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176594 08/31/2009
CITY OF CARMEL, INDIANA VENDOR: 042595 Page 1 of 1 ONE CIVIC SQUARE CARMEL CLAY SCHOOLS -FUEL PAYME NECK AMOUNT: $7,429.28 CARMEL INDIANA 46032 EDUCATION SERVICE CENTER 5201 E 131ST ST CHECK NUMBER: 176594 CARMEL IN 46033 CHECK DATE: 8/31/2009 DE PARTME NT 4 ACC OUNT PO N UMBER IN VOICE NUMBER A MOUNT DESCRIPTIO 115 4231300 336.99 DIESEL FUEL -PARKS 1115 4231400 139.65 GASOLINE -COMM CENTER 1115 4231400 1,792.44 GASOLINE -PARKS •1120 4231300 1,000.69 DIESEL FUEL -FIRE 1120 4231400 628.44 GASOLINE -FIRE 1192 4231400 285.12 GASOLINE -COMM SERV 1205 4231400 91.01 GASOLINE ADMINITRN 2200 4231400 87.81 GASOLINE ENGINEERING 2201 4231300 453.47 DIESEL FUEL STREET 2201 4231400 676.54 GASOLINE STREET 601 5023990 1,163.98 FUEL UTILITIES 651 5023990 773.14 FUEL UTILITIES Account #002 A��ount name CARMEL FIRE DEPT DENISE SNYDER Account address 2 CIVIC SQUARE, CARMEL 571-2622 Date Time Tnm Amt 0rivr Vehcl Odomtr ��board Type Pum� Prod QuantiLy Price Amount A0 0� 2N09 4 07�28 0��5 �O 5745 054 08288 0-Norma� 04 DlES[L M0QL8.�0 2.141 00J8.54 AUG 01 2809 08:44 0Q06 002 5945 0�3L 068000 0-Nurmal 0J 8�- DIESEL ��24.4�0 2.#1 0052.24 AU8 01 20 09 21�54 0021 002 59�0 02J2 056325 0'Normal 04 0 2- DlESEL &�814.5O0 2.l41 003L.04 �UG N2 2009 09�0� 0005 0N2 57�8 0�09 0810N0 O-Normal 04 02- DlESEL 80828,8�0 2.14L 0044.53 AUG 02 2N09 Q9�03 0006 082 57�8 0260 00B000 0-Normai 01 01- UNLEAN[D 00009.YWQ 2.172 0021,50 AUG 0Z. 20Q9 13�35 0W10 �O �733 0545 025473 DlESEL 00007.90W 2.141 00�6,9i AUG 82. 20W9 19�N7 0Q19 �O 5086 04D 0/Y853 W-Normo\ 02 0i UNLEADEU Q0019.0Q0 2.172 0041.27 AUG 05 2009 19�28 00D 0W2 5@5 Q526 08509 N-Normal 02 81- UNLEADE0 00086.000 2.2B1 0013.6Y AUG 06 2009 87�42 00O6 @02 5945 05J1 868�� �'Normal Q3 02' 0lESEL Q00l9.�0Q 2.141 004W.89 N@ 06. NN no mom Q02 2455 0532 N88562 Inn 0-Normal 02 0 003P.79 AUG 0& 2009 1 1�49 n020 �n 5930 02J2 B53574 ??7??????? 0'Normol 04 02- DIESEL 8Q�\5.700 2.Nl AUG N7. ��9 N8�32 Q815 002 5Y�l B543 ��09M ?7???????? 0-Normo| 02 01- UNUEADED ���5.�00 2.2S1 0035.iJ AUG 07, 2009 09�J4 00D 002 5541 0254 020J97 0-Normal 04 02- DIESEL 0WN14.400 2.141 0030.83 AUG W7 2UQ9 11�i5 0W24 0N2 5870 0570 079l33 ????7???7? Q'Normal Q2 81- 8NLEAD[D 08007.40N 2.281 �0l6.88 AU8 �7 2009 l3�59 0 0J8 Q02 5594 05�J 077Q26 0-Norma\ 82 01- UNLEAD[D 0001i .500 2.2Ol W026.23 AUG 07 2009 L5�40 N%4Y 002 5932 04 96 899424 0'Nnrmal 02 W1- UNLEADED 00036.300 2.281 0082.80 AUG 07. 2009 15�57 0050 002 5875 0409 038565 B'Norma] 03 02- DlESEL 80Q14.000 2.141 0�2Y.97 AUG 07 20W9 20�40 0N53 Q02 2176 04�9 090382 M-Normal 03 02' DlES[L 0@021.i00 2.�41 QN45.18 AUG 0B 2009 0Y�23 �005 0 O 5746 02 9 W57127 0'Norma\ 01 QI' UNLEAD[0 00017.8N0 2.281 N840.6W AUG 08, 2&0Y 0Y�50 0006 002 5424 Q250 a562)2 rmal 04 02- DlESEL 00�18.900 2./@ 8040 �6 AUG 08 2009 1\��5 0009 NO2 1N42 0230 072151 0-Normal 03 02- DlESEi 00012.70Q 2.141 0N27.8 AUG 09 2809 W9�08 0W04 W�2 5076 0542 85�038 0-Normal 02 01- UNLEADED 000L2.400 2.2Bi 0028.28 AUG AN 20B9 2! �J0 W016 W02 590 0545 Q25859 0-Normal 0J Q2- IT it- 08013.600 2.141 It 0029,�2 AUG \0, 2009 6 00W9 Q02 5L01 0568 0N367J Q-Normo! 02 0L- UNLEA0ED �0024.000 2.281 0Q�4.74 AUG \0 20�9 07�23 00i1 002 5745 053l 079068 �-Norma} 0J 02' D�ES[L 0N015.000 2.l4i 0032.12 A0G LW, 20N9 0' 4A- Q02W 002 2D3 05# Q8J\�� 0-Normai Q4 02- DlBEL 00Q22 .0W0 2.141 U047. AUG 1Q 2009 O�05 W�41 QN2 52Y6 �2 01 UNLEADED 000 21 .900 2.2O1 W04Y.Y5 28O9 �5�32 8N54 002 55i9 044 786 0-Normal 04 02- DIESEL 00031.600 2.14L 006J.66 AUG 18, 2009 15�45 0Q58 &02 5930 02J2 0 0-Normal 03 02' DlESEL 08016.2N0 0034.68 AUG 10 2009 �6/22 NQ6Q 002 57}0 N529 8B�05/ 0'Normal &3 N2- DlESEL 0@02i.8@Q 2.141 00�6.67 AUG 10, 2�09 16�56 0061 002 57�5 0531 079129 0'Normal 03 02' D}ESEL 00821.Q00 2.141 0044.96 AUG 2009 l6��9 0034 002 5Y3l N543 Q90936 0'Normal @2 0i- UHL[ADEU 00013.600 2.2O1 003�.02 AUG 11. 2009 20�22 0040 0�2 28�6 05# 083295 0-Normal Q4 02- DI[SEL 00��8.5Q0 2.141 I 0Q39.61 AUG 12 2009 07�21 0006 002 2014 Q337 076793 0-Normal 0i 01- UNLEAD[D 00024.60Q 2,281 0056.il AUG 12 20 0 09 1Y�24 �52 002 2164 0545 026012 7 T. 77 0-Normal 04 02- Dl[SEL 000?5.600 2.14' 0054.81 AUG 13. 