HomeMy WebLinkAbout169845 03/18/2009 CITY OF CARMEL, INDIANA VENDOR: 051000 Page 1 of 1 0 ONE CIVIC SQUARE CARMEL WELDING SUPP INC CHECK AMOUNT: $1,278.40 1e CARMEL. INDIANA 46032 550 S. RANGELINE RD CARMEL IN 46032 CHECK NUMBER: 169845 CHECK DATE: 311812009 DEPAR 'ACCOUNT PO N UMBER IN NUMBER AMOUNT DESCRIPTION 2201 4237000: 286244 63.77 REPAIR PARTS 2201 4237000 286277 218.74 REPAIR PARTS 112.5 4350 Q¢0 286652 160.77 EQUIPMENT REPAIRS M 2201 4237000 286677 658.93 REPAIR PARTS 2201 4237000 ..286713 118_97 REPAIR PARTS 651 5023990 286740 ,,43.02 TRANSPORTATION EXPENS 651 5023990. 287169 1 14.20 MATERIALS..& SUPPLIES i CARMEL WELDING AND SUPPLY 550 South Rangeline Road Carmel, Indiana 46032 317-846-3493 www.CarmelWelding.com CARMEL STREET DEPARTMENT 3400 WEST 131ST STREET WESTFIELD, INDIANA 46074 DATE ACCT PG 2/28/09 3017 1 TERMS: NET DUE 10TH OF MONTH FOLLOWING INV. D A SERVICE CHARGE OF 1 3/4% PER MONTH TO BE ADDED TO ACCOUNTS PAST DUE. TOTAL DUE LAST STAT8OT 183.64 CHARGES THIS STATEMENT REFLECTS CREDITS AND O G STATEMENT DATE I INV DESCRIPTION AMOUNT I FUTURE I CURRENT IPAST 30+ 1 PAST 6@+ 1 PAST 90+ 1/07/09 285422 PURCHASE 10.71 10.71 1/12/09 285492 PURCHASE 1.72 1.72 1/15/09 285575 PURCHASE 56.20 56.20 1/31/09 10%131 SERV-CH6 SERV-CHG 1.97 1.97 2/04/09 1028314 PAYMENT 167936 113.04CR 2/10/09 286244 PURCHASE 63.77 63.77 2/11/09 2BU77 PURCHASE 218.74 218.74 2/25/09 28U77 PURCHASE 658.93 658.93 2/26/09 286713 PURCHASE 118.97 118.97 2/28/09 22809 SERV-CH6 ON $68.63 1.20 1.20 N ACCOUNTI FUTURE CURRENT PAST 30+ PAST 60+ PAST 90+ TOTALS ri, 132.21 0. N 1061.61 70.60 0.00 0.00 BALANCE DUE 1132.21 PAY THIS AMOUNT NOTICE 3RORS OR INQUIRES ABOUT YOUR STATEMENT ith -in- Lending Act requires prompt correction of billing mistakes. to preserve your rights under the Act here's what to. doJf;you thinks your, statement is you need more information about an item on your statement:' t write on the statement. On a separate sheet of'paper`write' (you rx- y teleph6n61your' but doing so will not preserve your rights under this law) the following: tr name, and account number (it any). lescription of the error and an explanation (to the extent you can explain) why you eve it is an error. It you only need more information, explain the item you are not sure tut, and if you wish, ask for evidence of the charge such as a copy of the charge slip. not send -in your cop)r of a sales slip or other document unless you have a duplicate y for your records. dollar amount of the suspended error. j r other information (such as your address) which you think will help us to identify you he reason for your complaint or inquiry. T 7 t our billing error notice to the address on your statement which is listed after the words: ante Address" Mailiit di -s&W as you can, but in any case early enough to reach us M days after the statement was mailed to you. creditor must acknowledde'fn writing all letters, pointingout possible errors,within -30 Bipt, unless we are able fo correct your statement during that 30 days._Within 90days F u do ing your letter, we must either correct the error or explain writing why believwthe.:. vas correct. Once we have explained the statement, we have no further obligation to- tough you still believe there is an erFor,i except as provided ^.in paragraph 5 15610 WC ive been notified, neither we nor an attorney nor a collection agency may -send you' .tters or take other collection action with the respect to the amount in disput6' *but' i 1 [tements may be sent to you, and the disputed amount can be applied against your You cannot be threatened with damage to your credit