertainment rooms,
restaurants, and lounges, (iv) exercise rooms, (v) libraries, (vi) computer rooms, (vii)
kitchen, food service, and dining rooms, (viii) automatic teller machines, (ix)
administrative offices, (x) storage spaces, (xi) gift shops, and (xii) hair stylist/barber
Section 5.2. Minimum Building Heights.
A. Principal Buildings: Twenty-six (26) feet or two (2) stories;
B. Accessory Buildings (including Private Garages and carports) and
Amenity Area buildings: one (1) story
Section 5.3. Illinois Street Right -of Way and Minimum Building Setbacks.
A. Due to the existing pipeline easement adjacent to the existing right -of -way
line of Illinois Street, the north half right -of -way of Illinois Street will remain at
forty-five (45) feet for as long as the pipeline easement remains, notwithstanding
the proposed standard of a sixty-five (65) foot half right -of -way under the Carmel
Clay Comprehensive Plan (2009 C3 Plan). The provisions of this Section 5.3 will
satisfy the requirements of Section 2.09 of the Carmel Zoning Ordinance for
compliance with the Thoroughfare Plan.
B. The minimum building setback on Illinois Street will be thirty (30) feet
from the right -of -way line of Illinois Street. The minimum building setback on
136 Street will be twenty -five (25) feet from the right -of -way line of 136 Street.
The maximum building setback will be eighty (80) feet from the right -of -way line
of Illinois Street and thirty-five (35) feet from the right -of -way line of 136` Street.
The minimum and maximum building setback requirements do not apply to
buildings with entrances that are not oriented toward Illinois Street or 136tn Street
or buildings that are adjacent to the Preservation/Conservation Area.
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Section 5.4. Minimum Side and Rear Yards.
A. Multi- Family Housing Complex: Five (5) feet; thirty (30) feet if adjacent
to a single family residential zone.
B. Senior Living Community and other uses: Adjacent to a single family
residential zone Forty-five (45) feet; Adjacent to multi family or
business use or zone Five (5) feet.
C. Office: Adjacent to a single family residential zone 2.5 times the height
of the building; Adjacent to office, multi family or senior living
community use or zone Five (5) feet.
Section 5.5 Minimum Distance Between Buildings. Ten (10) feet.
Section 5.6 Multi Family Housing Complex Maximum Number of Units. Two
Hundred Fifty (250) units.
Section 5.7 Maximum Parcel Coverage Commercial. Sixty-five percent (65 (The
percentage of a parcel that can be developed for Buildings (principal and accessory),
parking structures and garages.)
Section 5.8 Maximum Floor Area Ratio Commercial. Seventy percent (70 This
ratio is determined by dividing the Gross Floor Area of the building(s) (including
basements but excluding any covered parking) on a parcel by the total area of the parcel
Section 5.9. Architectural Design Requirements.
A. Minimum Unit Square Footage for Multi Family Housing Complex Unit:
550 square feet.
B. Building Materials:
Multi- Family Housing Complex Senior Living Community other uses:
Building exteriors may be comprised of: masonry (excluding concrete or split -face
block); wood; pre -cast concrete and cementitious board as primary material on
first floor; other sidings (excluding vinyl) are permitted on upper floors (Stucco or
EIFS may also be applied as trim detail but cannot exceed 10% of the overall non-
window facade area).
Office: A minimum of three (3) materials for building exteriors from the
following list: stone, brick, architectural pre -cast (panels or detailing),
architectural metal panels, glass and ornamental metal. Large expanses of glass
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are allowed, up to seventy percent (70 of the facade area. The building may not
be constructed entirely of a metal and glass curtain wall. Stucco or EIFS may also
be applied as trim detail but cannot exceed 10% of the overall non window facade
C. Footprint: All buildings will be designed in order to eliminate
monotonous box buildings. Office buildings will be designed with a minimum of
eight (8) external corners.
D. Roof:
Multi Family Housing Complex: Rooflines will not have unbroken lines greater
than one hundred (100) feet in length. Projecting hip and gable roof elements will
constitute a break in the roofline.
Senior Living Community, Office and other uses: Sloped roofs will not exceed
one hundred (100) feet without a change in roof plane, or gable or dormer. Sloped
roofs will be either standing seam metal or dimensional shingles. Modulation of
the roof and/or roof line will be required in order to eliminate box shaped
Parapets Parapets must be fully integrated into the architectural design of the
building and provide seamless design transitions, including exterior materials,
between the main building mass, mechanical penthouses and other roof structures.
Should they be used, partial parapets will have a return that extends inward to at
least the first structural bay, or twenty -five (25) feet, whichever is greater.
E. Wall Planes: Multi- Family Housing Complex: Walls will not have
unbroken planes greater than sixty (60) feet in length. Units may be differentiated
by plan and material changes and by separate entrances.
F. Porch/Entryways: Multi Family Housing Complex: Stoops should be
covered to provide shelter. Individual porches, balconies, stoops or similar
outdoor space are encouraged on the front and/or rear of the building.
G. Facades: Continuous facades of more than 200 feet wide will be designed
with vertical offsets of not less than eight (8) feet at intervals which divide the
facade. Offsets may be projecting, recessed or may be a simple change in building
material or detailing.
H. Windows: In a Multi Family Housing Complex, all window design will
be compatible with the style, materials, architectural detail and proportion of the
building. Additionally, except for garages and garage portions of a building, a
minimum of two (2) windows per level, per exposed facade, will be required (a
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vent may be substituted for a window on a gable) and all windows will be fully
framed and trimmed.
I. Trash Areas: Trash receptacle areas will be fully screened on all four (4)
sides to a minimum height equal to the height of the dumpster, bin or compactor
plus two (2) feet. Screening materials will consist of the exterior building
materials of the principal building(s). All doors will have an automatic closure
mechanism such as spring loaded hinges. In a Multi Family Housing Complex,
trash receptacle areas will include recycling bins.
J. Mechanical Equipment: Any mechanical equipment located on the ground
and visible from an adjoining public street will be fully screened by: (a) suitable
landscaping; (b) a screen fence or wall in general architectural compatibility with
the building(s) with which it is associated; or (c) a combination of landscaping
together with a screen fence or wall. Screening fences and walls may include the
following materials: aluminum, brick, wood, stone or other attractive masonry
screening materials. Rooftop mechanical and telecommunication equipment will
be fully screened on all sides using parapets, penthouse screens or other similar
methods and which will be integrated into the overall building design.
K. Loading Area: Office buildings will be required to have a separate loading
area if the square footage of the building exceeds one hundred thousand (100,000)
square feet. Any loading area visible from Illinois Street will be screened subject
to the approval of the Commission.
Section 5.10. Bicycle and Pedestrian Access and Connectivity. The Development Plan
will include specific provisions for incorporating pedestrian and bicycle access,
circulation and amenities into the development and provide for access and
connectivity with the existing multi -use paths along Illinois Street and 136
Section 6. Landscaping Requirements:
Section 6.1. Landscaping Plan. A landscaping plan will be submitted to the
Commission for its approval at the same time the other plans on architectural
design, landscaping, parking, signage, and lighting, "ADLS are submitted. This
plan will:
A. be drawn to scale, including dimensions and distances;
B. delineate all existing and proposed structures, private parking areas, walks,
ramps for handicapped, terraces, drive -ways, signs, lighting standards, steps and
other similar structures; and
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C. delineate the location, size and description of all landscape material and
the irrigation system for all planting areas. Landscape treatment for plazas, roads,
paths, service and private parking areas will be designed as an integral and
coordinated part of the landscape plan for the entire tract.
Section 6.2. Landscape Standards.