2009 Q9�02 @017 Q@2 593\ 05�J 09Q607 0-Normai 02 01- UHLEAUED 8Q008.JN0 2.28| 000.93 AUG 13, 2009 21:34 N051 002 5933 02J2 053682 0-Nurmo} 03 02' DIESEL 8N014.900 2.14| Q0J1,9Q AUG 14, 2089 09�W2 0016 082 �877 0359 N49QR7 0'Norma� 02 01- UNLEAD[D D0�18.1W0 2.281 0041.29 AU8 14 2009 L2�11 003i 0O2 55Y� 0�33 077466 0-Norma} 02 81- UNLEAD[D 0Q&88.300 2.281 081O.93 AU 4 7 8047 8 5747 02J0 8722C0 0-Normal R. 02- DlESEL 00019.00N 2.141 004�.68 AUG 1 2009 l6�06 805J 002 ?030 0544 083843 0-Norma| 03 02' DlBEi 00825.0Q0 I 2.l�1 0053,53 AUG 15 2009 08:�5 0OB/ 002 5945 0531 068500 0'Norma} 83 02' D{ES[L 00010.000 2.1�L 002i.41 AUG l5, 2009 09�JJ 0810 002 5869 0232 05J7l2 0-Normal N4 0 2' D 5 D. 2889 12�58 0N13 002 5414 0259 857443 Q-Normal Q2 0�' UNLEAD[0 00Q08.900 2.281 0028.J0 Usage Total Product 01 UNLEADED 276.900 Gallon 628.44 Product 02 DIESEL 467.400 Gallon 1000.69 1629.13 Prescribed by State Board of Accounts City Form No. 201 (Rev. 1995) L ACCOUNTS PAYABLE VOUCHER CITY OF CARMEL An invoice or bill to be properly itemized must show: kind of service, where performed, dates service rendered, by whom, rates per day, number of hours, rate per hour, number of units, price per unit, etc. Payee Purchase Order No. Terms Date Due Invoice Invoice Description Amount Date Number (or note attached invoice(s) or bill(s)) $628.44 $1,000.69 I hereby certify that the attached invoice(s), or bill(s), is (are) true and correct and I have audited same in accordance with IC 5- 11- 10 -1.6 20 Clerk- Treasurer VOUCHER NO. W ARRANT NO. ALLOWED 20 Carmel Clay Schools 4.. IN SUM OF 5201 East 131st Street Carmel, IN 46032 $1,629.13 ON ACCOUNT OF APPROPRIATION FOR Carmel Fire Department PO# Dept. INVOICE NO. ACCT /TITLE AMOUNT Board Members 1120 42- 314.00 $628.44 i hereby certify that the attached invoice(s), or 1120 42- 313.00 $1,000.69 bill(s) is (are) true and correct and that the materials or services itemized thereon for which charge is made were ordered and received except Al-16 312009 /X`-- r Fire Chief Title Cost distribution ledger classification if claim paid motor vehicle highway fund 1 CLAY Carmel Clay Schools Continuing Excellence in Education FUEL INVOICE Carmel Clay Schools Educational Service Center 5201 E. 131" Street Carmel, IN 46033 Attention: Sue Ardiaolo Bill To: Carmel Police Department, Teresa Anderson Carmel Fire Department, Denise Snyder Carmel Utilities, Lisa Kempa Carmel Street Department, Bonnie Callahan IN Carmel Communications, J. Arnone D.O.C.S., Sue Coy Carmel Engineering, Judy Stohler Carmel Parks and Recreation, Paula Schlemmer L( Driver's Education, Tom Pagan Carmel City Administration, Shelley Lingelbaugh A& Billing Date: August 15, 2009 East Side Transportation fuel charges 130, 0 Facilities Transportation Department —5185 East 131" Street, Carmel, IN 46033 3171844 -8207 —Fax 3171571 -9659 Account #004 Account name CARMEL STREFT DEPT BONNIE CALLA Acdount address 3400 W 131 ST WESTFIELD IN 46074 733-2001 Date Time tan Aot Drivr Y*hd Odomtr Keyboard Type Pump Prod Quantity Price Amount AUG It 2N9 09 a2 N010 004 5727 0329 02MO2 0-Nomal 81 0- UNLEADED IN27.70N 2181 0063.18 AUG 06 2889 10:17 8013 004 5770 0582 896052 0-Normai 82 01- 1-11INL[ADE0 00024.000 2.281 Q054.74 AUG It 2009 14:55 0035 084 2J65 Q234 071219 0'Nnrmal 02 BY UNL[ADED 00026.8W0 2181 1 0061.O AIUG 06, 2909 Q57 0038 004 390 0583 874355 0-Normal 02 BY UNLEAD[D 0N15.48N 2.281 0035.O AUG N7 2N09 14;11 0041 084 5860 0322 898952 0-Normal 02 01- UNLEADED 00026400 2.281 0868.22 M0 07, 2009 1025 0047 004 2365 0455 134564 0-Normal 04 02' DIESEL 00031.400 2.141 0067.23 AUG 10 2009 1006 0032 004 2J73 0594 832014 0-Normal 03 82- Bl[S[L 00832.580 2.141 8069.58 AUG 1i, 2009 0001 0009 004 1086 0592 092260 Q-Norma} 04 ON DIESEL 0O0J6A00 2.l41 0077.93 AUG U 2809 8052 0814 004 2G2 0584 0772i4 0-Normal 02 01- UNLEADED 00028.200 2.281 0064,32 00 11 20Q7 0914 0815 014 202 8584 000000 0-Normal @l BY UNLEADED 00031580 2.28I 00O0.98 AUG 11 2W09 0917 0016 004 5368 0587 064402 04orel 02 0' UNLEADED 00020.100 2,281 0045.85 AUG 12, 2009 0&22 001Q ON 2285 W590 035578 0-Normai 04 yO- DIESEL 00029.400 2.141 0062.Y5 AUG 1J 2009 09:17 0020 004 207 0326 06201 Q-Nnrmal 01 O1- UNLEADED @0040.V1 2.28\ 0N93.29 AUG 13. 2009 09:23 0022 004 557I 0510 007B9Q 0-Normal 01 BY UNLEADED 00023.3W0 2181 0053.15 AUG 13, 2009 10:09 0025 804 2636 0456 044132 0'Normal 04 02- DIESEL 000J3.800 5 2.141 1 0072.37 AUG 13 2009 1122 00J1 004 2285 0590 035645 8-No,mal 04 02- DIESEL N0029.300 2.141 00 62.75, RG 14 2009 0912 0020 004 1086 0592 092456 0'Normal 04 02- DIESEL Q0819.8I0 2.141 0N0.68 AUG 14, 2Q09 14,02 0039 ON N26 0584 07746 04ormal 01 0K UNLEADED 00028300 2101 Q064.5' Usage Total Product 01 UNLEADED 296.600 Gallon 676.54 Product 02 DIESEL 211.800 Gallon 453.47 1130.0l Prescribed by State Board of Accounts City Form No. 201 (Rev. 1995) ACCOUNTS PAYABLE VOUCHER CITY OF CARMEL An invoice or bill to be properly itemized must show: kind of service, where performed, dates service rendered, by whom, rates per day, number of hours, rate per hour, number of units, price per unit, etc. Payee Purchase Order No. Terms Date Due Invoice Invoice Description Amount Date Number (or note attached invoice(s) or bill(s)) 08/28/09 $676.54 08/28/09 $453.47 I hereby certify that the attached invoice(s), or bill(s), is (are) true and correct and I have audited same in accordance with IC 5- 11- 10 -1.6 20 Clerk- Treasurer VOUCHER,NO- WARRANT NO. ALLOWED 20 Carmel Clay Schools IN SUM OF 5201 E. 131st Street Carmel, IN 46033 $1,130.01 ON ACCOUNT OF APPROPRIATION FOR Carmel Street Department PO Dept, INVOICE NO. ACCT /TITLE AMOUNT Board Members 2201 42- 314.00 $676.54 1 hereby certify that the attached invoice(s), or 2201 42 313.00 $453.47 bill(s) is (are) true and correct and that the materials or services itemized thereon for which charge is made were ordered and received except Thutsda ugust 27, 2009 y Stre Cornmfs oner Stre v vt�17'm,l >Rnnar Title Cost distribution ledger classification if claim paid motor vehicle highway fund i CLAYS Cannel Clay Schools Continuing Excellence in Education FUEL INVOICE Carmel Clay Schools Educational Service Center 5201 E. 131 Street Carmel, IN 46033 Attention: Sue Ardiaolo Bill To: Carmel Police Department, Teresa Anderson Carmel Fire Department, Denise Snyder Carmel Utilities, Lisa Kempa Carmel Street Department, Bonnie Callahan Carmel Communications, J. Arnone(o D.O.C.S., Sue Coy Q Carmel Engineering, Judy Stohler Carmel Parks and Recreation, Paula Schlemmer Driver's Education, Tom Pagan Carmel City Administration, Shelley Lingelbaugh Billing Date: August 15, 2009 East Side Transportation fuel charges Facilities Transportation Department 5185 East 131" Street, Carmel, IN 46033 3171844- 8207 —Fax 3171571 -9659 Vehicle #0476 Datp Timp Tran Amt Drivr Vehc\ 0domtr Keyboard Tvpe Pump Prnd Quantity Price Amnu 0l 2089 05�20 0N0 0476 927931 Q-Nomml 02 01' UNL �ED 0038.44 Usage Total Product 01 UNLEADED 17.700 Gallon 38.44 38.44 Mileage Total Beginning 927931 Ending 927931 Traveled 0 MPG CPM Wshicle #0517 Date Time Tran Ac Drivr Vehcl Odumtr Keyhoard Type Pump Prod Quantity Price Amouot AUG &1 2�� 10�35 00Q9 006 5473 Q5l7 01744; 0-Norma) 02 N1- UNLEADED 00023.600 2.172 0051.26 0028 006 5473 I 0D715 0-Norma> 01 01- UNLEADED 00021.900 2.281 0N49.95 Usage Total Product 01 UNLEADED 45.500 Gallon 101.21 101.21 MileagenTotal445 Ending 17715 Traveled 270 MPG 12'32 CPM .1850 Account #006 Account name COMMUNICATIONS JANET ARNONE Account address 31 1ST NW CARMEL !Ni) 571-2586 Date Time Ton Acnt Drivr VoW Odnmtr Keyboard Type Pump Pmd Quantity Price Amount RUB 0q 2N9 05:20 000 006 5305 0476 927931 ???????IT 0-Nnmal 82 01- U F AUED 00017.700 2.172 0038.44 AUG 01 2089 10:35 0009 006 5473 0517 017445 8'Normal 82 01- UREADED 00021600 2.172 0151.26 00 1l 2009 13:49 0028 006 5473 0517 017715 00ormal 01 01- 0&[AND W0021.W0 2181 00#9.Y5 Usage Total Product 01 UNLEADED 63.200 Gallon 139.65 139.65 Prescribed by Stale board of Accounts City Form No. 201 (Rev. 1995) ACCOUNTS PAYABLE VOUCHER CITY OF CARMEL An invoice or bill to be properly itemized must show: kind of service, where performed, dates service rendered, by whom, rates per day, number of hours, rate per hour, number of units, price per unit, etc. Payee Purchase Order No. Terms Date Due Invoice Invoice Description Amount Date Number (or note attached invoices) or bill(s)) 08/15/09 I I $139.65 1 hereby certify that the attached invoice(s), or bill(s), is (are) true and correct and I have audited same in accordance with IC 5- 11- 10 -1.6 1 20 Clerk- Treasurer VOUCHE NO. WARRANT NO. ALLOWED 20 Carmel Clay Schools Educational Services Center IN SUM OF 5201 E. 131st Street Carmel, IN 46033 $139.65 ON ACCOUNT OF APPROPRIATION FOR Carmel Clay Communications PO# I Dept. INVOICE NO. ACCT #!TITLE AMOUNT Board Members 1115 42- 314.00 $139.65 1 hereby certify that the attached invoice(s), or bill(s) is (are) true and correct and that the materials or services itemized thereon for which charge is made were ordered and received except Wednesday, August 26, 2009 Director Title Cost distribution ledger classification if claim paid motor vehicle highway fund Account #007 Account name D O C S SUE COY Account address 1 Civic Square Carmel 571-2418 Date Tise Tram Ami Drivr Vehd 0domtr Kpybuard lype Pup Prnd Quantity Price Amount AUG 05 2019 14:32 00I0 007 2H6 0N9 04304 0-Noma} 02 01' UNL[ADE0 010-312.700 2.281 00 AUG 07, 2009 13:14 0035 007 3508 0336 049738 0-Normol 02 01- UNLEADED 00W24.000 2.281 0054.74 AUG 07 2009 14:04 0039 OF 2421 0632 806942 0-Normal 02 0\- UNLEADED 00020000 2.281 0046.99 AUG 07. 