HomeMy WebLinkAbout170682 04/14/2009 CITY OF CARMEL, INDIANA VENDOR: 042595 Page 1 of 2 0 ONE CIVIC SQUARE CARMEL CLAY SCHOOLS CHECK AMOUNT: $33,605.98 CARMEL, INDIANA 46032 EDUCATION SERVICE CENTER 5201 E 131ST ST CHECK NUMBER: 170682 CARMEL IN 46033 CHECK DATE: 4114/2009 DEPAR TMENT A CCOUNT PO NU IN NUMBER AMO UNT DESCRIP 1110 4231400 u 16,958.15 GASOLINE— POLICE 1110- 4239099 5.00 CARDS POLICE 1115 4231400 183.70 GASOLINE —COMM CENTER 1120 4231300 2 DIESEL FUEL —FIRE 1120 4231400 1,268.94 GASOLINE —FIRE 1320 4239099 5.00 CARDS —FIRE 1125 4231300 130.71 DIESEL FUEL —PARKS 1125; 4231400 908.90 GASOLINE —PARKS 1192 4 23 14 0 134.20 GASOLINE —COMM SERA 1192 ,42314,.00 293 GASOLINE —COMM SERVICE 1205 8 42314'0'0 160 .3:0 GASOLINE— ADMINISTRATI 2200 423 -1400 273.10 GAS— ENGINEERING x`2201 42314 <00 3,109.41 GASOLINE—STREET s P CITY OF CARMEL, INDIANA VENDOR: 042595 Page 2 of 2 ONE CIVIC SQUARE CARMEL CLAY SCHOOLS h e J CARMEL, INDIANA 46032 EDUCATION SERVICE CENTER CHECK AMOUNT: $33,605.98 •w;_ 5201 E 131 ST ST CHECK NUMBER: 170682 CARMEL IN 46033 CHECK DATE: 4/14/2009 DEPARTMENT ACCOUNT PO NUMBER INVOICE NUMBER AMOUNT DE 601 50,23990 3,984.46 FUEL UTILITIES 651 5023990 1,749.59 FUEL UTILITIES 2201 84231300 18,75.6 2,426.03 DIESEL CLAV.S c Carmel Clay Schools Continuing Excellence in Education LA S FUEL INVOICE Carmel Clay Schools Educational Service Center 5201 E. 131 Street Carmel, IN 46033 Attention: Sue Ardiaolo Bill To: Carmel Police Department, Teresa Anderson Carmel Fire Department, Denise Snyder Carmel Utilities, Lisa Kempa C���:carrnel- Street Department,° Bonnie Callahan Carmel Communications, J. Arnone D.O.C.S., Sue Coy Carmel Engineering, Judy Stohler Carmel Parks and Recreation, Paula Schlemmer Driver's Education, Tom Pagan Carmel City Administration, Shelley Lingelbaugh �10�'. �I Billing Date: April 1, 2009 West Side Transportation fuel charges Facilities Transportation Department 5185 East 131` Street, Carmel, IN 46033 3171844 -8207 —Fax 3171571 -9659 r Account #004 A�count name CARMEL STREET DEPT BONNIE CALLAHAN Account address 3400 W 131 ST WESTFIELD IN 46074 733-2001 Date Time Tran Acnt 0rivr V eh: l Odomtr Keyboard Type Pump Prod Quantity Price AmounL MAR 02. 2009 10/07 0010 804 3919 0583 064590 ?????????Y 0-Normal 83 01-UNLEADED 00W24.300 1.540 x 00J7.42 MAR 02. 28N9 15:08 0018 &04 5868 004 070236 0-Norma\ 03 0\-UNLEA0[D 00W2Y.780 1.540 00 MAR 02, 1 009 15:17 001Y �04 5769 N330 06\47Q 0-Mormal 0J 01-UNL[ADED 000Z2,400 1,5�0 8WJ4.50 MAR 03, 2009 09:40 0804 W04 2029 0586 074856 0-Normal 83 01-U NIL [ADE0 08029.208 1.548 8044.97 MAR 03. 2W09 10:21 0,010 004 5972 0456 036585 ??7??????? 8-Normal 81 02-DIESEL 80029.100 1.578 0045.Y2 MAR 03 2009 1l�54 8012 004 5409 0235 085�56 ????7????? 0-Normal 03 0\'UMLEAD[D 00822.000 i.548 0933.88 MAR 03, 2009 14;20 0015 084 2640 0319 103033 ??Y??????? 0-Hurma} W3 01-UNLEADED 80015.500 1.540 0823.87 MAR 03 2089 14;21 0016 004 2178 0594 026622 ??7??????? 8-Nnrma} 01 Oil -DIESEL 90934. 1.578 0054.76 MAR 04, 2089 17:37 0026 024 5468 0458 H5494 W-Normal 83 01-UNL[A0E8 00015.600 1.540 0024,02 05, HP 09:26 0005 004 1034 0593 016561 "I" 11-Normal -Nnrma} 02 W2'0l[S[L 0M82O.Y88 1,578 0045.60 MAR MAR 05, 2009 89:49 0007 004 5868 0458 905540 W-Normal 03 0 1-UNLEA0EU 08021.008 1.540 0032.34 MAR 85, 2089 10:56 0RQ9 004 1031 W131 024805 ???????7?? 0'Nnrma} 02 92-DIESEL 00034.708 1.578 0054.76 MAR 85. 2009 11/38 0013 084 5571 0510 071782 0-Normal 83 01-UNLEADED 00024.280 1,540 8037.27 H0H 05, 2809 14;14 0816 004 7192 0585 070757 0-Normal 03 01-UNLEAD[D 00023,206 1,540 6035.73 MAR 05 2N09 16:17 0024 004 2285 0599 031441 8-Normal 01 02-DIESEL 00022.880 1.578 0035.96 MAR 85, 2 18:04 087 004 527 05l2 015344 8-Nurmal 03 01-UNL[AUED 00014.080 1.540 0021.56 MAR 06 2809 09:44 0006 884 1W34 0593 0L6618 7????????? 8-Normal 01 02-DIESEL 88022.780 1.578 0035.82 MAR 06, 2009 10;28 8008 004 3919 0583 064835 0-Normal 83 01-UNLEADED 00021.500 1.542 N833.15 MAR 06 2089 11:56 0009 004 5860 0584 878496 0-Norma} 03 01-UNLEAU[0 00028,700 1.542 0044.26 MAR 06, 2009 14:34 0015 B04 5727 0582 091832 8-Normal 0J 01-UNLEADED 80825.800 1.542 80J8.55 MAR 06, 2009 15:21 0820 004 2366 0456 036826 0-Normal 02 02-DIESEL 00027.100 1.578 9043.88 MAR 06. 2009 15:53 8021 004 5860 0234 065204 ??????7?7? 0-Norma) 03 01-UMLEAD[D 00026.000 1.50 0040.09 MAR 07 2089 08:05 0003 004 5770 0582 091858 8-Nurma) 03 W1-UML[AD[D 00001,500 1.5*2 0002.31 MAR 09, 2809 08:48 0810 004 2029 0586 075206 ?7???????? 0-Normal 03 @l-UNLEADED 00038.008 \,542 0046.26 MAR 09 2009 08:58 0011 004 1034 0593 016660 0'Hormal 0\ 02-DI[S[L 00018.900 l.r178 0029.82 MAR 09 2089 13:4 0021 004 5727 0329 02309 1 0-Norm ai 8J 014 NUEA0E0 00026.100 1.542 0040.25 HA8 89 2009 15:50 8027 894 2178 0594 026885 -Norma l 01 02-DIESEL 00027^500 1.578 0043.4B MAR 09 2809 23:28 0034 804 5273 8512 015639 ?????7???? 8'No,ma\ 03 G1-UWL[ADED 00821.000 1.542 0B33,62 MAR i0, 2009 08:49 0004 004 2638 0455 831062 B-Normal 82 82- IV" I[SEi 80028.600 1.466 8041.9J MAR 10 2009 11:20 0011 004 2285 8454 034400 8-Hu,ma} 01 01-DIESEL 00028,400 1.466 8841.63 MAK 10 2009 12;48 0014 004 5409 02 085309 0-Normal 03 01-UNLEADED 00014.400 1.542 8022.20 MAR 10 2009 13:28 0016 084 5769 0730 062177 ?7???????? 041'nrmal 03 81-UNLEADED 00024.10Q 1.542 0037.16 MAR 10. 2089 l5:25 0029 004 3595 8422 0W6918 0-Normal 02 02'UI[S[L 00029.080 1.466 0842.51 MAR 11, 2009 15:27 8020 804 2285 0590 031650 0-Normal 01 02-DIESEL 00025.808 1.466 90J7.82 MAR 12, 2009 0'7:06 0008 084 2640 8317 888487 N-Nnrmal 01 02-DlES[L 00841.000 1.466 0060.11 MAR 12 2009 09�4Y 00BY 08� 1034 M59J 8166Y6 R-Normal 02 02-Dl[SEL 00017.808 1.466 0026.09 MAR 12 2009 12:55 00i7 004 3919 0583 065l02 8-Norma} 03 0l-UNLEADED 00023.280 1.542 8835,77 MAR 12 2009 13;28 0919 004 282J 0582 000008 ??????77?? 8-Normal 83 &l-UNLEADED 80024,300 l.542 9037.47 MAR 12 2889 13:43 0021 0304 3595 0506 075 0-Normal 0J 01-UNLEADED 00930.408 1.542 0046.88 MAR I, 2009 ���09 0024 004 5972 0J\9 �0327i ?????7???? 0'Hormal 03 8]-UNLEADE 2 0 00021.180 1.542 0032.54 MAR 12 2809 1-4:45 0826 004 1020 0326 058884 0-Normal 0 01-UNLEAD[D 88010,800 1.542 00l6.65 MAR l2, 2B0Y �6�40 0B35 004 �468 @458 0059l3 0-Norm2l 03 01-UNLEA0E8 00031.600 l.542 0048.71 MAR 13. 2009 i4:12 0828 004 5868 0234 865449 0-Norma} 03 01-UNLEADED 00028.080 1.542 0830.84 MAR 13 2009 14/17 0027 004 5769 03 062539 0-Normal 03 01-UNLEADEU 00828.308 1.542 0043.64 MAR 13 2009 14:21 8028 004 2192 0585 071074 0-Horma1 1 .3 01-UNLEADED 80027,700 1.542 0842.71 NAR 13 2089 15:04 0031 004 2366 0423 004088 0-Normal 01 07-DIESEL 80030.580 1.466 0044.71 MAR 13 2009 15:31 0034 004 2179 0594 027148 0-Normal 01 021-DIESEL 00032.100 1.466 0047.06 MAR 13, 28W9 16:2 0048 004 2 192 0457 078576 8-Normal 03 01'UN EA0EU 00021.000 1.542 0032.38 MAR 16 2007 10:00 8009 084 1834 0593 0l6749 0-Normal 01 02-0{[SEL 00030.100 1.466 8044.13 MAR 16, 2009 13:17 0015 004 2179 0586 07068 0-Normal Q3 01-UNLEA0ED 00@29.300 1.542 0045.18 MAR 16 2003 15:08 0 022 094 2 365 0584 070790 17 1 177 R-Normal 07 01-6INL[AD[0 08028.99-0 1.542 0844.56 MAR 17 2009 0B: 22 0006 004 1034 059 N16792 8-11 ormo1 81 02-D1 ESEL ob i.466 8017.15 MAR D 2009 15:39 0021 W4 2179 0454 034851 0-Normal 02 02-Ul[SEL 00033.680 1.466 0049.26 MAR D 2009 15:40 0022 004 5571 0510 N72342 T)" 0-Normal 0J 01-UNLEADED 00025.180 1.542 0G38.70 MAR 18, 2089 88:J3 0005 004 2DY 0421 032742 777 `7 1 7 0-Normal 02 02-0IES[L 08062.300 1.466 001911 33 NA8 18, 2009 09:51 0006 004 1034 0593 016666 0-Normal 01 02-DIESEL 00029.000 1.466 000,51 MAR 18 2009 09:07 0007 004 2633 0528 07Y9\l 0-Normal 83 01-UNLEADED 08029.109 1.706 0049.64 HAW 0 2009 09:25 0N09 004 2191 045. 037269 N-Normal 81 02-0lBEL UK" .480 1.466 004J.10 MAR 0, 2009 14:18 002 804 5769 @330 �62872 0-Normal 03 01-UNLEAD[D 00024.400 1.706 0811.63 MAR 18 2009 14:45 8824 084 5860 0234 W65740 0-Normal 03 01'UNLEAOED 00022,800 1.706 0038.90 MAR 0, 2909 15:14 0027 804 3919 0583 065395 0-Norma} 03 @I-UNLEADED 09025,208 1.706 0042.99 MAR 19, 2009 00:43 0086 004 1831 0319 103502 0-Norma} 03 W\-UNLEADED 00019,908 1.706 0033.95 MAR 19 2009 N9:18 0008 804 1034 0593 0l6922 0-Norma} 01 W2-DlES[L 00020.400 1.466- 0029.91 MAR 19 2009 11:37 0015 004 5468 008 005198 7 &-Murmal 03 01-UNLEADED 1.706 0039.07 MAR 19. 2009 14:59 0022 004 5 0587 058570 0-Normal �3 01-UNL[ADE0 80024.408 l,7W6 8041.63 MAR 28 2009 08:5 0008 004 22O5 0590 W3097 0-N m; �1 82-UlESEL 80027.300 1,466 8040.02 MAR 20 2809 09:21 0009 004 5727 0329 023359 0-Normal 0 Q1-UNLEADED 0002 1,706 0040.77 MAR 20 2009 09:52 0011 084 2364 0331 025051 Q-Normal 02 02-DlESEL 8&834 .80M 1.667 8056.68 MAR 20 280Y 14:09 0818 004 3919 0583 06560 0-Normal WJ 01-UNLEADED 0080.5W8 1.7016 8831.56 MAR 28 2089 15:33 0026 084 5860 0234 065871 0-Normal 03 01-UNLEADED 00011.000 1.706 000.77 MAR 20 2009 16;29 8034 004 2640 0457 873 825 0-Normal 03 01-UNLEAUED 08822.200 1.706 0037.87 MAR 23 2B09 08:52 0007 0W4 2636 8586 076286 7 1 T' M-Norma\ 03 01-UNLEADED 80828.800 1.706 8049.13 MAR 23. 2089 09:20 0088 004 1034 0593 016979 0-N 01 02-0l[SBL 00B23.300 1.667 0038.84 HAR 23, 2089 8Y�3Y 0009 004 2178 0422 0865M2 0-Normal 01 02-UI[S[L 88022.400 1.667 8037.34 MAR 27 2009 11:27 080 004 2285 0598 032001 711- 111 0-Normal 02 02-DIESEL 00026,800 1,667 0044.68 MAR 23 2009 14:07 0022 004 5972 0510 08990 0-Normal 03 01-UNLEADED 000 1.706 0045.04 MAR 24 2009 08:27 0005 004 107 0593 Nl70J2 0-Normal 81 02-DIESEL 00017.300 1.667 0028.84 MAR 24 2089 13:50 8814 884 J9B 003 065874 W-Normal 03 01-UNLEADED 00822.000 1.786 8037.53 MAR 24, 2009 14:45 0018 004 5860 0 234 066881 0-Nnrm2| 03 01-UNLEADED 00816.000 1.706 0027.70 MAR 25 2009 08:49 0006 804 17 66 0423 Q84602 0-Normal 02 W2-0l[S[L 08032,400 1.667 0054.01 MAR 25, 2009 10:05 0, 804 1028 0455 031333 0-Normal 01 9 00030.000 1.667 0050.01 MAR 25 2007 14:59 0023 004 5409 8235 005914 &-Normal 03 01-UNLEADED 00023.488 1.706 8039.92 MAR 25, 2009 15:48 0025 004 5770 0330 B63292 0-Normal 03 01-UNLEADED 00031.108 1,706 8053.06 MAR 26, 2809 08:54 0008 004 1034 0593 817066 W-Normal 01 02-0lESEL 00008.600 1.80 0000.00 MAR 26, 2009 08:57 0009 084 }0J4 0593 017066 8-Normal 01 02 08816.000 1.803 002B.85 MAR 26, 2009 10:52 0015 004 2640 0457 079225 �-Hnrmal 03 81-UWL[A0E0 00027.1W0 1.706 8046.23 MAR 26, 2009 15:20 0029 004 2633 8528 880218 0-Normal W3 0\'UNL[ADED 00042.708 1.706 0072.85 MAR 26 2009 15:46 0031. 004 2194 033\ 025143 ?7?7Y??7?? 8-Normal 21 021-DIESEL 00018.100 1.883 0032.63 MAR 27 2009 08:42 8008 004 2285 0590 032088 0-Normal 02 02-DIESEL 08024.600 1,80 0044.J5 MAR 27, 2889 0/28 0019 004 2194 8457 234689 ??????7??? 0-Normal 03 01-UNLEAD[D 00005.200 1.706 0008.87 MAR 27. 2009 15:52 0024 084 5860 0234 066334 0-14 orma\ 03 01-UNLEADED 00028.300 1.706 0034.61, MAR 30 2089 08:40 0009 004 2636 059* 027625 0-Normal 01 OIL-DIESEL 00031.60W 1.883 0056.97 MAR 30, 2009 88:46 0011 804 2366 0586 076456 0-Norma} &3 01-UNLEAD[U 00023.300 1.706 0039.75 MAR 30. 