HomeMy WebLinkAbout176774 09/02/2009 CITY OF CARMEL, INDIANA VENDOR: 351304 Page 1 of 1 ONE CIVIC SQUARE HARE CHEVROLET INC CARMEL, INDIANA 46032 2001 STONEY CREEK WAY CHECK AMOUNT: $1,837.66 Lg PO BOX 1957 SON NOBLESVILLE IN 46060 CHECK NUMBER: 176774 CHECK DATE: 9/2/2009 DEPARTM AC COUNT PO NU MBER INV OICE NUMBER AMOUNT DESCRIPTION '2201 4351000 CTCS406708 115.27 AUTO REPAIR MAINTEN 2201 4351000 CTCS406798 614.95 AUTO REPAIR MAINTEN 2201 4351000 CTCS406908 263.70 AUTO REPAIR MAINTEN 2201 4351000 CTCS407741 843.74 AUTO REPAIR MAINTEN e .r. A►C BUICK GMC 1-8J' CHEVROLET PONTI tiare 2001 Stoney Creek Road 5336 Pike Plaza Road Noblesville, Indiana 46060 Indianapolis, Indiana 46254 www.hareauto Ph: 317- 773 -1090 Fx: 317- 776 -5038 Ph: 317- 299 -5555 Fx: 317- 329 -4224 CUSTOMER NO. ADVISOR TAG NO. INVOICE DATE INVOICE NO. 464 MUM 12r.LlCr= 901 117 L RATE LICENSE NO. ILEAGE COL O CITY OF CARM E L STREET DEPT YEAR /MAKE /MODEL WRY DATE DELIVERY MILES 3400 W 131ST ST SIERRA 2500/2 DOOR WESTFIELD, IN 46074 -8267 .v. O. SELLING DEALER NO. PRODUCTION DATE O. r A,O. R.O. DATE RESIDENCE PHONE BUSINESS PHONE COMM 317-7334001 �17_505 BOR SL PARTS TERMS: STRICTLY CASH 112CU'SUSP.ENSLONµREP.A`IRS TECH( =Sq)..722 316:1:0.0 UNLESS ARRANGEMENTS MADE C/S REPLACE BALL JOINTS PER ESTIMATE 722 1 hereby authorize the repair work hereinafter TESTED AND REMOVED AND REPLACED BOTH SIDE UPPER AND LOWER set forth to be done along with the necessary BALL JOINTS AND REINSTALLD ALL HARDWARE material and agree that you are not respon- sible for loss or damage to vehicle or articles ARTS QTY• -•FP- NUMBER DESCRIPTION UNIT PRICE- left in vehicle in case of fire, theft, or any other OB 1 1 2 74138 UBJ 60.00 120.00 cause beyond your control or for any delays OB 1 2 74138 LBJ 60.00 120.00 caused by unavailability of parts or delays in JOB 1 TOTAL PARTS 240.00 parts shipments by the supplier or transporter. I hereby grant you and /or your employees JOB 1 TOTAL LABOR PARTS 555.00 permission to operate the vehicle herein described on streets, highways, or elsewhere X2±01 "CV$Wla2 *2W{3 t�LTGNMEN) ;4 TECH(,$.0570%1 .v. ,5q, 95 for the purpose of testing and/or inspection. An CHECK STEERING AND SUSPENSION,ALIGN FRONTEND TO FACTORY express mechanic's lien is hereby acknow- SPECS. eedged on below vehicle to secure the amount CHECK STEERING AND SUSPENSION,ALIGN FRONTEND TO FACTORY of repairs thereto:' SPECS. The Factory Warranty Constitutes All Of The ARTS QTY -FP- NUMBER DESCRIPTION UNIT PRICE- Warranties With Respect To The Sale Of This JOB 2 TOTAL PARTS 0.00 Item/items. The Seller Hereby Expressly Dis- claims All Warranties, Either Express Or JOB 2 TOTAL LABOR PARTS 59.95 Implied Including Any Implied Warranty Of Merchantability Or Fitness For Particular ISC CODE DESCRIPTION CONTROL NO--- Purpose, And The Seller Neither Assumes Nor OB A SS SHOP SUPPLIES 20.00 Authorizes Any Other Person To Assume For OB 2 LOF SHOP SUPPLIES CREDIT .10.00 It Any Liability In Connection With The Sale of OB 2 CL PARTS DISCOUNT CARS -10.00 Thisltem/ltems." TOTAL MISC 0.00 MISCELLANEOUS OTALS MATERIAL CHARGE 10% OF LABOR CHARGES TO A MAXIMUM ARTS DESIGNATED WITH AN INDICATES LIFETIME GUARANTEE TOTAL LABOR.... 