HomeMy WebLinkAbout172086 04/29/2009 CITY OF CARMEL, INDIANA VENDOR: 00351256 Page 1 of 1 e ONE CIVIC SQUARE UNITED CONSULTING ENGINEERS CHECK AMOUNT: $11,427.00 CARMEL, INDIANA 46032 1625 N POST ROAD INDIANAPOLIS IN 46219 CHECK NUMBER: 172086 CHECK DATE: 4/29/2009 DE PARTMENT ACCOUNT PO NUMBER INVOICE NUMBER AMOUNT DESCRIPTION 1205 R4462836 18343 11,427.00 MONON TRAIL BRIDGE CI r I F 1625 North Post Load UNITED Indianapolis, IN 46219 Bus. (317) 895 -2585 Consulting= Fax (317) 895 -2596 City of Carmel Mike McBride Invoice number 9 One Civic Square Date March 31, 2009 Carmel, IN 46032 Project: 08 -304 Carmel Monon Bridge over Carmel Drive For Professional Services rendered through: March 31, 2009 P.O.# 18343 Additional Services #12 Inspection Professional Fees Billed Hours Rate Amount Department Manager Brian N, Miller 0.50 160.00 80.00 Resident Project Representative Christopher J. Miller 94.50 105.00 9,922.50 Construction Technician Joel A. Tichenor 2.50 80.00 200.00 Professional Fees subtotal 97.50 10,202.50 Reimbursables Billed Units Rate Amount Miles 749.00 0.50 374.50 Website Hosting 850.00 Reimbursables subtotal 749.00 1,224.50 total 11,427.00 N W ��C��V4 to Invoice Total (rounded) 11,427.00 `p Cfl w Invoice Summary {.``►V %4 ti 016 Total Current Description Billed Billed INSPECTION 257,918.99 11,42 Total 257,918.99 11,427.00 Aging Summary Invoice Number Invoice Date Outstanding Current Over 30 Over 60 Over 90 Over 120 9 03/31/2009 11,427.00 11,427.00 Total 11,427.00 11,427.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 City of Carmel Invoice number: 9 Invoice date: 03/31/2009 City of Carmel Invoice number 9 Date March 31, 2009 Project: 08 -304 Carmel Monon Bridge over Carmel Drive Approved by: Brian N. Miller Manager Const. Engineering Dept "Please note Billing software calculates and rounds irregular values on a daily basis. If questions arise, please call us for clarification. City of Carmel Invoice number: 9 Invoice date: 03/31/2009 City of Carmel Invoice number 9 Date March 31, 2009 Project: 08 -304 Carmel Monon Bridge over Carmel Drive Invoice Supporting Detail 08 -304 Carmel Monon Bridge over Carmel Drive Phase: Inspection Date Units Rate Amount Labor Department Manager Brian N. Miller Project Time 03105/2009 0.50 160.00 80.00 Subtotal 0.50 80.00 Resident Project Representative Christopher J. Miller Project Time 03/02/2009 2.00 105.00 210.00 Project Time 03/03/2009 4.50 105.00 472.50 Project Time 03/04/2009 5.00 105.00 525.00 Project Time 03/05/2009 5.00 105.00 525.00 Project Time 03/06/2009 5.00 105.00 525.00 Project Time 03/09/2009 2.00 105.00 210.00 Project Time 03/1212009 4.00 105.00 420.00 Project Time 03/1312009 4.00 105.00 420.00 Project Time 03/16/2009 6.00 105.00 630.00 Project Time 03/17/2009 6.00 105.00 630.00 Project Time 03/18/2009 6.00 105.00 630.00 Project Time 03119/2009 6.00 105.00 630.00 Project Time 03/20/2009 4.00 105.00 420.00 Project Time 03/23/2009 4.00 105.00 420.00 Project Time 03/24/2009 6.00 105.00 630.00 Project Time 03/25/2009 6.00 105.00 630.00 Project Time 