HomeMy WebLinkAbout168822 02/16/2009 CITY OF CARMEL, INDIANA VENDOR: 042595 Page 1 of 1 ONE CIVIC SQUARE CARMEL CLAY SCHOOLS CHECK AMOUNT: $38,138.90 CARMEL, INDIANA 46032 EDUCATION SERVICE CENTER 5201 E 131 ST ST CHECK NUMBER: 168822 CARMEL IN 46033 CHECK DATE: 2/16/2009 D EPARTMENT ACCOUNT PO NUMBER INVOICE NUMB AMOUNT DESCRIPTION 1110 4231400 13,306.38 FUEL POLICE DEPT 1115 4231400 152.12 GASOLINE -COMM CENTER '.1120 4231300 2,144.51 DIESEL FUEL -FIRE 1120 4231400 1,058.92 GASOLINE -FIRE 1125 4231400 1,070.40 GASOLINE -PARKS 1192 4231400 415.59 GASOLINE -COMM SERVICE 1205 4231400 125.39 GASOLINE ADMINISTRTN 2200 4231400 242.79 GASOLINE ENGINEERING 601 5023990 4,159.39 FUEL UTILITIES 651 5023990 1,415.25 FUEL UTILITIES 2201 R4231300 18756 10,465.61 DIESEL 2201 R4231400 18756 3,582.55 DIESEL �v CLAYS Carmel Clay Schools Continuing Excellence in Education 1R 'M£I..INO V FUEL INVOICE Carmel Clay Schools Educational Service Center 5201 E. 131 Street Carmel, IN 46033 Attention: Sue Ardiaolo Bill To: Carmel Police Department, Teresa Anderson Carmel Fire Department, Denise Snyder Carmel Utilities, Lisa Kempa Carmel Street Department, Bonnie Callahan Carmel Communications, J. Arnone D.O.C.S., Sue Coy Carmel Engineering, Judy Stohler Carmel Parks and Recreation, Paula Schlemmer Driver's Education, Tom Pagan �M Carmel -Gift'- Administration Shelley- Lingelbaugh-4" Billing Date: February 1, 2009 East Side Transportation fuel charges V ZP �a Facilities Transportation Department 5185 East 131 Street, Carmel, IN 46033 317/844- 8207 —Fax 3171571 -9659 Account #011 count name ADMINISTRATION Shellv [.ingelbau Alcount address 1 CIVIC SQUARE CARi1EL IN 571-2465 Date Time Dan Out Drivr Vehd Odomtr Keyboard Type Pump Prod Quantity Price Aaount JAN 20 2009 13:45 0W O11 234W 019 024N09 Q'Normal 02 0l' UNLEAD[D 0@818.5Q0 1.620 002197 JAN 2J, 2009 R!08 §021 011 2453 Q397 OWN 8'Nornal 02 01 UNLEADED 00Q19110 1.620 NO31.59 JAN 27 20&9 11 �30 0031 011 245J 0397 063794 ??????7?? Worm] 02 01- UNLEADED 00QQ7.WQ 1.62Q 0012.15 JAN IY 009 0027 0006 011 2340 0399 024319 W-Norma\ 02 81' UNLEADED 00017.900 1.620 002910 JAN 29, 2009 0030 0007 01l 245J 0397 063905 0-Nurma\ 02 81- UNLEADED 00014.000 100 002168 Usage Total Product 01 UNLEADED 77.400 Gallon 125.39 125.39 WE ;cpt 5"v' »ehci Ddcat' ye 7 ype PsRp P'od ]uantitv Price A»ount JAW 21 2009 12 5224 K 1 0397 063705 00 Word U2 0�' U&[AD[D 0QA19.�0 �.6N 8031.5Y JAN 27. 2&8 11:32 2031 2� R�7 §6379� r��?r?~r?� P-�brpal El ��E�DE� 0O007.5�� L�� jAW ZY. 2009 04'J@ NF a1 201 0397 36JI08 "7 1 Norm! 82 UAEAD[D 0004100 L620 t 50225, Usage Tata� PrcJvct �1 UN�F�DE0 ZZ Ge�]an !1ileage Total Re�n,��'� 6�705 Endir� 6�p�� T-�`'-I�d 9.4� C7!1 ,1r15 Veh,cle WSW We 7 iaE Try lot D'iv 001 [Nont' je`bonrd 7 j Pat P-cd Ooandty n'ice Apnynt 3AN 20 2U3 13145 ONE 011 340 049 E1O09 77TT77 }4ornQ C2 L' UsEAG[D 0080525 1620 0029.97 JAH 29, 2N9 2027 0@21 0i1 2540 Y59 024113 rr'?7777 2 02 0> CTEAD[D TRAl7.9B0 1220 0029.0B Usage Total Product 01 U L lo NE�DFD 36.4�0 Go! Mil*ays iota] Beginning 24009 Enting 24317 T /sled 310 MPG 17 