HomeMy WebLinkAbout172253 05/13/2009 CITY OF CARMEL, INDIANA VENDOR: 051000 Page 1 of 1 ONE CIVIC SQUARE CARMEL WELDING SUPP INC CHECK AMOUNT: $173.90 CARMEL, INDIANA 46032 550 S. RANGELINE RD CARMEL IN 46032 CHECK NUMBER: 172253 CHECK DATE: 5/13/2009 DEPARTMENT ACCOUNT PO NUMBER INVOICE NUMBER AMOUNT DESCRIPTION 2201 4237000 STREET 173.90 REPAIR PARTS CARMEL WELDING AND SUPPLY 55O Godth Rangeline Road Carmel, Indiana 46032 317-846-3493 www.CarmelWelding.com CARMEL STREET DEPARTMENT 3400 WEST 131ST STREET WESTFIELD, INDIANA 46074 DATE I ACCT JPG 4/30/09 3017 1 TERMS: NET DUE 169TH OF MONTH FOLLOWING INV. DATE A SERVICE CHARGE OF 1 3/4% PER MONTH TO BE ADDED TO ACCOUNTS PAST DUE. TOTAL DUE LAST STATEENT 935.53 CHARGE THIS STATEMENT REFLECTS CREDITS AND MADE THROUGH THE STATEMENT DATE. DATE I INV DESCRIPTION AMOUNT I FUTURE CURRENT I PA51 3F JPA51 6F FHSI 'J10+ 4/06/09 '28M PURrASE 19.00 1.00 4/10/09 28M54 PURCHASE 1 17.78 17.78 1 4/13/09 288M PURCHASE 12.20 12.20 4/20/09 1 289031 PURCHASE 4.00 4. N 4/22/09 102M PAMT 170776 932.36CR 4/23/09 :289199 PURCHASE 11.79 11.79 4/27/09 289381 PUKHASE 68.87 68.87 4/28/09 �289443 PURCHASE 28.11 28.11 4/36/09 289573 PURCHASE 12.15 12.15 N ACCOUNTI FUTURE CURRENT PAST 30+ PAST 60+ PAST 90+ TOTALS BALANCE DUE 177.07 PAY THIS AMOUNT NOTICE �;F Q�'� lRORS OR INQUIRES ABOUT YOUR STATEMENT Uh-in'LendingAo requires prompt correction nf billing mistakes. kz preserve your rights under the Act here's whaf t�nk std1erh�iti�'� you need more information about an item on your statement. vv(yo �-l�T�T8�� wrstatement. a on the statement. On o separate sheet c� o�o~�rvvhda� u nu�y telephone your but doing so will not preserve your rights under this law) the following: jr name, and account number (it ony). |eacri[tion of the error and an explanation (to the extent you can explain) why you eve it is an error. It you only need more information, explain the item you are not sure mt d you iah. ask for evidence of the oharge�unh as a copy of the charge slip. not ^nend1nyour n6� of,asa|pe,s|ip or 'other document duplicate y for your rocondo. `dollar amount cf the auapandedenor. other information (such as your address) which you think will help us to identify you he reason for your complaint or inquiry. 7 e,7W� T �'g billing error notice to the address on your statement which is listed after the words: you early enough H3was d�^�a�er nloUudtoyou creditor n�jat acknowledge in whdn0^aU letteno, porting�uj possible e 30�Z� eipL unless wo are able Vocorrect ypyr. statement during �hat3Odays. Within, mg your letter, wm must either correct the error orexp|min-Ic� writing why webAliex,04h0*_ vaoconoo.C}noewehaveexp|ainec��hea�tament.we�h�venofu�her mugh you ��iU boUevathere ivan ornor, except as porag��' rofnr r' :771J�\^ mo been nohhed, neitherwm nora no| agency m 9O\��� �tters or bake other collection mctinq &th the respect to the amount in diio.e �emento may be sent hoyou, andthe�dioputed amount.q�1 be applied j ��,2 You cannot be threatened with damage to your credit rating or sued for the amount in Dr the disputed amount be to u credit bureau or to other creditors as indiwe have answered your inquiry. However, you remain obligated to pay the parts *noont not in dispute. mihedthEt wbhave §fatemehf if io our policy tnassess \rges for late paymento, you will not have 10 pay finance charges on any disputed turns out