HomeMy WebLinkAbout174964 07/22/2009 CITY OF CARMEL, INDIANA VENDOR: 00353099 Page 1 of 1 ONE CIVIC SQUARE JOHN JOKANTAS CHECK AMOUNT: $2,196.00 CARMEL, INDIANA 46032 C70 COMM CENTER C!0 COMM CENTER CHECK NUMBER: 174964 CHECK DATE: 712212009 DEPART ACCOUNT PO NU INVOICE NUMBER AMOUNT DESCRIPTION 1115 4128000 2,196.00 TUITION REIMBURSEMENT j 1 1 INDIANA W CRJ -309 -A Youth and Crime 3.00 A UN I V E RS I T Y RECORDS OFFICE 4201 South Washington Street Marion, Indiana 46953 John M. Jokantas 1660766 04/28/09 06/01/09 HOURS TOTAL NON- QUALITY QUALITY QUALITY GRADE SUMMARY ENROLLED EARNED HOURS HOURS POINTS POINT AVG. CURRENT CUMULATIVE 53.00 113.00 0.00 50.00 199.10 3.98 HONORS INFOR At ON U Indiana Wesleyan University Cumulative GPA reflects hours earned at Indiana Wesleyan University only. Calculation for Baccalaureate honors may include transfer hours. Current status of Baccalaureate honors: is a Christ- centered academic community GRADED HOURS 11 3.00 (min. 80 req.; 40 hrs. IWU) HONORS GPA 3.56 3 committed to ALL ERRORS MUST BE REPORTED WITHIN TWO WEEKS. changing the world EXPLANATION OF GRADES, POINTS, AND CREDIT HOURS THE UNIT OF CREDIT IS THE SEMESTER HOUR. by developing students A 4 .0 Excellent WF Withdrawal while failing Grade point average based on quality points A- 3.7 W Withdrawal while passing divided by quality hours. Total earned hours in character, scholarship B+ 3.3 1 Incomplete count toward graduation requirements. B 3.0 Good NR No grade report given and leadership. B- 2.7 CR Credit Equivalent to C or above C+ 2.3 NC Non Credit Equivalent to below C C 2.0 Average AU Audit C- 1.7 NA Failure to Audit TRANSCRIPT INFORMATION D+ 1.3 O Outstanding To request an official transcript, information is D 1.0 Passing S Satisfactory available by phone at 765- 677 -2966 or online at F 0.0 Failure U Unsatisfactory .http: /www.indwes.edu /records /transcripts.htm. IP In Progress R t "4 rl.'r' �W•rl ".l. J. _..J Lh ^i K.:� ti,;i h.:� Lh•y ..'l. h•�� ..J :v w�,. :r r t1:•:r�� :;t;': 7+, w�i::c�•.ti�:tr,•:wil�.;� r 7•.•.:w� :ce':v•s+, w��: a. .v t1; •.w�t: :ce l.. r 7•, wi. r r r •v '7+:•.;Yi��::i, v w� 1. 'c 4c h !,r .4Fti.; �:r' +•_6c7 y; +._4h A f s 6.� fr 4c f r. A ...:u.:/A.:.� ti.:.,(;•.�..�u u �..w .:/.a:�. v,../.a. 1•.:�...: u..:/.�:. u A.a.:: 1ti:��: 1ti.I.f�� t i!. Y t r i!, ^Y.':. t t t7,'•Y.•r, t J 17, Y. 4. t r t7+'• >Y• t t t>. Y t r,�{if,' Y Jrif+'•Y.':.}'.t�47,�{t7:' Y: ^.:'t 't ►!;'•a• t 't t .:1,�' ,1� �y: {tl;:.:1�:' �y. {,l ,1I� �y c {;r fI�•. �y' .:l ti r 1.'. r x.•�{- .y r A. ft Ati•:•(• .y. x. .y t a: s::. �'ffA•r'c•7 tt •�t=`c•7lal:.� tt 1 •c•��.ti: t •fA: %i.� I tt��A= /h�;ti., u f tr t ��c.l:/ _i;. t,� 1 "t, t �<l 7 't. _n• n^ �'7A j 1, /A:ri' S••:7 }•{•i.S:..T JA r Y 7.S I 777��� 77titi 7l 777«< Y S I Y• S r fA.r 'lll K`:�, tY 't.•: K !,•1Yf.:ti•: K tY ;7. K` :!;':lY.•. ;t:•: K Y.. K tY Y:•: ••K`:!;'.lY Y.. K tY�'t.. .K`:7;':.tYt. °:ti'. 