A. Planting and Landscape Materials. All trees, shrubs and ground cover will
be planted according to the current standards established under the American
Standard for Nursery Stock (ANSI Z60.1) and by the Urban Forestry Division of
the Department of Community Services of the City of Carmel. Trees, plants and
other landscape materials will be appropriate to local growing and climatic
conditions. All trees, plants and other landscape materials to be installed and
maintained with the current pipeline easement adjacent to Illinois Street will be
further subject to the approval of the owner of the pipeline and grantee under the
B. Materials. All plants proposed to be used in accordance with any
landscaping plan will meet the following specifications:
a. Shade trees: two and one -half inch (2'/2 caliper.
b. Ornamental trees: one and one -half inch (1 V2") caliper.
c. Evergreen trees: A minimum height of six (6) feet.
d. Shrubs (deciduous and evergreen): minimum height and spread of
eighteen inches (18
C. Installation. All required landscaping will be installed prior to the
issuance of a Final Certificate of Occupancy by the Department. If it is not
possible to install all of the required landscaping because of weather conditions,
the property owner will complete the required landscaping not installed prior to
the issuance of the Final Certificate of Occupancy, within one hundred twenty
(120) days following the issuance of the Final Certificate of Occupancy.
D. Maintenance. It will be the responsibility of the owners and their agents to
insure maintenance of project landscaping approved in accordance with the
requirements of this Ordinance. This is to include, but is not limited to, mulching
of planting areas, replacing dead, diseased, or overgrown plantings with identical
varieties or a suitable substitute, and keeping the area free of refuse, debris, rank
vegetation and weeds.
E. Changes After Approval. No landscaping which has been approved by the
Commission may later be materially altered, eliminated or sacrificed, without first
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obtaining further Commission approval. However, minor alterations in
landscaping may be approved by the Director, in consultation with the Urban
Forester for the City of Carmel "Urban Forester in order to conform to specific
site conditions.
F. Inspection. The Director and the Urban Forester will have the authority to
visit the Real Estate to inspect the landscaping and check it against the approved
plan on file.
G. Illinois Street Streetscape. Along Illinois Street, due to the 50 foot gas line
easement, planting and landscaping with a shallow root system is to be installed
within the easement area adjacent to the right -of -way of Illinois Street. Excepting
for the Preservation/Conservation Area and subject to approval of the pipeline
company, as to species and planting details, for each one hundred (100) linear foot
increment: four (4) ornamental trees and ten (10) shrubs will be required. These
landscaped areas along Illinois Street will vary in width to accommodate
appropriate planting space and to facilitate and promote creative planting and site
H. 136 Street Streetscape. Along 136 Street, due to the overhead power
line running along the south right of way line adjacent to the Real Estate, for each
one hundred (100) linear foot increment: four (4) ornamental trees and ten (10)
shrubs will be planted in the open space between the buildings and the multi -use
path along/south right -of -way line of 136 Street. These landscaped areas along
136th Street will vary in width to accommodate appropriate planting space and to
facilitate and promote creative planting and site plans.
I. Perimeter Landscaping Standards.
a. North and West Property Lines Adjacent to Single Family
Residential Districts. Except where a screening shadow box wood
privacy fence, not less than six (6) feet in height, is installed and
located in coordination with the Hamilton County Surveyor's
Office and the existing drainage easements, a landscape buffer, ten
(10) feet in width will be required and for each one hundred (100)
linear foot increment: five (5) shade trees and twenty (20) shrubs
are to be planted.
b. West Property Line Adjacent to City Property. Except where a
screening shadow box wood privacy fence, not less than six (6)
feet in height, is installed on the north and west property lines of
the Real Estate adjacent to the real estate owned by the City of
Carmel and used for a water utility pumping station, a landscape
buffer, ten (10) feet in width will be required and for each one
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hundred (100) linear foot increment: five (5) shade trees and
twenty (20) shrubs are to be planted.
J. Foundation Planting Adjacent to Principal Buildings Other than Multi
Family Housing Complex Buildings.
a. A planting area equal to an area measuring fifteen (15) feet in
depth by the width of the front of a standalone Principal Building
plus twenty (20) feet (to extend ten (10) feet out on both sides) will
be installed at the front of a building facing Illinois Street.
b. A planting area equal to an area ten (10) feet in depth will be
installed on the sides and rear of the building.
Sidewalks up to eight (8) feet in width are permitted in these areas,
but will not occupy the entire area on any side of a building.
d. These adjacent planting areas need not be rectangular in shape as
long as the required amount of space is landscaped, innovative and
original designs are encouraged. Clustering of trees and shrubs is
also encouraged. Landscaping interior courtyards is encouraged
and may be used to satisfy up to fifty percent (50 of the planting
area requirements.
K. Foundation Planting Adjacent to Multi- Family Housing Complex
a. Except as provided below, foundation planting will be required to
soften the architectural lines of buildings, frame the primary views
to buildings and public spaces, and blend architectural designs with
the landscape. Foundation plantings will be designed to
appropriately complement the building's use, setback height and
architectural features. Window boxes for flowers and planters on
front stoops and sidewalks are encouraged in areas where
landscaping cannot be installed at the base of a building due to the
building's proximity to a sidewalk, path, street, right —of -way or
b. Where applicable, the following foundation building planting
standards will be required:
i. along the front of all buildings, 3 shade trees, 3 ornamental
trees and 25 shrubs per 100 linear feet of building frontage
on a private street or right -of -way;
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ii. a planting area 5 feet in depth will be required on the sides
and rear of all buildings except where the building directly
abuts a parking area or private drive;
iii. sidewalks up to 8 feet in width may be permitted in these
areas but may not occupy the entire planting area on any
side of the building, excepting for those areas adjacent to
access points to the building;
iv. foundation planting areas need not be rectangular in shape
as long as the required amount of space is landscaped with;
innovative and original designs;
v. clustering of trees and shrubs is encouraged; and
vi. landscaping interior courtyards is encouraged and may be
used to satisfy up to fifty percent (50 of the planting
area requirements.
c. Foundation planting will be not required for:
i. those buildings that have their front entrances oriented
toward Illinois Street;
ii. those sides of the buildings which abut the
Preservation/Conservation Area;
iii. Accessory Buildings (including Private Garages and
carports) and Amenity Area Buildings; and
iv. those areas where required utility easements preclude any
L. Planting Within Parking Areas.
a. Multi- Family Housing Complex: Any parking area visible from
Illinois Street (excluding parking on private drives and streets) will be
required to have 1 shade tree and 5 shrubs for every nine parking spaces.
b. Office, Senior Living Community and Other Uses: 1 shade tree
and 5 shrubs for every 9 parking spaces. Except where perimeter
landscape buffering or a screening privacy fence is in place, a 10 foot wide
perimeter planting strip will be required on those sides of the parking lot
adjacent to a residential zone containing 5 shade trees and 20 shrubs per
100 linear feet (evergreen trees may be planted in lieu of shrubs on a 1:3
basis). Along all entry drives from Illinois Street to the parking area a
landscape strip containing: 2 shade trees, 2 ornamental trees and 10 shrubs
per 100 linear feet will be required.
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Section 7. Parking Requirements:
A. Minimum Number of Parking Spaces.
a. Office (Professional and Medical): Four (4) spaces per one
thousand (1,000) square feet.
b. Senior Living Community: Sixty-seven one hundredth (.67) spaces
per unit. ecic2 tidu S
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M. Preservation/Conservation Area: Following construction of a proposed
drainage facility and the relocation of the legal drain within the
Preservation/Conservation Area, the Developer will preserve and maintain
(including removal of invasive species and diseased and/or dead
vegetation, and replanting) the vegetation, including but not limited to
trees, shrubs and native grasses, in the Preservation/Conservation Area;
subject, however, to the provisions of the Hamilton County Stormwater
Management Technical Standards Manual, Hamilton County stormwater
and drain regulations and all other applicable State and local statutes,
regulations or orders governing stormwater drainage and legal drains. Any
new planting and/or replanting will be done consistent with and pursuant
to the list of species approved by the City of Carmel.
Multi Family Housing Complex: One and five tenths (1.5) spaces
per unit.
d. All other uses: Per Carmel Zoning Ordinance.