rating or sued for the amount in or can the disputed amount be reported to a credit bureau or to other creditors as until we have answered your inquiry. However, you remain obligated to pay the parts ement not in dispute. mined that have made a mistake on your statement and if it is our policy to assess irges for late payments, you will not have to pay finance charges on any disputed t turns out that we have not made an error, you may have to pay such finance charges unt in dispute, and you will have to make up any missed minimum or required payments uted amount. Unless you have agreed that your statement was correct, we must send m notification of what you owe; and if it is determined that we did make a mistake in lisputed amount, you must be given the time to pay which you normally are given to ited amounts before any more finance charges or late payment charges can be charged nation does not satisfy you and you notify us in writing within 10 days after you receive cation that you still refuse to pay the disputed amount, we may report you to the credit d other creditors and may pursue regular collection procedures. But we must tell them not think you owe the money, and we must let you know to whom such reports were e the matter has been settled between you and ourselves, we must notify those to aported you as delinquent of the subsequent resolution. t follow these rules, we are not allowed to collect the first $50 of a disputed amount, statement turns out to be correct. F t" A CA RMEL 1ti'ELDI'1VG 4 eSineE �94g r_ 550 S. Rangeline Rd: Y Carmel, 6x 7N 432 sPh. 317 -8'46 -3493 FAX: 31:7 -848 8760 www.carmelwelding.com f. `SOLD TO: f.• SHIP TO:, q 'nRMEL STREET. DEPARTMENT UARMIwL �STREE DEPARTMENT' E. 35017 3400:- qE$$ 131ST STREET 3400 W :3 131'�T :STREF_T €�JESTF ELI ri D l AIWA 46074. WESTF' I �L:D, T. {fib} I ANA ,,-4G I {74"' TERM I NAL, a 1:6 k WWW' CA,Vf4ELWELDING. COIl---- m- -Pl .keep r relpt Or p r is et,�.tr a w .thin :s xi ysP 20% r+�si.o #kiri SHIPPED VIA: CU":TOMER PICKl7 char. g E return on a tetical or specil.. oa^ier�,s 17: 16 F'ACF; I. OF i m SPECIAL INFO m PAR I DESCRIPTION NET, AMOUNT b :im t -bb44 i R- -CXbX4 HC l.J Z O h F Nf O t 'SUB TOTAf_ 6- r�l.. l "ii'al (R:I''"' vJ {"ti .M t4 Sc. }',i Kf itW t I I T 1X 7. I 0.. CIO. r��coB 1 t' INVOICE jf L7TAL >f Ste. 77 l IMPOfl TANTNOTICE 'J It is agree I s pad of the derallr7o.1 r this sale 4hat!€heyTjcr. �Yrowitherean for the goods hall be paid do or before the i0th day of the month following the month,of purchase: Any portion of the gala price not paid within said time�periotl shall thereafter hear interest of the t rata of EIGHTEEN PERCENT (18 ANNUM until be itl,ywdh attorneys tees and costs of Collection and without relief from valuation and'apprelsemeht laws, All;:claims and returned goods MUST be accompanied by this invoice, and all goods must be. returned•in new condition. There is a 20h charge on all returns. There will be no refund or exchange on electrical parts. The factory warranty conelit�tes alGdl the warranties,with respect le the Sale of this ilemf'hems. The seller herehy'expressly disclaims all warranties, either Z 0xpre558d o implied ine�uding any rmplieG__warrenty, of m @mhanlability or fitness for a padicuiar. purpose and the seller neither assumes nor authpriEes'any othei,persa to ;asspmedocit any liability in. connection with the sele,of this Ite!r!lltems.. -y. 7 di 31' CA.RMEL WELDING dines 19 4. F 550 S. Rangelrrle Rd. r Carmel, IN.46032 377- 846-3493 FAXr 31.7- 8488760 www.carmelwelding.com t ,SOLD TO: SHIP TO: CARMEI_, STREET DEPARTMENT �ARMEL' a OTREE I)E1= 'ARTM� NT 307117 34-OP-1 T. 1 3;1ST STREET 3400 WEST ,.1'3VnS,T STREET' k• WEST EL1) I C�II) I aNA �FS0Z074 I�IESTF I_ELt�; IC3I Ai}IA 4E,7Lr' E RM I DIAL 7 r T rc rx e m pt o n n 0200 31 `0Z01550710Z02 r WWW GFi MELWE�LI)I NG. COM._...w ...._P l e s e k e e F0 r eic'?J. pt i for .r ?t sj within 307r ,days: 2020% rest!