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To receive reimbursement for tuition, I must submit evidence of payment for the course and a copy of my final grade. To receive reimbursement for books, I must submit an original itemized receipt or other proof of purchase that links these books to this particular course. If I leave City of Carmel employment sooner than one (1) year after the end of this course, I will repay the City in full for its tuition and book reimbursements for this course. o The tax status of reimburse ent aymen s is subject to federal law, which may change from time to time. Employee Signature Date 1- A Fart II (to be completed by Department Bead) (Submit to Human Resources) By signing below, I certify that the applicant will have been employed full -time by the City for at least one (1) year prior to the commencement of the course, and has not been subject to a disciplinary probation, suspension. or demotion within 90 days prior to the beginning of the course. The final claim will be paid from my department's budget, subject to the terms of Section 2 -58 of Carmel City Code. Department Head Signature ee Date /C /Mw) Fart III (to be completed by Director of Human Resources) Final Approval Date a p If denied, reason for denial ire tuttton .rein�bt rseme t progra col e:s cni�° It -se:_ ester ccurscs offered throu -n a deTee g a :itinc institution accredited by the North Central _association of Colleges and Schools or an eouivaler_t regional accreditor. An application «ill not be considered coinplete u:aess a course description from: the schcol s literate -e is attached. eceipt Statement Page I of 1 L FEMMA P t Leadership Eduction for Adult Professionals Student ID: 1660766 INDIANA WESLEYAN UNIVERSITY Date: 14-JUL-201.'. DIV. OF ADULT PROF. STUDIES 1900 W. 50TH ST. MARION. IN 46953 Student Name JOKANTAS, JOHN M 634 W. 136TH STREET CARMEL, IN 46032 INVOICE Start Date Invoice Number Description Inv Amt Discount Inv Total 28-APR-09 BOOKS:5596130 Books-M 309 92.00 0.00 92.00 RECEIPT Date Receipt Number Payment Type Receipt Amt Amt Appiied 08-JUN-09 EFr:060809 ALTERNATIVE LOANS <3,000.00> <92.00> Total Invoice Balance: $0.00 Thank you for choosing Indiana Wesleyan University. v RCC�I�t Sta�elIleht LP Page 1 of 1 Leadership Education for Adult Professionals Student ID: 1660766 INDIANA WESLEYAN UNIVERSITY Date: 14 -JUL -2009 DIV. OF ADULT PROF. STUDIES 1900 W. 50TH ST. MARION, IN 46953 Student Name JOKANTAS, JOHN M 634 W. 136TH STREET CARMEL, IN 46032 INVOICE Start Date Invoice Number Description Inv Amt Discount Inv Total 28- APR-09 CRJ1309:5596129 Youth and Crime 825.00 0.00 825.00 RECEIPT Date Receipt Number Payment Type Receipt Amt Amt Applied 08 JUN 09 F,FT:060809 ALTERNATIVE LOANS <3,000.00> <825.00> Total Invoice Balance: $0.00 Thank you for choosing Indiana Wesleyan University. INDIANA _7 411 WESLEYAN MGT 43 2 A Organizational Behavior 3.00 Ai EINI VLRSITY �1 RECORDS OFFICE 4201 South Washington Street Marion, Indiana 46953 John M. Jokantas 1660766 04/16/09 05/20/09 f SUMMARY HOURS TOTAL NON- QUALITY QUALITY QUALITY GRADE ENROLLED EARNED HOURS HOURS POINTS POINTAVG. CURRENT CUMULATIVE 50.00 110.00 0.00 47.00 187.10 3.98 Indiana Wesleyan University Cumulative GPA reflects hours earned at Indiana Wesleyan University only. Calculation for Baccalaureate honors may include is aChrist- centered transfer hours. Current status of Baccalaureate honors: academic community GRADED HOURS 110.00 (min. 80 req.; 40 hrs. IWU) HONORS GPA 3.55 3 committed to ALL ERRORS MUST BE REPORTED WITHIN TWO WEEKS. changing the world EXPLANATION OF GRADES, POINTS, AND CREDIT HOURS THE UNIT OF CREDIT ISTH£ SEMESTER HOUR. by developing students A 4.0 Excellent WF Withdrawal while failing Grade point average based on quality points A- 3.7 W Withdrawal while passing divided by quality hours. Total earned hours in character, scholarship B+ 3.3 1 Incomplete count toward graduation requirements. 