HomeMy WebLinkAbout173006 05/27/2009 CITY OF CARMEL, INDIANA VENDOR: 358593 Page 1 of 1 ONE CIVIC SQUARE REPUBLIC WASTE SERVICES OF INDIA �p CARMEL, INDIANA 46032 PO BOX 9001824 CHECK AMOUNT: $1,344.27 LOUISVILLE KY 40296 -1824 o CHECK NUMBER: 173006 CHECK DATE: 5/27/2009 DE PARTMENT ACCOUNT PO NUMBER INV OICE NUMBER AMOUNT DESCRIPTION 651 5023990_ 1,117.80 OTHER EXPENSES 601 5023990 3312002 113.13 OTHER EXPENSES 601 5023990 3317526 113.34 OTHER EXPENSES 013497 -000001 013506 2031152 2240ST011 3 Republic Services Of Indiana INVOICE 832 Langsdale Ave Indianapolis, IN 46202 Invoice Date 04/30/2009 www.indywaste.com Invoice No 3317526 Account No 3056 11 0 57550 8 CARMEL UTILITIES Service Period MAY 3450 W 131 ST ST Page No 1 of 2 WESTFIELD, IN 46074 Due Date 05115/2009 Current Charges Total Amount Due $113 34 $226 15, Please Pay Total Amount Due Billing Questions? Call 317 -917 -7300 Service Address: CARMEL UTILITIES, 3450 W 131ST ST, WESTFIELD, IN 46074 ;�,...DESCRIPTION Q,UANTTTY RATE .r,� ;.,TOTAL 04130/.2009 FUE1_/ENVIRO- FEE -COW 8.69 04/30/2009 6YD FL SOLID WASTE P /U: 01 1.00 104.65 1 'D x �,g o dy E Caxv4"e in otart Current Charges 1 i3 34 u.. ACCOUNT STATUS Trent r o U z. T tat Amourtt `,.e. 113.34 112.81 1 0.00 Payingyour b111 Iustbecam� quECker and easier +Using our secirre�Onllne Paymentry,opt�on means you no�longer have townte and mail che,cks a few keystiokes a'nd you donee U�s�t www indywa�ste corn and �iic Fly Y�ur Billlma .or �l8 6 50 7603io pay by:phone a° F „t _.y s r3 E t y :_u....•._..... 4 Please return the portion below with your payment. Do not attach check to stub. sly J. 013404- 000001 013412 2031152 2240ST011 3 Republic Services Of Indiana INVOICE 832 Langsdale Ave Indianapolis, IN 46202 Invoice Date 04130/2009 www.indywaste.com Invoice No 3312002 Account No 3056 14 0 10952 1 CARMEL UTILITIES Service Period MAY 3450 W 131 ST ST Page No 1 of 2 WESTFIELD, IN 46074 Due Date 05/15/2009 Current Charges Total Amount Due Please Pay Total Amount Due Billing Questions? Call 317 -917 -7300 Service Address: CARMEL UTILITIES, 5484 E 126TH ST, CARMEL, IN 46032 DATE DESCRIPTION s QUANTITY,... ;RATE TOTALS 04/30/2009 FUEL/ENVIRO_FEE -COMM 04/30/2009 6YD FL SOLID WASTE P /U: 01 1.00 104.46 ��3 x r Total Current Charges 113 13 bl ACCOUNT STATUS 3I= fi0�f��" s' fi'1=�D Da F Cfwi;•:� �U�Da s„ T�tat- ,�r�ur%� [?saig� 113.13 112.61 0.00 0.00 225.74 Paying your billjust tiecameguicker -and ea5lerl Using our secu Payment aption�►riean you no longer h�eto write and mail checks just a few keystl okesa d�you'redorie! Visit' www:intlywaste corn. and Click' Pay Your Btll "C�rline' nor caiE" 1;;806 =350 7603 t0,paY_ 4 Please return the portion below with your payment. Do not attach check to stub. y y Prescribed by State Board of Accounts City Form No. 201 (Rev 1995) ACCOUNTS PAYABLE VOUCHER CITY OF CARMEL An invoice or bill to be properly itemized must show, kind of service, where performed, dates of service rendered, by whom, rates per day, number of units, price per unit, etc. Payee 358593 REPUBLIC WASTE SERVICES OF INDIANA Purchase Order No. PO BOX 9001824 Terms LOUISVILLE, KY 40290 -1824 Due Date 5114/2009 Invoice Invoice Description Date Number (or note attached invoice(s) or bill(s)) Amount 5/1412009 3312002 $113.13 I hereby certify that the attached invoice(s), or bill(s) is (are) true and q correct and I have audited same in accordance with IC 5- 11- 10 -1.6 t� Date Officer VOUCHER 091801 WARRANT ALLOWED 358593 IN SUM OF REPUBLIC WASTE SERVICES DI PO BOX 9001824 j� 4 P LOUISVILLE, KY 40290 -1824 W6 Carmel