B. Parking on Private Drive: To the extent that there is parking on any
private drive, each space will be a minimum of eighteen (18) feet in length. Any
such parking on private drives can be used to satisfy the requirements of
paragraph A of this Section 7.
C. Bicycle Parking: Bicycle Parking will be provided in compliance with
Section 27.06 of the Carmel Zoning Ordinance. Provided however, bicycle
parking spaces in a Multi Family Housing Complex may be provided in Private
Garages to satisfy the minimum number of bicycle parking spaces required under
the Carmel Zoning Ordinance.
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Section 8. Lighting Requirements:
A. A site lighting plan will be submitted along with the information on
ADLS. The site lighting plan will include the layout, spread and intensity of all
site lighting, including:
a. parking lot and service /storage area lighting;
b. architectural, display lighting;
c. security lighting;
d. lighting of pedestrian and bicycle ways;
e. landscape lighting.
Section 9. Signage:
Section 9.1. Sign Plan. A sign plan will be submitted for the Commission's approval
as part of an ADLS or ADLS amendment application.
Section 9.2. Sign Standards. The signs within the Highpointe On Meridian Planned Unit
Development District will conform to the standards set forth in Chapter 25, Section 7 of
the Carmel Zoning Ordinance, unless specified below or elsewhere in this Ordinance.
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B. The maximum height of light standards will not exceed twenty -five (25)
feet. However, when light standards abut or fall within ninety (90) feet of a
residential district or use, they will not exceed fifteen (15) feet.
C. All site pole lights and wall mounted lights will be low- level, 90° cutoff
luminaires and will not spill over into adjoining properties in excess of 0.3 foot
candle in multi family, senior living and all commercial areas, and 0.1 foot candle
in residential areas.
Section 9.3. Signage.
A. The color of the signs will not be restricted; however, subject to Federal
trademark protections, each office or other commercial building will have a
palette of colors approved at the time of the ADLS approval for the building. The
palette of colors may be amended by petition to and upon the approval of a
Committee of the Commission pursuant to the Commission's Rules of Procedure.
B. The Maximum Sign Area for wall Identification Signs for office or other
commercial buildings will be determined in accordance with the freeway sign
chart applicable for tenants in Single Tenant Multi- Tenant Buildings (Ground
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Floor Multi Level) as set forth in the Chapter 25, Section 7 of the Carmel
Zoning Ordinance. Wall Identification Signs will be composed of individual
letters and logos and may be illuminated by internal or external sources. Office or
other commercial buildings with frontages on one or more public streets or private
drives are allowed one wall Identification Sign per frontage. At the election of the
building owner, a wall Identification Sign may be moved from one facade to
another, but no more than two (2) wall Identification Signs may be on any one
facade. Provided, however, that there will be no wall Identification Signs on the
facade of any building facing a single family residential zoning district.
C. Two (2) district identification Ground Signs for the Highpointe On
Meridian Planned Unit Development District each with a maximum height of
eight (8) feet six (6) inches and a maximum sign area of one hundred (100) square
feet will be allowed at: (a) the south entrance to the Highpointe On Meridian
Planned Unit Development District approximately one thousand five hundred
(1,500) feet north of the intersection of Shakamac Drive with Illinois Street and
(b) at the north entrance to the Highpointe On Meridian Planned Unit
Development District south and west of the intersection of Illinois Street and
136 Street. These district identification Ground Signs may not include tenant
identification and will be consistent in design with the design approved by the
Commission or a Committee of the Commission.
D. Office, Senior Living and Multi- Family Housing Complex _c
identification Ground Signs with a maximum height of eight (8) feet
and a maximum sign area of fifty (50) square feet will be allowed at e primary
entrance to each project from Illinois Street and at the entrance to the Multi
Family Housing Complex from 136 Street. These are permanent Identification
Signs with copy limited as provided for in the definition of an Identification Sign
plus permitted Changeable Copy. Except as provided for above, these signs will
be in accordance with Chapter 25, Section 7 of the Carmel Zoning Ordinance.
E. Except as provided for herein, all other provisions of Carmel Zoning
Ordinance will be applicable to development on the Real Estate. Temporary
Signage on the Real Estate will be governed by the Carmel Zoning Ordinance.
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Section 10. Approval or Denial of the Preliminary and Final Development Plans:
A. The Commission will approve without conditions, approve with
conditions, or disapprove the Preliminary Development Plan "PDP for any
project on the Real Estate. Provided, however, that the Commission will not
unreasonably withhold or delay the approval of a PDP that is in conformance with
this Ordinance and Section 24.02 of the Carmel Zoning Ordinance. If the
Commission disapproves the PDP for any project on the Real Estate, the
Commission will set forth in writing the basis for the disapproval.
B. The Director will approve without conditions, approve with conditions, or
disapprove the Final Development Plan "FDP for any project on the Real
Estate. Provided, however, that the Director will not unreasonably withhold or
delay the approval of a FDP that is in conformance with this Ordinance and the
applicable provisions of the Carmel Zoning Ordinance. If the Director disapproves
the FDP for any project on the Real Estate, the Director will set forth in writing
the basis for the disapproval.
C. An amendment to a PDP or FDP which does not alter the use of any land
may be reviewed and approved by the Director. However, any interested party
may appeal the decision of the Director directly to a committee of the
D. The PDP will be a preliminary plan for the development of real property
that is submitted for approval by the Commission showing proposed facilities and
structures and parking information for a site on the Real Estate in accordance with
the provisions of Section 2 of this Ordinance.
E. The FDP will be a specific plan for the development of real property that
is submitted for approval by the Director showing proposed facilities and
structures, parking, drainage, erosion control, utilities and building information
for a site on the Real Estate in order to fulfill the requirements for a permit to
improve the real property.
Section 11. Violations of Ordinance: All violations of this Ordinance will be subject to
Section 34.0 of the Carmel Zoning Ordinance.
Section 12. Prior Ordinances: All prior Ordinances or parts thereof inconsistent with any
provision of this Ordinance are hereby repealed.
Section 13. Effective Date: This Ordinance will be in full force and effect from and
after its passage and signing by the Mayor.
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Presiding Officer Kevin Rider
Richard L. Sharp, President Pro Tempore Carol Schleif
Ronald E. Carter W. Eric Seidensticker
Sue Finkam
PASSED by the Common Council of the City of Carmel, Indiana this day of
2012, by a vote of ayes and nays.
Diana L. Cordray, IAMC, Clerk Treasurer
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Luci Snyder
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Presented by me to the Mayor of the City of Carmel, Indiana this day of
2002, at M.
Approved by me, Mayor of the City of Carmel, Indiana, this day of
2012, at M.
James Brainard, Mayor
Diana L. Cordray, IAMC, Clerk Treasurer
Prepared by: Paul G. Reis, Esq.