CHI .0935 Prescribed by State Board of Accounts City Form No. 201 (Rev. 1995) ACCOUNTS PAYABLE VOUCHER CITY OF CARMEL An invoice or bill to be properly itemized must show: kind of service, where performed, dates service rendered, by ,l whom, rates per day, number of hours, rate per hour, number of units, price per unit, etc. Carmel Clay Scriools Purchase Order No. Terms Date Due Invoice Invoice Description Amount Date Number (or note attached invoice(s) or bill(s)) 02101/01 Admin toasoline for Administration eastside Total $125.39 1 hereby certify that the attached invoice(s), or bill(s), is (are) true and correct and I have audited same in accordance with IC 5- 11- 10 -1.6. 20 Clerk Treasurer VOUCHER r0 inn WARRANT NO. C----e ay Schools ALLOWED 20 arm educational Service Center IN SUM OF 5201 E=: 1 st St $125.39 ON ACCOUNT OF APPROPRIATION FOR General Fund 1205 Administration Board Members 4 INVOICE NO. ACCT #MTLE AMOUNT I hereby certify that the attached invoice(s), or bill(s) is (are) true and correct and that the materials or services itemized thereon for 1205 P 14,J which charge is made were ordered and received except 20 re���� Title Cost distribution ledger classification if claim paid motor vehicle highway fund CLAYS y Carmel Clay Schools Continuing Excellence in Education C g MCL, is� FUEL INVOICE Carmel Clay Schools Educational Service Center 5201 E. 131 Street Carmel, IN 46033 3, Attention: Sue Ardiaolo Bill To: cM Carmel_P_olice_D.e ,Teresa Anders Carmel Fire Department, Denise Snyder Carmel Utilities, Lisa Kempa Carmel Street Department, Bonnie Callahan Carmel Communications, J. Arnone D.O.C.S., Sue Coy Carmel Engineering, Judy Stohler Carmel Parks and Recreation, Paula Schlemmer Driver's Education, Tom Pagan Carmel City Administration, Shelley Lingelbaugh Billing Date: February 1, 2009 West Side Transportation fuel charges Facilities Transportation Department 5185 East 131 Street, Carmel, IN 46033 3171844-8207 —Fax 3171571 -9659 C`A' Carmel Clay Schools Continuing Excellence in FL Education f R 'M. VND� FUEL INVOICE Carmel Clay Schools Educational Service Center 5201 E. 131 Street Carmel, IN 46033 Attention: Sue Ardiaolo Bill To: I JZ Carmel Police Department,– Teresa_Anderson I Carmel Fire Department, Denise Snyder Carmel Utilities, Lisa Kempa Carmel Street Department, Bonnie Callahan Carmel Communications, J. Arnone D.O.C.S., Sue Coy Carmel Engineering, Judy Stohler Carmel Parks and Recreation, Paula Schlemmer 0 Driver's Education, Tom Pagan Carmel City Administration, Shelley Lingelbaugh Billing Date: February 1, 2009 East Side Transportation fuel charges Facilities Transportation Department 5185 East 131 Street, Carmel, IN 46033 3171844 -8207 Fax 3171571 -9659 �4 CLAYSC ti$ Carmel Clay Schools Continuing Excellence in lti U Education FUEL INVOICE Carmel Clay Schools Educational Service Center 5201 E. 131 st Street Carmel, IN 46033 Attention: Sue Ardiaolo Bill To: CarmelTP_olice�D.epartment, Teresa Anderson Carmel Fire Department, Denise Snyder Carmel Utilities, Lisa Kempa Carmel Street Department, Bonnie