HomeMy WebLinkAbout178749 10/28/2009 CITY OF CARMEL, INDIANA VENDOR: 174625 Page 1 of 1 ONE CIVIC SQUARE KIRBY RISK SUPPLY CO CHECK AMOUNT: $1,226.36 pa CARMEL, INDIANA 46032 PO BOX 664117 INDIANAPOLIS IN 46266 -4117 CHECK NUMBER: 178749 CHECK DATE: 10/28/2009 DEPARTMENT ACCOUNT PO NUMB INVOICE NUMBER AMOUNT D 651 5023990 5104444259 369.76 OTHER EXPENSES 651 5023990 S104643795 30.88 OTHER EXPENSES 651 5023990 S104712267 466.45 OTHER EXPENSES 651 5023990 5104718388 164.52 OTHER EXPENSES 651 5023990 S104722064 194.75 OTHER EXPENSES DETACH UPPER PORTION AND RETURN WITH YOUR PAYMENT to I J, 14 RELEASE NUMBE i. 74918 70 WATT HIPS LAMPS MARK S BAYS PK PICK -UP JEFF COOPER FISHERS 317 598 -6170 10/14/09 i 12ea 12ea PHIL C70S621M PH 12PK 13.71 lea 164.52 3.29 331926 C70S62 /M PH 12PK 331926 Billing Questions: Billing (765) 446 -3054 10114120093:19:54PM S104710;38 Invoice Number S104718388.001 Subtotal 164.52 If paid by 11/10/09 you may deduct $3.29 S &H Charges 0.00 Invoice is due by 11/30/09 net of any cash discount. Y Sales Tax 0.00 JEFF COOPER -EPIC P.OEIINSON za g 164.52 0001:0001 K irby Risk Page 1 of 1 Tl,',R,',NISAND CONDMONS MAXLE ACCTPFANCI, OFFHE GOODS INAOICE(IONSTi I IJ I AN D ACCEPTANCE OF THETFRAIS AND CIADITIONS OFSALF, WN1,01 1 ji) a o nd. f Nvij-Stoclt �Mlvrehanchse is is_ t ivnnTable Moss we am s"ure a Rcuti.ncd the vendor, (3) The Cumover acknoWedges and agNes tha in W punhascs u&,400ds <ind scrvi, �ives no expre, "vnir.'aillies o! t=i' plizd \�rarralllics and lltne 1"or",11v (4) MY usmiargute, that Seler 101 not In Hable or any nod :)Inl;Ok ix,:::d ,Viv il 614" itOO(k po 10 es IO W A= n do S v 1 nc I ude ;ales o v ot he v taxi i n qnunxl on Ow YAW Wh As Tucu �w v bc) %k i I )o� upoTl ol sh i E) nts W H be nAld to the Innnhuse p rNA" Qv, agiv, u) sel!e. ro -oy such !:,tx ov pl ",viih DOn Y in EhIvep. Q 1 [Cl i, ilot (0 t)'c unul 16; la S in 11C 1 i o," Casio. lcdl lb ,.i o u;L- Sclin has in) dir,xi co,M FanorvQtnYKtw&KvwyW saw QC Pont OWKYACS OWn SUNW& and ;n no can Wit h'. liabic ol Walver -MR Wilure MAlor to inini tWcui the pedkinnce ofx, oflc onus kv nmdTiva U&S con ,act or W, Ogw hoomder QMH no be MMS] to he oi',uch in OW 11 WW" z )I shali it tic &CIlud to he a P. ofal�- teml. ol talc ,tir this (N) MadificaHon of Terms and CoudkWas 10 tans and comb Ams who Ann ton awnd hcmht aml no agmanem of undoomnlay in anyway puporting to nwdlydwse ovn& (a condidom. W! be hinding oa wrillen COO�,INIL DETACH UPPER PORTION AND RETURN WITH YOUR PAYMENT M ERNUMBER CUSTOMER PO NUMBER I RELEASE NUMBER 74918 Kevin Buhman I SALESPERSON SHIP VIA ORDERED TE STEVE GADING WC51 WILL -CALL Kevin Buhman FISHERS 317 598 -6170 10/16/09 ORDERQTYj SHIPQTY 1000ft 1000ft WIRE THHN STR -12- BLA -500FT 95.25 1000ft 95.25 1.90 SPOOL 500ft 500ft WIRE THHN STR- 14- GRN -500FT 66.33 1000ft 33.17 0.66 SPOOL 1000ft 1000ft WIRE THHN STR -14- BLA -500FT 66.33 1000ft 66.33 1.33 SPOOL Billing Questions: Billing_ request @kirbyrisk.com (765) 446 -3054 10116120099:38:43ANI S1047,22064.001 Invoice