HomeMy WebLinkAboutMemorandum to PC 3-5-04 City of Carmel
Date: March 5, 2004
To: Plan Commission Members
From: Angelina Butler
Department of Community Services
Re: March 16th Plan Commission meeting - Information packets
1. Please find enclosed the information packets for the following items:
Item 7h.
Docket No. 04010027 OA Patch IV
This ordinance amendment organizes the zoning ordinance by amending and repealing
items so that the ordinance flows better. Most of the amendments are corrective in
nature, with some of the highlights being: insertion of a sentence or choice words to
make a section of the ordinance more clear, deletion of words that may make the section
of the ordinance unclear, and the addition of landscape standards or ADLS (architecture,
design, lighting, signage) to certain sections of the ordinance. Enclosed is the draft
ordinance Z-446-04.
Item 8h.
Docket No. 04020030 Z OM-MU Rezones
The proposed zoning change to these 12 parcels is to allow a broader list of uses that can
be permitted in this area. This rezone is also in response to OM-MM (Old Meridian-
Mixed Medical) zoning to the north of this area and also a movement to perpetuate
further development on this stretch of Main Street.
Enclosed are:
1. The ordinance, tax parcel numbers affected, and location map
2. Excerpt from the Zoning Ordinance for the Old Meridian/Mixed-Use Zone
with Schedule of Uses table; and
3. Excerpt from the Comprehensive Plan -Old Meridian Task Force Report -
descriptions of each zone within the Old Meridian District.
If you have any questions, please give Jon Dobosiewicz or me a call at 571-2417.
Page 1
C~, INDIANA 46032
Sponsor: Councilor Mark Ratterman
An Ordinance Updating a Variety of Provisions of the Carmel~Clay Zoning Ordinance
WHEREAS, pursuant to the Advisory Planning Law of the State of Indiana (contained in
IC 36-7-4), each trait of local government that wishes to adopt land use and zoning ordinances
must first approve by resolution a comprehensive plan for the geographic area over which it has
jurisdiction; and
WHEREAS, the 2020 Vision Comprehensive Plan (the "Comprehensive Plan") Docket
No. 16-96 CP was given a favorable recommendation by the Carmel/Clay Advisory Plan
Commission on August 20, 1996, and duly approved by Resolution No. CC-09-03-96-03 of the
Common Council on September 24, 1996, and is therefore the official Comprehensive Plan of
the City of Carmel and Clay Township; and
WHEREAS, pursuant to Indiana Code 36-7-4-602 the Common Council is authorized to
amend the text of the zoning ordinance; and
WHEREAS, pursuant to Indiana Code 36-7-4-610 and City of Carmel Ordinance No. D-
1600-02, the Carmel/Clay Zoning Ordinance is incorporated by reference into the Carmel City
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED by the Common Council of the City of
Carmel, Indiana, that, pursuant to IC 36-7-4-600 et seq. and after Docket No. 150-02b Z having
received a favorable/negative/no recommendation from the Carmel/Clay Advisory Plan
Commission on Tuesday, MONTH DAY, 2004, it hereby adopts this Ordinance to amend the
Carmel/Clay Zoning Ordinance (Ordinance No. Z-289, as amended), to read as follows:
Section I:
Amend Section 1.01: Title, to read:
1.01 Title.
This ordinance shall be referred to, and cited as, the Zoning Ordinance, Ordinance No. Z !~ Z-
289, as amended, of the City of Carmel and Clay Township, Hamilton County, Indiana.
Amend Section 1.02: Purpose and Intent to read:
1.02 Purpose and Intent.
The Zoning Ordinance is an ordinance for the development, through zoning, of the territory within
the Jurisdiction of the C:...':r~! C!.~' Plan Commission. In interpreting and applying the provisions
of this ordinance, they shall be held to be the minimum requirements for the promotion of the
DRAFT Ordinance No. Z-446-04 DRAFT
public health, safety, comfort, morals, convenience and general welfare. The Commission has
given consideration to the future probable use of land in the territory affected by this ordinance,
and has prepared a Comprehensive Plan showing the future development of this area which has
served as a guide in the preparation of this ordinance.
Amend Section 1.04: Jurisdiction to read:
1.04 Jurisdiction.
WHEREAS, the Town Plan Commission of the Town of Carmel, Indiana, under the date of
January 28, 1960, considered a petition requesting jonider, forwarded by the Clay Township
Trustee and the Clay Township Advisory Board, and being favorable to the petition, the Town
Plan Commission recommended joinder to the Town of Carmel, and the Town Board of Trustees
subsequently passed a resolution setting forth the terms of the joinder, one copy of which was filed
with the County Recorder of Hamilton County, Indiana, all in accordance with Chapter 46, Acts of
1959, General Assembly, State of Indiana. Further, said joinder is transferred to the City of
Carmel, established January 1, 1976, and
WHEREAS, the executive committee of the City Plan Commission of the City of Carmel,
Indiana, having been duly authorized and acting in the name of said Commission on
December 19, 2003, authorized the filing, with the County Recorder of Hamilton County,
Indiana, of a description or map defining the limits of the area under its jurisdiction, which
description or map included both the incorporated area of the City of Carmel, Indiana, and
the unincorporated area of Clay Township, Hamilton County, Indiana, which description or
map was filed with the County Recorder on December 31, 2003, all in accordance with
Indiana Code Section 36-7-4-205;
NOW, Therefore, the area of jurisdiction shall be the incorporated area of the City of Carmel,
Indiana, and the unincorporated area of Clay Township, Han~.lton County, Indiana.
Amend Section 2. 01: Building and Land Use to read:
2.01 Building and Land Use.
No Building or land shall be used and no Building shall be erected, reconstructed or structurally
altered which is arranged, intended, or designed to be used for any purpose other than a Use which
is permitted and specified in a Distxict in which such Building or land is located without first
having had an appropriate Use Variance approved by the Board.
Amend Section 2.02: Height to read:
2.02 Height.
No Building shall be erected, reconstructed or structurally altered to exceed the limits of height
established and specified for the Use and the District in which such Building is located prior to
having had the appropriate Development Standards Variance approved by the Board.
Amend Section 2.03: Yard, Lot Area, and Size of Building to read:
2.03 Yard~ Lot Area~ and Size of Building.
No Building shall be erected, reconstructed or structurally altered in any manner which will
encroach upon, or reduce in any manner, the Yards, Lot Area per Dwelling Unit, Ground Floor
Area of residential Building, or Lot Coverage regulations, established and specified for the Use
DRAFt Ordinance No. Z447-03 DRAFT
and the District in which such Building is located prior to having had the appropriate
Development Standards Variance(s) approved by the Board.
Amend Section 2.04: Lots to read:
2.04 Lots.
In no case shall them be more than one (1) Principal Building used for residential purposes, and its
Accessory Buildings, located on one (I) Lot. Every Building hereafter erected shall be located on
a platted Lot or on an unplatted Lot or tract as approved by the Director, which abuts upon and has
adequate frontage on a publicly dedicated Street and has adequate storm water drainage; unless
the appropriate Development Standards Variance{s) has been approved by the Board and/or
the appropriate Subdivision Waiver{s) ha been approved by the Commission.
Amend Section 2.07: Mobile Homes to read:
Mobile Homes.
All inhabited Mobile Homes shall bc located in a Mobile Home cc.~ Park that has received
Special Usc approval. No inhabited Mobile Home, outside an approved Mobile Home ceu~~. Park,
shall be connected to utilities except those Mobile Homes being offered for sale. Mobile Homes
used for all other purposes shall be placed in accordance with the regulation of this Ordinance.
Amend Section 2.1 O: Subdivision of Land to read:
2.10 Subdivision of Land.
The Subdivision of land may occur in accordance with the Subdivision Control Ordinance in
all zoning districts established in Section 4.01.
Amend Section 3.05 to read:
3.05 Words not defined herein but defined in the Camel Subdivision Control Ordinance shall be
interpreted in accordance with the Subdivision Control Ordinance de fruition.
Amend Section 3.06 to read:
3.06 Words and terms not defined herein or in the Can..:! Subdivision Control Ordinance shall be
interpreted in accord with their normal dictionary meaning and customary usage.
Amend Section 4.01: Zoning Districts Established to read:
4.01 Zoning Districts Established.
Thc City of Carmel and its jurisdictional area is hereby divided into the following districts:
prtmarg Zoning Districts:
S-1 Residence District
S-2 Residence District
R- I Residence District
DRAI;T Ordinance No. Z447-03 DRAFt
R-2 Residence District
R-3 Residence Dislrict
R-4 Residence District
R-5 Residence District (P!amte~
B-I Business District
B-2 Business District
B-3 Business District
B-5 Business District
B-6 Business District
B-7 Business District
B-8 Business District
C-1 City Center District
C-2 Old Town District
OM Old Meridian District
I- 1 Industrial District
M-1 Manufacturing District
M-2 Manufacturing District
M-3 Manufacturing District (P!anae~
P-1 Park and Recreation District
AG- 1 Agriculture District
Planned Unit Development District
Secondary Zoinn~ Districts:
FP Flood Plain District
FW Floodway District
FF Floodway Fringe District
State Highway 431 - Keystone Avenue Corridor Overlay Zone
U.S. Highway 31 - Meridian Street Corridor Overlay Zone
U.S. Highway 421 - Michigan Road Corridor Overlay Zone
Old Town District Overlay Zone
Home Place District Overlay Zone
Amend Section 4.02: Official Zoning Map to read:
4.02 Official Zoning Map.
Territory within the Jurisdiction of the Plan comrmssion zf ~e CL%' cf Ca..re-e!, !ndir. na, is hereby
divided into zones, or districts, as shown on the Official Zoning Map which, together with all
explanatory matter thereon, is hereby adopted by reference and declared to be part of this
The Official Zoning Map shall be identified by the signature of the Mayor and the Clerk-Treasurer
under the words "Official Zoning Map," together with the date of the adophon of this Ordinance.
Regardless of the existence of purported copies of the Official Zoning Map which may, from time
to time, be made or published, the Official Zoning Map shall be located in the office of the Clerk-
Treasurer and shall be the final authority as to the current zoning status of land and water areas,
buildings and other structures within the Jurisdiction of the Ca..-:ncLtC!ay Plan Commission.
Amend Section 4. 04: Official Zoning Map Replacement to read:
4.04 Official Zoning Map Replacement.
In the event that the Official Zoning Map becomes damaged, lost, or difficult to interpret because
of the number of changes and additiom, the C!.~' Council may by resolution adopt a new Official
DRAFY Ordinance No. Z-447-03 DRAFT
Zoning Map which shall supersede the prior Official Zoning Map. The new Official Zoning Map
may correct drafting or other errors or omissions in the prior map, but no such correction shall
have the effect of amending the original Official Zoning Map or any subsequent amendment
o. Amend Section 5.01.01: Minimum Area Requirements to read:
5.01 Permitted Uses:
5.01.01 Mir: .... ^-~- ~.---:~re=.z=t:: See Apt~endixA: Schedule of Uses.
Amend Section 5.04.03: Minimum Lot Standards; ~B: Minimum Side Yard; 3~3~1: Single-
family Home to read:
5.04.03 Minimum Lot Standards:
B. Minimum Side Yard:
1. Single-family ~:rr..c Dwelling: Ten (10) feet;
Amend Section 5.04.03: Minimum Lot Standards; 3~C: Minimum Aggregate of Side Yard;
3~3~1: Single-family Home to read:
5.04.03 Minimum Lot Standards:
C. Minimum Aggregate of Side Yard:
1. Single-family ?.,:m: Dwelling: Thirty (30) feet;
DRAFT Ordinance No. Z447-03 DRAFT
Amend Section 5.04.03: Minimum Lot Standards; 3~D: Minimum Rear Yard; 3~3~1: Single-
family Home to read:
5.04.03 Minimum Lot Standards:
D. Minimum Rear Yard:
1. Single-family kc, mc Dwelling: Twenty (20) feet;
Amend Section 5.04.03: Minimum Lot Standards; E: Minimum Lot Width; 1: Single-
family Home to read:
5.04.03 Minimum Lot Standards:
E. Minimum Lot Width:
1. Single-family kcme Dwelling: One hundred twenty (120) feet;
Amend Section 10. 02.01: Minimum Area Requirements to read:
10.02.01 Minimum Area Requirements:
Use Minimum Area
Mobile Home ccm't Park
Fifteen (15)
Also, same as S- 1 District regulations of Section 5.02.0l.
Amend Section 10.03.02 to read:
I0.03.02Swimming Pool. A private swimming pool may be permitted as an Accessory Use, but shall be
located only with.in the Side or Rear Yard. No swimming pool or its deck shall be closer than ten
(10) feet to the property line. ~
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DRAFT Ordinance No. Z447-03 DRAI,~I'
See also Section 25.01.01(C)(8).
Amend Section 10.04.02: Minimum Lot Size; D. to read:
10.04.02Minimum Lot Size:
D. Lots with community water system and community sanitary sewer system: 8000 square
feet, :::
Amend the Title of Chapter Il: R-5/Residence District (Planned DistricO to read:
Amend Section 11.00. 01: Purpose and Intent to read:
11.00.01 Puroose and Intent.
The purpose of this the R-5 Dislxict is to provide for the encouragement of large scale, diverse
residential developments of good design with residential open space, and maximum living
amenities. Mixed residential structures, their supporting accessory buildings and uses and limited
commercial uses are allowed with maxU'num layout flexibility permitted. Densities are variable
within the district in order to assure versatility of development. Application to the P!-....n~
Commission is required for Architectural Design, Exterior Lighting, Landscaping and
Signage (ADLS) Pre!/mL-:a~. Deve!c~.'..:nt P!:r. approval and Finr.! Development Plan (DP)
Renumber Section 11.00.02: Minimum Tract Requirements to Section 11.00.03:
Minimum Tract Requirements.
Adopt Section 11.00. 02: Plan Commission Approval to read:
11.00.02Plan Commission Approval.
A. Development Plan. The Commission shall review the Development Plan (DP) of any
proposed use of any Lot or parcel of ground within the R-5 Disixict prior to the issuance
of an Improvement Location Permit by the Department. Once approved by the
Commission the Development Plan (DP) shall not be materially or substantially changed
or altered without the prior approval of the Commission. The Development Plan shall
address the comprehensive arrangement of land uses, buildings, landscape areas, road and
parking areas in accordance with harmonious and aesthetic principles of the ADLS.
B. Architectural Design, Exterior Lighting, Landscaping and Si..m~a~,e To insure the
compatibility of the proposed use with adjoining areas, the Commission shall review the
Architectural Design, Exterior Lighting, Landscaping and Signage (ADLS) application of
any proposed use of any Lot or parcel of ground within the R-5 District prior to the
issuance of an Improvement Location Permit by the Department. Once approved by the
Commission the Architectural Design, Exterior Lighting, Landscaping and Signage
(ADLS) shall not be materially or substantially changed or altered without the prior
approval of the Commission.
DRAFt Ordinance No. Z447-03 DRAFT
Adopt Section 11.00.99: Application Procedure to read:
11.00.99 Application Procedure.
A. Development Plan. See Section 31.99(A): Development Plan.
B. Architectural Design, Exterior Lighting, l~andaeapin~ and Signage (ADLS). See Section
31.99(B): Architectural Design, Exterior Lighting, Landscaping and Signage (ADLS).
Repeal Section 11.05: Application Procedure:
Adopt Section 12. 00.99: Application Procedure to read:
12.00.99Al~¢lication Procedure.
