HomeMy WebLinkAboutDitch - Parcel 8 - Bhargava, Atul/Reeta -r }M W' �ference: .ject: 04 -06 Road: Ditch Rd. r Parcel: 8 0 WARRANTY DEED ,SareCC This Indenture Witnesseth, That Atul Bhargava and Reeta Bhargava, Husband and Wife Convey and Warrant to the CITY OF CARMEL in the State of Indiana for and in consideration of Thirty Thousand and 00/100 Dollars, the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, the following described Real Estate in Hamilton County, in the State of Indiana, to wit: See Attached Exhibit "A" Land and improvements 19,625.00 ,Damages 10,375.00 ,Total consideration 30,000.00 The grantor shall clear and convey free of all leases, licenses, or other interest both legal and equitable, and all encumbrances of any kind or character on, in and under said land as conveyed. It is understood between the parties hereto, and their successors in title, and made a covenant herein which shall run with the land, that all lands hereinbefore described (excepting any parcels specifically designated as easements or as temporary right of way) are conveyed in fee simple and not merely for right of way purposes, and that no reversionary rights whatsoever are intended to remain in the grantor(s). In Witness Whereof, the said Grantor(s) h ve hereunto set their hand s and seal s this Whereof, of 20 05 Atit SfA Seal Atul Bhargava Re t q'harg va O.. p.' STATE OF INDIANA, Hamilton County, ss: rt.' I Before me, the undersign d, a Notary Public in and for said County and State, this4 day of 0. r, 20 6 personally appeared the within named Atul and Reeta Bhargava and.a owl the same to be their voluntary act and deed, for the uses and purposes herein mentioned. 6► O't 1A.,: 1,,: 1 ha hereunto subs ibed my name and affixed my official seal. BERNIE B. MORAN J r( r�l N otorypubllc, Stote Indlano Not y Public Marlon Count M ommis y C n Ezplres /e. 0 0,641 July 20, 2008 if Printed Name DULY ENTERED FOR TAXATION 3 My Commission ex res: 7/ Vd, Subject to final acceptance for transfer Resident of 1 Q- 0 k County 10 day of AUEAU S T 20 QS This Instrument Prepared by: inn t oti..;%, 77t7ia) Auditor of Hamilton Cour: Parcel RA l 200500051439 Filed for Record in HAMILTON COUNTY? INDIAN JENNIFER J HAYDEN 118 -10- 21005 At 12:57 am. WARR DEED 18.00 b 3 EXHIBIT "A" Project: 04 -06 CLAY WEST-DITCH ROAD J TCH Sheet 1 of 1 Parcel 8 Fee A PART OF THE NORTHEAST QUARTER OF SECTION TWENTY ONE (21), TOWNSHIP EIGHTEEN (18) NORTH, RANGE THREE (3) EAST AND BEING THAT PART OF THE GRANTORS' LAND LYING WITHIN THE RIGHT OF WAY LINES DEPICTED ON THE ATTACHED RIGHT OF WAY PARCEL PLAT, MARKED EXHIBIT "B MORE FULLY DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: BEGINNING at the Northeast Corner of the Northeast Quarter of Section 21, Township 18, Range 3 East, thence South 00 degrees 18 minutes 33 seconds West, along the East Line of said Quarter Section a distance of 480.04 feet, thence North 89 degrees 42 minutes 32 seconds West a distance of 40.00 feet, thence North 00 degrees 18 minutes 33 seconds East parallel to said East Linea distance of 479.58 feet to a point on the North Line of said Quarter Section, thence South 89 degrees 37 minutes 49 seconds East, along said. North Line a distance of 40.00 feet to the PLACE OF BEGINNING. CONTAINING 0.441 ACRES (19,192.37 SQUARE FEET), MORE OR LESS. 3L' I, TRENT E. NEWPORT, a Registered Land Surveyor in the State of Indiana, do hereby certify that this Legal description was prepared by me on August 17,2004, from the original deed records of the property described and was based upon plans prepared byR.W. Armstrong for the Ditch Road Improvement Project (Carmel City Project #04 -06), and dated May, 2004. I further certify that to the best of my belief and knowledge this description is in accordance with Title 865, Article 1, Rule 12 of the Indiana Administrative Code. TRENT E. NEWPORT o INDIANA LAND SURVEYOR �N NO. LS 29600021 Y t &Tp.E OF f �P 8 PR No.: 04 -06 r •T' E