2009 10:51 0015 004 1086 0589 05053 TT" 0-Normal 03 01-UNLEADED 00027,400 1.706 0046.74 MAR 30 2089 11:11 0017 004 2192 0585 071678 0-Normal 03 01-UHL[AD[U 00029.400 1.706 0050.16 MAR 3W. 2009 11-:15 00 18 00� 2192 05R5 000000 0'Nurmal W3 81-UNiEAD[D B0834.30H l'706 8�58.52 MAR 3W, 2009 13:50 0023 004 3919 0583 800800 W-Normal N3 81-UNL[ADED 0 1,706 0043.84 MAR 30. 2009 15:57 0030 084 2364 0326 059265 0-Horma\ 03 01-UNL[ADED 00039.600 1./06 8Q67.56 MAR 'Ni, 2009 09:42 0012 004 5972 8510 098250 ?????7???? Q-Hurma\ 03 01-UNLEADED 08024.580 1.706 8041.80 MAR 31 2009 0015 004 21Y6 8592 089336 0'Normal 02 32-DIESEL 80026.600 1.803 0047.96 0A8 31 2009 14�07 002� 084 3595 03l7 025525 0'Normal 01 0- 00238.408 \.760 38Q.58 MAR 314 2809 15:40 0031 004 5769 0330 063973 B-Normal 03 01-UNLEADED 00028.580 1.706 8046.62 Usage Total Product 01 UNLEADED 1501.900 Gallon 2433.53 Product 02 DIESEL 1065.100 Gallon J 1.5 4110.68 SAY! nwe a Gpv�Tl K 57" BEW_: 7 kli�, Account addrwFn 0 3101 W 131 :T "EPf 7" 0�07.1 WE Tive Tnp Aut Dbir Vat! Pdatr wwwEA TqE F"p Pod haptity PricE hount UP it 1015 01: 5 OMS 1_4 2197 0592 015634 744777 0-k-, 1 N 22- DIEHL BOUS-203 1 C44 1 094K34 TAR 1 K NO? 11,11 BUT 904 208 OW 02UG4 W!"7 TAnvA 27 02- DIESEL MEN AN 1 1,466 00410i HI 1L NN 0703 ORB 004 2364 0422 9OL293 "?TT'T 0-0-mv 03 02- DIEHL 00034. NO 1 1.46 ON00 NR if NP 09: 76 0125 001 540i 0215 005145 w77735 0-0 12 W UNUADED 90032.00 1 1,542 0046.41 W 1L 2001 Q 16 ZOE I. 5W OTZ M6011 KNOW Moral 02 01- N L E A D FET 0 2 0: `5 2 t- 12 742 01 3 1 W 2. 22F N 15 W7 201 428 EVE? 05426 1 773 001 A OP Uq?T0 20MEWS 1 1. Q I z 3 N A YAR it :10q 1051 OW 004 1523 1427 301331 'T" WNW 01 00 0000__ 000TWO i A66 1 003620 MAR 1& 2209 13:06 OW ON KET EAR 0185 474T IQ Eluss! 04 02 DIFTEL ON 27 i i 00 S- 1 i 4 66 00 001 0 MAR it 2019 1406 OCH 001 2F2 W 02TH 4775v? Wast K i'_ DIESEL 10231460 1 _A n ON 1. 9 0, MAR U 200? 2037 OK3 004 2B7 0592 015072 ??????1?? 0-hreal 04 02- DIEBEL LOA-2,0 JG i 7 0. 0 1�667 00i 5 y._2. OR 20. 2K9 1106 NN 104 2217 N84 W21 ?5=0 Warn! 04 02- DIESEL OON600 1267 0043,51 MAR A 2009 0022 0029 004 203 OW 00409 W OWW 02 01- UNLEADED 100B Q0 L 706 1 OUL67 MAR 2; 2009 1040 ONS ON 139 006 03N39 77=77 010=1 01 02 DIE HL 0!WHO 1 1.17 t ON 3 Al MAE 2 2009 MAR PH4 R4 573 W 06037 ?77'Vr 04wod 22 0 P 0002WO S L 706 1 ON V 2 1 EAR 21 2209 27:26 OW5 004 5N3 042 21031 70074? Wum] 01 Ob UNLEADEU 1@05. RO i 1306 NOW MR 24 W PO36 02A 204 K6E W 05wh 744 1 junh 02 0 b WADED 00015300 1 1321 1 M260 MAR 24 202? 10:00 005 104 26ZO °_7.._ 025295 7 O-Awal 31 Th t 5 0000q@ 1 1, W x 2 M 101 1 MIS' 24, 2N9 Q14 0241 00 1022 0126 058944 0rud 12 00 UIEWD @0037100 4 L726 S GUA 1 6 MR 2h 2081 022 0015 004 1571 2510 072639 7?77 O-Now 01 Ob U•LERH ONN. 00 S 1306 _N5. 0 MAR 25, -__T 004 W Old 237 OP2 01WS7 777"07 VArmA 04 2. 7--- 2 046, c F L i r 0 0 0 2 0 i i i r t 0 5, 2 MAR 1, 209 140 201 021 12:4 0534 @74371 7 777W FWA A2 L UREADED 0202L 400 S L 736 1 0046,711 MR 21 2NK 010 •NO ON U2: ON! NUN 7 2AYral 02 01 1-1-iL L 1- 1 s 1 472c. s C044.0 MAR T. 2009 OUR ON7 @N it! Ohl OTA51 77777� WnrW 04 L- E THL 01021 to 1103 s N MAR Y TRY 000A ON7 ON N2Z CO2 00 We W?w;Q F 9: DIEW MOWN 307 5 FROM FAP r. 2099 Won HT ON 5312 2517 01@ 7177 3q,-A 1: C� WKWA SWAN 1 1 4400_. I Wk MAR 2L 2R9 004 W6 24.4 4427 @13 MUM ?=?K 0-Nun! 12 0!- ALWALEW 20021 K2 A 106 5 0050, W: TMR 2V N09 N 05 OMI 014 2194 040 02357E 777074 91nod 02 01- WEAVE1 W-_, _O 1106 1 Js 9. MR 30, 2M? =6 On4 CM NA5 100 032172 ?117?7 b r Fi 1 ?L 4 00027A@0 12603 004G-.66 MAR 31 2N9 11:13 0027 004 2197 0591 022E,57 77?? ?­?D? 04wul 04 02- DIESEL NN 1. 200 L803 0020,1 MAP A: 2001 10:10 0027 004 536S OW 05W20 7?495 RAGnA 22 EI- UNLEADED NOR JOC I L 706 OWN NAR 2, 200; 1123 001 104 517 0572 016106 400DR? 04wai 01 0:- DIESEL ON21HO 1 1.803 7 Moan ToL0 Ow"duat 77 0 1 WE 00 0 711 lop 707 41 17r Amount name 57 FE" &0"TT Account addrann 5;00 Q 111 77 4EjIFIELD 7N n137�:! AN Tine Ov Ast Dhir YEW DOW Keyboard Type Pop Fad gantify Him Agm HAR 1 2305 100 ONT 004 556 AHI 05520 --777 7 77 GAVO! 0 1 2 01- UNLEADED 1: 007 X 71 20'.3 03 .A.� OVI 004 W 002 016R6 WWI? Knom 03 02 DIEHL 0007,000 5 "803 1 0041,47 IMR 3n 200P 1040 Ont 301 U43 019 1ON39 WHYTE WYK Z: M U K Z A.- D f DO 2 0 0 0 no x 1W A2 Maw Taks; pr7oncv 01 1 1 E.- �:Z 702 Cal lic 3 7 D Product 32 D T ETEI. 23 ZOD Ga 1 1 on 4 Prescribed by State Board of Accounts City Form No. 201 (Rev. 1995) ACCOUNTS PAYABLE VOUCHER CITY OF CARMEL An invoice or bill to be properly itemized must show: kind of service, where performed, dates service rendered, by whom, rates per day, number of hours, rate per hour, number of units, price per unit, etc. Payee Purchase Order No. Terms Date Due Invoice Invoice Description Amount Date Number (or note attached invoice(s) or bill(s)) 04/03/09 $3,109.41 04/03/09 $2,426.03 I hereby certify that the attached invoice(s), or bill(s), is (are) true and correct and I have audited same in accordance with IC 5- 11- 10 -1.6 20 Clerk- Treasurer VOUCHER N WARRA NO. ALLOWED 20 Carmel Clay Schools IN SUM OF 5201 E. 131st Street Carmel, IN 46033 $5,535.44 ON ACCOUNT OF APPROPRIATION FOR Carmel Street Department PO# Dept. INVOICE NO. ACCT #/TITLE AMOUNT Board Member: 2201 42- 314.00 $3,109.41 I hereby certify that the attached invoice(s), or 18756 42- 313.00 $2,426.03 bill(s) is (are) true and correct and that the materials or services itemized thereon for which charge is made were ordered and received except Thursday, X46 09, 2009 Street Commission c• Title Cost distribution ledger classification if claim paid motor vehicle highway fund CLAY Carmel Clay Schools Continuing Excellence in ..C, M£L,IN� E ducation FUEL INVOICE Carmel Clay Schools Educational Service Center 5201 E. 131 Street Carmel, IN 46033 Attention: Sue Ardiaolo Bill To: Carmel Police Department, Teresa Anderson Carmel Fire Department, Denise Snyder Carmel Utilities, Lisa Kempa Carmel Street Department, Bonnie Callahan M _C`armel Communications, J:=Amone D.O.C.S., Sue Coy Carmel Engineering, Judy Stohler Carmel Parks and Recreation, Paula Schlemmer Driver's Education, Tom Pagan Carmel City Administration, Shelley Lingelbaugh Billing Date: April 1, 2009 East Side Transportation fuel charges Facilities Transportation Department 5185 East 131 Street, Carmel, IN 46033 3171844 -8207 Fax 3171571 -9659 I Vehicle #0331 Tipe by. j 441 Chok Vsk 7 1'7 V in: Fad pm s o pn Am OR 19, M 0136 SM5115 3024 0331 N557 Wcv& 02 OS GUM 20MV40 I bA 1 OKM6 usaae Total pnoduot WITADEn LI.ADA Gsljn7 KAEaga Total Beu��nwq 10108 Fndipq j2172" A Y- !a C-4 NQ i r" CA H4 lt.a� 14 i-j J,!J -j Ri j M r Account x0dromn 31 17T NW LPFMn 571 2 90::', ME Tipp 7n! Ent Drwr WEM Nutt f0bari Top 'nap Fwd '1' -r 0 -im Ownt KAR M 2@P? 17! 39 OU4 506 573 QM7 33HO! 777777 2"mgC 11 Ob MEBED 0@022. NO 1 X: 003 L XAR it 7003 08: Th EMT COO 1024 074 MS9 7?77T" Myrad 12 M UNLEADED MGM 1, M6 TV2 Ab OR 20, MY 1501 ON 006 1022 0516 031110 7?77�7 5 NXV A M UNIAN 00MMO 1,46 1 OKI 1- MAQ N 2009 0802 RM 226 M MA 83971 747`7 MvPA 22 M UNLEADED 200PAN 150s S 220.6 OR 7, 20N 1105 M HS 1M2 2% 031365 77?7'77 Moon 01 01- MUM ONIENO s 1, M 1 OM, A Ussum ToLM. Provurt 01 LAT. 2 901 Cal Too I 10 4 87-7 '7 An aunt nAme EIMUNTEP? 17111 JAA�T VMTV�� vd&n� ns n j! 17T WA FPTnT� vn*:'� lots TiRE nap W Bno hot Wry Kaykaw T4E em; Fnd hatity PricE hum MW 1, NOR 11:42 0151 051 jK: Glib 031623 077777 04:� Z! Bb MADED 000MABO 1.16 3___.__ UnAge To t& prmdu7t v! 4WEADFU 10.97" Win" 20.81 Prescribed by State Board of Accounts City Form No. 201 (Rev. 1995) ACCOUNTS PAYABLE VOUCHER CITY OF CARMEL An invoice or bill to be properly itemized must show: kind of service, where performed, dates service rendered, by whom, rates per day, number of hours, rate per hour, number of units, price per unit, etc. Payee Purchase Order No. Terms Date Due Invoice Invoice Description Amount Date Number (or note attached invoice(s) or bill(s)) 04/01/09 I I I $183.70 1 hereby certify that the attached invoice(s), or bill(s), is (are) true and correct and I have audited same in accordance with IC 5- 11- 10 -1.6 20 Clerk- Treasurer VOUCHER NO. WARRANT NO. ALLOWED 20 Carmel Clay Schools IN SUM OF Educational Services Center 5201 E. 131st Street Carmel, IN 46033 $183.70 ON ACCOUNT OF APPROPRIATION FOR Carmel Clay Communications PO# Dept. INVOICE NO. ACCT #!TITLE AMOUNT Board Members 1115 42- 314.00 $183.70 1 hereby certify that the attached invoice(s), or bill(s) is (are) true and correct and that the materials or services itemized thereon for which charge is made were ordered and received except Monday, April 06, 2009 Director Title Cost distribution ledger classification if claim paid motor vehicle highway fund 6V C LA Y Carmel Clay Schools Continuing Excellence in Education CR'NEL,1 N9 \r�* FUEL INVOICE r- APP Carmel Clay Schools_. Educational Service Center 5201 E. 131 Street Carmel, IN 46033 Cr� Attention: Sue Ardiaolo Bill To: Carmel Police Department, Teresa Anderson Carmel Fire Department, Denise Snyder Carmel Utilities, Lisa Kempa Carmel Street Department, Bonnie Callahan Carmel Communications, J. Arnone 4f q� Carmel Engineering, Judy Stohler Carmel Parks and Recreation, Paula Schlemmer Driver's Education, Tom Pagan Carmel City Administration, Shelley Lingelbaugh Billing Date: April 1, 2009 West Side Transportation fuel charges Facilities Transportation Department 5185 East 13P Street, Carmel, IN 46033 3171844 -8207 Fax 3171571 -9659 Account #007 Account name D'O C S SUE COY Account address 1 Civic 8quare Carmel 571-2418 Date Time Trao Amt 0rivr Vehcl 0dumtr Keyboard Type Pumo Prod Quantity Prbe Amouot MAR 02 2009 12:53 N016 007 2360 0 7 S9 049966 0-Normal 33 01-UNLEADED 00918.200 1.540 0015.71 MAR 02, 2809 15:30 0023 007 3915 0485 05072 8-Normal Q3 01-U14L[ADEU 00013.980 1.540 0821.41 MAR 02 2809 i5�5Y 0025 087 2347 0407 0�6307 ??????7??? 8-No/mal WJ 8\-UN LEA 0ED 00012.000 1.540 0018.48 MAR 04, 20W9 11:56 0016 007 1005 0472 032750 0'Nurmal 03 0 1 -UNL[A0E8 00012.800 1.548 0019.71 MAR NY, 2007 10:56 W0\6 007 1023 036 7 012341 0-14o/mal 0J &1-UHi[A0ED 08012.000 1.542 8018.50 MAR 1 %009 10:48 0012 007 236& 0389 7 B9 050256 0-Normal 03 01-UNLE#DED 00010.400 1.542 0816,84 MAR 13 2009 12:21 0017 @87 1005 0472 03JW7J 0-Normal 83 01- 98012.000 1.542 0018'50 MAR 28, 2089 10:31 801' 087 2402 040\ 016794 0-Norma} 03 01-UHLEA8ED 00012.400 1.786 0021.15 MA8 23, 2009 11:42 0014 087 2360 2389 050583 0-Normal 03 01-UNi[AU[D 00011.180 1.706 0018,Y4 MAR 23 2009 12 :71 00\6 007 10W5 0472 033375 0-Normal 03 01-UNLEADED 08012.080 1.706 0020.47 MAR 23, 200Y 14;36 8W25 087 1915 0405 052311 0-Normal 03 01-UNLEADED 8081 1,706 002 MAR 26, 2009 11:09 00l6 0B7 1 0387 01 2927 0-Normal 83 01-UNLEA8ED 00012.100 1.786 0028.64 MAR 30 2009 11/46 0020 007 2 0389 058891 0-Normal 03 01-UNLEADED 80008.808 1.706 0013.65 MAR 31 2089 09:18 0010 087 5120 0406 010965 0-Normal 03 01-UNL[ADEU 00813.800 1.706 0022.1B MAR 31 2009 15:17 W828 807 J915 0405 052769 0-Normal 03 Q1-UNLEADED 00014.208 1.706 0024.23 Usage Total Product 01 UNLEADED 179.900 Gallon 293.15 Vehicle #0387 Date Time Tran Acnt DrIvr Vph Odomtr Keyboard Type pump Prod Quantity roe Amount MAR 09 2009 10:56 00i6 038 01'" 0-Normal 01 01-UHLEADE 00012.000 00012.000 D �12.