A. Development Plan. Not required.
B. Architectural Design, Exterior Lighting, l,and~ca~in~ and Signage (ADLS). See Section
31,99(B): Architectural Design, Exterior Lighting, Landscaping and Signage (ADLS).
Amend the title of Section 12.02: Special Uses to Section 12.02: Special Uses & Special
Adopt Section 13.00.99: Application Procedure to read:
13.00.99Application Procedure.
A. Development Plan. Not required.
B. Architectural Design, Exterior Lighting, Landsca!~in~ and Sikma~e (ADLSI. See Section
31.99(B): Architectural Design, Exterior Lighting, Landscaping and Signage (ADLS).
Amend the title of Section 13.02: Special Uses to Section 13.02: Special Uses & Special
Adopt Section 14.00.99: Application Procedure to read:
14.00.99Application Procedure.
A. Development Plan. See Section 31.99(A): Development Plan.
B. Architectural Design, Exterior Lightinl~, Landscaving and Siqnage (ADLS). See Section
31.99(B): Architectural Design, Exterior Lighting, Landscaping and Signage (ADLS).
DRAI*T Ordinance No. Z447-03 DRAFT
Amend the title of Section 14.02: Special Uses to Section 14.02: Special Uses & Special
ai. Repeal Chapter 15: B-4/Business District (Planned District) in its entirety.
Adopt Section 16.00.99: Application Procedure to read:
16.00.99Application Procedure.
A. Development Plan. Not required.
B. Architectural Design, Exterior Lighting, Landscaping and gi~nage (ADLS). See Section
31.99(B): Architectural Design, Exterior Lighting, Landscaping and Signage (ADLS).
Amend the title of Section 16.02: Special Uses to Section 16.02: Special Uses & Special
Amend Section 16.03.02 to read:
16.03.02Swimming Pool. A private swimming pool may be permitted as an accessory use, but shall be
located only within the side or rear yard.. No swimming pool or its deck shall be closer than ten
(10) feet to the property line. c
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See also Section 25.0~.0~ (¢)(~).
DRAFT Ordinance No. Z447-03 DRAFT
Amend Section 17.00. 02:Plan Commission Approval; 3~A: Development Plan to read:
17.00.02Plan Commission Approval.
A. Development Plan..Net required. The Comnfission shall review the Development Plan
(DP) of any proposed use of any Lot or parcel of ground within the B-6 District prior to
the issuance of an Improvement Location Permit by the Department. Once approved by
the Commission the Development Plan (DP) shall not be materially or substantially
changed or altered without the prior approval of the Commission. The Development Plan
shall address the comprehensive arrangement of land uses, buildings, landscape areas,
road and parking areas in accordance with harmonious and aesthetic principles of the
Adopt Section 1 7. 00.99: Application Procedure to read:
17.00.99 Application Procedure.
A. Develonment Plan. See Section 31.99(A.): Development Plan.
B. Architectural Desb,m Exterior IJo;htln~, Landscanim, and Si~ramte (ADLS~. See Section
31.99(B): Architectural Design, Exterior Lighting, Landscaping and Signage (ADLS}.
Amend the title of Section 17.02: Special Uses to Section 17.02: Special Uses & Special
Adopt Section 18.00.99: Application Procedure to read:
18.00.99Application Procedure.
A. DeveloCment Plan. See Section 31.99(A}: Development Plan.
B. Architectural Design, Exterior l.ight~ng, Landscaping and Silma~e (ADLS). See Section
31.99(B): Architectural Design, Exterior Lighting, Landscaping and Signage (ADLS).
Amend the title of Section 18.02: Special Uses to Section 18.02: Special Uses & Special
Amend Section 18. 06. 01: Landscaping Plan to read:
18.06 Landsc a ~.p_~g~uir eme nts_.
18.06.01 Landsca~in~ Plan: A Landscaping Plan shall be submitted to the Plan Commission for its
approval at the same time other plans (i.e., architectural design, lighting, parking and
signage) are submitted. This plan shall be drawn to scale, including dimensions and
distances; shall delineate all existing and proposed structures, private parking areas,
walks, ramps for handicapped, terraces, driveways, lighting standards, signs, steps and
other similar structures; and, shall delineate the location, size and description of all
landscape material and the method to be used for the watering or irrigation of all planting
areas. Landscape treatment for plazas, roads, paths, service and private parking areas
shall be designed as an integral and coordinate part of the Landscape Plan for the entire
DRAFT Ordinance No. Z4474)3 DRAFT
Amend Section 18.06.04 .' Landscaping Installation and Maintenance; ~1: Installation to
18.06 Landscaping Requirements.
18.06.04Landscaping Installation and Maintenance:
Installation: All requ/red landscaping shall be installed prior to the issuance of a
Certificate of Occupancy by the Director ' ' . If it is not
possible to install the requked landscaping because of weather conditions, the
property owner shall post a bond for an mount equal to the total cost of the
required landscaping prior to the issuance of the Final Certificate of Occupancy.
Amend Section 18.06.04: Landscaping Installation and Maintenance; 3~3:Changes after
Approval to read:
18.06 Landsca in Re uirements.
18.06.04Landscaping Installation and Maintenance:
3. Chan~es After Aooroval: No landscaping which has been approved by the Plan
Commission may later be altered, eliminated or sacrificed without first obtaining
further Plan Commission approval.
Amend Section 18.07: Storage, Display and Refuse to read:
18.07 ~ and Refus_e.
All storage, display and refuse shall be completely enclosed in a main Principal or Accessory
Repeal Section 18. 08: Application Procedure.
......... ~ .............. rc ateG ......... and
DRAFT Ordinance No. Z-447-03 DRAFT
Adopt Section 19. 00.99: Application Procedure to read:
19.00.99 Atmlication Procedure.
A. Development Plan. Not required.
B. Architectural Design. Exterior Lit, htin~. Lantt~canin~ and Si~na?e (ADLS). See Section
31.99(B): Architectural Design, Exterior Lighting, Landscaping and Signage (ADLS).
Amend the title of Section 19.02: Special Uses to Section 19.02: Special Uses & Special
Amend Section 19. 03: Accessory Buildings and Uses to read:
19.03 Accessory Buildin~ts and Uses. See also Section 25. 01.
Accessory Buildings and Uses customarily and purely incidental to the uses allowed in this district
are permitted contingent upon P!m': Commassion approval (see Section 19.00.03) and under the
following conditions:
1. provided that the building materials and color are compatible with those of the prim:-:3'
Principal Building.
Amend Section 19. 05: Parking and Loading Berth Requirements to read:
19.05 Parkin~ and Loading Berth Requirements (See Chapter 27: Additional Parking & Loading
Regulations for additional requirements.)
19.05.01 The parking requirements of Chapter 27: Additional Parking & Loading Regulations
notwithstandLng, if the structure is located in an area where common parking is available
to the users of the facility, then parking can be reduced by the amount of common
parkSng spaces which can reasonably be allocated to the facihty. A Parking Plan showing
roadways, enttances, exits and common area parking in relation to all sWuctures shall be
filed and approved by the Plan Commission.
19.05.02The loading requirements of Chapter 27: Additional Parking & Loading Regulations
notwithstanding, loading berths and trash collection areas shall be permitted per the
demand of the business establishments and shall be identified on the Site Plan. A
Loading Plan shall be filed and approved by the Plan Comrmssiun. Trash collection
areas shall be properly screened and enclosed.
DRAFT Ordinance No. Z447-03 DRAFT
Amend Section 19. 06: Landscaping Requirements to read:
I9.06 Landscapin~ Reauirements.
Where a lot or parcel of ground used for business purposes in the B-8 District abuts, or adjoins
across a street (adjoining across a limited access highway is excluded), a parcel zoned or used for
residential purposes, a greenbelt or lawn area with a minimum width of thirty (30) feet shall be
provided along the abutting or adjoining property line. A planting screen, consisting of suitable
shrubbery, shall be planted at the time of construction of, or conversion to, a business activity and
shall be maintained in order to provide effective screening at all times during the year. The
shrubbery may be planted informally or in rows and shall screen parking areas, outside storage
areas, loading berths, trash and refuse containers and so forth from abutting and adjoining
residential properties. Vision clearance on comer lots and at the intersections of streets and
driveways shall be observed and maintained. No accessory buildings or uses may be erected or
pursued within the required greenbelt or lawn area with the exception of sidewalks, decorative or
protective items, other !~ndscaping items and signage as permitted by the Carmel-Clay Township
Sign Ordinance. Additional landscaping (such as street trees) may be required by the Pla=
Commission in order to maintain area-wide uniformity. A Landscape Plan shall be submitted
concurrent with the Site Plan.
Amend Section 19.08: Signs to read:
19.08 Signs.
All signs shall conform to the Carmel-Clay Township Sign Ordinance. Signs for each proposed
use shall be uniform in character as to color and architectural design as approved by the Plan
Commission. A Sign Plan shall be submitted concurrent with the Site Plan.
Amend Section 19. 09: Emergency Access to read:
19.09 Emergency Access.
Adequate emergency access space shall be provided to the side and rear of ail pr!.'r~.-'.,' Principal
Buildings located within the district. All emergency access areas and facilities shall be shown on
the Site Plan and reviewed by the Carmel Chief of Police and Carmel Fire Chief.
Adopt Section 20A. 00.99: Application Procedure to read:
20A.00.99 Apl>lication Procedure.
A. Development Plan. See Section 31.99(4): Development Plan.
B. Architectural Design, Exterior Lighting, [.and~¢apin~ and Simware (ADLS). See Section
31.99(B.): .~rchitectural Design, Exterior Lighting, Landscaping and Signage (ADLS}.
Amend the title of Section 20A.02: Special Uses to Section 20A.02.. Special Uses &
Special Exceptions.
Amend the title of Section 20B. 02: Special Uses to Section 20B.02: Special Uses &
Special Exceptions.
DRAFT Ordinance No. Z-447-03 DRAFT
Amend Section 2OB. OZ 02: Front Landscaped Yard to read:
20B.07 Landscaoin~ Requirements.
20B.07.02 Front Landscaned Yard: A fifteen-foot (15') landscaped and maintained yard
area, composed of trees not less than two and one-half inches (2~A'') dbhand spaced fifty
feet (50') on center, shall be provided next to (an) existing residence(s) or a platted
residential subdivision unless otherwise determined by the C,*:r~-r2z:!zncr Director or
unless otherwise required by the Board for Special Uses.
Amend Section 2OB. 07. 04: Landscaping Installation and Maintenance; ~1: Installation
to read:
20B.07 Landsca~im, Reauirements.
20B.07.04 Landscaping Installation and Maintenance:
1. Installation. All required landscaping shall be installed prior to the issuance of a
Certificate of Occupancy by the Depa.%'~,..cnt .s.~-:"2r2:~at,~r Director. If it is not
possible to install the required landscaping because of weather conditions, the
property owner shall post a bond for an amount equal to the total cost of the
required landscaping prior to the issuance of the Final Certificate of Occupancy.
Amend the title of Section 20C. 02: Special Uses to Section 20C. 02: Special Uses &
Special Exceptions.
Amend Section 20C. 07.02: Front Landscaped Yard to read:
20C.07 Landscaping Requirements.
20C.07.02 Front Landscaned Yard: A fifteen-foot (15') landscaped and maintained yard
area, composed of trees not less than two and one-half inches (2tA'') dbh and spaced fifty
(50) feet on center, shall be provided next to (an) existing residence(s) or a platted
residential subdivision unless otherwise determined by the C,~w~'r2:,:,izr. cr Director or
unless otherwise required by the Board for Special Uses.
Amend Section 20C. 07. 04: Landscaping Installation and Maintenance; 3~1: Installation
to read:
20C.07 Landscaping Requirements.
20C.07.04 Landscaping Installation and Maintenance:
1. Installation. All required landscaping shall be installed prior to the issuance of a
Certificate of Occupancy by the Depa. ~"~.,cnt A~mL-,5"x~ator Director. If it is not
possible to install the required landscaping because of weather conditions, the
property owner shall post a bond for an amount equal to the total cost of the
required landscaping prior to the issuance of the Final Certificate of Occupancy.
DRAFT Ordinance No. Z-447-03 DRAFT
Amend the Title of Chapter 2OD; M-3/Manufacmring District (Planned District) to read:
Amend Section 20D. O0. O l : Purpose and lntent to read:
20D.00.01 Purpose and Intent.
The purpose of the M-3 Manufacturing Park District is to create and protect land areas for the
development of uinfied preplanned manufacturing and other compatible land uses within a park-
like setting. All activities associated with manufacturing, commercial, warehousing,
transportation, service, office and residential activities shall be conducted witb. in completely
enclosed buildings in such a manner that any nuisance factors are not emitted outside e~ the
building. Solid visual screening of the outside activities including, but not limited to, storage and
trash collection areas shall be included. It shall be a requirement of all preplanned manufacturing
parks to be reviewed and approved by the Carm:! P!an Commission. A Development Plan shall
address the comprehensive arrangement of land uses, buildings, landscape areas, road and parking
areas in accordance with harmonious and aesthetic principles of architecture, design, sign and
industrial management. Land areas to be rezoned M-3 shall be served by public utilities (sewer,
water, etc.).
Adopt Section 2OD. 00.99: Application Procedure to read:
20D.00.99 Application Procedure.
A. Development Plan. See Section 31.99(A): Development Plan.
B. Architectural Design, Exterior Lighting, Landscaping and Signage (ADLS).
Amend the title of Section 20D. 02: Special Uses to Section 20D. 02: Special Uses &
Special Exceptions.
Amend Section 2OD. 07. 04: Landscaping Installation and Maintenance; ~1 to read:
20D.07.04 Landscaping Installation and Maintenance:
1. Installation. All required landscaping shall be installed prior to the issuance of a
Certificate of Occupancy by the DcFz.~-"a..ent A~:-.2r2a~atur Director. If it is not possible
to install the required landscaping because of weather conditions, the property owner
shall post a bond for an amount equal to the total cost of the required landscaping prior to
the issuance of the Final Certificate of Occupancy.
Repeal Section 2OD. 1 O: Application Procedure:
DRAFT Ordinance No. Z447-03 DRAFT
Amend Section 20E. O0. 03: Approval of Development Plan; ~4 to read:
20E.00.03: Approval of Development Plan.
4. ~^~ t.~-~"~'~ --~--~ ~--~--~" ~ ..~.~'~ *"'~ t The Director shall hold a public hearing before i~
~ec!~e: deciding whether to approve or disapprove a DP. However, no DP is required
for additions to existing structures which:
a. Are attached to the existing structure;
b. Continue the architectural design of the existing structure, including exterior
color and materials; doors and windows, other detailing;
c. Meet with requirements of the C-1 District;
d. Do not exceed twenty percent (20%) of the original Gross Floor Area of die
existing structure, applicable from the date of this Section; and
e. Have received a pr/or ADLS approval from the Plan Commission.
Amend Section 20E. 00.03: Approval of Development Plan; (7) to read:
20E.00.03: Approval of Development Plan.
7. Zoning Waiver. The applicant may reque:t apply for a Plan Ccx'zr2::~n Zoning
Waiver to of the dimensional and quantitative standards of the C-1 District by not greater
than thirty-five percent (35%), consistent with requirements set forth below:
a. The proposal shall be in harmony with the purposes and thc land use standards
contained in this chapter;
b. The proposal shall enhance the overall Development Plan, the adjoining
streetscapes and neighborhoods, and the overall City Center District.
c. The proposal shall not produce a site plan or street/circulation system that would
be impractical or detract from the appearance of the Development Plan and the
City Center District, and shall not adversely affect emergency vehicle access or
deprive adjoining properties of adequate light and air.
d. The proposal exhibits extraordina~ry site design characteristics, including, but not
limited to: Increased landscape treatment, tree preservation, public art,
provisions for bicycles and/or mass transit, reduced surface parking coupled
with provisions for above or below ground parking facilities.
e. In granting a waiver, the Commission may impose such conditions that will, in
its judgment, secure the purposes of this chapter. This subsection does not
affect the right of aa applicant under Indiana law to petition the Board for a
variance from development standards, as provided in IC 36-7-4-918.5 and this
Zoning Code.