6 3.0 Good NR No grade report given and leadership. 6- 2.7 CR Credit- Equivalent to C or above C. 2.3 NC Non Credit Equivalent to below C C 2.0 Average AU Audit C- 1.7 NA Failure to Audit TRANSCRIPT INFORMATION D+ 1.3 O Outstanding To request an official transcript, information is D 1.0 Passing S Satisfactory available by phone at 765- 677 -2966 or online at F 0.0 Failure U Unsatisfactory httpJlwww. indwes .edulrecords/transcripts.htm. IP In Progress 1 If C lt 1 •'1 i ::l:rr t+, ws:ti ''I rr ei, w� t..i� r •e.;:YS ti .L� r �,�,w�:�; j;t:te ws r ie.'YS a. Ll:lr++, ws a H; w� 1., r •s,:;Y� �..;•�.vr w� Ll:. A f 7 wt. �r �..y,; .tr y-ti f o- y� .t� f: c Or ,s.s•� :ycl .1� i. y,, •�.f �u..Ati� Ara: v A.�1. urA�a 4 v �./A�'► u..AH� ��:;lti� u. A.t:.r•!. v..:rd Ad.�: r�Ktil, Y r�c '.I L 'retie, ti L r tl, Y rK> Y 1 r ►s 1 L retie T r Le Y: L r ie t r i7 L Y es i 7 {ifs lA: `r =I-� a !x: `7 f� �:l¢ ~7 f, 1 ti lam. ti J {t!•; ti f l f y t n t/ AI e! f "'T r M 1,: t'• t t/ t. 1 p :l 1 <l t t t/ r KtS J a ]j< K:I.S I •i. �S I •I. J14 K�S T +(j�S K T '71l K S (]j; ]A• K• S 7� JA K S T •(jy. )A 't S K S •7jj{ ]A�. 771 r 1( r !!SS !S .r i�. r i T: i r t r -t 1 r r i• i. 1 •Y tY 'e, x Y, W t. =x lY -h K }Y t� 74 x }Y 1 77XGG x r, tY fi !S x i. ri s 177000 I( R tY 1 !S /4 ►Y h 777SSS K r }Y h 7XXG K: hf1 "Y �5• 'l 't. J/ �h 'hr':.11 2 h:iS '1, 4.11 S Y'.'� 7,. 4 f1 S Y 'n �hfl 'S h i>t Y.f S Y .k '+.Jl i Y 'a 'h.Yf/ Y.iS ti `�.JI _7 Y. k 'x,;`..'l t L y se w�:l c rase Fi .y w� f ;s. c yc y`` A t �'r' .y4s f r yc� f y,. y w .yw f i 4 i"� i 4. f Y;.. J .i:JAT }.1 ..wa AA.T• .�AT 1 'A.��! .-w v v.. Atir.1, tiu.�:/.t.a. ./t' ..w v,.:/ tie, Y r ,�(i>ti Y' k� r ia %7 c 'r �{iY Y' r t!; )t t, r Lf, Y: r ie•. 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't•,.S�..T: ::'�i•,, ..F• IA rK a :1A'i- City Of Carmel Tuition reimbursement Application Form Part I (to be completed by employee) (Please print. Submit completed form to Department Head prior to comtrl enccT7 e t of Course.) Employee Name T o t -t M k c� n `7 ,I Department C 0M ryt o hJ SSN Hire Date 8 /0.� Educational Institution` n Name of Course" O Cgcr n e.41" n 4 1 6e Y14 vi f Credit Hours Starting Date of Course (monthMay /year) V /aZ 3 Q 1 By signing below, I signify that I understand the following: The tuition reimbursement program is subject to the terms of Carmel City Code, Section 2 -58. To receive reimbursement for tuition, I must submit evidence of payment for the course and a copy of my final grade. To receive reimbursement for books, I must submit an original itemized receipt or other proof of purchase that links these books to this particular course. If I leave City of Carmel employment sooner than one (1) year after the end of this course, I will repay the City in full for its tuition and book reimbursements for this course. d The tax status of reimbursement. payments subject to federal law, which may change from time to time. Employee Signature Date 0 Part II (to be completed by Department Dead) (Submit to Human Resources) By signing below, I certify that the