HomeMy WebLinkAboutPublic NoticeForm Prescribed by Slate Board of Accoums CITY OF CARMEL COUNTY, iNDIANA LINE COUNT 81923-3111281 General Form No. 99 P (Rev. 1987) To: INDIANAPOLIS NEWSPAPERS 307 N PENNSYLVANIA ST - PO BOX 145 -i INDIANAPOLIS, IN 46206-0145 ~ .>. Display Matter - (Must not exceed two actual lines, neither of which shall total more than four solid lines of the type in which the body of the advertisement is set). Number of equivalent lines Head - Number of lines Body - Number of lines Tail - Number of lines Total number of lines in notice COMPUTATION OF CHARGES 52.0 lines 1.0 columns wide equals 52.0 equivalent lines at .340 cents per line $ 17.66 Additional charge tbr notices containing rule and figure work (50 per cent of above amount) Charges for extra proog of puNication ($1.00 for each proof in excess of two) TOTAL AMOUNT OF CLAIM DATA FOR COMPUTING COST Width of single column 7.83 ems Number of insertions 1 ....~0 Size of type 5.~7 point Pursuant to the provisions and penalties of Chapter 155, Acts of 1953, ! hereby certify that the tbregoing account is just and correct, that the amount claimed is legally due, after allowing all just credits, and that no part of thc same has been paid. $ $. $_ $ $ .00 $ .00 17.66 DATE: 02/06/2004 81923-3111281 PUBLISHER'S AFFIDAVIT State of Indiana SS: MARION County Clerk Title COMMISSION Personally appeared before me, a notary public in and for said county and state, the undersigned Karen Mullins who. being duly sworn, says that SHE is clerk of the iNDIANAPOIAS NEWSPAPERS a DALLY STAR newspaper of general circulation printed and published in the English language in the city of INDIANAPOLIS m state and county afbresaid, and that the printed matter attached hereto is a true copy. which was duly published in said paper lbr 1 time(s), between the dates of: 02/06/2004 and 02/06/2004 cording lo its Rules of proce dura. In addition the hearing I Fol (s-2/6-~m~s~l E PRESCRIBED FORMULA Title Subscribed and sworn to before me on 02/06/2004 ~ Susan Ketchem [ ~ NotapJPublic, State of lndiana ~ '-- R-ATE PER LTSE- ' Notary Public 7.83 PICA COLUMN - 94 POINT 94 POINTS / 5.7 PT. TYPE - 16.49 16.49 EMS / 250 - .06596 SQUARES .06596 SQUARES x $4.67 - .308 CENTS PER LINE PUBLISHED I TIME = .308 PUBLISHED 2 TIMES= .462 PUBLISHED 3 TIMES= .616 PUBLISHED 4 TIMES= .770 Conn, Anvelina V From: Sent: To: Subject: CaroI.Mitchell@indystar.com on behalf of PublicNotices@indystar.com Wednesday, January 19, 2005 11:59 AM Conn, Angelina V RE: Notice of Adoption: Z-463-04 Range Line Road/Carmel Drive Overlay Zone 2005-0119; -463-04; Carmel Dr. This copy is now ordered to pub lx on 1/22. Thank you, Carol M. "Conn, Angelina V" To: <PublicNotices@lndystar.com> <AConn@ci.carmel. cc: "Hollibaugh, Mike P" <MHollibaugh@ci.carmel.in.us>, "Keeling, Adrienne M" in.us> <AKeeling@ci.carmel.in.us>, "Dobosiewicz, JonC" <JDobosiewicz@ci.carmel.in.us>, "Hancock, Ramona B" <RHancock@ci.carmel.in.us>, "McCoy, David W" 01/19/2005 11:20 <DMcCoy@ci.carmel.in.us>, "Fine, Lois A" <lfine@ci.carmel.in.us>, "Griffin, Matt L" AM <mgriffin@ci.carmel.in.us> Subject: RE: Notice of Adoption: Z-463-04 Range Line Road/Carmel Drive Overlay Zone Carol: Please replace the previous notice of adoption, regarding Z-463-04, with this one attached with the revised date of adoption in the body. <<2005-0119; Z-463-04; Carmel Drive - Range Line Road Overlay Rezone Adoption Notice.doc>> thank you, Angie ..... Original Message ..... From: Conn, Angelina V Sent: Wednesday, January 19, 2005 10:56 AM To: 'PublicNotices@lndystar.com' Cc: Hollibaugh, Mike P; Keeling, Adrienne M; Dobosiewicz, Jon C; Hancock, Ramona B; McCoy, David W; Fine, Lois A; Griffin, Matt L Subject: Notice of Adoption: Z-463-04 Range Line Road/Carmel Drive Overlay Zone Carol: please publish this one item in the January 21, Friday issue of the Indianapolis Star. << File: 2005-0119; Z-463-04; Carmel Drive - Range Line Road Overlay 1 Rezone Adoption Notice.doc >> Sincerely, Angie Conn Planning Administrator Division of Planning & Zoning Department of Community Services City of Carmel One Civic Square Carmel, IN 46032 p 317.571.2417 f 317.571.2426 (See attached file: 2005-0119; Z-463-04; Carmel Drive - Range Line Road Overlay Rezone Adoption Notice.doc) Ordinance No. Z-463-04 NOTICE TO TAXPAYERS CARMEL, INDIANA NOTICE OF ADOPTION OF AN AMENDMENT TO THE CARMEL/CLAY ZONING MAP Noticc is hereby given to the taxpayers of the City of Carmel and Clay Township, Hamilton County, Indiana, that the proper legal officers ol' the City of Carmel met at their regular meeting place, Council Chambers, h Carmel City I Iall, One Civic Square, Carmel, IN 46032, at 7 00 p.m. on Monday, the 18 day ol' Jam ary, 2005, and adopted the lbllowing, as amended by the Common Council: Ordinance No. Z-463-04, rezoning Tax Parcel I.D. Nos: 16-09-25-00-00-014.000 16-09-25-04-04-004.000 16-09-25-04-04-007.000 16-09-25-04-04-007.002 16-09-25-04-04-008.000 16-09-25-04-04-009.000 16-09-25-04-04-010.000 16-09-25-04-04-011.000 16-09-25-04-04-012.000 16-09-25-04-04-013.000 16-09-25-04-04-014.000 16-09-25-16-03-005.000 16-09-25-16-03-006.000 16-09-25-! 6-03-007.000 16-09-25-16-03-008.000 16-09-25-16-03-009.000 16-09-25-16-03-010.000 16-09-25-16-03-011.000 16-09-25-16-03-012.000 16-09-25-16-03-013.001 16-09-25-16-04-002.000 16-09-25-16-04-003.000 16-09-36-00-00-013.000 16-09-36-00-00-016.000 16-09-36-00-00-017.000 16-09-36-00-00-018.001 16-09-36-00-00-019.000 16-09-36-00-00-020.000 16-09-36-00-00-021.000 16-09-36-00-00-022.000 16-09-36-00-00-023.000 16-09-36-00-00-025.000 16-09-36-00-00-025.001 16-09-36-00-00-026.000 16-09-36-00-00-026.001 16-09-36-00-00-027.000 16-09-36-00-00-028.000 16-09-36-00-00-029.000 16-09-36-00-00-030.000 16-09 -36-00-00-031.000 16-09-36-00-00-045.000 l 6-09-36-04-02-001.000 16-09-36-04-02-002.000 16-09-36-04-02-003.000 16-09-36-04-02-005.000 16-09-36-04-02-006.000 16-09-36-04-02-006.001 16-09-36-04-02-007.000 16-09 -36-04-02-007.001 16-09-36-04-02-007.002 16-09-36-04-02-007.003 16-10-30-00-00-028.000 16-10-30-03-01-020.000 16-10-30-03-01-021.000 16-10-30-03-01-022.000 16-10-30-03-01-023.000 16-10-30-03-01-024.000 16-10-30-03-01-025.000 16-10-30-03-01-026.000 16-10-30-03 -01-027.000 16-10-30-03-01-028.000 16-10-30-03-01-029.000 16-10-30-03-11-001.000 16-10-30-03-11-002.000 16-10-30-03-11-003.000 16-10-30-03-11-004.000 16-10-30-03-16-001.000 16-10-30-03-16-018.000 16-10-30-03-16-019.000 16-10-30-03-16-020.000 16-10-30-03-16-021.000 16-10-30-03 - 16-022.000 16-10-30-03-16-023.000 16-10-30-03-16-024.000 16-10-30-03-16-025.000 16-10-30-03-16-026.000 16-10-30-03 - 16-027.000 16-10-30-03-16-028.000 16-10-30-03-16-029.000 16-10-30-03-16-030.000 16-10-30-03 - 16-031.000 16-10-31-00-00-027.003 16-10-31-00-00-027.005 16-1 O-31-00-00-032.000 16-10-31-00-00-033,000 16-10-31-00-00-034.000 16-10-31-00-00-035.000 16-10-31-00-00-036.000 16-10-31-00-00-036.001 16-10-31-00-00-037.000 16-10-31-00-00-038.000 16-10-31-00-00-039.000 