Amend the title of Section 20E. 02: Special Uses to Section 20E. 02: Special Uses &
Special Exceptions.
DRAFT Ordinance No. Z~474)3 DRAFT
Amend Section 2OF. 00. 03: Approval of Development Plan; (4) to read:
20F.00.03: Approval of Development Plan.
4..^L ~ub!:.c ~'~-~-~~., ~-~..~'~" ~'~ -~.o~'~ by t The Director shall hold a public hearing before it
~eci~e: deciding whether to approve or disapprove a DP. However, no DP is required
for additions to existing structures which:
a. Are at~ached to the existing structure;
b. Continue the architectural design of the existing structure, including exterior
color and materials; doors and windows, other detailing;
c. Meet with requirements of the C-1 District;
d. Do not exceed twenty percent (20%) of the original Gross Floor Area of the
existing structure, applicable from the date of this Section; and
e. Have received a prior ADLS approval from the Plan Commission.
Amend Section 2OF. 00.03: Approval of Development Plan; (7) to read:
20F.00.03: Approval of Development Plan.
7. Zoning Waiver. The applicant may.~-t~* apply for a .m~.~.. C^~.n:..;~.~. .~.~.. Zoning
Waiver to of the dimensional and quantitative standards of the C- 1 District by not greater
than thirty-five percent (35%), consistent with requirements set forth below:
a. The proposal shall be in harmony with the purposes and the land use standards
contained in this chapter;
b. The proposal shall enhance the overall Development Plan, the adjoining
streetscapes and neighborhoods, and the overall City Center District.
c. The proposal shall not produce a site plan or street/circulation system that would
be impractical or detract from thc appearance of the Development Plan and thc
City Center District, and shall not advcrsaly affect emergency vehicle access or
deprive adjoining properties of adequate light and air.
d. The proposal exhibits extraordinary site design characteristics, including, but not
limited to: Increased landscape treatment, tree preservation, public art,
provisions for bicycles and/or mass transit, reduced surface parking coupled
with provisions for above or below ground parking facihties.
e. In granting a waiver, the cormmssion may impose such conditions that will, in
its judgment, secure the purposes of this chapter. This subsection does not affect
the right of an applicant under Indiana law to petition the Board for a variance
from development standards, as provided in IC 36-7-4-918.5 and this Zoning
bw. Amend the title of Section 20F. 02: Special Uses to Section 20F. 02: Special Uses &
Special Exceptions.
Amend the numbering of Section 20G. Ol: Purpose, Intent & Authority to Section
20G. O0. Ol : Purpose, Intent & Authority.
DRAFt Ordinance No. Z447-03 DRAFi'
by. Adopt Section 20G. 00.02: Plan Commission Approval to read:
20G.00.02 Plan comrCassion Approval.
Development Plan. The Commission shall review the Development Plan (DP) of any
proposed use of any Lot or parcel of ground within the Old Meridian District prior to the
issuance of an Improvement Location Permit by the Department. Once approved by the
Commission the Development Plan (DP) shall not be materially or substantially changed
or altered without the prior approval of the Commission. The Development Plan shall
address the comprehensive arrangement of land uses, buildings, landscape areas, road and
parking areas in accordance with harmonious and aesthetic principles of the ADLS.
Architectural Design, Exterior Lighting, Landscaping and Signage. To insure the
compatibility of the proposed use with adjoining areas, the Commission shall review the
Architectural Design, Exterior Lighting, Landscaping and Signage (ADLS) application of
any proposed use of any Lot or parcel of ground within the Old Meridian DistaSct prior to
the issuance of an Improvement Location Permit by the Deparmmnt. Once approved by
the Commission the Architectural Design, Exterior Lighting, Landscaping and Signage
(ADLS) shall not be materially or substantially changed or altered without the prior
approval of the Commission.
Adopt Section 20G. 00.99: Application Procedure to read:
20G.0O.99 Application Procedure.
A. Develonment Plan. See Section 31.99(A}: Development Plan.
B. Architectural Design, Exterior Lighting, Landscaping and Signage (ADLS). See Section
31.99(B): Architectural Design, Exterior Lighting, Landscaping and Signage (ADLS).
ca. Adopt Section 20G. O l : unassigned.
Amend Section 20G. 05: Development Zones to read:
20G.05 Development Zones.
~.~_e ..... x,Jt'~x Eight {8) development zones are hereby established, each with its own development
standards. Only those uses detailed within each zone shall be pemxitted. Sections 5.01 through
5.07 provide design standards for within each development zones.
Amend Section 20G. 05. 01: Single Family Attached Zone; fJ: Signs to read:
J. Signs. Nc ~c.':r~ncnt :xtzr/,~r :~gr,: r,f an)' !:~ ':5!! ~c a!!cwc~ cxccr, t fcr kcs:se nu~ers See
Section 25.07.02-14: Old Meridian District of the Carmel/Clay Sign Ordinance.
Amend Section 20G. 05. 02: Multi-Family Housing Zone; fiE: Signage to read:
E. $i~'~:'.mr'e Signs. See Section 25.07.02-14: Old Meridian District of the Carmel/Clay Sign
DRAFT Ordinance No. Z447-03 DRAFT
Amend Section 20G. 05.03: Village Zone; 3~G: Signage to read:
G. E!zn.."-.~.= Signs. See Section 25.07.02-14: Old Meridian District of the Carmel/Clay Sign
(3) '
Amend Section 20G. 05. 04: Mixed Use Zone; ~E: Signage to read:
E. e:r.-"r.- Siens. See Section 25.07.02-14: Old Meridian District of the Carmel/Clay Sign
DRAFT Ordinance No, Z-4474)3 DRAFT
Amend Section 20G. 05.05: Office Zone; 3~D: Signage to read:
D. Silage Si~,ns. See Section 25.07.02-14: Old Meridian District of the Carmel/Clay Sign
¢-) ~' .... ...... ~..v.-.v--:':--' :f~: CarmcFC!ay Sign c~.a~.__.~, ,q.a:v._..._~.~ ..... ..v.~- Z 292, :.t~!! aFp!y,
Adopt Section 20G. 05.06: Special Use Zone; 3gF: Signs to read:
F. Signs. See Section 25.07.02-14: Old Meridian District of the Carmel/Clay Sign Ordinance.
Amend Section 20G. 05.07: Meo'er Zone; ~E: Signage to read:
E. °;z~z~ Signs. See Section 25.07.02-14: Old Meridian District of the Carmel/Clay Sign
DRAFT Ordinance No. Z-447-03 DRAFT
Amend Section 20G. 05.08: Mixed Medical Zone; ~E: Signage to read:
E. $irr, a~.e Si~,ns. See Section 25.07.02-14: Old Meridian District of the Carmel/Clay Sign
(t9 ~- ---"'~--' -~ '~- '.' ~-- ~'-~: ..... ~: ..... ~ ~ '~, -~" --~'-.
n~t cb:cur: dctai!: :f~: 5~l~kng. (Figure 22)
Amend the title of Section 20G. 06: Modifications to read:
20G.06 ................. Zomng Waiver.
Repeal Section 20G. 07: Application Procedure in its entirety.
L'n~r~vemcnt Location Pc:~"t.
DRAFT Ordinance No. Z-447~03 DRAFT
Relocate Chapter 20G: Old Meridian District; Figure 23 to Section 25.07; Diagram 4:
Old Meridian Sign Placement.
Relocate Section 23A.05: Plan Commission Approval to Section 23A.00.02: Plan
Commission Approval.
Adopt Section 23A. 00.99: Application Procedure to read:
23A.00.99 Application Procedure.
A. Development Plan. Not required.
DRAFT Ordinance No. Z4474)3 DRAFT
Architectural Design, Exterior Lighting, Landscaping and Signage (ADLS). See Section
31.99(B): ,4rchitectural Design, Exterior Lighting, Landscaping and Signage (,4DLS).
cp. Designate Section 23A.05: unassigned.
Adopt Section 23B. 00. 02: Plan Commission Approval to read:
23B.00.02 Plan Commission Approval.
A. Development Plan. The Commission shall review the Development Plan (DP) of any
proposed use of any Lot or parcel of ground within the U.S. Highway 31 Corridor
Overlay Zone prior to the issuance of an Improvement Location Permit by the
Department. Once approved by the Commission the Development Plan (DP) shall not be
materially or substantially changed or altered without the prior approval of the
comrmssion. The Development Plan shall address the comprehensive arrangement of
land uses, buildings, landscape areas, road and parking areas in accordance with
harmonious and aesthetic principles of the ADLS.
B. Architectural Design, Exterior Lighting, Landscaping and Signage. To insure the
compatibility of the proposed use with adjoining areas, the Commission shall review the
Architectural Design, Exterior Lighting, Landscaping and Signage (ADLS) application of
any proposed use of any Lot or parcel of ground within the U.S. Highway 3l Corridor
Overlay Zone prior to the issuance of an Improvement Location Permit by the
Department. Once approved by the Commission the Architectural Design, Exterior
Lighting, Landscaping and Signage (ADLS) shall not be materially or substantially
changed or altered without the prior approval of the Commission.
Adopt Section
23B. 00. 99: Application Procedure to read:
Application Procedure.
Development Plan. See Section 31.99(~4): Development Plan.
Architectural Desier~ Exterior Lighting, Landscaping and Signage (ADLS). See Section
31.99(B): architectural Design, Exterior Lighting, Landscaping and Signage (ADLS).
Amend Section 23B. O2(A) to read:
23B.02 Commission Review:
A. Development Plan. The Comrinssion must approve, approve with conditions, or
disapprove the Development Plan (DP) for any tract of land in the U.S. Highway 31
Overlay Zone.
1. The Commission shall hold a public hearing :ha!! bc h:!d ~;,' 'mc Ccx'~x'2::icn
before it decides whether to approve or disapprove a DP. However, no DP is
required for additions to existing structures which:
a. Are attached to the existing structure;
b. Continue the architectural design of the existing sta-ucture, including
exterior color and materials; doors and windows, other detailing;
c. Meet with requirements of the underlying primary zoning dislrlct;
DRAFT Ordinance No. Z-447-03 DRAFT
d. Do not exceed twenty percent (20%) of the original gross floor area of
the existing structure, applicable fi.om the date of this ordinance, and,
e. Have received a prior ADLS approval from the Plan Comrmssion.
The Commission shall review a DP application to determine if the DP satisfies
the development requirements specified in Sections 23B. 03 through 23B. 08.
The Commission's review shall include, but not be limited to, the following
a. Existing site featares, including topography and wooded areas;
b. Zoning on site;
c. Surrounding zoning and existing land use;
d. Streets, curbs and gutters, sidewalks, and bicycle paths;
e. Access to pubhc streets;
f. Driveway and curb cut locations in relation to other sites;
g. General vehicular and pedestrian traffic;
h. Vehicle and bicycle parking facilities and internal site circulation;
i. Special and general easements for public or private use;
j. On-site and off-site surface and subsurface storm water drainage
including drainage calculations;
k. On-site and off-site utilities;
1. The means and impact of sanitary sewage disposal and water supply
m. Dedication of streets and rights-of-way, or reservation of land to be
sold to govemmantal authorities for furore development of streets and
n. Proposed setbacks, site landscaping and screening, and compatibility
with existing platted residential uses;
o. Project signage;
p. Protective restrictions and/or covenants;
q. Compatibility of proposed project with existing development within the
U.S. Highway 31 Corridor; and,
r. Consistency with the policies for the Overlay Zone which are set forth
in the Comprehensive Plan, including the Thoroughfare Plan.
Findings-of-Fact. The comrmssion shall make written findings concerning each
decision to approve or disapprove a DP. The President of the Commission shall
be responsible for signing the written £mdings of the Commission.
cS. Repeal Section 23B. 02(B).
ct. Repeal Section 23B. 02(C).
Repeal Section 23B. O2(D).
DRAFT Ordinance No. Z447-03 DRAFT
Renumber Section 23B. O2(F) to Section 23B. 2(B):Architectural Design, Exterior
Lighting, Landscaping and Signage.
Amend Section 23B. O2(B) : Architectural Design, Exterior Lighting, Landscaping and
Signage to read:
23B.02 Commission Review:
B. Architectural Desl~,n, Exterior Li~,htim,. Landscaoino and Si~nage. Except as
provided in Paragraph (4)(1) above, for all projects in thc U.S. Highway 31 Overlay
Zone, the Commission shall review and approve the Architectural Design, Exterior
Lighting, Landscaping and Signagc (ADLS), access to the property, site layout, parking
and site circulation, pursuant to Sections 23B. 09 through 23B. 15.
I. ADLS approval shall be necessary prior to:
a. The establishment of any use of land;
b. The issuance of any Improvement Location Permit;
c. The erection, reconstruction or structural alteration of any building(s)
in the U.S. Highway 31 Overlay Zone; or
d. Any changes in any site improvements.
2. An amendment to an ADLS may be reviewed and approved by a committee of
the Commission according to the Rules of Procedure. However, any interested
party may appeal the decision of the committee directly to the Commission.
cx. Repeal Section 23B. O2(E).
cy. Renumber Section 23B. O2(G) to Section 23B. 02(C): Zoning Waiver.
Amend Section 23B. O2(F) to read:
23B.02 Commission Review:
F. Architectural Design, Landscaoing, Exterior Lighting. and Sit, nage. Except as
provided in Paragraph B above, for all projects in the U.S. Highway 31 Overlay Zone,
the Commission shall review and approve or approve with conditions the Architectural
Design, Landscaping, Exterior Lighting, and Signage (ADLS), access to the property,
site layout, par!ring and site circulation, pursuant to Sections 23B. 09 through 23B. 15, and
such approvals shall be necessary prior to:
( 1 ) The estabhshment of any use of land;
(2) The issuance of any Improvement Location pemUt;
(3) The erection, reconstruction or structural alteration of any building(s) in the U.S.
Highway 31 Overlay Zone; or
(4) Any changes in any site improvements.
DRAFT Ordinance No. Z-447-03 DRAFT
Repeal Section 23B. 17.01: Consultation with the Director and Application.
g34~-%04- Ccr~u!~t:'cn vAth D~:ctcr an~ A~.~!'.'cation:
Repeal Section 23B. 17.02: Initial Review; Submission to the Commission.
al! a cable crd~ee:
marcia!: p~:~t tc
Repeal Section 23B. 17. 03: Approval or Denial of the Application by the Commission.
Renumber Section 23B. 17.04: Reservation of Land for Pending State Highway
Improvements to Section 23B.17: Reservation of Land for Pending State Highway
DRAFt Ordinance No, Z-447-03 DRAFT
Amend Section 23C. 00. 02: Commission Approval to read:
23C.00.02 Commission Approval.