Attorney -at -Law
Krieg DeVault LLP
12800 N. Meridian, Suite 300
Carmel, Indiana 46032
Revised: 2 -9 -12
Diana L. Cordray, IAMC, Clerk- Treasurer
Legal Description of Real Estate
A part of the Northeast Quarter of Section 26 and a part of the Northwest quarter of Section 25,
both in Township 18 North, Range 3 East of the Second Principal Meridian, Clay Township,
Hamilton County, Indiana, more particularly described as follows:
Beginning at the Northwest corner of the Northwest Quarter of said Section 25; thence North 88
degrees 21 minutes 51 seconds East (assumed bearing) along the North line of said Northwest
Quarter 37.71 feet; thence South 08 degrees 35 minutes 58 seconds East 436.36 feet to a point on
the limited access right -of -way line; 1) South 69 degrees 00 minutes 19 seconds West 38.72 feet;
2) South 89 degrees 51 minutes 28 seconds West 64.02 feet to a point on the West line of said
Northwest Quarter; 3) south 89 degrees 51 minutes 27 seconds west 41.93 feet; 4) South 68
degrees 03 minutes 45 seconds West 800.77 feet; 5) South 70 degrees 34 minutes 03 seconds
West 1172.10 feet to a tangent curve concave Southeasterly having a central angle of 12 degrees
43 minutes 09 seconds and a radius of 2,436.83 feet; 6) Southwesterly along said curve an arc
distance of 540.97 feet (said arc being subtended by a chord having a bearing of South 64
degreesl 2 minutes 28 seconds West and a length of 539.86 feet); thence South 88 degrees 37
minutes 32 seconds West 281.17 feet to the Southwest corner of the North Half of the Northeast
Quarter of said Section 26; thence North 00 degrees 18 minutes 34 seconds West along the West
line of said Northeast Quarter 536.60 feet to a point on a non tangent curve concave
Southeasterly having a central angle of 11 degrees 56 minutes 09 seconds and a radius of
3036.83 feet thence Northeasterly along said curve parallel with said limited access right -of -way
line an arc distance of 632.63 feet (said arc being subtended by a chord having a bearing of North
64 degrees 35 minutes 59 seconds and a length of 631.48 feet); thence North 70 degrees 34
minutes 03 seconds East parallel with said limited access right -of -way line 534.23 feet; thence
South 14 degrees 49 minutes 01 seconds East 81.22 feet; thence North 88 degrees 35 minutes 23
seconds East parallel with the North line of said Northeast Quarter 522.50 feet; thence North 01
degrees 24 minutes 37 seconds West 430.00 feet to the North line of said Northeast Quarter;
thence North 88 degrees 35 minutes 23 seconds East along said North line 1050.89 feet to the
point of beginning.
EXCEPT (Parcel 1A):
A part of the Northeast Quarter of Section 26, Township 18 North, Range 3 East, Hamilton
County, Indiana, described as follows:
Commencing at the Northeast corner of said Northeast Quarter which is the Northwest corner of
the Northwest Quarter of Section 25 Township 18 North, Range 3 East; thence North 88 degrees
33 minutes 08 seconds East (bearing assumed) 37.71 feet along the North line of said Northwest
Quarter to the Northeast corner of a tract of land conveyed by Warranty Deed recorded in Deed
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Book 350 page 582 in the Office of the Recorder of Hamilton County, Indiana; thence South 8
degrees 24 minutes 41 seconds East 436.69 feet (436.52 feet deed) along the Eastern line of said
tract of land to the Northwestern Boundary of U,.S. Highway 31 thence the following five (5)
courses along said Northwestern Boundary; (1) South 69 degrees 11 minutes 51 seconds West
38.68 feet; (2) thence North 89 degrees 58 minutes 14 seconds West 105.95 feet; (3) thence
South 68 degrees 14 minutes 04 seconds West 800.80 feet (800.77 feet deed); (4) thence South
70 degrees 42 minutes 31 seconds West 1171.78 feet (1172.10 feet deed) to the point of
beginning of this description (5) thence Southwesterly 539.18 feet (540.69 feet deed) along an
arc to the left having a radius of 2436.83 feet and subtended by a long chord having a bearing of
South 64 degrees 22 minutes 12 seconds West and a length of 538.09 feet (539.58 feet deed) to
the South line of the North Half of said Northeast quarter; thence South 88 degrees 47 minutes
26 seconds West 282.51 feet (281.46 feet deed) along said south line to the west line of said
Northeast Quarter; thence North 0 degrees 10 minutes 24 seconds West 84.88 feet along said
West line; thence North 66 degrees 18 minutes 52 seconds East 19.67 feet; thence Northeasterly
283.83 feet along an arc to the right having a radius of 555.00 feet and subtended by a long chord
having a bearing of North 80 degrees 57 minutes 54 seconds East and a length of 280.74 feet;
thence Northeasterly 280.39 feet along an arc to the left having a radius of 645.00 feet and
subtended by a long chord having a bearing of North 83 degrees 09 minutes 44 seconds east and
a length of 278.18 feet; thence North 70 degrees 42 minutes 31 seconds East 208.05 feet to the
point of beginning.
ALSO EXCEPT (Parcel 1B):
A part of the Northeast Quarter of Section 26, Township 18 North, Range 3 East, Hamilton
County, Indiana, described as follows:
Commencing at the Northeast corner of said Northeast Quarter which is the Northwest corner of
the Northwest Quarter of Section 25, Township 18 North, Range 3 East; thence North 88 degrees
33 minutes 08 seconds East (bearing assumed) 37.71 feet along the North line of said Northwest
Quarter to the Northeast corner of a tract of land conveyed by a Warranty Deed recoded in Deed
Book 350 page 582, in the Office of the Recorder of Hamilton County, Indiana; thence South 8
degrees 24 minutes 41 seconds East 138.46 feet along the Eastern line of said tract of land;
thence South 55 degrees 54 minutes 38 seconds West 118.05 feet; thence North 77 degrees 12
minutes 25 seconds West 11.86 feet to the point of beginning of this description; thence South 12
degrees 46 minutes 20 seconds West 47.35 feet; thence Southwesterly 430.76 feet along an arc to
the right having a radius of 445.00 feet and subtended by a long chord having a bearing of South
40 degrees 30 minutes 12 seconds West and a length of 414.14 feet to the Northwestern
boundary of U.S. Highway 31; thence South 68 degrees 14 minutes 04 seconds West 488.22 feet
along said Northwestern boundary; thence South 70 degrees 42 minutes 31 seconds West
1171.78 feet (1172.10 feet deed) along said Northwestern boundary; thence leaving said
Northwestern boundary and continuing South 70 degrees 42 minutes 31 seconds West 208.05
feet; thence Southwesterly 280.39 feet along an arc to the right having a radius of 645.00 feet
and subtended by a long chord having a bearing of South 83 degrees 09 minutes 44 seconds West
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and a length of 278.18 feet; thence Southwesterly 283.83 feet along an arc to the left having a
radius of 555.00 feet and subtended by a long chord having a bearing of South 80 degrees 57
minutes 54 seconds West and a length of 280.74 feet; thence South 66 degrees 18 minutes 52
seconds West 19.67 feet to the West line of said Northeast Quarter; thence North 0 degrees 10
minutes 24 seconds West 54.52 feet along said West line; thence Northeasterly 307.31 feet along
an arc to the right having a radius of 605.00 feet and subtended by a long chord having a bearing
of North 81 degrees 03 minutes 50 seconds east and a length of 304.02 feet; thence Northeasterly
258.65 feet along an arc to the left having a radius of 595.00 feet and subtended by a long chord
having a bearing of North 83 degrees 09 minutes 44 seconds East and a length of 256.62 feet;
thence North 70 degrees 42 minutes 31 seconds East 1357.27 feet thence Northeasterly 42.97 feet
along an arc to the left having a radius of 995.00 feet and subtended by a long chord having a
bearing of North 69 degrees 28 minutes 17 seconds East and a length of 42.97 feet; thence North
68 degrees 14 minutes 04 seconds East 465.66 feet; thence Northeasterly 382.36 feet along an arc
to the left having a radius of 395.00 feet and subtended by a long chord having a bearing of North
40 degrees 30 minutes 12 seconds East and a length of 367.60 feet; thence North 12 degrees 46
minutes 20 seconds East 47.37 feet; thence South 77 degrees 12 minutes 25 seconds East 50.00
feet to the point of beginning.