16-10-31-00-00-043.000 16-10-31-00-00-043.001 16-10-31-00-00-044.000 16-10-31-00-00-045.000 16-10-31-00-00-046.000 16-10-31-00-00-047.000 16-10-31-00-00-048.000 16-10-31-00-00-049.000 16-10-31-00-00-050.000 16-10-31-00-00-051.001 16-10-31-00-01-001.000 16-10-31-00-01-001.001 16-10-31-00-01-001.002 16-10-31-00-01-001.003 16-10-31-00-01-001.006 16-10-31-00-02-001.000 16-10-31-01-01-001.000 16-10-31-01-01-002.000 16-10-31-01-01-003.000 16-10-3 i-01-01-004.000 16-10-31-01-06-001.000 16-10-31-01-06-002.000 16-10-31-01-06-003.000 16-10-31-01-07-001.000 16-10-31-01-07-016.000 16-10-31-01-07-017.000 16-10-31-01-07-018.000 16-10-31-01-07-019.000 16-10-31-01-07-020.000 16-10-31-01-08-001.000 16-10-31-01-08-014.000 16-10-31-01-08-015.000 16-10-31-01-08-016.000 16-10-31-01-08-017.000 16-10-31-01-08-018.000 16-10-31-01-08-019.000 16-10-31-01-08-020.000 16-10-31-01-12-001.000 16-10-31-01-12-015.000 16-10-31-01-12-016.000 16-10-31-01-12-017.000 16-10-31-01-14-001.000 16-10-31-01-15-001.000 16-13-01-00-00-012.000 16-13-01-00-00-013.000 16-14-06-01-01-001.000 16-14-06-01-01-002.000 (commonly known as the Carmel Drive Range Line Road Overlay), located along Range Line Road and Carmel Drive, comprising of 139 parcels from the l-l/industrial, B-8/Business, B-8/Business, B-7/Business, B-3/Business, B-2/Business, B-l/Business, R-4/Residence, and R-I/Residence District Classifications to the l-I/Industrial-Carmel Drive Range Line Rd Overlay, B-8/Business- Carmel Drive--Range Line Rd Overlay, B-8/Business- Carmel Drive- Range Line Rd Overlay, B-7/Business- Carmel Drive-Range Line Rd Overlay, B-3/Business- Carmel Drive-Range Line Rd Overlay, B-2/Business- Carmel Drive-Range Line Rd Overlay, B-l/Business- Carmel Drive-Range Line Rd Overlay, R-4/Residence- Carmel Drive-Range Line Rd Overlay, and R-i/Residence- Carmel Drive-Range Line Rd Overlay District Classifications. Ordinance No. Z-463-04 affects all of the aforementioned Tax Parcels. Ordinance No. Z-463-04 does not amend any provision of the Carmel/Clay Zoning Ordinance regarding penalties or forfeiture prescribed for a violation of the ordinance. Thc entire text of Ordinance ~',-463-04 is available for inspection in the Department of Community Services, Division of Planning & Zoning, Third Floor, Carmel City Hall, One Civic Square, Carmel, Indiana; and in the Office of the Clerk-Treasurer, Third Floor, Carmel City Hall, One Civic Square, Carmel, Indiana. Ramona Hancock Plan Commission Secretary January 19, 2005 S:\Ordinanccs\Rezones~Z-463-04; 04080048 Z; Carmel Dr - Range I,inc Rd OverlayS2005-0119; Z-463-04; Uarmcl Drive - Range I,ine Road Overlay Rezone Adoption Nt)tice.doc Ordinance No. Z-444-04 NOTICE TO TAXPAYERS CARMEL, INDIANA NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING TO AMEND THE CARMEL/CLAY ZONING ORDINANCE Z-444-04 Notice is hereby given to the taxpayers of the City of Carmel and Clay Township, Hamilton County, Indiana, that the proper legal officers of the City of Carmel will meet at their regular meeting place, Council Chambers, Carmel City Hall, One Civic Square, Carmel, IN 46032, at 7:00 p.m. on Monday, the 18 day of August, 2004, to consider the following: Petition to Add Chapter 23F: Range Line Road/Carmel Drive Overlay Zone. Taxpayers appearing at the meeting shall have the right to be heard. Diana L. Cordray, Clerk-Treasurer October 1, 2004 B4, The Noblesville Ledger, Tuesday, October 5, 2004 ~d es follows: FOCUS HONDA ACCORD MERCEDES BEN; Pi mouth nine- [25 .L pOSITIONS AVON · Up ~ ~% commlssiort 317-596-9655. CARMEL NEW STORE OPENINGII Retail Sales Are You For An ~v,..;I.; poeted All new w "Ford Suppli Fr ,,...e. ""' "g"' We're finally in ournew mo,texpayerswl~theCoun[Y ltn. o hsSu.ey2Z~.O,eettoanironsteka;~enceNo~ LUMBER SALES/ AudO from ~ .