� 1,542 0018.50 MAR 26. 2009 11:09 8016 O F 1023 0387 012927 8-Normal 83 01-UNLEADED 800\2.100 1.706 0020.64 Usage Total Product 01 UNLEADED 24.100 Gallon 39.14 39.14 Mileage Total Beginning 12341 Ending 12927 Traveled 586 MPG 48.42 CPM .0352 Vehicle 0389 Date Time Tran Acnt Drivr Vphcl Odomtr Keyboard Type Pump Prod Quantity Price Amount MAR 82 2009 12:5J 0016 007 2360 009 049966 0-Normal 0J 01'UNLEADED 00010.200 1.548 0015.71 MAR 12 2089 10:48 0012 007 2360 0 050256 0-Normal 03 01-UNLEADED 00010.408 1.542 0016.04 MAR 23 2009 11:42 0014 007 2360 0389 05058 0-Normal 03 01-UNLEADED 00011.100 1.706 0018.94 MAR 30 200Y 11�46 0020 007 2360 N38Y 050R91 7710771 0-Norma\ 03 01-UNLEADED 00008.800 1.706 1 801J.65 Usage Total Product 01 UNLEADED 39.700 Gallon 64.34 64.34 Mileage Total Beginning 499�6 nding 50891 Traveled 925 MPG 31.35 CPM .0525 Vehicle #0401 Date Time Tran Acnt Drivr Veh 0domb Keyboard Type Pump Prod Quantity Price Amount MAR 20, 2009 10:31 0013 087 2402 0401 016794 8-Normal 03 0\-UNLEAD[D 00012.400 1.706 0021.15 Usage Total Product 01 UNLEADED 12.400 Gallon 21.15 21.15 Mileage Total Beginning 16794 Ending 16794 Traveled 0 MPG CPM Vehicle #0405 Date Time Tran Amt Drivr Vehd Odomtr Keyboard Type Pump Prod Quantity Price Amount MAR 02 2009 15:30 0023 007 3915 0405 85072 8-Normal 03 81-UNLEAUED 00011.900 1.540 0021.41 MAR 23 2009 14: 8825 007 J915 0405 052J11 W-Normal 03 0l-UNLEAUED 00013.800 1.706 0023.54 MAR J1, 2009 15:17 0028 007 39\5 0405 052769 0-Norma} 03 01-UNLEADED 00014.200 1.706 0024.23 Usage Total Product 01 UNLEADED 41.900 Gallon 69.18 Mileage Total Beginning 51872 Ending 52769 Traveled 897 MPG 32.03 CPM .0532 Vehicle #0406 Date Time Tran Acot Drivr Yehcl Odomtr Keyboard Type Pump Prod Quantity Price Amount MAR 3\, 20019 09:18 0010 087 5120 8406 010965 0-Normal 03 81-UNLEADED 00013.000 1.706 0022.l8 Usage Total Product 01 UNLEADED 13.000 Gallon 22.18 22.18 Mileage Total Beginning 10965 Ending 10965 Traveled 0 MPG CPM Vehicle #0407 Date Time Tran Acot Drivr Vehcl Odnmtr Keyboard Type Pump Prod Quantity Price AmounL nox xu, zmm 15:59 0025 mm zm/ 0401 omou/ w-normal 0 01-uwLEouEu 0001 1.540 0018.48 Usage Total Product 01 UNLEADED 12.000 Gallon 18.48 18.48 Mileage Total Beginning 16307 Ending 16307 Traveled 0 MPG CPM Vehicle �0472 i V�ol OOomtr ����rd Ty ye ��p Prod Quantity Price Amount 1 Date Time Tra» ovr ��72 �2750 0�mrma\ 03 01-UNLEADED �mu'�� MAR 04, 2009 \\:56 0016 \B0I—/ Q0� 0472 033073 0-Norma\ 03 @1-0&EADED 008\2Q0» �'na om"'^� MAR 13 2009 12�21 00D 087 1005 8472 033375 0-Norma} @3 W1-UNLEADED 00012.0Q@ sr n'`' �'/wu MAR 23 2@09 12�3i 8016 097 1005 Usage Total 36 800 Gallon 58^68 Product 01 UNLEADED 58'68 Mileage To t 33375 Traveled 625 MPG 26.04 CPM .0623 Beginning 32750 Ending CLAY U Carmel Clay Schools Continuing Excellence in F� Education c R MCl, iND� FUEL INVOICE Carmel Clay Schools Educational Service Center MM 5201 E. 131 st Street Carmel, IN 46033 Attention: Sue Ardiaolo Bill To: Carmel Police Department, Teresa Anderson Carmel Fire Department, Denise Snyder Carmel Utilities, Lisa Kempa Carmel Street Department, Bonnie Callahan Carmel Communications, J. Arnone Carmel Engineering, Judy Stohler Carmel Parks and Recreation, Paula Schlemmer Driver's Education, Tom Pagan Carmel City Administration, Shelley Lingelbaugh Billing Date: April 1, 2009 East Side Transportation fuel charges Facilities Transportation Department 5185 East 131" Street, Carmel, IN 46033 3171844 -8207 —Fax 3171571 -9659 Accon-Y move C 7 7 0� CY- pncvw�� Qvin DOW Tint Tw Arot D&V Ski NOW HOW 7 yps PYTP Prod omnuty Frun Awim MR 17. 2H7 1206 000 RN 20 ON6 01447 777704 04-AP 0: 51- HHUED HMISH LM2 0 A I K' .�R lt� 2., 02? 2� j9 OUR 207 1K3 GM7 01HY 7"?7?7 C L- UNLEADEP 0 iu MAR A, 200 025 BOU 107 W GH7 01970 =777 0 1 2 7` 1 i L PE 0 4 1 0 iriL S 0 0 2 5 4 24� 200-, 21 OK3 007 571 001 HWO M @syad 21 TW DLENED 09MENCO k7k 1 00130, ME 2& NS 1013 001: Z0 22PA OW 035453 _77 WKYW @1 J_ UN _ate`_ MEMO 1 106 1 ON147 F? 30, 2009 11147 ON? 007 23A 7 OA57 017234 O-Knih 0: O� TjEgH ORITHP A 1,70 w OUT A' AAR Th 2009 1117 20 ON AS 50 NTH TV T? 7?7 Wormal @2 V WEADED 0@101 1 b 706 i 0@14,34 Ussue Total. PrAncL 01 LjNL EADED 77.800 Sal Wn 13 4 2 ii*. i7 I� 71 A 01 0 4 Vphic!'icy prim 50 Tim TIED p E m l L E AR 1� 2007 1:01 ON5 9SYN6 W 5147 T'V 1 1.16 1 OLE 37 N9 22, 20F 10,49 102 207 UBE 21L C7427 2-Nn-al 22 21 NESH! Wage TntV; 7 17117 CnZiM CPA "ahille 4077 late T17E Traq AN D'k E y idcptF Q ON TIps 70; W:E WHO NEIVA 1 101 1 0QV;7 -K MR 0011 00 W 3IH74 Usage Total 12.000 Gall 1 20.47 projult 01 UNLEADED 20 4*7 Mj�vage Total 2AZA CPH 7 EndLog ic i �Il 11 -G. I r— esa Prescribed by State Board of Accounts City Form No. 201 (Rev. 1995) ACCOUNTS PAYABLE VOUCHER CITY OF CARMEL An invoice or bill to be properly itemized must show: kind of service, where performed, dates service rendered, by whom, rates per day, number of hours, rate per hour, number of units, price per unit, etc. Payee Purchase Order No. Terms Date Due Invoice Invoice Description Amount Date Number (or note attached invoice(s) or bill(s)) 04/01/09 East side fuel charges $134.20 04/01/09 West side fuel charges $293.15 1 hereby certify that the attached invoice(s), or bill(s), is (are) true and correct and I have audited same in accordance with IC 5- 11- 10 -1.6 ,20 Clerk- Treasurer VOUCHER NO. WA N ALLOWED 20 Carmel Clay Schools IN SUM OF 52 E. 131st Street Carmel, IN 46033 $427.35 ON ACCOUNT OF APPROPRIATION FOR Carmel DOCS Department PO# Dept. INVOICE NO. ACCT #/TITLE AMOUNT Board Members 1192 42- 314.00 $134.20 1 hereby certify that the attached invoice(s), or 1192 42- 314.00 $293.15 bill(s) is (are) true and correct and that the materials or services itemized thereon for which charge is made were ordered and received except Flay, April 10, 2009 Director, CS Ti Cost distribution ledger classification if claim paid motor vehicle highway fund Carmel Clay Schools April 1, 2009 5201 E. 131 st St Carmel, IN 46033 Phone: 317 -844 -9961 Bill To: Carmel Fire Dept Denise Snyder 2 Civic Square Carmel IN 46032 Account #2— Carmel Fire Department Quantity Description Unit Price Total 1 Fuel Card 5.00 $5.00 Balance Due $5.00 Account addranL 7 CIYTL SIGAFE. CLP�T� Date Tice THI put Drivr Vorl Gdatr Ymbil Tqe ;YP Pad RuentKy F110 %W` MAR 1: 2009 15:33 004• 0@2 5331 0543 27B900 K77777 EAVOW 02 Ob UREUG 02MISH b5u S 010 OR 17: JH9 OnN 0010 002 M24 Olm NXI& PITY?T 24mov 22 2P UqtnH ONIV200 124: v 0- MAP 17 NOY 10,41 00 10: 5MY 002 FrA nin 0000A 04 02- 1001 0033ETOO 1.46 OU K 110 K 2MY 100q Sv5 202 r 3 0 7 If 1; 7 7. i 22 2 V UNLE"ED 0001800 �56 1 ON 3: FAR Q 2003 12:35 X3 012 5942 25h 0780@0 __777___ INval 04 22- TIEWL OHIENO3 1 hit 1 0033 v. MAR 17, 202c,' 2v. 17 OMP CK 022 OMO 03011 NNYC 23 OV KEHL OULTIN v 1,%A i 002 4 VAP 11 2003 07; is OKI Q 2 107 2y 212 "77771 Marmo 1: T VAEOR 32whoo 1 1,11 1 3553 top it MR 10; 52 VnR R02 NO 0P 01=2 "?0 009%A Z 21 UKEADEE RZOL NO 1 1 j@6 1 OJILL nN 0 2O R3 E 02 002 0@2 50 0542 045574 7777777 ltwol 02 01 IMLEADED ORAL 102 11706 3 @NO. 00 OR 11 209 130 8053 002 506 0542 047574 VOW 02 01- HLEADED 00009 3@0 s 1506 @mbs? MAR 11 2009 1026 ON2 OR 2013 GN4 07183 7?75?4 &QUA 04 0 D I F S E L go.- 2 A; i NO il;66 0 11 711 5 i s MR 191 20Gq 0050 0124 002 N71 0543 079177 77?77' 04mmA 02 0 1- UNLEADED 00012100 1306 0122. 011 MR H. 2H9 0910 @H9 @02 5HP 052 05N55 ?=77 INN56 04 0:- DIESEL ON Z 1 L800i 1: 4-a-6 •0 2 4 .A- MAR A 2009 09,41 ON2 002 5101 OU6 014915 '777 PAust 02 011. J L E E f7i' i_,, y. 6' 1 c 7 2C i 0149.M' OR IT 2N9 150 OZ50 202 A71 0545 011506 7777177 RAwad 04 01- DIESEL BONKNO T 1366 i 0 0 3 5. 1 r NE 2k 2009 ?1 A On! N: H04 X3 00464 O-NumL 02 L UKEKED OSIOZOZ n7h f 55 33 MR 20. 2009 0141 OKI °i. 5555 U41 Ohl 37051; 7477"7 o0of N 0:- DIESEL 0000.02 la6 t N 2 51 VAR N 208T 1024 0044 RK 071 250 07IZ42 2AVIA 22 91 UREOTH 02006 S E706 1 MR 21 2029 11` 1. 5047 Oil 576 20 11454 7?77777 N 02 L. UUEAND uov.wo 106 1 ONE 0 MAR 21 2004 Q 43 SU; St U40 0409 001000 VK"74 KNONal N DIEREL ON22AZO I E67 S @036.67 MR :t :N9 06:1 0002 002 194 OKI 067 7 777?n 00urmf 21 01 DEVEL. ULTSOR 1 1. 07 10316,1 MAR A 2@21 0702 RHO 002 563 074 EMT 1 774 7 n I I E T' 2 ii C! 0 Al i 101 1_ S .:706 CL 0 z 7 5 MAR 2n 7009 0030 ZMA 002 5AS 0212 05OV0 777777H 4001 03 AV DIESEL ENV= 9 107 Q e 101 A 2009 08,1 PHI 221 5YA 076 274:13 2 02 T- AKFACED 0021TION 5 �11 1 BE 11 MAR n. 2005 Tom ON2 002 2319 1515 01001 777777 h F, 1 30 I N 0 _t 1 z _67 0025 01 110 22, TUT 0 Q ONT 202 Fit PAq ZE47 RAY�A 01 L- UqEHEIJ ONN. 20 S 1. No 3Lth MAR 2� 2013 1126 31 002 253 OW 07711 7777777 0 Amh N 0:- NESEL 00016,00 6 1167 1 0127.34 TER A 2N? 0701 ON! 222 5H2 OM2 084416 777r" RAVU! C2 OP S! FADED 001- 1 4.6 00 1 L706 1 0 N 6 ?"11 MR 209 0415 005 00• 30 OU7 11 4'' ?T?nQ?7 himm! 02 Ol- UNLEADED 1011hoo 1. mb ON8.7i) MAR 2, 200? 06:13 0007 002 52? 7 1 iB 5 4 3 079577 25sx3l 02 in UNLEADED Z G 0 10 201 R 5 1 4 7 7 i 6 ?917.40 MAP 2h 200; 86:31 0015 012 534 ON3 069065 771770 ZAuml 02 Ob UNLEADED 0 0 0 10 9 1.706 @20 i FS 2; MAR 2t NOW 0908 O1_2 001 5SA3 05: 03100? ?77????? @1mvil @4 22- REVEL COBH, lj@ S 1,667 1 @038.51 2 :r 1 2 1 K2 002 sh! OU5 10POT 777777 04395 iV 2: OF 11EADED 116H AN 1306 0OU 7 MAR A NO3 12;22 Frf 00: YO1 M OVE52 Y V 77_ Momh 22 Ok NOVEn ROVE NO S 1W s R41:2 M41 X ART 170 Ovi 002 I. OKI O;Nj: 7 7 7 "77 ovn�v 22 YKEADED 6000,220 1 :316 1 ON Y 51 MA; A 200; va mv l ­N 0; i 00 0 5533. 1 F 0 2 5 MR 2 2021 0 Tk2 002 5069 9:12 TROKI karm! 0 K BA HL 0ON& No t 1067 0031,17 OR A 2109 040 0065 102 502 000 05mb 7 bNarqK RT 7 ii E PE L 3 7 7 0 t 11 7 u` .6 7 s 00 12 e.4 MAR 20 2N9 1903 0066 002 P22 010 05MY ?ninT77 61nral 07 Y- DIESEL 090n 40 1 1,37 ON917 MR 26, 2N9 1011 @039 002 5086 Z413 277102 7 Z 22 01- 01PAPED 00011600 t 1. 716 i 0028.32 NR 2h 2109 12:44 0047 102 5742 04@9 025736 -"j rii� 07 K L =1 011 1 7 1 0 0 1 1:203 b 2 4 :70- OR 26, 2NQ 14:24 2052 R2 5•5 021 077020 7 04oml 03 02- DIESEL 00011 _.E0 0029.21 MAR Q 2009 1003 @02 602 50 On2 550664 r?7T7N IMNA 04 02- DIESEL 00013.410 1 1063 1 0631.37 MR 2q MM y OM2 002 5•S on! 07M1 ?VV""T bNorm 33 22 5 JEE S L ONI?AOR Y 1ISOZ 09.6 MAR 2n 2N9 0907 0030 002 5nZ 4M5 OIH49 UT7777 bNam! 01 02- DIESEL OBNOYIN S LON OOM 24- r A. R' 27� 290� 10;.'C 0037 N2 5746 0259 052408 P?VT?U f1wed 01 BI- UREHED NNO 100 K7U 5 1018 2 b0 HAR 1, 2@09 16736 ONE @02 570 322 PT" 52 '777"? 