HomeMy WebLinkAboutPennsylavania/103rd - 106th - Parcel 8 Meridian Corp Plaza Association D Project: Pennsylvania Street ULY ENTERED FOR TAXATION (U/ 1 l 103` street to 106 Street Project 06 -18 bject to final a eptance for t nsfer Parcel 8 day of 20 iditor of Hamilton County r�: 6 Z3-z3. I Parcel LIMITED WARRANTY DEED When recorded please return to: THIS LIMITED WARRANTY DEED WITNESSETH, that Meridian Corporate Plaza Association, Inc., an Indiana not for profit corporation of Hamilton County, State of Indiana (the "Grantor Conveys and Specially Warrants to the City of Carmel, Indiana, (the "Grantee for and in consideration of the sum of Eighty Seven Thousand Two Hundred And Sixty Dollars ($87,260.00) and other valuable consideration, the receipt and sufficiency of which is hereby acknowledged, certain real estate located in the County of Hamilton, State of Indiana, and being more particularly described in the legal description attached hereto as Exhibit A and depicted upon the Right of Way Parcel Plat attached hereto as Exhibit B, both of which exhibits are attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference (the "Real Estate This conveyance is subject to (i) all easements, highways, right -of -way, covenants, conditions, restrictions and other matters of record; (ii) all current, non delinquent real estate taxes and assessments; and (iii) all matters that would be disclosed by an accurate survey or physical inspection of the Real Estate. The Real Estate is conveyed by Grantor to Grantee TO HAVE AND TO HOLD by Grantee and Grantee's successors and assigns forever. Grantor covenants and warrants that the Real Estate is free of any encumbrance made or suffered by Grantor, and that Grantor and Grantor's successors and assigns shall warrant and defend the same to and for Grantee and Grantee's successors and assigns forever, against any and all lawful claims and demands of all persons claiming by, through, or under the Grantor, but against none other. Grantor hereby specifically acknowledges and agrees that the Real Estate conveyed herein is conveyed in fee simple and not merely for right -of -way purposes, and that no reversionary rights whatsoever shall remain with Grantor and /or in any successors in title to the abutting lands of Grantor, notwithstanding any subsequent abandonment, vacation, disuse, nonuse, change of use, conveyance, lease and/or transfer by Grantee or its successors in title of a portion or all of the Real Estate and /or of any right of way, roadway, roadway appurtenance and/or other improvement established thereupon. This acknowledgement and agreement is a covenant running with the land and shall be binding upon Grantor and all of Grantor's successors and assigns. g undersigned person executing this deed on behalf of Grantor represents and certifies that he /she is the /LCSf� t`r/'P' of the Grantor and has been fully empowered by Grantor to execute and deliver this deed and all other such instruments of transfer; that Grantor is a not for profit corporation in good standing in the State of its origin and, where required, in the State where the Real Estate is located; that Grantor has full capacity to convey the Real Estate described herein; and that all actions necessary for the making this conveyance have been duly, properly and lawfully taken or performed. 2007043236 WARR DEED X22.00 08/01/2007 1 51:48A 4 PGS Jennifer Hayden HAMILTON Co unty Recorder IN Recorded as Presented 0 Nr" IN WITN'' W EOF, the Grantor has executed this instrument on this day oribtay7.2007. 