that we have not made an error, you may have to pay such finance charges int in dispute, and you will have to make up any missed minimum or required payments uted amount. Un|oau you have agreed that your statement was nunaot we must send m notification cf what you owe; and if it is determined that vvedid make o mistake in Uoputedamount, you must bo given the time to pay which you normally are given to ited amounts before any more finance charges or late payment charges can be charged lahmn does not satisfy you and you notify us in writing within 10 days after you receive iation that you still refuse to pay the disputed amount, we may report you to the credit d other creditors and may pursue regular collection procedures. But we must to|| them not think you owe the nnoney, and we must let you know to whom such reports were E? the matter has been settled between you and uuroe|vee, we must notify those to DpoMod you ao delinquent o/ the subsequent resolution. t follow these ru|es, we are not allowed to collect the first $50 of a disputed amount. �ado�nonL turns out to be" correct. ��.3� F RMEL DING 1z&nCE 1948 550 S. Rangeline Rd. t 'Carmel, IN 46032 t Ph. 317 846 -3493 FAX 317 848 -8760 y www.carmelwelding.com SOLD TO: SHIP TO: I STREET DEPARTMENT 1 I STREET DEPARTMENT 3017 3400 WEST 131ST STREET 3400 WEST 131ST STREET WESTF I ELD, I ND I 46074 WESTF I E1_D, INDIANA 46074 TERMINAL: 1 Tax Exemption 0031_015500 WWW. CARMELWELDING. COM--- r-- -Plese keep receipt Work Order #e 74540 for parts returns within 30 days. 20/ restocking SHIPPED VIA: CUSTOMER. PICKUP r1k M r3 hln Ml r-%r +rler�c 14•C7- 1 G 1 or m 22 1 074540 -3 l Z1003017 4/30f09 .6:89573 007/002 DESCRIPTION j IXIE CHOPPER- TFACTOR 0. ER NUM 4047475 6 �ER NUM SPE2800 -72 )I X 1 1 D4024 ASKET 0. 00 0.00 1 1 )IX D5282 �ASKET 0.00 0.00 C HA C12YC PPARK PLU 4.45 0.001 0.00 VIEW ENGINE, 11-1?-08 I N V P-84121 IRST TIME USED SINCE INTAL -LED o c 2 -,HA .C12YC 30A RN. F'LU A.. 45 8.90 z 1 <i I X. D406:4 �1SKET 1.46 1.4E 1 1 I X D528c 3ASKET 1.79 1.79 :L 1 -021 EST AND .EPA I R G-8.00 68. 1 -1 -021 I WARRANTY- -GOODW I I_L 68.00 68. 00CR GOVERNOR WORKIN OK.. HOOKED UP OMPRESSION1 TES TO TEST'CYLINDERS ND ALL GOOD.. R •MOVED �CARB AND .,LEANED OUT AI\ID RE I NSTALL-ED. RECD BY OSS I BLE STALE IfUEL..WARRANTY DOES f IMPORTANT NOTICE It is agreed as part of the consideration for this sale that the price shown hereon for the goods shall be paid on or before the 10th day of the month following the month of purchase. Any portion of the sale price not paid within said time period shall thereafter bear interest at the rate of EIGHTEEN PERCENT (18 PER ANNUM until paid, with anorney's lees and costs of collection and without relief from valuation and appraisement laws. All claims and returned goods MUST be accompanied by this invoice, and all goods must be returned in new condition. Thera is a 20% restocking charge on all returns. There will be no refund.or exchange on electrical pans. The factory warranty constitutes all of the warranties with respect to the sale of this item /items. The seller hereby expressly disclaims all warranties, either expressed or implied, including any implied warranty of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose and the seller neither assumes nor authorizes any other person to assume for It any liability in connection with the sale of this Item /Items. C L WEL" �`V ARMS �112QE 1948 h '.A 550 S. Rangeline Rd r Carmel, IN 46032 Ph. 317- 846 -3493 FAX: 317-848-8760 www.carmelwel com x f SOLD TO: SHIP TO: rARMEI STREETT DEPARTMENT I CARMEC STREET DEPARTMENT 17 .3400. WEST. 13'1 ST STREET 340 WEST 1318T STREET WESTF I Eqb, INDIANA 46074 L4 STF I L_D, JFND I ANA 46074 TERMINAL. 