A. Development Plan. The ConUmssion must approve, approve with eunditions, or
disapprove the Development Plan (DP) for any tract of laud in the Overlay Zone. The
Commission shall hold a public hearing :ha!! be 5e!~ by *~: Ce:'m'.2::icn before it
decides whether to approve or disapprove a DP. The Commission, in reviewing DP
applications, shall examine factors concerning the site, Site Plan and the surrounding
area, which include but are not limited to the following items:
I. Topography;
2. Zoning on site;
3. Surrounding zoning and existing land use;
4. Streets, curbs and gutters, bicycle paths, and sidewalks;
5. Access to public streets;
6. Driveway and curb cut locations in relation to other sites;
7. General vehicular and pedestrian traffic;
8. Parking facilities and internal site circulation;
9. Special and general easements for public or private use;
10. On-site and off-site surface and subsurface storm and water drainage, including
drainage calculations;
11. On-site and off-site utilities;
12. The means and impact of san/tary sewage disposal and water supply techniques;
13. Dedication of streets and fights-of-way;
14. Provision for adequate and acceptable setbacks, screening, and compatibility
with existing, platted residential uses;
15. Storage area;
16. Protective restrictions and/or covenants;
17. Effects any proposed project may have on the entire Overlay Zone; and,
18. Consistency with the policies for the Overlay Zone which are set forth in the
Comprehensive Plan.
If a Parent Tract is located both inside and outside of the U.S. Highway 421 -
Michigan Road Corridor Overlay Zone, DeveLopment Plan and ADLS approvals
are required for the entire l)arent Tract
Adopt Section 23C. 00.99: Application Procedure to read:
23C.00.99 Application Procedure.
A. Development Plan. See Section 31.99(A): Development Plan.
B. Arch/tectural Design, Exterior Lighting, Landscaping and Signage (ADLS). See Section
31.99(B): Architectural Design, Exterior Lighting, Landscaping and Signage (ADLS).
DRAIZr Ordinance No. Z447-03 DRAFt
Repeal Section 23C. 15: Application Procedure.
D:=cct=r ta rcvi:w ~e zcr~g :!:::!Se:S== :f '&ca: :itc, review tk:
all nec:aa~D' a:Fpc~g fie:mm:nra and
~Jtia! R:vlew cf Lb: ,n~!icaScn and Su~Dccument: azd
anchor ~tcria~: b)' th: D~::tar, *&c D;:ectcr :ha!! review '&: ~t:m!a far *&: ::lc
........ v dct:~ng wk:~:r Lkc app!icaScn ia .... ' .....~ N tec~ca! :c~!ian::
If Lhc w:tcNa!a zubmJ~:d b}' Lke applic~t ~e dete~:d tc
............ r ................... :p~rcv:! ~
DRAFT Ordinance No. Z-447-03 DRAFT
Adopt Section 23D. O3(A)(1)(i): Permitted Uses to read as follows:
23D.03 Guidelines.
A. Historic Range Line Road Sub-Area.
1. Renovations and Additions to All Existing Buildings.
i. Permitted Uses. In addition to those uses allowed in the underlying
zoning district, retail uses shall be allowed in the Historic Range
Line Road Sub-Area.
Adopt Section 23D. O3(A)(3)(b)(i0 to read as follows:
23D.03 Guidelines.
A. Historic Range Line Road Sub-Area.
3. New Construction.
b. Setbacks.
ii. Side and Rear Yard Setbacks shall be a minimum of five
(5) feet from the property line.
dl. Renumber Section 23D. 03(A)(3)(c): Materials to 23D. 03(A)(3)(d): Materials.
dm. Renumber Section 23D. O3(A)(3)(d): Windows, Doors to 23D. O3(A)(3)(e): Windows,
dn. Renumber Section 23D. O3(A)(3)(e): Roof to 23D. 03(~t)(3)00: Roof
do. Renumber Section 23D. O3(A)(3)09: Porches to 23D. O3(A)(3)(g): Porches.
Renumber Section 23D. O3(A)(3)(g): Building Height to 23D. O3(A)(3)(h): Building
Adopt Section 23D. 03(A)(3)(c): Lot Dimensions and Coverage to read as follows:
23D.03 Guidelines.
A. Historic Range Line Road Sub-Area.
3. New Construction.
e. Lot Dimensions and Coverage.
i. Minimum Lot Width.
(a) Single-family Dwelling: Fifty (50) feet.
DILMzr Ordinance No. Z447-03 DRAI~T
(b) All other Uses: Sixty (60) feet.
Maximum Lot Coverage.
(a) Single-family Uses: Forty-five percent (45%) of
the area of the lot
(b) All other Uses: Seventy percent (70%) of the area
of the lot.
No lot may be created by Subdivision or by joining which
is greater than ninety (90) feet in width.
Adopt Section 23D. 03(A)(3)(i): Garages to read:
23D.03 Guidelines.
A. Historic Range Line Road Sub-Area.
3. New Construction.
i. Garages.
i. All new garages must be either:
(a) Detached buildings that are sited at least five (5)
feet behind the Front Line of the Principal
Building, or
(b) Attached to the Principal Building so that the
front face of the garage is at least fifteen (15) feet
further from the Front Lot Line than the Front
Line of the Principal Building. New attached
garages on Corner Lots should be oriented to the
side street, rather than to Range Line Road.
ii. New detached or attached garages and other Accessory
Buildings should use exterior materials similar to the
Principal Building.
iii. Covered walkways attaching the garage to the Principal
Building are allowed.
Adopt Section 23D. O3(A)(3)O): Landscape and Lighting to read:
23D.03 Guidelines.
A. Historic Range Line Road Sub-Area.
3. New Construction.
j. Landscape and Li~,htim,.
i. A paved walkway from the porch or front door to the front
sidewalk is required.
ii. The remaining Front Yard of all buildings will be
maintained with a groomed landscape of Iow shrubs,
ground cover, trees, flowers and/or grass.
iii. Exterior lighting is restricted to lamps mounted on the
building, seven-foot (7') maximum-height pole-mounted
decorative lights, and low-wattage landscape lighting.
DRAFT Ordinance No. Z447-03 DRAI~
Fences greater than thirty-six inches (36") tail are not
allowed in the Front Yard of the property.
Chain link material is prohibited forward of the Front
Line of the Principal Building.
Dumpsters and trash receptacles must be screened from
Adopt Section 23D. O3(A)(3)(k): Signs to read:
23D.03 Guidelines.
A. Historic Range Line Road Sub-Area.
3. New Construction.
k. Signs. Signage, where allowed, shall abide by the City of Carmel
and Clay Township Zoning Ordinance specified in Section 25. 7.02-
15: Old Town Carmel.
Adopt Section 23D. 03 (A) (3)(1): Parking and Driveways to read:
23D.03 Guidelines.
A. Historic Range Line Road Sub-Area.
3. New Construction.
1. Parking and Driveways.
i. Parking is not allowed in the Front Yard of any property,
except on a driveway leading to the garage.
il. Driveways leading to the garage may not be wider than
twelve (12) feet, except within thirty O0) feet of the front
of the garage, where the driveway may be up to twenty-
four (24) feet wide.
iii. Parking spaces required to be provided under the Zoning
Ordinance may be reduced by up to fifty percent (50%) in
order to accommodate difficult site conditions such as
limited access, small lots, and/or existing mature trees.
iv. New curb cuts on Range Line Road will not be permitted
unless there is no alternative access from a side street.
Adopt Section 23D. 03(A)(3)(m): Permitted Uses to read:
23D.03 Guidelines.
A. Historic Range Line Road Sub-Area.
3. New Construction.
m. Permitted Uses. In addition to those uses allowed in the underlying
zoning district, retail uses will be allowed in the Historic Range
Line Road Sub-Area.
DRAFt Ordinance No. Z447~)3 DRAFT
dw. Amend Section 23D. O3(C)(3)(b): Setbacks to read:
23D.03 Guidelines.
C. Character Sub-Area.
3. New Construction.
b. Setbacks.
New buildings must follow the dominant or average front yard
Setback dimension of existing buildings on the same block
and on the same side of the street, with a variation of up to
three (3) feet allowed (See Figure 2a).
Additions, except for open-air porches, may not be added
to the front of the building except where the building is set
back more than twenty (20) feet from the Setback line of
its nearest two neighbors (See Figure 2b).
A Corner Lot for a residential use is presumed to have a
Front Yard Setback on both streets that it faces. For a
non-residential use, the Front Yard shall be Range Line
Road (if the property is located on Range Line Road) or
the street with the greatest traffic.
Side and Rear Yard Setbacks shall be a minimum of five
(5) feet from the property line.
dx. Renumber Section 23D. 03(C)(3)(c): Materials to 23D. O3(C)(3)(g): Materials.
Renumber Section 23D. O3(C)(3)(d): Windows, Doors to 23D. O3(C)(3)(h): Windows,
dz. Renumber Section 23D. 03(C)(3)(e): Roof to 23D. 03(C)(3)(i): Roof.
ea. Renumber Section 23D. 03(C)(3)09: Porches to 23D. 03(C)(3)(]): Porches.
Renumber Section 23D. O3(C)(3)(g): Building Height to 23D. O3(C)(3)(k): Building
Adopt Section 23D. 03(C)(3)(c): Lot Dimensions and Coverage to read as follows:
23D.03 Guidelines.
C. Character Sub-Area.
3. New Construction.
c, Lot Dimensions and Coverage.
i. Existing lot dimensions as originally platted shall be
DRAFF Ordinance No. Z-447-03 DRAFT
Minimum lot width.
(a) Single-family Residential: Fifty (50) feet.
(b) All Other Uses: Sixty (60) feet.
Maximum Lot Coverage.
(a) Single-family Residential: Forty-five (45%) of the
area of the Lot.
(b) All Other Uses: Seventy percent (70%) of the area
of the Lot.
No lot may be created by subdivision or by joining which is
greater than ninety (90) feet in width.
Adopt Section 23D. 03(C)(3)(d): Garages to read as follows:
23D.03 Guidelines.
C. Character Sub-Area.
3. New Cons~'uction.
d. Garages.
All new garages must be either:
(a) Detached buildings that are sited at least five (5)
feet behind the Principal Building, or
(b) Attached to the Principal Building so that the
front face of the garage is at least fifteen (15) feet
further from the Front Lot Line than the primary
front line of the Principal Building. New attached
garages on Corner Lots should be oriented to the
side street, rather than to Range Line Road.
New detached or attached garages and other Accessory
Buildings should use exterior materials similar to the
Principal Building.
Covered walkways attaching the garage to the Principal
Building are allowed.
Adopt Section 23D. 03(C)(3}(e) : Landscape and Lighting to read as follows:
23D.03 Guidelines.
C. Character Sub-Area.
3. New Construction.
e. Landscape and Lighting.
1. A paved walkway from the porch or front door to the front
sidewalk is required.
ii. The remaining Front Yard of all buildings will be
maintained with a groomed landscape of Iow shrubs,
ground cover, trees, flowers and/or grass.
DRAFT Ordinance No. Z447-03 DRAFT
Exterior lighting is restricted to lamps mounted on the
building, seven-foot (7') maximum-height pole-mounted
decorative lights, and Iow-wattage landscape lighting.
Fences greater than thirty-six (36) inches tall are not
allowed forward of the Front Line of the Principal
Vinyl covered chain-link material is allowed in the Front
Yard except on those properties which front on Range
Line Road. For properties fronting on Range Line Road,
chain-link material is prohibited forward of the Front Line
of the Principal Building.
Dumpsters and trash receptacle must be screened from
Adopt Section 23D. O3(C)(3)Og.'Parking and Driveways to read as follows:
23D.03 Guidelines.
C. Character Sub-Area.
3. New Construction.
f. Parkin~ and Driveways.
i. Parking is not allowed in the Front Yard of any property,
except on a driveway leading to the garage.
Driveways leading to the garage may not be wider than
twelve (12} feet, except within thirty (30) feet of the front
of the garage, where the driveway may be up to twenty-
four (24) feet wide.
Parking spaces required to be provided under the Zoning
Ordinance may be reduced by up to fifty percent (50%) In
order to accommodate difficult site conditions such as
limited access, small lots and/or existing mature trees.
New curb cuts on Range Line Road will not be permitted
unless there is no alternative access from a side street.
Adopt Section 23D. O4(A)(2) to read as follows:
23D.04 Submittal Process/Application Procedure.
A. Consultation with Director and Application.
2. Site Plan & Design Review (SDR) approval is not required where
Architectural Design, Exterior Lighting, Landscaping and Signage (ADLS)
approval is required.
Adopt Section 23E. 00.99: Application Procedure to read:
23E.00.99 Application Procedure.
A. Development Plan. See Section 31.99(A): Development Plan.
DRAFT OrdinanccNo. Z447-03 DRAFT
Architectural Design, Exterior Lighting, Landscaping and Signage (ADLS). See Section
31.99(B): Architecmral Design, Exterior Lighting, Landscaping and Signage (ADLS).
If the DP and/or ADLS plan is materially changed in any way, resubmissian to the
Cormmssion per Section 23E. 02 is required.
Amend Section 23E. 02(B): Architectural Design, Landscaping, Exterior Lighting and
Signage to read:
23E.02 Commission Avvroval.
B. Architectural Design, Landscaping, Exterior Lightin~ and Si~uage. ~:w~, a: ..... ;,~oa
;"-. ~..c,.e~+~ - ~.~-~/,~ n,/m .~.*~^' For all projects in the Home Place Business District and West
Home Place Commercial Corridor, the Commission shall review and approve or approve
with conditions the Architectural Design, Landscaping, Exterior Lighting and Signage
(ADLS), access to the property, site layout, parking and site circulation, pursuant to
Section 23E. 08 and Section 23E. 09, and such approvals shall be necessary prior to:
1. The establishment of any use of land;
2. The issuance of any Improvement Location Permit;
3. The erection, reconstruction or Structural Alteration of any commercial
building(s) in the Home Place Business District or West Home Place
Commercial Corridor; or
4. Any changes in site improvements.
Amend Section 23E. 08(,1): Zoning Waiver to read:
23E.08 Home Place Business District.
J. Zoning Waiver. The applicant may rcq,:e:t apply for a Zoning Waiver to of the
dimensional and quantitative standards of this Section 23E. 08, by not greater than thirty-
five percent (35%), consistent with requirements set forth in Section 23E. 02(C).
Amend Section 23E. 09(H): Zoning Waiver to read:
23E.09 West Home Place Commercial Corridor.
H. Zoning Waiver. The applicant may requeat apply for a Zoning Waiver to of the
dimensional and quantitative standards of this Section 23E. 09, by not greater than thirty-
five percent (35%), consistent with requirements set forth in Section 23E. 02(C).
Repeal Section 23E. 11: Application Procedure.
Ccmu!~t!cn ;:qth Dir:ctcr :n~ Ap~li:at/en.
App!ic~-"~ts :F-~E mcct ;;'i~ ~e Directer ta revlz-.v th: :~,ni.':g c!a::iSca~en :f ~eir :itc,
-1-. Twc (2) ::Fi:: cf
DRAFT Ordinance No. Z4474)3 DRAFT
and i~ to b: for',v"~d~d to the Comedy,!on.
Approval c: D:-~:I cf th: App!icaScn b7 ~h: Cc~d::ion.
the Cc~J: :ion
Amend the Title of Chapter 24: Planned District Regulations to read:
Amend the Title of Section 24.00: Planned District Regulations to read:
24.00 P!.~:-~zd Dizzier Development Plan (DP) and Architectural Design, External Lighting,
Landscaping and Signage (ADLS) Regulations.
DRAFT Ordinance No. Z-447-03 DRAFT
Section 24.01: The Planned District (R-5, B-4 and M-3) - Generally.