ALSO EXCEPT (Parcel 1C):
A part of the Northeast Quarter of Section 26, Township 18 North, Range 3 East, Hamilton
County, Indiana, described as follows:
Commencing at the Northeast corner of said Northeast Quarter which is the Northwest corner of
the Northwest Quarter of Section 25, Township 18 North, Range 3 East; thence North 88 degrees
33 minutes 08 seconds East (bearing assumed) 37.71 feet along the North line of said Northwest
Quarter of the Northeast corner of a tract of land conveyed by a Warranty Deed recorded in Deed
book 350 page 582 in the Office of the Recorder of Hamilton County, Indiana; thence South 8
degrees 24 minutes 41 seconds East 138.46 feet along the Eastern line of said tract of land;
thence South 55 degrees 54 minutes 38 seconds West 118.05 feet; thence North 77 degrees 12
minutes 25 seconds West 61.86 feet to the point of beginning of this description; thence south 12
degrees 46 minutes 20 seconds West 47.37 feet; thence Southwesterly 382.36 feet along an arc
to the right having a radius of 395.00 feet and subtended by a long chord having a bearing of
South 40 degrees 30 minutes 12 seconds West and a length of 367.60 feet; thence South 68
degrees 14 minutes 04 seconds West 465.66 feet; thence Southwesterly 42.97 feet along an arc to
the right having a radius of 995.00 feet and subtended by a long chord having a bearing of south
69 degrees 28 minutes 17 seconds West and a length of 42.97 feet; thence South 70 degrees 42
minutes 31 seconds West 1357.27 feet; thence southwesterly 258.65 feet along an arc to the right
having a radius of 595.00 feet and subtended by a long chord having a bearing of South 83
degrees 09 minutes 44 seconds West and a length of 256.62 feet; thence Southwesterly 307.31
feet along an arc to the left having a radius of 605.00 feet and subtended by a long chord having a
bearing of South 81 degrees 03 minutes 50 seconds West and a length of 304.02 feet to the West
line of said Northeast Quarter; thence North 0 degrees 10 minutes 24 seconds West 43.31 feet
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Exhibit A Legal Description of Real Estate
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along said west line; thence Northeasterly 310.49 feet along an arc to the right having a radius of
645.00 feet and subtended by a long chord having a bearing of North 81 degrees 49 minutes 31
seconds East and a length of 307.50 feet; thence Northeasterly 241.26 feet along an arc to the left
having a radius of 555.00 feet and subtended by a long chord having a bearing of North 83
degrees 09 minutes 44 seconds East and a length of 239.37; thence North 70 degrees 42 minutes
31 seconds East 1357.27 feet; thence Northeasterly 41.24 feet along an arc to the left having a
radius of 955.00 feet and subtended by a long chord having a bearing of North 69 degrees 28
minutes 18 seconds East and a length of 41.24 feet; thence North 68 degrees 14 minutes 04
seconds East 465.66 feet; thence Northeasterly 315.66 feet along an arc to the left having a radius
of 355.00 feet and subtended by a long chord having a bearing of North 42 degrees 45 minutes 39
seconds East and a length of 305.37 feet; thence North 12 degrees 47 minutes 35 seconds East
75.33 feet; thence South 77 degrees 12 minutes 25 seconds East 41.07 feet to the point of
ALSO EXCEPT (Parcel 1D):
A part of the Northwest Quarter of Section 25 and a part of the Northeast Quarter of Section 26,
all in Township 18 North, Range 3 East, Hamilton County, Indiana, described as follows:
Commencing at the Northwest corner of said Northwest Quarter thence North 88 degrees 33
minutes 08 seconds East (bearing assumed) 37.71 feet along the North line of said Northwest
Quarter to the Northeast corner of a tract of land conveyed by a Warranty Deed recorded in Deed
Book 350 page 582 in the Office of the Recorder of Hamilton County, Indiana; thence south 8
degrees 24 minutes 41 seconds East 138.46 feet along the Eastern line of said tract of land to the
point of beginning of this description; thence continuing South 8 degrees 24 minutes 41 seconds
East 298.23 feet along said East line to the Northwestern boundary of U.S. Highway 31; thence
South 69 degrees 11 minutes 51 seconds West 38.68 feet along said Northwestern boundary;
thence North 89 degrees 58 minutes 14 seconds West 105.95 feet along said Northwestern
boundary; thence South 68 degrees 14 minutes 04 seconds West 312.57 feet along said
Northwestern boundary; thence Northeasterly 430.76 feet along an arc to the left having a radius
of 445.00 feet and subtended by a long chord having a bearing of North 40 degrees 30 minutes 12
seconds East and a length of 414.14 feet; thence North 12 degrees 46 minutes 20 seconds East
47.35 feet; thence South 77 degrees 12 minutes 25 seconds East 11.86 feet; thence North 55
degrees 54 minutes 38 seconds East 118.05 feet to the point of beginning.
ALSO EXCEPT (Parcel 1E):
A part of the Northeast Quarter of Section 26, Township 18 North, Range 3 East, Hamilton
County, Indiana, described as follows:
Commencing at the Northeast corner of said Northeast Quarter; thence South 88 degrees 45
minutes 26 seconds West (bearing assumed) 57.70 feet along the North line of said Northeast
Quarter to the point of beginning of this description; thence South 12 degrees 46 minutes 20
seconds West 191.99 feet; thence North 77 degrees 12 minutes 25 seconds West 41.07 feet;
thence North 12 degrees 46 minutes 20 seconds East 181.72 feet to the North lien of said
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Northeast Quarter; thence North 88 degrees 45 minutes 26 seconds East 42.33 feet along said
North line to the point of beginning.
ALSO EXCEPT (Parcel 1F):
A part of the Northeast Quarter of Section 26, Township 18 North, Range 3 East, Hamilton
County, Indiana, described as follows:
Commencing at the Northeast corner of said Northeast Quarter; thence South 88 degrees 45
minutes 26 seconds West (bearing assumed) 6.17 feet along the North line of said Northeast
Quarter to the point of beginning of this description; thence South 12 degrees 46 minutes 20
seconds West 204.48 feet; thence North 77 degrees 12 minutes 25 seconds West 50.00 feet;
thence North 12 degrees 46 minutes 20 seconds East 191.99 feet to the North line of said
Northeast quarter; thence North 88 degrees 45 minutes 26 seconds East 51.53 feet along said
North line to the point of beginning.
ALSO EXCEPT (Parcel 1G):
A part of the Northwest Quarter of Section 25 and a part of the Northeast Quarter of Section 26,
all in Township 18 North, Range 3 East; Hamilton County, Indiana, described as follows:
Beginning at the Northwest corner of said Northwest Quarter; thence North 88 degrees 33
minutes 08 seconds East (bearing assumed) 37.71 feet along the North line of said Northwest
Quarter to the Northeast corner of a tract of land conveyed by a Warranty Deed recorded in Deed
Book 350 page 582 in the Office of the Recorder of Hamilton County, Indiana; thence South 8
degrees 24 minutes 41 seconds East 138.46 feet along the Eastern line of said tract of land;
thence South 55 degrees 54 minutes 38 seconds West 118.05 feet; thence North 77 degrees 12
minutes 25 seconds West 11.86 feet; thence North 12 degrees 46 minutes 20 seconds East 204.48
feet to the North line of said Northeast Quarter; thence North 88 degrees 45 minutes 26 seconds
East 6.17 feet along said North line to the point of beginning.
Part of the Northeast Quarter of Section 26, Township 18 North, Range 3 East, in Hamilton
County, Indiana, being more particularly described as follows:
Commencing at the Northeast corner of said Northeast quarter; thence South 89 degrees 01
minutes 25 seconds West along North line of said Northeast Quarter Section a distance of 100.03
feet; thence South 13 degrees 02 minutes 19 seconds West a distance of 46.38 feet to the point of
beginning; thence continuing South 13 degrees 02 minutes 19 seconds West a distance of 86.04
feet; thence North 51 degrees 21 minutes 54 seconds West a distance of 130.93 feet; thence
North 89 degrees 01 minutes 25 seconds East parallel to the North line of the Northeast Quarter
of Section 26, a distance of 121.70 feet to the point of beginning.
