HomeMy WebLinkAbout176415 08/19/2009 �c CITY OF CARMEL, INDIANA VENDOR: 355386 Page 1 of 1 is 0 ONE CIVIC SQUARE ROSEN PLAZA HOTEL CHECK AMOUNT: $1,577.70 CARMEL, INDIANA 46032 9700 INTERNATIONAL DRIVE ORLANDO FL 32819 CHECK NUMBER: 176415 CHECK DATE: 8/19/2009 DEPARTMENT ACCOUNT P NUMBER INVOICE NU MBER A MOUNT D ESCRIPTION 1120 4343002 1,577.70 EXTERNAL TRAINING TRA m q� z n i .�'a'�� is' t �r� :fit A 5NFETY s a g s h'E a Training and Implementing Rapid Intervention Preventing Firefighter Disorientation in Large Teams on the Fireground Enclosed Structures The term RIT has been around long enough for Lis to take a good Through information provided in this seminar, firefighters will look at where we are with this concept. This program will dis- be able to safely manage this persistent firefighting hazard. cuss the initial and ongoing training needed to develop and keep From solutions developed by case analysis and review of tenni- members ready to respond as part of a rapid intervention team nology, tactics, training and the use of available technology, on the fireground. lu addition, we'll look at the department's attendees will be better prepared to prevent disorientation and responsibility in providing a solid rapid intervention team pres- associated fatalities directly linked to challenging large enclosed ence on the fireground that is capable of functioning during a stricture fires. fireground emergency. We'll also look at RIT SOPS, William R. Afora, Captain (Ret) Commanding RIT operations on the fireground, and where San Antonio, TX, Fire Department we're headed in the future. 12:00 noon Lunch on your own Jim McCormack, Lieutenant Indianapolis, IN, Fire Department 1:00 P.M. General Session Founder and President Proper Documentation Round Table Fire Department Training Network, Indianapolis, IN This panel will identify and discuss some of the legal issues Creating a Safer Fire Service through Cultural which departments face following certain on- the -job accidents Change and injuries. The topics will include practical tips for internal This course will prepare the Command Officer, Company nuveshgations by Safety Officers and internal safety review committees, photographic documentation of incident scenes, Officer or Training Officer for making better and more defensi incident reports and forms, and the preservation of evidence ble policies and presentations on safety and the prevention of related to the failure of equipment which is unique to the fire Potential Line of Duty injuries or Deaths through proactive and current suggested techniques. The ability to educate our fire service such as radios, SC13A, apparatus, PPE and similar items. service on the causes of Line of Duty Injuries and Deaths along The Honorable Judge Robert McGann with ways to prevent them fi occurring is paramount in New )ork State Supreme Court changing the mentality and views of the fire service. Jim Juneau, Attorney Additionally necessary cultural changes will be addressed to Juneau, Boll, Stacp Ucherek, PLLC, Addison, TX help affect necessary change. Seale Tuttle, Attorney Doug Cline, Training Commander Tolland, CT, Fire Department high Point, NC, Fire Department 2:15 p.m. Break 9:30 a.m. Break 2:30 p.m. General Session continues 9:45 a.m. Seminars Continued You Don't Have a Dutv to Die Training and Implementinr; Rapid Intervention Most efforts to minimize the 100 -plus firefighter deaths each Teams on the Fire Continued year concentrate on increased awareness of the practical dangers of firefighting. Yet one contributing cause continues to be over CCC —CCR Continuous Chest Compression and looked. It involves the psychological properties that perpetuate it's Affects on the Fire Service a cultural belief that firefighters actually have a duty to die. This This program will cover the recent changes in CPR and will talk powerful and insightful program delves where few have gone about its implementation in the state of Arizona. Attendees will and looks deep into the culture and mind -set of why some fire- see how fire agencies in Arizona have simplified the instruction fighters' may feel the need to risk it all unnecessarily. to the public and the incredible survival rates to both the public Brian A. Crafifiord, Chief and fire personnel now that its members are providing CCR care Shreveport, LA, Fire Department by their paramedics. For more information on this exciting technique visit www.azshare.gov. 3 :30 p.m. Closing Chuck Hontgomery, Deputy Chief City of Glendale, AZ, Fire Department i�l; I I` D 0 'gy a'• I r t^H+rs 17q MEW Registration Form (Register online at www.fdsoa.org) FDSOA Annual Safety Forum Pre Registration Required NOTE: Use one registration form per person photocopies accepted. Please return completed form, with payment in U.S. funds, to FDSOA, P.O. Box 149, Ashland, MA 01721 -0149. Make checks payable to FDSOA. Save time register online at: http: /www.fdsoa.org. Name �ma�ti— o���c Nickname: Title: Agency: Address: City: State: \N-Z:) Zip: Day Time Phone: FAX: Cell Phone: Email: Conference Registration Fees Member Non Member Amount afety Forum Only $325.00 $425.00 Safety Forum ISO Academy $425.00 $525.00 5�5 Safety Forum