14;�Z 17 I> EETL TH A :30 1 LE03 1 3020.1; 10 21 2UT 1_G:52 C06 002 222 2144 27427 —77 0jam! Od 22 DIESEL ZOO21 1@0 6 353K 1 ORZ86 MAR 2h 2009 16:58 000 082 06 5% 07=0 777777 bmal 22 L URFEED 01014AN 1,706 t 0024,401 2 2 Z 3P SN4 173 RUT 035047 10mm! 1 02- DIESEL 00011600 0 1, 823 i 0035.34 2 0 131 OR 29, 2UT 09 AS 0010 002 5M2 OtO 0 0 U 0 2d ???????7?? U N 0 r ri. a 1 @4 02- DIESEL 0031,00 6 1.003 i ONE I PAR X 2001 2052 ELI 017 TNE 27q 0570 lQuid el 21 0KKDB TRYNO 1. As 1 MIAR 2 r 200: 12 28. 2 Vm. �731 0545 010 777777 Kmal 3 Z2 HEM sulhwo 1 K] I OLE 0 MAR W� W 15;47 CZ19 C01 57:2 Z111 21012Z A-Yrid 04 V2 177L 237� NO 5 1, H: MA; 5, 20@3 20:11 QKA 202 515 2250 01254E 7777777 77 507sil 11 5 P UKEOR ANU, To 1 1 NA I omi A FW W AV 11,11 0021 002 5101 0002 -7 75 TY WKED 202W I 17M 0012 MAP 0, :025 11:04 ON7 00: 57: Thl FAIN lown 2: 02- DIESEL 0 Z 1 r i 1 .7_ 4 VAR If 2 0 P Q11 0032 002 5V5 02:2 OZ717Z 0 7 70 7? 0 Wynd DIESEL 2WAN �@n I 02j. H MAR H, 1021 14:11 80F 302 5474 0542 049304 77717 Was! 02 L A., E 000 i Z: 7 -6 ,a5 1r 70b s N22:6� MR 70, 2107 17 Ohl 002 N5 249 0=54 1 7"'47 2444. oal DIESEL 00020200 1103 s 0037: Q MAR N. 2001 17:2S ON! 0@1 N44 0% 91551 7?777?7 Tdowal 0 K- DIESEL OUNA00 1 W @2211s MAP 7E 2UP 0003 OLO CK WS e017 WU WORI 02 M UKEADED R201R,7N 5 !,'A 1 RTZI,� .0 UP A, 2005 000 OK 032 53; 047 07HIO WaTT Wun! 0: Zl HLEARED wARIKIN t K 706 1 5015,74 Ty p7c Ls OVE TA� 1 :r 07 DTETTL 101.100 Gal !or A 131 AccoanL rax.e WRNEL FIRT 07F DENUE TKYDE. Account addrusy 2 CIVIC SQUPPE Cf�nE, 202::� Date Tiae 100 Acnt POvr Vehcl [Numt, Keyboard Type 9,5 Hot Quokit! Price Amount HAF 31 200 08; 03 0810 002 5736 0527 11M16 0077777 0'Norsal 8: Q1' UR[WED 00018.7D0 1.706 0Q31.98 MAR 30 2009 0031 O013 N2 5931 0543 079852 ???r??W 840'01 82 Q1' UNLEPIE5 000\1.lQ0 1.706 0 1 L8.94 MAR 31, 2009 16,06 W 002 5542 0250 801000 7?77?7 0-Narmol 0 02- DIESEL 00020300 1360 N36.47 MAR 31, 2009 16Y 0053 002 5594 0533 069896 777777 D'Xaraai 02 QI- AL[ADED 0001N.400 1.76 0L7474 UP 31, 2H9 2114 8858 322 57Y 009 05104 r?"??????? IXpnsl N U%L F i &ED 0 00 2A 7.30D 1 .7Q6 801145 MAR 31. 2009 2201 B@5v 802 577 2515 01427p 7 777 1 7 0-Wpal 23 B2' D[E 020184900 11760 00ZJ.26 Usage Total Product 01 UNLEADED 47.500 Gallon 81.03 Product 02 DIESEL 39.600 Gallon 69.69 110.72 1 Account #002 'Account name CARMEL FIRE DEPT DE�ISE SNYDER Account address 2 CIVIC SQUARE, CARMEL 571-2622 Date Time Tran Amt Drivr Vehcl Udnmtr Keyboard Type Pump Prod Quootib/ Price Amount MAR 02, 2099 0:52 0011 002 2014 0337 869214 W-No,ma| 03 01-UNLEADED 00821.408 1.540 0032.96 MAR 02 2009 14:49 0017 002 5594 0 53J 86220 0-Normal 03 01-UNLEA0ED 0 .0011,390 1.540 0017.40 MAR 83 2089 09:43 0085 0Q2 5867 0 258 945282 0-Normal 0i 02-DIESEL 00024,708 1.578 0038.98 MAR 03 2809 19:30 8031 002 57 0527 11 ????????7? 0-Normal 03 0l-UHLEAUED 80B19.300 1 .540 0027.72 MAR 06, 2009 88;42 0805 002 5736 0527 1O587 7?7??????? 0-Normal 03 01-UNLEADED 00011 1.54W 0826.80 MAR 09, 2009 00:00 0801 002 2&9 0545 012365 0-Normal 01 02-DIESEL 00021.900 1.578 0034'56 MAR 09, 2809 15:00 0024 002 59.36 0229 0-Normal 01 g'-DIESEL 00N20.400 1.578 0032.19 MAR 09, 2007 15:21 0026 002 5748 0409 001000 0-Normal 02 02-DIESEL 00013.800 1.578 8021.78 MAR 18 2009 09;26 0006 002 2165 0459 084221 0-Normal 02 82-DIESEL 0000,200 1,466 8026.68 MAR 1M, 2Z09 U:42 00O 802 5414 0259 051784 0 -No rma| 03 01-UNLEA0ED 00007,600 1.542 0011.72 MAR 11 2009 11:58 0009 002 5937 0534 126857 W-Norma} 03 01-U14LEAD[D 00808.300 1.542 0012.80 MAR 12, 2 0004 0N9 87/07 �4 0 02 5101 8496 094672 ?'7r77?? 0-Worma| 83 01-UN LEADED 00033.780 1.542 0051.97 MAR lJ 2009 10r85 0012 002 2014 0337 069845 M-Normal 83 01-UNLEADED 09014.408 1.542 0022.20 MAR 13 2809 14:01 0023 002 5594 0533 06869 4 0-Normal 83 01-UNLEADED 00006.00W 1.542 9009.25 MAR 14, 2009 91:28 0001 002 5936 0459 084339 0-Normal 01 02-DIESEL 00019.009 1.466 0027.85 MAR l4. 2009 08�20 M0MJ &02 5D67 0258 045O67 0-Normal 81 02-DlESEL 00024.808 1.466 0036.36 MAR 14 2009 20:28 0009 002 5948 Q250 568612 0-Normal 01 02-DIESEL 00024.800 1,466 0036.36 MAR 15 2089 08:49 0004 082 5103 0 259 051921 ?7?7l????? 0-Normal 03 01-UNLEADED 00007.700 1.542 0011.87 MAR 16 2089 1Q :J7 0011 8N2 5071 0259 051988 ??7Y?????? 0-Normal 83 01-UNLEADED 09009.000 1.542 9013.88 MAR 16 2009 19:42 0026 0N2 2178 0229 0-Normal 02 0 W0Q\2.Y8W �.466 W818.9\ MAR 17 20 09 13 03 0011 W82 57J0 052Y 096860 0-Normal 01 -DIESEL 00026.800 1.466 00J9.29 MAR 17, 2889 13 5.) 00�3 0N2 2\63 0534 127W33 !Ti!"?!? 0'Norma} W3 01-UNLEA0[U 00008.800 1.542 2013.57 MAR 17, 2009 14:39 Q017 002 5570 0545 018249 0-Normal 01 02-UlESEL 00018.398 1.466 8026.83 MAR 17, 2009 18:18 0824 002 5742 0489 035556 0-Normal 02 02-0lES[L 090 120 1,466 003 2. 40 MAR 18, 2809 11 :4, 0014 002 5936 8229 ????7????? 0-Normal 01 02-DIESEL 00016.700 1,466 0024.48 MAR 18, 1 .009 15:44 0028 002 5336 0529 078581 ????7????? 0-Normal 02 OIL-DIESEL 00023.900 1.466 @975 .04 MAR 18 2009 16:88 8031 0Q2 5785 8258 045559 0-Normal 02 02 00023.000 1.466 003J.72 MAR i8. 2009 16�2J 9033 802 5748 0409 001000 8-Normal 02 02-Dl[S[L 80013.700 1.466 0020.08 MAR 19, 2W09 19:12 0N10 002 2336 0254 019941 0-Norma} 01 02-DIESEL 00011.880 1,466 0017.30 MAR 1Y 2009 11:33 0014 09 2 5086 0413 076804 0-Normal 03 01-UNLEA0[D 00017.980 1.786 0030,54 MAR 19 2809 22/35 0035 002 5067 0526 082894 0-Normal 03 01-UWLEA0ED 00012.700 1.706 0021.67 MAR 20, 2009 1&:J6 0014 002 5936 0459 084484 0-Norma} 02 92-DIESEL 00W17.60W \.667 W029.34 MAR 20 2009 12:55 0016 002 2014 8337 W7W2W4 W'Hurmal 03 01-UNLEADED 90028.700 1.706 0848,Y6 MAR 20 2809 14:16 0019 802 5746 0259 052131 8-Normal 03 W\-UHL[A0ED 00010.2001 1,706 0017.48 MAR 22 2009 03:20 0002 002 5338 0461 076452 W-Normal 81 OIL-DIESEL 80030.600 1,667 005�.01 MAR 23, 2009 12:09 0015 802 5875 0409 035735 0-Wormal 01 02'8l[S[L 00016,300 1.667 9027.17 MAR 23, 2009 13:20 0017 002 2471 0459 084624 8-Normal 82 02-DIESEL 00017.70& 1.667 9029.51 MAR 23 2009 13:54 0821 002 5076 0542 049780 0-Normo� 0J 01'UNLEA0ED 00008.000 1.706 0013,65 MAR 24, 2009 21:36 0029 002 2171 0545 018712 0-Normal W2 02-DlES[L Q&W23.300 1.667 0038.84 MAR 25, 2809 09:47 0009 W02 5867 825Q M�5867 0'Norma] 02 �2-0lES[L 00028.5H0 1.667 0H47.51 MAR 25 1 .329 09:57 8919 002 5077 0 259 852320 8-Norma} 03 01-UNLEADED 00015.000 1.706 0025.59 MAR 25 2089 11 ;12 0016 802 2457 0459 884767 0-No/ma} 02 02-DIESEL 00022.200 1,803 0048.83 MAR 25, 2009 16:09 0827 002 573� 0527 114837 ????????Y? 0-Normal 03 01-UNLEADED 00&\2.6W8 1.786 0021.50 MAR 26. 2089 16:14 0034 002 2165 0459 084848 0-Normal 01 02-DIESEL 0&8l3.400 1.883 0024.16 MAR 38 2009 89�55 0014 002 2014 03J7 070627 ????????7? 0-Norma} 03 01-UNLEA0E8 00031.200 1.706 0053.23 MAR 31, 200? 12:10 0017 902 5785 0258 045725 0-Normal 01 Oil-DIESEL 00026.00 1.883 0047.60 MAR 31, 2089 16:54 0036 002 5336 0529 097121 0-Normal 02 W2-D[[S[L 00027.900 1.760 0049.10 OAR 31, 2009 17:50 0039 002 5936 8459 089019 0-Normal 02 02-DIESEL 00024.408 1.760 0042.94 Usage Total Product 02 DIESEL 585.100 Ga1lon 93�.02 1416.70 Prescribed by State Board of Accounts City Form No. 201 (Rev. 1995) ACCOUNTS PAYABLE VOUCHER CITY OF CARMEL An invoice or bill to be property itemized must show: kind of service, where performed, dates service rendered, by whom, rates per day, number of hours, rate per hour, number of units, price per unit, etc. Payee Purchase Order No. Terms Date Due Invoice Invoice Description Amount Date Number (or note attached invoice(s) or bill(s)) Fuel Card $5.00 $2,015.34 Gas $1,268.94 I hereby certify that the attached invoice(s), or bill(s), is (are) true and correct and I have audited same in accordance with IC 5- 11- 10 -1.6 20 Clerk- Treasurer VOUCHER NO. WARRANT NO. ALLOWED 20 Carmel Clay Schools IN SUM OF 5201 East 131st Street Carmel, IN 46032 $3,289.28 ON ACCOUNT OF APPROPRIATION FOR Carmel Fire Department PO# Dept. INVOICE NO, ACCT /TITLE AMOUNT Board Members 1120 42- 390.99 $5.00 1 hereby certify that the attached invoice(s), or 1120 42- 313.00 $2,015.34 bills) is (are) true and correct and that the 1120 42- 314.00 $1,268.94 materials or services itemized thereon for which charge is made were ordered and received except APR 13 2009 r Fire Chief Title Cost distribution ledger classification if claim paid motor vehicle highway fund CLAy Carmel Clay Schools Continuing Excellence in Education FUEL INVOICE Carmel Clay Schools Educational Service Center 5201 E. 131 Street 11 029 VIED Carmel, IN 46033 APR 0 6 2009 Attention. Sue Ardiaolo BY Bill To: Carmel Police Department, Teresa Anderson Carmel Fire Department, Denise Snyder Carmel Utilities, Lisa Kempa Carmel Street Department, Bonnie Callahan Carmel Communications, J. Arnone D.O.C.S., Sue Coy Carmel Engineering, Judy Stohler E ]EaCarmel:Parks`and kecreation, Paula Schlemmer Driver's Education, Tom Pagan Carmel City Administration, Shelley Lingelbaugh Billing Date: April 1, 2009 East Side Transportation fuel charges Facilities Transportation Department 5185 East 131 Street, Carmel, IN 46033 3171844 -8207 -Fax 3171571 -9659 Qcr-umt Aynon-t Pao& a pp�vv F�Un� oarmunt 1411 1 11� z7jn7 577 W2 DO; Tim Wn Ant kin Oki Mot UWA TqE Fnj Rywhity Frin moun MAR 2, 2005 BE Q O6t''5 OF 256 OW 00314? 7777774 VOW&A 32 0.1. L E 0 0 0 r V 0 -1 -,01 i S*- MAR 1 T 2U9 0047 W ON H07 AM2 PINO3 ?�71KV 0AW00 L 0 n L E 02 0. i 7 7 11 FF 21. 7007 60: OV H9 241 W 1_ 7nTr777 Knal 02 OP HINDE 00031 No 101 1 ONU A qR 2f WY 0802 OV 00; W 05 200H VVY' ZOOM! 22 W- WADED 0000,500 1 K 06 NO, W MAN 20 2009 11,10 Oki Hy W 045 •AW56 r7TT77 INOUE 07 Op HREADED 6@01200 t V706 ;0'_ 6. _Z. L. nit H, 2W 91 ON' 0ZT jHT OH2 01507 =77077 bNoW 22 BLOW 5H0,10 Z 1.16 1 ZOE.. 1 FAR :6, 220q N; 27 OM5 ON Pill 2114 000000 ?77 1 7 0 0 22 170 ZHILHO T 1, H3 5 0100A4 1AR I 2013 0701 ONR B17 2W 042 CH N6 777?7??? EWA 22 01 ALEADED 031h, 700 1 L 706 G 00317 MAR Z& 2009 01:42 Wi W 2B7 0611 015100 04awal 02 01- U I.All L 7 A D E HOR AGE 1 1 j06 0 H L eel MAR M 2009 11:34 BOA 115 290 OW 03V34 7774477 O-Numl 02 0- B LEADED 00023AN 1 1. N6 8039,92 Usage Total. Product 01 LINTIADED 207.600 GW 1 o7 TA Q A.:; FraHuat 02 0 1 ESE L. 57 73 1 1 a" 177 01. APR 0 6 nog ID B7: CLAY C 4 t` Carmel Clay Schools Continuing Excellence in r Education FUEL INVOICE Carmel Clay Schools Educational Service Center 5201 E. 131 st Street Carmel, IN 46033 APR 0 6 2009 Attention: Sue Ardiaolo BY` Bill To: Carmel Police Department, Teresa Anderson Carmel Fire Department, Denise Snyder Carmel Utilities, Lisa Kempa Carmel Street Department, Bonnie Callahan Carmel Communications, J. Arnone D.O.C.S., Sue Coy Carmel Engineering, Judy Stohler (1Z Carmel Parks�and Recreation, Paula Schlemmer Driver's Education, Tom Pagan Carmel City Administration, Shelley Lingelbaugh Billing Date: April 1, 2009 West Side Transportation fuel charges Facilities Transportation Department 5185 East 131 Street, Carmel, IN 46033 317/844- 8207 —Fax 3171571 -9659 Account #0�9 Account name PARKS PAULA SCHLEMMER Account a d ress 1411 E 116 STREET CARMEL,IN 46032 573-4023 0ate Time Tmn Amt Drivr Vehcl Odomtr Vevbnard Type Pump Prod Quantity Price Amount MAR 03, 2809 10:05 0007 089 2186 0559 007778 0'Norma} 03 01-UNLEADED 00029.380 1.540 0045.12 MAR 05, 2809 B7:13 0003 089 2630 0689 000762 0-Normal 03 91-UNLEADED 000-16.100 1.540 0824.79 MAR 89, 7009 08:27 0008 009 2186 8618 888469 0-Normal 03 0l-UNLEADED 00030.800 1.542 0047.49 MAR 09, 2809 11:01 0817 089 3432 0559 0W8960 8-Normal 83 01-UNLEADED 00026.700 1.542 0841.17 MAR 10, 2809 10:56 08N9 009 3486 8613 2914653 0'No,mal 03 01-UNLEADED 00024.800 1.542 x 0038.24 MAR 18, 280Y 13:2J 0015 00Y 23Y7 8563 0344Y6 0-Normal 03 91-UNLEADED 00024.200 1.542 0037.32 MAR 131 2007 l9:36 0842 OF 2154 0339 076441 0-Normal 03 01-UNLEADED 00024.700 1.542 60' 09 MAR 17, 2609 14'04 0016 009 233 7 0613 814808 0-Normal 0 01-UNLEADED 000i8.008 1.542 8027.76 MAR 26, 200Y 10:01 0011 OF 2061 0614 00K95 0'Normal WJ 01-UNLEADED 0W023.80W 1.706 00�0.60 MAR 26 2801Y 0:N6 0012 009 2061 8614 008N00 2-Handle Q2 112-DIESEL 08900.880 1.8Q3 0000,00 W 26 2009 18;18 801 009 2061 0614 B00000 8-No/ma} 03 Oil-UNLEADED 08037.300 1.786 0863.63 MAR 26, 2009 10:13 0014 009 2061 0614 800000 0-No/ma} 02 L12-DIESEL 00004.700 1.803 0001 MAP 26 2009 1A :26 0026 099 2698 8611 010786 0-Normal 03 01-UNLEAD[D B0H13.700 1.706 0023.37 MAR 28, 2809 09:33 0002 009 3430 0559 008856 W-Normal 03 01-UNL[A0EU 00021.980 i.786 0037.36 MAR 29. 