2009 1418 084N 007 J5QO 0404 016372 0-Normal 02 0\' UNLEADED 01011.0Q0 2081 8025.09 WO 10, 2009 1000 00?9 007 2347 0407 024464 0-Normal 02 01- UNL[ADEU 0001J.200 2.20 0030.11 AUG 12 2009 09:06 004 007 1805 0472 036]16 0-Norma\ 01 01- UNLEADED 00011.000 2.281 0025.09 06 14 20Q9 15:29 0050 007 242l 05N9 001753 0'Norma| 82 01- UNLEAD[D 000J2100 1281 0074.lJ Usage Total Product 01 UNLEADED 125.000 Gallon 285.12 285.12 Prescribed by State Board of Accounts City Form No. 201 (Rev- 1995) ACCOUNTS PAYABLE VOUCHER CITY OF CARMEL An invoice or bill to be properly itemized must show: kind of service, where performed, dates service rendered, by whom, rates per day, number of hours, rate per hour, number of units, price per unit, etc. Payee Purchase Order No. Terms Date Due Invoice Invoice Description Amount Date Number (or note attached invoice(s) or bill(s)) 08/15/09 Gas city vehicles $285.12 I hereby certify that the attached invoice(s), or bill(s), is (are) true and correct and I have audited same in accordance with IC 5- 11- 10 -1.6 20 Clerk- Treasurer VOUCHER NO. WARRANT NO. ALLOWED 20 Carmel Clay Schools 1. IN SUM OF 5201 E. 131 st Street Carmel, IN 46033 $285.12 ON ACCOUNT OF APPROPRIATION FOR Carmel DOCS Department PO#/ Dept. INVOICE NO. ACCT /TITLE AMOUNT Board Members 1192 42- 314.00 $285.12 I hereby certify that the attached invoice(s), or bill(s) is (are) true and correct and that the materials or services itemized thereon for which charge is made were ordered and received except Thursday, August 27, 2009 ector, DO Title Cost distribution ledger classification if claim paid motor vehicle highway fund cLAV Carmel Clay Schools Continuing Excellence in r •c��MCL. INDP�' Education FUEL INVOICE Carmel Clay Schools Educational Service Center 5201 E. 131 Street Carmel, IN 46033 Attention: Sue Ardiaolo Bill To: Carmel Police Department, Teresa Anderson Carmel Fire Department, Denise Snyder Carmel Utilities, Lisa Kempa Carmel Street Department, Bonnie Callahan Carmel Communications, J. Arnone D.O.C.S., Sue Coy Carmel Engineering, Judy Stohler Carmel Parks and Recreation, Paula Schlemmer Driver's Education, Tom Pagan Carmel City Administration, Shelley Lingelbaugh Billing Date: August 15, 2009 East Side Transportation fuel charges Facilities Transportation Department 5185 East 131 Street, Carmel, IN 46033 3171844 -8207 Fax 3171571 -9659 i i Account #011 Account name ADMINISTRATION Shelly Lingelbau Account address 1 CIVIC SQUARE CARMEL IN 571-2465 Date Time Tran Amt Urivr Vehci Odomtr K"board Type Pump Prod &uantity Price Amount NO 06 2009 08W ON9 011 2340 0399 013008 N-Nomm} 02 01' UNL E A D ED 000 2.281 0023.27 AUG 11. 2009 1134 0025 0i1 5929 0J98 095449 0-Normal 01 01- UNLEADED GI013100 2.2N 0031.02 AUG 14 2009 0459 0022 011 2453 0397 069631 0-Normal 02 0l- UNLEADED 0000100 2.281 00J6.72 Usage Total Product 01 UNLEADED 39.900 Gallon 9101 91.01 Vehicle #0397 Date Time Tran Amt Urivr Vphc1 Odumtr Keyboard Type Punp Prod Quantity Price Amount NO 14 2009 0059 0022 011 2453 0J97 069631 0-Nnrma1 02 01- UNLEADED 00016.100 1281 08J6.72 Usage Total Product 01 UNLEADED 16.100 Gallon 36.72 36.72 Mileaqe Total Beginning 69631 Ending 69631 Traveled 0 MPG CPM Vehicle #0398 Date Time Tran Acnt 8rivr Vehcl Odomtr Keyboard Type Pump Prod Quantity Price Amount NO 11, 2009 13/34 0025 M1 5929 0398 085449 0-Normal 01 0\- UNLEADED 0001 2.281 W Usage Total Product 01 UNLFADED 13.600 Gallon 31.02 31.02 Mileage Total Beginning 85449 Ending 85449 Traveled 0 MPG CPM Vehicle #0399 Date Time Trao Acnt Drivr Vehcl Udomtr Ke,board Type Pump Prod Quantity Price Amount AUG 06 2009 08:36 0009 011 2340 0N9 0J0083 0-Normal 02 0l- UNLEADED 02010.20W 2.281 002J.27 Usage Total Product 01 UNLEADED 10.200 Gallon 23.27 23.27 Mileage Total Beginning 30083 Ending 30083 Traveled 0 MPG CPM Prescribed by Slate Board of Accounls City Form No. 201 (Rev. 1995) ACCOUNTS PAYABLE VOUCHER CITY OF CARMEL An invoice or bill to be properly itemized must show: kind of service, where performed, dates service rendered, by whom, rates per day, number of hours, rate per hour, number of units, price per unit, etc. Payee Carmel Clay Sch ools Purchase Order No. Terms Date Due Invoice Invoice Description Amount Date Number (or note attached invoice(s) or bill(s)) 08/15/09 Adman G;;-.nImne for inistration eastside charges) $91.01 Total 1 hereby certify that the attached invoice(s), or bill(s), is (are) true and correct and I have audited same in accordance with IC 5- 11- 10 -1.6. 20 Clerk- Treasurer VOUCHER Ngp 31 09 WARRANT NO. ALLOWED 20 Cent IN SUM OF 5 201 E. 131st Street Carmel IN 460,2 $91.01 ON ACCOUN�;@hWr �O�P {ATION FOR 1205 Administration Board Members PO# or DEPT H INVOICE NO. ACCT #/TITLE AMOUNT I hereby certify that the attached invoice(s), or bill(s) is (are) true and correct and that the 120 Admin 314 $91.01 materials or services itemized thereon for which charge is made were ordered and received except 2 f.. �ig�atur Title Cost distribution ledger classification if claim paid motor vehicle highway fund CLAY Carmel Clay schools Continuing Excellence in Education c R �eL. iNO.