HSO Academy $425.00 $525.00 ISO Academy Only $200.00 $300.00 HSO Academy Only $200.00 $300.00 FDSOA Individual Membership Dues (Join now to take advantage of the member rate) $85.00 TOTAL AMOUNT DUE Payment Information: (U.S. Funds, drawn on U.S. Bank) Enclosed is a check payable to FDSOA lotnclosed is an official Purchase Order MasterCard Visa Card Number: Expiration Date: Card Holder Signature: Date: Card Holder Name: (Please Print) Cancellations: Cancellations must be made in writing and sent to FDSOA, P. O. Box 149, Ashland, MA 01721 -0149. If received 30 days prior, 75% of Forum Registration only will be refunded; 7 -29 days prior, 50% of Forum Registration only will be refunded. Less than 7 days, no refund is possible. FDSOA Non Profit Org. P. O. Box 149 U.S. POSTAGE Ashland, MA 01721 -0149 PAID Permit No. 125 Ashland, MA Registration Form (Register online at www.fdsoa.org) FDSOA Annual Safety Forum Pre Registration Required NOTE: Use one registration form per person photocopies accepted. Please return completed form, with payment in U.S. funds, to FDSOA, P.O. Box 149, Ashland, MA 01721 -0149. Make checks payable to FDSOA. Save time register online at: http: /www.fdsoa.org. Name: Nickname: 7 S Title: Agency: Address: City: State: Zip: Day Time Phone: o•o FAX: it Cell Phone: Email: ov IJ Conference Registration Fees Member Non Member Amount Safety Forum Only $325.00 $425.00 Safety Forum ISO Academy $425.00 $525.00 5a5.�e Safety Forum HSO Academy $425.00 $525.00 ISO Academy Only $200.00 $300.00 HSO Academy Only $200.00 $300.00 FDSOA Individual Membership Dues (,loin now to take advantage of the member rate) $85.00 TOTAL AMOUNT DUE Payment Information: (U.S. Funds, drawn on U.S. Bank) Enclosed is a check payable to FDSOA Zj Enclosed is an official Purchase Order MasterCard Visa Card Number: Expiration Date: Card Holder Signature: Date: Card Holder Name: (Please Print) Cancellations: Cancellations must be made in writing and sent to FDSOA, P. O. Box 149, Ashland, MA 01721 -0149. If received 30 days prior, 75% of Forum Registration only will be refunded; 7 -29 days prior, 50% of Forum Registration only will be refunded. Less than 7 days, no refund is possible. FDSOA Non- Profit Org. P. O. Box 149 U.S. POSTAGE Ashland, MA 01721 -0149 PAID Permit No. 125 Ashland, MA 0 P° a l b k je Registration Form (Register online at www.fdsoa.org) FDSOA Annual Safety Forum Pre Registration Required NOTE: Use one registration form per person photocopies accepted. Please return completed form, with payment in U.S. funds, to FDSOA, P.O. Box 149, Ashland, MA 01721 -0149. Make checks payable to FDSOA. Save time register online at: http: /www.fdsoa.org. Name: &ojoLS Nickname: Title: AL. op Atbx Lo7 J Agency: C4"fL V%t-t abpr Address: 2 e ti tG. SQ City: :i Zip: LIGo a2 Day Time Phone: Sr7 SM Zbo a FAX: Cell Phone: Email: SZ� V TAKE ADVANTAGE OF EARLY BIRD REGISTRATION Conference Registration Fees Fully Paid Before 7/31/08 Fully Paid After 7/31/08 Member /Non Member Member /Non Member Amount Safety Forum Only $325.00 $425.00 $375.00 $475.00 Safety Forum ISO Academy $425.00 $525.00 $475.00/$575.00 Safety Forum HSO Academy $425.00 $525.00 $475.00 $575.00 ISO Academy Only $200.00 $300.00 HSO Academy Only $200.00 $300.00 FDSOA Individual Membership Dues (Join now to take advantage of the member rate) $85.00 TOTAL AMOUNT DUE Payment Information: (U.S. Funds, drawn on U.S. Bank) Enclosed is a check payable to FDSOA VEnclosed is an official Purchase Order MasterCard Visa Card Number: Expiration Date: Card Holder Signature: Date: Card Holder Name: (Please Print) Cancellations: Cancellations must be made in writing and sent to FDSOA, P. O. Box 149, Ashland, MA 01721 -0149. If received 30 days prior, 75% of Forum Registration only will be refunded; 7 -29 days prior, 50% of Forum Registration only will be refunded. Less than 7 days, no refund is possible. FDSOA Non Profit Org. P. O. Box 149 U.S. POSTAGE Ashland, MA 01721 0149 PAID Permit No. 125 Ashland, MA .�C';' ....!1 t.. ,A m... L. Prescribed by State Board of Accounts City Form No. 201 (Rev. 1995) ACCOUNTS PAYABLE VOUCHER CITY OF CARMEL An invoice or bill to be properly itemized must show: kind of service, where performed, dates service rendered, by whom, rates per day, number of hours, rate per hour, number of units, price per unit, etc. Payee Purchase Order No. Terms Date Due Invoice Invoice Description Amount Date Number (or note attached invoice(s) or bill(s)) $1,577.70 I hereby certify that the attached invoice(s), or bill(s), is (are) true and correct and I have audited same in accordance with IC 5- 11- 10 -1.6 20 Clerk- Treasurer VOU CHER NO. WARRANT NO. ALLOWED 20 Rosen Plaza Hotel IN SUM OF 9700 International Drive Orlando, FL 32818 $1,577.70 ON ACCOUNT OF APPROPRIATION FOR Carmel Fire Department PO# Dept. INVOICE NO. ACCT #/TITLE AMOUNT Board Members 1120 43- 430.02 $1,577.70 1 hereby certify that the attached invoice(s), or bill(s) is (are) true and correct and that the materials or services itemized thereon for which charge is made were ordered and received except AUG 17 2009 ,V d Fire Chief Title Cost distribution ledger classification if claim paid motor vehicle highway fund