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Exhibit A Legal Description of Real Estate
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Part of the Northeast Quarter of Section 26, Township 18 North, Range 03 East of the Second
Principal Meridian, Clay Township Hamilton County, Indiana, being more particularly described
as follows:
Commencing at the Northeast corner of the Northeast Quarter of Section 26, Township 18 North,
Range 3 East; thence on the North line of said Quarter Section, South 88 degrees 35 minutes 23
seconds West (assumed bearing) a distance of 1005.89 feet to the point of beginning of the herein
described real estate; thence south 01 degrees 24 minutes 37 seconds East 250.00 feet; thence
parallel with the North line of said Quarter Section, North 88 degrees 35 minutes 23 seconds East
85.00 feet; thence South 01 degrees 24 minutes 37 seconds East 180.00 feet; thence parallel with
the North line of said Quarter Section, South 88 degrees 35 minutes 23 seconds West 130.00 feet
to the southeast corner of Bentley Oaks, a subdivision in Hamilton County, Indiana, the plat of
which is recorded as Instrument Number 9115494, Plat Cabinet 1, Slide 170 in the Office of the
Recorder of said County; thence on the East line of said subdivision, North 01 degree 24 minutes
37 seconds West 430.00 feet to the Northeast corner of said subdivision, said corner being on the
North line of said Northeast quarter Section; thence on the north line thereof, North 88 degrees
35 minutes 23 seconds East 45.00 feet to the point of beginning.
Part of the Northeast Quarter of Section 26, Township 18 North, Range 03 East of the Second
Principal Meridian, Clay Township, Hamilton County, Indiana, being more particularly described
as follows:
Commencing at the Northwest corner of the Northeast Quarter of Section 26, Township 18
North, Range 03 East; thence on the North line thereof, North 88 degrees 35 minutes 23 seconds
East (basis of bearing from Plat of Bentley Oaks), a distance of 1611.43 feet to the Northeast
corner of Bentley Oaks, a subdivision in Hamilton County, Indiana, the Plat of which is recorded
as Instrument Number 9115494 in the office of the Recorder of said County, said corner being
the point of beginning of the herein described real estate; thence continuing on the North line of
said Quarter Section North 88 degrees 35 minutes 23 seconds East 947.98 feet to a point on the
Westerly right -of -way line of a proposed roundabout at the intersection of Oakridge Road, said
point being on a non tangent curve concave Easterly; having a central angle of 27 degrees 47
minutes 51 seconds and a radius of 96.00 feet; thence Southerly and Southeasterly on and along
said non tangent curve an arc distance of 46.90 feet (said arc being subtended by a long chord
bearing South 15 degrees 38 minutes 20 seconds East 46.42 feet) to a non tangent line; thence on
a line, which is parallel with and 45.00 feet by perpendicular measurement South of the North
line of said Quarter Section, South 88 degrees 35 minutes 23 seconds West 959.39 feet to a point
on the East line of aforesaid Bentley Oaks; thence on said East line, North 01 degrees 24 minutes
37 seconds West 45.00 feet to the point of beginning.
Revised: 2 -9 -12
Revised: 2 -9 -12
Preservation/Conservation Area
Zoning Standard
Plan Commission Review
Minimum Tract Size
Setback, front yard 136th
5ijg4vointe on .Meridian
.A PaznnedUlnit Devethyment
Comparison of Zoning Standards with U.S. 31 Corridor Overlay Zone
Overlay Zone Ordinance Highpointe on Meridian PUD
Review of Development Plan
18 site plan design items
Plan Commission Review Architectural Design, No Change
Exterior Lighting,
Landscaping and
Review of Development Plan
15 sign design plan items but excludes:
•Protective restrictions and /or
•Compatibility of project with
development with the U.S. 31 Corridor
•Consistency with Comprehensive Plan
Provisions for Overlay Zone
Zoning Waiver Approval Criteria Same except no requirement to
enhance adjoining streetscapes
and neighborhoods and the
U.S. 31 Corridor
Accessory Buildings and Uses As permitted in underlying As permitted in B -5 underlying
district with design and material district with design and material
requirements requirements
Retail Services Uses Development standards and No Change
Five acres N/A
Build -to Lines Illinois Street 20 feet 30 -80 feet setback due to existing site
constraints which include a 50 foot gas
pipeline easement and other utility
20 feet (B -5) 25 -35 feet
Maximum Building Height
Zoning Standard
Setback, side and rear yard
Minimum Building Height
Minimum Parcel Width
Minimum Gross Floor Area
Jljq ipointe on .Meridian
.A Pthnneeffinit Development
Comparison of Zoning Standards with U.S. 31 Corridor Overlay Zone
Maximum Parcel Coverage
Architectural Design
Requirements Materials
Architectural Design
Requirements Footprint
Overlay Zone Ordinance
45 feet adjacent to residential use
or zone; 15 feet adjacent to
business use or zone
26 feet 2 occupiable floors
55 feet
One -half the parcel depth
15,000 SF
Coverage 65 FAR 0.7
Minimum of 3 materials required;
large expanses of glass (up to
70 stucco or EIFS for trim, up
to 10 no concrete block
Minimum of 8 external corners
Highpointe on Meridian PUD
Multi- family housing complex 5 feet;
Senior Living Community other uses
45 feet adjacent to residential zone
15 feet adjacent to multi family or
business use or zone; Office 2.5 times
building height adjacent to residential
zone 5 feet adjacent to office,
multifamily or senior living community
use or zone
26 feet 2 stories for principal building;
1 story for accessory buildings
3 stories or 60 feet for multi family
housing complex, senior living
community and other uses; 72 feet for
office buildings EXCEPT within 200 feet
of a residential zone, then 3 stories or
60 feet
No change.
Office uses same requirements. Multi-
family housing complex, senior living
community, other uses no minimum
number of materials; similar materials
list (no concrete block or vinyl); same
limitation on trim materials
Anti monotony design; 8 external
corners for office only
Zoning Standard
Architectural Design
Requirements Roof
Architectural Design
Other features
Landscape Plan
Landscape Area U.S. 31
5[jq iyointe on Meridian
PthnnedVlnit Develoyment
Comparison of Zoning Standards with U.S. 31 Corridor Overlay Zone
Overlay Zone Ordinance
Modulation of the roof line;
parapets fully integrated; partial
parapets with a return extending
inward to at least the first
structural bay or 25 feet. Sloped
roofs to not exceed 100 feet
without change in plane; standing
seam metal or dimensional
Highpointe on Meridian PUD
Multi- family housing complex no
unbroken lines greater than 100 feet;
hip gable elements constitute breaks.
Senior Living Community, other uses
Sloped roofs, same requirements.
Parapets same requirements.
Multi- family housing complex Wall
Planes, not greater than 60 feet;
Porch /Entryways covered, front and /or
rear of building; Windows compatible
with architectural details, minimum of 2
per level, fully framed trimmed.
Minimum unit area 550 SF
Facades of more than 200 feet
designed with vertical offsets of not less
than 8 feet, may be projecting, recessed
or change in building material or
Mechanical equipment to be screened.
No change.
N/A not adjacent to U.S. 31
54g/i'ointe on .Meridian
.A Planned
Comparison of Zoning Standards with U.S. 31 Corridor Overlay Zone
Zoning Standard
Landscape Area Planting Strip
Landscape Area Adjacent to
Landscape Area within parking
Total Landscaping Required
Overlay Zone Ordinance
Minimum 10 feet wide adjacent
to R/W and entry drive, 5 -15 feet
adjacent to parking area; 3 shade
trees, 2 ornamental trees 10
shrubs per 100 linear feet
Front: 25 feet deep for the width
of the building plus 10 feet
extensions each end;
Remaining sides 10 feet deep;
sidewalks permitted but not in the
entire area with displaced area
added to the rest of the building
perimeter; may be irregular in
shape, innovation in design
Minimum of 1 shade tree 5
shrubs for every 9 spaces; not less
than 18 trees per acre of parking
15% of the project area
Highpointe on Meridian PUD
Due to site constraints: Illinois and
136th Streets streetscapes with 4
ornamental trees 10 shrubs per 100
linear feet, variable width with non
regimented plant locations; Perimeter
adjacent to single family residential
areas: Except where 6 -feet tall shadow
box wood privacy fence is installed a 10
feet wide strip with 5 shade trees 20
shrubs per 100 linear feet.