1 1 1 11∎ i (Seal) SiP .ture DEN/V/.5 D I Printed Name STATE OF INDIANA COUNTY OF XI /Z n Before me, a Notary Public in and for said State and County, personally appeared lJ of Meridian Corporate Plaza Association, Inc. the Grantor in the above conveyance, and acknowledged the execution of the same on the date aforesaid to be a voluntary act and deed and whom, being duly sworn, stated that any representations contained therein are true, accurate and complete._ -1 j- J M= Witness my hand and Notarial Seal this day of.144y., 2007. 7 IC n C(YT/__C( R TA Angela R. Holland O 9 Signa 'ture #555618 SEAL Boone County /2 'W My Commission Expires on: Printed flame s N f October 18, 2014 My Commission expires iU /�e/ I am a resident of r iri'�2iL—s County, Indiana This instrument was prepared by Douglas C. Haney, Carmel City Attorney, City Hall, One Civic Square, Carmel, Indiana 46032 Send tax bills to: One Civic Square, Carmel, IN 46032 After recording, return deed to: Douglas C. Haney, Carmel City Attorney, City Hall, One Civic Square, Carmel, Indiana 46032 I affirm, under the penalties for perjury, that I have taken reasonable care to redact each and every Social Security number from this document, unless it is required by law. Douglas C. Haney EXHIBIT "A" Project: Pennsylvania Street (103" Street -106 Street) Sheet 1 of 1 Parcel: 8 Fee A PART OF LOTS 497 THROUGH 508 INCLUSIVE IN HARRY BOWSER'S NORTHRIDGE ADDITION, THE PLAT OF WHICH IS RECORDED IN DEED RECORD 121, PAGE 401 IN THE OFFICE OF THE RECORDER OF HAMILTON COUNTY, INDIANA, AND BEING THAT PART OF THE GRANTOR'S LAND LYING WITHIN THE RIGHT OF WAY LINES DEPICTED ON THE ATTACHED PLAT, MARKED EXHIBIT "B MORE FULLY DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: BEGINNING at the Northeast corner of said lot 497; Thence South 00 degrees 00 minutes 00 seconds East, along the east line of said lot 497, a distance of 6.99 feet; Thence South 73 degrees 05 minutes 56 seconds West, a distance of 36.02 feet; Thence South 25 degrees 20 minutes 27 seconds West, a distance of 142.23 feet, to a point on the west line of the grantor's land; Thence North 00 degrees 03 minutes 33 seconds West, a distance of 114.69 feet, along a west line of said grantor's land; Thence North 52 degrees 34 minutes 03 seconds East, along a northwesterly line of said grantor's land, a distance of 50.33 feet to a point on the north line of said grantor's land; Thence North 89 degrees 15 minutes 16 seconds East, along said north line, a distance of 55.50 feet to the PLACE OF BEGINNING. CONTAINING 0.109 ACRES (4,747 SQUARE FEET), MORE OR LESS. I, TRENT E. NEWPORT, a Registered Land Surveyor in the State of Indiana, do hereby certify that this description was prepared by me on December 8, 2006, from the original deed records of the property described and was based upon plans prepared by GAI Consultants for the City of Carmel Pennsylvania Street Improvement Project (Project #06 -18), and dated October, 2006. I further certify that to the best of my belief and knowledge this description is in accordance with Title 865, Article 1, Rule 12 of the Indiana Administrative Code. TRENT E. NEWPORT e. NE-12 4 INDIANA LAND SURVEYOR 44, ��STERFp 0 12, NO. LS 29600021 No. LS 29600021 STATE O L •DIAt‘ 0 .tiSuRy,'' I PARCEL: 8 PROJECT: Pennsylvania Street (103Fd- 106th) EXHIBIT 11 11 PROJECT NO. 06 -18 0 COUNTY: HAMILTON SECTION: 11 OWNER: MERIDIAN CORPORATE PLAZA ASSOCIATION, INC. TOWNSHIP: 17 NORTH RECORD DOCUMENT: #200000048954 RANGE: 3 HATCHED DRAWN BY RDP EAST ////4 APPROXIMATE TAKING E CHECKED BY TEN 06 -05 -07 This plat was prepared from information obtained from the Office of the Recorder of SCALE 1 100' Hamilton County. and from plans prepared by GAI Consultants for the Gly of Carmel NW COR (Project