374.95 OF $15.00 IS CHARGES ON REPAIRS TO HIS APPLIES TO CUSTOMER PAY REPAIRS ONLY. TOTAL PARTS.... 240.00 COVER COSTS OF SUPPLIED BOUGHT IN TOTAL SUBLET... 0.00 BULK USED IN REPAIRING YOUR VEHICLE TOTAL G.O.G.... 0.00 AND COSTS TO DISPOSE OF HAZARDOUS TOTAL MISC CHG. 20.00 WASTE. COMPLETELY SATISFIED TOTAL MISC DISC -20.00 TOTAL TAX...... 0.00 TERMS CASH OR CREDIT CARD ONLY TOTAL INVOICE 614.95 Any other arrangement must be approved by the General Manager. For any credit account: THANK YOU A FINANCE CHARGE OF 1' 12% (minimum charge of $.50) on the total unpaid balance of purchases and charges over 30 days will be added to the balance o the account. Annual percentage rate 18 7 &w 4 ;Aw We a aaS coq A&re4 ¢4tia�eed Wa4 ocos aewiee... 9a WW ku<e 4,w $ued*l a coawue aq tlr& cao ea& IB'b���io 1 CUSTOMER COPY END OF INVOICE 02:20pm c f ,4 q J CHEVROLET PONTIAC BUICK GMC Ilare 2001 Stoney Creek Road 5336 Pike Plaza Road Noblesville, Indiana 46060 Indianapolis, Indiana 46254 www.hareauto Ph: 317- 773 -1090 Fx:317- 776 -5038 Ph: 317- 299 -5555 Fx: 317- 329 -4224 CUSTOMER NO. ADVISOR TAG NO. INVOICE DATE INVOICE NO. L c K RATE LICENSE NO. ILEAGE COW u iV �IO�R N CITY OF CARMEL STREET DEPT YEAR /MAKE /MODEL -RY DATE DELIVERY MILES 3400 W 131ST ST WESTFIELD, IN 46074 -8267 V IQ L,. O. SEU 9 44 PRODUCTION DATE ..E. O. 3 P.O. O. R.O. DATE RESIDENCE PHONE BUSINESS PHONE COMMc 3-17-733-2003 LABO R S TERMS STRICTLY CASH 1 20G.V,Z7 ELECTRICAL R AIRS n s' T:EGH.(S),.g732 RI ,'49.::75 UNLESS ARRANGEMENTS MADE C/S FAN BLOWER IS INOP ON SPEEDS 1-2-3 ADVISE "I hereby authorize the repair work hereinafter TESTED AND REMOVED AND REPLACED BLOWER RESISTER MODULE set forth to be done along with the necessary SHORTED OUT material and agree that you are not respon sible for loss or damage to vehicle or articles ARTS QTY FP- NUMBER DESCRIPTION UNIT PRICE left in vehicle in case of fire, theft, or any other J OB 1 1 89019088 RESISTOR 9.215 65.52 65.52 cause beyond your control or for any delays JOB 1 TOTAL PARTS 65.52 caused by unavailability of parts or delays In parts shipments by the supplier or transporter. .JOB 1 TOTAL LABOR PARTS 115.27 1 hereby grant you and /or your employees permission to operate the vehicle herein ISC CODE DES CRIPTION CONTROL NO--- described on streets, highways, or elsewhere OB A SS SHOP SUPPLIES 9.83 for the purpose of testing and /or inspection. An JOB 1 DIS CAR LABOR DISCOUNT 5.83 express mechanic's lien is hereby acknow- OB 1 CL PARTS DISCOUNT CARS -4.00 ledged on below vehicle to secure the amount TOTAL MISC 0.00 of repairs thereto." OTALS The Factory Warranty Constitutes All Of The Warranties With Respect To The Sale Of This ARTS DESIGNATED WITH AN INDICATES LIFETIME GUARANTEE TOTAL LABOR.... 49.75 Item/Items.The Seller Hereby Expressly Dis- HIS APPLIES TO CUSTOMER PAY REPAIRS ONLY. TOTAL PARTS.... 65.52 claims All Warranties, Either Express Or TOTAL SUBLET... 