Multi- family buildings: front 3 shade
trees, 3 ornamental trees, 25 shrubs per
100 linear feet; sides 5 feet excepting
for adjacent sidewalks and parking;
landscaping interior courtyards is
encouraged can satisfy up to 50% of
overall requirement. Some buildings
excepted due to location. All other
buildings: front -15 feet deep for the
width of the building plus 10 feet
extensions each end; remaining sides
and other requirements same as
Overlay; landscaping interior courtyards
is encouraged can satisfy up to 50% of
overall requirement.
Multi- family Housing Complex: parking
visible from Illinois Street (excluding
parking on private drives streets -1
shade tree 5 shrubs for every 9
spaces. Office, Senior Living Community
and other uses same as Overlay
without minimum number per acre;
entry drives from Illinois Street to
include 2 shade trees, 2 ornamental
trees and 10 shrubs per 100 linear feet
N /A.
Zoning Standard
Landscaping Installation
Protection of Existing Trees
Public Art
Parking Requirements
Lighting Requirements
31(94vointe on .Mer
.A PfanneefUnit Development
Comparison of Zoning Standards with U.S. 31 Corridor Overlay Zone
Bicycle Pedestrian Access
Overlay Zone Ordinance
Addresses: materials; minimum
dimensions of planting areas;
installation; maintenance;
changes after approval; inspection
Preserve not less than 70% of
trees 9" caliper DBH or larger
and /or located in other
designated planting area
If included, must be visible from
the thoroughfares.
Office 1 per 250 SF; Senior Living
Community not addressed;
Multi- family Housing Complex 2
per unit plus 1 per 7 units; bicycle
parking area for each building.
Requires: lighting plan; lighting
standards of uniform design,
color, materials; maximum
standard height of 25' except
within 90' of a residential use,
then 15'; no spill -over onto
adjoining residential uses
Requires incorporation of access
and circulation and amenities into
the development.
Highpointe on Meridian PUD
Same except: material sizing shade
ornamental trees by caliper only,
evergreens at 6' rather than 8', shrubs
at 18" rather than 24 no minimum
dimensions for planting areas; bond
requirement replaced with commitment
to plant within 120 days of Certificate of
Site specific requirements for the
designated Preservation /Conservation
Area at the northeast end of the site,
subject to all rules /regulations
governing drainage /legal drains.
N /A.
Office 4 per 1,000 SF (same); Senior
Living Community 0.67 space per unit;
Multi- family Housing Complex 1.5
spaces per unit;
Bicycle parking per Carmel ordinance,
provided that, for Multi- family Housing
Complex, may be provided in private
Same requirements plus low level, 90°
cut off luminaires.
No change.
Other Requirements Perimeter
Zoning Standard
Access to Individual Tracts
gi&h on .Meridian
Planned Development
Comparison of Zoning Standards with U.S. 31 Corridor Overlay Zone
Other Requirements Outside
Storage of Refuse
Other Requirements Loading
Unloading Areas
Other Requirements Additions
to Existing Residential
Reservation of Land for Pending For US 31.
State Highway Improvements
Overlay Zone Ordinance
Addresses access roads relative to
US 31.
Open storage not permitted; All
refuse contained completely
within the principal or an
accessory building
If an accessory building for refuse
must be designed with a roof and
be architecturally compatible with
the principal building.
100,000 SF or less 1 berth;
100,001 300,000 SF 2 berths; 1
additional berth for each
additional 200,000 SF (B -5
Addresses architectural
compatibility and setback from US
Wood masonry materials, solid
as viewed from any angle,
minimum 8' in height, brick or
stone columns incorporated every
26'; Metal fencing with
landscaping with 100% screening
achieved within 3 years of
Highpointe on Meridian PUD
N /A.
Receptacles fully screened on 4 sides,
minimum height of receptacle plus 2
feet, materials consistent with principal
building, doors with automatic closure
mechanisms, Multi- family Housing
Complex to include recycling bins.
Office buildings in excess of 100,000 SF
1 berth
N /A.
Addressed above in landscaping
N /A.
.7 -4h:j ointe on .Meridian
A PthnneefUnit Develynent
Comparison of Zoning Standards with U.S. 31 Corridor Overlay Zone
Zoning Standard Overlay Zone Ordinance Highpointe on Meridian PUD
Signage Carmel Zoning Ordinance Sign plan per ADLS requirements. Sign
standards per Carmel Zoning Ordinance
EXCEPT: colors not restricted but with
palette approved with ADLS. Maximum
sign area per freeway sign chart for
single /multi- tenant buildings per Carmel
zoning ordinance; wall signs of
individual letters /logos, illuminated
internally or externally; one wall sign
per street or private drive frontage for
commercial /office. 2 district
identification ground signs, maximum
height 8.5 feet, maximum area of 100 SF
at 2 Illinois Street locations. Temporary
signs per Carmel zoning ordinance.
Office, Senior Living and Multi- family
identification ground signs maximum
height of 8.5 feet, maximum area of 50
SF at primary entrances to
developments from Illinois Street and
136th Street.
3-10h: 'ointe on Meridian
.A Planned Unit Development
Comparison of Uses with U.S. 31 Corridor Overlay Zone
Type of Use
Carmel Zoning Ordinance
Zone: B -5
Zone: US 31
Highpointe on
Type of Use
Proposed PUD Equivalent
Residential Uses
Residential Uses
Multiple Family Dwelling
Multi Family Housing Complex
Nursing /Retirement/
Convalescent Facility
Senior Living Community
Private Swimming Pool, ect.
Amenity Area
Office Uses
Office Uses
Clinic or Medical Health Center
Clinic or Medical Health Center
General Offices
General Office
Professional Office
Medical Office, Physical
Therapy /Rehabilitation Facility,
Professional Office
Educational Uses
Educational Uses
School, Trade or Business
Trade or Business School
College or University
College or University
Day Nursery /Day Care
Day Care (Adult and Child)
Kindergarten /Preschool
Kindergarten /Pre School /Private School
Retail Service Uses
Retail Service Uses
General Retail Sales
General Retail (limited) Personal
General Service
General Retail (limited) Personal
Financial Institution
Financial Institution
Automated Teller Machine (ATM)
Automated Teller Machine (ATM)
Cultural /Entertainment Uses
Cultural /Entertainment Uses
Restaurant, without drive -thru food
Restaurant (with walk -up window but no
drive -thru window)
Recreational Uses
Recreational Uses
Health /Fitness Facility
Health and Fitness Facility
Miscellaneous Uses
Miscellaneous Uses
Artificial Lake or Pond (non platted)
Artificial Lake or Pond
Transportation Communication
,Transportation Communication
Private Parking Area
Private Parking Area
3-10h: 'ointe on Meridian
.A Planned Unit Development
Comparison of Uses with U.S. 31 Corridor Overlay Zone
3{igfipointe on .Meridian
A Planned 'Unit Development
Highpointe on Meridian is a proposed planned unit development which will rezone the 27±
acre parcel of undeveloped land owned by Frank Regan, located south and west of the intersection
of 136 Street and Illinois Parkway.
The Regan parcel is currently zoned under the B -5, Business District, zoning classification
and is located in the U.S. 31 Overlay Zone, which excludes certain uses otherwise permitted under
the B -5 zoning classification. The proposed Highpointe on Meridian Planned Unit Development
District would permit a variety of potential land uses including: office, multi family residential,
medical, senior living and educational uses. The U.S. 31 Overlay Zone currently restricts land uses
on the Regan parcel to promote large office development similar to the current office development
along the U.S. 31 corridor and excludes all residential uses. Although the Regan parcel is within the
U.S. 31 Overlay Zone, it is important to recognize that it is not directly adjacent to U.S. 31. The
Regan parcel is nearly 200 feet from the drive lanes of U.S. 31, separated from U.S. 31 by the state
highway right -of -way and Illinois Street.
Li i
3(igIpointe on Meridian
PCanned'Unit DeveCopment
Review of PUD Ordinance and C3 Plan
Page 2
The Carmel Clay Comprehensive Plan ("C3 Plan designates the Regan parcel under the
"Employment Node" land classification.