~ .....prcpe:./ ....... n ......... or ::gmficance, :uch a: ......... ' tcpc~aphy
Adopt Section 24.01: General Information to read:
24.01 General Information.
Development Plan aad/or Architectural Design, External Lighting, Landscaping and Signage
(ADLS) approval by the Com~ssion shall be necessary prior to the establishment of any Use or
BuikYmg, so cited by the district regulations herein, or the issuance of an Improvement Location
Permit for said Use or Buildiag. Development Plan and/or Architectural Design, External
Light. g, Landscaping and Signage (ADLS) applications shall generally be considered favorably
by the Commission, except in cases where the Commission finds the proposed Use obviously
inappropriate as a result of special and uaique conditions determined as a result of the review
procedure established hereia.
Repeal Section 24. 02: Preliminary Development Plan.
DRAFT Ordinance No. Z-447-03 DRAFT
DRAFT Ordinance No. Z-447-03 DRAFt
Adopt Section 24. 02: Development Plan Procedure to read:
24.02 Development Plan Procedure.
A. Pre-Application Consultation with the Director.
Applicants shall meet with the Director to review the zoning classification of their site,
review the regulatory ordinances and materials, review the procedures and examine the
proposed use and development of the property. The Director shall aid and advise the
applicant in preparing his application and supporting documents as necessary.
B. Application:
1. Director. The applicant shall submit to the Director:
a. two (2) copies of the written application form;
b. two (2) copies of the Existing Features & Site Analysis Plan;
c. two (2) copies of the DP;
d. as well as all necessary supporting documents and materials.
2. Technical Advisory Committee. The applicant shall submit the following to the
members of the Technical Advisory committee (TAC):
a. one (1) copy of the written application form;
b. one (1) copy of the Existing Features & Site Analysis Plan;
c. one (1) copy of the DP;
d. as well as all necessary supporting documents and materials.
C. Initial Review of the Application and Supporting Documents and Materials.
1. Director. Following the receipt of the written application, DP, and necessary
supporting documents and/or materials, the Director shall review thc materials
for the sole purpose of determining whether the application is complete and in
technical compliance with all applicable ordinances, laws and regulations.
2. Technical Advisory Committee. Following the receipt of the written
application, DP, and necessary supporting documents and/or materials, the
Director shall place the application on the agenda of the Technical Advisory
D. Submittal to the comnUssion.
1. If the materials submitted by the applicant are not complete or do not comply
with the necessary legal requirements, the Director shall inform the applicant of
thc deficiencies in said materials.
Unless and until the Director formally accepts the apphcation as complete and in
legal compliance, it shall not be considered as formally filed for the purpose of
proceeding to succeeding steps toward approval as hereinafter set forth.
DRAFT Ordinance No. Z447-03 DRAFT
2. If the materials submitted by the applicant are determined to be complete and in
compliance, the Director shall forward the materials to the Commission.
a. Within thirty (30) days of the formal acceptance of the DP application,
the Director shall formally f'de the application by:
i. assigning a docket number;
ii. setting a date and time for a public hearing; and
iii. placing it upon the agenda of the Commission according to the
comrmssion's Rules of Procedure.
b. The applicant shall file for each Commission member a copy of the
Existing Features & Site Analysis Plan, the DP, and supporting
documents and/or materials pursuant to the CommSssion's Rules of
E. Public Hearing by the Commission.
The applicant shall be responsible for the cost and publication of the required published
legal notification of the public hearing. The applicant shall also notify all interested
parties and property owners as required by the Commission's Rules of Procedure. The
conduct of the public hearing shall be in accordance with the Commission's Rules of
Procedure. Following the public hearing, the Development Plan shall be reviewed by the
F. ACvroval or Denial of the A~l~lication by the Commission:
1. An approved DP shall be valid for two (2) years from the date of approval. If a
full and complete application for an Improvement Location Permit (ILP) has not
been submitted at the end of the two (2) year period, the approval shall be null
and void. Upon written application to the Director before the expiration of said
approval, and upon good came shown, the Director may extend the approval for
a period not to exceed six (6) months.
2. If the DP is substantially or materially changed in any way, resubmission to the
conmUssion is required.
3. If a DP petition is denied, the Commission shall provide the applicant with a
written copy of the findings-of-fact, if requested.
24.02.01 Development Plan - Conformance.
Whenever a Development is proposed for land lying within the jurisdiction of the
Commission and before any construction work on the development is started, the
developer or his duly author/zed representatives shall prepare and present a Development
Plan as herein required for Commission approval. The Development Plan shall comply
fully with the health, zoning and other applicable ordinances, laws and regulations in
effect at the time the Development Plan is submitted. The Development Plan shall cover
the total area the applicant intends to develop and shall indicate whether the development
shall be undertaken in one or more phases. Should a platting, variance or special me
procedure be necessary as a portion of the Development Plan, the procedure may be
pursued prior to or simultaneously with the Development Plan requirements and
procedures as dictated by the situation. If the parcel of land on which the proposed
Development is not properly zoned to permit the Development, the application for
rezoning may be filed simultaneously with the application for Development Plan
approval and processed together.
24.02.02 Consultation with Dkector and Aunlicafion.
Applicants shall meet with the Director to review the zoning classification of the site to
determine if it is correct to proceed with the Development Plan approval procedure,
review the Development Plan procedures and any other procedures involved in the
DP, AFl' Ordinance No. Z-447-03 DRAFT
project and examine the proposed use and development of the property. The Director
shall aid and advise the applicant in preparing the application and supporting
documentation as necessary. The applicant shall submit two (2) copies, or more if
necessary, of the Development Plan together with supporting documentation and two (2)
copies of the written application form to the Director and one (1) copy, or mere if
necessary, of the Development Plan together with supporting documentation to each
member of the Technical Advisory Committee (TAC).
24.02.05 Approval or Denial of the Application by the Commission.
In determining whether approval shall be granted, the Commission shall consider
generally if the Development Plan:
1. creates and maintains a desirable, efficient and economical use of land with high
functional and aesthetic value, attractiveness and compatibility of land uses,
within the District and with adjacent uses;
2. provides sufficient and well-designed access, parking and loading areas;
3. provides traffic control and street plan integration with existing and planned
public streets and interior access roads;
4. provides adequately for sanitation, drainage and public utilities; and
5. allocates adequate sites for all uses proposed, the design, character, grade,
location and orientation thereof being appropriate for the uses proposed,
logically related to existing and proposed topographical and other conditions,
and consistent with the Comprehensive Plan for the City of Carmel and Clay
Township, Indiana.
The Director shall notify the applicant of the approval or denial of the Development Plan
and, if approved, inform the applicant that he may proceed with the development. If the
Commission denies the Preliminary Plan, it shall set forth the reasons for such denial in
its own records and shall provide the applicant with a copy of such reasons.
24.02.06The Meanin~ of An~roval. Approval of a Preliminary Development Plan shall constitute
approval of the land uses, densities and general scheme of development depicted on the
Preliminary Development Plan. Approval of the Preliminary Plan shall not constitute
approval of the Final Development Plan.
Consh-uction Plan.
24.03.01Coustmction Plan - Conformance. The Coustmction Plans shall include all of the
planned area unless the Development Plan was approved on the basis of development in
phases, in which case a Construction Plan may include one or more phases of
development of the planned areas. The Construction Plan shall be consistent and in
substantial conformity with the Development Plan as approved by the Commission. The
Consmxction Plans shall conform to all of the requirements for a Development Plan as
hereinafter set forth.
24.03.02Application for Construction Plan. The applicant shall submit copies of the Construction
, or more if necessary, of the Final Development Plan, together with supporting
documentation, and two (2) copies of the written application form.
24.03.03Initial Review of the Final Development Plan and SuCnortinc, Documentation by the
Director; Submission to the Commission. Following the receipt of the written
application, Final Development Plan and necessary supporting documents and/or
materials by the Director, he shall then review the mater/als solely for the purpose of
determining whether the application is coroplete, in technical compliance with all
applicable ordinances, laws and regulations and is to be forwarded to the Commission. If
the materials submitted by the applicant are not complete, or do not comply with the
necessary legal requirements, then the Director shall inform the applicant of the
DRAFT Ordinance No. Z-447-03 DRAFT
deficiencies in said materials. Unless and until the Director formally accepts the Final
Development Plan application as formally filed for the purpose of proceeding to
succeeding steps toward Final Development Plan approval as hereinafter set forth.
Within thirty (30) days following the formal acceptance of the application by the
Director, he shall formally file the application by placing it upon the agenda of the
Commission according to the Commission's Rules and Procedure. The applicant shall
file for each Plan Commission member a copy of the Final Development Plan and
supporting documents and materials.
24.03.04Approval or Denial of the Application by the Commission. After submission of the Fknl
Development Plan by the Director, the commission shall review the Development Plan
and shall approve the FL'aa! Development Plan unless it finds that the F~a! Plan is not
consistent and in :'.:5:tantia! conformity with the a~r~:'cd Pre!k':'.2nm*3' Plax applicable
Zoning and Subdivision Ordinances, or fails to satisfy requirements imposed by the
Commission as conditions to approval of the Prc!L'r2n~'3' Development Plan. The
comnUssion shall set forth in its records the reasons for its actions in approving or
denying the FLua! Development Plan and shall provide the applicant with a copy of said
reasons if requested. If the Commission approves the FL~.a! Development Plan it shall
affm the Commission seal upon a mylar copy of the approved F-~a! Development Plan,
together with thc date of approval and the certifying signatures of the commission
president and secretary. The Commission shall inform the Director of its decision on the
F:~.a! Development Plan and, if approved, that he may issue Improvement Location
Permits as required for the P!--.~ned Development upon the receipt by the City of the
financial performance guarantees required herein. The Director shall inform the
applicant of the ConmUssion's decision concerning the Final Development Plan, and if
approved, that he may apply for Improvement Location Permits for thc Planned District
upon filing the approved and recorded F~na! Development Plan with the Director and the
receipt of the financial performance guarantees by the City.
24.03.05Filing the Final Develooment Plan. Afier the Congnission has approved and signed the
F~na! Development Plan, the applicant shall file said approved Development Plan with
the Recorder of Hamilton County, Indiana and shall file one (1) mylar and three (3)
paper copies of said approved and recorded Development Plan with the Director within
sixty (60) days following approval.
24.03.06Time Limit.
A. Continuous construction shall commence within twenty-four (24) months fxom
the date of Development Plan approval; or Development Plan approval granted
by the Commission may ~c rc;'e!:ed shall become null and void.
B If construction has not commenced within said twanty-four (24) month period,
then the developer shall, within sixty (60) days following the expiration of said
twenty-four (24) month period, be required to demonstrate good cause to the
Director why said approval should not be revoked by the comrmssinn. If the
Director recommends an extension of the approval of the Development Plan, the
Commission m~ay extend the time period allowed for commencement of
construction for a period of up to twenty-four (24) months. Failure to do so as
herein required shall result in the automatic revocation by the Commission of
such approval at the termination of the sixty (60) day period as set forth above.
If approval is revoked, the Director shall notify the developer in writing that he
may no longer obtain Improvement Location Perm/ts according to his
Development Plan.
24.03.07Authorization. In no event shall any Improvement Location Permit be issued for
improvements located in a P!ar~zd D!:~ct prior to final approval of the F:ma!
Development Plan by the Commission, filing the approved Final Development Plan with
the Director and the receipt of the necessary financial performance guarantees by the
DRAFT Ordinance No. Z~447-03 DRAFT
Requirements for Pre!i::'.J.':a:'; Development Plan.
The owner or developer of the proposed P!a.-..'~zd Di:~ct Development shall submit five (5)
copies, or more if necessary, of the Prz!i::?.'~a.9' Development Plan with his the application for
Development Plan approval. The Pre!L.'~2n.a.'3' Development Plan fzr ~e P!annefl D~ct shall be
drawn to a scale of fifty feet to one inch (50' -- 1") or one hundred feet to one inch (100' = 1");
provided, however, that if the resulting drawings would be over thirty-six (36) inches in shortest
dimension, a scale recommended by the Director may be used. The Development Plan shall show:
24.04.01Name. The proposed name of the P!ar~c~ Development followed by the words
"Prc!~.'r2r. ary Development Plan" and the date of submission or of the latest revision of
the Prz~2na-D' Development Plan.
24.04.02Owner and Developer Information. Names, addresses and telephone numbers of the
owner, developer and Registered Land Surveyor (in accordance with the State Statutes
and licensed to do business in the State of Indiana) who prepared the Pre!~2aa.D'
Development Plan with his signature, seal and date.
24.04.03Tract and Use Boundaries. ApproXtmate boundary lines of the P!r. xaz~ Development
tract showing dimensions, according to recognized practice, with reference to section,
township and range. In addition, the approximate boundaries and acreage of each general
land use area within the P!am:c~ Development shall be shown.
24.04.04Streets and R/~hts-of-Wav. Approximate locations of all existing, recorded or
unrecorded, public or private streets and proposed major access streets and related fights-
of-way on or adjoining the proposed P!ar~ed Development.
24.04.05Contours - Existine. Contours at vertical intervals of one (1) foot if the general slope of
the P!ar~nzd Di:~zt Development is less than three percent (3%), of two (2) feet if the
general slope of the P!ar~:d Die,ct Development is three percent (3%) or more and less
than ten percent (10%) or of five (5) feet if the general slope of the P!anazfl
Development is ten percent (10%) or more. All benchmark references shall be based on
National Geodetic Vertical Datum of 1929.
24.04.06Water System. The approximate location, size and capacity of water mains intended to
serve the site, including the off site routing and connection to an existing water main.
24.04.07 Sanitary Sewer System. The approximate location, size, capacity and direction of flow of
sanitary sewer mains and lifl stations, including the off site muting and connection to an
existing sanitary sewage main.
24.04.08 Storm Drainage System. The approximate location, size, capacity and director of flow of
all major elements of the storm drainage system. If storm sewers (or similar types of
system) are proposed, show proposed connection to main system or method of
disposition into stream, retention reservoir, etc.; distance to stream outlet; and, if
appropriate, approximate size and location of lift stations. If surface drainage is
proposed, show approximate location of major swales and typical cross-section of swales,
roadside ditches, grassed waterways, water courses, open ditches, curbs and gutters,
approXanate location and size of culverts, and method of disposition into streams,
retention reservoir, etc. If subsurface drain tile is proposed, show typical connection to
storm sewer, outlet in open drain, retention reservok or other adequate outlet.
24.04.09Easements. The approximate location and widths of all existing easements, including
stating their use for drainage, utilities or other purposes.
24.04.10Flood Plains. The location of any flood plains, as indicated by the Flood Plain Districts
(FP, FF and FW) cited herein.
24.04.11 Landscaping. A general description of proposed landscaping. Existing wooded areas
should be noted on the plan.
DRAFT Ordinance No. Z-447-03 DRAFI'
24.04.12Layout. Approximate locations of the various features which will make up the
Development. This should form a conceptual plan citing approximate densities and
proposed uses.
24.04.13 Other Parcels of Land. Parcels of land proposed to be dedicated or reserved for public
schools, parks, playgrounds or other public use.
24.04.14North Point and Scale. Both shall be shown on all sheets of the Prell'fA:ca:3'
Development Plan.
24.04.15Legends and Notes. Legends, notes, approximate total acreage within the P!anae~
Development Plan that would affect the P!.~:'2.:~ Development favorably or adversely.
Requirements for Pr:~':'.'.'na:3' Suunortimz Documentation.