0.00 Implied, Including Any Implied Warranty Of TOTAL G.O.G... 0.00 Merchantability Or Fitness For A Particular TOTAL MISC CHG. 9.83 Purpose, And The Seller Neither Assumes Nor COMPLETELY SATISFIED TOTAL MISC DISC -9.83 Authorizes Any Other Person To Assume For TOTAL TAX...... 0.00 It Any Liability In Connection WithThe Sale of This Item/Items:' TOTAL INVOICE 115.27 MISCELLANEOUS THANK YOU MATERIAL CHARGE 10% OF LABOR CHARGES TO A MAXIMUM OF $15.00 IS CHARGES ON REPAIRS TO COVER COSTS OF SUPPLIED BOUGHT IN BULK USED IN REPAIRING YOUR VEHICLE AND COSTS TO DISPOSE OF HAZARDOUS WASTE. COIUMER SIGNATURE TERMS CASH OR CREDIT CARD ONLY Any other arrangement must be approved by the General Manager. For any credit account: A FINANCE CHARGE OF 1 1 /2% (minimum charge of $.50) on the total unpaid balance of purchases and charges over 30 days will be added to the balance o the account. Annual percentage rate 18 We a aat you aalia l d &,a4 ocac Qezvlce... 76 yaca &u e'asuy gww&Iiic cdawzocucq tlua aww", call Pp n yce #CW44c44. B /RP= Gc�oao7L�a1 CUSTOMER COPY END OF INVOICE 02:39pm CHEVROLET Hare PONTIAC BUICK GMC 2001 Stoney- Creek Road 5336 Pike Plaza Road Noblesville, Indiana 46060 Indianapolis, Indiana 46254 www.hareauto Ph: 317- 773 -1090 Fx: 317- 776 -5038 Ph: 317- 299 -5555 Fx: 317- 329 -4224 CUSTOMER NO. ADVISOR TAG NO. INVOICE DATE INVOICE NO. LABOR RATE LICENSE NO. ILEAGE COL S O K N 77 1140 CITY OF CA RM E L STREET DEPT YEAR /MAKE /MODEL tL RRY DATE DELIVERY MILES 3400 w 131ST ST WESTFIELD, IN 46074 -8267 Vt IC tI. +O. SELL Ln E N PRODUCTION DATE 500 HD 06 /1 ZDA. T.E. O. P.O. O. R.O. DATE RESIDENCE PHONE BUSINESS PHONE COMM 5 33 7-733-2001 �17-5053 _BOR 4� S TERMS STRICTLY CASH 1•. UNLESS ARRANGEMENTS MADE E2 Sk1SPENSION REPAI RS TECH.tS)iR7.2 12:7.:5.0 "I hereby authorize the repair work hereinafter C/S CHECK BALL JOINTS THINKS RF UPPER BAD SEE JOHN ADVISE TESTED AND FOUND THE RF UPPER BALL JOINT LOOSE AND WORN set forth to be done along with the necessary REMOVED ALL NEEDED HARDWARE AND REPLACED RF UPPER BALL JOINT material and agree that you are not respon- AND REINSTALLD ALL HARDWARE sible for loss or damage to vehicle or articles left in vehicle in case of fire, theft, or any other ARTS- -QTY- -FP- NUMBER- DESCRIPTION- -UNIT PRICE- cause beyond your control or for any delays J OB 1 1 74177MS UPPER JT 75.00 75.00 caused by unavailability of parts or delays in JOB 1 TOTAL PARTS 75.00 parts shipments by the supplier or transporter. I hereby grant you and /or your employees JOB 1 TOTAL LABOR PARTS 202.50 permission to operate the vehicle herein described on streets, highways, or elsewhere 2 O.iU *2WD MENT TEGH/,SI 722" `:159, ,9 for the purpose of testing and /or inspection. An CHECK STEERING AND SUSPENSION.ALIGN FRONTEND TO FACTORY express mechanic's Tien is hereby acknow SPECS. ledged on below vehicle to secure the amount CHECK STEERING AND SUSPENSION FRONTEND TO FACTORY of repairs thereto.' SPECS. The Factory Warranty Constitutes All Of The ARTS QTY FP- NUMBER DESCRIPTION UNIT PRICE- Warranties With Respect To The Sale Of This JOB 2 TOTAL PARTS 