Vision 2020 Plan Low Intensity
(1.3 to 3.0 dwelling units/ acre)
i 1_„
•Vision 2020 Plan Medium 1
Intensity (3 to 5 dwelling
units l acre)
Main Street
Area for Special Study
What distinguishes the Regan parcel from other real estate designated as an Employment Node is
that it is immediately adjacent to a single family residential zoned district and does not abut or
"front" the U.S. 31 right -of -way. The other Employment Node parcels west of U.S. 31 are
separated from single family residentially zoned districts by Illinois Street or Spring Mill Road and
abut U.S. 31 as shown below.
The purpose of this classification under the C3 Plan is "to establish areas for large office
buildings providing regional employment with the opportunity to integrate mixed uses." Uses
include professional and business office, hospital and medical office, small scale restaurants, coffee
houses, print shops, and office supply stores that directly support office uses. Residential uses are
recommended on the fourth or higher floors. The C3 Plan states that the most "appropriate
adjacent classifications" to Employment Node parcels are:
3Cigfipointe on !Meridian
51. PCanned knit Deveoopment
Review of PUD Ordinance and C3 Plan
Page 3
parks and recreation;
Neighborhood Service Node (retail /office buildings with residential above; live -work units;
community centers; fitness centers and clubs; and ground floor restaurants with office,
entertainment, commercial or institutional on all other floors);
Institutional Node (school; place of worship; library; hospital campus; government facility
and emergency services);
Community Vitality Node (retail; service; office; entertainment; restaurant and institutional);
Regional Vitality Node (retail; service; hotel; office; entertainment; restaurant and residential
when master planned into the development); and
Employment Node
The C3 Plan offers the following types of development on Employment Node parcels
High gaakry asrrttacturr ague rear rho Cite posirfon c:
ar alfrocrw docar Jbr ragr mod, raaatm and Werra: Mona
The Regan Parcel is not adjacent to any of the appropriate adjacent classifications but rather to
established single family residential developments on the north and west. However, the C3 Plan
does recognize that Employment Node development along Illinois Street adjacent to neighboring
residential areas should have a reduced maximum building height. An example of this lower scale
office development is shown here.
prm:dmg acantoxr- um:um -,_trio. ronatgnbor igro:ada
Ho:irML and mot cal farilian :rue a: rho Varian North H
ara axanp1os ofdnsla °r°` firrJb irso Emploporm V odr
5Cighpointe on .7bteridian
A Planned 'Unit Deveoopment
Review of PUD Ordinance and C3 Plan
Page 4
Although the Regan Parcel is designated an Employment Node under the C3 Plan, its
location adjacent to single family residential developments requires that any development serve as a
transition from the large office intensity of the U.S. 31 office corridor to the existing residential
developments. The permitted uses and development standards contained in the proposed
Highpointe on Meridian Planned Unit Development Ordinance "PUD Ordinance have been
drafted to provide for that transition while providing employment and residential opportunities
consistent with the recommendations for Employment Node development. Additionally, the
adoption of the PUD Ordinance will provide for a coordinated, complementary development of the
Regan parcel versus unrelated, disconnected, separate commercial developments on various
development parcels.
The proposed PUD ordinance, while permitting a mix of commercial uses together with
residential uses such as a senior living community and multi- family housing, limits retail and service
uses consistent with the C3 Plan recommendations and the current U.S. 31 Overlay Zone
limitations. The proposed permitted uses provide for lower intensity commercial uses that are
consistent with the goals of the C3 Plan for Employment Node development and that are
appropriate to a transitional area adjacent to a single family residential area. The proposed
development standards support the C3 Plan to provide development and buildings in an
Employment Node that are context sensitive to neighboring residential areas.
Maximum building heights will not exceed three stories or sixty (60) feet for
residential and commercial buildings other than office buildings.
Office buildings will not exceed seventy -two (72) feet in height; however if the office
building is located within two hundred (200) feet of a residential zone, it cannot
exceed three stories or sixty (60) feet.
As recommended by the C3 Plan, buildings will have significant setbacks from
single- family residential areas. The proposed PUD Ordinance requires buildings to
be "pulled up" to Illinois Street to increase the distance of the buildings to the single
family neighborhoods and to create a "streetscape" along Illinois Street.
b The development will be screened from the adjacent residential areas using either an
earthen mound with a six (6) foot wood privacy fence or a ten (10) foot landscape
In furtherance of the C3 Plan recommendations, all development plans must include
specific provisions for incorporating pedestrian and bicycle access, circulation and
amenities into the development and connectivity with the existing multi -use paths
along Illinois Street and 136 Street.
3Cigfipointe on .Meridian
A P(anned'Unit Development
Review of PUD Ordinance and C3 Plan
Page 5
Notwithstanding the designation of the Regan parcel as an Employment Node under the C3
Plan, the context sensitive, transitional use and development standards to be established under the
proposed Highpoint on Meridian Planned Unit Development Ordinance are consistent with and
supported by the recommendations of the C3 Plan. The unique location of the Regan Parcel
adjacent to neighboring residential areas, the lack of frontage on U.S. 31 and the separation of the
parcel from U.S. 31, should override the large scale, intense office development recommended
generally for Employment Node parcels in favor of medium scale mixed use development sensitive
to the adjacent single family residential neighborhoods. The proposed permitted uses and
development standards of the PUD Ordinance reduce the scale and the impact of the development
on adjacent single family residential areas as recommended under the C3 Plan.
Paul G. Reis, Esq.
Krieg DeVault LLP
On behalf of Frank K. Regan
1 v
Trip Generation
AM Peak Hour
PM Peak Hour
Land Use
242 dwelling units
Transportation Engineering Services
William J. Fehribach, P.E.
Of Council
Steven J. Fehribach, P.E.
DATE: February 1, 2012
TO: Paul G. Reis, Partner
Krieg DeVault LLP
John C. Hart
J.C. Hart Company, Inc.
FROM: Steven J. Fehribach, P.E.
RE: Trip Generation Analysis
Creating Order Since 1966
8365 Keystone Crossing, Suite 201
Indianapolis, IN 46240
Phone: (317) 202 -0864
Fax: (317) 202 -0864
www.af eng.com
The purpose of this analysis is to determine how many vehicle trips will be generated by the
proposed 242 apartment dwelling units. As part of the site review it will be determined how
many vehicles will use each of the proposed access points. We will provide recommendations
on the design of the access points to provide safe and efficient ingress and egress for the site.
As proposed, the site will be located in the southwest quadrant of 136 Street and Illinois Street,
in Carmel, Indiana. It will consist of 242 apartment units and have access along both 136 Street
and Illinois Street.
In order to determine what will be required with respect to driveway design, traffic must be
generated for the site and applied to the access points. The following table is a summary of
traffic that will be generated by the proposed development.
In order to determine the number of vehicles that will exit and enter the site, traffic must be
assigned to the driveways. Scenario 1 will be for two full access points; one on 136 Street and
one on Illinois Street, as shown in Figure 1. Scenario 2 shall be for a right -in right -out on 136
Street and a full access point along Illinois Street. Figures 1 and 2 show the amount of traffic
that can be anticipated at each of the access points for the AM and PM Peak Hours.
This assignment distribution was based on the proximity of the apartment buildings to each of
the access points. Typically, vehicles traveling to and from will make use of the access point
that is nearest their destination.
Based on the trip generation calculations and assigned distribution of traffic to the driveways, the
following conclusions and recommendations can be made:
The number of generated trips by the proposed development would not adversely affect
the surround street system; including Illinois Street, 136 Street, and the intersection of
Illinois Street and 136 Street.
Based on the assigned distribution of traffic to the access points, it is recommended that
the 136 Street access point be restricted to a right in/right -out access only.
Based on the assigned distribution of traffic to the Illinois Street access point, it is
recommended that this driveway be developed as a full access point with full auxiliary
lanes (left-turn lanes) provided on Illinois Street. The driveway would then consist of
two outbound lanes and one inbound lane. This would provide for efficient movement
into and out of the site.