Number S104722064.001 Subtotal 194.75 If paid by 11/10/09 you may deduct $3.90 S &H Charges 0.00 Invoice is due by 11/30/09 net of any cash discount. f\ Sales Tax 0.00 Kzvin Bwhman e 194.75 0001:0001 Kirby Risk Page 1 of 1 T1,,RMS AP CONDITIONS OFSAIJ` ACCEPIANCEM HIF GOODS PUR('11;VSE'DON 1 WS: NVO IC i WCEPTANCEM T tip' rEIINIS,NNDCXSFWII()NS(MiliA I W Mi 101 l"01A.MV: (11 Wel; Alerchancilse 11,.. fdUni Cha."o"C' he vv. 6)ok,r f.; S.1 i pl', i oice Inilmiher an m O nno "o! 1'.Cioii, NoMock Merchandise ts not renounhK Wes SC.;!,ffe fronn we N W& r. (3) i 1 (.'v tolner and ap,.rms chn in W puNhaves ofgomls and se. ices Om Selko SelY jn paawt!1al no oi inyih��d of and Etn-,S�s f'or (4) 11w C usmaer a;qves thai g'W not b fiable ary incid""'niil dalra, 15) 1 OICS prWas WWWn do Mv KIM Sao: S 01 calm tavus inpuni; o�i th�, �J,� of i "O'c,l innposcd W! he Nk!"I to pi iC fIgrxs s n io) n"i'sl,;'ch iaN oi providw, St. 1. r xi'01 ,0) D-,A 4v in DcfiS ell sclor is ncM to be ac"mmMu 16Y ;Qlays in Wvul ocaNkowd by ans of 6od or alacy r:wumAanccs onr Qidi SO& has is dircm cown? W1 005MICh of iny supphcr& ami ia no can shy! Qii,.-1 -,c. '\pcci:d on) eiry in dc�ivul (7) NVOer flu Mum M Wer to KAW ipm Ow paknnamx 4any of Ow ivn x cotifWv WN:� ��onLmCt to �:,�Icmsc an j Aghi Wroundu W not bc Wand to ho i wahvr ofmwh lam co... itions in OW sawn ma ?riiall _z ,�e 'Lcnwd to be a "ohir (d'any tmd��t th is col a1- t, cS) cf Terms and Undibus its cams and cNmWjonb o0wr Ann O nowd ON, and no aganues Of K "my pumoi .'c lrodl F�, ix", on fi01110U! UC I ALM UrrCK h'UK I IUIV AIVU MCI UKIV VVI I M TUUK rAT MCIV I C I USTOMER NUMBER CUSTOMER PO NUMBER RELEASE NUMBER 74918 JEFF COOPER SALESPERSON SHIP VIA ORDERED Y SALES OFFICE PHONE NUMBER SHIP DATE MARK S BAYS PK PICK -UP JEFF COOPER FISHERS 317 598 -6170 09/03/09 ORDERCITY1 SHIPOTY I DESCRIPTION ITEM PRICE UNIT EXT AMOUNT CASH DISC -lea -lea PHIL MH1000 /U 6PK 30.88 lea -30.88 -0.62 298265 MH1000 /U 6PK 298265 Original Sale S104643795.001 OTHER 61.76 Billing Questions: Billing_request @kirbyrisk.com (765) 446 -3054 9131200910:39:44 AM S104643795.002 Invoice Number S104643795.002 Subtotal 30.88 S&H Charges 0.00 Invoice is due by 10131/09. Sales Tax 0.00 JEFF OO IOE 30 0001:0001 Kirby Risk Page 1 of 1 TF.AMS AND CMMITIONS OFSALF� ACCEPTANCE OF THE COODS PURCILNSE'D ON1.1.11S INVOK, 'E' C�ONSTI 'll 1 U IN S A N 1) ACCTPTANCE ()F'THE CIONDMONS OF SALE WFUCII POIAM0. Stock Merchandise is Atect to a viurn cha< ge, NO PuOds it tx, I. sn i ticit"e" ai'd.,"or in inimber and, priu! a',Ittlo izmion. (,2) Non-StficklMerchanthse is imt,sunTable Mass we ru smure a "Roumed (Anxis Ma 1:.: hom, we V.&r. (1) 10 Cntomv acknoviedgeN whi agrees ths in W puNhans of', and Cro; gWes no oNpan wwrameq to inphed warrawks and fitness tlor a.n pa&�'Lflal pmPose, (4) TA Astomer apteg that Seder W no be libl" for any onseq',ieomA ank"I incidental at c "y cnti "vit"n tl?c goods ptir"hasi"d firon %5: T.