� ?P FUEL INVOICE Carmel Clay Schools Educational Service Center 5201 E. 131 Street Carmel, IN 46033 Attention: Sue Ardiaolo Bill To: Carmel Police Department, Teresa Anderson ,F Let i F Carmel Fire Department, Denise Snyder' AUG 1 2 2009 Carmel Utilities, Lisa Kempa j Carmel Street Department, Bonnie Callahan Carmel Communications, J. Arnone D.O.C.S., Sue Coy Carmel Engineering, Judy Stohler Carmel Parks and Recreation, Paula Schlemmer Driver's Education, Tom Pagan Carmel City Administration, Shelley Lingelbaugh Billing Date: August 1, 2009 East Side Transportation fuel charges Facilities Transportation Department 5185 East 131 Street, Carmel, IN 46033 3171844 -8207 Fax 3171571 -9659 Account #009 Account name PARKS PAULA SCHLEMMER Account address 1411 E 116 STREET CARMEL,IN 4603 573-4023 Date Time Trao Amt Urivr tip' c} Odnmtr Keyboard Type ��p P�� Quan�ity Price Amou t JUL 16 2 009 10�32 0Q12 �R l�� 055Y 01�N2 0-Nomol 02 01- ��E��D 00020.�0 2.172 0044.53 JUL 16 2009 14 01 02127 0W9 2061 0614 011372 0-Norma| 83 02- DlESEL 0Q007.800 2.141 0016.70 JUL 17 2089 10 1 3 0N\6 009 2 8 056 0 7494 0-Normol 02 01- UNL[AUEU 00025.000 2.D2 0054.30 JUL 17, 2009 l2�7,.3 oil 2J 009 J�J2 0525 020781 0-N o, ma} 02 01- UNi[A0ED 00W�9.200 2.D2 00�1.7N JUL 21 2 0N Y 00] 11�07 6 009 3430 0565 W68946 0-Normal 02 8l- UNLEADED N0015.300 2.172 O3.23 JUL 21 20 0Y 13.01 00 9 009 206 0525 020872 0-Nnrma} 02 01- UNLEADED 00032.@00 2.D2 N069.50 JUL 22 2009 QO32 00l1 009 263N 0609 00259J 0-Norma� 82 Q\- UNLEAD[U 0001k200 2.172 00J0.84 JUL 22 ��9 18�19 00B N89 2161 0616 Q02100 0-Normal 02 01- UNLEADED ��20.60W 2.172 0044.74 JUL 23, 2009 13!14 00J3 009 J028 0558 &22196 0-Normal 82 01- UNL[AUED 00018.100 2.D2 00J9.Jl JUL 24 ��9 08�22 00�1 Q09 2148 0608 N10940 0-Nnrmal 02 01' UNLEA0ED 00030.000 2.172 0065.l6 JUL 27, 200Y 07�56 0014 Q09 2514 0615 002454 2'Handle 02 01- 11 H LQ0ED 00000.000 2.172 0000.00 JUL 27 ��9 07�5R 00i5 2514 0615 ��454 0'Nnrmal 02 01- UNLEADED 00016.700 2.172 00J6.27 JLH L 27 2009 08/19 0017 009 1089 0612 02l607 0-Norma} 02 01- UNi[AD[D 00026.800 2.D2 0058.21 JUL 2/, �09 08:52 0020 089 2161 06O 0l8400 0-Norma\ 02 01- ��[A0E8 ��31.600 2.172 0068.64 JUL 27, 200Y 1J�J2 0039 N09 J4J0 0565 068126 0-Nurmal 01 01- UNL[ADED 000J5.000 2.D2 0076.02 JUL 29 ��9 ]3�2J 0028 009 2161 0566 003100 0-Norma} 02 01- UNLEA DED 001008,4010 2.D2 0018.24 JUL 31 2009 14:24 0035 OR 2 0 A- 1 0619 01125 0-Normal 02 N1- UNLEADED 0001 2.D2 002B.24 Usage Tota] Product 01 UNLEADED 326.400 Gallon 708.93 Product 02 DIESEL 7.800 Gallon 16.70 725.63 q��7�� A& AUG 1 �0�8 �0 �vuo 4�V CLAYS,oO Carmel Clay schools Continuing excellence in Education .114 9f FUEL INVOICE Carmel Clay Schools Educational Service Center 5201 E. 131 Street Carmel, IN 46033 Attention: Sue Ardiaolo Bill To: Carmel Police Department, Teresa Anderson Carmel Fire Department, Denise Snyder Carmel Utilities, Lisa Kempa Carmel Street Department, Bonnie Callahan Carmel Communications, J. Arnone U T AUG 1 2 2009 F D.O.C.S., Sue Coy Carmel Engineering, Judy Stohler Carmel Parks and Recreation, Paula Schlemmer�'� Driver's Education, Tom Pagan Carmel City Administration, Shelley Lingelbaugh Billing Date: August 1, 2009 West Side Transportation fuel charges Facilities Transportation Department 5185 East 131" Street, Carmel, IN 46033 3171844 -8207 Fax 3171571 -9659 Account #009 Account name PARKS PAULA SCHLEMMER Account address 1411 E 116 STRFET CARMEL,IN 46032 573-4023 Date Time Tran �nt Drivr ��c} Odom r �e'�erd Type �mp Prod Quantity Price Amo ot JUL 01 2009 88:02 0003 0 R 2/ 061 06\9 000000 ormo} 03 01-11 NLE 15 EU 0 0 01 1 1 0 2.484 802 .81 JUL 01 20B9 OR 07 0804 009 2061 061� 0l0925 0-Norma\ 0J M1-0&E��D 0802B.�� 2.�84 0N49.68 JUL 06 2R 0� QD N3 0803 009 2861 0619 008880 O- N o rma\ 03 0 1-UNLF� ED 00087.2N0 2.484 0017.88 JUL 08 2 009 1J�46 0009 0B9 2061 Q619 00Q0 8B 0'Hormal &3 Gl'UULEADED 0B821.50N 2.D2 QB46.7Q JUL 09, 288Y 13�0 0011 Q09 2397 0613 B17872 0-Hormal 03 01-UNLEADED 00031.2&0 2.172 0067.77 JUL 0Y. 2009 18�06 0016 009 J421 0607 004366 Q-Normo\ 0J Q1-UHLEADED 00057.980 2.172 0125.76 JUL 1& 2089 1@ 07 807 00Y 2j86 0614 000G0Q 0-Wormal Q2 82-UlESEL 80079.38W 2.�41 B169.73 JUL 13 2009 07�44 000� B09 20�\ Q6\Y &0&@B8 8-Wormal 0J 01-UNLEADED Q000J.9&0 2.D2 Q088.47 JUL 13, 2009 071.46 00&5 089 2061 8619 0000 &-Nurma} 03 81-UNLEADED 00803.8N0 0008.25 JUL N 2009 14-14 0816 009 2061 8619 000000 0-Wurma1 Q3 Q1-UNLEAU'D 00008.900 2.l72 1 HIM. JUL 15, 2009 08�80 000J WQ9 J486 0615 B0Y262 0-Norma} 83 0�-UHLEADED 0G028.60Q 2.D2 0062.12 JUL 1-6 2009 07 55 0003 009 21, 6l 0619 00 00 00 0-Normal 03 01-1i Ni[AUED 00911.800 2.172 0025.63 JUL D 200Y 0 -1 71 0002 009 2397 06\3 018Q2J 0-Normal 03 Q UNLEADED 00015.100 2.i72 0032.80 JUL 22, 2009 10 33 0007 00 9 2154 &339 079799 0-Norma} 0 B1'UNL[ADEU 00024.U�W 2.D2 1 0052.1 0L 24 2009 14 29 0 014 009 2186 N614 01\577 8-Hormal 03 01-U LEADE1-i N8048.200 2.D2 0104.69 JUL 27 2009 09�19 Q011 809 J454 0611 0126D� 03 01-UNLEAUED 00Q\2.508 2.l72 0027.15 JUL 27. 