2009 11 16 0005 QN9 2154 0339 065655 W-Norma} 0J Mi-UNLEADED 00019.J00 1.706 0032.93 MAR 31 2089 06:04 000 009 2638 9609 000984 0-Normal 0J 01-UNLEADED 80015.000 1.786 Q025.59 MAR 31, 2007 10:04 0013 809 092 3565 064366 1777117 0-Nn/ma} 03 01-UNLEADED 000 1.706 0036.80 Usage Total Product 01 UNLEADED 346.700 Gallon 559.46 Product 02 DIESEL 4.700 Gallon 8.47 567.93 �������UY6� �R K�Q ��AU APR ^°v° ACCOUNTS PAYABLE VOUCHER CITY OF CARMEL An invoice of bill to be properly itemized must show; kind of service, where performed, dates service rendered, by whom, rates per day, number of hours, rate per hour, number of units, price per unit, etc. Payee Purchase Order No. 042595 Carmel Clay Schools Terms 5201 E. 131 st St. Date Due Carmel, IN 46033 Invoice Invoice Description Date Number (or note attached invoice(s) or bill(s)) Amount 4/1109 009 Unleaded gas Eastside 349.44 4/1/09 009 Diesel Fuel East side 122.24 4/1/09 009 Unleaded gas West side 559.46 4/1/09 009 Diesel Fuel West side 8.47 Total 1,039.61 1 hereby certify that the attached invoice(s), or bill(s) is (are) true and correct and I have audited same in accordance with IC 5- 11- 10 -1.6 1 20 Clerk- Treasurer Voucher No. Warrant No. 042595 Carmel Clay Schools Allowed 20 5201 E. 131 st St. Carmel, IN 46033 In Sum of 1,039.61 ON ACCOUNT OF APPROPRIATION FOR 101 -General Fund PO# or INVOICE NO. ACCT #/TITLE AMOUNT Board Members Dept 1 125 009 4231400 349.44 1 hereby certify that the attached invoice(s), or 1125 009 4231300 122.24 bill(s) is (are) true and correct and that the 1125 009 4231400 559.46 materials or services itemized thereon for 1125 009 4231300 8.47 which charge is made were ordered and received except 25 -Mar 2009 Signature 1,039.61 Accounts Payable Coordinator Cost distribution ledger classification if Title claim paid motor vehicle highway fund I V s CLAY Carmel Clay Schools Continuing Excellence in •C'�R LL.IN4»'�r• Education ation FUEL INVOICE Carmel Clay Schools Educational Service Center 5201 E. 131 Street Carmel, IN 46033 Attention: Sue Ardiaolo Bill To: Carmel Police Department, Teresa Anderson Carmel Fire Department, Denise Snyder Carmel Utilities, Lisa Kempa Carmel Street Department, Bonnie Callahan Carmel Communications, J. Arnone D.O.C.S., Sue Coy Carmel Engineering, Judy Stohler Carmel Parks and Recreation, Paula Schlemmer Driver's Education, Tom Pagan r C armel City Administration; Shelley Lingelbaugh�.� I Billing Date: April 1, 2009 36 East Side Transportation fuel charges �P Facilities Transportation Department 5185 East 131' Street, Carmel, IN 46033 3171844 -8207 —Fax 3171571 -9659 A& Twe WE Ant DAn Ak! 0 d 's q_h �ir T, pop Tod Quartity Price 8 111m t NR 1& 200q 56,56 001 Oil 144 7?7?? 7407777 T�umd 02 OP ITEADED OOM2,900 I L 542 1 000.0 VAR 12, 2H? 015L 001 L! 2:40 907 025329 r?44 Wood 22 2 P WAR 22WIN 1 AOL 00, N 51 20, 2H; 39,52 001 W 2433 0597 0655:9 bNami 01 SP UkRDH ON500 1 1, RE C K H.. W 24, 2009 AN N ON! Oil 210 050 OWN 7?75?P?? 20onn 02 IS IMLEAD&D 0204100 1 i 321 202210w MAR 7. 2OF AWT ON! Oil 2AT OF! 06546 77?r??? hNnal 02 0V iq NDES fOLS100 S 11m 917 1 Se rR :1 200 00:21 OKI v 1 U40 on; 12022 777 0001A 02 A- 0=5 JNIIHZ 1 bys ON h Usage Total Product q! W&PADED 02.121 F"! !on 1 16 0 3 f...) lbo 30 Doti 'In 2� AT I 17 27 75 v! 2 �_Ij:: WK Z 7777 5zop TwLC hw4 NOR it 2001 oh 5; 0021 11 :7 z 1 1 7 MAR Y� 2HY 05; 0021 Cl: Oil Z.0 7 0 1 2 ME 3, 2009 03; 28 W! Oil 25Z 105 WK! 7 7 7 77 lin�kl 0: W SLEALK 1@014100 1,706 i ON I S.6 Usage TQtal. Product 01 UNLYADEC 47.30, 501 j an B 4 1 AijUsgo T... 0n E-d 1-0 072 h 737 cpm j Prescribed by State Board of Accounts City Form No. 201 (Rev. 1995) z ACCOUNTS PAYABLE VOUCHER CITY OF CARMEL An invoice or bill to be properly itemized must show: kind of service, where performed, dates service rendered, by whom, rates per day, number of hours, rate per hour, number of units, price per unit, etc. Payee Carmel Clay Schools Purchase Order No. Terms Date Due Invoice Invoice Description Amount Date Number (or note attached invoice(s) or bill(s)) 04/01/01 Admin Gasoline for Administration (eastside charges Total $160.30 1 hereby certify that the attached invoice(s), or bill(s), is (are) true and correct and I have audited same in accordance with IC 5- 11- 10 -1.6. 20 Clerk- Treasurer VOUCHER NW /09 WARRANT NO. chools ALLOWED 20 �ducation Serv C enter IN SUM OF 5201 E. 131 st Street Qarmel IN 4 9032 $160.30 ON ACCOUNT F APPROPRIATION FOR General Fund 1205 Administration Board Members PO# or INVOICE NO. ACCT #/TITLE AMOUNT I hereby erti that the attached invoice or DEPT. y y bill(s) is (are) true and correct and that the 1205 Admin materials or services itemized thereon for which charge is made were ordered and received except 20 r �sign t re Title Cost distribution ledger classification if claim paid motor vehicle highway fund ~T Account #008 A�count name CARMEL ENGINEERING JUDY STOHLER Account address 1 CIVIC SQUARE CARMEL 571-2432 Date Time Tran Aint Drivr Yehc} 0domtr Keyboard Type Pump Prod Quantity Price Amount MAR 05. 2009 13:34 0017 000 23 31 S 0562 0J828J 0-Normal 03 01-UNLEADED 00016.900 1.540 0026.03 MAR 10, 2009 11:32 0012 008 1068 0560 086090 0-Normal 03 01-UNLEADED 08810.300 1.542 0015.88 MAR 12. 2809 12:59 000 808 5082 0561 854698 B'Normal 03 01-UNLEADED 00018.600 1.542 0028.68 MAR l8 2009 09:12 0808 008 2338 8562 038534 0-Normal 03 01-UNLEADED 00017.500 1.706 0029.86 MAR 25, 2009 18:J0 001 808 1068 0568 065521 0'Normal N3 Ql'UNLEADED 00013.280 1.706 0022.52 MAR 30, 2009 D:14 8021 008 2338 0562 035R2W 8-Normal 0J 01-UNLEADED 00018.800 1.706 08J2.07 MAR 30 2009 14:49 0026 088 1068 W560 075868 W'Nnrmo} 03 01-UNLEADED 00014.600 1.706 0024.91 Usage Total Product 01 UNLEADED 109.900 Gallon 179.95 179.95 Vehicle #05 D a -P Time Tram Ack Drivr Veh.d Odomtr KEYbo�rd Tynp Pu��� Qu�d� Price Amount MA R 10 2007 11:32 0812 068 056Q 086090 &'Horma} 03 01'UNi[ADED 00010,70Z 1.542 0015.018 HA8 25, 2B0Y 10:30 0013 088 1068 0560 865521 0-Normal 03 81-0&[AUED 00013.200 1.706 0 MAR 38. 200? 14;49 0026 008 1068 0560 W75868 N-Nnrmal 03 01 -UNLEADED 00014.600 1 .706 802*.91 Usage Total Product 01 UNLEADED 38.100 Gallon 63.31 63.31 Mileage Total Beginning 86090 Ending 75868 Traveled 79778 MPG 869.71 CPM .0005 Vehicle #056l Date Time Trao Acnt Drivr Vehcl 0domb Keyboard Type Pump Pr d Quantity Price Amount MAR 12 2009 12:59 001B HE 5882 0561 054698 ????Y????? 8-Norma! 03 01-UNLEA8E0 00018.600 1.542 0028.68 Usage Total Product 01 UNLEADED 18.600 Gallon 28.68 28.68 Mileage Total Beginning 54698 Ending 54698 Traveled 0 MPG ????.7? CPM Vehicle #0562 Date Time Tran Amt Drivr Vehcl [Womt/ Keyboard Type Pump Prod Uuantity Price Amount HAR 05, 28W9 13:34 0017 088 23 8 8562 838283 0-Normal 03 -UNLEADED 808i6.9�& 1.540 0026.03 MAR 12 209? 09:12 0008 008 233 8 8562 038534 �-Norma 0J 01��LEA8ED 08817.500 i.706 0029.86 MAR 30, 2009 13:14 8021 008 2338 0562 BJ5820 0-Norm81 0 01-UNLEADED 08818.880 1.766 0832.87 Usage Total Product 01 UNLEADED 53.200 Gallon 87.96 87.96 Mileage Total Beginning 38283 Endi�ng 35820 Traveled 37537 MPG 34.07 CPM .0016 Account address 1 CIVIL STUAR[ CAMT: 571 '2n5"-- Date Time Tmw Amt Orivr Vehci Odomtr Kevhad Dpe pu,o 7rs Quantity Price Aw"t MAR 2O 206 880 5022 00B 5082 0561 054980 Q'Ncrnal 02 1' LZEAND 0N017.408 t 1.706 GK? A01 MR 20 2n9 0054 0027 000 2188 N00 012941 ?????r???r 1-Nomo! 02 E!- UREA5EU 02010.QN L706 0017,06 MAR A. 2007 8806 A8W 088 W 043l 00426 427= 0-Norel QZ P- UNLEAD[D QN0Y.70o i.7Q6 0LE.55 KR 27 ?0Q9 09; ��6 W 088 K82 0%1 05527B ?v?r???r?? 0-Nor7Q 02 01' UNH4UE5 Q0D17.12 1.706 HW-l6 Usace Total Dak Time Too Pat Driwr WARM WE WOW FrIce =20 020 035,41J-142 OCR h7h Q- LALEADED WANO 1 106 1 101M. Usage Tutai Mijeage Tutal T 7 77 My Wo ing 1 Y' Vahicle #056i Date TYe Tran kh Dhu VyU1 GAP" Wbaard `ypi P^mp F,:J Quantity P'ice 4mouot MAR ob 2M9 8132 002 jjj:jn2 Vi VAN 70 77W 7 0'NorN 02 L- UNWED 008\7.40Q 1 K7Q6 00290 UR 27. 2009 09:56 0272 2 056i E552rE ?r047 U-mc'pf 22 Q1- UNLEAD[J 00017120 1306 W9.86 Usage Total Product 01 U�LFAWD 5'| 90 1 Cvlloo 59,5; Milaaye Total Beginning 51000 EU i/'- 75273 Traysled Too hOF 17.02 CPM 10W V��icle #0431 D t Time Tran �cnL Dov' vehc1 Oduptr �e"haard Typ* Fum� P-�d Quaptity P'zce Anount UKLEA 0N009.70� 1.786 Q06.55 n Usage Total Product 01 UN� E�D Beginning 4L06 ['"j-ng Prescribed by State Board of Accounts ACCOUNTS PAYABLE VOUCHER City Form No. 201 (Rev. 1995) CITY OF CARMEL An invoice or bill to be properly itemized must show: kind of service, where performed, dates service rendered, by whom, rates per day, number of hours, rate per hour, number of units, price per unit, etc. Payee Carmel Clay Schools Purchase Order No. 5201 E. 131st Street Terms Carmel, IN 46033 Date Due Invoice Invoice Description Amount Date Number (or note attached invoice(s) or bill(s)) 04/01/09 n/a West side fuel $179.95 04/01/09 East side fuel $93.15 Total I hereby certify that the attached invoice(s), or bill(s), is (are) true and correct and I have audited same in accordance with IC 5- 11- 10 -1.6. 20 Clerk- Treasurer VOUCHER NO. WARRANT NO. ALLOWED 20 carmal lay Schools IN SUM OF 5201 E. 131 st Street Carmel, IN 46033 $273.10 ON ACCOUNT OF APPROPRIATION FOR Department of Engineering Board Members PO# or INVOfCE NO. ACCT #/TITLE AMOUNT DEPT. I hereby certify that the attached invoice(s), or bill(s) is (are) true and correct and that the materials or services itemized thereon for n/a accnt #8 ENG 42314 $273.10 which.charge is made were ordered and received except Signature Cost distribution ledger classification if Title claim paid motor vehicle highway fund l_ �ccount #003 Account name CARMEL UTILITIES LISA KEMPP; Account address 1 CIVIC SQUARE, CARMEL 571-2443 Da�� Time Tmo Acnt Drivr Yeh l Udnmtr �yboard Type ��p Prod QuaodUy Price NfROL. nt AR 02 200Y 11 0-0 3845 008 01724 7 0-Norma\ @3 01 -UN1- EAU[D 00016.100 1. 