HomeMy WebLinkAbout206294 02/14/2012 4� CITY OF CARMEL, INDIANA VENDOR: 00350824 Page 1 of 1 ONE CIVIC SQUARE INDIANA SECTIONlITE 4;', INDIANA 46032 cro ERICKa. MILLER, PE CHECK AMOUNT: $20.00 CARMEL y, i�►.f o?c 300 N MERIDIAN STREET, SUITE 1010 CHECK NUMBER: 206294 INDIANAPOLIS IN 45204 CHECK DATE: 2!1412012 DEPARTMENT ACCOUNT PO NUMBER INVOICE NUMBER AMOUNT DESCRIPTION 2200 4355300 20.00 ORGANIZATION MEMBER ITE INDIANA SECTION MEMBERSHIP INFORMATION 2012 If NOT paying online, please update and submit with your dues payment to: Parsons Brinckerhoff Attn: Ericka Miller, PE Indiana Section ITE Treasurer 300 N. Meridian Street, Suite 1010 Indianapolis, Indiana 46204 Make check payable to: Indiana Section ITE Name: K't A'Nae Company: cLi C2-q Preferred Mailing Address Work Mailing Address: Home Mailing Address: Telephone ylei, E- Mail: �rv\�nrin;��l�F,ro ('nv_Q ,ice coJ DUES Paid: ZO ors Scholarship Fund Donation (tax deductible): Total: A membership roster containing the following information is slated to be published on the Indiana Section ITE website indianaite.orA) Please indicate if you want this information published: Member Name: ye No Company Name: (n) No Preferred Mail Address: es No Phone es No Institute of Transportation Engineers Indiana Section www.in(lianaite.org 1VILL D. TOLBERT PRESIDENT JOHN A. HABERMANN SECRETARY HARDI K R. SHAH —VICE-PRESIDENT DOUGLAS A. VALMORE DIRECTOR ERICKA W.H.MILLER-TREASURER SANDRA L.JO,NES PAST PRESIDENT 2012 SECTION DUES NOTICE If you are an International ITE Member (any grade): Indiana Section ITE- Dues are $20.00 If you are NOT an International ITE Member: Indiana Section ITE Dues are $55.00 I, Please visit www.indianaite.on4 under Payment Center to pay your Indiana Section dues online AND to update your contact information, or 2, if not paying online, f 11 out the attached sheet below and return with your check. This information is important, as it will be used to maintain section membership records. 3. Dues are delinquent after March 1, 2012. 4. Any member who has not paid section dues in the last two years will be dropped from the section membership roster and mailing list if dues are not received by March 1, 2012. Re- Admittance will require submission of application to the Section Board. 5. Your International ITE dues and Great Lakes District (District Ill) dues are billed separately from your Indiana Section dues. If you are interested in joining International ITE please contact Mr. Doug Valmore, Director for 2012, at 317.808.3136 or visit ITE .International's website at www.it" 6. If your employer pays your dues, please include your name somewhere on the check. 7. Make checks payable to "Indiana Section ITE" mail or deliver to: Parsons Brinckerhoff Attn: Ericka Miller, PE Indiana Section ITE Treasurer 300 N. Meridian Street, Suite 1010 Indianapolis, Indiana 46204 Prescribed by State Board of Accounts ACCOUNTS PAYABLE VOUCHER City Form No. 201 (Rev. 1995) CITY OF CARMEL An invoice or bill to be properly itemized must show: kind of service, where performed, dates service rendered, by whom, rates per day, number of hours, rate per hour, number of units, price per unit, etc. Institute of Transportation Nv&ers (Indiana Section) A ttn: Erick Mill P.E. Purchase Order No. Indiana Section ITE Treasurer 3 00 N Mer-idian S#eet, Suite 1010 Terms I ndianapolis, IN 46204 Date Due Invoice Invoice Description Amount Date Number (or note attached invoice(s) or bill(s)) Na 11TEIR.filembersh Dues 2012 (Mike MGBride) $20.00 F e` Total +t I hereby certify that the attached invoice(s), or bill(s), is (are) true and correct and I have audited same in accordance with IC 5- 11- 10 -1.6. 20 Clerk- Treasurer VOUCHER NO. WARRANT NO. Inuit jt of Transpnrtation EnginPPrs (Indiana Se ctic ALLOWED 20 Attn: Ericka Miller, P.E. Indiana Section I I E I reasurer. IN SUM OF 300 N Meridian Street, Suite 1010 lndianapolis. IN 46204 $20.00 Department of Engineering ON ACCOUNT OF APPROPRIATION FOR n/a n/a 2200-4355300 $20.00 Board Members PO# or INVOICE NO. ACCT #/TITLE AMOUNT DEPT I hereby certify that the attached invoice(s), or bill(s) is (are) true and correct and that the materials or services itemized thereon for which charge is made were ordered and received except 20 Signature C it, Title Cost distribution ledger classification if claim paid motor vehicle highway fund