The developer of ~hc~.v~vw~ .m.~ D!a~:'ct shall, as dictated by the proposed development,
subm/t two (2) copies, or more if necessary, of the following items to provide supplemental
information to the Pre!kn'2n:~'3' Development Plan application:
24.05.01 Area Location Map. An area location map at a scale of one inch equals one thousand feet
(1" = 1000'). The map shah show the proposed P!anne~ Development and surrounding
area. The area location map may be prepared on an existing base map and shall show the
I. The outline of the proposed Plxr. ne~ Development, its name and location;
2. Existing adjacent uses;
3. Existing adjacent zoning classifications and proposed uses;
4. Any thoroughfares directly related to the proposed Plam:e~ Development;
5. Watershed boundaries, number of acres within each watershed involved and the
general overland flow pattern; and
6. The title of the area location map, its scale, north arrow, the date the information
was placed on the map and the date the base map was prepared.
24.05.02Soils Map. A soils map and its accompanying report fxom the Hamilton County Soil and
Water Conservation District office showing the soil limitations based upon the intended
land proposed for the ............... Development.
usage of the m .... ,: r~,
24.05.03 Traffic Stud,,,. A Traffic Study to include a comparative analysis of present volumes on
streets bordering the ............. Development or with a direct bearing on the
Plaxne~ Die,ct Development versus potential capacity volumes of those streets.
Consideration should be made of the effect of the proposed P!ar~nc~ Dizzier
Development and the traffic it would engender, particularly at peak periods. A
Circulation Plan which will show recommendations for controlling, signalizing,
channelizing, parking, storing and warning both pedestrian and vehicular traffic.
24.05.04Drainage Report. A brief report describing the general elements of the proposed storm
water drainage system, including curbs and gutters, storm sewers, open drainage
waterways, drain tiles, culverts, retention reservoirs and other necessary appurtenances.
Among the necessary items of information are approximate locations, sizes, capacity, and
typical cross-sections of the major drainage plan elements. The report should include:
1. reference to legal drains located in the P!.~r.x:~ D!z~:t Development or relating
to the Planned D!:X.;et Development;
2. the flooding potential of the P!axne~ D'2z~'~zt Development;
3. the general design of a storm water system to deal with such flooding potential;
DRAFI' Ordinance No. Z-447-03 DRAFT
4. the expected impact of the ?!ar.~e~ D!:~+~:+, Development's storm water runoff
on any receiving stream or downstream property.
Where floodplains, as indicated by FP, FF or FW Districts herein, are involved, a
statement from the Indiana Natural Resources Commission to the extent it has
jurisdiction shall be required with respect to location of floodways and flood plains.
24.05.05Erosion Control Plan. A statement and general plan setlmg forth the method of
controlling erosion and sedLmentation before, during and following development and
construction, i.e., tempormy seeding, sediment detention basins, erosion prevention
devices and other similar means, that meet the Hamilton County Soil and Water
Conservation District guidelines for urban development.
24.05.06Service Reports. Service reports or statements, as necessary, may include but not be
limited to the following sources:
a. police or sheriff's departments;
b. fire departments;
c. water and sanitary sewer utilities;
d. electric, gas, telephone and cable television utilities;
e. city, county or state highway depamnents;
f. Carmel-Clay Schools;
g. Hamilton County Health Department, Surveyor, Drainage Board, and Board of
h. Hamilton County Soil and Water Conservation District Office;
i. Indiana National Resources Commission;
j. Carmel Board of Public Works & Safety; '
k. and the Director.
24.05.07Metes and Bounds Description. Ar. a~r:."dn'mte metes and bounds description of the
boundary of the tract which the P!r.=x:~ D~:~ct Development encompasses.
24.05.08 Covenants. A general description of restrictions which will run with the land and become
covenants affecting the use of the property within the P!a:'.~c~ Die,ct Development.
Requirements for Final Development Plan.
A Fire! Development Plan may include all or only a part of the area depicted on the Pre!/:r2na:3'
Development Plan that has received Commission approval. If the F:2.a! Plan is presented in
sections for approval, then the applicant shall provide a drawing of the plan of said section with all
items included that are required for F~aa! Development Plan approval. The original mylar drawing
of the F~na! Development Plan and five (5) copies, or more ffnecessary, shall be drawn to a scale
of fit~y feet to one inch (50' = 1") or one hundred feet to one inch (100' = 1"), provided that if the
resulting drawing would be over thirty-six (36) inches in shortest dimension, a scale recommended
by the D/rector may be used. The Development Plan shall show:
24.06.01Name. The proposed name of the P!a.-me~ Development, followed by the words '?ina!
Development Plan" and the date of submission or of the latest revision of the
Development Plan.
24.06.02Owner and Developer Information. Names, addresses and telephone numbers of the
owner, developer and Registered Land Surveyor (in accordance with the State Statutes
and licensed to do business in the State of Indiana) who prepared the F~na! Development
Plan with his siguamre, seal and date. Source of title to the land ~rcpcae~
DRAFT OrdinanccNo. Z-447-03 DRAFT
included in the Development as shown by the books of the Recorder of Hamilton
County, Indiana, as proof of ownership.
24.06.03Exterior Tract Boundaries and Spatial Location Information. Accurate tract boundary
lines showing dimensions, angles, bearings, existing monuments, existing markers,
reference comers and benchmarks. All shall be described according to recognized
practice based on accurate distances and directions with reference to section, township
and range.
24.06.04Streets and Rights-of-Way. Accurate locations of all existing (recorded or unrecorded,
public or private) and proposed streets and rights-of-way on or adjoining the proposed
P!a-..aed Development. Names shall be shown, which shall not duplicate the names of
other streets in the township, and roadway or pavement and right-of-way widths~
24.06.05Contours. Contours at vertical intervals of one (1) foot if the general slope of the P!.~ea..
?i:,Lxi:t Development is less tha,~ three percent (3%), of two (2) feet if the general slope
of the P!a."~:~ Die'c: Development is three percent (3%) or more and less than ten
percent (10%) or of five (5) feet if the general slope of the P!a."~ea.. D!:.'aa.c'. Development
is ten percent (10%) or more. All benchmark references shall be based on National
Geodetic Vertical Datum of 1929.
24.06.06Water System. The accurate location, size and capacity of all water mains, hydrants,
valves and other necessary appurtenances on site plus the connection to the off-site water
24.06.07Sanitaw Sewer System. The accurate location, size, capacity and direction of flow of all
sanitary sewer mains, lifl stations and other necessary appurtenances on site plus the
connection to the off site sanitary sewage main.
24.06.08Storm Drainage System. The accurate location, size, capacity and direction of flow of all
elements of the storm drainage system. If storm sewers (or sim/lar type of system) are
proposed, show connection to main system or method of disposition into s~ream,
retention reservoir, etc., and the distance to stream outlet, lift stations, manholes, inlets,
junction boxes and other necessary appurtenances. If surface drainage is proposed, show
swales, roadside ditches, grassed waterways, water courses, open ditches, curbs and
gutters, culverts and method of disposition into streams, retention reservoir, etc. If
subsurface drain tile is proposed, show connection to storm sewer; outline in open drain,
retention reservoir; or, other adequate outlet. Subsurface drains shall not outer into
shallow or intermittent open waterways or curbs.
24.06.09Easements. The accurate location and width of all existing and proposed easements,
including stating their use for drainage or utilities, including but not limited to water,
sanitary sewer, storm sewer, electric, telephone, gas, street lights and cable television.
24.06.10Flood Plains. The location of any flood plains, as indicated by the Flood Plain Districts
(FP, FF and FW) cited herein.
24.06.11 Landscaping and Lighting. General locations of existing and proposed trees, shrubbery
and screening materials as necessary. Accurate locations and type of proposed street and
outdoor lighting as necessary.
24.06.12Layout. Approximate locations of the various features which will make up the P!a."~ed
Development, not otherwise mentioned herein, including but not limited to buildings,
lots, storage areas and parldag areas. This should form a Conceptual Plan citing
approXimate dimensions and proposed uses.
24.06.13Other Parcels of Land. Parcels of land proposed to be dedicated or reserved for public
schools, parks, playgrounds or other pubhc use, private recreational facilities for the use
of the people within the P!a.".~ed Development and any other areas to be used for
community purposes.
24.06. I4Notth Point and Scale. Both shall be shown on all sheets of the Development Plan.
DRAFT Ordinance No. Z-447-03 DRAFT
24.06.15Legends and Notes. Legends, notes, total acreage within the P!armcd Development,
proposed densities and zoning classification.
24.06.16Other Features. Other features or conditions shall be shown on the Development Plan
that would affect the P!r. nnc~ Development favorably or adversely.
Requirements for Final Supporting Documentation.
The developer ef ~e Fr:7:::~ P!annen-. Di:~ict shall, as dictated by the proposed development,
submit two (2) copies, or more if necessary, of the following items to provide supplemental
information to the Final Development Plan application except that if there is no substantial change
in the Final Development Plan from the Preliminary Plan, then the item submitted with the
Preliminary Plan shall satisfy the requirements of this Section 24.07.
24.07.01Traffic Study. A traffic study to include a comparative analysis of present volumes on
streets bordering the Planned District or with a direct bearing on the Planned District
versus potential capacity volumes of those streets. Consideration should be made of the
effect of the proposed Planned District and the traffic it would engender, particularly at
peak periods. A circulation plan should be included for all existing and proposed streets,
both pubhc and private, which will show recommendations for controlling, signalizing,
channellzing, parking, storing and warning both pedestrian and vehicular traffic.
24.07.02Drainage Plan. Detailed drawings and construction plans for all elements of the storm
water drainage system, including curbs and gutters, storm sewers, open drainage
waterways, drain tiles, culverts, retention reservoirs and other necessary appurtenances,
shall be included. Among the necessary items of information are locations, grades, sizes,
capacity and typical cross-sections of the drainage plan elements. A report shall be
included concerning:
1. legal drains located in the Planned District or relating to the Planned District,
2. the flooding potential of the Planned District,
3. the design of the storm water system to deal with such flooding potential and
4. the expected impact of the Planned District's storm water runoff on any
receiving stream or downstream property.
Where flood plains as indicated by FP, FF or FW Districts herein, are involved, a
statement from the Indiana Natural Resources Commission to the extent it has
jurisdiction shall be required with respect to location of floodways and flood plains.
24.07.03Erosion Control Plan. A statement and plan setting forth the method of controlling
erosion and sedimentation before, during and following development and construction,
i.e., temporary seeding, sediment detention basins, erosion prevention devices and other
similar means, that meet the Hamilton County Soil and Water Conservation District
guidelines for urban development.
24.07.04Landscaping Plan. A detailed plan of the existing and proposed landscaping showing
location, kind and caliper measurement size of trees, shrubbery and screening materials,
as appropriate and required by the Plan Commission.
24.07.05Lighting Plan. Specifics are required concerning the easements, locations, size, height,
type and wattage of proposed street and outdoor lighting.
24.07.06Signage Plan. All exterior signage proposed to be located in the Planned Development,
subject to approval and obtaining of a sign permit prior to erection under the
requirements of the Sign Ordinance, shall be shown and conformance or
non-conformance with said Ordinance shall be so noted.
24.07.07Service Reports. Service reports or statements, as necessary, may include but not be
limited to the following sources: police or sheriff departments; fire departments; water
DRAFT Ordinance No. Z-447-03 DRAFT
and sanitary sewer utilities; electric, gas, telephone and cable television utilities; city,
county or state highway departments; Carmel-Clay Schools; Hamilton County Health
Department, Surveyor, Drainage Board, and Board of Commissioners; Hamilton County
Soil and Water Conservation District Office; Indiana Natural Resources Commission;
Carmel Board of' Public Works; and Director.
24.07.08Other Procedural Anorovals. Should other procedures related to the development of the
Planned District, such as subdivision platting, special use approval, variance approval, or
zoning approval be necessary, the procedures shah be pursued prior to or simultaneously
with the Final Development Plan approval procedure. Under no circumstances shall a
Final Development Plan approval be approved while any other procedures relating to the
application are pending. It shall be the responsibility of' the applicant to provide
verification to the Commission that all other approvals related to the Final Development
Plan are complete and in proper form prior to Final Development Plan approval.
24.07.09Other Construction Plans. Other specific construction plans shall be submitted as
necessary detailing information on, but not limited to, streets, lighting, sanitary sewer
system, storm water drainage system, curbs and gutters, sidewalks and the related
appurtenances. The required information shall include locations, grades, sizes,
capacities, typical cross-sections and so forth. These plans shall be drawn by a
Registered Land Surveyor or a Professional Engineer licensed to do business in the State
of Indiana in accordance with State Statutes.
24.07.10Metes and Bounds Description. An accurate metes and bounds description of the
boundary of the tract which is subject to Final Development Plan approval.
24.07.11 Covenants. A hst of thc restrictions, if any, which will run with the land and become
covenants affecting the use of the property within the area subject to Final Development
Plan approval. Thc approved covenants shall be recorded with the Recorder of Hamilton
County, Indiana.
24.07.12Constructinn Timetable. A construction timetable or schedule shah include the
approximate timing of completion and/or occupancy of the improvements proposed in the
area subject to Final Development Plan approval.
24.07.13Certification of Dedication. Certification of dedication of streets, righis-of-way and other
public property to the proper authorities, except so much thereof as are intended to
remain private.
24.07.14Certificate of Commissinn Avnroval. Certificate of approval by the Commission shall be
on each and every sheet of the Development Plan.
24.07.15Exterior Elevations. Renderin~,s. Etc. Exterior elevations, renderings depicting the
exterior materials to be used, and a list of exterior materials relating to all buildings and
other structures proposed in the area subject to Final Development Plan approval,
together with Lighting, Landscaping and Siguage Plans, shall be submitted to the
Comm/ssinn in order to better define the intent of the proposed development in the
Planned District. The architectural design should reflect a unified design which is in
character and proper relationship with the surrounding area. Unless required by the
Commission, this Section 24.07.15 shall not apply to detached, single-family residences.
DRAFT Ordinance No. Z-447-03 DRAFT
Adopt Section 25. 07. 02-14: OM Meridian District to read:
25.07.02-14 Old Meridian District.
This section applies to all land uses located on properties within the zones established pursuant to
Chapter 20G: Old Meridian District. The signage requirements in Section 25.07.02-01 through
25.07.02-12 of this Ordinance apply, except where superceded by the provisions of this section.
a) SIGN CLASSIFICATION: As allowed pursuant to the signage requirements in Section
25.07.02-01 through 25.07.02-12, unless otherwise specified below.
1. 20G.05.01: Single-Family Attached Zone (OM-SFA):
a) No permanent exterior signs of any kind will be allowed except:
(i) House numbers established in accordance with Section
25.14: Premises Identification, and
(ii) Nameplates established in accordance with Section
25.0Z02-05: Home Occupation and Boarding House
(Residential Zone).
2. 20G.05.02: Multi-Family Housing Zone (OM-MF):
a) Limited to Suspended Signs, Projecting Signs, Porch Signs, or Wall
3. 20G.05.03: Village Zone (OM-V):
(a) Unless specified as exempt or prohibited signage, or otherwise noted
below, the Sign Ordinance regulations of Section 25.07.02-13: Old
Town Carmel shall apply to the Village Zone.
(b) Exempt Signs: All signs designated as exempt in Section 25.07.01-03
of the Sign Ordinance, except as noted in Section 20G. OS.07(E)(5).
(c) Prohibited Signs: The provisions in Section 25.0Z01-04 shall apply.
The following signs are also prohibited:
(1) Ground Signs, or other fxee standing signs.
(2) Signs which contain blinking, pulsing, or moving components.