03/26/2009 5.00 105.00 525.00 Project Time 03/27/2009 6.00 105.00 630.00 Project Time 03/31/2009 8.00 105.00 840.00 Subtotal 94.50 9,922.50 Construction Technician Joel A. Tichenor Project Time 03/10/2009 1.50 80.00 120.00 Project Time 03/11/2009 1.00 80.00 80.00 Subtotal 2.50 200.00 Labor Total 97.50 10,202.50 Expense Digital Job Site, Inc. Website Hosting 03/05/2009 0.00 425.00 Website Hosting 03/27/2009 0.00 425.00 Subtotal 0.00 850.00 Christopher J. Miller Christopher J. Miller Mileage 03/13/2009 344.00 0.50 172.00 Mileage 03/27/2009 337.00 0.50 168.50 Mileage 03/30/2009 68.00 0.50 34.00 Subtotal 749.00 374.50 City of Carmel Invoice number: 9 Invoice date: 03/31/2009 City of Carmel Invoice number 9 Date March 31, 2009 Project. 08 -304 Carmel Monon Bridge over Carmel Drive 08 -304 Carmel Monon Bridge over Carmel Drive Phase: Inspection Date Units Rate Amount Expense Total 749.00 1,224.50 Project Summary Co ntract Billed Remaining Labor 406,500.00 248,286.50 61 158,213.50 39 Expense 0.00 7,549.17 7,549.17 Consultant 0.00 2,083.32 2,08132 Total 406,500.00 257,918.99 63 148,581.01 37 Invoice Summary Co B illed Remaining Labor 406,500.00 248,286.50 61 158,213.50 39 Expense 0.00 7 0 7,549.17 0 Consultant 0.00 2 0 2,083.32 0 Total 406,500.00 257,918.99 63 148,581.01 37 City of Carmel Invoice number: 9 Invoice date: 03/31/2009 City of Carmel Invoice number 9 Date March 31, 2009 Project: 08 -304 Carmel Monon Bridge over Carmel Drive Brian N. Miller Timesheet date: 03/06/2009 Project Phase Activity Employee Type Sat -28 Sun -01 Mon -02 Tue -03 Wed -04 Thu -05 Fri -06 Total Carmel Moron Bridge over Inspection Project Time Department Manager 0.50 0,50 Carmel Dnve Direct Total 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0100 0.50 0.00 0.50 Regulartatal 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.50 0.00 0150 Timesheet Total 0160 0.00 0.00 0.00 1, 0.50 0.00 0.50 Christopher J. Miller Timesheet date: 04/0312009 Project Phase Activity Employee Type Sat -28 Sun -29 Mo040 Tue -31 Wed -01 Thu -02 Fri -03 Total Carmel Monon Bridge over Inspection Project Time Construction Manager II 6.00 8.00 Carmel Drive Direct Total 0.00 0.00 0.00 8.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 8.00 Regular total 0.00 0.00 0.00 8.00 0100 0.00 0.00 8.00 Timesheet Total 0.00 0.00 0.00 8.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 8.00 Timesheet date: 0312712009 Project Phase Activity Employee Type Sat -21 Sun -22 Mon -23 Tue -24 Wed -25 Thu -26 Fri -27 Total Carmel Marian Bridge over Inspection Project Time Construction Manager II 400 6.00 6.00 5.00 6.00 27.00 Carmel Drive Direct Total 0.00 0.00 4.00 6.00 6.00 5100 6.00 27.00 Regular total 0.00 0.00 4.00 6.00 6.00 5.00 6.00 27.00 Timesheet Total 0.00 1 0.00 4D0 6.00 6.00 5.60 6.00 27.00 Timesheet date: 03!2012009 Project Phase Activity Employee Type Sat -14 Sun -15 Mon -16 Tue -17 Wed -18 Thu -19 Fri -20 Total Carmel Marion Bridge over Inspection Project Time Construction Manager 11 6.00 6.00 6.00 6.00 Carmel Drive Direct Total 0.00 0.00 6.00 6.00 6.00 6.00 Regular total 0.00 0.00 6.00 6.00 6100 6. 