XHIBIT n n DRAWN BY JD OS —i7 -2004 CHECKED BY TEN 08 -17 -2004 "D: DITCH ROAD OWNER: ATUL AND REETA BHARGAVA SCALE 1" 100' NTY: HAMILTON RECORD DOCUMENT: INST. #9635700 SECTION: 21 TOWNSHIP: 18 NORTH Y HATCHED AREA IS THE I,K. APPROXIMATE TAKING -1- RANGE: 3 EAST This plot was prepared from informotion obtained from the Office of the Recorder of Hamilton County, and from plans prepared by R.W. Armstrong dated May, 2004 for the City of Carmel (Project No. 04 -06) The basis of bearings for this plat and legol description are based upon the deed record descriptions. NORTH 50' 0 50' 100' SCALE 1'. 100' NW CORNER, NE 1/4, PLACE OF BEGINNING SEC. 21, T 18 N, R 3 E N 8917"13 E NE CORNER NE 1/4 APP. SECTION LINE 146TH S SEC. 21, T 18 N, R 3 E 675.61' re s AREA (PARCEL 8) RESIDUE "A" x ACRES (SO. FT) t TOTAL 10.25 (446,592.59) R/W TAKE 0.44 (19,192.37) RESIDUE 9.81 (427,400.22) o n EX Nor NUMBER DIRECTION DISTANCE 403.28' ill: L1 S 0018'33" W 480.04 FT L2 N 89'42'32" W 40.00 FT a L3 N 0018'33" E 479.58 FT Q ,x L4 N 89'37'49" E 40.00 FT z o 0 J U E O O c 29330.. PREPARED BY: SE CORNER, NE 1/4, SEC. 21, T 18 N, R 3 E a s i :CROSSROAD "I EN,GI,NEERS; %PC Transportation Development Consultants mu s. sews di.. 9E01 aNw, el 46141 (317)1&1 -ass C 03/30/2005 16:56 FAX 3178414280 BEAM LONGEST AND NEFF 1 008 A 20050005143 Project: 04 -06 Filed for Record in Parcel: 8 CarmfILTON COUNTY INDIANA O. AMNltth J HAYDEN 08 -10 -2005 At 12:57 am. OC PT REL KG 12.00 PARTIAL RELEASE OF MORTGAGE This is to certify that a certain mortgage executed by Atul Bhargava a nd Reeta Bh r a rga sum of $(Mo (Mortgagor) to Ameriana Savings Bank FSB (Mortgagee), dt recorded in mortgage record 9709704657 of the records of Hamilton County,'Indiana, is hereby released upon the following described real estate in Hamilton County, Indiana: See Attached Exhibit Said Mortgage remains in full force and effect as to the remainder of real estate.therein a scribed. In witness whereof the said Ameriana Savings Bank F SP .g_i cjent (Mort it g gee) has ed thereto caused this partial release l�1archmortgage to be�signed by its ice _F.' 31st day of Ameriana Savings Bank, FSB orttgQQa��gee) BY: ial f (Signature) Kevin B. Umbarger, Vice President (Printed Name and Title) STATE OF Indiana )SS: COUNTY OF Henry Before me, the undersigned, a Notary Public in and for said County and State, personally appeared Kevin B. Umbarger, V =r known tometobethe Vice President ibXX,X( of the Ameriana Savings Bank FSB (Mortgagee).. and ackowledged the execution of the above partial release as and for the nd notarial e ,a seal this, ��st the said Ameriana Savings Bank FSB (Mortgagee). m y ''C•"' M 200 5. l'�:5� d of Jessye J. Ortega 4. CI ���!�J '.Ni y .mss �..a• Public (Printed) ture Notary Pub _y =F:.: L Notary Public (Signature) t 4, i P Expires 10 4 07 ;.7 "A 1 rt My Commission Ex /,C4 My County of Residence is Henr R 0)9n This Instrument Prepared By r i EXHIBIT "A" 0 Project: 04 -06 CLAY WEST-DITCH OA J CH R D Sheet 1 of 1 Parcel 8 Fee A PART OF THE NORTHEAST QUARTER OF SECTION TWENTY ONE (21), TOWNSHIP EIGHTEEN (18) NORTH, RANGE THREE (3) EAST AND BEING THAT PART OF THE GRANTORS' LAND LYING WITHIN THE RIGHT OF WAY LINES DEPICTED ON THE ATTACHED RIGHT OF WAY PARCEL PLAT, MARKED EXHIBIT "B MORE FULLY DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: BEGINNING at the Northeast Corner of the Northeast Quarter of Section 21, Township 18, Range 3 East, thence South 00 degrees 18 minutes 33 seconds West, along the East Line of said Quarter Section a distance of 480.04 feet, thence North 89 degrees 42 minutes 32 seconds West a distance of 40.00 feet, thence North 00 degrees 18 minutes 33 seconds East parallel to said East Linea distance of 479.58 feet to a point on the North Line of said Quarter Section, thence South 89 degrees 37 minutes 49 seconds East, along said. North Line a distance of 40.00 feet to the PLACE OF BEGINNING. CONTAINING 0.441 ACRES (19,192.37 