HomeMy WebLinkAbout180110 12/08/2009 CITY OF CARMEL, INDIANA VENDOR: 351304 Page 1 of 1 ONE CIVIC SQUARE HARE CHEVROLET INC CARMEL, INDIANA 46032 2001 STONEY CREEK WAY CHECK AMOUNT: $701.80 PO Box 1957 CHECK NUMBER: 180110 NOBLESVILLE IN 46060 CHECK DATE: 12/812009 DEPARTMENT ACCOUNT PO NUMBER IN VOICE NUM AMOUNT DESCRIPTION 651 5023990 415573 X273.47 OTHER EXPENSES 2201 4351000 CTCS414467 -"258.33 AUTO REPAIR MAINTEN 2201 4351000 CTCS414741 170.00 AUTO REPAIR MAINTEN I v 4 a r www.hareauto.com CHEVROLET 2001 Stoney Creek Road Noblesville, Indiana 46060 Ph. 317- 773 -1090 Fx: 317- 776 -5038 CUSTOMER N0, ADVISOR TAG NO. INVOICE DATE INVOICE NO. flPINATPENCE LICENSE NO. ILEAGE 254 COL GTpOS CITY OF CARMEL STREET DEPT YEAR /MAKE /MODEL 6 4 b18 R EffyY DATE DELIVERY MILES 3400 W 131ST ST I GMC 'SIERRA CAB SELLOMR3 PRODUCTION DATE WESTFIELD, IN 46074 -8267 yen 11,E. T H K 2 2F T U T EO 7. 7 5 2 5 6 R.O. DATE RESIDENCE PHONE BUSINESS PHONE COMM 317-733-2001 417-5053 TERMS STRICTLY CASH 41,2 UNLESS ARRANGEMENTS MADE 0 5GV Fi1ELDR +TxVABI!tT TECH {S `.853 ZO. Q.O "1 hereby authorize the repair work hereinafter C/S SPEEDO STILL IS INOP ADVISE 853 set forth to be done along with the necessary TESTED AND FOUND RODENT NEST UNDER UBEC AND CHEWED INTO material and agree that you are not respon- MAIN WIRING HARNESS AND SHORTING OUT SYSTEMS, REPAIRED sible for loss or damage to vehicle or articles ALL NEEDED WIRING AND REMOVED NEST AND TESTED OK left in vehicle in case of fire, theft, or any other cause beyond your control or for any delays JOB 1 TOTAL LABOR PARTS 170.00 caused by unavailability of parts or delays in parts shipments by the supplier or transporter. TOTALS I hereby grant you and /or your employees permission to operate the vehicle herein PARTS DESIGNATED WITH AN INDICATES LIFETIME GUARANTEE TOTAL LABOR.... 170.00 described on streets, highways, or elsewhere THIS APPLIES TO CUSTOMER PAY REPAIRS ONLY. TOTAL PARTS.... 0.00 for the purpose of testing and /or inspection. An TOTAL SUBLET... 0.00 express mechanic's lien is hereby acknow- TOTAL G.O. G.... 0.00 ledged on below vehicle to secure the amount TOTAL MISC CHG. 0.00 of repairs thereto:' COMPLETELY SATISFIED TOTAL MISC DISC 0.00 TOTAL TAX...... 0.00 "The Factory Warranty Constitutes All Of The Warranties With Respect To The Sale Of This TOTAL INVOICE 170.00 Itemntems. The Seller Hereby Expressly Dis- THANK YOU claims All Warranties, Either Express Or Implied, Including Any Implied Warranty Of Merchantability Or Fitness For A Particular Purpose, And The Seller Neither Assumes Nor Authorizes Any Other Person To Assume For It Any Liability In Connection With The Sale of This ltemAtems." MISCELLANEOUS CUSTOMER SIGNATURE MATERIAL CHARGE 10% OF LABOR CHARGES TO A MAXIMUM OF $15.00 IS CHARGES ON REPAIRS TO COVER COSTS OF SUPPLIED BOUGHT IN BULK USED IN REPAIRING YOUR VEHICLE AND COSTS TO DISPOSE OF HAZARDOUS WASTE. TERMS CASH OR CREDIT CARD ONLY Any other arrangement must be approved by the General Manager. For any credit account: A FINANCE CHARGE OF 1 1 /2 (minimum charge of $.50) on the total unpaid balance of purchases and charges over 30 days will be added to the balance o the account. Annual percentage rate 18 s 7 1p"r cvi 4 ocaa q-, &u 44V gcceatiolra cavaexsrisr.