16 Al Tax Exemption .0031201!55002 WWW LARMELWELDING. COM- -Pl ese keep recerpx Work Orrdew 7 <t:540;' for par t� -returns within 30 days. 20% restocki ;vag SHIPPED VIA: CbSTOMER PICKUP 'V. cl-larncl_ Wn' r''Pil- rn nn alpr-i iliral nr am+ -ia1 nrr 1�c- F7e1'4 �tA-.F'! nF W M 003017..`'.:'= 4/,x0/09 2 89573 007/00 1 074540 -3cam OT COVER' TH I S MEGA I R BUT CW5' :W`I LL o AY LABOR i it Ir a 0 f .d S�JB TOTAL( 12.15 rt e HARG SAL :1 M Sc. __1.__ 0.00 x. r L BOR 0.00; REC'D'BY 45 i T X 7.000 0.00 I. 1 I VO CE 1rOTAL 12.1 IMPORTANT NOTICE., It is agreed, as pan oftha consideration for this sale that the price shown hereon for the goods shall be paid on or before the 101h day of the month followmg'the month of purchase. Any portion of the sale price not paid within said time period shall thereafter bear interest at the rate of EIGHTEEN PERCENT )18%) PER ANNUM until paid, with attorney's fees and costs of collection and without relief from valuation and appraisemenL laws. AILGaims and resurned, goods MUST be accompanied by this invoice, and all goods must be resumed in new condition There is a ZO charge an all returns. There will be no refund or exchange on electrical parts. The factory warranty constitutes all of'�t lb, wenansies..with respect to the sale of this item /items. The seller hereby expressly disclaims all warranties, either. expressed or fmp`l1l96Nholuding anylmplled warranty of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose and the seller neither assumes nor authorizes any other lo,asiume lorit any liability in connection with the sale of this Itemlhems s O't t J CA RMEL WE DING a IZ&nCE 19 p 550 S. Rangelihe Rd Carmel, IN. 46032 Ph. 317-846-3493 FAX: 317 -848 -8760 j www.carmelweldin :co'm: i SOLD TO: SHIP TO h CARM L �'REE7 DEPARTMENT IC STRE T DE PARTMENT 3 17 `A 3400 WEST` 131ST STREET 3400 WEST 1,. STREET Y WESTFIEI)9 INDIANA 46074 WESTFIQLD Lr}�lDIANA 4EiZ�74 <.TERMINAL: 16 r Tax Ekempt ion 0.0,31 A02 WWWAC�,MELWELDINGaCOM -Plese keep r° ceipti +t for _par eturns. within 30 days„ 20% res6cki StdIPRED; VIA.- CUSTOMER PICKUP charge =,1`!v return on elects' cal or special ordt s 1x3.-19 PA 1 OF 1r DATE INVOICE NO. SPECIAL INFORMATION D003PI7 f+!>�E7V79 208 9 007/2107 1 3 NUMBER DESCRIPTION- 3T 181 PMMC3 -55 CHAIN 1610 Pt+IM 3 3 -FOP 190 I 19.00 M yf 0 ;=F C 0. `fit S UB TOTAL HARG SAI_. M T SC a 0.00 s� L BOR 0.00 F_ T X 7.000 0.00 RECcs I' T VOICE TOTAL 19. F,t IMPORTANT NOTICE It is agreed as pan of the edrigideration for this sale that the price shown hereon for the goods`shall be paid on or before the 10th day of the month following the J Ili of purch RCEN ase. Any portion of the sale price not paid within said time period shall thereafter bear interest at the ='rte rate of EIGHTEEN PET•(18 PER ANNUM until paid, with attorney's fees and costs of collection and without relief from valuation and appraiaement Iaws A claims,arid returned goods MUST be accompanied by this invoice, and all goods must be returned in new Fj condition. There is a 20/ restocking charge