Callahan Carmel Communications, J. Arnone D.O.C.S., Sue Coy Carmel Engineering, Judy Stohler Carmel Parks and Recreation, Paula Schlemmer Driver's Education, Tom Pagan Carmel City Administration, Shelley Lingelbaugh Billing Date: January 15, 2009 East Side Transportation fuel charges Facilities Transportation Department 5185 East 131" Street, Carmel, IN 46033 3171844 -8207 —Fax 3171571 -9659 Prescribed by State Board of Accounts City Form No. 201 (Rev. 1995) ACCOUNTS PAYABLE VOUCHER CITY OF CARMEL An invoice or bill to be properly itemized must show: kind of service, where performed, dates service rendered, by whom, rates per day, number of hours, rate per hour, number of units, price per unit, etc. Payee Carmel Clay Schools Purchase Order No. Educational Service Center 5201 E. 131st Street Terms Carmel, IN 46033 ATTN: Sue Ardiaolo Date Due Invoice Invoice Description Amount Date Number (or note attached invoice(s) or bill(s)) monthlv payment 13,306.38 Total I hereby certify that the attached invoice(s), or bill(s), is (are) true and correct and I have audited same in accordance with IC 5- 11- 10 -1.6. 20 Clerk- Treasurer VOUrHER NO. WARRANT NO. ALLOWED 20 Carmel Clay Schools IN SUM OF Educational Service Center 5201 E. 131st Street Carmel, IN 46033 ATTN: Sue Ardiaolo 13,306.38 ON ACCOUNT OF APPROPRIATION FOR police general fund Board Members Po# or INVOICE NO. ACCT /TITLE AMOUNT DEPT. I hereby certify that the attached invoice(s), or 1110 314 13,306.38 bill(s) is (are) true and correct and that the materials or services itemized thereon for which charge is made were ordered and received except February 11 20 09 AW Signature Chief of Police Cost distribution ledger classification if Title claim paid motor vehicle highway fund Account 0003 Account nase CARMEL UTILITIES LIEN KEMPA Account addrEss 1 CIVIC SoUmE, CAwFL 571-2443 Date Tio* Tran Ami Dri/r Oki Wir Whoar! T"e Pump Prcd uartity Price A- t JAN l6. 2009 08:52 0009 233 212Q 0551 WNW 77=7 0'Nor0 03 §Z' DlEEL 00015.Q00 1.8Y0 00280.1 AN 16. NOT 009 0Q16 003 516S 064 0190 777777 Q-More\ A 0L' UK[ADED 0@021.600 5 1122 0034.9Y MN 17, NOV WD 0011 003 2132 0518 OWE 777770 O-Hu'aa} 01 0' YNAA[ED 3OWQOQ 1.620 0032.P* JAN 19 2&09 12; 17 0015 083 5761 053 0@3862 74 0-Norea} 02 21- WILEAND OON1500 |.628 1 0054.27 JAN 20 2005 00 20 HAS 003 W 8280 115538 777777 U-Aurad 02 Wl' UNLEADED 30013. NO 1 1.620 0021.06 JAN 20, 2009 8048 %W 203 5433 0295 022025 7 07W7 DAbrmA 81 81' UILEA8ED 00214.00 1120 802133 JAN 2N 200T WX 0028 ON 5777 050 =3 0'NornY 01 W1- UNLEADED 00021000 1.62Q ON544 JAN 20 H09 1012 0Vi W 507 8241 547293 77 04onai 02 Q1' UWL[ADED 00024 ADO 1 1.620 @038.18 JAN 20 2009 13/%6 N042 003 3916 0241 128678 0-Uurmh 02 01' UNLEADED 0000.000 1.620 00290 JAN 20, 2809 14/Q8 OUR 803 2526 O467 06807 8-NurmA 02 2 b UNLEADED 000110O0 1.620 0122.68 JAN 21, 2009 09;4Q 0024 003 5985 017 077343 04 ormol 02 0l UNL[AD[D 00O24.a00 I.620 0038.D8 NN 21. 2Q09 1128 803Q 003 W O277 049051 0'Nornal 02 Q1' UNLEADED 00022 100 l.620 0035.64 AN 21 2009 1023 0N4 003 5643 QW 020128 0-Nomal 01 01' UNLEADED 0015 ADO n620 &Q24.30 JAN 71. 