Water Utility ON ACCOUNT OF APPROPRIATION FOR Board members PO INV ACCT AMOUNT Audit Trail Cade 3312002 01- 6360 -03 $113.13 331�s2� �t. i��ImD�I� 613.3`I Voucher Total j $3 Cost distribution ledger classification if claim paid under vehicle highway fund 000848- 000001 -000866 2031327 2240ST011 3 Republic Services Of Indiana INVOICE 832 Langsdale Ave Indianapolis, IN 46202 Invoice Date 05/01/2009 www.indywaste.com Invoice No 3324147 Account No 3056 11 0 63292 8 CARMEL UTILITIES HHW Service Period APRIL 760 3RD AVE SE SUITE 1 Page No 1 of 2 CARMEL, IN 46032 Due Date 05/16/2009 Current Charges Total Amount Due Please Pay Total Amount Due Billing Questions? Call 317 917 -7300 Service Address: CARMEL UTILITIES HHW, 901 N RANGELINE RD, CARMEL, IN 46032 DATEF...> QUANT.ITY RATE TOTAL WORK ORDER 3288571 04/02/2009 30YD COMPARTMENTAL P &R 1.00 124.20 04/02/2009 NO DISPOSAL CHARGE 1.09 WORK ORDER 3293169 04/03/2009 30YD COMPARTMENTAL P &R 1.00 124.20 04/03/2009 NO DISPOSAL CHARGE 0.97 WORK ORDER 3295606 0410712009 30YD COMPARTMENTAL P &R 1.00 124.20 04/07/2009 NO DISPOSAL CHARGE 1.24 WORK ORDER 3298287 04/13/2009 30YD COMPARTMENTAL P &R 1.00 124.20 04/13/2009 NO DISPOSAL CHARGE 0.83 WORK ORDER 3301247 Continued.... ACCOUNT STATUS Current 3160�Da` "s�� �6�1�9€I s��?Over'�90�17a s��1"otal�AmountD'ue 1,117.80 0.00 0.00 0.00 1,117.80 fr z •a: w r 66 �i, 7a r°NY 1 s �'c<. R i v v. Paying ;your bill lust became quicker and ea ryy sier Using r secure Online Payment,option means you ,longer have,to ,write ancf; mail checks IustYa few Iceystro and you re done! Visitrwwwsindywaste com and a Clickm Pay Your Bill Online' o y call 1 8fifi 350y 7603 E a rt i•ur �d s J ,y k S c a `k"., t rt mt j r` 5 •1G F es.' ia 'r, a rw a a:a. r is yr5r r'•. }to pay byEphane .ES Ed.. ,.N. .F „m m.� �...w9. �n the portion beiow wi[i1 your paynio it. Co rot at`.ach ched: tc•s ±e b J CARMEL UTILITIES HHW 3056 11 0 63292 8 Page 2 of 2 DATE ;DESCRIPTION:aQUANTI':TY RATE TOTAL 04/16/2009 30YD COMPARTMENTAL P &R 1.00 124.20 04/16/2009 NO DISPOSAL CHARGE 1.13 WORK ORDER 3302400 04/20/2009 30YD COMPARTMENTAL P &R 1.00 124.20 04/20/2009 NO DISPOSAL CHARGE 1.31 WORK ORDER 3306314 04/23/2009 30YD COMPARTMENTAL P &R 1.00 124.20 04/23/2009 NO DISPOSAL CHARGE 0.82 WORK ORDER 3306315 04/24/2009 30YD COMPARTMENTAL P &R 1.00 124.20 04/24/2009 NO DISPOSAL CHARGE 0.94 WORK ORDER 3308953 04/29/2009 30YD COMPARTMENTAL P &R 1.00 124.20 04/29/2009 NO DISPOSAL CHARGE 0.98 Curren arges ^J f n a.. r ,n se w 3� .6 a,�b„s£ J ,n n rt e. a+. 9 Prescribed by State Board of Accounts City Form No. 201 (Rev 1995) ACCOUNTS PAYABLE VOUCHER CITY OF CARMEL J An invoice or bill to be properly itemized must show, kind of service, where performed, dates of service rendered, by whom, rates per day, number of units, price per unit, etc. Payee 358593 REPUBLIC WASTE SERVICES OF INDIANA Purchase Order No. PO BOX 9001824 Terms LOUISVILLE, KY 40290 -1824 Due Date 5/18/2009 Invoice Invoice Description Date Number (or note attached invoice(s) or bill(s)) Amount 5/18/2009 3324147 $1,117.80 hereby certify that the attached invoice(s), or bill(s) is (are) true and orrect and I have audited same in accordance with IC p 5- 11- 10 -1.6 Date Officer VOUCHER 095670 WARRANT ALLOWED 358593 IN SUM OF REPUBLIC WASTE SERVICES OF INDI PO BOX 9001824 LOUISVILLE, KY 40290 -1824 Carmel Wastewater Utility ON ACCOUNT OF APPROPRIATION FOR Board members PO INV ACCT AMOUNT Audit Trail Code 3324147 01-736H-08 $1,117.80 Voucher Total $1,117.80 Cost distribution ledger classification if claim paid under vehicle highway fund