� t�u2 ua�, eaEL ate A¢4*rae4 CUSTOMER COPY END OF INVOICE j 08:51am r r. t r le r www.hareauto.com CHEVROLET z 2001 Stoney Creek Road Noblesville, Indiana 46060 Ph: 317-773-1090 1317-776-5038 CUSTOMER NO. ADVISOR TAG NO INVOICE DATE INVOICE NO AT LICENSE NO, b LEAGE COL R 1 1 9 UT II)L54144637 CITY OF CARMEL STREET DEPT YEAR /MAKE /MODEL b4 b n DELIVERY MILES 3400 W 131ST ST aW I G Mi3q51ERRA SELL PRODUCTION DATE WESTFIELD, IN 46074 -8267 T.E. T H K Z 4 0 Z 4 .O. 7 5 2 R.O. DATE RESIDENCE PHONE BUSINESS PHONE COMM I13133120I550020 11116 U9 TERMS: STRICTLY CASH TOTALS----- UNLESS ARRANGEMENTS MADE `I hereby authorize the repair work hereinafter PARTS': DESIGNATED• WITH AN INDICATES LIFETIME GUARANTEE TOTAL LABOR.... 197.75 set forth to be done along with the necessary THIS 'APPLIES TO'CUSTOMER PAY REPAIRS ONLY. TOTAL PARTS.... 60.58 material and agree that you are not respon- TOTAL SUBLET... 0.00 sible for loss or damage to vehicle or articles k TOTAL G.O. G.... 0..00 left in vehicle in case of fire, theft, or any other TOTAL MISC CHG. 9.09 cause beyond your control or for any delays COMPLETELY SATISFIED TOTAL MISC DISC -9.09 caused by unavailability of parts or delays in TOTAL TAX...... 0.00 parts shipments by the supplier or transporter. I hereby grant you and /or your employees TOTAL INVOICE 258.33 permission to operate the vehicle herein described on streets, highways, or elsewhere THANK YOU for the purpose of testing and /or inspection. An express mechanic's lien is hereby acknow- ledged on below vehicle to secure the amount of repairs thereto.' "The Factory Warranty Constitutes All Of The Warranties With Respect To The Sale Of This Itemlltems. The Seller Hereby Expressly Dis- CUSTOMER SIGNATURE All Warranties, Either Express Or Implied, Including Any Implied Warranty Of Merchantability Or Fitness For A Particular sI Purpose, And The Seller Neither Assumes Nor Authorizes Any Other Person To Assume For It Any Liability In Connection With The Sale of This Item/Items.” p MISCELLANEOUS i l! MATERIAL CHARGE 10% OF LABOR CHARGES TO A MAXIMUM OF $15.00 IS CHARGES ON REPAIRS TO COVER COSTS OF SUPPLIED BOUGHT IN BULK USED IN REPAIRING YOUR VEHICLE AND COSTS TO DISPOSE OF HAZARDOUS s WASTE. TERMS CASH OR CREDIT CARD ONLY t Any other arrangement must be approved by the General Manager. For any credit account: A FINANCE CHARGE OF 1 (minimum charge of $.50) on the total unpaid balance of purchases and charges over 30 days will be added to the balance o the account. Annual percentage rate 18%. is �(/e coast yacc calarcplr.