2009 14; 55 0059 003 5760 0429 011070 T???????? 0-Normal 02 O1' UNLEADED 00@17.000 L620 Q027.54 JAN 21, 2089 AN8 000 083 2629 D276 12N7| ?777?7 06ormal 02 1 UK[ADE0 BOOK, 000 1.620 0315.64 JAN 21 2O01 16:12 0069 00J 2132 W 041302 ?r?r???,?? 0- 02 U1- UNLEA�ED 00021.500 1.628 &QJ4.R} JAN 22 2809 11:49 0033 0Q3 5841 049J N0Q47 Q'Nara 02 01' UNLEADED 0032B.200 1.620 s 0046.66 JAN 2f ?B09 14,12 0040 003 5876 0419 039755 777477 84urmal 02 0L' UNLEADED 00011100 1120 S 0018.63 JAN 22 2009 14,49 0N3 003 2716 02B4 056955 0-Narma| 02 BY UNLEADED 00812300 lA20 0019.44 JAN 22. 2009 15-.,34 KQ49 003 2264 0287 061874 0'Nnpal 02 0' UNL[ADED 80W100 1.62Q OQ34.83 JAN 21 2003 0907 0023 003 2234 0262 056832 04nrm| 82 01' UNLEADED 20017.000 1.620 1 0827.54 JAN 23 NF 207 NO 003 5185 0333 02750 7r7?r?r75 20andle 01 O1' UNLEADFD 00004.300 i 628 s On6.97 JAN N 2009 120 0033 8@3 5185 0JJJ 0274O 0'Normai 92 BY UNLEADED 00026.700 1.620 00430. JAN 21 2WOY 1207 QO37 003 2281 N28L 0L6837 0Aormai 02 0L' UNLEADED H018.QQ0 1 1220 WQ29.m. JAN 1 200Y 10:12 007I 003 5278 0W7 052696 ?774777 Q'Nnraa| 04 01' DIESEL 00022200 1190 &041.96 JAN 24, 2QQ9 0011 8006 005 101; 05*9 676778 ??r? 0-Uornd 02 01- WEAUFD 0O016.800 l.6?0 002532 AN 26 1009 87:42 00lZ 003 2J69 0556 0389J9 1 7????47 U'Norsa} 02 1 UNLFADED 000l4.:00 l.6201 0Q2J.65 JAM 26 2N09 10z22 0025 QO3 2258 0505 08106O 7777 Elam i 02 01' UKLEADFD 008Z2.400 1.620 0036.29 JAN 26� 2001 12,1i 0034 003 5262 0540 028174 70=7 Q'horY 01 01- UNLEAD[D 000i2.@00 1220 0019.44 jAM 26. 2009 20 ZOO 003 7112 0518 041630 r????????r Q'Norpal 01 0L' UMLEAND 82020.O02 1020 0832.40 JAN 26. 2003 1023 0052 ON 5885 025 000654 7777070 0'Norayl 04 §2' DlESEi 00036.800 l.890 0u8A4 3 P�'. 26 .109 15�23 0Q54 003 5885 0Z56 Q0Q654 0-Nurwal 84 82- DlE6EL Q0@N.00Q 1.890 0Q56.70 JAN 26 2009 16:49 0065 003 5167 0332 03J2N9 ???????Y 04ormal 02 ON UNLEADED 00Q14.000 1220 2022.68 JAN 27 2009 NOR 0016 003 5433 0295 822230 04orma1 01 01' UNLEADED 0 13.900 1.62W �.1 22.52 JAN 27; 2009 ION 0023 083 3916 0519 0/5159 0-Unryh 02 0l- UNLEADED 080l6.00Q 1.620 0025.Y2 JAN 27. 2009 1122 0034 003 25Z6 0467 068282 ?07?44 Q-Nornal 02 01' UNLEADED 00013100 1.620 00210 JAN T. 2089 11/45 0033 00J 1028 Q55? 03063l 0'No'mal 02 81' UNLEADED 00021.200 1.620 0034.34 JAN 27. 2001 13'54 000 003 507 OZ 5D 03904 777777 04orma| 02 81' UNLEADED 00022 100 1020 o QO35.64 RU 27 2N9 1410 005 083 5985 023 015555 77777?? 0-Nornal 02 E' WARDED 00013300 1.620 0021.38 JAN 77, 2009 14/28 U ON 1Q26 0497 077571 ???????r?? O'Norma| 02 01' UNL[ADED 00022100 K620 00350'' JAN 2T 2009 15:04 0055 003 2J75 020 156747 §'Nurmal 22 O1- UNi[ADED DOE D.20D 1120 0021.38 JAN ?7 2N9 15,12 0058 083 58P 0497 004747 Q'Normal 02 N' UNLEADED 0019308 1.620 0031.91 JAN 27 2009 ]5�51 0042 003 5353 0308 00830 ?77777 04ormal 22 01' UNL[UED 0QQ20.Q00 1120 0Q32.40 JAN 28 20Q9 0116 WE 003 275 0264 156856 0-horna} 02 01- UNLEADED 00011000 1.62Q 0Q24.30 JAN 2B 2009 10,35 002 003 225R 0262 056YO9 7777777 W-Norx 1 02 MY UNLEADED 08015.130 1.6I0 0024.46 NN 21 2009 11:09 0037 003 3847 0278 0101 777? 