`acki�rg SHIPFIELI VIA; CUSTOMER PICKUP char�,g� ila return on electi�ici or- special• arde -r 14a:21:0r�,3 PA 1 OF 1 DATE INVOICE NO. SALESMAN P/O NUMBER SPECIAL IT DID 020 °,07017 a 1 1'74'19. 286 !104 t �T I:,1 PMN --5020 CHA I N 141N PMN a� ,BP I 1 8% 39. 78 2' 3T I °33RSC --91 'HA I N E 8 T RSG aF' �.1 64. G2 -1 p 1 3T 13 0t 010 fpr7r0-�;� 38 C'S I N RM 3 5 "qr- o 050G S 72.391' 72.3-9 m: n� 1 1 l I 3003--812z—Q8.1.7' 07r070y3-8 °x`31.7 '18I N RM ,c5P 070,36 F 41. 9. 410 95 r f cz l O z r' SI 8 TOTA� 2113.74 HR a ,4 a mi s c. -_>y r71 L BOR' 0.00 ,I r J T�qX 7. �Z+IZ00 ?t 071. 07r0 RECD BV INVOICE 1 rOTAL­ 2113.74 IMPORTANT, NOTICE It is a reed slrow' f g� part of the consideration for this sale that'RI9'pde9' rt>ftereon for the goods shall he paid on or before the 10th day o1 the month lollowing the modtli`oi Punches :Any Portion of the sale price not paid within said hmq period shalhlhereaiter bear interest at the rate of EIGHTEEN PERCENT (16 PE &ANNUM until paid, with attorney's lees and costs of collection and without relief from valuation and.'appresement laws,'All and returned goods MUST be accompanied by this invol a, and all goods must be returned in new c condition, There is a 20% resiocking'chargetdn. all returns. There will be no refund Or exchange on electrical parts. The factory warranty constitutes all Of the warranties with respect to the sale of this itemlitems. The seller herety expressly disclaims all warranties, either 0 expressed or implied incluiJing ariy,implied,wananty of merchantability or fitness for a padialac purpose and the seller neither assumes nor au[hoiies`any.;pther to'assume;for,it any liability in connection with the sale of this itemlitems.., A RME�. WEL =DING �a` 1z&nr_E 194;9 550 S. RangelI Rd. I Carmel, IN 46032 4 �`Ph. 317- 846 -3493 FAX." 3.17 848,8760 �f www.carmelweld,ing.cami j SOLD TO: SHIP TO: �ARMEI STREET DEPARTMENT FARME' L Ti�EET ',U F'ARTMEhJT 3017 34 rZ� WEG 1 J ST STREET 340 13151. STREET WEvTFIELIi' IpialAhJA 46074. WESTFIE "D' It40JANA 46074 _TERMINAL.: 1E Tax Exempt illn 00312015'3002 WWU CARMELWELDING. COM Plese keep re­�eipt for poi is jneturns' Within 30.rday _o 20 restp- king, BRIE'F'ED VIA: 'CUSTOMER PICKUP charge ia' retk_�rn can electr'irl,. or special cir�d�!in 1�':0c'o�t3 FACE:" 1 OF 1 INVOICE NO I SALESMAN SPECIAL INFOR m 00:x017 24 57 9 2116677 0073007 7. v ii, PART NUMBER DESCRIPTION E, aFdl -1 c _45 LiL -ADE 21 H1. L- I FT NOTC 1 7.77 1 E; c 6r1 6 1X'0227 -72H y.. 1 LADE 7 H.IGI 'L:IFT o- 92 1 5. 24 a }24. OT+ 083 :,OIN HI LI T": DI K IE BLI. 1�; 4�i 371.52' M.O. R1-�70 ]IL FIL -TER; GENERAQ. 2 1 18.75 c 4OH'772,x3 -5 ILTER L7 "Ili i I 1 .S?,i 25.06 1 1. �RP4.92932S FILTEi OIL 11 4 11.4E m o i Rr• I I O Z t ut r n 0 �I i I I4 t I1 TOTA B� I 13. 93 M GAL E-.0 M�TSC. 0.00 and a L�POR _1- 1 W j X 7. 0)ZI0 REC D, Y T f I IV[?ZCE. C3TAL i X58. 