SQUARE FEET), MORE OR LESS. 3v' I, TRENT E. NEWPORT, a RIgistered Land Surveyor in the State of Indiana, do hereby certify that this Legal description was prepared by me on August 17,2004, from the original deed records of the property described and was based upon plans prepared by. R.W. Armstrong for the Ditch Road Improvement Project (Carmel City Project #04 -06), and dated May, 2004. I further certify that to the best of my belief and knowledge this description is in accordance with Title 865, Article 1, Rule 12 of the Indiana Administrative Code. TRENT E. NEWPORT INDIANA LAND SURVEYOR ;g�� NO. LS 29600021 +.40 81377 42 t STATE of a 4. 0. nchm i.t. J T1:AN11 Nt.; 10003 /4 ',1', a i '•':i'' u' i (1'' 'I.'F i 1ed for Record in A y 0'00001410W COUNTY, INDIANA I a I. 'P. ar4gtiEs fie41 HAYDEN 0 ;n. C'. m. P I' 1U '20U5 At 1 •'l ''9 w' ti PT REL MI6 1? 4 1 PART This is to certify that a certain mortgage' executed by i iAtul •Bhar4ava'ranhi•Reet "Bhargava (Mortgagor) to Union Planters Bank, National Association A '(Moitgagee);,dated :May 1't7 2002 r, in the sum of 621,000.00 recorded in mortgage record 20020004434$' .i' "of,the:records of Hamilton County, Indiana, is hereby released upon the follo*ing described ;reel estate'i 'S: `Hba'miito 'i '1' County, Indiana: See Attec»ed b/bll i Said Mortgage remains in full force and. effect as�'to;the'rerr "F:'ott therein described. In witness whereof the said Union P iariters`Bank,'Nati vial s`o 't141nt: (Mortgagee) has caused this partial release of mortgage to be s igned byits f?.`e ;a t4..' and its seal E :tt -ched thereto this day•of 2005. I.I.A. {M ,W W,ezt�.- C ol v (Pr ;r fie'a 'Nitre)' J STATE OF �l: COUNTY OFS©h Before :me, the undersigned, a Notary F ublic in and}forsaicipp:• ty ;a �Stat personally appeared .':,,f i;-3'.` >kn viinit y 4115.;j •the Loan Officer I :t" of the •h Union P�ntars Ban t°�Ais'ociation (Mortgagee) and acknowledged the execution of the above parrat refeaid'.o 'fi a "e i 10 i ttie',act and deed of the said Union Planters Bank,- Netional'bssociation t. r {Mii' g�'e�;. W. itness my hand and notarial seal this 't w,i I ,,,1,.. day of 0. a 1' 2005. i, A 1 i i 1 li,:,,i 4; :':e 7.7 1 li p ',;',:i.. 1;;.!.. otary Pu.lic•(Signature) 4 }1 t' R l i I:i c:(fRi.int My Commission. Expires 1 1 My County of ��S is I 1 l i N s 46 I St ni t at By: 4; i t This Fi' r I t 5 s it 41 III 11 i' O y i t I„ is i i fi '1'r I I'� EXHIBTI' "A" a Project: 04 -06 CLAY WEST -DITCH ROAD Sheet 1 of 1 Parcel 8 Fee A PART OF THE NORTHEAST QUARTER OF SECTION TWENTY ONE (21), TOWNSHIP EIGHTEEN (18) NORTH, RANGE THREE (3) EAST AND BEING THAT PART OF THE GRANTORS' LAND LYING WITHIN THE RIGHT OF WAY LINES DEPICTED ON THE ATTACHED RIGHT OF WAY PARCEL PLAT, MARKED EXHIBIT "B", MORE FULLY DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: BEGINNING at the Northeast Corner of the Northeast Quarter of Section 21, Township 18, Range 3 East, thence South 00 degrees 18 minutes 33 seconds West, along the East Line of said Quarter Section a distance of 480.0.4 feet, thence North 89 degrees 42 minutes 32 seconds West a distance of 40.00 feet, thence North 00 degrees 18 minutes 33 seconds East parallel to said East Linea distance of 479.58 feet to a point on the North Line of said Quarter Section, thence South 89 degrees 37 minutes 49 seconds East, along said North Line a distance of 40.00 feet to the PLACE OF BEGINNING. CONTAINING 0.441 ACRES (19,192.37 SQUARE FEET), MORE OR LESS. (ZI I, TRENT E. NEWPORT, a Registered Land Surveyor in the State of Indiana, do hereby certify that this Legal description was prepared by me on August 17,2004, from the original deed records of the property described and was based upon plans prepared byR.W. Armstrong for the Ditch Road Improvement Project (Carmel City Project #04 -06), and dated May, 2004. I further certify that to the best of my belief and knowledge this description is in accordance with Title 865, Article 1, Rule 12 of the Indiana Administrative Code. TRENT E. NEWPORT INDIANA LAND SURVEYOR NO. LS 29600021 &TAE OF n �1. N /P114s rno v i,ur�l 1 1 AN AH I I rll,lAL WA I ENMAHK PHIN I EL) UN IHE BACK. THE FRONT OF THE DOCUMENT FIAS A MICRO -PRINT BORDER. ABSENCE OF THESE FEATURES WILL INDICATE A COPY. v clvl Private Client Trust Services 7/18/05 9 3 -541 Wbank. 