applicant will have been employed full -time by the City for at least one (1) year prior to the commencement of the course, and has not been subject to a disciplinary probation, suspension or demotion within 90 days prior to the beginning of the course. The final claim will be paid from my department's budget, subject to the terms of Section 2 -58 of Carmel City Code. Department Head Signature Date Part III (to be completed by Director of Human Resources) Final Approval Date 0 If denied, reason for denial The tuition .reimburserne,.t prog:as, covers only iuli- sernester courses offered through deE granting institution accredited by the North Central Assecia €ion. of Colleges and Schools or an equivalent regional accreditor. An application ��ill not be considered complete unless a course descriptioc fro:; the school`s literartre is attached. r RelutSta ec tement Page 1 of 1 LENJAP 'i Leadership Education for Adule Piokssianals Student ID: 1660766 INDIANA WESLEYAN UNIVERSITY Uate: 14- JUL -2V DIV. OF ADULT PROF. STUDIES 1900 W. 50TH ST. MARION. IN 46953 Student Name JOKANTAS, JOHN M 634 W. 136TIJ STREET CARMEL, IN 46032 INVOICE Start Date Invoice Number Description Inv Amt Discount Inv Total 16 -APR, 09 BOOKS:5607578 Books -MGT 432 199.00 0.00 199.00 RECEIPT Date Receipt Number Payment Type Receipt Amt Amt Applied 08 -JUN -09 EFT:060809 ALTERNATIVE LOANS <3,000.00> <199.00> Total Invoice Balance: $0.00 Thank you for choosing Indiana Wesleyan University. Receipt Statement L ILm A P Page 1 of 1 leadership Education for Adult Professionals Student 1D: 1660766 INDIANA WESLEYAN UNIVERSIT' Date: 14 -J UL -20EW DIV. OF ADULT PROF. STUDIES 1900 W. 50TH ST. MARION. IN 46953 Student Name JOKANTAS, JOHN M 634 W. 136TH STREET CARMEL, IN 46032 INVOICE Start Date invoice Number Description Inv Amt Discount Inv Total 16 -APR -09 MGT/432:5607577 Organizational Behavior 1,080.00 0.00 1,080.00 RECEIPT Date Receipt Number Payment Type Receipt Amt Amt Applied 08 -JUN -09 EFF:060809 ALTERNATIVE LOANS <3,000.00> <1,080.00> Total Invoice Balance: $0.00 Thank you for choosing Indiana Wesleyan University. Prescribed by State Board of Accounts City Form No. 201 (Rev. 1995) ACCOUNTS PAYABLE VOUCHER CITY OF CARMEL An invoice or bill to be properly itemized must show: kind of service, where performed, dates service rendered, by whom, rates per day, number of hours, rate per hour, number of units, price per unit, etc. Payee Purchase Order No. Terms Date Due Invoice Invoice Description Amount Date Number (or note attached invoice(s) or bill(s)) 07/16/09 I I I $2,196.00 1 hereby certify that the attached invoice(s), or bill(s), is (are) true and correct and I have audited same in accordance with IC 5- 11- 10 -1.6 20 Clerk- Treasurer VOUCHER NO. WARRANT NO. ALLOWED 20 .John Jokantas IN SUM OF 634 W. 136th Street Carmel, Indiana 46032 $2,196.00 ON ACCOUNT OF APPROPRIATION FOR Carmel Clay Communications PO# Dept. INVOICE NO. ACCT #/TITLE AMOUNT Board Members 1115 41- 280.00 $2,196.00 1 hereby certify that the attached invoice(s), or bill(s) is (are) true and correct and that the materials or services itemized thereon for which charge is made were ordered and received except Thursday, July 16, 2009 Director Title Cost distribution ledger classification if claim paid motor vehicle highway fund