2009 13.59 0025 W89 2&61 �619 081135 0'Nurmal 03 81-UNLEADED 00Q40.300 2.172 0NS7.53 JUL 28. 20&9 07�39 0002 009 2186 0559 81J09 B-Uormal U3 �1-UNLEADED 8G@27.980 2.172 8060.6N JUL 30 2009 10�59 0810 0B9 1092 0616 882383 0-Hnrma} 0J 0�-UNL[ADEU 000l7.7G0 2.172 8838.44 JUL 7 0. 20N9 14:1.1 0016 00 2861 Q614 008000 0-Norma} 83 01-UNLEADED W0Q1J.908 2.172 t 8B30.19 JUL Jl, 2809 !4�09 022 8 Q09 2186 0614 0117 8-Normal G3 0 1-11NLEA0ED 00319.300 2.D2 00 �\.92 Usage c tal Product 01 UNLEADED 425.7Q� Gallon 936.85 Product 02 DIESEL 79.3Q0 Gallon 169.78 1106.63 AUG ���O y� "v CLAY Carmel Clay Schools Continuing Excellence in Education c R MEL. 19 FUEL INVOICE Carmel Clay Schools Educational Service Center 5201 E. 131 Street Carmel, IN 46033 Attention: Sue Ardiaolo 1VT�`D Bill To: AUG 2 2009 BY: Carmel Police Department, Teresa Anderson Carmel Fire Department, Denise Snyder Carmel Utilities, Lisa Kempa Carmel Street Department, Bonnie Callahan Carmel Communications, J. Arnone D.O.C.S., Sue Coy Carmel Engineering, Judy Stohler Carmel Parks and Recreation, Paula Schlemmer 4(q Driver's Education, Tom Pagan Carmel City Administration, Shelley Lingelbaugh Billing Date: August 15, 2009 East Side Transportation fuel charges Facilities Transportation Department 5185 East 131 Street, Carmel, IN 46033 3171844 -8207 —Fax 3171571 -9659 Account #009 Account name PARKS PAULA SCHLEMMER Account address 1411 E 116 STREET CARMEL,IN 46Q3 573-4023 Date Time Tran Amt Drivr Vehc} Odomtr Keyboard Type Pump Prod Quaotity Pris Amount AUG 11 200 09:44 0N3 019 1009 06]2 12H34 0-Norma} 82 N1- UNLEADED 01M5.UR 1281 003181 AUG 12 2M9 1417 0N32 00Y 2Q61 0614 011983 04urma| 02 01' UNLEADED 00027.200 2.281 0062.04 AUG 13 20N9 14:34 0035 009 206 0614 00000Q 0-Normal 04 02- DIESEL 08070300 2.M 015M AUG 15, 2009 W8 00L2 009 MJN 0565 069710 8'Normai 02 01- UNLEADED 00021.4B0 2.281 004181 Usage Total Product 01 UNLEADED 64.300 Gallon 146.66 Product 02 DIESEL 70.300 Gallon 150.51 297.17 AUG 2 4 2009 ACCOUNTS PAYABLE VOUCHER CITY OF CARMEL An invoice of bill to be properly itemized must show; kind of service, where performed, dates service rendered, by whom, rates per day, number of hours, rate per hour, number of units, price per unit, etc. Payee Purchase Order No. 042595 Carmel Clay Schools Terms 5201 E. 131 st St. Date Due Carmel, IN 46033 Invoice Invoice Description Date Number (or note attached invoices) or bill(s)) PO Amount 8/1/09 009 East Side Fuel pumps Gasoline 708.93 8/1/09 009 East Side Fuel pumps Diesel 16.70 8/1/09 009 West side.fuel pumps Gasoline 936.85 8/1/09 009 West side fuel pumps Diesel 169.78 8/15/09 009 East Side Fuel pumps Gasoline 146.66 8/15/09 009 East Side Fuel pumps Diesel 150.51 Total 2,129.43 1 hereby certify that the attached invoice(s), or bill(s) is (are) true and correct and I have audited same in accordance with IC 5- 11- 10 -1.6 1 20 Clerk- Treasurer Joucher No. Warrant No. 042595 Carmel Clay Schools Allowed 20 5201 E. 131 st St. Carmel, IN 46033 In Sum of 2,129.43 ON ACCOUNT OF APPROPRIATION FOR 101 General Fund PO# or INVOICE NO. kCCT #1TITLl AMOUNT Board Members Dept 1125 009 4231400 708.93 1 hereby certify that the attached invoice(s), or 1125 009 4231300 16.70. bill(s) is (are) true and correct and that the 1125 009 4231400 936.85 materials or services itemized thereon for 1125 009 4231300 169.78 which charge is made were ordered and 1125 009 4231400 146.66 received except 1125 009 4231300 150.51 27 -Aug 2009 1)17 1h Signature 2,129.43 Accounts Payable Coordinator Cost distribution ledger classification if Title claim paid motor vehicle highway fund Account #003 Account name CARMEL UTILITIES LISA KEMPA Account address 1 CIVIC SQUARE, CARMEL 571-2443 Date Time Tran Acnt Drivr Vphc\ Odom r Key�erd Type ��p P�� Quantity Pria Amou t AUG 01 2009 21�J0 0020 003 2l15 0�u 0J786R 0-Nnrmal 02 01- �KEAD D 00075,000 2.172 0054.30 AUG 02. 2009 11�4� ��7 00J 2281 ��1 025549 0-Norm�i 02 0�- 0&EADEU 00022.000 2.172 W0�7.78 AUG 05 200Y 1&�37 00l5 0Q3 5�85 0J33 0J6483 0-Normal 02 01- UNLEADE0 000J0.300 2.28l 0Q69.0 AUG 06, 2089 09��7 Q012 003 27\3 0548 032354 0-�ormal 02 01- UNLEADED ��12.�O 2.2OL W029.20 A Uu` 06, 20 0 10 21 0014 00 1026 04Y7 083797 0-yormal 02 01- UNLEAUED 00026.000 2.2O1 0059.J1 AUG 06, 2009 10�40 0N�5 00J 2526 0467 0737N2 0'Norma\ �2 01- UNLEADED 000L2.900 2.281 AUG 06 2009 10�45 0016 00 5876 0467 04 W-Normal 02 0l- UNLEADED 00012.l00 2.28l Q027.60 06, 2�09 \1��6 00i9 0W3 �014 0549 N76J2Y 0-Normal 02 &1' UNLEADE0 000-9.3@0 2.281 8044.02 AUG 06 2�R O��0 0026 �Q 21J2 05�8 05228J n .1 0-Norm�> �02 01- UNiEADFD 00022.500 2.Z81 N051 .J2 AUG 06 ��9 l��26 00 00J 2369 0556 04J�68 0-Normal 82 01- ��EAD[D 00013.�0Q 2.28\ 0��.57 AUG 07 20 R �9�54 0019 58�l 0553 0D452 0-Norma 02 01' UNL[AD[U 000D.