# %£.1 MUS S' Wk n LK n0l i i .C! k1dC 5ai e 1 o 1 le t,t ir; on ow mono p A ti, TWON WA (11' (61 iny stich ta" or 11rcovide n"X coviitici,Ie. (6) thlay in DeWtv, Sclicr is noi it', b,' dcla','N in a-tv, ofGrid or owr Mh SAW h, no dWr corart? Mms Ai wK or Wvny Aws an W twit minaw Muir s"phx� vint in in case shall Sellar W; !Able W mo vonwq=WW ov spaIll Fi!,'!w dcia in dcli"cl (7) Avaiver-A• C Man MeWrtu lashl qVni the perkrtnNrice ""Ncl,.We mV 6gh hantnifer sloll no be WiN W be v wiv, ormch tvn, in It flaw mi smd A he Wnyd w be a waiver of any o!fier term. oi M ldodiHcadimi� of Tenns and Condhions No Mrs and cond dims M hu dun too stated bra, mW undem,401 in any "sypwpMing to modify fl be oil tltev vJthoo Sel r' rdierj tonsenl .CUSTOMER NUMBER CUSTOMER PO NUMBER RELEASE NUMBER 74918 s11859 ORDERED I SALESPERSON SHIP VIA I PHO NDIAN APOLIS CHRIS LENTS 23 -2 ROUTE 2 317 687 -0015 10/09/09 DESCRIPTION AMOUNT 2ea 2ea MARA N642 184.88 lea 369.76 56T17V5328 "SUBJECT TO VENDOR RETURN POLICY t Billing Questions: Billing request @kirbyrisk.com (765) 446 -3054 Invoice Number 5104444259.001 Subtotal 369.76 S&H Charges 0.00 Invoice Is due by 11130109. Sales Tax 0.00 369.76 0001:0001 Kirby Risk Page 1 of 1 AND CONRF OF SAIA11", WTFf A NCV (.,iFTH E G001)'S FUR CHAS["' D ON T 11 IS !N"VOICE AND ACCTPFxNCE OF THE T it KVIS;� NJ) OF -S'A" I -E M R1.E -1.4 (1) WAX Aterchan(Use in ykj"! 10 a amm Amp. NU guys m,'m' h�-- n'J vvO.,I"P'V ;'i 2 .'Qvrehamune is not mhonve Was At "i 6o,""Is "enox, 1 te a Ed 0 gmas tO in A 1 Pul C Epson 0 f imm: 5ery ej �i on S'�:! ic r C, o; i.a pdijd Qnmm Inn, to wq Ininka qu Pow, (4) TA 00mor vp Von tbal se l 4 V A I nol W Uble Ar nq zms E i"; i pn.'! i tc idei"i .i: wh' (1) Tom Rk Ww" o do nq hioub sInx mW Laxi; ArTmd on do Wn! DYW T"es m" wr l ipf.p own or A"rWils 101 bi Wal 10 on Pwdyn Pr Nn Ryur 1VOK I-) or 1;P013LIf ScAr w4h =WMA W\ m"MPAW russ=' My in DeNvery 504, k ma To ba amyrunpic Q, m dc €y ot oNhwed by um 46A m ovc. "'%-hicI� Sc i r WN W) OnW7 �Alwm. I'mom 0APIrcm (W ddAny Am arc 10 SCSI anymm W my SUIT5m, ME, A case ASH bk' �4 (71 ATMer 11.E ci*ti° jk:'r U MCI Ipm too b i.3 s m W "y 6Q hammdo Aw H no ho Jumal bu a x0my of W orv, amidAhms or Ag& in do Amm NY All A ne Wnwd v) hQ ;tinlvcl i5i"w"y o"11-V 18) AlWhadon of Terms and CandWas W nn us awl comiGnin Civet than 1hum mson imern S".1 no qgmonem oc onjunamAng in sly any pumoo"i:'n �(".nrokj.j'k DETACH UPPER PORTION AND RETURN WITH YOUR PAYMENT CUSI NUMBER CUSTOMER NUMBER RELEASE NUMBER 74918 400 watt lamps SALESPERSON SHIP VIA ORDERED B DA TE MARK S BAYS WC51 WILL -CALL JOE/LARRY FISHERS 317 598 -6170 10/12/09 ORDER QTY SHIP CITY DESCRIPTION ITEM PRICE UNIT EXT AMOUNT CASH D ISC l2ea 12ea PHIL MH400 /U /ED28 12PK 22.91 lea 274.92 5.50 278622 MH400 /U /ED28 12PK 278622 lea lea ADVA 71 A6051001 D 63.54 lea 63.54 MH BAL 40OW M59 5 -TAP KIT 100ft 100ft ELEF NM11 41.09 100ft 41.09 0.82 1/2" GRAY LIQUATITE 10OFT CARTON 20ea 20ea CARL LT43D -NEW 229.04 1 00e 45.81 0.92 PVC 1/2" STRAIGHT LIQUIDTIGHT FTG Ilea Ilea CARL LT20D -NEW 373.57 1 00e 41.09 0.82 PVC 1/2" 