HomeMy WebLinkAbout177234 09/15/2009 CITY OF CARMEL, INDIANA VENDOR:. 351304 Page 1 of 1 ONE CIVIC SQUARE HARE CHEVROLET INC CHECK AMOUNT: $1,269.66 .,9 CARMEL, INDIANA 46032 2001 STONEY CREEK WAY PO BOX 1957 CHECK NUMBER: 177234 NOBLESVILLE IN 46060 CHECK DATE: 911512009 DEPARTMEN ACCOUNT PO NUMBER INVOICE NUMBE A MOUN T DESCRIPTION 2201 4351000 CTCS407367 1,265.37 AUTO REPAIR MAINTEN 2201 4351000 CTCS408128 4.29 AUTO REPAIR MAINTEN 4 CHEVROLET PONTIAC BllICK CSMC are 2001 Stoney Creek Road 5336 Pike Plaza Road Noblesville, Indiana 46060 Indianapolis, Indiana 46254 www h a re a u t o C o M Ph: 317 -1090 Fx: 317- 776 -5038 Ph: 317- 299 -5555 Fx: 317- 329 -4224 CUSTOMER NO. ADVISOR TAG NO INVOICE DATE INVOICE NO. L RAE LCENSE NO. MILEAGE COLOR STOCK NO. CITY OF CARMEL STREET DEPT YEAR /MAKE /MODEL DEL cRY DATE DELIVERY MILES 3400 W 131ST ST ESTFIELD, IN 46074 —$267 sELLN EALE N PRODUCTION DATE T.E. O. Vil .O. O. R.O. DATE RESIDENCEPHONE BUSINESS PHONE COM ISC CODE DESCRIPTION CONTROL NO--- TERMS: STRICTLY CASH OB 4 LOF SHOP SUPPLIES CREDIT -10.00 UNLESS ARRANGEMENTS MADE TOTAL MISC 10.00 1 hereby authorize the repair work hereinafter set forth to be done along with the necessary OTALS material and agree that you are not respon- sible for loss or damage to vehicle or articles ARTS DESIGNATED WITH AN INDICATES. LIFETIME GUARANTEE TOTAL LABOR.... 704.95 left in vehicle in case of fire, theft or any other HIS'. APPLIES TO CUSTOMER PAY REPAIRS ONLY, TOTAL PARTS.... 550.42 cause beyond your control or for any delays TOTAL SUBLET... 0.00 caused by unavailability of parts or delays in TOTAL G.O. G... 0.00 parts shipments by the supplier or transporter. TOTAL MISC CHG. 20.00 1 hereby grant you and /or your employees COMPLETELY SATISFIED TOTAL MISC DISC -10.00 permission to operate the vehicle herein TOTAL TAX...... 0.00 described on streets, highways, or elsewhere for the purpose of testing and /or inspection. An TOTAL INVOICE 1265 .37 express mechanic's lien is hereby acknow ledged on below vehicle to secure the amount THANK YOU of repairs thereto:' "The Factory Warranty Constitutes All Of The Warranties With Respect To The Sale Of This Item/items. The Seller Hereby Expressly Dis- claims All Warranties, Either Express Or Implied, Including Any Implied Warranty Of Merchantability Or Fitness For A Particular CUSTOMER SIGMMRE Purpose, And The Seller Neither Assumes Nor Authorizes Any Other Person To Assume For It Any Liability In Connection With The Sale of This ttemlltems:' MISCELLANEOUS 's.. MATERIAL CHARGE 10% OF LABOR CHARGES TO A MAXIMUM OF $15.00 IS CHARGES ON REPAIRS TO COVER COSTS OF SUPPLIED BOUGHT IN BULK USED IN REPAIRING YOUR VEHICLE AND COSTS TO DISPOSE OF HAZARDOUS WASTE. TERMS CASH OR CREDIT CARD ONLY Any other arrangement must be approved by the General Manager. For any credit account: A FINANCE CHARGE OF 1 (minimum charge of $.50) on the total unpaid balance of purchases and charges over 30 days will be added to the balance o the account. Annual percentage rate 18 'dtJe u•uat yo�c eaycfifeteC�y datld�ied ua ls ocn dewew... 