HomeMy WebLinkAboutParsons Transportation/Addl Serv 1/ENG/69,800/Rangeline/Carmel drive 1 Parsons Transportation Group, Inc. Engineering 2012 Appropriation #211 -401; P.O. #25846 Contract Not To Exceed $69,800.00 ADDITIONAL SERVICES AMENDMENT TO AGREEMENT FOR PURCHASE OF GOODS AND SERVICES t THIS AMENDMENT TO THE GOODS AND SERVICES AGREEMENT "Agreement') entered into by and between the City of Carmel and Parsons Transportation Group, Inc. (the "Vendor"), as City Contract 091510.05 shall amend the terms of the Agreement by adding the additional services to be provided by Vendor consistent with the Scope of Work attached hereto and incorporated herein as Exhibit "A The terms and conditions of the Agreement shall not otherwise be affected by this Additional Services Amendment and shall remain in full force and effect. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have made and executed this Amendment as follows: CITY OF CARMEL, INDIANA Parsons Transportation Group, Inc. by and through its Board of Public Works and Safety By: By. I 4 =i a us 1 II so d ames Brainar• Presidins s Officer Autho d Signature �.te: s4 (3 ..,,,'cisd,,, r Printed Name Ma Ann :ur e, Member I Date: U(c.e. Rcs;des 4 Title LoriS.kW. •',M tuber FID/TIN: 36- 098 ZZ 70 Date: 7 if Last Four of SSN if Sole Proprietor: ATTEST: 2 12 Date: Diana Cordray, IAMC, erk- Treasurer Date: .3 -7-12_-- NI,rgrwt•,r Data -Adam LA R'•.d,au1V!ufS.c k Gual, Ss •i.,lE, o ntOUl1U'ARMNS TRANSPORTATION GRm.T- Add1 Sic. amend Gml. C. Sam., dotln_;1201131 PM1 February 21, 2012 CI g g ARIVIEL JAMES BRAINARD, MAYOR Mr. Nick Harrison, P.E. Parsons 101 W. Ohio St. Ste 2121 Indianapolis, IN 46204 RE: Additional Service Amendment #1, P.O. #25846 Dear Mr. Harrison: As we discussed, the City of Carmel has a need for additional professional services and pursuant to our current contract with Parsons, Contract #091510.05 dated September 15, 2010, I have requested and received from you the proposed scope of services and fee estimates for the following work task: Additional Service Amendment #1— Rangeline Road and Carmel Drive Intersection Improvements Design Stage 2 Not to Exceed: $69,800.00 Per our contract procedural requirements, I hereby approve these Additional Professional Services estimates, and request that the Board of Public Works ratify the above referenced Contract Amendment. PLEASE NOTE Please be advised that "Additional Services" performed on City contracts must be billed separately from the original contract and other additional services. More importantly, the invoice must reference the appropriate Additional Service and P.O. shown above. Invoices received without the Additional Service referenced will be returned for proper identification. Thank you for your continued assistance in providing the City of Carmel with your professional, quality services. If you should have any questions, please give me a call. Sincerely, Michael T. McBride, P. City Engineer eviewed and approved by: S. Eng king Director of Administration DEPARTMENT OF ENGINEERING xhjbit ONE CIVIC SQUARE, CARMEL, IN 46032 OFFICE 317.571.2441 FAX 317.571.2439 EMAIL engineering ©carmel.in_go. _0 f RANGELINE ROAD FEE SUMMARY TOTAL PROJECT NO.: TBD DES. NO.: TBD DESCRIPTION: Rangeline Rd Stage 2 Design and RW Services ITEM TOTAL Task 1 NEPA Documentation $8,800 Task 2 Utility Coordination $3,800 Task 3 Field Check Submission $27,300 Task 4 Stage 2 Submission $29,900 Design \Environmental Total: $69,800 Task 5 Right -of -Way Services $80,710' TOTAL: $150,510 EXHIBIT A SCOPE OF SERVICES RANGELINE ROAD CARMEL DRIVE INTERSECTION IMPROVEMENT STAGE 2 DESIGN CITY OF CARMEL Overview This scope of services is a continuation of services previously provided under Contract No. and identifies the tasks that Parsons Transportation Group (THE CONSULTANT) and its sub consultants will follow to complete final construction plans for the Rangeline Road and Carmel Drive Intersection improvement Project (THE PROJECT) for The City of Carmel (THE CITY). Under the previous contract referenced above THE CONSULTANT has provided services to complete Stage I Design Plans and a draft CE Environmental Document for THE PROJECT. In addition, THE CONSULTANT has provided services to complete preliminary design plans (approximately 20% design) for the intersection of Rangeline Road and Executive Drive and new alignment of Veterans Way from City Hall to Carmel Drive. Any additional work to be performed for the Rangeline Road., Executive Drive, and Veterans Way design is not included in this scope of services and assumed to be out of scope. THE CONSULTANT will utilize the services of Crossroad Engineers, Inc., ATC Associates Inc., and Gray Pape, inc. as needed to complete portions of the work outlined in this scope of services. Items not anticipated to be included in this scope of services include, landscape design and plan production, and construction inspection and management. TASK 1 NEPA DOCUMENTATION, ENViROMENTAL PERMITS AND COMMITMENT MONITORING The purpose of this task is to complete the NEPA documentation begun under the previous contract, prepare requisite