�etel�y oati¢�ied �l.LP.Qt[drSd CAKCPILKiofc`" �ttd Ct�47�, C4E we�. CUSTOMER COPY END OF INVOICE 04:2+3pm M 4 4i ar e www.hareauto.com CHEVROLET 2001 Stoney Creek Road Noblesville, Indiana 46060 Ph: 317- 773 -1090 Fx: 317- 776 -5038 CUSTOMER NO. ADVISOR TAG NO. INVOICE DATE INVOICE NO, AT LI MTi7iO. bJ±1UEAGE COL R T CITY OF CA RM E L STREET DEPT YEAR /MAKE /MODEL 6 Kf±I Dr DATE DELIVERY MILES 3400 W 131ST ST I GMCI S ERRA SELL! PRODUCTION DATE WESTFIELD, IN 46074 8267 LE. EP T H K 2 4 U 2 4 73 5 2 5 b R.O. DATE RESIDENCE PHONE BUSINESS PHONE COMM 5 311-133-2001 41/_5U53 TERMS: STRICTLY CASH LABOR A S UNLESS ARRANGEMENTS MADE l#120C.V. ELEC fRIGAL REPAIRS T.ECH.( }S�)...853 «WARRAN [Y "I hereby authorize the repair work hereinafter C/S SPEEDO IS INOP ADVISE THINKS SPECIAL POLICY set forth to be done along with the necessary REPLACED CLUSTER ASSEMBLY AND PROGRAMMED T5686 .9 material and agree that you are not respon- sible for loss or damage to vehicle or articles PARTS QTY FP- NUMBER DESCRIPTION UNIT PRICE- left in vehicle in case of fire, theft, or any other JOB 1 TOTAL PARTS 0.00 cause beyond your control or for any delays caused by unavailability of parts or delays in JOB 1 TOTAL LABOR PARTS 0.00 parts shipments by the supplier or transporter. I hereby grant you and/or our r t employees d y p 3# =05G11Z :.ti E11EL /ORIUEABILIiTY 4 A' T.ECH.(S B53 197 7.5$ permission to operate the vehicle herein C/S SES LIGHT IS ON ADVISE described on streets, highways, or elsewhere TESTED AND FOUND THE EVAP VENT SELONOID FAILED, REMOVED for the purpose of testing and /or inspection. An AND REPLACED EVAP VENT SELENOID AND REPLACED GAS CAP express mechanic's lien is hereby acknow- NOT SEALING AND REPOGRAMMED SYSTEM ledged on below vehicle to secure the amount of repairs thereto:' PARTS QTY -FP- NUMBER--------- DESCRIPTION------------- -UNIT PRICE- JOB '2. 1 25827335 CAP 3.028 26.58 26.58 The Factory Warranty Constitutes All Of The JOB #'2 1 25932569 VALVE 3.130 34.00 34.00 Warranties With Respect To The Sale Of This JOB 2 TOTAL PARTS 60.58 ItemAtems. The Seller Hereby Expressly Dis- claims All Warranties, Either Express Or JOB 2 TOTAL LABOR PARTS 258.33 Implied Including Any Implied Warranty Of r�- 1316O.-^ W T 4 Merchantability Or Fitness For A Particular J# 3 O.QCIIZLNSPECT V.EHLCLE i RE ­1I T:EGH.(S)x:.853 0;::0.04 Purpose, And The Seller Neither Assumes PERFORM GM MULTI-POINT INSPECTION Nor Authorizes Any Other Person To Assume GM MULTI POINT INSPECTION PERFORMED For It Any Liability In Connection With The PARTS QTY FP- NUMBER DESCRIPTION UNIT PRICE Sale of Thisltemntems." JOB 3 TOTAL PARTS 0.00 MISCELLANEOUS JOB 3 TOTAL LABOR &PARTS 0.00 10% OF MATERIAL CHARGE LABOR CHARGES TO A MAXIMUM -r OF $15.00 IS CHARGES ON REPAIRS TO MISC: CODE DESCRIPTION CONTROL NO COVER COSTS OF SUPPLIED BOUGHT IN J06, #>A SS SHOP SUPPLIES 9 BULK USED IN REPAIRING YOUR VEHICLE JOB 1 DIS CAR LABOR DISCOUNT 9.09 AND COSTS TO DISPOSE OF HAZARDOUS TOTAL MISC 0.00 WASTE. COMMENTS OK JEFF TERMS CASH OR CREDIT CARD ONLY Any other arrangement must be approved by the General Manager. For any credit account: A FINANCE CHARGE OF 1 (minimum charge of $.50) on the total unpaid balance of purchases and charges over 30 days will be added to the balance o the account. Annual percentage rate 18 :t S. ZUe wa-r *aec eoycfilete(# aati*a u rtli acac aeculee... 