9� Yocc lGuAe, a" $ccedt w4 e4wwr cu 6k t usaaZ, e4& arse �reraaa4lf�y B /FpAggP(� CUSTOMER COPY END OF INVOICE 02:31pm l Ha r e B M CHEVROLET PONTIAC UICK GC 2001 Stoney Creek Road 5336 Pike Plaza Road Noblesville, Indiana 46060 Indianapolis, Indiana 46254 www.hareauto Ph: 317 -773 -1090 Fx: 317- 776 -5038 Ph: 317- 299 -5555 Fx: 317- 329 -4224 5STOMER NO. ADVISOR TAG NO. INVOICE DATE INVOICE NO. L RAE LICENSE NO. MILEAGE COLD STOCK NO. CITY OF CA RM E L STREET DEPT YEAR /MAKE /MODEL —1.1111 DATE DELIVERY MILES 3400 W 131ST ST ESTFIELD, IN 46074 -8267 C I. .NO. SELLN EALE N PRODUCTION DATE .T.E. O. .O. O. R.O. DATE RESIDENCE PHONE BUSINESS PHONE COM4,Q 31201550020 B AR TERMS: STRICTLY CASH s1�J]C.V�Z AN'B �AI TEC;.CSY)b..304 645rsQ0 UNLESS ARRANGEMENTS MADE CHECK AND ADVISE "I hereby authorize the repair work hereinafter INSPECTED AND FOUND THE STEERING DAMPER LEAKING AND BRAKES set forth to be done along with the necessary WORN OUT IN FRONT AND CALIPERS STICKING CLOSED, REAR BRAKES material and agree that you are not respon- WORN OUT,ALSO FOUND BOTH INNER TIE RODS EXTREMELY LOOSE AND sible for loss or damage to vehicle or articles WORN, REPLACED BOTH INNER TIES RODS AND STEERING DAMPNER AND left in vehicle in case of fire theft, or any other REMOVED AND SEPERATED HUBS AND ROTORS AND SAVED HUBS AND cause beyond your control or for any delays REPLACED FRONT ROTORS AND REPLACED BRAKE PADS IN FRONT AND caused by unavailability of parts or delays In REINSTALLED ALL HARDWARE AND REPLACED REAR BRAKE SHOES AND parts shipments by the supplier or transporter. RESURFACED THE REAR ROTORS AND REBUILT BOTH FRONT CALIPERS I hereby grant you and /or your employees AND INSTALLED ALL NEW HARDWARE. permission to operate the vehicle herein described on streets, highways, or elsewhere ARTS QTY FP- NUMBER DESCRIPTION UNIT PRICE- for the purpose of testing and /or inspection. An OB 1 2 74428 ROTOR 85.00 170.00 express mechanic's lien is hereby acknow- OB 1 2 74428 SLIDE KIT 16.00 32..00 ledged on below vehicle to secure the amount OB 1 1 74434 PADS 85.91 85.91 of repairs thereto! OB 1 1 74434 SHOES 73.88 73.88 OB 1 2 88910262 END KIT 6.233 74426 65.00 130.00 The Factory Warranty Constitutes All Of The OB 1 1 88946674 ABSORBER 6.865 7442 58.63 58.63 Warranties With Respect To The Sale Of This JOB 1 TOTAL PARTS 550.42 Item/items. The Seller Hereby Expressly Dis- claims All Warranties, Either Express Or JOB 1 TOTAL LABOR PARTS 1195.42 Implied Including Any Implied Warranty Of Merchantability Or Fitness For Particular 12C1[T: SUSEENSIQN REP8IR5 T. CN.