93 5 IMPORTANT NOTICE It is agreed part of the c nsid rat n'for this sale that for the goods shall be paid on or before the loth day of the month fallowing the menthol purcb.s Any portion of the sale price not paid within said Ifm �Feriod shall thereafter.bear interest at the rate of EIGHTEEN PERCENT_;18 %).PER ANNUM until paid, with attorney's fees and costs of collection and without relief from valuation and apprafsement laws. All claims and returned goods MUST be accompanied by his invoi e, ll goods must ba returned in new condition. Thera is a 20 restocking charge on all retum5. There will be no refund or exchange on electrical pans. The factory warranty constitutes all'of the warranties with respect to the sale of this itemlitems. The seller hareb expressly disclaims all warranties, either expressed implied Ipclutlirig any. niplied warranlyof merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose and the seller neither assumes nor outhoriies'anv pther.persorijto assume Iorihany liability in connection with the sale of this it /items "r F� t n`v" sa y;r_� P. �x.�: rt.rA j`=•7• rx 4o.:rr.. r i i, CAI MEL V I/E","DING e. �9g` t 550 S. Rangelihe Rd. Carmel, IN 46032.* tPh. 317- 846 -3493 FAX: 317 -848 8760+ www.carmelwelding.com C s 'SOLD TO: SHIP TO: CARt+IELa STRECT DE tARTMENT �GARMEL �3T1tEE .C}.EF'AFZTMEt�#T Cl 17.. s 341 1( ,'WETS 1 ,1 ST STREET 1 400 W E ST i 3 1 T STREET 2 WEST�'I L U; I I�it� I ANA 4 74 I WESTF i �4 ;..T I? I AhIA 4 74 TERMINAL 1 an 003120 185011 W1 EL.WELDING. COM: --,-P �1'ese keep r�e�i;pt for: parts i,e.tur�ns within 1� days Y r nc�.kAng �1�I1= !FiEI3 VIA-. �'ilS,TOMER F= 'Zt"KI1P urge r,' foci; r ~etur n on electt�ical_ or speci.-al' o`4 dl 17„ 1�: „�4 PAGE. I. OF 1, DATE SALESMAN INVOICE NO I SPECIAL INFOR MA�Illlll If 007/00-7 1 ART DESCRIPTION ]IX D11S FILTER. MICRON' AMS; i 58. 15� 11G. 311 IS HAIR p'Ihl i a Rio 60 3 14 Z S'L CLEV I S PI” 0 F,�; 2.07 v O n: i T f�. X Q n 0 S�.1E? TOTAL x 1 18 87 +4 H( �Rt"s S I i f MI SC 0.00 0 .7 RECDf Y II\IV�IGE �I'OTAI 1 18. S7 a ri I i IMPORTANT NOTICE It is agreed part of the for this�salethat F- price she 04ereon for the goods shall be paid on or before the 10th day of th rnonl� folldwib the monN of puicha Any portion of the sale price not paid within said hma 'period shall thereafter bear interest at the nale of EIGHTEEN PERCENT (18 PER ANNUM until paid, wdh attorney's fees and costs of collection and will relief from valuation and appraisemenl laws.'NI',- claims and returned goods MUST be accompanied by this invoi r e, and all goods must be returned in new condition. There is a EO 6'restocking chargo on a8 returns. There will be no refund or exchange on electrical pans. The factory warranty constitutes all'of the warranties with respect to the sale of this itern/ferfls. The seller heiab joxpressly disclaims all warranties, either expressed or implied ir)cl any impliediwarranrypf merchantability or Illness for a particular purpose and the setter neither assumes ,nor aujhorhes_any other,perq, to assume ford[ any liability -in connection with the sale of this itei }n /Items. Prescribed by State Board of Accounts City Form No. 201 (Rev. 1995) ACCOUNTS PAYABLE VOUCHER CITY OF CARMEL An invoice or bill to be properly itemized must show: kind of service, where performed, dates service rendered, by whom, rates per day, number of hours, rate per hour, number of units, price per unit, etc. Payee Purchase Order No. Terms Date Due Invoice Invoice Description Amount Date Number (or note attached invoice(s) or bill(s)) 03/01/09 $1,060.41 1 hereby certify that the attached invoice(s), or bill(s), is (are) true and correct and I have audited same in accordance with IC 5- 11- 10 -1.6 20 Clerk- Treasurer VOUCHER N WARR NO. ALLOWED 20 Carmel Welding and Supply IN SUM OF 550 S. Rangeline Road Carmel, In 46302 $1,060.41 ON ACCOUNT OF APPROPRIATION FOR Carmel Street Department PO# Dept. INVOICE NO. ACCT /TITLE AMOUNT Board Members 2201 42- 370.00 $1,060.41 1 hereby certify that the attached invoice(s), or