6) 20G.05.06: Special Use Zone [OM-SU]:
(a) See 25.0Z02~07: Special Use and Use Variance Sign.
7) 20G.05.07: Meiier Zone (OM-M):
(a) Unless specified as exempt or prohibited signage, or otherwise noted
below, the Sign Ordinance regulations pertaining to Old Town Carmel,
Section 25.07.02-13 shall apply to the Meijer Zone.
(b) ]Exempt signs: All signs designated as exempt in Section 25.07.01-03 of
the Sign Ordinance, Ordinance No. Z-302.
(c) Prohibited signs: The provisions in Section 25.0Z01-04 shall apply.
Signs which contain blinking, pulsing, those with moving components
are also prohibited.
b) NUg~ER & TYPE: Asallowedpursuanttothesignagereqv3:ementsinSection25.0Z02-
Ol through 25.07.02-12, unless otherwise specified below.
7) 20G.05.07: Meiier Zone (OM-M/:
(e) Two (2) monument signs no larger than sixty (60) square feet are
allowed for a single user of the existing Meijer store, with one (1) sign
located at the existing street cut on Old Meridian Street, in the Village
DRAFT Ordinance No. Z-447-03 DRAFT
Zone, and the other sign being located in accordance with the plans
approved by the Commission, Docket No. 22-91 ADLS/DP.
(f) Signage for the Convenience Store shall be permitted, consistent with
Section 20G. 05.07(E,)(I), and subject to ADLS approval.
MAXI/vlUM SIGN AREA: As allowed pursuant to the signage requirements in Section
25.07.02-01 through 25.07.02-12, unless otherwise specified below.
2. 20G.05.02: Multi-Family Housing Zone (OM-MF):
(1) Suspended Signs: Twelve (12) square feet
(2) Projecting Signs: Twenty (20) square feet
(3) Pomh Signs: Six (6) square feet
(4) Wall Signs: Sixteen (16) square feet
(5) Ground Signs, or other freestanding signs are not permitted.
4. 20G.05.04: Mixed Use Zone (OM-MU):
(2) Wall Signs shall not exceed thin'y-two (32) square feet.
5) 20G.05.05: Office Zone (OM-O):
(a) Ground Signs shall not have a Sign Face that exceeds twenty-four (24)
square feet.
(b) Wall signs shall not exceed thirty-two (32) square feet.
MAXIMUM HEIGHT OF GROUND SIGN: As allowed pursuant to the signage
requirements in Section 25.07.02-01 through 25.07.02-12, unless otherwise specified below.
4) 20G.05.04: Mixed Use Zone (OM-MU):
(1) Ground Signs shall not be taller than four (4) feet.
5) 20G.05.05: Office Zone (OM-O/:
(a) Ground Signs shall not be taller than four (4) feet.
LOCATION: Signs shall not interfere with Vision Clearance. As allowed pursuant to the
signage requirements in Section 25.07.02-01 through 25.07.02-12, unless otherwise specified
2. 20G.05.02: Multi-Family Housing Zone (OM-MF):
(1) Wall Signs must fit within the horizontal and vertical elements of the
building and may not obscure details of the building (Figure ~40
(2) No sign shall extend above the cornice line of the building.
3. 20G~05.03: Village Zone (OM.V):
(d) Wall signs must fit within the horizontal and vertical elements of the
building and may not obscure details of the building. (Figure g#)
(e) No sign may extend above the cornice line of the building.
(0 Signs may also be painted in white graphics in storefront or upper floor
(g) Signs may also be imprinted on permanent awnings.
4) 20G.05.04: Mixed Use Zone (OM-IVfU):
(b) Wall signs must fit within the horizontal and vertical elements of the
building and may not obscure details of the building. (Figure ##)
DRAFT Ordinance No. Z-447-03 DRAFT
(c) No sign may extend above the cornice line of the building.
7) 20G.05.07: Meiier Zone (OM-M):
(d) Wall signs must fit w/thin the horizontal and vertical elements of the
building and not obscure details of the building. (Figure ff44) No sign
shall be allowed to extend above the cornice line of the building.
DESIGN: As approved.
3. 20G.05.03: Village Zone (OM-V):
(h) Tenants should strive for a unique graphic image, rather than be
required to conform to a single graphic style for the whole building.
(i) Providence at Old Meridian. The sign package adopted with
Ordinance No. Z-338, Providence at Old Meridian Plan Unit
Development District shall be allowed as approved.
ILLUMINATION: As approved.
LANDSCAPING: A landscaped area equal to the total sign area is required for all
Ground Signs established in the Old Meridian District.
REQUllLED APPROVAL: Must be approved by the Commission, and sign may be
estabhshed any time after final plans are approved.
FEES: Required.
Specific District Requirements:
8) 20G.05.08: Mixed Medical Zone (OM-MM):
(a) The provisions of the Carmel/Clay Sign Ordinance, Ordinance No. Z-
302, shall apply, except as noted below.
(I) For a building with multiple tenants or occupants and which is
in excess of 10,000 square feet of gross building area located
on a site by itself, or for multiple builcFmgs located on an
integrated site w/th a shared entrance, a single fi'eestanding
monument sign located at the entrance of the site and w/thin
the front setback shall be permitted. Each sign face
(maximum of two (2) faces per sign) shall not exceed sixty
(60) square feet in total area. It must be landscaped at the base
of the sign.
(2) A building not described in Subsection (a) above, shall be
identified by the use of a ground sign which shall not be taller
than four (4) feet, and have a sign face that does not exceed
thirty-two (32) square feet.
(3) Wall signs shall not exceed thirty-two (32) square feet.
(4) Directory signs are permitted in accordance with the Sign
Ordinance Z-302.
(b) Wall signs must fit w/thin the horizontal and vertical elements of the
building and may not obscure details of the building. (Figure 23)
(c) No sign may extend above the bottom of the roofline or, in the case of
flat roofs, the corn/ce line of the Building.
NUMBER & TYPE: One (1) Identification Sign per business in a Single-tenant Building or
a Multi-tenant Ground Floor Building. One (1) Building Identification Sign per Multi-tenant
Ground Floor Building or Multi-tenant Multi-level Building is permitted if seven (7) or more
DRAFT Ordinance No. Z-447.-03 DRAFT
businesses occupy the same building. In no instance shall any building or Multi-tenant
Building Complex have more than one (1) Ground Identification Sign.
If the Identification Sign is to be used for tenant identification then all building tenants shall
equally share the Sign Area as per appropriate chart. This includes the Center Identification
Ground Sign - all copy shall be included on only one (1), Ground Identification Sign.
i) Twenty (20) square feet for a Projecting Sign;
ii) Twelve (12) square feet for a Suspended Sign;
iii) Six (6) square feet for a Porch Sign.
MAXIMUM HEIGHT OF GROUND SIGN (Suspended): Eight (8) feet.
LOCATION: No Ground Sign shall be located closer than five (5) feet to the right-of-way
and shall not interfere with Vision Clearance. A Projecting Sign may be utilized only when
the building on which it is to be established has a Front Yard with a depth of less than five
(5) feet A Projecting Sign shall be located a mum of two (2) feet behind the curb and
shail measure a minimum distance of eight (8) feet from the bottom of the sign to ground
COLOR & DESIGN: No restrictions except for those signs which require approval by the
Commission. However, signs in Unified Centers must be of similar design and identical in
lighting, color, height of sign area and style of construction.
COPY: As per definition of Identification Sign.
REQUIRED APPROVALS: All permanent signs requiring a permit that are established in
the B-4, B-7, B-8, M-3 or U.S. Highway 31 Overlay Zone require Commission approval.
k) SIGN PERMIT: Required.
1) FEES: Required.
Amend Section 26. 01: Additional Height Requirements; 3~01 to read as follows:
26.01 Additional Height Requirements.
26.01.01In the S-l, S-2, R-I, R-2, and R-3 Residential Districts limiting height to
(25) thirty-five (35) feet, a Dwz!!Lxg ~5' ~:~-~-~: ....... ~ ~-~ U~eig~t te t~'v' ~;'e
.~re;'ided the required Side and Rear Yards are increased an additional foot for each foot
such Structure exceeds twenty-five (25) feet in height.
ev. Adopt title 27.01: Computation of Nurnber of Required Spaces for Section 27.01.
Amend Section 29. 01: The City Council; 3~29.01.02 to read:
29.01.02 Consider amendments to the Official Zoaing ~i:~ic, Map.
Amend Section 29. 02: The Commission; 29. 02.02 to read:
29.02.02Advise the City Council in writing on amendments to the Official Zoning Dizxict Map.
DRAFT Ordinance No. Z-447-03 DRAFT
Amend Section 29.02: The Commission; 29.02.03 to read:
29.02.03 Consider Development Plan and ADLS applications for P!a=ned all applicable Primary Zoning
Repeal the text of Section 29. 04.02: Improvement Location Permits in its entirety:
29.04.02Improvement Location Permits.
b. a legal ~eacriptien cf'~c rea! ::tare
been mat.
Repeal Section 29. 04.03: Certificate of Occupancy in its entirety:
DRAFT Ordinance No. Z-447-03 DRAFT
Amend Section 29.04.02: Improvement Location Permits to read:
29.04.02Improvement Location Permits and Certificates of Occupancy.
See Carmel City Code; Chapter 7: Building Code; Article 3:; §7-9 through 7-49.
lc. Adopt Section 29. 04.03: unassigned.
Amend Section 29. 04.04: Records of the Director; 3q6 to read:
6. Files on all activities of the Board of Zoinng Appeals, the City Council and the Plan Commission,
such as for the subdivision platting process, appeals, variances, special uses, Development Plans
;~- ~ .... '~ ~k~:~, zoning amendments (text and map changes), nonconforming use
deterramatinus and zoning district boundary detemfinations. Said files should include, but not be
limited to, application forms, newspaper published legal notices, record of the notice to adjoin/ag
and abutting property owners, plans and other required or necessary information concerning the
application and minutes of the applicable body that pertain to the application.
Amend Section 29.05: The Clerk-Treasurer to read:
29.05 The Clerk-treasurer.
It shall be the duty of the Clerk-Treasurer to retain the official copy of the Zoning Ordinance and
all amendments thereto and the Official Zoning ~2:~ct Map. All official zoning materials shall
be available for public viewing in the office of the Clerk-Treasurer during normal office hours.
DRAFY Ordinance No. Z447-03 DRAFT
Section II: All prior Ordinances or parts thereof inconsistent with any provision of this
Ordinance are hereby repealed.
Section III: This Ordinance shall be in full force and effect from and after its passage and
signing by the Mayor.
Ordinance No. Z-446-04 PASSED by the Common Council of the City of Carmel,
Indiana this __ day of ,2004, by a vote of ayes and
Presiding Officer
Ronald E. Carter, President Pro Tempore
Fred Glaser, District 5
Joe Griffiths, District 4
Kevin Kirby, District 2
Brian Mayo, District 3
Mark Ratterman, At-Large
Rick Sharp, District 1
Diana L. Cordray, IA/VIC, Clerk-Treasurer
DRAFT Ordinance No. Z44644 DRAFT
Ordinance No. Z-446-04 Presented by me to the Mayor of the City of Carmel, Indiana
day of ,2004, at .M.
Diana L. Cordray, IAMC, Clerk-Treasurer
Ordinance No. Z-446-04 Approved by me, Mayor of the City of Carmel, Indiana, this
__ day of 2004 at .M.
James Brainard, Mayor
Diana L. Cordray, IAMC, Clerk-Treasurer
Prepared by:
John R. Molitor
Carmel/Clay Plan Commission Attorney
One Civic Square
Cram:tel, IN 46032
DRAFT Ordinance No. Z-446-04 DRAFT
Rezoning multiple properties along Main Street from the
OM/MF: Old Meridian / Multi Family and OM/SU: Old Meridian / Special Use
District Classification
to the OM/MU: Old Meridian /Mixed Use District Classification
WHEREAS, pursuant to Indiana Code 36-7-4, the Common Council has lawfully adopted
a zoning ordinance, the terms of which are applicable to the geographic area consisting of the
incorporated area of the City of Cannel, Indiana, and the unincorporated area of Clay Township,
Hamilton County, Indiana, which zoning ordinance has been codified in Chapter 10 of the
Carmel City Code; and
WHEREAS, pursuant to Indiana Code 36-7-4-602 the Common Council is authorized to
amend the map that is part of the zoning ordinance; and
WHEREAS, the Carmel/Clay Plan Commission has favorably recommended the rezoning
of the real property, a description of which is attached hereto as Exhibit A, and shown
graphically on Exhibit B attached hereto and incorporated herein.
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED, by the Common Council of the City of
Carmel, Indiana, as follows:
Section 1. That the Official Zoning Map accompanying and made part of the Zoning Ordinance
is hereby changed to designate the real property from the Old Meridian / Multi Family and Old
Meridian / Special Use District Classification to the Old Meridian / Mixed Use District
Section 2. All prior Ordinances or parts thereof inconsistent with any provision of this
Ordinance are hereby repealed.
Section 3. This Ordinance shall be in full force and effect from and aRer its passage and
signing by the Mayor.
Ord./g4# PASSED by the Common Council of the City of Cannel, Indiana this __
day of 2004, by a vote of ayes and nays.
Presiding Officer
Ronald E. Carter, President Pro Tempore
Fredrick J. Glaser
Kevin Kirby
Brian D. Mayo
Mark Rattermarm
Richard L. Sharp
Joseph C. Griffiths
Diana L. Cordray, IAMC, Clerk-Treasurer
Ord.#~# Presented by me to the Mayor of the City of Carmel, Indiana this
2004, at .M.
day of
Diana L. Cordray, IAMC, Clerk-Treasurer
Ord.#,##, Approved by me, Mayor of the City of Carmel, Indiana, this
2004, at .M.
day of
James Brainard, Mayor
Diana L. Cordray, IAMC, Clerk-Treasurer
Prepared by:
John R. Molitor
Cannel/Clay Plan Commission Attorney
One Civic Square
Carmel, IN 46032
Generally located along Main Street, between Guilford Road and Old Meridian Street:
(part) 16-09-25-01-01-006.000
Exhibit B - Subject Map
ORDINANCE NO. Z-4~-04: Parcel Map
The single-family attached housing zone will be an upscale townhouse area,
probably occupied as condominiums or fee-simple rowhouses. The market for
these units will be primarily residents of Carmel who no longer want to maintain
yards and who would enjoy living dose to the Old Meridian Village retail and
restaurant areas. Affluent young couples and Singles may also be attracted to these
units because of their convenience and urban character. .
The primary use in this district is single family attached housing units. In fee
simple towrdaouses, which are townhouses where the property is actually divided
into small lots, one accessory apartment wiU be allowed in each single family
home, which may also be used as a home office.
Every unit shall sit on a single demised plot, even though the property for the
project may be held in common. Common held property may include front lawns,
areas for trash removal, parking access (alleys), visitor parking or recreation.
Ail units should have a minimum of two parking spaces per unit. Parking may be
paved or in an attached or detached enclosed garage. All parking will be accessed
streets are park and promenade spaces as well as access points.
In order to create a pleasant street front for all new buildings, all residential units
must face a public street. The side of the residence facing any street must be clad
in brick and trimmed in wood, stone, precast concrete or similar material. The
front door should be recessed. The finished floor level of the first floor should be a
few feet above sidewalk level in the front, but may be on grade in the rear. This is
to create visual privacy for windows on the street, and to create a rhythm of stoops.