0 Timesheet Total 0.00 0.00 6.00 6.06 6,00 6.00W Timesheet date: 0311312009 Project Phase Activity Employee Type Sat -07 Sun -0e M-09 Tue -10 Wed -11 Thu -12 Fri -13 Total Carmel Manion Bridge over Inspection Project Time Construction Manager 11 2.00 4.00 4.00 10.00 Carmel Drive Direct Total 0.00 0.00 2.00 0.00 0.00 4.00 4.00 10.00 Regular total 0.00 0.00 2.00 0.00 0.00 4.00 4.00 10.00 Timesheet Total 0.00 0.00 2.00 O.Otl I 0.00 1 4.00 1 4.00 f0D0 City of Carmel Invoice number: 9 Invoice date: 03/31/2009 City of Carmel Invoice number 9 Date March 31, 2009 Project: 08 -304 Carmel Morton Bridge over Carmel Drive Christopher J. Miller Timesheet date: 0310612009 Project Phase Activity Employee Type Sat -28 Sun -01 Mon -02 Tue -01 Wed -04 Thu -05 Fri -06 Total Carmel- Moron Bridge over Inspection Project Time Construction Manager II 2.00 4.50 5.00 5.00 5.00 21.50 Carmel Dtive Direct Total 0.00 0.00 2.00 4.50 5.00 5.00 5.00 21.50 Regular total 0.00 0.00 2.00 4.50 5.00 5.00 5.00 21.50 Timesheet Total 0.00 0.00 2.00 d.50 5.00 5.00 5.00 1 21.50 Joel A. Tichenor Timesheet date: 03113 /2009 Project Phase Activity Employee Type Sat -07 Sun -08 Mon -09 Tue -10 Wed -11 Thu -12 Fri -11 Total Carmel Moron Bridge over Inspection Project Time Construction Manager II 1.50 1.00 2.50 Carmel Drive Direct Total 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.50 1.00 0.00 0.00 2.50 Regular total 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.50 1.00 0.00 0.00 2.50 Timesheet Total 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.50 1.00 0.00 0.00 2.50 City of Carmel Invoice number: 9 Invoice date: 03/31/2009 UNITED CONSULTING Mileage log I Business expense Signature: Empl 190 Name Christopher J Miller for Pay Period ending: 4110109 Approval: Endingr �Attendeesaor,Descrr R IN r, .4expens I- Ra 313012009 08 -304 Cify of Carme! Office to Job 50.100 50,1 17 9.35 3/30/2009 06 -406 -999 City of Carmel Site 50,1 50,1 14 7.70 3130/2009 OS -364 City of Carmel Job to Offce 50,131 50,148 17 IS 313112009 08-304 City of Carmel Office to Job 50,161 50,178 17 9.35 3/31/2009 06-406-999 City of Carmel Site 50,178 50,192 14 7,70 3131/2009 08-304 City of Carmel Job to Office 50.192 50,209 17 9.35 41112009 08-304 City Of Carmel Office to Job 50,211 50,228 17 9.35 4/1/2009 06-406-999 City of Carmel Site 50,225 50,242 14 7.70 411/2009 08-304 City of Carmel jJob to Office 50,242 1 50,259 17 9.35 402009 08-304 City of Carmel I Office to Job 50,275 50,292 17 9.35 4/212009 06-406-999 City of Carmel Site 50,292 W306 14 7.70 412/2009 08-304 City of Carmel i Job to Office 50,306 50,323 17 9.35 413/2009 08-304 City of Carmel Office to Job 50,350 50,367 17 9.35 4/312009 06-406-999 City of Carmel Site 4/3/2009 08-304 City of Carmel Job to Office 50,367 50,384 17 9.35 41612009 08-304 City of Carmel Office to Job 50,478 50,495 17 9.35 416/2009 06-406-999 City of Carmel Site 4/6/2009 08-304 City of Carmel Job to Office 50,495 50,512 17 9.35 417/2009 08-304 City of Carmel Office to Job 50,517 50,534 17 9,35 4/712009 06406-999 City of Carmel Site 4/712009 08-304 City of Carmel Job to Office 50,534 50,551 17 9,35 418/2009 08-304 City of Carmel Office to Job 50,581 50,598 17 9,35 41812009 D6-406-999 City of Carmel Site 41812009 108-304 ICity of Carmel Job to Office 50,598 50,615 17 9-35 4/912009 08-304 City of Carmel Office to Job 50,625 50,642 17 9. 