oo,all; returns. There will be no refund or exchange on electrical parts. The factory warranty es all of the vYatdaobes with respect to the sale of this item /items. The seller hereby expressly disclaims all warranties, either •i expressed or implied, includGg'any implled'warianty of merchantability or fitness for a particular p and the s elle r n assumes nor authori ;es any ot her person. to assume for it any liability incconnection with the sale of this.liemlitems. a CARMEL WELDING s 550 S. Rangeline Rd. y Carmel, IN 46032 "Ph. 317 846 -3493 FAX: 317 -848 -8760 k www.carmelwelding.com 4 'SOLD TO: r :';;SHIP TO: FARMEL STREET DEPARTMENT (CARMEL I STREE -T .•DEPARTMENT 3017 f 34.00:. WEST 131ST STREET. 3400 WEST 1u19T STREET WESTF I ELD, I ND I.ANA 46074 WESTF 1 5LD, f0D I ANA 46074 I "TERMINAL: 18 Tex Exempi ion 003120155�i02 WW W ARMELWELDING „COM Plese kee recei i f p p f or parts r;et urn s within 30.—days. 20% re's ockir g SHIPPED VIA: CLATOMER PICKUP charge. `:.No= return on elect- r'�i,-cal or special' ord6r,s 16 :28 :49 PACE: 1 OFF 1 P/O NUMBER SPECIAL INFORMATION rrl ZI 03017 4/40/09 288454 004l004 ITI r DES 7. 7. ,M 4 -28 1 -4X2 1 -2 'FLAT 2. 5,4 17.78 O 1 CA x F z r .0 SJB TOTAL -1 17.78 HARD L u`.' M I SC. Ql. �0 j TrN L HOR �..�0 a u' T X 7.000 0. )Zip► .i REC'DBI INVOICE TOTAL—) 17.78 IMPORTANT NOTICE t It is agreed as part of the consideration for this sale that the price shown hereon for the goods shall be paid on or before the 10th day of the month] following the mok4t(hnof purchase. Any portion of the sale price not paid within said time period shall thereafter bear interest at the rate or EIGHTEEN PERCEN7.118%) PER ANNUM until paid, with atlomey's fees and costs of collection and without relief from valuation and appraisemenf laws..; i Yclaims and returned goods MUST be accompanied by this invoice, and all goods must be returned in new r, condition. There is a 20 restocking charge on all returns. There will be no refund or exchange on electrical. pans. The factory warranty constitutes all of the warr with respect to the sale of /items. The seller hereby expressly disclaims all warranties, either expressed or implied, including any implied warranty of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose and the seller neither assumes nor authodz. ny'othei personlio os5ume for it any liahiliry in connecti w ith the sal of th is itemlite of CARMEL® WELDING 03 cSince �94s W.- 550 S. Rangeline Rd:,, Carmel, IN 46032 Ph. 317-846-3493 F6X: 317 -8760 s www.carmelwelding.com p SOLD TO: SHIP TO: GARIYfEL STREET DEPARTt+IEtJT rARME4 STR EE DEPARTMENT 3017 3 40 400 NEST 1�1ST STREET STREET tZr WE,, T 131ST STREET WESTF I FL 'D4 INDIANA 41;074 WESTF ELD C ND I AMA 46074 TERM I I�AL 1 Tax Ecemtion 0031_015500 WWW CARMELWELD I NG. 00M -Fr l e s e keep r >ec e i for patrlis'.returns within ._,9 days. `0/ restock i�g SHIPPED VIA: CUSTOMER PICKUP charr�e <.;,.::iV return on electrical or special orders 17 :52.26 PAGE: 1 OF 1 NUMBER �S INFORMATION 171 =51 4/ 13/09 x:88577 004/004 1 1 LINE PART NUMBER DESCRIPTION, Cn ;.5 3M T22-1414 -8X1 1- -'4jX1 1-4 TUBIN `.441 12i.— Z 0 5 rif` D�{' j Cf) 0 t4t 0 ".1. Z }a o f. S B' TOTA i 1 E 2 0 HANG :0 M I SC 0 „00 T X 7. 000 0. 00 REC'D BY i I VII I CE TOTAL 12. 