1 011 MAR 021 20NY 1 24 RV 063 3847 8267 038500 ??7??????? 8-Normal 03 01 -UNLEADEU 00030.700 1.540 0W47.28 MAO 82. 2009 15�39 0024 0B3 2580 029Q 0686Y3 0 -No /mal 83 01-UNLEADED Q8018.100 1.�� 0827.87 MAR 03 2009 09;50 0006 003 3000 0494 10423Y 8-Hormal 03 01-UNL[A0ED N002.B�� 1.540 0019.71 Mf4IR 03 2809 11N1 00U 0W3 2376 8554 04\226 8-No ii, al 03 0l- UN L[ADE0 MAR 03 2009 14�59 00-17 803 515 7`6 0419 041693 8-Normal 03 01-UNLEADED 000)2.500 1.540 8019.25 MAR 03 2009 16/47 0025 80J 2132 0518 043449 8-kbrmal 0J 01'UNLEAU[D 0082l508 1.540 80J6.19 MAR 03. 2009 59 0026 803 3846 0278 0UY90 0-N ormal 03 8\- u INL[ADED 0001.400 1.540 0848.J6 �0 W3, 2009 17�03 0027 003 2374 0506 093278 0-Normal 03 W1-��[AD[D N8025.5W0 1.540 00JY.27 HAR 84. 2B09 1i�L5 0�13 �03 3000 8283 005615 8'Nnrmal 03 01-UHLE&UED 08023.600 1.540 0036.34 MAR 04 2009 15:59 0022 0Q3 2063 0469 M58733 0-Normal &3 81-UNLEAUED 0B019.000 1.540 a029.2� MAR 05, 2009 11/21 0010 003 3845 M557 04 8 03 01-UNL[ADED 00030.000 1. 0846.20 MAR 05. 280Y 11;27 001l 003 258W 829W 0689Y4 0-Norma} 0 B1-UNL[AD[D 00016.200 1.540 8Q24.95 HAR 05, 2009 16�11 8Q23 003 5842 0261 0692B4 0-Normal 03 01-UNLEADED 00032.008 �.54B 0049.2D HAR 05 2009 16�26 002� N0J 5353 0308 020148 0-Nnrma} 03 W1'UNLEAU[D 00030.600 l.540 0047.12 HAR 05 2009 17�26 �031 00J 339i 8555 028934 0-Normal 03 01-UNiEAD[D 00019.50B 1,540 BN30.03 HA8 05 200Y 17�48 0832 003 5�58 8498 09J24D Q-Normal 03 01-UNLEADEU 80028.80� 1,548 0043.12 H 06 2W0Y 10�06 0007 &03 2713 M5�8 O2R664 ??????Y??? 0-Normal 03 01-UNLEADED 00W12.7�0 \,542 0019.58 AR MAR 06 2009 14!06 0014 003 5479 0328 08 if, 68B 0-Nurma 03 01-UNLEADED QB813.400 �.5�2 002M.66 HAR 09, 2O0Y 09�00 0012 003 2265 0288 029157 0-Normal 03 N1-UNLEADE0 0002Y.300 �.542 @045.18 MAR 89, 2009 1l!36 0019 003 5657 043 053875 0-Morma1 03 01'UNLEA11 ED 0 101019 1 500 1.542 UFO .07 MAR 09 2809 16-l4 0031 083 2038 0300 007674 0-Norma\ 83 01-UNLEADE8 00W30.5NW l.542 0047.03 HAR 10 2809 0Y 36 8007 083 2115 Q286 032242 0-Normal 03 01-UNL[AD[D 00029.008 1.542 0044.72 MAR 18 2NW9 14�06 0020 01- 003 3398 0278 012360 8'Normal H3 UHL EADED 080J4.�0N 1.542 0052.43 MAR 18 2009 14 D 0N22 003 5926 0265 012266 0-Normal 83 01-UHL[ADED 00028.0B0 1.542 0043.0 MAR 1& 2009 15: 25 0028 003 2063 0�6Y 059l22 0-Hormal 03 01-UHLEADEU 00N22.500 �.542 0034.7N MAR 18, 2009 l6�28 0036 S03 2588 &298 069346 8-Normal 03 01-UNLEADED N0018.500 1.5�2 0028.53 MAR 1l 2009 09�23 &004 003 22�8 0505 88225\ 8-Hormal 03 01-UHL[ADED 000\9.180 1.�42 0829.45 MAk 11, 20N9 10�56 N0N7 0&3 5926 0247 096176 0-Normal &3 �i-UWLEAUED 0002D.080 1.542 00�3'18 HAR 11, 28 NY _10-:5 0008 003 5145 W437 075586 0'Horma] 03 01-UNLEA0ED 00816.000 1.542 0824,67 MAR 1l, 20NY \4�55 00�5 00J 5158 0498 0Y3564 0-Wn,mal 03 01-UNLEADED 008i0.080 1.542 0015.42 M 11. 2 CO �5�17 N00 003 515B 0301 005296 8-Normal 03 01-UNLEAUEU 080J0.500 0047.83 KAR L1, 2009 16�0O 0022 003 JD45 0506 894330 0'Normal 03 01-UNLEADED 00025.000 1.542 0038.55 MAR 12 2009 11:28 0B15 80J 58�2 &261 06Y569 W-Mormal 03 01-UNLEADED 08027.000 1.542 0041.63 MAR l2 2009 13: 0020 00-3 5985 049/ 87Y230 W-Hurm�i �3 01-UNL[ADED 08027.080 �.542 0041.63 MAR 12 2009 15-57 00. 003 3845 0288 02Y475 91 Normal 03 01-UNLEA8ED 08027.&W0 1.542 Q0�1.63 MAR 13, 2TH9 W9 N0 000 8 00 5158 8498 893644 B-Normol 03 01-UHLEAD[D 00023.800 1.542 0035.47 HAR 13 2 80 Y Q9�18 000Y 003 3846 0267 0J0858 ??????7??? 0-No /m a} 03 01-UNLEA DE 8 00032.0W0 1.542 0049.34 MAR 13 2009 0016 003 5Y8Y 0416 023846 0-Norma� 03 W1-UNLEADED 00018.000 1.542 0Q15.0 MAR 13. 2009 15;1 0035 �W3 3390 0278 012605 0'Normal �3 01-UHLEADED 0002l.5N0 \.5 0Q33.15 MAR 13. 2009 16�35 004l 003 2500 029N &6Y660 0-Normol 03 Q1-UNLEAD[D 00018,200 1.542 0028.06 MAR 16 20 09 10;20 0018 0031 2374 0�86 8946 05 W-Norma} 0J 01-UWL[AUED 000J4.208 1.542 QB52.74 MAR 16 2Q89 11:44 0013 003 2258 0505 882658 0-Norma} 03 01-UNLEADED 0 00 2J.600 1.542 0036.39 �A� 11:16 0088 003 2376 0554 04]553 ????7?Y,?? 0-No��l�(�� 01-UNLEAD[D 00026.108 1.542 0&40.2� MAR 17, 2009 11 36 80B9 0Q3 2063 8469 B594R3 ??????7??? 0-Hormal 03 01-UNLEA8EU 00022.0Q0 1.542 003J.92 NAR 17, 200Y 12�06 8010 Q83 2132 0518 044547 0-Morma| 03 01-UNLEADED 00021.508 1.542 0033.15 MAR �7 200Y 13�46 8012 003 5435 0555 0292B9 0-Nnrma\ 03 01-UNLEADED D�0�6.100 1.542 0024.R3 MAR l7. 280Y 15�00 8019 003 2N38 030N 007Y91 0-Nurmal 03 Q1-UHLEAD[D 0Q031.000 1.542 0847.8N HA8 18. 2089 1B:83 8�1� 003 2583 02Y7 845748 0-Norma} 03 01 UNLEADED 00017.500 �.7W6 002Y.86 HAR 18. 2009 13�50 0020 003 �158 0498 893896 0-Norma\ 83 01-UNLEAD[D 00023.300 NA8 19. 2B09 1l�02 0012 Q03 25B1 0557 047651 0-Normal 03 81-UNLEADED 00032.00W l.706 8054.59 mm lv, zmw 1 uuo Ouu/ mm nun/ y°.)r 6jILVO V-11LIf °a ""L L". I MAR B, 0 09 14; 7 00 00 27 0548 028Y 75 m 0-Nome 0}-UNLEAU 0, .R 0� NAR'19 jo0Y 15:33 0026 Qa3 3390 0278 013005 0-Mormal 03 0\-UNLB0E0 00074.0@0 1.7G6 0W58.Q0 MAR 19, 2009 16�38 0033 003 250 0 0290 0/0035 0-Normal 83 01-UNLEADED 0001 8.800 1.786 0832107 MAR 20 2W09 09:45 00� 09' 5042 0261 069963 ???7?????? W-Nnrma\ 001-0 01-UNLEAD[0 00032.200 1.786 0054.59 MAR 20 2889 15:38 0025 0 0437 075895 W-Norma} 03 W1-UNLEADED 00815.3�0 �.706 0026.10 MAR 2J 2009 1 0:1C 0 003 5979 0267 031 0J 01-UNLEADED 080291800 1.706 HAk 2 20 09 1 24 00 083 2O2 0518 044868 O-Wormal 0 3 01'UNL[A0ED 00 0.300 1.786 0034.63 HA8 23 2009 1'-: 0029 00J 211q 0286 035224 0-Norma\ 03 Nl-UNLEA0ED 08027.000 1.706 004o.06 MAR 24, 2009 0 N006 00J 5977 0507 300 0, 0'Nurma\ N2 02-Dl[SEL 00 W 00 .W00 \.667 0000.00 MAR 2 2009 6_9;Q7 0007 003 5Y77 m.507 000284 2 82-Dl8EL 000/9.880 1,667 81J1.6Y MAR 24, 20W9 IV? :l6 00W8 003 1&48 0507 000205 N-Normal 02 02-DlESEL 00848.500 1.667 8080,85 MAR 24, 2009 0-9/20 0809 0W3 _1048 0507 053976 0-Normai 01 02-DIESEL 88016.Q80 1.667 B026.67 HAR 251 20@9 09:15 00N7 RAJ 2863 8469 059874 0-Normal 83 01-UNLEADED 08022.080 �.706 H MAR 25 2809 10�5} 001-4 003 5765 �275 09120J 0-Norma} 03 01-UNLEAD�0 B0015.200 1,706 0025.93 All 25 2009 1\�W9 0015 0@3 3S45 042B 0174�0 0-Normal 0J B1-UNLEAUEU 00032.B08 l.706 0W54.59 MAR 25. 200 0 16;33 0030 00� 5158 0498 �94149 0-Normal 8J N1'UNLEADED 00024.080 1.786 00�8.94 MA8 25 2Q0Y 16�45 0032 0WJ 2265 0288 030186 ????7????? 0-Norma\ 0J 01-UHLEADED 008J1 .00N 1.706 0052.89 MAR 26. 2009 08:47 0007 003 3390 0278 013363 ?7???????? 0 Ho,ma1 03 0 1-U NL[ADED 000 1.706 1 00-3.74 MAR 26, 2009 89�J8 00!0 003 5979 04Y� l�4492 8-No,mal W3 0�'UNLEAD[D 00826.000 1,706 8044.36 MAR 27. 2009 09.44 00 09 803 5842 8261 878J0 1 0-Normal 03 01-UNLEAD[D 8003i.008 \.706 0052.89 MAR 28 2009 l3:1 0085 003 2259 0505 08J024 0-Normai 0J 01-UNLEADED 00024.O00 1.706 M042.31 MAR J� 20&9 08�35 8008 -0 0 2501 0�11 804949 0-Nnrma\ 02 &2-D\[SEL 00022.@�0 l,8N3 003Y.67 HA8 7 0, 2809 08 57 0012 003 5158 84Y8 094408 8'Nurma1 03 01-UNL[A1) [D 00822.100 1.706 0037,70 MA8 J0, 2O09 J',44 8022 003 25B3 0297 046051 0-Normal 83 "!-UNLEADED 00017.580 1.706 ��9.86 MAR J0 2009 14;84 0024 003 2629 0507 05428 0-Normal 01 02'DIES[L WOZQ24.N00 1.88J 0043.27 HAK 30 20B9 15/39 MO28 0N3 2501 0557 04O037 0-Normal 0} 01-UNLEAD[D 00829.0N0 ].706 MA8 38 2009 15�51 0029 00J 2115 02B6 0J2824 &-Normal 03 W1-UWL[ADED 00028.8W0 1.706 0N47.77 MAR Jl, 2@0Y 0:51 0 B03 5876 0419 00160 0-Normal 03 01-UNLEAD[D 00M}2.000 1.706 0020.47 MAR 31 2009 'a 44- 8019 Q�3 2376 0554 �A1839 0-Norma� 03 01-UNLEAUEU 00024.500 1.706 004l.80 HAR J1, 2009 15�32 0029 0BJ 3J90 030Q 00868l 0-Nn/mal 03 01-UNLEADED 0�831.508 1,706 8053.M MAR 31. 2009 16�46 0835 0W3 250Q 0266 04232Q W-Nnrmal 0J 81-UNLEAU[D 00B30.800 l.7@6 �051.1D Usage Total Product 01 UNLEADED 1834.500 Gallon 2944.88 Product 02 DIESEL 189 500 Gallon 322.15 .2 O 3267 .03 Prescribed by State Board of Accounts City Form No. 201 (Rev 1995) ACCOUNTS PAYABLE VOUCHER CITY OF CARMEL An invoice or bill to be properly itemized must show, kind of service, where performed, dates of service rendered, by whom, rates per day, number of units, price per unit, etc. Payee 42595 CARMEL CLAY SCHOOLS Purchase Order No. ATTN: TERRY RICH Terms 5201 E 131ST ST Due Date 4/7/2009 CARMEL, IN 46033 Invoice Invoice Description Date Number (or note attached invoice(s) or bill(s)) Amount 4/7/2009 030209 $2,688.85 hereby certify that the attached invoice(s), or bill(s) is (are) true and ;orrect and I have audited same in accordance with IC 5- 11- 10 -1.6 Date Officer VOUCHER 091539 WARRANT ALLOWED 42595 IN SUM OF CARMEL CLAY SCHOOLS ATTN: TERRY RICH 5201 E 131 ST ST CARMEL, IN 46033 Carmel Water Utility ON ACCOUNT OF APPROPRIATION FOR U Board members PO INV ACCT AMOUNT Audit Trail Code 030209 01- 6500 -04 $822.25 030209 01- 6500 -05 $1,716.16 030209 01- 6500 -07 $150.44 Voucher Total $2,688.85 Cost distribution ledger classification if claim paid under vehicle highway fund Account #003 Account name CARMEL UTILITIES LISA KEMPA Account address 1 CIVIC SQUARE, CARMEL 571-2443 Date Time Trm Amt Urivr Vehc| 0dnmtr Keyboard Type F ump Prn d 0uantity Price Amount MAR 02 2009 11:03 0012 003 3845 042O 017245 0-Norma} 0J 0 1-UNLEAD[D 00016.i0Q 1.540 0824.79 MAR 02, 2009 15:24 8022 OK 3847 0267 K0500 0-Normal 83 011-UNLEADED 00030.700 1.540 0047.28 MAR 02 2089 15;39 0024 803 2500 0298 968693 0-Normal 83 W1-UMLEA0[D 00018.100 1.54Q 0827.87 MAR 03 2009 09:58 0886 003 3000 0494 184239 M-Normal 03 01-UNLEADED 00W12.800 1.540 0019.71 MAR 03 2009 11:41 0011 003 2376 0554 041226 0-Normal 03 W1-UNL[A0[0 08026.000 1.540 0040,04 MAR 03 2009 14:59 80D 003 5876 0419 041693 M'Norma\ 03 01-UNLEADED 08012.500 1.540 0019.25 MAR 03, 2009 16:47 0025 003 212 8518 04 449 0-Normal 03 011-UNLEADED 08023.500 1.540 8036.19 MAR @3 2009 16:59 8W26 003 3846 0278 011370 ???????7?? 0-Normal 0J 01-UNLEADED 0B031.40N l.540 0848,J6 MAR NJ, 2003 1713 0827 003 2374 0506 093278 0-Normal 83 01-UNL[AUED 00025.500 1.�40 08JY.27 MAR 04. 2W0Y U�15 0BO 003 3000 N283 0856\5 0-Normal 03 N\-UNL[ADED 00023.600 �.540 88J6.34 MAR 04, 2009 15:59 0022 00 2863 0469 058733 0-Normal 03 01-UNL[A0ED 00019.090 1.540 0029.26 MAR 05 20Q9 1��21 00l0 003 3845 W557 80275 0-Normal 03 0�-UNL[A0E0 08030.800 1.540 0046.20 MAR 05 2089 11:27 0011 003 2500 0290 068994 0-Nnrma} 03 01-UNLEADED 00016.200 1.540 0024.95 MAR 09 2009 16:11 0023 803 5842 O261 0 69 284 0-Nnrm8} 03 01'UMLEADED 00032.800 1.540 8049.28 MAR 851. 