environmental permits, and manage the implementation of project commitments. While a draft CE document was submitted to THE CITY for review, it was not submitted to the INDOT Greenfield District Environmental Scoping Manager as required under the previous contract. This is due to the project not being listed in the TIP and not having an 1NDOT Des. No. at time of submittal as anticipated. The submission and addressing of 1NDOT comments regarding the CE document will be covered in this scope of services. Task 1.1 NEPA Documentation THE SUBCONSULTANT, Gray Pape, inc., under the direction of THE CONSULTANT will prepare a written report documenting No Historic Properties Affected for the project, as per the Section 106 regulations at 36 CFR 800.1 1(d). The report will be prepared in accordance with the format and guidance contained in Appendix 0 of INDOT's Cultural Resources Manual. The report will include three chapters and an appendix. Chapter 1 will consist of a description of the undertaking, a discussion of the federal involvement in the project, a description of the Area of Potential Effects (APE) accompanied by a map delineating the APE. Chapter 2 will include a summary of the efforts to identify historic properties, including a discussion of the resources reviewed, and a description of the archaeological work conducted. Chapter 3 A- il 9 will include a discussion of the basis for determining that no historic properties will be affected. The Appendix will include the abstract and summary /conclusions from previously completed historic property and archaeology reports, copies of all correspondence with agencies and consulting parties, a list of all consulting parties, and photographs, maps and drawings required to provide a complete description of the project. Questions and concerns raised by DHPA in their February 16, 2011 review letter will be addressed in the report. THE CONSULTANT will coordinate with SUBCONSULTANT regarding and provide technical review of the Section 106 Findings Document. Task 1.2 Commitment Monitoring THE CONSULTANT will include all stipulations listed on the Summary of Commitments in the special provisions. The CONSULTANT will coordinate with 1NDOT to ensure the commitments are entered into 1NDOT's commitment database. Deliverables Historic Findings Report CE Level 2 Document TASK 2 UTILITY COORDINATION THE CONSULTANT will perform all work necessary to cost effectively coordinate project design with utility facilities and to coordinate with utility companies in their preparation of utility relocation work plans for each utility within the geographical limits of the improvement project in accordance with 105 IAC 13. The required activities include the following: 1. Verification of Existing Facilities Project Plan Sheets will be sent to each utility with facilities in the project area. Based on information provided by the utility company, THE CONSULTANT will correct plan sheets as necessary. 2. Conflict Review and Analysis Project Plan Sheets will be sent to each utility company for review. THE CONSULTANT will work with the utility companies to revise design if possible to avoid conflicts. If conflicts cannot be avoided THE CONSULTANT will notify the utility company. TASK 3 FIELD CHECK SUBMISSION Stagel have been completed by THE CONSULTANT under a previous contract in December 2010. This task advances the Stage 1 plans to a 40% level of design. Task 3.1— Address Review Comments THE CONSULTANT will review and incorporate Stage 1 Plan comments provided by THE CITY. THE CONSULTANT will coordinate with THE CITY to clarify any discrepancies or disagreements regarding review comments. Task 3.2— Design Conformance Review THE CONSULTANT will review the design criteria, calculations, and plans for conformance with the Level One controlling criteria and will identify design exceptions required. If a Level One Design Exception is identified, a Level One Design Exception Request will be prepared and A t 1 submitted to THE CITY and 1NDOT for review and approval. Discrepancies from Level Two design criteria should also be identified and brought to the attention of THE CITY in a formal memo. Task 3.3 Road Design THE CONSULTANT will perform the following activities to advance the design to a sufficient level for Field Check Submission. Calculations will be performed and checked or documentation provided for each of these activities and will be submitted with Field Check Submission. 1. Public Road and Driveway Approaches THE CONSULTANT will coordinate with THE CITY to revise drive locations from Stage 1 Plans. Approach type and geometry will be defined. 2. Roadside Barrier and Guardrail Approximate locations of roadside barrier will be defined and depicted in plans. 3. Special Ditches Ditch profiles will be designed to accommodate drainage and define required right -of -way. 4. 