90 LIQUIDTIGHT FTG Billing Questions: Billing (765) 446 3054 10?02009 10:45:27AM s104712267.001 Invoice Number S104712267.001 If paid by 11/10/09 you may deduct $8.06 Subtotal 466.45 7 S &H Charges 0.00 Invoice is due by 11/30/09 net of any cash discount. Sales Tax 0.00 JEFF COOPER 466.45 0001:0001 Kirby Risk Page 1 of 1 TERMS AND CONDUVIONS (31 SAIA ACCEPTAN(II OF THE GCMDS PURCHASUA,- ON1 H IS INN"*1.')IC'l>(:O�S'1;1".I't..' I'V'-S AND ACCEPTANCE M THE runis vvw com-A IONS OF SALE WHICH (1) Sloe!, Merchandise o Atect in a w1uni chwgn No goods nmy he ;euixned wahoul a Apping kkat imo ce '.nd priol. twtb'o'n.'Itiur (2) Mn','-,41f ck MerehancUse in in renn Mess we mn we VC01W, (3) [he List k.no 4 !i;d u-es and agyree's thatii a!"" putwhaws of pool ivid Services Bom SAW SeNer i .ivts no e' jess munaf es or inqUied sarrantks of yHrpose, The C mmucr ag;iees tlhai Seiicr "vi ;l uco be fo;' not< incidenu <11 ari-sii'g "AiOl thw fr"'n; ates Mus Anown do m" includc', �uio, oi wher ijxcy inqx=1 on Ow wk oFghts, Tmu"wviSr LIJ)On '4-211c !S Ot NO! he Wal to the In"Aust jOco Buyur agursu) s,._ c? Poi n:"such !kAx or provide scll�'r vvith TUIX' c',nC'M c'."rtifiicatti. Q May in WWI SO& is mA to 1w aaaRnaviblu Or Ways in ck-livcrf kxxa. coned 11� "cts o.'f'Ciod or mhur Kwummuncus o"N MA SMY has m) docct anoW Fmim-i sihipiric-it oor c, ui (Ailvs mc UIC Am eshintacs ofwy stWpUn, Am! W no cow Quil ScHl"I bc l'or or spccial al l� "Jk.-!'1 ind"liv (7) XNAver o!'Seflcr ti n A puMmin" oCmq W, mms or mon. or m; >"jroyjc( vl° to mV AWY hernmW W nx he durnal to be a %Qmy ot' snh c it it:. S in Aw have, mw W A he dcenwd W be a waver of'2mov oillicr cond lion izC -gl i -i E Indcr "his (S) Nlodifleadon of Arms and (Andhious TO L;rins'ind C! in way purporling. to!ri®rdi th' Sc t~uvs' of N"' hindhig on A% Sefl cmuent, Prescribed by State Board of Accounts City Form No. 201 (Rev 1995) ACCOUNTS PAYABLE VOUCHER CITY OF CARMEL An invoice or bill to be properly itemized must show, kind of service, where performed, dates of service rendered, by whom, rates per day, number of units, price per unit, etc. Payee 174625 KIRBY RISK SUPPLY CO Purchase Order No. PO BOX 664117 Terms INDIANAPOLIS, IN 46266 Due Date 10/19/2009 Invoice Invoice Description Date Number (or note attached invoice(s) or bill(s)) Amount 10/19/200! S104712267. $466.45 hereby certify that the attached invoice(s), or bill(s) is (are) true and ;orrect and I have audited same in accordance with IC 5-11-10-1.6 a Date Officer VOUCHER 096603 'WARRANT ALLOWED y r 174625 IN SUM OF KIRBY RISK SUPPLY CO PO BOX 664117 INDIANAPOLIS, IN 46266 Carmel Wastewater Utility ON ACCOUNT OF APPROPRIATION FOR Board members PO INV ACCT AMOUNT Audit Trail Code �0 Qo`k'b S104712267.1 01- 7202 -06 $466.45 �S9(�lp�}�1`�c1zgq -onl o!. ?Zd�.Ob 3b9. ?6 s I0 4 6((370.0o�01�j2D1.ob 3p.g8 S I0g7'I'_0b1,00( C)1.�20 06 184,1 5 1o�{11b 38�•o0l C�c. ?Qo2.bb !b`( l ���•3b Voucher Total $4 5 Cost distribution ledger classification if claim paid under vehicle highway fund