2009 16i26 8025 003 5353 0J08 020148 0-Normal 03 01-UULEAD[D 00030.600 1.540 0047.12 MAR 05 2009 17:26 00 003 3391 0555 028934 8-Normal 03 01-UHL[AD[D 90019.500 1.540 0030.83 MAR 05 2009 1 0032 H03 5158 0498 W9J2�D 8-Hormal 03 01-UNLEADED 00028.080 1.540 0043.12 MAR 06 2009 1W:06 0007 003 2713 054D 028664 0-No rma\ 83 21-UNLEADED 00012.700 1.542 0019.58 MAR 06, 2809 14:06 WMN W03 5479 8328 088688 0-Norma} 03 L31-UNLEADED 00013.400 1.542 0028.66 MAR 99 2009 09:08 0812 003 2265 0288 829157 0-Normal 03 01-UNLEADED 00029.300 1.542 0045.18 MAR 09, 2009 11:36 0819 003 5657 0439 051875 0-Normal 83 01-UNLEADED 00019.500 1.542 0838.07 MAR 89 2009 16:14 00Jl 00J 2038 03�� 00767� 8-Normal 03 01-UNLEADED 00030.500 1.542 9047.03 HW8 18, 2809 09:36 0007 003 2\l5 0286 032242 ?????7???? 0-Normal W3 01-UNLEA0E0 00029.900 1.542 i 8044.72 MAR 10. 2009 14:06 0020 W03 33Y0 027O 012360 0-Normal 03 01-UNLEADED 08034.008 1.542 8052.43 MAR 10, 2009 14,17 8022 003 5926 0265 012266 0-Normal 03 01-UNLEADED 00028.000 1.542 8043.18 MAR 12, 2099 }5:25 0028 0W3 2063 0469 859122 0-Normal 03 01-UNLEADED 00022,500 1.5�2 08J�.70 MAR 10 2809 16:28 8036 0Q3 250 0 0290 069346 O-Normal 03 01-UNLEADED 00018.500 1.542 0828.53 MAR 11 2809 M9;23 00H4 803 2258 0505 N82251 ??7?7?7??? 0-Normal 83 @!-UNLEADED 80019.100 1.542 9029.45 MAR 11 2009 18:56 0007 003 5926 0247 096176 ??7??????? 0-Normal 83 01-UNLEADED 00028.000 1.542 0043.18 MAR 11 2009 10:59 0088 003 5145 0437 075586 0-Normal 83 01-UNLEADED 00016.080 1.542 0024.67 MAR 11 2009 14:55 0815 903 5158 0498 093564 0-Normal 03 01-UNLEADED O08l0.000 1.542 0015.42 MAR 11, 2009 15:17 0818 083 5158 0301 005296 11111p??? 0-Normal 0J 01-UHLEAD[D 00030.500 1.542 0047.03 W U 28@9 16;W8 0822 0W3 3845 N94330 0'Normal 03 01-UNLEADED 08025.000 1.542 0038.55 MAR 12, 2009 11:28 0015 W0J 5842 0261 069569 8-Norma} 03 01-UNLEADED 00027.008 1,542 800.6 MAR 12 2009 13; 36 0020 00J 5985 0497 079230 0-Normal 03 01-UNL[ADED 00027.000 1.542 8041.63 MAR 12, 2009 15:57 8029 007 3345 8288 029475 0-14 ormol @3 01-UNLEADED 0NO27,900 1.542 000.63 MAR 13. 2009 09:80 8008 003 5158 8498 093644 W-Normal 03 01-UNLEADED 80023.000 1.542 0035.47 MAR 13. 2009 0Y:18 0009 083 3846 0267 030 850 &-Normal 23 01-UNLEADED 89832.000 1,542 i 0049.34 MAR 13, 1 11:53 0N16 003 5509 0416 023846 0-Normal 03 W1'UNL�AD[D 00010.008 1.542 0015.42 MAR 13 2089 15:42 0&35 0W 3390 0278 1012605 N-Normal 03 01-UNL[A0[O 00021.508 1.542 0033.15 MAR O, 2009 16:35 0941 003 2500 0290 069660 0-Normal 03 W1-UNLEADED 80018.200 1,542 0028.06 MAR 16, 2009 10;20 Hq10 803 2374 0506 894605 0-Normal 03 01-UHLEAD[D 80034.200 1.542 8052.74 FAR 16 2009 11:44 0013 Q 03 2258 0505 W82658 0-Normal 0 01-UNLEADED 00023.600 1.542 0N36.39 MAR D 2009 11:16 0808 0@3 2376 0554 04155 11 0-Normal 0 01-UNLEAD[D 00826.100 1,542 0040.25 MAR D, 2009 11:1 0@09 003 2063 0469 059483 8-Normal 03 01-UNLEADED W8W22.8M@ 1.02 W0 MAR 17 2009 12:06 0010 803 2132 050 044547 ??????7??? 8-Normal 03 01-UNLEADED 08021.580 1.542 0033.15 MAR D 2009 13:46 0012 0N3 5435 0555 029209 ??????7Y?? 0-Nonno1 8J 01-UNLEAU[8 80016.�0@ \.542 0N24.83 MAR D, 2009 15:00 086 W03 2W38 0300 00799\ 0-Nurma} M3 01-��[A0[0 00031.000 1.542 8847.80 MAR 18 2009 10:03 0011 093 2 0297 845748 0-Normal 83 01-UNLEA0[0 08017.500 1.706 @029.86 MAR 18, 2009 13;58 0020 00J 5l58 0498 0YJ89� M-Normal 0J 0�'UNLEAD[0 08023.300 1.706 0039,75 MAR 19, 200i 11:02 0012 W03 2501 0557 047651 0-Normal 03 81-UNL[A0ED 08832.000 1.706 8054.59 7 MAR lY` 100? 1 0017 00' 5657 0439 854200 A-Nurmal 03 01-UN L[ADE0 00820.500 1.706 0034.97 MAR 19 2009 14:37 0021 00 2713 0548 028975 ??????7??? 0'Nurma1 03 01-UNLEAU[U 00011.000 }./06 000,77 MAR 19 2009 15:33 0026 003 J390 0278 0�J005 0-Normal 0J 0\-UNL[A0ED 00M34.NW0 1.706 0W58.00 MAR 19 2009 160 0833 003 2508 0290 070835 W-Normal 03 01-UNLEADED 00818.800 1.706 0032.97 MAR 28, 2009 09:45 0010 003 5842 0261 069963 ???????7?? 0-Norma} 03 01-UNLEADED 00032.008 1.706 0054.59 MAR 22, 2009 15;38 0025 003 5145 04 075895 0-Normal 8J 01-UNLEADED WN015.J00 1.786 0826.1W MAR 23 2089 10:0 0010 003 5979 0267 0 0-NormaI 0J 01-UNLEAUED 80029.000 1.786 0049.47 MAR 23 2009 l5�24 W828 W8J 2O2 0518 844S68 0-Normal 03 01'UNLEADED 00020.300 1,706 0034.63 MAR 2J, 2009 15:30 0829 003 2115 0286 035224 W-Nurmol 03 61-UNLEADED 00027,000 1.706 0046.06 MAR 24 2009 07:01 0806 00 5977 0507 880204 0'Hmrma1 02 02-DIESEL 02000.009 1.667 0808.80 MAR 24 2009 09:87 0007 003 5977 0597 000204 0-Normal 02 02'Ul[SEL 00879,000 1.667 0131,69 MAR 24 2009 09:16 0888 003 1048 0507 000285 0-Normal 02 82-Ul[SFL 08048.508 1.667 008W.85 MAR 24, 28W9 09:20 0009 083 1048 0587 K3976 W-Normal 01 02-DI ESEL 0W0\6.08M 1,667 G026.@ MAR 25, 2089 89:15 0007 803 2863 0469 059874 0-Norma l 03 N1-UNLEAD[D 00022.008 1.706 0N37.53 MAR 25 2009 10:51 0814 003 5765 0275 0912 07 ????????7? 0-Normal 83 01-UNLEADED 00015.200 1.706 0025.93 MAR 25, 2009 11:09 091 003 3845 8428 017440 @-Nnrmal 03 B1-UNLEA0[k 00032.000 1.706 8054.59 MAR 25 2009 i6:33 0030 Z03 5158 8498 094149 W-Normal 03 81-UNLEADED 00024.00. 1.706 8040.94 MAR 25 2009 16:45 0032 003 2265 0288 030186 0-Normal 03 @!-UNLEADED 00031.000 1.706 0052.89 0AR 26, 2089 08i4J 0007 003 3390 8278 013363 044orma1 03 01'UNLEAD[8 00031.500 1.706 0057.74 MAR 26 2089 09:38 0010 003 5979 0494 104492 8-1.4orma\ 83 01-UNLEADED 00026.000 1.706 0044.36 MAR 27, 2009 89/44 0009 00 5842 0261 870301 ?????7?7?? 8-Norma} 03 01-UNLEADED 08031.880 1.706 0052.89 MAR 28 2009 13:11 0005 003 2258 0505 063024 0-Normal 03 01-UNLEADE0 00024,800 1,706 0042.31 MAR 38 2009 08:35 0008 003 2501 21411 904949 &-Normal 02 04 00022.000 1.303 9039.67 MAR 30, 2009 09:57 0012 003 5158 0498 894488 0-Normal 03 01-UNLEADED 00W22.100 1.706 0037.70 MAR 30, 2087 13: 44 0022 OF 2583 8297 046051 6-Normal 03 8i-UNLEADED 00011.500 1.766 0029.86 MAR 30. 2009 14:84 0024 083 2629 0507 054288 0-Normal 01 02'DlESEL 00024,800 1.803 004 .27 MAR 30 2009 15:39 B028 003 2501 0557 048@37 0-Normal 83 01-UNLEADED 00829.000 1.786 0049,47 MAR 38 2009 15:51 0027 803 1 ,115 028-6 032824 ?n n! 0-Normal 03 01-UNLEADED 00028.000 1.706 0047.77 MAR Jl, 2009 10:51 0014 083 5876 8419 043160 0-Normal 03 61-UNLEADED 00012.808 1,706 0020.47 MAR 31. 2009 13:44 0019 003 2376 0554 04039 0-Normal 03 01-UNLEADED 00024,508 1,706 0041.80 MAR 31 2009 15:32 0029 M0J 3398 0300 008681 ??7??????? 0-Normal 03 01-UNLEADED 00031.50W 1.786 0053.74 MAR 31, 2009 16:46 0835 003 2500 0266 04232W M-Normal 03 01-UNLEADED 00030.000 1.706 0051.18 Usage Total Product 01 UNLEADED 1834.500 Gallon 2944.88 Product 02 DIESEL 189.500 8allon 322.15 Prescribed by State Board of Accounts City Form No. 201 (Rev 1995) ACCOUNTS PAYABLE VOUCHER CITY OF CARMEL An invoice or bill to be properly itemized must show, kind of service, where performed, dates of service rendered, by whom, rates per day, number of units, price per unit, etc. Payee 42595 CARMEL CLAY SCHOOLS Purchase Order No. g ATTN: TERRY RICH Terms 5201 E 131 ST ST Due Date 4/7/2009 CARMEL, IN 46033 I nvoice I nvoice Description Date Number (or note attached invoice(s) or bill(s)) Amount 4/7/2009 030209 $578.18 hereby certify that the attached invoice(s), or bill(s) is (are) true and :orrect and I have audited same in accordance with IC 5- 11- 10 -1.6 JJ �11 y/V Date Officer TOUCHER 095432 WARRANT ALLOWED °42595 IN SUM OF CARMEL CLAY SCHOOLS ATTN: TERRY RICH 5201 E 131 ST ST CARMEL, IN 46033 Carmel Wastewater Utility ON ACCOUNT OF APPROPRIATION FOR Board members PO INV ACCT AMOUNT Audit Trail Code 030209 01- 7500 -02 $43.58 030209 01- 7502 -06 $485.21 030209 01- 7500 -08 $49.39 L Voucher Total $578.18 Cost distribution ledger classification if claim paid under vehicle highway fund Acc�uxt ra�e CAQW� |/TTLTTT[I LTEA KEW' Arcount address 1 CIVIC SW2 [AFmEL 571'244Z PAR Tima On Ast Uriv' Vehc1 OdnwN Whmrd 7,pe Punp Pmd Quantity P.ice 4mnt MR 16 200? 00 0Q1Y 303 2526 0467 0697B3 7?74 3-Noraal 02 W UNLEADED ON14.WQ0 1142 Q02|.59 FAR 16, 2009 11: 51 0030 003 3A2 0246 013O3? ???????r?? 0-Norma| 02 01- UNLEADED O0026.000 1.42 0 B40 .89 MR 17 20W9 07:31 2814 003 5643 0305 329068 ???????W B-NarW 81 E1- UWLEADED ODE 1.702 1042 002.84 OR 17. 20C9 0Y38 8B21 QDJ K81 0281 019511 0-Ncrmai 02 Q1- UNLEADED 00019.0Q0 1.542 2029.3O MAR D. 20Q9 09/1T 0024 QQ3 553 @D0 020496 04orml 02 81' UNLEADED 0001100 1142 0O47.80 MAR \7. 2009 j;51 0030 003 2369 0556 040170 @'Nuraa] 02 Oi' STEWD Q0Q|2300 1.54 @0K.28 UAR 17. 2009 1105 00J2 003 2375 2519 070014 777777 04orPol 02 0- UULEADED Q0D0100 LOU 0Q28.&8 MAR it W 044 0842 003 5876 0419 042428 ?r???????? @'Norma1 02 01' UNLEADED 00012.500 S L542 0N19.28 UAK D 2M9 1000 0068 103 2264 0287 06U01 0Toro«l 82 01' PLEADED 000 22.53 8 1.542 1- iR,@ D4.7Q 0 8 18, 20@9 1157 0046 003 5777 0552 031949 8-Normal &i 21- UNLEADED '20Q28.01 0 1.706 Q047.77 MA8 19 2089 38:18 0W14 003 285 0288 029825 04oraal 01 81- HLEADED 0 0 03Q.400 1.706 0051.86 MAR 19, 2009 11,42 1029 003 5262 0436 086729 ?~???r???? 04ormai 01 @1- UNLEAD[D 0000.0 00 1.786 0030.71 MAR 19 2089 13:33 00J6 QQJ 2716 0284 258745 47=7 01ormc! 02 01' UNLEAUED 82811000 1.7Q6 B822.0 MR 19 2089 1032 8Q40 ON 204 0506 TWO Q-Nnraal 22 Cl- UNLE�UED 00 1 1.7D6 �m 0X46.2 6 MPR 2& 20BP 0801 8Q19 003 5977 0513 898911 9077W O'Mnro� 12 0Y N1LEA0ED 05511 OQ§ S !.7W6 WA47 MAR 20. 20Q9 0011 8V 003 W3 055 025345 NOW 0 01' CnLEA3K 20012.5KO 1Y6 @C21.33 MR 21 2009 0033 003 803 505 Q6 00070Y 777777 bXarao} 04 0Z' AH[L 80240.000 1.167 1 0066.68 MAR A W 0037 0035 C Z3 5885 Qt6 000709 ???r? O-Norna! 04 02' DIESEL 8N31%0@ 1.667 1 0M68 MR 28 2B09 1004 0041 003 2629 0551 012K3 7?7774 01armal 03 02' DIESEL 02WU0Q 4667 O800.00 MAR 20 2g09 1005 0Q42 001 2629 0551 012823 777 7777 f'Normai 24 02' DIESEL 00000.000 1.667 8Q00.O8 MR 20, 2M9 110 8052 003 5185 0333 030058 04ormal 0\' UNLEADED 0NQ32.l@Q 1.706 0#5u.76 OR 29 2W 1 V12 W ON W Z467 06900 ?"7 Wo~wal 02 01' UNLEADED 00017 TOO 1306 0022.11 MAR 2b 2009 Q49 012 N3 1014 0549 070276 ?47777 0W10 02 0|' UMLEA0ED 00017100 t 1.706 0029,�1 MAR A 2209 110 0023 023 W Q429 013060 ?7077`?r %-Norpj 82 ?i' UNLEADED OB015.508 S 106 0026A1 hAX 21 Ti09 WU V5 W 58O5 Oat Q00719 ???TT?? 04cmal 01 02- DIESEL 8004Q.000 S 1.667 Q866.68 MAR 2� 2@29 1205 W 083 5977 C551 0QN85 5 0070 0 H' DIESEL QNJ84.00Q 1.667 O140723 MAR 21, 2009 1205 002O 003 5977 0551 0Q0204 1-Total N 112- DT[S[L 0006G500 1167 0i14.19 OR 22 2M9 0W 0Q14 003 2371 0W6 0951N ?7"77r7 0'ucrpal 22 Q\' US[»9ED Z0021 DU0 1.7Q6 ONE 6� MAR 21 2N9 0127 Q0J0 003 1026 8497 07022 0?1777 J-NorMl K 01- U 09026.000 1.706 9044.3b MAR 2209 ZU38 Z077 W W 0556 040328 ?4Qr77 C-VeOal 22 0P DNLEADEJ 00001501 1.7Q6 5 &016.21 M4 23, 2 09 11:29 0144 N5 10 172 V621 T'AoraO D1 0i- CNLEAD[D 00014.500 1.7B6 0021.74 KA8 23. 2Q9 1183 0047 NA 5557 0249 00147 71 04crmd 02 0k UNLEADED �0122.8 00 1.706 8037.53 /NR 21 2909 12/09 W048 003 58O 0474 020920 ???7077 0'Norma1 01 BY UNLEADED 00021202 1306 1 0 M2.Y9 MAR 23 2019 1205 NN9 003 5885 Q256 0Q0726 r77"'r~ Olurwf 04 02- DIEHL 00P0.080 1.667 0066.6O MR 21 2009 1205 0050 013 2734 O262 058343 ?77`77 J'NsrW 22 01- UNL[ADED 0@822.000 1.786 @Q37.�3 MAR 2� 2001 13,03 0055 013 2375 0264 157358 0-09A 22 01- UNL[KED OQK6.1O0 T.706 1 005.=3 UAR 24 2009 002 W 003 26J4 042Q 044800 7047??? N'Normd 22 01- UALEAD[D 00021000 5 !.7&6 0045 MAR 2o. 200 1313 OQJ6 003 5Y7T 0551 012849 ???n?rr?? 0-Normal 03 K- =[L 0OL6320 L667 @Q43.3l MAR 24. 