04ormh 02 Qi' UNL[ADFD 20010 100 1.128 S 0048.6 ON 23, 2009 11:44 Q038 003 1026 0354 0119DA 7 0-Noml 52 11' UNLEADED 0002L500 l.620 0041.31 AN 28 2009 1505 1@56 803 2264 049 01497 C Nurrai 02 01' UNLEADED 20021100 L62B s 003413 JAN 2D 2009 |5W 0017 883 5841 0493 0M365 7?7?7?7 D-Norao} 02 01' U15U[D HE9.N0 n62N 007 0 .7E JAh 28, 2009 1044 0061 007 5353 0308 0l9026 7777 Q'Norpd 02 Q1' UNLEIFD 02029.3Q@ 1.620 n 004107 JAN 28 2039 044 00 00 5V1 0296 80086 0-Noraai 03 BY DIESEL 00034.000 1.890 W.2- JR 28. 20 17:54 0075 203 20T8 M QQ649A ?777 8'Nornal 22 01' OLEADED 00026'UC 1 LZ0 8242.T JAN 28' 2N; 19;01 0082 003 5315 0497 077721 77771 107al 82 0l' UNLFAUED 10021 J�N 0 200; 13,21 @083 803 577 252 XV9 'rr`????!? 00urnai 01 8!- UNLEADED 00W27.BN0 1.O0 0047.74 JAN 20 200' 19�56 0091 003 5E42 026i 067638 01oroal 12 01' UNL[ADED 00011.�R A 62 0M. K' JAN 2Y 209 QQ'A 0001 903 200 Q5QT 05102 r Piano i 25 02- D[ESEL 00227.600 L.Sn2 0052.16 JAN 29 2MY 00d6 00&I 00 2120 024 120l70 ????????r 0-Nnrmal 02 11- UNLEADED QQ019.Q00 1.62Q W0.78 JAN 29 2&0» 10117 0042 003 5168 5474 019482 57 07 7 4 G'Norma} 01 01' UNLEND[D 00025.1Q0 1620 SOAR jAU 29. 2089 14/1D On 103 2716 0284 05157 7 77777 0 7 0'Normal 02 81' MAD[D 01014 Soo U20 1 L2.68 JAN 29. MY 14,21 0046 203 5841 0493 004512 ???"777 1Norpal 02 @L- Uwi[ADED 00021zoo L621 20Z. JAN 30 28N9 89/46 TQ14 o03 5643 Q3y Q@0Q00 077277:7 0-Numa} 01 01- UNLEADEJ 0@0iL00 1W A W018.79 IN 30, 280R 09,37 may 027 272 050 042082 f0or�1 21 G1' UNLEADED STN24WO 1.6y 8W3D.E8 My J0. IQ09 10y 0K1 RO 5145 Q&7 071393 7 00oraa] 11 @1- UNLEADED 8@O13.600 l.6IR S 202Z47 JAN 30, 20? 1?24 Qaz 00J 2369 8556 039091 777777 0'Mermf 12 L' JU4DFD 0Z007.W0 1 1M8 7 Q2.J� JAN Jh TV QJZ =4 053 5`60 10 0z1459 7? Woraa} QZ 0 VDI[D 0W81\.5Q0 5 n 628 f 850.5J AN 30 2009 11136 00n 003 074 A^2o W72 'n'????r? @-No'pal 22 01- QXLE MUM 1 W Rmv92 AN 30 W 13,56 0948 033 2375 0264 15513 0-Ho'aa} Q2 01- 003DU 00016.&00 1.6R 00251 JAN 30 OUT AM TAL 107 2 847 @A2215 O?~r??`?`? Q-Nymf Ol 0l- Us EADED 00025 "00 1 L620 904058 AN 38 2�� 15'03 1051 001 2629 0157 M205 95 "77777 "77777 0'�orms� 04 02' DlES[L �@l0.7D@ 1.672 Usags Total Product 01 U�LE�DE� 11�2.S0� Gallon 1883. Product 02 DIESEL Gallcn 329.36 2213.08 Prescribed by State Board of Accounts City Form No. 201 (Rev 1995) ACCOUNTS PAYABLE VOUCHER CITY OF CARMEL An invoice or bill to be properly itemized must show, kind of service, where performed, dates of service rendered, by whom, rates per day, number of units, price per unit, etc. Payee 42595 CARMEL CLAY SCHOOLS Purchase Order No. ATTN: TERRY RICH Terms 5201 E 131 ST ST Due Date 2/10/2009 CARMEL, IN 46033 ft Invoice Invoice Description D Date Number (or note attached invoice(s) or bill(s)) Amount 2/10/2009 011609 $1,102.98 hereby certify that the attached invoice(s), or bill(s) is (are) true and ;orrect and I have audited same in accordance with IC 5- 11- 10 -1.6 Date Officer VOUCHER 091099 WARRANT ALLOWED 42595 IN SUM OF CARMEL CLAY SCHOOLS ATTN: TERRY RICH 5201 E 131 ST ST CARMEL, IN 46033 Carmel Water Utility ON ACCOUNT