35 41912009 �04012 United Consulting Greenfield District 1AS Tests 50,642 50.677 35 19.25 41912009 08-304 City of Carmel Job to Office 50,677 50,694 17 9.35 4/1012009 08-304 City of Carmet Office to Job 50,707 50,724 17 9.35 Of"ce to Job 411012009 06-406-999 City of Carmel Site 40012009 08-304 City of Carmel =Job to Office 50,724 50,741 17 9.35 Total Ts I I$ 431 237.05 Grand total 237.09 Memo: Mileage charge I Mile 0.55 Prepared 411 012009 V UNITED CONSULTING Mileage log 1 Business expense Signature: n Empl 190 �j Name Christopher J Miller for Pay Period ending: 3113/09 Approval: m,. Ti. WORN ..<3�`' c x -r.�. e.' ...c x,=t :4:' ^o 3S'rxisF., Mrsc Be rn EntlrnNlifes Mrfea e. Job Client w ,.gin tron �y �E �Per'drem� 7- 11, arkrrr ��mrles�tt���mrles�k char ed..� ense v 3/2/2009 08 -304 City of Carmel Office to Job 48,685 48,702 17 9.35 3!212009 06- 406 -999 City of Carmel Site 48,702 48,716 14 7.70 3/2/2009 08 -304 City of Carmel Job to Office 48,716 48,733 17 9.35 3/3/2009 08 -304 City of Carmel Office to Job 48,750 48,767 17 9.35 3/3/2009 06- 406 -999 City of Carmel Site 48,767 48,781 14 7.70 313/2009 08 -304 City of Carmel Job to Office 48,781 48,798 17 9.35 3/4/2009 08 -304 City of Carmel Office to Job 48,800 48,817 17 9.35 3/4/2009 06 -406 -999 City of Carmel Site 48,818 48,832 14 7.70 314/2009 08 -304 City of Carmel Job to Office 48,832 48,849 17 9.35 3/5/2009 08 -304 City of Carmel Office to Job 48,863 48,880 17 9.35 3/5/2009 06- 406 -999 City of Carmel Site 48,880 46,894 14 7.70 31512009 08 -304 City of Carmel Job to Office 48,894 48,911 17 9.35 3/6/2009 08 -304 City of Carmel Office to Job 48,9241 48,941 17 9.35 3/6/2009 06-406 -999 City of Carmel Site 48,941 48,955 14 7.70 3/6/2009 08 -304 City of Carmel Job to Office 48,955 48,972 17 9.35 3/9/2009 08 -304 City of Carmel Office to Job 49,096 49,113 17 9.35 3/9/2009 06 -406 -999 City of Carmel Site 49,113 49,127 14 7.70 3/9/2009 08 -304 Cif of Carmel Job to Office 49,127 49,144 17 9.35 3110/2009 4012 United Consulting Office to Purdue 49,157 49,229 72 39.60 3/10/2009 3/10/2009 4012 United Consulting Road School <7 49,229 49,254 25 13.75 3111/2009 3111/2009 3/12/2009 08 -304 City of Carmel Purdue to Office 49,254 49,326 72 39.60 3/12/2009 08 -304 City of Carmel Office to Job 49,326 49,343 17 9.35 3/12/2009 06-406 -999 City of Carmel Site 49,343 49,357 14 7.70 3/1212009 08 -304 City of Carmel Jab to Office 49,357 49,374 17 9.35 3/13/2009 08 -304 City of Carmel Office to Job 49,387 49,404 17 9.35 3/13/2009 06-406 -999 City of Carmel Site 49,404 49,418 14 7.70 3/13/2009 08 -304 City of Carmel Job to Office 49,418 49,435 17 9.35 3/3/2009 04012 United Consulting City of Carmel, BF &S, UCE progres 12.28 