20O9 1330 004O 003 5765 N75 122965 ??''??7?` 0-Nur90 02 C1' UNAKED QWLO.N8O 1.706 0030.71 MAR 20 2009 14134 ON3 E03 2038 ONO OWN r``'v? 04orpal 82 0 [WDED 80031020 1.786 005409 MAR 25, 2089 07:56 0010 003 58/6 O417 Q4Z785 r? 9'Noraa) 22 01 UNLEADED 00812.0Q0 l.706 002047 OR 25, 2009 1207 0024 003 1014 Q549 07070 777 Q-Nursi 02 21 PLEADED @0019200 106 ONE 93 MK 25 2009 12:27 0325 003 2N1 221 011591 77777 04ormai 02 W UNLEADED NON .O0Q i.706 80 5.8J MAR 25. 2009 12,57 0028 003 1026 0501 01502 r J-*o'pa} W\ P1- UNLEPDED 80020100 1.7U Q034.12 MAR A 2089 130 8W 003 7916 0244 129543 7 @'Norma| 02 N' UA[K[J 0 0 618.QJ0 1.706 803Q.71 FAR N 209 14Y 0035 OL 016 0284 05997Y Wma| 87 O1' TLER[: 00011500 :.706 BONA MAR 2Y 2029 15,04 QN6 Q03 250Q Q290 2-0415 7777`7 J-NsraA 22 5i' UNLEADED Q0J19AO0 S 1.7@6 0Q31 MAR A 2009 1508 Q051 207 W5 QW 02051 7 ?-Nnrpai 32 T1- T&EAT.L FD 00C2@.4 1. 6 %234.8@ MAR 4 2007 15,30 0Z52 5§3 70 0287 Q65II9 7 00ams\ 02 Q1- @LEM[D 0NOQ.3W0 ].706 O0QAl MA; A I009 150 W Oil 216' On 06439 ?vrAn??? MnrW 02 @1- 2NGA8ED W0.880 1.706 8Q3012 MAP 25 NZR 21 5T W 000 2374 0506 ZO5472 ???r????T 0-Nonnal P 0|- UlEA[ED 00L5150Q 1.706 004J.58 HR 26 200 Q8;5R 0N32 003 27C @M9 029161 7 5 70 5 4 Q-Normal 12 Qi- UNLEADED Q0Q1T.0g0 1.76 0Q2% A7 MAR 27 2013 09:16 &029 003 1626 0437 0 7 0'Noraa) 21 Q1- U1EAD[D Q@Q2.000 1.16 =0 MAR 27 2009 10:14 0834 007 372 0246 01394 r??r 04orval Z 01' .11705E5 OF%Z6000 1 A s 2 8440 MAR 0, 20@9 1026 0276 003 5641 OQ5 07230 77177?7~ Hsms! Ql 0]' URRHD QN11200 A K7Q6 0 K0A_Q MAF 27 2009 10A« 8g39 003 U53 Z3O8 020851 r?~0 2`%orna} 82 01- VLE4DEA 0OK0100 1./86 1 005103 MAP 79, 2007 160 O@2I 003 2264 0267 065592 7 N-Horma: 02 01' UV4D[I DH22.Ho 1.7Q6 I 0W37Y W0 It 2H9 0025 0015 0QJ 2132 0518 045272 7070 W-mn"aL 21 81' WPM 0Q024.HO s 1.N& 2Q4Q.9I MAR 30. 2009 1015 QN2 001 5761 0193 00N22 ???4�� 0'Varoal &Z W ULIA0ED 00Q 7.000 1366 0016.86 MAR 31 2009 1102 ON6 NO3 :I34 0*2 O5O27 7 77777 Clornal 02 Q!- UAK[ADED 00021.D@ 106 I ON51 MXI 31 200? 120 RK4 H3 2369 0556 04Q525 W7077 0-Namal 02 01- UNLEADED 08011300 1.706 00170, MU 3O, M09 1142 Q035 003 7526 0467 070138 W 0-Nonval 02 Q\' WADED 20H 1100 1.706 1 001177 UR 32, 20Q 1037 0040 003 5777 0552 03223Z 1 'Normal Q1 01- INEADED OCD7100 1.706 @046.92 MAR 31 JJ09 102 0049 Q83 5985 050 016154 0070777 Q'Norei 02 Qi' UNLE4DED R0026.500 1386 O045.2L MAR R. 2009 140 0000 003 578 0307 3457 277 0-Normal 01 01' JAEADEC ON11W0 1 1.706 021O.77 0056 OZ3 5760 0429 01729` 04or5a} 02 0L- WADED 20014100 1.706 t 00I4.74 MR 1 1 26M 1Z:41 003 003 2281 0291 7:0257 4777?7 0-Nooal 02 00 UNLEAX 00021000 1.706 0034.12 Usage Total Product 01 UNLEADED 1137.300 Gallon 1912.75 Product 02 DIESEL 332.500 Gallon 554.2O Prescribed by State Board of Accounts City Form No. 201 (Rev 1995) t ACCOUNTS PAYABLE VOUCHER CITY OF CARMEL An invoice or bill to be properly itemized must show, kind of service, where performed, dates of service rendered, by whom, rates per day, number of units, price per unit, etc. Payee 42595 CARMEL CLAY SCHOOLS Purchase Order No. ATTN: TERRY RICH Terms 5201 E 131 ST ST Due Date 4/7/2009 CARMEL, IN 46033 Invoice Invoice Description Date Number (or note attached invoice(s) or bill(s)) Amount 4/7/2009 031609 $1,171.41 hereby certify that the attached invoice(s), or bill(s) is (are) true and :orrect and I have audited same in accordance with IC 5- 11- 10 -1.6 Date Officer VOUCHER 095433 WARRANT ALLOWED -42595 IN SUM OF CARMEL CLAY SCHOOLS ATTN TERRY RICH 5201 E 131 ST ST CARMEL, IN 46033 Carmel Wastewater Utility ON ACCOUNT OF APPROPRIATION FOR Board members PO INV ACCT AMOUNT Audit Trail Code 031609 01- 7500 -02 $314.04 031609 01- 7502 -06 $754.14 031609 01- 7500 -08 $103.23 X I 1 Voucher Total $1,171.41 Cost distribution ledger classification if claim paid under vehicle highway fund ZAR 4, 210 11; 71 005 103 2120 241 9077 777777 O-Wrm: 91 Ph BLF0E1 50 1 XT 542 1 TO:!: 5-1 VAP 1 mv 12; a Ono ON 17? IY6 0=2 0 7?777 P"yon 02 7- 31127 2002L No 1 1IN2 0 OwLy NAP Q 2017 W! 14 211 003 5143 0101 THLB 777777 Alum! 0! L- UREADID 00OH39? T 1. 542 1 HIS, F MAI 1 2AN 22; 79 OKI 215 KA 00 OP411 077�7" cmny� 02 L j1AGRA 0004121 i L50 1 2 P 7 -Z MAR n 23EQ 07 13 OKA 007 5fl? 212 1343i 77777777 IA 1 02 in A&EQED ONTIN3 1�42 1 05 MAP 1 t :Mq jZ107 OZ70 20Z 2111 1511 00170 7077 2W;� 22 0 ARK75 02212W 1 X2 20 n isp 1 T 2001 1105 OKI 021 h Z5 07OZA 7 77777 &lmnd 02 A UATUE? 0012100 K!Q 1 20:1 I_ NAP 7, 2129 14 ON2 101 576 203 212473 777 joynt 12 0 wdi 020 z 503 n 5 0 00 10 1 7 MR 17, Q@3 I'll ONO 007 2NA on7 fQ421 777177717 yN :1 sl NLEADED GFK2. 50 1 1 Z42 A 005, 7 MAR it 2V? 12; 57 WX 001 57 0552 031013 777 7 bdvm� 21 01- 19TEADED Z0028 02 A 1.01 1 ONT MAR 0, 200 OsAw 3014 3@7 THS THE 02525 777777 WG�L 21 00 nVUED 30010, WO I h 716 S 00510 MAR 14 2009 042 000 001 W 2471 0170 777 014W t !I TIEURD NOWAK 1 1 a2s I 2272JI NPR 1 2003 13,31 9315 013 2�n OH4 34HO 7777 14mal 22 01 ALEADED 0201WE 1 1, 7M I TOK, Q. MAP 1 2001 1072 ONO 227 2V4 OW6 014312 77 ?Avon 12 21 WREATED 2022700 1 n 71 1 ON22.. pop n 2009 ;S, I I OMT 003 5V7 011 qy�j 777�77 Z2 01- jnEQjy ON 12 AN: I n7K 1 001 7 04 A 20C, ;y j� -211 20T 10V 2TC 0MyT 7771 1 onnn! !I 7�_ "1007: :712�21 I n72; ON! 7 MAI 21 2003 Of 5 1 W 017 505 Z21: ON 2; 7777 ZAarn! N 0 DIETT! 0071 PH 1 L47 1 jx�K MAR 2A 2019 070 E375 GO its! 0255 02072V 7 777 YN: 7"i 2 CI- K07 2W AN 1 1 W 0- NOR 2Z, 2N? 10; 14 ON! 001 TKT NY 01227 777"77 04my: E 12- DIESEL OZO33102 1 1 �17 1 ONO W To 2, Ano lom IV: Z07 mv 0551 012021 77, too-at 0 OT. DIESEL 2 2 0. 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K Y 317"Do D 100 K AGO VEA 1 0 L 7 0 1 top 72, 29H 12127 TNI TIT jK6 007 071113 0: TP ythqv Non No 119 1 22A� 701 Sao an T71 on: SVKZ 7 7 7 77 2 Amu; 31 5.- VLEHED TOTT NO i L 'In 1 RE! n TlxnC 1: 71- TL775 2uh. NO 1 :K& 0 211 V 20"? 077 705 177 C! 115 Ev it 2009 1 17 324 127 TTS 737 OPPE 77 >IV"! 01 Ov Hisic 1201�010 1 �OE 1 ATT.77 ITS Tozy loin ov; v; mn nnn 017: TC 5 7 70 0 22 7 UK 745D TZHO �K A �10 YKA7 33011 coo I To A.YVET DIESEL 712.520 001 t 0 954 ?..i I q 69,010 2407 Prescribed by State Board of Accounts City Form No. 201 (Rev 1995) ACCOUNTS PAYABLE VOUCHER CITY OF CARMEL An invoice or bill to be properly itemized must show, kind of service, where performed, dates of service rendered, by whom, rates per day, number of units, price per unit, etc. Payee 42595 CARMEL CLAY SCHOOLS Purchase Order No, ATTN: TERRY RICH Terms 5201 E 131ST ST Due Date 4/7/2009 CARMEL, IN 46033 Invoice Invoice Description Date Number (or note attached invoice(s) or bill(s)) Amount 4/7/2009 031609 $1,295.61 hereby certify that the attached invoice(s), or bill(s) is (are) true and :orrect and 1 have audited same in accordance with IC 5 11- 10 -1.6 K Date Officer VOUCHER 091540 WARRANT ALLOWED 42595 IN SUM OF CARMEL CLAY SCHOOLS ATTN: TERRY RICH 5201 E 131 ST ST CARMEL, IN 46033 Carmel Water Utility ON ACCOUNT OF APPROPRIATION FOR Board members PO INV ACCT AMOUNT Audit Trail Code 031609 01- 6500 -04 $717.88 031609 01- 6500 -05 $379.67 031609 01- 6500 -07 $198.06 Voucher Total $1,295.61 Cost distribution ledger classification if claim paid under vehicle highway fund CLAY Carmel Clay Schools Continuing Excellence in Education FUEL INVOICE Carmel Clay Schools Educational Service Center 5201 E. 131 Street Carmel, IN 46033 Attention: Sue Ardiaolo cck Bill To: f ,qq Caarmel Poli Department Teresa_And_ Carmel Fire Department, Denise Snyder Carmel Utilities, Lisa Kempa Carmel Street Department, Bonnie Callahan Carmel Communications, J. Arnone D.O.C.S., Sue Coy Carmel Engineering, Judy Stohler Carmel Parks and Recreation, Paula Schlemmer Driver's Education, Tom Pagan Carmel City Administration, Shelley Lingelbaugh Billing Date: April 1, 2009 East Side Transportation fuel charges Facilities Transportation Department 5185 East 13P Street, Carmel, IN 46033 3171844 -8207 Fax 3171571 -9659 lr CLAYS Carmel Clay Schools Continuing Excellence in Education on FUEL INVOICE Carmel Clay Schools Educational Service Center 5201 E. 131 Street 5 Carmel, IN 46033 U l Attention: Sue Ardiaolo Bill To: Z—_Carme Police Department, T– eresa- Anderson Carmel Fire Department, Denise Snyder Carmel Utilities, Lisa Kempa Carmel Street Department, Bonnie Callahan Carmel Communications, J. Arnone D.O.C.S., Sue Coy Carmel Engineering, Judy Stohler Carmel Parks and Recreation, Paula Schlemmer Driver's Education, Tom Pagan Carmel City Administration, Shelley Lingelbaugh Billing Date: March 15, 2009 East Side Transportation fuel charges Facilities Transportation Department 5185 East 131 Street, Carmel, IN 46033 317/844 -8207 —Fax 3171571 -9659 CLAYS Carmel Clay Schools Continuing Excellence in r� Education cR MC1. NO FUEL INVOICE Carmel Clay Schools q Educational Service Center I I 5201 E. 131 Street t Carmel, IN 46033 Attention: Sue Ardiaolo Bill To: Carme[ff�lZijjDepartMentTeresa _Anderson Carmel Fire Department, Denise Snyder Carmel Utilities, Lisa Kempa Carmel Street Department, Bonnie Callahan Carmel Communications, J. Arnone D.O.C.S., Sue Coy Carmel Engineering, Judy Stohler Carmel Parks and Recreation, Paula Schlemmer Driver's Education, Tom Pagan Carmel City Administration, Shelley Lingelbaugh Billing Date: April 1, 2009 West Side Transportation fuel charges Facilities Transportation Department 5185 East 131 Street, Carmel, IN 46033 317/844 -8207 —Fax 3171571 -9659 Prescribed by State Board of Accounts ACCOUNTS PAYABLE VOUCHER City Form No. 261 (Rev. 1995) l CITY OF CARMEL An invoice or bill to be properly itemized must show: kind of service, where performed, dates service rendered, by whom, rates per day, number of hours, rate per hour, number of units, price per unit, etc. Payee Carmel Clay Schools Purchase Order No. Educational Service Center 5 201 E 131st St Terms Carmel, IN 46033 Date Due Invoice Invoice Description Amount Date Number (or note attached invoice(s) or bill(s)) 4/1/09 payment for gasoline 4,192.17 3/15/2009 pay ment for gasoline 5,881.54 4/1/09 payment for gasoline 6,884.44 4/1/09 fuel card 5.00 Total 16,963.15 1 hereby certify that the attached invoice(s), or bill(s), is (are) true and correct and I have audited same in accordance with IC 5- 11- 10 -1.6. 20 Clerk- Treasurer VOUCHER NO. WARRANT NO. ALLOWED 20 Carmel Clay Schools IN SUM OF Educational Service Center 5201 E. 131st St Carmel, TN 46011 16,963.15 ON ACCOUNT OF APPROPRIATION FOR police general fund Board Members pO r INVOICE NO. ACCT #/TITLE AMOUNT I hereby certify that the attached invoice(s), or 1110 314 4,192.17 bill(s) is (are) true and correct and that the 1110 314 5,881.54 materials or services itemized thereon for 1110 314 6,884.44 which charge is made were ordered and 1110 390 -99 5.00 received except April 13, 2009 Si nature �hief o f Poli Title Cost distribution ledger classification if claim paid motor vehicle highway fund