OF APPROPRIATION FOR Board members PO INV ACCT AMOUNT Audit Trail Code 011609 01- 6500 -04 $862.71 011609 01- 6500 -05 $113.77 011609 01- 6500 -07 $126.50 111 Voucher Total $1,102.98 Cost distribution ledger classification if claim paid under vehicle highway fund Account 401: 003 Account name CARMEL UTILITIES LISA KEMPA Account address 1 CIVIC SQUARE, CARMEL 571-2443 Uate Time Tran Acnt Drivr Vehc} Odnmtr K e b o erd Type Pump Prod Quamtity Price Amuu B t H 05, 2B 09 -12 71 001R �M2 ��1 066806 N��mal 83 01-UNLE��D 00BJ0.�� 1.�� 003 .49 JA JAN 05 2089 1 6�52 0037 0QJ 3845 W28R 027157 0-Norma} 03 &1-UNLEAD[D ��28.5gQ 1.283 Q0J6.57 JAW 06 2009 1��21 0014 003 225D 05Q5 08847Y 8-Norma} 03 01-UNLE��D 00016.700 1.3]3 0021.4J JAN 06 2009 1131 00\6 �O 5D� 0275 8B9�40 0-Hormal 03 01-UNLEADED 00&16.000 l.28J 0020 .53 JAN 86 2009 L 19 8019 CIO 7 5158 0498 O893YJ 0-Norma} 83 0\-NI EI 80825.&00 I.283 Q032.08 JAN 06 2003 l4:09 0026 00J 000 0469 05603Y 0-Norma} Q3 01.28 -UNLEAUED 00071 000 1.� 00 JAN 06 2009 14:42 0028 003 5 14 5 0437 W73655 8-Normal 03 W1-UNLEADED 00014.000 1.283 08D.96 JAN 06, 2009 15 25 0&J6 00 2501 Q557 044925 0'1-1 orma1 03 81-UNLEADED 00029.10Q 1 .28J Q037.34 JAN 07 2809 10�B6 0016 003 3391 0278 809316 0-Normol &3 &1-UNLEA0ED 800J1.500 \.283 0040.41 !AN 87, 2009 0:11 0017 803 3392 0246 011 0-Nurmal 03 Ql-UNLEADEU 00828.0B z 1.2D3 0036.05 AN 07, 2009 1 2 6 8� 80 3 598Y N4:16 02 0 J040 -N m lo 03 0 1 -UNLEADED W0008.500 1.28J 0018.9i JAN 07. 2009 15!-1 803� 0&3 25Q0 W290 065446 8'Nurma} 03 01-UNLEADED @0012.608 \.283 0016.17 JAH 07, 2�0Y 17�88 0Q3D 00J 2374 0�38 0B4O28 0-Wormal 02 02'Dl[SEL 88016.500 1.70 &828.35 JAN 07 2009 1 88J9 003 3847 850 6 090584 03 G1-UHLEADED @0021.500 1.283 8027.58 JAN �D 2009 09�5� 0015 803 2115 0286 03B270 0'Normal 03 g1-UNL[ADED 00g28.000 �.2S3 0035.92 JAH 88 2089 1&�J3 BB21 0B3 2713 0436 085648 0-No,mal 03 0l-UNLEADED 088l7.000 1.283 B021.81 JAN 08, 20 09 10 42 0022 NQ3 JJ90 8267 028782 8-Normal 03 01-UNLEA0ED 80038.500 1.283 B839.1J JAN B9 20Q9 14:45 0028 803 2374 D41� 004990 0-Normal W2 82'DlESEL 00009.90Q 1.820 001 JAN 09, 2089 119:01 W0 29 W83 2374 02DJ 004878 0-Norma> 83 0\-UNLEADED 00019.0 3 0024.38 JAN 09 2089 16�\3 0037 083 300Q 8�28 016864 0-Normal QJ 81-UNLEADED N8Q15.700 1.283 8020.14 JAN 09, 20Q9 16:19 0838 0H3 5158 0498- 08968_ 0 0-Norma} 03 0-UNLEAD[D 08&28.000 1.283 0835.92 JAN 0Y 2009 16��2 0039 &B3 3845 8494 10394J Q-Hormal 03 01-UNLEAD[D 00821.00@ i.28J 0026.9� JAN 12 2009 09:38 Q804 Q�J 2583 0297 Q#462 8-Horma\ 03 01'UNL[ADED 88018.@08 1.283 0023.Q9 JAN 1 2 20 09 00 08 0Q3 54J5 8555 02758\ Q-Norma} U3 01-1 1NLEAUED 8Q816.500 1.283 00Z1.D JAH 12, 2N09 17�0N 0825 003 2500 8290 065759 0-Horm�l 03 81'UNLEADED 80B1S.288 �.283 8023.35 JAN \3, 2W89 09�43 0009 003 3845 �300 QN5995 0-Normo} QJ 01'UMLEADED 00B00.5Q0 1.283 0Q80.64 JAN L3 2009 B9�52 8010 003 3845 8300 &05995 8-Nurma] 83 0l-UNLEADED 00031.W00 \.233 Q039.77 JAN 13 2009 14:\9 Q02 003 5145 @437 073875 0-Norma} 0J 01-UNLEADED 0&Bl2.800 1.283 0016.42 JAN 1 _.I, 2009 16/0 00 00 2063 8469 856J94 @-Normal 03 81-1INL[ADED 00023.080 1.283 O&29.51 JAN l4 20 09 10/0l 0007 00 3 5 8 1� 0498 089976 0-Notmal 03 Nl-UNLEAD[D 00027.000 1.283 0834.64 JAN 14 208Y lW�2J B010 00J JJY& 0�39 052872 0-Norma} 03 O1-UNLEADEh 00Ol9.580 1.28J 0025.