bill(s) is (are) true and correct and that the materials or services itemized thereon for which charge is made were ordered and received except a rids arch 13, 2009 s f Str p� Commis'si0ner Strm C�omrrlsC nnar Title Cost distribution ledger classification if claim paid motor vehicle highway fund �p WELD§X8 CARMEL =&no /P48 550 S. RangalineRd Carmel, 0V46032 Ph. 317-846'3493 FAX 317-848-8760 VVwVxCarm8|w9|diOg.corn W� i. rCARMEL SOLDTO: SH|PTO: SEWER DEPARTMENT 1 |�CARMEL SEWER DEPARTMENT 3016 760 3RD AVENUE SW 760 3RD AVENUE SW CARMEL INDIANA 46032 CARMEL INDIANA 46032 TERMINAL: 12 L Tax Exemption 356000972001 WWW.CARMELWEL DING. COM-----Plese keep receipt for parts returns within 30 days. 20% restocking SHIPPED VIA: CUSTOMER PICKUP char e No return l t i l or special orders 14:00.-59 PAGE 1 OF 1 31�= 1 SPECIAL INFORMATION 001 2.7 Q 1 9 286740 0 0 QX 4 1� 7 �����PART NUMBER DESCRIPTION m�� Cn (Z 7 N'0 Z 01 0 0 L.E CA L4BOR 8.50 It is agreed as part of the cc ider IMPORTANT NOTICE ns ation for this safe that the N� rate �o�����a�� PER ANNUM goods must be returned condition. There is a 20% restocking charge on all returns. There will be no refund or exchange on electrical parts. The factory warranty constitutes aft expressed or implied, including any implied warranty Of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose and the seller neither assumes nor authorizes any other person to assume for it any liability in connection with the sale of this Itemiltems. Prescribed by State Board of Accounts City Form No. 201 (Rev 1995) ACCOUNTS PAYABLE VOUCHER CITY OF CARMEL An invoice or bill to be properly itemized must show, kind of service, where performed, dates of service rendered, by whom, rates per day, number of units, price per unit, etc. Payee �4 51000 CARMEL WELDING SUPP INC Purchase Order No. 550 S: RANGELINE RD Terms CARMEL, IN 46032 Due Date 3/9/2009 Invoice Invoice Description Date Number (or note attached invoice(s) or bill(s)) Amount 3/9/2009 280740 $43.02 hereby certify that the attached invoice(s), or bill(s) is (are) true and :orrect and I have audited same in accordance with IC 5- 11- 10 -1.6 Date Officer V 095167 WARRANT ALLOWED 51000 IN SUM OF CARMEL WELDING SUPP INC 550 S. RANGELINE RD CARMEL, IN 46032 j Carmel Wastewater Utility ON ACCOUNT OF APPROPRIATION FOR Board members PO INV ACCT AMOUNT Audit Trail Code 286740 01- 7502 -06 $43.02 Voucher Total $43.02 Cost distribution ledger classification if claim paid under vehicle highway fund CARMEL WEL09NO 550 S. Rangeline Rd Carmel, 8V46032 Ph. 317-846-3493 FAX 317-848-8760 xvxvvKcarOle1xv9|ding.CO'm SOLD TO: SHIP TO: F—�` --1 |���RMEL SEWER DEPARTMENT |�*RMEL SEWER DEPARTMENT 3016 760 3RD AVENUE SW 760 3RD AVENUE SW JCARMEL INDIANA 46032 CARMEL INDIANA 46032 TERMINAL: 16 Tax Exe'mption 35600097 WWW.CARMELWELDING.COM-----Plese keep receipt for parts returns within 30 days. 20% restocking SHIPPED VIA: CUSTOMER PICKUP char return l t i l or special Orders 16:28:18 PAGE 1 OF 1 P/O NUMBER �SOECIAL INFORMATION 003Q.11L 3/121/00 2'117169 01171007� I DESCRIPTION REPAIR HOSE 8.50 8. 50 0 171�� m 0 r p 0 �EUD MAR 1. 2 2009 0 >IARGE ALE MISC. 0. 00 L.-tBOR 8.50 T4X* 7.0110 0.00 RECD 8 1 11 ---I IMPORTANT NOTICE I\IVCIJCE TOTAL 14.20 It is agreed as part of �a���, N� condi Th"°',"uom°*�* will be"°��^^."=�n with �=�."m^=/.mmiswmm^�,m.°o..