2 0 IMPORTANT NOTICE It is agreed as part of the �cgrisideration for this sale that the price shown hereon for the goods shall be paid on or before the 10th day of the month following the'inowin o purchase: Any portion of the sale price not paid within said time period shall thereafter bear interest at the rate of EIGHTEEN PERCENT�ta PER.ANNUM until paid, with attorney's fees and costs of collection and without relief from valuation and eppraistiment Iaws.�All. claims. and retumetl good e accompanied by this invoice, and all goods must be returned in new s MUST b bondition. There fs.a f zC u estockin g cfiarge�on'ali returns, There will be no refund or exchenge,on electrical parts. The factory warranty cons)ilutes all of•the-werramies-'wlth respect to the sale of this item /items. The seller hereby expressly disclaims all wanaImes, either expressed or implied, including a implied warranty of merchantability or, fitness for a panicular.pfirpose and the seller neither assumes nor authorizes any other person to assume for it any liability in connection with the sale of thisJtam /Items. i 1. .a...�. r... T.. x3 .nG.. L....._' T "?YJ:i Xx I +fI'Y �K.l CARMEL WELT DING wines X94,& z 550 S. Rangeline Rd. r Carmel, IN 46032 Ph. 317 -846 -3493 FAX 317- 8.48 -8760 www.carmelwelding.com SOLD TO: y SHIP TO: CARMEL STREET DEPARTMEtJT 7 FARMEL r STRE>µT,.DEPARTMENT �x# 3 017 3400 WEST 131ST STREET 3400 W. T 131ST•. STREET WESTF I ELD, INDIANA 4E,07li I WLSTF I E D, I ND I ANA 46074 TERM I NAL o 12 Tax Ex`,e m pt i o n 00312015 0 A nu Y, WWWa CARMEL- WELD I NG. COM -P l e s e keep r -e e i pt for- par ts.•`retur ^ns. within 30 days. 20% rest1'ackin. -g SHIPPED VIA: CUSTOMER PICF4UP r_F�ar -nA hFri r�cf ffr�n nn P� Artrnrc•al nr anAri I nr HAF^fi 17.. y °_�i�i GA( F_ 1 n F 1 SPECIAL INFORMATION C DATE 'INVOICE NO. S PRE P/O NUMBER m X003017 4/20/03 2 890 3 1 012/012 i. i 1 M 2 ALUM RQD 4. 4.00 0 m 4 f O Z r i 1 t is j a t n 0 IS JB TOTA 4.00 ,I -IARG 7 L c 0 MISCo 0. L BOR -)i 0.00. 7A 0 0 Oe 00 TeX RECO sv t I I VOICE OTAL —.k 1 4.00 t IMPORTANT NOTICE a,•. It is agreed as part of the consideration for this sale that the price shown hereon for the goods shall be paid on or before the 10th day of the monih,following the month of purchase. Any portion of the sale price not paid within said time period shall thereafter bear interest at the rate of EIGHTEEN PERCENT :(18 PER ANNUM until paid, with attorney's fees and costs of collection and without relief from valuation and appraisement laws .All Uaims and returned goods MUST be accompanied by this invoice, and all goods must be returned in new condition. There is a 20Y ,restocking charge on all returns. There will be no refund or exchange on electrical parts. The factory warranty constitutes all of the war'inties with respect to the sale of this item /items. The seller hereby expressly disclaims all waRanties, either expressed or implied mcludirg eny, implied warranty of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose and the seller neither assumes nor authodxQa any.other persdn5to assume for R any liability In connection with the sale of this Itemlitems. I CARMEL WELDING e I 550 S. Rangeline Rd. .j Carmel, IN 46032 Ph. 317- 846 -3493 FAX: 317- 848 -8760 www.carmelwelding.com SOLD TO: SHIP "TO: CARt+IEL S FREET DEPARTMENT CARMEL tSTRE] DEPARTMENT 3017 3400 WE T 1.G1ST STREET 3400 W ST 1 s4ST STREET WEST'FIEI,?.,. INDIANA 46 �4 WESTF'I LD, I DIANA. 