7a "La law 4/uy gc w&;Iaa, eaareeucufq. da &W14, e4& we Aerwao 4, 2 CUSTOMER COPY [CONTINUED ON NEXT PAGE] 04:26pm Prescribed by State Board of Accounts City Form No. 201 (Rev. 1995) ACCOUNTS PAYABLE VOUCHER CITY OF CARMEL An invoice or bill to be properly itemized must show: kind of service, where performed, dates service rendered, by whom, rates per day, number of hours, rate per hour, number of units, price per unit, etc. Payee Purchase Order No. Terms Date Due Invoice Invoice Description Amount Date Number (or note attached invoice(s) or bill(s)) 11/17/09 CTCS414467 $258.33 11/19/09 CTCS414741 $170.00 I hereby certify that the attached invoice(s), or bill(s), is (are) true and correct and I have audited same in accordance with IC 5- 11- 10 -1.6 20 Clerk- Treasurer V OUCHER N W NO. Hare Chevrolet ALLOWED 20 IN SUM OF 2001 Stoney Creek Road Noblesville, IN 46060 $428.33 ON ACCOUNT OF APPROPRIATION FOR Carmel Street Department PO# Dept. INVOICE NO. ACCT /TITLE AMOUNT Board Member 2201 CTCS414467 43- 510.00 $258.33 1 hereby certify that the attached invoice(s), or 2201 CTCS414741 43- 510.00 $170.00 bill(s) is (are) true and correct and that the materials or services itemized thereon for which charge is made were ordered and received except Fr day 04, 2009 i< e Street Com►�a' sioner Stree� uss of Jul Title Cost distribution ledger classification if claim paid motor vehicle highway fund 1 11 are www.hareauto.com CHEVROLET 2001 Stoney Creek Road Noblesville, Indiana 46050 Ph: 317- 773 -1090 Fx: 317 -775 -5038 CUSTOMER NO. ADVISOR TAG NO. INVOICE DATA INVOICE NO JO" ATPENLL I LICENSE NO 6 IJILEAGE COL rsTT cs4.t5573 CITY OF CARMEL YEAR /MAKE /MODEL c DELIVERY MILES 1 CIVIC SQ DWI SELL A A00 PRODUCTION DATE CARMEL, IN 46032 -2584 .E. G C G K Z 4 R 5 Y 7 b 0 1 b R.O. DATE RESIDENCE PHONE "USINESSPHONE COM 11130109 TERMS: STRICTLY CASH LA�00I PA UNLESS ARRANGEMENTS MADE 3#, 66 1 NS RPiAR$�� ECH.(S) .43, "7� 1.72�r9: "I hereby authorize the repair work hereinafter C/S WILL NOT GO INTO PARK ADVISE set forth to be done along with the necessary TESTED AND FOUND THE SHIFT CABLE BROKEN, REMOVED AND REPLACE material and agree that you are not respon- SHIFT CABLE ASSEMBLY AND TESTED OK sible for loss or damage to vehicle or articles left in vehicle in case of fire, theft, or any other PARTS QTY -FP- NUMBER--------- DESCRIPTION-- -UNIT PRICE- cause beyond your control or for any delays JOB.