~,o. 0 th .... ,,., w.ffi. East line of th ..... y 206.4,..~,o ~' and have a cup Coun~ Boar~ of ~x Adjust ~rsectionwlththeCenterllneofG ,...,,=~..u, ,o.- COMMERCIAL Drg~{.innsaf.eb ...... ~we,t~H ..... hawnlnFal.iewA~dt ..... perth. / heal~hlnsuance, company UNDER$S000 . ~te or mx [e~ ~ which an O~ amended at · ...... h .... Plat Book 2 Page 207 of Ca sala~ commensurate Oil ~ayPnot nila, .... ~.. ,nco StaeRoed238 thenceNa~hwest~r[~2~2*4f~tZ~ZJ Hall~%~rCo-I 4416618 , e p~bllsh South302.2feettotheplaceofbeonfling.,ll~ Noblesvllle ~ WesUlel~ ~N4&074 IB~ru~:[ at i2SO0 ,_,,o.., Eve Docket No. 04010027 OA NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING BEFORE THE CARMEL PLAN COMMISSION Notice is hereby given that the Carmel Plan Commission will hold a public hearing upon a Petition To Amend Zoning Ordinance pursuant to the application and plans filed with the Department of Community Services as follows: Add Chapter 23F: Rangeline Road/Carmel Drive Overlay Zone. Designated as Docket No. 04010027 OA, the hearing will be held on Tuesday, February 17, 2004, at 7:00 PM in the Council Chamber, Carmel City Hall, One Civic Square, Carmel, IN 46032. The file for this proposal (Docket No. 04010027 OA) is on file at the Carmel Department of Community Services, One Civic Square, Carmel, Indiana 46032, and may be viewed Monday through Friday between the hours of 8:00 AM and 5;00 PM. Any written comments or objections to the proposal should be filed with the Secretary of the Plan Commission on or before the date of the Public Hearing. All written comments and objections will be presented to the Commission. Any oral comments concerning the proposal will be heard by the Commission at the hearing according to its Rules of Procedure. In addition, the hearing may be continued from time to time by the Commission as it may find necessary. Ramona Hancock, Secretary Carmel Plan Commission Dated: January 30, 2004 From: Sent: To: Subject: pu blicnotices@indystar.com Wednesday, February 04, 2004 12:12 PM Butler, Angelina V Re: plan commission hearing: ordinance amendments, Architectural Design Review) and 2004-01-30; 2003-09-26; -010027 DA; Comml~4-03 DA; Commiss, These 2 are ordered now to pub 1× on 2/6. Thank you. Carol H, "Butler, Angelina V" <AButler@ci.carmel.in.us> on 02/04/2004 09:44:08 AM To: cc: "'publicnotices@indystar.com'" <publicnotices@indystar.com> Subject: Dr plan commission hearing: ordinance amendments (Rangline/Carmel Overlay and Architectural Design Review) Carol, Please publish each one time on Friday, February 6, Star. <<2004-01-30; 04010027 DA; Commission Notice.rtf>> DA; Commission Notice.rtf>> Please call or e-mail me if you have any questions. in the Indianapolis <<2003209-26; 144-03 Thank you, Sincerely, Angie Butler Planning Administrator Division of Planning & Zoning Department of Community Services City of Carmel One Civic Square Carmel, IN 46032 p 317.571.2417 (See attached file: 2004-01-30; 04010027 DA; Commission Notice.rtf) (See attached file: 2003-09-26; 144-03 DA; Commission Notice.rtf) *** eSafe has scanned this email for malicious content and found it to be clean *** IMPORTANT: Do not open attachments from unrecognized senders ***