0.00 Item /Items. The Seller Hereby Expressly Dis- claims All Warranties, Either Express Or JOB 2 TOTAL LABOR PARTS 59.95 Implied Including Any Implied Warranty Of Merchantability Or Fitness For Particular ISC CODE-------- DES CRIPTION CONTROL NO--- Purpose, And The Seller Neither Assumes Nor OB A SS SHOP SUPPLIES 11.25 Authorizes Any Other Person To Assume For 08 2 LOF SHOP SUPPLIES CREDIT -10.00 It Any Liability In Connection With The Sale of TOTAL MISC 1.25 This Item/Items." OMMENTS MISCELLANEOUS AITER MATERIAL CHARGE 10% OF LABOR CHARGES TO A MAXIMUM OTALS OF $15.00 IS CHARGES ON REPAIRS TO COVER COSTS OF SUPPLIED BOUGHT IN ARTS DESIGNATED WITH AN INDICATES LIFETIME GUARANTEE TOTAL LABOR.... 187.45 BULK USED IN REPAIRING YOUR VEHICLE HIS APPLIES TO CUSTOMER PAY REPAIRS ONLY. TOTAL PARTS.... 75.00 AND COSTS TO DISPOSE OF HAZARDOUS TOTAL SUBLET... 0.00 WASTE. TOTAL G.O.G.... 0.00 TOTAL MISC CHG. 11.25 TERMS COMPLETELY SATISFIED TOTAL MISC DISC -10.00 CASH OR CREDIT CARD ONLY TOTAL TAX...... 0.00 Any other arrangement must be approved by the General Manager. For any credit account: TOTAL INVOICE 263.70 A FINANCE CHARGE OF 1 (minimum THANK YOU charge of $.50) on the total unpaid balance of purchases and charges over 30 days will be added to the balance o the account. Annual percentage rate 18 UU�)IUMER SIGNATURE We caacae yacc ea_Weee4 j4aV&d cwa4 ocaa 4mo&e... *2� Veab ku a a" grceatiaerd cosscenxlcy elu¢ rte. caEl race �iencasialfiy CUSTOMER COPY I END OF INVOICE 05:46pm e CHEVROLET PONTIAC BLACK GMC 2001 Stoney Creek Road 5336 Pike Plaza Road Noblesville, Indiana 46060 Indianapolis, Indiana 46254 www. h area u to c o m Ph: 317-773-1090 Fx: 317- 776 -5038 Ph: 317- 299 -5555 Fx: 317- 329 -4224 CUSTOMER NO. ADVISOR TAG NO. INVOICE DATE INVOICE NO. 46420 JOHN PFNCF 691 167 124109 21CS4077.41 LABOR RATE LICENSE NO. MILEAGE COLOR STOCK NO. CITY OF CARMEL STREET DEPT YEAR /MAKE /MODEL 954 DELIVERY DATE DELIVERY MILES 3400 W 131ST ST WESTFIELD IN 46074 -8267 vEhICL LD. hO. SELLING DEALERNO. PRODUCTION DATE .T.E. NO. .O. NO. R.O. DATE RESIDENCE PHONE BUSINESS PHONE COMM N 5 3 0 1 5 SJU 081241 31Z-733-2001 �17-5053 T OTALS TERMS: STRICTLY CASH UNLESS ARRANGEMENTS MADE PARTS DESIGNATED WITH AN INDICATES LIFETIME GUARANTEE TOTAL LABOR.... 340.00 "1 hereby authorize the repair work hereinafter IS "APPLIES TO CUSTOMER PAY REPAIRS ONLY. TOTAL PARTS.... 408.74 set forth to be done along with the necessary TOTAL SUBLET... 95.00 material and agree that you are not respon- TOTAL G.O.G... 0.00 sible for loss or damage to vehicle or articles TOTAL MISC CHG. 20.00 left in vehicle in case of fire, theft, or any other COMPLETELY SATISFIED TOTAL MISC DISC 20.00 cause beyond your control or for any delays TOTAL TAX...... 0.00 caused by unavailability of parts or delays in parts shipments by the supplier or transporter. TOTAL INVOICE 843.74 1 hereby grant you and /or your employees permission to operate the vehicle herein THANK YOU described on streets, highways, or elsewhere for the purpose of testing and /or inspection. An express mechanic's