The design of the buildings should reflect the traditional townhouse type, which
has a relatively flat front face with multiple small openings, contrasting trim, and a
cOrnice at the t°p' Many different architectural styles would be appropriate and an
eclefic mix is acceptable. Most of the units will need to be two and one-half or
three stories tall, although they carl be narrow in width.
A developer who builds a substantial number of units will be required to pro*/&
some portion of the land developed in open space or recreation space or may
donate an equivalent sum to be used to purchase or develop public park areas in
the district.
Ail streets built by developers must accommodate on-street parking and be built to
City of Carmel public street standards.
S C H E E R ~ S C H E E R I N I=
The single-family attached housing zone will be an upscale townhouse area,
probably occupied as condominiums or fee-simple rowhouses. The market for
these units will be primarily residents of Carmel who no longer want to maintain
yards and who would enjoy living close to the Old Meridian Village retail and
restaurant areas. Affluent young couples and singles may also be attracted to these
units because of their convenience and urban character. ·
The primary use in this district is single family attached housing units. In fee
u~a~ ,o~s ~ 8~co, utu ~ 8o~ ,a~ simple townhouses, which are townhouses where the property is actually divided
mos a~to sroo~s, into small lots, one accessory apa~ U"ent will be allowed in each single family
home, which may also be used as a home office.
I [~!~ Every unit shall sit on a single demised plot, even though the property for the
= project may be held in common. Common held property may indude front lawns,
· areas for trash removal, parking access (alleys), visitor parking or recreation.
All units should have a minimum of two parking spaces per unit. Parking may be
paved or in an attached or detached enclosed garage. All parking will be accessed
from the rear. Garage doors may not open toward a boulevard street, since these
streets are park and promenade spaces as well as access points.
In order to create a pleasant street front for all new buildings, all residential units
must face a public street. The side of the residence facing any street must be clad
in brick and trimmed in wood, stone, precast concrete or similar material. The
~~~ front door should be recessed. The finished floor level of the first floor should be a
; few feet above sidewalk level in the front, but may be on grade in the rear. This is
to create visual privacy for windows on the street, and to create a rhythm of stoops·
The design of the buildings should reflect the traditional townhouse type, which
~uaw~os ~,~ ~r ~,.~ w~m ro~,ous~s, has a relatively flat front face with multiple small openings, contrasting trim, and a
mu oa~a~es a~u sum taus. cornice at the top. Many different architectural styles would be appropriate and an
ecletic mix is acceptable. Most of the units will need to be two and one-half or
three stories tall, although they can be narrow in width.
A developer who builds a substantial number of units will be required to provide
~ .~ ' some portion of the land developed in open space or recreation space or may
donate an equivalent sum to be used to purchase or develop public park areas in
~ · , the district.
Ail streets built by developers must accommodate on-street parking and be built to
City of Carmel public street standards.
$ C H E E R ~ ~ c H E E R I N C:
The Old Meridian Village is the
new heart of th/s district. It is a
compact and intense retail and
entertainment district that is
deliberately limited in extent so that
retail activity is concentrated. A
shopping street like this requires
several conditions to be successful.
One is that some parking is available
on the street. Another is that retail
stores are continuously lining the
sidewall~ Pedestrians should
encounter a minimum of blank wails
and parking lots, but instead should
be enticed with open storefront
windows, visible activity inside
stores and restaurants, and interest-
ing places to shop.
Shoppers will be encouraged to
stroll from store to store rather than
to drive, and many local residents
will find it convenient to walk from
home. Sidewalk cafes and other
outdoor activities will be accommo-
dated with wide sidewalks and
lendscaping. Merchants will be
encouraged to have interesting and
pedestrian sealed shop window
displays. Street lighting will also be
pedestrian scaled, enhancing the
possibility of evening activity.
Unique shops and restaurants
should cater to the residents of
Carmel as well as the office workers
in the nearby 31 corridor. Coffee
shops and ice cream parlors can
become gathering spots for nearby
The ground floor use of all build-
ings must be mostly reserved for
retail use, with the remaining area
exclusively used as lobby areas for
the upper floors or service. Upper
floors may be used for office, retail
or residential uses. No drive-
through facilities are allowed in this
area. In order to create a diversity
of retail uses and a varied walking
environment, the frontage for a
single merchant will be limited on
Old Meridian.
Curb cuts are not allowed on Old
Meridian and no parking lots may
front on Old Meridian. Parking will
be located to the rear of most
buildings, with pedestrian passages
located at convenient intervals.
These passages will also have
storefronts opening on to them.
Shared lots may be used to satisfy
parking requirements if it can be
demonstrated that peak demand for
two uses does not occur at the same
All commercial buildings in this
zone should face the public street. '
The buildings must sit on the front
property line except for minor
recesses for entrances. The main
entrance to all retail areas must face
the public street. Additional en-
trances may face the side of the
building, however, no rear entrances
are allowed except for residential or
office uses, emergency exits, em-
ployees, loading and trash removal.
The design of the buildings is
multi-story urban commercial types.
Thislarge type transparent has a ground storefront flOOrglass, with
and upper floors built of brick with
windows inserted into the wall.
Buildings should have a distinct
cornice line. Buildings should have
detail and ornament that is appro-
priate for pedestrians to appreciate.
In general, roofs are flat or slightly
sloped. Many architectural styles
could be appropriate,
Signs add to the lively appearance of
the area and should be scaled to be
appreciated by the pedestrian as well
as slow moving vehicles. The total
area of signs will be limited. Signs
design of the buildings rather than
obscuring building features, Variety
in signs should be encouraged.
Individual tenants should strive for a
unique graphic image, rather than
be required to conform to a single
graphic styie or color for the whole
In the area along Old Meridiantwo new mixed use zones will be established. The
first location is in the area dong Old Meridian just north of the V'dlage Retail
zone. The intention of th/s zone is to provide an area where office, residential and
retail uses may be complementary to each other and where these uses will comple-
ment the Village. Although this will be a pedestrian environment, it may have a
more sedate character than the Village. Buildings will be set back slightly off the
street to provide landscaping and Old Meridian Street will have a landscaped
median and sidewalks with tree lawns on both sides to encourage walking to
destinations in the Village.
This area will be used primarily for office and multifamily residential. Retail uses
may also be allowed on the ground floor if they primarily serve the office or
residential populations. Retail uses must have less net area than the office or
residential uses on the site and where the site is oriented towards Old Meridian
the buildings must be located along the ~ontage of Old Meridian rather than
interior to the site.
In order to preserve the consistent treatment of Old Meridian Road, at least two-
thirds of the frontage of Old Meridian must be developed with buildings that face
the street and conform to a limited set bade Retail uses must face Old Meridian
Road. Additional buildings may be constructed in the rear of the site as long as
access requirements are met. Curb cuts on Old Meridian will be allowed at the
intersections of the boulevards only. All other access roads must be routed through
these intersections.
Multifamily buildings must conform to the orientation, setback, siting, parking,
design, sign and open space requirements found in this plan under "Multifamily
Residential" (p. 12) Office/retail buildings must conform to the orientation,
setback, siting, parldng, design, sign and open space requirements found in this
plan under ~Offiee~ (p. 16).
15 S C H E E R & $ C H E E R ~ I N G
A significant area of the plan is devoted to new office development. In contrast to
31 Corridor office developments, these projects will generally be smaller in size
and have more relationship to the public street and to each other, with less re-
quirements for open space. The idea is to encourage pedestrian activity by making
it easy to walk from one building to another along a public street and to encourage
a planned ensemble rather than isolated and unrelated structures which might
otherwise be built.
The primary use of buildings in this area will be for office, including general
office, medical office, retail banking, real estate and insurance offices. A small
percentage of the gross area of a single building may be designated for retail space,
especially for services and restaurants that serve the tenants of the building. Drive-
through facilities are allowed if lo~ated in the rear of the site (away from the
No curb cuts are allowed on Old lVleridian. ?arking must be located in the rear or
side of buildings. On-site parking lots or structured parking may not be adjacent
to a public street unless screened from view with landscaping. No parking is
allowed in the front setback. Some parking may be provided in shared or remote
lots. New streets built to service office development must allow for on street
parking and sidewalks. Such streets will be built to City of Carmel standards and
will be dedicated to the City.
All buildings must face a public street and will have a small landscaped setback.
Building entrances must face the public street. Lobbies must serve both the
parking area and the public street. Loading and trash areas may not be visible from
the public street.
Office buildings in this area should be developed to serve one or several small
tenants. Buildings will vary between 15,000 and 8,000 square feet in footprint
area. Buildings must be a minimum of two stories tall and a maximum of five
stories tall.
]3uildings must be faced in brick, trir~ned in metal, stone, preeast concrete, wood,
or stucco. Large expanses of glass are allowed, but the building may not be
constructed entirely of a metal and glass curtain wall. Concrete block is not
allowed on the exterior. Extensive !.andseaping must be provided in the front
Buildings may have a single freestanding monument sign in the front setback. It
must be landscaped at the base of the sign. An additional sign may be attached to
the building. Small signs directing patrons to parldng or a drive-through are also
$ C H E E R & S C H E E R ~ I N C
The special use zone comprises a
significant and highly visible corner
in the district. It is an ideal location
for buildings of significance to the
life of the community, such as
religious buildings, schools, branch
library, senior center, museum or
public gathering space. An office or
business use would also be allowed
here if it has a high profile in the
community and ifa special and
important building is planned for it.
Examples might include a clinic, a
corporate office for a local em-
ployer, or an assisted living facility.
Restaurant, retail commercial or
auto-related uses are not allowed in
this zone.
Buildings must be oriented to face
the circle and will have a wide
landscaped setback fi.om the traffic
roundabout. Drop-off drives and
handicap parking are allowed within
the setback area, but large parking
areas are not. Substantial and
attractive landscaping is required on
the setback facing the traffic round-
Buildings must be constructed of
substantial materials in a manner
consistent with an important site in
the City. Prefabricated buildings
are not allowed. Sites must be
designed with at least one large and
attractive building to serve as an
important monument in the eom-
S C H E E R & $ C H E E R
-~ 20G.05.04
(9) Provide-e~ at Cfld Meridian The sign package adopted with Ordinance No. Z-
338, Providence at Old Meridian Plan Unit Development District shall be
allowed as approved.
Parkin~o and I nadinE,
(1) Parking shall be provided at the ratio of one (1) space per twelve hundred
(1200) square feet of Gross Floor Area.
(2) On-street parking shall not be used to fulfill parking requirement.
(3) Parking may be provided on-site or in a convenient remote lot not more than
four hundred (400) feet from the property.
(4) Parking requirements may be reduced if businesses with substantially different
peak hour requirements agree to share parking.
Mixed l lue Zone (MU).
(1) This district will provide a mix of compatible uses, including office, high
density residential, and retail.
(2) Retail uses shall only be allowed on the first floor of a building.
(3) Retail uses shall not occupy more than fifty percent (50%) of any building and
he located in buildings that front Old Meridian Street, rather than interior to the
(4) See Appendbc A: Schedule of Uses.
(5) Drive-through banking is allowed in this district, but no other drive-through
facilities are allowed.
(1) Bllildin_o l-leight
(a) Minimum: Twenty-eight (28) feet. All buildings must have a minimum
of two (2) occupiahle floors.
Oo) Maximum: Fifty-five (55) feet.
(2) grant gethaek
(a) Minimum: Ten (10) feet from all public streets, measured from the
(b) Maximum: Twenty (20) feet
(3) ~uilding gno~rlntn.
(a) Minimum: 8,000 square feet.
(b) Maximum: 15,000 square feet.
(4) ~ide Yard ~ethaek: Four (4) feet.
(5) Rear Yard R~thaek: Five (5) feet.
Chapter 20G: OM/Old Meridian District
as adoptedper Z-352. As amendedper Z-365-0l; Z-369-02; Z-389-02; Z-415-03
Autumn 2003 vi
(1) Every site that has frontage on Old Meridian Street must have a building that
fronts on Old Meridian Street and occupies a minimum of seventy percent
(70%) of that frontage.
(2) Additional buildings may be built in the rear of this property.
(3) Unless otherwise approved, seventy-five percent (75%) of all buildings must
face a public street.
(l) Deni~on lnt~ntinn: This area provides a more sedate character than the Village
Zone. The character is compact, with small front lawns and good pedestrian
connections along the street. Building sizes are limited to provide a pedestrian
scale. Building design shall contribute to the neighborhood scale environment
and be compatible with nearby residential uses. (Figure 24)
(2) Mnter~ala
(a) Buildings other than multi-family must be faced in brick or stone and
(b) Every face of the building must have openings for windows.
(c) Large expanses of glass are allowed, but the building may not be
constructed entizely of a metal and glass curtain wail.
(d) Multi-family buildings in this zone must conform to all the
architectural requirements listed in the Multi-family Zone (MF).
(1) The provisions of the Carmel/Clay Sign Ordinance, Ordinance No. Z-302, shall
apply, except as noted below:
(a) Ground signs shall not be taller than four (4) feet, and have a Sign Face
that does not exceed twenty-four (24) square feet.
(b) Wall signs shall not exceed thirty-two (32) square feet.
(2) Wall signs must fit within the horizontal and vertical elements of the building
and may not obscure details of the building. (Figure 23)
(3) No sign may extend above the cornice line of the building.
(1) The front yard setback will be landscaped with shade trees, low shrubs, planting
beds and grass or ground cover, as directed by the City.
(2) Alternatively, up to fifty percent (50%) of the front yard setback may be paved
with decorative pavers to allow seating areas or outdoor tables, which areas
shall be surrounded by low shrubs or planting beds.
(3) On-site parking lots or structured parking adjacent to a public street must be
separated from the street right-of-way with landscaped strip, no less than six (6)
feet wide, containing shade trees, and shrubs or low fences/walls up to four (4)
feet high.
Chapter 20G: OM/Old Meridian District
as adoptedper Z-352. As amendedper Z-365-Ol; Z-369-02; Z-389-02; Z-415-03
Aumnm 2003 v I
P~rk(n~ R e~ulrernent~
(1) Parking must be provided at thc ratio of one (1) space for every six hundred
(600) square feet of leasable area.
(2) Some parking may be provided in shared or remote lots.
(3) Parking must be located in the rear or side of buildings. No parking is allowed
in the front yard setback.
Office Zone (O),
(1) This zone will provide a mix of compatible, non-residential uses, including
those permitted uses listed in Appendix A: Schedule of Uses.
Drive-through facilities are allowed if located in the rear of the site (away from
the streeO.
(3) Up to ten percent (10%) of any building in the Office Zone may be occupied by
which are for the express use and convenience of the occupants and
· a snack bar or news stand for office workers.
(a) Twenty-eight (28) feet. All buildings must have minimum
~ (2) occupiable floors.
(b) n: Fifty-five (55) feet.
(a) Minimum: (20) feet from all public streets, measured from the
Co) Maximum: Twent~ve (25) feet.
Fh61dinE B'nn .tprirlt S.
(a) Minimum: 8,000 square f~.
Co) Maximum: 15,000 square fee~,~
Side Yard Setback '"
(a) Minimum: Four (4) feet.
Co) Maximum: Twenty (20) square feet. x'
Fhdldin~ Ofientatinn
(a) Every site that has frontage on Old MeridiarrNStreet must have a
building that fronts on Old Meridian Street and occi~es a minimum of
seventy percent (70%) of that frontage.
Co) Ali buildings must front on a public street, except dfive-tlh~ugh banks
and accessory structures.
Chapter 20G: OM/Old Meridian District
as adoptedper Z-352, As amendedper Z-365-01; Z-369-02; Z-389-02; Z-415-03
Autumn 2003 vi