&2 JAN 14 2809 10�38 0012 003 2258 85B5 080749 0-Hurmal 0J 81-U LEAO[U 8001�.808 1.283 0024.12 JAN 14 2089 18�J2 001J 003 21J2 05\8 &4B680 0'Wormal 03 01'UNLEAU[D 0B0�0.500 1.283 00O.47 JAN 14 2009 \1�27 002Q 0 J 21L5 0271 080165 8-Hurma1 01 0 2-0 1 ES[L 00014.900 1.870 0027.86 JAN L4 2009 13�55 W&28 08J 5J53 0308 Q\9352 Q-Normal B3 01-UHL[AD[D 0&026.408 1.283 W8J3.87 JAW 14, 2889 14.55 083J 80J 2376 0JQ1 004368 0-Uurmal 0J W\'UNLEADED 08020.&08 1.283 0025.66 JAN \4 20 09 0035 803 258\ Q557 845213 0'Hormal 03 0L-UNLEADED 00027.8&0 1.283 8034.6� JAN 14 2009 16�NB 0048 003 5876 0 4l9 039497 0-Normal 03 M1'UNL[ADED 0O812.5QN 1.2O3 0016.04 JAN N 28Q9 16 18 0844 883 5842 0261 067121 0'N o mo� 03 01-UNLEADED 00832.Q00 1.283 8&41.06 JAN 161 2009 09 49 0006 003 3 847 0267 029Q94 8-Hormo} 83 Q1-UNLEADED @W0J2.J0Q 0052.33 JAN 16. 28&9 H018 0N3 5841 0553 015451 0-Uorma> 0J 81'UNLEADED 8Q820.000 1.62B 0N32.�0 JAH l6 20 NY 16�41 0020 803 2374 Q586 Q91002 0-Horma\ 03 Q1-UNLEADED W0B23.8Q0 1.62Q 0837.26 JAN 17 200Y \8�42 0Q14 B0J 2l15 Q286 030571 0-Norma} PJ Q1-UNLEADED 00029.000 \.620 0N46.98 JAN \9 2009 16 39 00Q4 003 3391 &4l4 0@5025 0-Normal 81 0 2'DlESEL 0@023.50Q 1.898 W044.42 JAN 20 2009 0 55 2 0 014 0@J 20J8 0255 004178 N'Hormal 03 Q\-UNLEADED Q0032.080 1.628 0Q51.84 JAN 2N 280 9 10�13 0Wl6 803 5158 8498 890268 0-Normal 8J 81-UULEADEU &0&26.B CA, 1.628 0042.12 JAN 20 2009 10:19 0818 08J 3846 W27\ 01J844 0-Norma} N1 02-Dl[SEL 8B033.60& 1.890 &863.58 JAN 20, 2009 10:21 80\9 003 20J8 0271 004852 8-Norma} &2 0 2-DlESEL 08N24.080 1.8Y8 0Q45.36 JAN 20 2009 \5�Q2 0036 00J 2500 8290 066022 N-Norma Q3 01-UNLEADED 00016-MO 1.62Q W826.4l JAN 20 2089 \6M 0044 &03 2374 0283 0&4Y69 Q-Horma\ 83 01-UNLEADED 00026.300 M-210 0042.61 'Ali 20` 20BY i6�i6 @&45 &0J 5353 0308 018624 8'Horma} 8J 0�'UNLEADED 008 l.62P 1 B050.22 JAN 20 200 18�13 0851 258\ �5�� 84�524 8-Uorma> NJ 01-UULEADED 00031.1Q8 �,620 0Q50.3D JAN 21 2N09 09�0� 0O0 WQ3 5765 Q275 08Y716 G-Normai �3 Q1-UNLE��0 B0@ \.62N W 02 4.30 JAN 2\ 20 09 00 �6�41 23 8Q3 2374 K 5 06 Q91275 03 01-UNLEADED Q0826.80Q a 1.620 WQ42.12 JAN 2� 2089 \7�06 @B24 0Q3 J39\ 8278 0�985I S-Kurma\ 0� B1-UNLEAUEU 0NQ38.Q00 1.628 8048.�8 JAN 22 28&9 001| 0&3 5435 0555 827816 0-Normal 03 81-UNLEADED 0B8D.�� �.620 0028.19 JAN 22 2009 l2�24 0B14 BQ3 2265 0288 BZ@54 &'Uormal 03 BL-UNLEADED 0BQ30.�fl 1.620 8Q48.6B JAN 22. Z009 12�28 0015 @QO 5989 0416 B2J162 0-Worma� 03 81-UNL[ADED 00806.880 1.62B B009.72 JAN 22 2009 MN4 �01Y 003 2063 &469 856731 0-Wormal 03 Q1-UNLEADED 00@23.B0G �.628 0037.26 JAN 22. 2009 \6�00 0824 003 2713 �436 085857 8-Worma\ B3 01-UNLEADEU Q0&19.008 1.628 803�.73 JAN 22 28Q9 l6�19 0827 QB3 3846 0271 Q13990 B2- 0ESEL S002B.800 l.890 O037.8Q JAN 22 2N09 L6�19 ��8 0BJ 7 Q80 &4l4 8@526W 0-Worma� gl B2-GlES[L 0@02O.00O �.89B 0Q52.92 JAN 22. X �9 |6�37 082Y 083 2�38 Q30& 006259 0-Nurmal QJ 01-UNL[ADED 00828.00& 1.620 8N45.J6 JAN 23 20@9 12�J8 0016 083 5926 0265 011638 Q'Unrmai 03 01-UNLEADED 0NO28.