1- 866 252 -4360 920 FiveStar ServiceGuaranteed 100865314 1 °v 38M231007 RTSP DITCH ROAD 141ST 146TH R/W "'30,000 DOLLARS AND 00 CENTS PAY TO THE 30,000.00 ORDER OF DRAWER: US Bank ATUL REETA BHARGAVA C/O B MORGAN BEAM LONGEST NEFF LLC 14588 DITCH ROAD 2-74e WESTFIELD IN 46074 AUTHORIZED SIGNATURE ISSUED BY: TRAVELERS EXPRESS COMPANY, INC. DRAWEE: FIRST INTERSTATE BANK, HELENA, MT P.O. BOX 9476 MINNEAPOLIS, MN 55480 II■ L0013653 L11" 1:09 20054 L 11:0 L600 LO 70077 2" 38M231007 $30,000.00 ZC 289 155 7/18/05 MISCELLANEOUS DISBURSEMENT 100865314 $30,000.00 CT- JW- TFMMUNI 2012 CARMEL REDEVELOPMENT 2004 CONST AC RTSP DITCH ROAD 141ST 146TH R/W PROJ. 04 -06 #3) PARCEL 8 ATUL REETA BHARGAVA C/013 MORGAN BEAM LONGEST NEFF LLC 14588 DITCH ROAD WESTFIELD IN 46074 Private Client Trust Services Questions Call 1- 866 252 -4360 e RECEIVED BY: `C d itness: le l3 D e Date Printed Name v b1-106-Awl Printed Name :AeLt i i3 /l1c,fC ALA- REV =29 STATEMENT OF THE BASIS FOR JUST COMPENSATION 1. This is a written statement of, and summary of the basis for, the amount established through a valuation ato,rocess as just compensation for the purchase of this right -of -way for highway purposes. The amount set forth in tem 5 below is not less than the approved estimated fair market value of the property prior to the date of valuation caused by the public improvement for which the property is acquired other than physical deterioration within reasonable control of the owner. 2. The legal description of this acquisition is set forth in the instrument of conveyance in the following identified parcel and this acquisition is identified in the Acquiring Agency's records as: Project #04 -06 Parcel 8 Road Ditch Road City /County Carmel /Hamilton Owner's Atul and Reeta Bhargava 3. The area and type of interest being acquired: 0.320 acres Permanent Right -of -Way and 0.121 acres of existing right of way The amount in Item 5 below includes payment for the purchase of all interests in the real property and no separately held interest is being acquired separately in whole or part, except as may be explained in Item 8 below. 4. This acquisition is (check one): a. A total acquisition of the real property. b. (x A partial acquisition of the real property 5. The Agency's Offer: Just compensation has been determined to be and the Acquiring Agency's offer for the purchase of this real property is as follows: a. Total Land, Land Improvements and Buildings $19,625.00 b. Severance Damages (i.e.: Setback, Loss in Value to the Residues, etc.) $0 c. Other Damages (Itemize) (i.e.: Cost -to -Cure, Temporary Right -of -Way, etc.) Fence $5,675.00 d. Total Damages (Sum of 5B 5C) 5,675.00 Total Just Compensation offered for this Acquisition is $25,300.00 6. The amount in Item 5 above may include payment for the purchase of certain buildings and improvements and their ownership shall pass to the Acquiring Agency. These buildings and improvements are identified as follows: None. 7. The amount in Item 5 above may include payment for the purchase of certain Land Improvements, Fixtures, Equipment, Machinery, Signs, Etc., and their ownership shall pass to the Acquiring Agency. These items are identified as follows: Lawn, asphalt drive and trees 8. Items owned by others (i.e.: lessee, tenants, etc.) included in Item 5 above are identified as follows: None. 9. Remarks: The fence and gate are to be relocated by the owner prior to the project construction. The estimate is from the Glidden Fence Company. (Tom Glidden 317 844 -5657) Date v Steve Engelking, 1 rector, City of rmel, IN Form 36551 (Rev. 6/94)