4674 TERMINflL: 1 Tax Exemption #o 003-120155002 WWW G,ARMELWELD I NG. COM- —F' l e s e keep r c i p_ for party r ^eturns within 30,,,�ays. 20! r SHIPPED VIA: CUS PICKUP charm, =nor-ri all nv-48 l~c 17 4t1 "%7 Dorf! 1 fir. 1 P/• INFORMATION- m R m. 1_003017 :4/23/09 289199 04/004 1. j 0 x PART NUMBER DESI&RIPTION 1 1 T I :,PKL CYCLE OI'L 6. 4QZ 11. 7'? 11.79 F Vic; I) y 3 0: f.. 0 Z r •�+R.! 0 S B IOTA_ 1'1.79 LHARG SAI_ :0 I MISC.. 0."00 L RECD BY INVOICE (TOTAL- 11.79 IMPORTANT NOTICE It is agreed as pan ofd h srzleration for this sale that the price shown hereon for the goods shall be paid on or before the 10th day of the monihlfollowing the mkiti of purchase. Any portion of the sale price not paid within said time period shall thereafter bear interest at the rate of EIGHTEEN PERC k.(1B PER ANNUM until paid, with attorney's fees and costs of collection and without relief from valuation and appraisement laws!!NI claims and returned goods MUST be accompanied by this invoice, and all goods must be returned in new condition. There is a•20 44ocking charge on all returns. There will be no refund or exchange -on electrical parts. The factory warranty. constftutes all of the ivairanties with iespect to the sale of this item /items. The seller hereby expressly disclaims all warranties, either expressed or implied, including any implied warranty of merchantability or f1(0ess for a particular ouRlpse and the seller neither assumes nor authorizes any other peis;n iri- assume for it any liability in connection with the sale of this item /items. r •U ..�Yr+ ".fry t b.+ r i W iLDING CARMEL E esinee r94 a 550 S. Rangeline Rd' z. Carmel, IN 46032 Ph. 317- 846 -3493 -FAX: 317 848 -8760 www.lcarmelwdlding.com fi f r 4 SH SOLD TO: fP TO J CARM ST.RE& DEPARTMENT CARMEL STREET' DEPARTMENT �f 3017 `air EN 3400 14EST 131sT STREET 3400 WEST 1 ;'1ST STREET WC=STE I ELD.,, I ND I MINA 46074 1 WESTFIll J NIYI ANA 4.6074 TERMINAL 1 Tax Eem.ptian #n 00311550 WWW CARMELWELDINGo CDM_..- P'1ese keep r pr- e- ipt •:.fil par 1 r etil Within 30 days. 20% estocki iq SHIPPED �I,IIAo C4lS.TOMER PICKUP CF�ati•r�n "'ttfr+'' r +cif •Irzn en Ti a Est- f:Vl>'- p l rrov- c am n .ai! 1'q 4 171 P. 1 ill [:Ill 1 np 1 DATE INVOICE m 00, 017 47t= i l 9 289381. 00.4/004 1 u DESCRIPTION ..log ,Tr 19 k M F22-2211 -8 X Xi .1 RE TUBE a.' n o 7'; _5j' 3 M -1717 -r3X 1 1 2X 1 1-R_ ANGLEI 1 751 12.25 1 n a I f 0. r +t fir ;R S S, TOTA 68.87 HAF# AL MISC. 0.00 1. BOR r 0e 00. RECD B Y TAX 7. 0 0. INVOICE TOTAL 68. 87 IMPORTANT NOTICE It is agreed as part of iha consideration for this sale that the price shown hereon for the goods shall be paid on or before the 10th day of the month following the mohth of purchase. Any portion of the sale price not paid within said time period shall thereafter bear interest at the rate of EIGHTEEN PERCENT-(18 PERANNUM until paid, with attorney's fees and costs of collection and without relief from valuation and 8ppraisement laws All: claims. and returned goods MUST be accompanied by this invoice, and all goods must be returned in new 'w condition. Thera is a 20/ restocking charge on all returns. There will be no refund or exchange bn electrical parts. The factory warranty'consGtutes all of the warranties with respect to the sale of this itemlitems. The seller hereby expressly disclaims all warranties,' either expressed or hilplied including ;any implied. warranty of merchantability or fitness for a. particular