3 -D Modeling The above revisions will be incorporated into the design software to produce a 3 -D model of the project area to redefine project and construction limits, produce cross sections. Task 3.4 Maintenance of Traffic Design THE CONSULTANT will develop a conceptual maintenance of traffic and construction sequencing scheme. Through coordination with THE CITY, THE CONSULTANT will determine if the intersection will be open or closed to traffic during construction. THE CONSULTANT will develop a detour or alternate route to be utilized during construction. THE CONSULTANT will also develop preliminary phasing plan of the proposed construction. These elements will be depicted in the Traffic Maintenance Detail sheets submitted as a part of the Field Check Plans. Task 3.5 Signing and Pavement Marking Design THE CONSULTANT will perform the following activities to advance the design to a sufficient level for Field Check Submission. 1. Revise locations of Signs THE CONSULTANT will revise Sign locations from Stage 1 Plans based on the updated road design. 2. Revise Pavement Markings THE CONSULTANT will revise Pavement Markings from Stage 1 Plans based on the updated road design. Task 3.6 Lighting Design THE CONSULTANT will perform the following activities to advance the design to a sufficient level for Field Check Submission. 1. Coordination THE CONSULTANT will coordinate with THE CITY regarding items such as the preliminary locations where lighting will be required, the type of luminaire, the height of poles etc. 2. Perform Lighting Design THE CONSULTANT will perform lighting design to determine a preliminary spacing and pole layout using "VISUAL for Lighting" design software. 3. Electrical Service Point THE CONSULTANT will coordinate with the utility company to identify potential service point locations. Task 3.7 Plan Production Preliminary Field Check plans will be distributed electronically, and by hard copy if necessary, to those identified in the Field Check Notification Letter. The plan set will include plans from the Stage 1 submission and the following: A- 562,9 1. Plan and Profiles Updated for: project limits, ditch grades, construction limits, proposed and temp right -of -way, public road approach and drive locations, approximate roadside barrier or guardrail locations, sidewalks, bike lanes, conceptual storm -sewer layout, etc. 2. Detail Sheets a. Roadway and shoulder layout b. Signing and Pavement Marking c. Lighting d. Pavement Marking e. Intersection Layout f. Special Drainage Structures 3. Traffic Maintenance Details Conceptual traffic maintenance scheme and phasing outline. 4. Cross Sections Including profile -grade elevations, pavement, grading, sidewalks, approaches and drives; and buildings. Task 3.8 Geotechnical Investigation and Reporting THE CONSULTANT will perform services necessary to determine existing subsurface conditions at the project site and to develop recommendations necessary for the design and construction of the earth related elements of THE PROJECT. The proposed subsurface exploration, laboratory testing program and engineering analysis will be in general conformance with the requirements of the Indiana Department of Transportation Office of Geotechnical Services guidelines for geotechnical investigations. Deliverables 1. Design Criteria (Submitted to 1NDOT for conformance review) 2. Level One Checklists (Submitted to 1NDOT for conformance review) 3. Design Calculations (Submitted to 1NDOT for conformance review) 4. Level 1 Design Exception Request (if necessary) 5. Field Check Plans (Distributed to parties on Field Check Notification and INDOT for conformance review) 6. Geotechnical Report (Submitted to 1NDOT for approval) Assumptions 1. No retaining walls are required on this project based on Stage 1 Plans. 2. Landscaping design or plan production tasks will not be performed under this scope of services. TASK 4 STAGE 2 SUBMISSION Plans will be advanced to 55% design for this submission. Task 4.1— Address Review Continents The CONSULTANT will review Field Check Plan comments provided by THE CITY, INDOT, and from the Field Check Meeting. THE CONSULTANT will coordinate with THE CITY and INDOT to clarify any discrepancies or disagreements regarding review comments. Any comments or direction regarding changes to design elements either unchanged or approved from Stage 1 plans shall be considered out -of- scope. Plan comments regarding format of sheets shall be considered out -of- scope. f'4— Task 4.2 Road Design THE CONSULTANT will finalize road design activities for Stage 2 Submission. Calculations will be performed and checked or documentation provided for each of these activities and will be submitted with Stage 2 Submission. 1. Horizontal Alignments Revise from Field Check Plans if necessary based on level one criteria, right -of -way, utility, maintenance of traffic, or drainage constraints. 2. Vertical Alignments Revise from Field Check Plans if necessary based on level on criteria, right -of -way, utility, maintenance of traffic, or drainage constraints. 3. Sight Distance Horizontal, vertical, and intersection sight distance calculations will be revised based on geometric changes or verified if no changes occur. 4. Intersection Design Revise from Field Check Plans if necessary based on right -of -way, utility, maintenance of traffic, drainage, or intersection sight distance constraints. 