No 06 -18) The basis of bearings for this plot and legal description ore based upon an assumed bearing of S 00 W along the West Line of the Northeast Quarter 411P NE 1/4 SEC. 11 Lot 473 L 0.40 "E I Lot 496 EX. R W +PL 10 +01.98 Line Bearing Distance N89'03 PI STA. 10 +20.47 UNE 'A� Lt 500'00'00 "W 6.99' LINE "S —rl —A" •1 STA. 100 +00 UNE 'S -1 —A' PL (135 1n') L2 673'05'56 "W 36.02' 103rd Street "-N88.13'54.43 "E L3 s25 "W 142.23' 53.58' [SIC) L6 LINE "S Ti L4 N00'03'33 "W 114.69' 10 +00 �5 J L5 N52'34'03 'E 50.33' PLACE OF BEGINN L6 N89'15'16 "E 55.50' ca0, I 9 +9 5.03 7 Note: The bearings and I 0 49 PL (135.24) Lo t 472 distances shown above are based on calculations from f Z record documents and plans 9 +84.55 provided by GAI Consultants v Lot 496 100'62' Lot 471 for the City of Carmel J 1 Project No 06 -18 NORTH W 9+00 z 1 50' 0 50' too' in 7 1 Lot 499 I Lot 470 fr_ SCALE l 100' z z 8 +56.06 PL (39.63') I Lot 469 TOTAL MERIDIAN CORPORATE I Lot 500 PLAZA ASSOCIATION, INC. PARCEL 8+00 I+ I Lot 501 Lot 468 M I I z ',.''7.4.=2 cd m I 1 1 Lot 50 o Lot 467 7 L -T= O 1 0 1 Ha Bo wser'8 Rea. W 'A' I y d O 1 Northrige Addition P b 7 +00 z Deed e 121, Page 4 1 Z O BEGI PROJECT —STA. 7 +00.1' Exce lion _1 Z c I Lot 466 y C'l Lot 503 r 0 '8 d1 i 1 .t z z ai cc w° I NOTE: SCALE: 1 =1000' o .0 Lot 504 R Lot 465 THERE ARE EASEMENTS WHICH EFFECT THE PARCEL 0 k HERE, WHICH ARE NOT SHOWN. ONLY EASEMENTS j d w WHICH EFFECT LOTS 497 -508 HAVE BEEN SHOWN. CO Rea 'A' c I— Lot 505 Lot 464 PREPARED BY: `4t pllll111l 11if 97 0 "'s 'f Al,c Lot 506 I Lot 463 will. It r I J Lc 1 n 1 N z r- 171 h— z STATE n:. W 31 I Lot 462 O I Lot 507 pt i' UP w Lil O z CROSSROAD u-,= 1 ENGINEERS,PE' I t, i o,'''" Lot 461 I Lot 508 I Transportation Development. Consultants Z 3417 5 SHERMAN GS, BEECH CROW, 14 46107 (317)780 -1555 1 102nd Street 2-1:Ytj SW COR I_1 I 4p7 t NE 1/4 `t TRENT E. NEWPORT DATE SEC. 11 REG. LAND SURVEYOR NO. LS29600021 O STATE OF INDIANA CROSSROAD E PC CLOSING STATEMENT Section 6045 of the Internal Revenue Code, as amended by the Tax Reform Act of 1986, requires the reporting of certain information on every real estate transaction. The information provided below, except for the tax identification number, is adequate information to provide to a tax professional. FEE OWNER: Meridian Corporate Plaza Association, Inc. ADDRESS: SE Corner Pennsylvania St 103 St, Carmel, IN 46032 DESCRIPTION OF PROPERTY. A part of Lots 497 through 508 inclusive in Harry Bowser's Northridge Addition as recorded in Deed Record 121, page 401 PROJECT. 06 -18 (Pennsylvania St. 103 to 106th) PARCEL: 8 COUNTY: Hamilton CLOSING DATE: PURCHASE PRICE: $87,260.00 LAND AND /OR ADMINISTRATIVE SETTLEMENT: 0.00 IMPROVEMENTS: $36,260.00 DAMAGES: $51,000.00 I (we) certify tb. he above is and correct and acknowledge receipt of payment. Fee Owners �t� 7/36/67 Signatu e Date Signature Date 3417 Sherman Drive Beech 6rove, Indiana 46107 MI 317.700.1555 Fax 317.780.6525 THE ORIGINAL DOCUMENT HAS A WHITE REFLECTIVE WATERMARK ON THE BACK, HOLD AT AN ANGLE, TO VIEW. DO NOT CASH IF NOT PRESENT AO, .F,GIONS MORGAIV K EEGAN 'TRUST ;:TRUST.DEFART T MEN 61-569 CHECK.` NO ;5168164 PARCEL #8 szo P.,:O. BOX 830688.- BIRMINGHAM;'AL 35283 -0688 PAYMENT TO, MERIDIAN :CORPORATE PLAZA 'k ASSOCIATION FOR PAYMENT OF PARCEL #8 07/17/07 CARMEL COIT 2006 CF- CONSTRUCTION CHECK NUMBER: 5168164' o ACCOUNT. NUMBER: 81- 9528 -06 -8 PAY UNL 7EGfC TS C T's ****$87,260.00 PAY ®EIGHTY -SEVEN THOUSAND TWO HUNDRED SIXTY DOLLARS AND ZERO CENTS TO THE MERIDIAN CORPORATE PLAZA ASSOCIATION CHECK VOID AFTER 6 MONTHS ORDER INC REGION BANK BIRMI M, AL s OF 11 °5L68L6410 1:0620056901: 03 0077 234811° 0