ouacau and the seller neither assumes nor authopie5.ai v other uefeol assumt 16r, 11 any liability in connection with the sale of this itemlitems- ,or' 01 -WELDING' CA RMEL. cS &ZCE 1948 550 S.:Rangeline Rd Carmel, IN 46032 Ph. 317- 846 -3493 FAX' 317 -848 -8760 www.carmelwelding.com j SOLD TO: SHIP TO:" �ARMEL STREET DEPARTMENT �ARMEL STREET DEPARTMENT 3017 t k; {+00 WEST 1 1ST STREET 3400 WEST 151ST STREET r t WESTF I E -I) hJDT AhIA 4G074 WI STF I ELD, ITND I ANA' 4GO74 TERMINAL 1 G s p y T:�mpt i on #d .00101 500' WWW d_AR'MELWELDING. COM Iese keep �ecer P R for part, r:eGlll wi t hin 30,- i:aysa 20 r- e����^ kit SHIPPED VIA: CIATOMER PICI:UP r 1, ><'+ad••rrv+n nn n i rsrf in'9,r -n1 n►+ c Ill f .1 al nI i-1 o.` I: 9 Illt.A ZA 0in PIP 9 ill 1 INVOICE NO. 7 S 0 PSPE INFORMATION ITI, ITI 700310- 4/x:8/ 28944,: 00.7/007 1 G' F� SAL 0 PART NUMBER DESCRIPTION 2 U 31 I 201- 708 -,31614 jrHRUST WASiIER �G. 9S ''8. S8 i__ 1i. TI 201._.708 -w40� HEX HEAD SCREW k 1 15 1.15 5 D 1 j Az l I Y t� •ti ALESMAN M Sl 0.00 i 1 L BOO 0.0-0 RECD BYI f I X 7. DICE: Trl "rAL 28u 11 (i.�. IMPORTANT NOTICE IMP NT. If is agreed as part of �1e consideration for this sale that the price shown hereon for the goods shall be paid on or before the 10th day of the month following the month of purchase. Any portion of the sale price not paid within said time period shall thereafter bear interest at the 5 rate of EIGHTEEN PERCENT,(IP PER ANNUM until paid, with attorney's fees and costs of 'collection and without relief from valuation and appraisement Ia% ai All claims, and returned goods MUST he accompanied by this invoice and all goads must be returned in new s Condition. There is, a, h,� 20r fllking_ charge, on' all four to s. There wilt he no refund or exchange on electrical parts. The factory warranty conslltutee all of theywSfraniies, with.. res fa the sale of this item /items. The seller hereby expressly disclaims all warranties, either .r ,yj•{. expressed or implied Inclutling impted,warranty aI mero iantah %y ^�ss ozula prp ?.and thi a <i�r na Wjl §s mti�,P.�sng authorizes any,other,pe�sg�ita assume for it, any jiabllity in connection with the sale of this iteml items. Prescribed by Slate Board of Accounts City Form No. 201 (Rev. 1995) ACCOUNTS PAYABLE VOUCHER CITY OF CARMEL An invoice or bill to be properly itemized must show: kind of service, where performed, dates service rendered, by- whom, rates per day, number of hours, rate per hour, number of units, price per unit, etc. Payee Purchase Order No. Term s Date Due Invoice Invoice Description Amount Date Number (or note attached invoice(s) or bill(s)) 04/30/09 $173.90 1 hereby certify that the attached invoice(s), or bill(s), is (are) true and correct and I have audited same in accordance with IC 5- 11- 10 -1.6 20 Clerk Treasurer VO UCHER NO. WA RRANT NO. Carmel Welding and Supply ALLOWED 20 IN SUM OF 550 S. Rangeline Road Carmel, In 46302 $173.90 ON ACCOUNT OF APPROPRIATION FOR Carmel Street Department PO# Dept. INVOICE NO. ACCT# /TITLE AMOUNT Board Members 2201 42- 370.00 $173.90 1 hereby certify that the attached invoice(s), or bill(s) is (are) true and correct and that the materials or services itemized thereon for which charge is made were ordered and received except Thur day y 07, 2009 Street Commissi n Cost distribution ledger classification if claim paid motor vehicle highway fund