HomeMy WebLinkAbout173857 06/24/2009 CITY OF CARMEL, INDIANA VENDOR: 358411 Page 1 of 1 f ONE CIVIC SQUARE JENNIFER HAMMONS CARMEL, INDIANA 46032 634 NORTHVIEWAVENUE CHECK AMOUNT: $246.34 INDIANAPOLIS IN 46220 CHECK NUMBER: 173857 CHECK DATE: 6/2412009 DEPA ACCOUNT PO NU INV OICE NUMBER AMO DESCR IPTION 1046 4239037 191.27 CLUB ACTIVITY SUPPLIE 1046 4239039 55.07 GENERAL PROGRAM SUPPL Car Mel 0 Clay Parks &Recreation Employee Expense Reimbursement Request Date of Fund Account Account r Receipt Vendor listed on receipt Line Budget Description Amount Purpose of Expense �9 t G eA 2-10 00 A a s ao3 S-PP1 Q I .--I z A\� s� lo co z 0 0 0 4 4 a s° O 3q All receipts should be attached in the same order as listed above. No sales tax will be reimbursed. TOTAL: 9 Employee Name (print) 1�en n Address 3 o V; e" j A V'e- Check J UN 0 4 1009 payable to: City, St, Zip Signature: Approved by Date: 1 Date: Business Services Division, Revised 7 -7 -08 FILE: Shared\Administrative \Forms \Staff Forms \Employee Exp Reimb Request Carmel a Clay Parks &Recreation Employee Expense Reimbursement Request Date of Fund Account Account Receipt Vendor listed on receipt Line Budget Description Amount Purpose of Expense "I 9 z 3 c33� e L1 l�? -f l O S rc�r c o, rn C. cr�r �ln zl o 0 A 001 23 u, 4 All receipts should be attached in the same order as listed above. No sales tax will be reimbursed. TOTAL: T JUN 1 5009 Employee Name (print) �JC' �1 n t ��h;�� <�4`'`��'� By� Address J, Check payable to: City, St, Zip Signature: Approved by: Date: l s C Date: Business Services Division, Revised 7 -7 -08 FILE: Shared\Administrative \Forms \Staff Forms \Employee Exp Reimb Request c r:- Carmel e Clay Parks &Recreation Employee Expense Reimbursement Request Date of Fund Account Account Receipt Vendor listed on receipt Line Budget Description Amount Purpose of Expense f 4u- z; o_ PG�d �cr fir; P 1 1 C i c. C t`�l r All receipts should be attached in the same order as listed above. No sales tax will be reimbursed. TOTAL: Employee Name (print) Je,\'V)"A -e JUN 1 1 2009 j Address U'S 1 y n \C 1 Check a payable to: City, St, Zip \��ti C.�c�C_ `f� �22Q Signature. by: Date: Date. Business Services Division, Revised 7 -7 -08 FILE: Shared\Administrative \Forms \Staff Forms \Employee Exp Reimb Request r ACCOUNTS PAYABLE VOUCHER CITY OF 'CARMEL An invoice of bill to be properly itemized must show; kind of service, where performed, dates service rendered, by whom, rates per day, number of hours, rate per hour, number of units, price per unit, etc. Payee Purchase Order No. 358411 Hammons, Jennifer Terms 634 Northview Ave Date Due Indianapolis, IN 46220 Invoice Invoice Description Date Number (or note attached invoice(s) or bill(s)) PO Amount 6/2/09 Reimb. Alt. minds supplies 41.27 6/10/09 Reimb. Field trip to Indiana State Museum 150.00 6/15/09 Reimb. Summer camp supplies 55.07 Total 246.34 1 hereby certify that the attached invoice(s), or bill(s) is (are) true and correct and I have audited same in accordance with IC 5- 11- 10 -1.6 20_ Clerk- Treasurer i Voucher No. Warrant No. 358411 Hammons, Jennifer Allowed 20 634 Northview Ave Indianapolis, IN 46220 In Sum of$ 246.34 ON ACCOUNT OF APPROPRIATION FOR 104 Program Fund PO# or INVOICE NO. ACCT #/TITLE AMOUNT Board Members Dept 1046 Reimb. 4239037 41.27 1 hereby certify that the attached invoice(s), or 1046 Reimb. 4343007 150.00 bill(s) is (are) true and correct and that the 1046 Reimb. 4239039 55.07 materials or services itemized thereon for which charge is made were ordered and received except 18 -Jun 2009 Signature 246.34 Accounts Payable Coordinator Cost distribution ledger classification if Title claim paid motor vehicle highway fund I WE VALUE YOUR OPINION! WE WANT TO KNOW ABOUT YOUR SHOPPING EXPERIENCE TODAY AT WAL -MART. Please complete a survey about today's store visit at: http: /www,surveg.weilmart.com You will need to enier the foIlowins online: ID 79CLH3JFPX1 IN RETURN FOR YOUR TIME YOU COULD RECEIVE ONE OF FIVE $1000 WALMART SHOPPING CARDS Must to 18 or older and a legal resident of the 50 US or DC to enter. No purchase necessary to enter or win. To enter without Purchase and for complete official rules visit www.entry.survey.walmart.com. Sweepstakes Period ends on the date shown in the official rules. Survey must Le taken within TWO weeks of toclay. Esta encuesta tambi6n se encuentra en esF-anol en la Pasina del Internet THANK YOU Wa I i v n, a r t o f kb- Saave money. Live better. 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WE SELL FOR LESS MANAGER STEVE DUBBS 317 875 0273 ST# 1518 OP# 00000088 TE# 07 TR# 05614 STYROFOAM 004650193654 3.48 X STYROFOAM 004650193654 3.48 X STYROFOAM 004650193654 3.48 X MASKING TAPE 007535305128 2.97 X MASKING TAPE 005113103431 2.97 X CREPE RUB BN 007181500532 0.46 X STAN CLIPS 005050572365 0.57 X DUCK TAPE 007535303055 3.34 X REPAIR KIT 007186200206 2.77 X BIRD SEED 008615522149 TAX 1 7.000 AL 79 TOTAL 29.74 DEBIT TEND 29.74 CHANCE DUE 0.00 EFT DEBIT PAY ;;;s,9 PRIMARY ACCOUNT I 03 29.74 TOTAL PURCI4 REF 9153004�,1110 NETWORK I.D. 6w APPR i;GDE 310606 O5i01/09 22-:03:07 ITEM SOLD 10 TC# 7555 1386 3812. 0734 4308 111111 I1111Illlli II 111111 II III II llii i' p� I� �'l,► IIII IIII I II I IIII II IIII Find simple tips and ea. 11 friendly Products at walmarf.com /sreen 06/01/09 22:03:11 TAN." YOU FOR VISTTT,NG PlilI ANA 'STATE MUSEUM 1. 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