^^~b m�aim"*/"==�,"u^", or implied, including any implied warranty of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose and the seller neither assumes nor authorizes any other p to assume for it any liability in connection with the sale of this item/items, Form No. (Rev. State Board 1995)Accounts ACCOUNTS PAYABLE VOUCHER Fom No. 301 1995) TO ADDRESS Invoice Date Invoice Number Item Amount I hereby certify that the attached invoice(s), or bill(s), is (are) true and correct and that the materials or services itemized thereon for which charge is made were ordered and received except 19 Signature Title I hereby certify that the attached invoice(s), or bill(s), is (are) true and correct and I have audited same in accordance with IC 5- 11- 10 -1.6. 31L, X, Officer Title Voucher No. Warrant No. ACCOUNTS PAYABLE DETAILED ACCOUNTS SANITATION DEPARTMENT ACCT. NO. CARMEL, INDIANA Favor Of Total Amount of Voucher Deductions 9 6 Amount of Warrant Month of 19 VOUCHER RECORD Acct. No. Collection System Operation Plant Commercial General Undistributed Construction Depreciation Reserve Stock Accounts Merchandise Total Allowed Board Members Filed BOYCE FOAMS SYSTEMS 1 -800- 382 -8702 325 RMEL WEL DING _&^c 194S 550SiFangelineRd. Cannal,0V.46032 Ph. 317'846'3493 FAX 3/7'G48'87BD Vvvxm/carDle|vVg|diOg.Dom SOLO TO: SHIP TO: CARMEL CLAY PARKS AND REC CARMEL CLAY PARKS AND REC. 2.093 1411 EAST 11GTH STREET 1411 EAST 11674-1 STREET CARMBL, INDIANA 46032 CQR�EL, INDIANA 4G032 TERM%NAL: 12 Tax Exemption 002423120001 WWW,, CAR COM-----Plose keep receipt Work Order 73595 For parts returns within 30 days. 20 Y. restocHing SHIPPED VIA: CUSTOMER PICKUP chargP. No return on electrical or special orders 10:33:31 PAGE: 1 OF 1 ACCT. No. DATE 'SPECIAL INFORMAtION 7 3j PART NUM13ER DESCRTTION rn 11 1 I US t4ARDWARE 3.18 3.18 m T 102.00 FABRICATE BRACKE 1 121 F41 V i li t Z 0 0 PorF esil REGo EIY t )024�4�� thi It is agreed 83 g o od s collection and without relief from musticin and appraisement laws. All claims and returned goods MUST be accompanied by this introice, and all goods must be returned in condition, There is a 20% hisloCking charge on ail returns. There will be no refund or icccliange on electrical pals The factory warranty constitutes all ofthe warrantieswith respect to the sale ofthis. iterniii Theseller hereby expresslydisclairns all warranties ellhe" DXpfessed or implied, including any implied warranty of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose and [he seller neither assumes not authorizes any other person to assume for it any liabilitv in connection with the sole Df this itemillems. ACCOUNTS PAYABLE VOUCHER CITY OF CARMEL An invoice of bill to be properly itemized must show; kind of service, where performed, dates service rendered, by whom, rates per day, number of hours, rate per hour, number of units, price per unit, etc. Payee Purchase Order No. 051000 Carmel Welding Terms 550 S Rangeline Rd Date Due Carmel, IN 46032 Invoice Invoice Description Date Number (or note attached invoice(s) or bill(s)) Amount 2/25109 286652 Hose reel install on trailer 160.77 Total 160.77 I hereby certify that the attached invoice(s), or bill(s) is (are) true and correct and I have audited same in accordance with iC 5- 11- 10 -1.6 1 20 Clerk- Treasurer (oucher No. Warrant No. 051000 Carmel Welding Allowed 20 550 S Rangeline Rd Carmel, IN 46032 In Sum of :1 e 160.77 ON ACCOUNT OF APPROPRIATION FOR 101 General PO# or INVOICE NO. ACCT #/TITLE AMOUNT Board Members Dept 1125 286652 4350000 160.77 1 hereby certify that the attached invoice(s), or bill(s) is (are) true and correct and that the materials or services itemized thereon for which charge is made were ordered and received except 12 -Mar 2009 a!� 122 Signature 160.77 Accounts Payable Coordinator Cost distribution ledger classification if Title claim paid motor vehicle highway fund