�� 2.28l 00J8.78 AUG Q7 200Y �W�04 0021 0W3 5885 025� 000�U 0-Normal 84 Q2' DlESEL 000J6.000 2.01 0077.08 AUG 07, 20QY �0�09 &822 003 5885 N256 Q009W2 0-Norma� 04 02- Dl[SEL 0Q029.000 2.141 00&Z.09 07 200Y 12�46 QQ32 5168 0474 025029 0-Normal 01 81- UNLEAD[U ��20.�� 2.78� 0N46.76 �0 l0 2009 07�J2 W0D 003 3916 0244 lJ20W5 0-Normal 02 01- UNL[AUED 0002J.000 2.281 0052.46 AUG 10. 2009 09�J1 0026 003 5761 0JN2 W0265 0-Norma� 0J 02' DlESEL B0016.0Q0 2.141 0034.26 AUG 10 2Q09 18�31 0030 NO3 2J76 N554 04555J 0-Normal �2 01- UNLEA0ED 0002J.600 2.281 0053.83 AU C, 1W. 2009 11�00 0034 003 5842 0761 N7654� N-Norma} 02 01- UNLEADED 000J1.00Q 2.281 0070.7� �0 0, 2009 Od2 00�J 00J 5777 05�2 035�14 0-Nnrma} 01 8l- UNL[AUED ��25.600 AUG 10 201 0Y O 0,046 0 0 7 1 2716 0284 N63748 -Norm-1 02 01- UNLEA0ED 000�2.00W 2.2R1 ���.37 AUG l0, 2009 14�J2 0050 00J 5278 0507 056959 0-Norma} 0J 02' DlESEL Q0Q30.0W0 2.141 Q064.23 AUG 10 2009 14:45 8051 W0J 5926 �65 014103 0-Normal Q2 01- UNLEA8[U 00025.0W0 2.281 0057.QO AUG 10` 2@09 15�36 00�5 003 21J? N518 052678 8-Norma\ 0l 0l' UNLEAU[D ��21.0W0 2.281 0047.90 AUG 11 Os 50 �0�Q6 0018 083 206J 0469 068293 0-Nurmal 02 01- UNLFAUED 0QW22.000 2.281 W050.18 AUG 1l, 2�R 10�]9 0020 00J 2234 0262 062555 0'Normal 02 N1- UNiEAU[8 ago22.000 2.281 005 18 AUG 11, 2009 12 7 7 00n A NO3 228� 0281 0260]4 0-Normal 02 01- UNiEAD[D 00Q23.000 2.28\ 0052.i6 AUG �1 20W9 1J�J5 0026 �O 543J 0295 025JY4 0-Nnrmal 02 01- UNi[AUED 0081J.JQ0 2.2R1 00JW.34 �0 11. 2900 13�57 0029 NO3 2J7� 0506 105588 0-Normal on 01- UNLEA8ED 80026.000 2.28� 0059.31 12, 2009 N9�08 �016 0B3 27iJ 0548 NJ2509 0-Normai 82 01' UNLEADED 00011.0W0 2.281 0825.Q9 AUG 12. 2Q09 09�15 001R 003 5876 0548 04932\ Q-Norma} 02 0�- UNLEADED 00009.800 2.281 0022.J5 10�JY 0020 003 2258 0429 017244 0-Norma} 02 0\' UNLEADED ��16.200 2.281 Q036.95 12 200Y \0"4\ �021 ON %25S 0429 0Q0000 0-Normal 02 01- UNLEADED 000W2.0O0 2.281 0004.56 �e 12, ��9 14/54 J4 �O 5 0338 82 5219 0-No 02 01- UNL[ADED 0O0J1.20W 2.281 ��1.D AU8 12 ��9 15:1Y 00J7 003 1W14 054Y 076565 3-First 02 0l- UNLEADED 00000.00W 2.281 00Q0.00 AUG 12 2�R 15�22 00J9 ��3 10l4 0549 076565 8-Normal 02 01- UNiEADED 00016.900 2.281 0038.55 AUG 13 ��9 09�34 0023 003 3392 0246 010�8 0-Normal 02 01' UNLEADED 00025.900 2.281 0059.N8 AUG 13, 2009 0Y�56 002� �N3 1Q50 0247 012J48 0-Norma> 0 2 01- UNLEADED 00028.J00 2.281 0064.55 AU8 13. 2009 11�J5 0027 003 5�67 0332 038027 0-Normal 02 01- UN. L EADED 00014.000 2.2 0 0 7 1.93 WIG, \J 20%9 N�23 N0J4 N0J 2629 055\ 015Q96 0-Nurmal 04 02' DlESEi 80Q26.0Q0 2 0055.67 AUG 13. 2009 \5�26 Q039 00 2404 0519 00000 0-Normal Q2 01- UNL[ADEU 000Q2.200 2.281 0W05.02 AUG N; 2009 10�58 0026 003 2404 0519 021152 0-Norma 02 01- UNLEAD[D QNO34.200 2.281 0078.0l AUG 14. ��9 1t41 N044 083 236Y 0556 0�3678 0-Normal 02 01' UNLEADED 00013.�� 2.281 �5 2009 V`1:04 00�5 08J 1Ql4 Q549 076789 0'Normal 02 01- UNLEADED 00016.6N0 2.281 Q0J7.86 Usage Total Product 01 UNLEADED 722.900 Gallon 1643.79 Product 02 DIESEL 137.000 Gallon 293.33 1937 12 Prescribed by State Board of Accounts City Form No. 201 (Rev 1995) ACCOUNTS PAYABLE VOUCHER CITY OF CARMEL An invoice or bill to be properly itemized must show, kind of service, where performed, dates of service rendered, by whom, rates per day, number of units, price per unit, etc. Payee 42595 CARMEL CLAY SCHOOLS Purchase Order No. ATTN: TERRY RICH Terms 5201 E 131 ST ST Due Date 8/25/2009 CARMEL, IN 46033 Invoice Invoice Description Date Number (or note attached invoice(s) or bill(s)) Amount 8/25/2009 080109 $1,163.98 I hereby certify that the attached invoice(s), or bill(s) is (are) true and correct and I have audited same in accordance with IC 5- 11- 10 -1.6 �1I /I :VL'- Date Officer VOUCHER 092865 WARRANT ALLOWED 42595 IN SUM OF CARMEL CLAY SCHOOLS ATTN TERRY RICH 5201 E 131 ST ST CARMEL, IN 46033 Carmel Water Utility ON ACCOUNT OF APPROPRIATION FOR Board members PO INV ACCT AMOUNT Audit Trail Code 080109 01- 6500 -04 $652.39 080109 01- 6500 -05 $352.55 080109 01- 6500 -07 $159.04 1� l Voucher Total $1,163.98 Cost distribution ledger classification if claim paid under vehicle highway fund Account #003 Account name CARMEL UTILITIES LISA KEMPA Account address 1 CIVIC SQUARE, CARMEL 571-2443 Date Time Tran Arm 8uvr Vehcl Odomtr Keybuord Type Pump Prod QuandLy Pin Amount AUG 01, 2009 21f30 0020 ON 2115 0W6 837868 0-Normd 02 01- UNLEAD[D 00025.0Q0 2.172 00540 AUG 02. 2009 11�41 0O07 081 2281 0281 825549 0-Nor in. ai 02 01' UNLEADED 00022 AGO 2.172 0047.78 AUG 05 202v 1607 0N5 001 51D5 031 036483 010rma} 02 01- UNLEADED 00030380 x 12O1 0069.0 AUG 86, 2009 0047 0812 003 013 0548 0=4 00urma} 02 &1- UNLEADEU ON12.800 2.281 0029.20 AUG 06, 2009 1001 0M4 003 1026 007 083797 1?17?7 0-Normal 02 BY UNLEADED 01026.000 1281 005Y.3l PUS 06. 