(S:), 304 O OO' Purpose, And The Seller Neither ASSUmeS Nof C/S PULLS RIGHT BADLY AND CHECK FRONT END ADVISE Authorizes Any Other Person To Assume For SEE LINE 1 It Any Liability In Connection Wlth'The Sale o� This Item/Items." ARTS QTY FP- NUMBER DESCRIPTION UNIT PRICE JOB 2 TOTAL PARTS 0.00 MISCELLANEOUS MATERIAL CHARG� JOB 2 TOTAL LABOR PARTS 0.00 10% OF LABOR CHARGES TO A MAXIMUM OF $1500 IS CHARGES ON REPAIRS TO ^�3�Q0C1?ZINSPECT VEHICLEINSPECTI.O C CS ?30.4 O O,O COVER COSTS OF SUPPLIED BOUGHT IN PERFORM GM MULTI-POINT INSPECTION BULK USED IN REPAIRING YOUR VEHICLE GM MULTI-POINT INSPECTION PERFORMED AND COSTS TO DISPOSE OF HAZARDOUS WASTE. ARTS QTY' -FP- NUMBER DESCRIPTION UNIT PRICE JOB 3 TOTAL PARTS 0.00 TERMS CASH OR CREDIT CARD ONLY JOB 3 TOTAL LABOR PARTS 0.00 Any other arrangement must be approved by the General Manager. For any cred accounaccount: 4 U1CVZ I WDIA .GNNEN: a.° n TECH.C$) }.;3,09 5%495 A FINANCE CHARGE OF 1 (minimum And; CHECK STEERING AND SUSPENSION,ALIGN FRONTEND TO FACTORY charge of $.50) on the total unpaid balance of SPECS. purchases and charges over 30 days will be CHECK STEERING AND SUSPENSION,ALIGN FRONTEND TO FACTORY added to the balance o the account. Annual SPECS. percentage rate 18 ARTS QTY -FP- NUMBER--------- DESCRIPTION------------- -UNIT PRICE- JOB 4 TOTAL PARTS 0.00 7" JAW JOB 4 TOTAL LABOR PARTS 59.95 ZUe wattt data eamAZeW# aaaj uatl ocacavcaice... `I� V" <caue aouy ISC CODE-- DESCRIPTION------------------------- CONTROL NO--- uea��aaa tlid� call OB A SS SHOP SUPPLIES 20.00 6 1 L 0 ate Ae'w4ae 4. CUSTOMER COPY [CONTINUED ON NEXT PAGE) 02:31 pm l Ha r e S C CHEVROLET PONTIAC NICK CSM 2001 Stoney Creek Road 5336 Pike Plaza Road Noblesville, Indiana 46060 Indianapolis, Indiana 46254 w w w .hareauto .c om Ph: 317- 773 -1090 Fx: 317- 776 -5038 Ph: 317- 299 -5555 Fx: 317- 329 -4224 CUSTOMER NO. ADVISOR TAG NO. INVOICE DATE INVOICE NO. 464 1Q14hj_D9MCC L RAE LICENSE NO. ILEAGE CO S N ra CITY OF CA RM E L STREET DEPT YEAR /MAKE /MODEL ";E51 DATE DELIVERY MILES 3400 W 131ST ST ESTFIELD, IN 46074 -8267 Vc I el. J SELLING DEALER NO. PRODUCTION DATE .T.E. O. H K 2 .O. O. R.O. DATE RESIDENCE PHONE BUSINESS PHONE COM OR &_PARTS TERMS STRICTLY CASH I120GUZ �t CTRICARS TEGFI.(S)a.,702 w�: �y00 UNLESS ARRANGEMENTS MADE C/S AIR BAG LIGHT IS ON ADVISE hereby authorize the repair work hereinafter TESTED AND REPLACED BLOWN FUSE, ADVISED JEFF TO DRIVE set forth to be done along with the necessary AND SEE IF IT REBLOWS. material and agree that you are not respon sible for loss or damage to vehicle or articles ARTS QTY FP- NUMBER DESCRIPTION UNIT PRICE- left in vehicle in case of fire, theft, or any other OB 1 1 88909754 FUSE KIT 8.965 4.29 4.29 cause beyond your control or for any delays JOB 1 TOTAL PARTS 4.29 caused by unavailability of parts or delays in parts shipments by the supplier or transporter. JOB 1 TOTAL LABOR PARTS 4.29 1 hereby grant you and /or your employees permission to operate the vehicle herein OTALS described on streets, highways, or elsewhere for the purpose of testing and/or inspection. An ARTS DESIGNATED WITH AN INDICATES LIFETIME GUARANTEE TOTAL LABOR.... 