lien is hereby acknow- ledged on below vehicle to secure the amount of repairs thereto" "The Factory Warranty Constitutes All Of The jp/4���t Warranties With Respect To The Sale Of This Item /Items. The Seller Hereby Expressly Dis- claims All Warranties, Either Express Or Implied, Including Any Implied Warranty Of Merchantability Or Fitness For A Particular Purpose, And The Seller Neither Assumes Nor Authorizes Any Other Person To Assume For It Any Liability In Connection With The Sale of This ItemAtems:' MISCELLANEOUS MATERIAL CHARGE 1 10% OF LABOR CHARGES TO A MAXIMUM 1 OF $15.00 IS CHARGES ON REPAIRS TO t COVER COSTS OF SUPPLIED BOUGHT IN BULK USED IN REPAIRING YOUR VEHICLE AND COSTS TO DISPOSE OF HAZARDOUS t WASTE. TERMS CASH OR CREDIT CARD ONLY Any other arrangement must be approved by the General Manager. For any credit account: A FINANCE CHARGE OF 1 (minimum charge of $.50) on the total unpaid balance of purchases and charges over 30 days will be added to the balance o the account. Annual percentage rate 18 We a- at rfoci edHyrileC4 44&V& agz4 dc,at aerckce... 9� 00a &U* aagy gcceatidaQ cdac�rauc y tlri� u�aale. calf ace AeW4W4 e /�rA ET�a &2 CUSTOMER COPY END OF INVOICE 03:11pm 4 CHEVROLET I flare PONTIAC BUICK GMC 2001 Stoney Creek Road 5336 Pike Plaza Road Noblesville, Indiana •46060 Indianapolis, Indiana 46254 www.hareauto Ph: 317 773 -1090 Fx: 317 776 -5038 Ph: 317- 299 -5555 Fx: 317- 329 -4224 CUSTOMER NO. ADVISOR TAG NO. INVOICE DATE INVOICE NO. LABOR RATE LICENSE NO. MILEAGE COLOR STOCK NO. CITY OF CARMEL STREET DEPT YEAR /MAKE /MODEL DELIV RY DATE DELIVERY MILES 3400 W 131ST ST WESTFIELD, IN 46074 -8267 VE ICLE LD. O. SELLING EALERNO. PRODUCTION DATE F.T.E. NO. P.O. NO. 0 2 4 7 Q R.O. DATE I 08424409 RESIDENCE PHONE BUSINESS PHONE COMM N S 117-73 3- 2001 �iz_5051 LABOR'_P. 5 TERMS: STRICTLY CASH �15GV :UEL/ RI:V,E�96I cY TECH.(SJ827 X390 i 0 UNLESS ARRANGEMENTS MADE C/S WILL NOT START ADVISE "I hereby authorize the repair work hereinafter TESTED AND FOUND T HE FUEL PUMP MODULE FAILED AND NO FUEL set forth to be done along with the necessary PRESSURE, REMOVED GAS TANK AND ALL NEEDED HARDWARE AND material and agree that you are not respon- REPLACED FUEL PUMP MODULE AND FILTER AND REINSTALLED TANK sible for loss or damage to vehicle or articles left in vehicle in case of fire, theft, or any other ARTS- -QTY- -FP- NUMBER- DESCRIPTION- -UNIT PRICE cause beyond your control or for any delays OB 1 1 19153712 *MODULE KI 3.107 383.26 383.26 caused by unavailability of parts or delays in J OB 1 1 25171792 FILTER KI 3.890 25.48 25.48 parts shipments by the supplier or transporter. JOB 1 TOTAL PARTS 408.74 1 hereby grant you and /or your employees permission to operate the vehicle herein JOB 1 TOTAL LABOR PARTS 748, 74 described on streets, highways, or elsewhere for the purpose of testing and/or inspection. An J#ff2L RENXAL.,5yU.TQ?L �TECtI(5)s'.82' O1:00 express mechanic's lien is hereby acknow- PREFERRED TOW ledged on below vehicle to secure the amount of repairs thereto.' ARTS QTY FP- NUMBER DESCRIPTION UNIT