2201 10A0 0015 083 2526 0467 073702 0-Normal 02 0l' UNLEADED 000121900 Z.281 0029.42 AUG 06 20�9 1045 0016 003 176 0467 0:8047 8-Normal 02 01- UNLEADED 000]2.10N 1281 I QN27.60 XG 06. No \1X 00LY 003 1014 0549 076329 0 0 1 707 0-Norm*i 02 N1' UNLEADED ON1900 2181 0844.02 AUG 06. 2N9 100 ORM Q03 2132 0518 052283 @-Noroml 02 01- UNLEADED 00R� 2 2.500 2.281 0051.32 AU0 06 20W 14:26 0033 013 2369 0556 043468 7?77??? 0-Normol 82 01- UNLEADED 80011400 1281 0030.57 AUG 00 2009 09:54 0019 003 H41 0553 01552 ???7 ?4?? 0-Norma{ 02 BY 0&EADED 80017.010 0 1 21281 003870 AUG 07. 2009 1014 0021 ON H85 M256 00022 77474?? Wormal 24 02' DIESEL 001R. 000 2.141 0077.0B AUG 01 2009 1Q!09 0022 003 58B5 0256 NUN 8450al 04 BY BAHL 00029.IN 2.141 0062.09 AUG I7. 2029 W6 0032 003 5168 0474 025029 ?????W? 00ormal 01 01- UNLEAUED 00020. A Z 2.28� 0046.76 AUG 10. 2N9 0032 002 003 39\6 0244 1320WT 777705 0-NorK W2 01- UNLEAUED u.- 0 �02 0 0 2.28\ 8052.46 AUG 10, 2009 0031 0026 003 5761 OM2 01O265 04nrmzl 03 82' DIESEL 80N16.00 0 2.141 003 .26 U0 10. 2009 1001 NO30 ON 2376 0554 045553 0-Normal 02 01- UNLEAD[D 00&23100 S 2081 8053.83 AUD 10 2N9 W00 0B34 003 5042 0261 076544 ????????r? 04ormal 02 01' UNLEADED 00031. NO 2.2B1 Q070.71 AUG it 2809 1312 0N3 003 5777 052 035514 1 7 1 7??57 Q-Normal N 81- UNLEADED @0025100 2.281 0058.39 AUG 10, 2009 1114 0046 083 2716 0284 06374E 0-Normd 02 01' UNLEADED 00012.NO 2181 N2717 AN 10 2009 1402 W05N 001 5278 0507 056959 0-Normal &J 82' DlESEL 08230AN 201 0064.23 AUG 10, 2M9 1405 0051 003 5926 0265 01410O 0-Norma} F2 01' UNLEADED N@25. NO 250L 0057.83 AUG 10, 20@9 15:36 8055 003 222 050 052678 0- Nbrmal 01 01- UNLEADE8 00021.0Q0 201 0047.90 AUG 2. 220; 1006 0018 00J 200 W 06093 8'Normal 02 01- W., LFADED 22022,00Z 2.28L W050.�8 AUG 1L 200 1009 0N20 003 2234 0262 062555 0'Nomml 82 01- UNLEADED 00222.%00 2.2R1 0050.0 AUG 11, 2009 1207 T024 003 2281 0281 On014 0-Normal 02 01- UNLEADED 00023 .NO 2.2O1 0O52.46 AUG in 220 1305 0026 003 W 0295 025394 0-Normal 02 01- UNLEADED 00011308 2.281 ZT0.34 AUG in 2009 11:57 0029 003 2374 0506 1W5588 0dumal 02 ON UNLEADED 00026.000 2.281 s 005131 AUG 1, OF 0h08 0016 003 2713 0548 032509 0-Nomol 02 01- UNLEADED 00N11.008 1281 002509 AU0 12. 2009 2015 0018 083 5876 0548 049321 1006 02 81- PLEADED 0Q009.800 2-281 0022.35 AU0 L2. 200 1009 ONZ 00 2258 BUT Q17244 00ormol 02 01- UNL[AD EEL D 00016.200 2.28 0036.Y5 US 0 2009 1041 0021 003 2258 0429 0OZOQ@ ??????v??? 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D ED 00010.000 2.281 0022.81 AUG 06. 2009 1458 00J6 008 1068 0560 092780 04ormal 02 01- UNLEADED 00011.900 2.281 0027.14 AUG it 2009 H: 53 0025 008 5082 0561 059Y03 0-Normal 02 01- UNLEADED 00016.600 2.281 0037.86 Usage Total Product 01 UNLEADED 38.500 Gallon 87.81 87.81 Vehicle A0560 Dabe Timp Tran Am� Drivr Vohc} 0dum�r Keyboard lypo Pump Prnd Quantity Price Amo ..L 2�� 00 27.M Usage Total 11 00 9 G l lon 27 14 Product 01 UNLEADED a 27.14 MileagenTotal780 Ending 92780 Traveled 0 MPG CPM Vehicle #056l Date Time Tnm Acn� 8rivr Vehd Odomtr ���ard Type ��p Pmd Qxa dty Pris Amouot AUG 1k 2N09 10�53 8025 808 5082 0561 059983 UNLEADED 00016.600 2.28\ 0037.8� Usage Total Product 01 UNLEADED 16.600 Gallon 37.86 37.86 Mileage Total Ending 59903 Traveled 0 MPG CPM Vehicle #0408 Date Time Tran Amt Urivr Vehd Odomtr Keybmrd Type Pump P�� QuaotiLy Price Min ou t AUG 116 280 j .'7:17 002 �0 1�� 0 40 R 0l005 0-Norma\ 02 01- ��EA�D �O10.�0 2.281 8022.81 Usage Total Product 01 UNLEADED 10.000 Gallon 22.81 22.81 Mileage Total Beginning 14035 Ending 14035 Traveled Prescribed by State Board of Accounts City Form No. 201 (Rev. 1995) ACCOUNTS PAYABLE VOUCHER CITY OF CARMEL An invoice or bill to be properly itemized must show: kind of service, where performed, dates service rendered, by whom, rates per day, number of hours, rate per hour, number of units, price per unit, etc. Payee Carmel Clay Schools Purchase Order No. 5201 E. 131 st Street Terms Carmel, IN 46033 Date Due Invoice Invoice Description Amount Date Number (or note attached invoice(s) or bill(s)) 07/15/09 n/a August Fuel East Side $87.81 Total I hereby certify that the attached invoice(s), or bill(s), is (are) true and correct and I have audited same in accordance with IC 5- 11- 10 -1.6. 20 Clerk- Treasurer VOUCHER NO. WARRANT NO. ALLOWED 20 Carmel Clay Schools IN SUM OF 5201 E. 131 st Street Carmel, IN 46033 $87.81 ON ACCOUNT OF APPROPRIATION FOR Department of Engineering Board Members PO# or DEPT. INVOICE NO. ACCT #!TITLE AMOUNT I hereby certify that the attached invoice(s), or bill(s) is (are) true and correct and that the materials or services itemized thereon for n/a accnt #8 ENG 423140 $87.81 which charge is made were ordered and received except 3 20 Signature Title Cost distribution ledger classification if claim paid motor vehicle highway fund