0.00 express mechanic's lien is hereby acknow- HIS APPLIES TO CUSTOMER PAY REPAIRS ONLY. TOTAL PARTS.... 4.29 ledged on below vehicle to secure the amount TOTAL SUBLET... 0.00 of repairs thereto:' TOTAL G, 0. G.... 0.00 TOTAL MISC CHG. 0.00 The Factory Warranty Constitutes All Of The COMPLETELY SATISFIED TOTAL MISC DISC 0.00 Warranties With Respect To The Sale Of This TOTAL TAX...... 0.00 Item/items.The Seller Hereby Expressly Dis- claims All Warranties, Either Express Or TOTAL INVOICE 4.29 Implied Including Any Implied Warranty Of Merchantability Or Fitness For A Particular THANK YOU Purpose, And The Seller Neither Assumes Nor Authorizes Any Other Person To Assume For It Any Liability In Connection With The Sale of This Item/Items." MISCELLANEOUS MATERIAL CHARGE 10% OF LABOR CHARGES TO A MAXIMUM OF $15.00 IS CHARGES ON REPAIRS TO COVER COSTS OF SUPPLIED BOUGHT IN BULK USED IN REPAIRING YOUR VEHICLE AND COSTS TO DISPOSE OF HAZARDOUS WASTE. TERMS CASH OR CREDIT CARD ONLY Any other arrangement must be approved by the General Manager. For any credit account: A FINANCE CHARGE OF 1 (minimum charge of $.50) on the total unpaid balance of purchases and charges over 30 days will be added to the balance o the account. Annual percentage rate 18 Zf/e awad rjara coon& oettiQaCed uk 4 &,aa lave 4" gueatlaorQ cooceJ�.curq- tluQ amcle, call 1(1 oxe �rie:aarall�. BP,q�,3,%l CUSTOMER COPY END OF INVOICE 02:59pm Prescribed by State Board of Accounts City Form No. 201 (Rev. 1995) ACCOUNTS PAYABLE VOUCHER CITY OF CARMEL An invoice or bill to be properly itemized must show: kind of service, where performed, dates service rendered, by whom, rates per day, number of hours, rate per hour, number of units, price per unit, etc. Payee Purchase Order No. Terms Date Due Invoice Invoice Description Amount Date Number (or note attached invoice(s) or bill(s)) 08/21/09 CTCS407367 $1,265.37 08/28/09 CTCS408128 $4.29 I hereby certify that the attached invoice(s), or bill(s), is (are) true and correct and I have audited same in accordance with IC 5- 11- 10 -1.6 20 Clerk- Treasurer VOUCHER N WARR NO. ALLOWED 20 Hare Chevrolet IN SUM OF 2001 Stoney Creek Road Noblesville, IN 46060 $1,269.66 ON ACCOUNT OF APPROPRIATION FOR Carmel Street Department PO# Dept. INVOICE NO. ACCT #/TITLE AMOUNT Board Members 2201 CTCS407367 43- 510.00 $1,265.37 1 hereby certify that the attached invoice(s), or 2201 CTCS408128 43- 510.00 $4.29 bill(s) is (are) true and correct and that the materials or services itemized thereon for which charge is made were ordered and received except T�ursday4ept 7 jr 10, 2009 Street CommissiQA stroM f1 von Title Cost distribution ledger classification if claim paid motor vehicle highway fund