5. Roadside Barrier and Guardrail Finalized locations based on length of need calculations will be provided. 6. Special Ditches Revise from Field Check Plans if necessary based on level one criteria, right -of -way, utility, maintenance of traffic, or drainage constraints. 7. 3 -D Modeling The above revisions will be incorporated into the design software to produce a 3 -D model of the project area to redefine project and construction limits, produce cross sections and develop quantities. 8. Tables Develop approach table. Task 4.3 Drainage Design THE CONSULTANT will perform the following activities to advance the design to a sufficient level for Stage 2 Submission. 1. Conduct drainage calculations for closed storm sewer including; runoff, pipe size, slope, and elevations, gutter spread, inlet spacing 2. Tables Develop structure data table to include structure number and location. Task 4.4 Signing and Pavement Marking Design THE CONSULTANT will perform the following activities to advance the design to a sufficient level for Stage 3 Submission. 1. Signing Revise from Field Check Plans if necessary based on the roadway geometric changes. 2. Pavement Markings Revise from Field Check Plans if necessary based on the roadway geometric changes. 3. Pavement Marking Table THE CONSULTANT will prepare signing and pavement marking table. Task 4.5 Lighting Design THE CONSULTANT w ill perform the following activities to advance the design to a sufficient level for Stage 2 Submission. 1. Light Pole Locations and Model Revise from Field Check Plans if necessary based on the roadway geometric changes. Revise the Visual Lighting Model based on the changes. Task 4.6 Plan Production Stage 2 plans will be distributed electronically to THE CITY. Plans will be submitted electronically to 1NDOT at the request of THE CITY. The plan set will include plans from the Preliminary Field Check submission and the following: 1. Title Sheet Complete Design Data block including contract and 1NDOT Des. No. information. 7 T9 2. Index and General Notes Check accuracy of notes and revise index as necessary 3. Plan and Profile Complete structure annotations, sodding, riprap, and paved sodded ditch locations are indicated: earthwork balances shown and removal items identified. Update all property line based on right -of -way engineering and station -and- offset for each right -of -way or property break point 4. Detail Sheets a. Lighting Updated from previous submittal b. Signing and Pavement Marking Details Finalized from previous form. 5. Tables a. Structure Data b. Approach c. Sign Summary Task 4.7 Pavement Design In order to optimize the pavement sections and reduce the overall project cost, THE CONSULTANT will customize the pavement thickness design for this project by using INDOT MEPDG procedure. The scope for the pavement design as follows: 1. Forecasted traffic volume data for the design year and 20 -year growth rate, provided or approved by the City, will be used to calculate the 20 -year traffic loading. 2. The geotechnical sub consultant will perform subgrade investigation using INDOT procedures for subgrade investigation of pavement thickness design. 3. Pavement design thickness recommendations will be provided by CONSULTANT using 1NDOT MEPDG procedure. This task should result in a more customized and optimized pavement thickness than the one shown in the City of Carmel Standards Typical Sections. Task 4.8 Cost Estimating The Stage 1 cost estimate will be revised based on updated quantity calculations and most recent unit price data provided by THE CITY and IN DOT and other research. A detailed construction cost estimate will be submitted with Stage 3 Submission. Deliverables 1. Level One Checklist 2. Design Computations 3. Quantity Calculations 4. Hydraulics and Storm Sewer Computations 5. Stage 2 Plans 6. Cost Estimate 7. Pavement report will be submitted, which will include pavement thickness design, MEPDG analysis and assumptions, and geotechnical test results. Assumptions 1. No retaining walls are required on this project based on Stage 1 Plans. 2. Landscaping design or plan production tasks will not be performed under this scope of services. 3. Any comments or direction regarding changes to design elements either unchanged or approved from Stage 1 Plans shall be considered out -of- scope. 4. Plan comments regarding format of sheets shall be considered out -of- scope. TASK 5 —RIGHT OF WAY ENGINEERING AND ACQUISITION SERVICES 09 THE CONSULTANT will provide RW Engineering Services and RW Acquisition Services for the planned improvements to the Rangeline Road and Cannel Drive Intersection Improvement project. These services will follow the requirements of a federally funded project and will involve Title and Encumbrance Reports, Location Control Route Survey Plat, RW plats, RW legal descriptions, appraisal problem analysis reports, appraisal reports, review appraisal reports, buying services, relocation services, RW staking, document preparation and title report review, payment processing and deed recordation, and RW management. 79 7