meetings; Donuts and Coffee Total 12.28 1 S 553 304.15 Grand total 316.43 t Memo: Mileage charge I Mile 0.55 J Prepared 3/13/2009 UNITED CONSULTING Mileage log I Business expense Signature: Empl 190 Name Christopher J Miller for Pay Period ending: 3/27/09 Approval: Z�L nwr- MN N "N 31. ON q M begin A t A, AK a M 'we mea' ,.1 l ig Varei err4W. ON I is 10A N I'M A X, MW n�, 311612009 08-304 ICity of Carmel Office to Job 46,440 48,457 17 9.35 3116/2009 06-406-999 ICity of Carmel Site 48,457 48,471 14 7.70 3116/2009 08-304 City of Carmel Job to Office 48,471 48,488 17 9.35 3/17/2009 08-304 City of Carmel Off to J ob 48,501 48,518 17 9.35 3117/2009 06-406-999 City of Carmel Site 48,518 48,532 14 7.70 3117/2009 08-304 City of Carmel Job to Office 48,532 48,549 17 9.35 311812009 08-304 City of Carmel Office to Job 48,555 48,572 17 9.35 3/1812009 06-406-999 City of Carmel Site 48,572 48,586, 14 7.70 3/18/2009 08-304 City of Carmel Job to Office 48,586 48,603 17 9.35 311912009 08-304 City of Carmel Office to Job 48,620 48,637 17 9.35 3/1912009 06-4()6-999 City of Carmel Site 48,637 48,651 14 7.70 311912009 08-304 City of Carmel Job to Office 48,651 48,668 17 9.35 3120/2009 08-304 City of Carmel Office to Job 48,681 48,698 17 9.35 3/20/2009 06-406-999 C it y of Carmel Site 48,698 48,712 14 7.70 312012009 08-304 City of Carmel Job to Office 48,712 48,729 17 9.35 312312009 08-3134 City of Carmel Office to Job 48,897 48,914 17 935 312312009 06-406-999 City of Carmel Site 48,914 48,928 14 7.70 3123/2009 08-304 City of Carmel Job to Office 48,928 48,945 17 9.35 3/2412009 08-304 City of Carmel Office to Job 48,969 48,983 14 7.70 312412009 06-406-999 City of Carmel Site r 48,983 49,000 17 9.35 3/24/2009 08-304 City of Carmel Job to Office 1 49,000 49,017 17 9.35 3/2512009 08-304 City of Carmel Office to Job 49,854 49,871 17 9.35 312512009 06-406-999 City of Carmel Site 49,871 49,885 14 7.70 312512009 08-304 City of Carmel Job to Office 49,885 49,902 17 9.35 312612009 08-304 City of Carmel Office to Job 49,928 49,945 17 9.35 3126/2009 06-406-999 City of Carmel Site 49,945 49,959 14 7-70 312612009 08-304 City of Carmel Job to Office 49,959 49.976 17 9.35 3/2712009 08-304 City of Carmel Office to Job 50,001 50,018 17 9-35 3127/2009 06-406-999 City of Carmel Site 50.018 50,032 14 7.70 3/27/2009 08-304 City of Carmel Job to Office 50,032 50,049 17 9.35 312712009 04012 United Consulting Cell Phone 75,00 Tota 1 4801 264.00 Grand total 339.00 Memo: Mileage charge I Mile 0.55 Prepared 3/27/2009 Fs• i .�Ital Job�Slt nc r, `iu{..'�$ j'� `r n� H� X 31 .4 w cd Conroe sT F77385 p 7 4/'1,.0.7 C� l +g 0 q�,�.?.r +,'•.k�..4.a .tL�y- �Y,�d• t H:f. �c,i :a InVOlce. #;�c J 9 h 7�1� y 9 1 Ft4 Uniteef Consuiting5r y E� ,,U 4Nrx }i P o No z Vx �H 'Attn 'Darry,l'Wlneinger fi#w. `eL c h''44 1• 3 z J c 5 4.a vs s LiTe y} a 1625 N Post Road 'r h =l' dh ollss iN 46219= s, Item Qty Description Rate Notes Tota! Image Archiving 1 Image archiving. 1 image every 15 minutes. 425.00 April 425.00 Includes data access. 