# 1 1 15037353 CABLE ASM 4.047 95.68 95.68 caused by unavailability of parts or delays in JOB 1 TOTAL PARTS 95.68 parts shipments by the supplier or transporter. I hereby grant you and /or your employees JOB 1 TOTAL LABOR &PARTS 268.47 permission to operate the vehicle herein n described on streets, highways, or elsewhere J# 2 UOCVZINSP.FGT� VEN ALE INSREC T{ R TEGI CS &3F3 0 00 for the purpose of testing and /or inspection. An PERFORM GM MULTI -POINT INSPECTION express mechanic's lien is hereby acknow GM MULTI-POINT INSPECTION PERFORMED ledged on below vehicle to secure the amount of repairs thereto.' PARTS QTY -FP- NUMBER •DESCRIPTION UNIT PRICE- JOB 2 TOTAL PARTS 0.00 "The Factory Warranty Constitutes All Of The Warranties With Respect To The Sale Of This JOB 2 TOTAL LABOR &PARTS 0.00 IternAtems. The Seller Hereby Expressly Dis- claims All Warranties, Either Express Or MISC CODE DESCRIPTION CONTROL N 0 Implied Including Any Implied Warranty Of JOB #..A SS SHOP SUPPLIES 5.00 F TOTAL -MISC 5.00 Merchantability Or Fitness For A Particular Purpose, And The Seller Neither Assumes COMMENTS Nor Authorizes Any Other Person To Assume 571 2645 PAUL OR LARRY For It Any Liability In Connection With The Sale of This ItemAtems," TOTALS MISCELLANEOUS PARTS.: DESIGNATED .WITH AN INDICATES LIFETIME GUARANTEE TOTAL LABOR.... 172.79 MATERIAL CHARGE THIS-APPLIES-TO CUSTOMER PAY REPAIRS ONLY. TOTAL PARTS.... 95.68 10% OF LABOR CHARGES TO A MAXIMUM TOTAL SUBLET... 0.00 OF $15.00 IS CHARGES ON REPAIRS TO COVER COSTS OF SUPPLIED BOUGHT IN TOTAL G. O 5 .00 .G... BULK USED IN REPAIRING YOUR VEHICLE TOTAL COMPLETELY, SATISFIED TOTAL MISC DISC 0.00 AND COSTS TO DISPOSE OF HAZARDOUS TOTAL TAX...... 0.00 WASTE. TOTAL INVOICE 273.47 TERMS x CASH OR CREDIT CARD ONLY THANK YOU Any other arrangement must be approved by a c;?= the General Manager. For any credit account: A FINANCE CHARGE OF 1 (minimum charge of $.50) on the total unpaid balance of _1' purchases and charges over 30 days will be added to the balance o the account. Annual percentage rate 18%. c F JAW/ IN E we "'aWr "W ea�s�ldetefip aawc &d ,r ei =1 CUSTOMER COPY END OF INVOICE 02:42pm Prescribed by State Board of Accounts City Form No. 201 (Rev 1995) ACCOUNTS PAYABLE VOUCHER CITY OF CARMEL r An invoice or bill to be properly itemized must show, kind of service, where performed, dates of service rendered, by whom, rates per day, number of units, price per unit, etc. Payee 351304 HARE CHEVROLET Purchase Order No. 2001 Stoney Creek Road Terms Noblesville, IN 46060 Due Date 12/2/2009 Invoice Invoice Description Date Number (or note attached invoice(s) or bill(s)) Amount 12/2/2009 415573 $273.47 I hereby certify that the attached invoice(s), or bill(s) is (are) true and correct and I have audited same in accordance with IC 5- 11- 10 -1.6 Date Officer VOUCHER 096 WARRANT ALLOWED 35i('304 IN SUM OF HARE CHEVROLET 2001 Stoney Creek Road Noblesville, IN 46060 Carmel Wastewater Utility ON ACCOUNT OF APPROPRIATION FOR Board members PO INV ACCT AMOUNT Audit Trail Code 415573 01- 7500 -02 $273.47 i� I Voucher Total $273.47 Cost distribution ledger classification if claim paid under vehicle highway fund