PRICE- JOB 2 TOTAL PARTS 0.00 "The Factory Warranty Constitutes All Of The Warranties With Respect To The Sale Of This JOB 2 TOTAL LABOR PARTS 0.00 Item /Items. The Seller Hereby Expressly Dis- claims All Warranties, Either Express Or 3 QQEVIIRiS2ECM V.EHIO fiSPEG] IO. 7ECHCS) :827 0::0.0 Implied, Including Any Implied Warranty Of PERFORM GM MULTI -POINT INSPECTION Merchantability Or Fitness For A Particular GM MULTI-POINT INSPECTION PERFORMED Purpose, And The Seller Neither Assumes Nor Authorizes Any Other Person To Assume For ARTS QTY FP- NUMBER DESCRIPTION UNIT PRICE- It Any Liability In Connection With The Sale of JOB 3 TOTAL PARTS 0.00 This Item/Items:' JOB 3 TOTAL LABOR PARTS 0.00 MISCELLANEOUS MATERIAL CHARGE S UBLET PO# VEND INV #-INV. DATE DESCRIPTION------------------------- 10% OF LABOR CHARGES TOAMAXIMUM J OB 2 74517 08/24/09 TOW IN 95.00 OF $15.00 IS CHARGES ON REPAIRS TO TOTAL SUBLET 95.00 COVER COSTS OF SUPPLIED BOUGHT IN BULK USED IN REPAIRING YOUR VEHICLE ISC CODE DESCRIPTION CONTROL NO--- AND COSTS TO DISPOSE OF HAZARDOUS J OB A SS SHOP SUPPLIES 20.00 WASTE. OB 1 DIS CAR LABOR DISCOUNT 10.00 OB'# 1 CL PARTS DISCOUNT CARS -10.00 TERMS TOTAL MISC 0.00 CASH OR CREDIT CARD ONLY Any other arrangement must be approved by the General Manager. For any credit account: A FINANCE CHARGE OF 1 (minimum charge of $.50) on the total unpaid balance of purchases and charges over 30 days will be added to the balance o the account. Annual percentage rate 18 We caaae you coorWe&4 aa&q� d wc oeac aezalee... `7a *we lraae a" gccA&ooa coacororcoj. ffta cuanl¢, e4f6 we Aezrdooralfi`, 2 CUSTOMER COPY [CONTINUED ON NEXT PAGE] 03:11 pm Prescribed by Stale Board of Accounts City Form No. 201 (Rev. 1995) ACCOUNTS PAYABLE VOUCHER CITY OF CARMEL An invoice or bill to be properly itemized must show: kind of service, where performed, dates service rendered, by whom, rates per day, number of hours, rate per hour, number of units, price per unit, etc. Payee Purchase Order No. Terms Date Due Invoice Invoice Description Amount Date Number (or note attached invoice(s) or bill(s)) 08/11/09 CTCS406708 $115.27 08/13/09 CTCS406908 $263.70 08/13/09 CTCS406798 $614.95 08/24/09 CTCS407741 $843.74 I hereby certify that the attached invoice(s), or bill(s), is (are) true and correct and I have audited same in accordance with IC 5- 11- 10 -1.6 20 Clerk- Treasurer VOQCHFR N O. WARRANT NO. ALLOWED 20 Hare Chevrolet IN SUM OF 2001 Stoney Creek Road Noblesville, IN 46060 $1,837.66 ON ACCOUNT OF APPROPRIATION FOR Carmel Street Department PO# Dept. INVOICE NO. ACCT #!TITLE AMOUNT Board Members 2201 CTCS406708 43 510.00 $115.27 1 hereby certify that the attached invoice(s) or 2201 CTCS406908 43- 510.00 $263.70 bifl(s) is (are) true and correct and that the 2201 CTCS406798 43- 510.00 $614.95 materials or services itemized thereon for 2201 CTCS407741 43- 510.00 $843.74 which charge is made were ordered and received except fhursday 2009 Street Commissioner �trFt s .t ��;rnmi,..•: Title Cost distribution ledger classification if claim paid motor vehicle highway fund