24 x 7 access to images with full support. N. 425 0o APFRO V F- D I' -Ur� -;L Dept. HF.ad 131Z t.a,a Owner j Re l`r b lolr 1`ao J rr Date Invoiced C 9 Date Paid wM TOt%r,Cr,�xin°o-MF..n" I,+.n4 $425'00 PLEASE DETACH AND RETURN BOTTOM PORTION WITH PAYMENT F] Please check box if address is incorrect or has changed, and indicate .change(s) on the envelope. REMITTANCE Date 411/09 Invoice 957 Please make checks payable to: Payments /Credits $0.00 Digital Job Site, Inc. 1310 Ashway Balance Due $425.00 Conroe, TX 77385 Due Date 4(1109 Z Ck t l �gital JobSlte,�lnc k, I N V O I C E I V E yam?. 5�� affi. "n'��S ,Nn (�l .ui3?' MAR 0 2 ZOO n+ L.+r ,Invoice,� �43�, 11 1TE0 CONSI TING '�tdrERS, IN!"' r�{ s r ",a' .r..m 'L*�� j,$1,.,rz- ,.�.n :,+v Ufllted Consuitmg {xA ak,�tCR "F t �Y1 O rls s „s Y Ar lrtaiz aJ ,I a� t ty k«y4 a Attn Dar ,1625N Post Road T�, r K i �9 .t x e„ r i a S} �a y� t k'��'�' M S��?I ti �'w�,�'.'Y��y r' �t el*'� 'y; I• �'s�' ,,yy,�� ,a� a r� Tyr 4. �i'.s•s.fa�,'Sr 4� }I-'. ;2. �1' n�`��j C x"�' S 'Ix tri; aii3:. ru. a4„ ir►;Sx:C� ..r�et, ks,klY.� K Item Qty Descriptio Rate N otes Total n Image Archivrng 1 Image archiving. 1 image every.l5 mrnutes 425 00 March 425 00 Includes data access. `24 x 7 access to' M images with full support. g ar o{ a? t' y "x rsp�ufr r i �x" tl Y' A 5� '�5. k v t °,t r r I4x C ra R P14 E NT Fj F�f i Iept`I'�eedd {t t�A/Tler a i' r IF F 'Bfe ��x u.�Ob N r�O s.1• ase p152 rM a �4 tm s f J t Dit D'24t�"Pa� �Pt'ry..4 AN aq� 44 j 3 i h r♦ b r f a. 9i h', h° e �t t Y c tt Y �C 4 stihj" E stir r It t E i z a`�'� d t r }�{•A 4 ,r� 3"+},�� �,s rti �'Y'�."�r� g..@t�:F�x tit .r'„ r z C P� vra sTk� i4. s, ��fi tb'... n t� r 1 .rr 3 7r r�, r •x 3Y.a':t� �?F'E��� 4,'.,', x`� R.h� �tTotali'�;hr �`a x'$425 PLEA SE D>= TACH,'AND RETURN BOTTOM PORT �rs ,x'L,;H.z a Xi Prescribed by State Board of Accounts ACCOUNTS PAYABLE VOUCHER City Form No. 201 (Rev. 1995) CITY OF CARMEL An invoice or bill to be properly itemized must show: kind of service, where performed, dates service rendered, by whom, rates per day, number of hours, rate per hour, number of units, price per unit, etc. Payee United Consulting Purchase Order No. 1625 N. Post Road Terms Indianapolis, IN 46219 Date Due Invoice Invoice Description Amount Date Number (or note attached invoice(s) or bill(s)) 03/31/09 Inv. 8 Monon Trail Bridge Over Carmel Drive $11,427.00 Tota I hereby certify that'the attached invoice(s), or bill(s), is (are) true and correct and I have audited same in accordance with IC 5- 11- 10 -1.6. 20 Clerk- Treasurer VOUCHER NO. WARRANT NO. ALLOWED 20 llnitec�Consulting IN SUM OF 1625 N. Post Road Indianapolis, IN 46219 $11,427.00 ON ACCOUNT OF APPROPRIATION FOR Department of Engineering Board Members PO# or INVOICE NO. ACCT #(TITLE AMOUNT DEPT. I hereby certify that the attached invoice(s), or bill(s) is (are) true and correct and that the 18343 IFIV. 110. 9 ITT materials or services itemized thereon for which charge is made were ordered and received except 2 20 Signature 0 Qe✓ Title Cost distribution ledger classification if claim paid motor vehicle highway fund