�W8 1.620 �B46.0� JAN 23 2009 12�50 80l7 003 5145 0437 874O7 0'Horma} 03 B1-UNLEADED 000l6 1B0 1 620 0D26 08 23 2809 1���7 00�9 803 5842 0261 0674J1 ???????7?? 0'Norma} W} &1-UNL[AOED 0003\.50N A.620 0051.03 JAN 2 20B9 14��� 0N20 88J 515B &�98 898580 8'�urma� 03 81-UNL[ADED 00028.�o 1.62n 0Q�5.36 JAN 26 2N09 1&:19 0@ 1,,' 003 2634 0420 042747 0-Normal 03 01-UNLEAUED 00��.Q&N 1.620 0042.12 JAN 26 2009 1\�B8 0o14 00 C 82Y8 0663�7 0-Norma� 03 01-UNLEADED ��8.108 �.628 0030 .94 JAN 26. 20Q9 17�02 0036 003 237� 8506 09l560 0-Norm�l 03 01-UNL[ADED 2Q �27.500 1.6 0044.55 JAN 2?, 2009 09�}5 00]3 Q83 J392 0246 011684 0-Normal 03 01-UNLEADED 8002R.500 1.628 0046.17 JAN 27, 2809 \0�08 0W14 003 JJ91 0267 @29329 0-Normal 83 01-UNLEADED ��26.5QQ i.62U B042.93 JAH 27 280Y l8 16 0815 0B3 2115 W2B6 &30860 &-Normal 03 Q1-U��EADED �m28,B00 r l.62 45.36 JAH 27, 2��9 11�22 0O19 003 5760 8�2Y 81�298 ??�?7�7??? 0-Wormal Q3 Q1-UNLEADE0 ��14.5N8 l.628 0Q23.49 JAN 27. 20N9 L2�14 �022 0B3 5989 Q4!� U23273 0-Norm�| 03 01-UNLE��D 0N00J.500 1.62& 8005.67 JAN Z7 2009 \4�49 Q033 003 5158 8�98 09N827 0-Normal 8J 01-UNLE��D 0D022.�� 1.62B 0035.96 JAN 200Y i5�l8 0037 003 2374 B275 090006 8-Nurmal &3 81-UNLED �D 00014.�� 1.620 AN 2�. 2W0Y 1 2 _1 8038� NO3 1�1�� &549 067887 Q-worma} 03 01-UNLEADED ��N16.0Q0 l.620 8Q25.92 JAH 27 20N� i5�58 00�8 Q83 5G42 B261 B67566 N'Norma\ 83 &1-UNLEADED NQW14.QQ0 l.62Q BN22.68 JAN 28 2&09 86�56 Q0Q9 803 5174 R. 09384N ????????7? 0-Hormo\ 03 01-UNLEADED Q@026.000 1.628 ��7.12 JAN 28, 2809 }1�10 0N25 0Q3 21J5 0-Uorma\ 03 &1-UNL[ADED WW025.0Q0 1.620 0040.50 JAN 28, 2Q89 N�16 0838 003 2376 B3R1 B04563 G-Normal 62 @J 01-UNLEADED 0081Y.5&0 1.Q 8031.59 JAN 28 2089 i��59 004� �03 384� 0586 0917!2 G'Aorm�l 03 &1-UNLEA0ED 00Q20.50W �.6Z8 Q033.21 JAN 2B 2N09 l6�43 0R5& 003 33Yl 8278 0i0250 @-Hormai QJ 01-UNL[ADED 8&0@7.800 l.62Q B�11.34 JAN 28, 20Q9 D�05 0052 0B3 2063 W469 56YJ1 8-Uormal 03 &1-UNLEADED 000\5.B0@ 1.62B J0 JAN 28 2009 17�15 0853 003 5L58 0498 09Q9J0 0-Hurmol Q3 0i-UNL[A0ED 00012.5&0 l.620 8020.25 JAK 29. 2009 11;3� 0812 Q83 5657 ��3Y 853889 8-Harmal 0J 81'UNL[ADEU Q0D19.080 1.620 0030.78 �AN 29. 20W9 12�i5 80D 1 281 8281 0D168 W3 N\-ONLFA0ED 0W024.080 1.628 8038.88 JAH 29 ��9 i3�55 0021 0A3 2508 &29O �6665 8'Uorma] 03 81-UNL[A0EU 00018.� 0 i. 1.620 i 0010 .46 JAN 29. 2009 15!84 0028 80 2 W5O6 09055 ?????7?7?7 0-Normal QJ Mi-UNLEADED QW024.1&0 1.62N 00 39 .04 JAN J0 28 09 W9�J8 8006 Q03 5158 B498 8911Q ?????????7 8-Normal 03 01-UHLEADED 00Q26.00Q 1.620 0042.12 JAN 30. 2N09 89�50 Q008 0@3 250i 04l4 804865 H'Normal 01 82-UlESEL 00023.080 1.672 803O.46 JAN 3B 20 09 !4.0 Q828 0Q3 2375 8301 0046\1 0-Nnrmal 0J 01-UNLEADED 8000�.500 \.620 80Q8.9L JAH 38 2Q09 �4�@ 0833 0Q3 3847 0278 01N476 0'Normal 03 0-UNLEADED 00�3�.Q00 1.620 0055.0R Q0�J Q83 33Y0 0267 029572 0-Hormal 83 8!-UNLEADEU 0@Q33.500 L.620 Q85 JAN 30 201 Q9 005} 00J J088 0288 027930 0-Normal 03 01'UNLEADED 0&037.808 Q6\.24 JAH 30, 2089 21�03 805? 003 J0QO @28J 805D6 B-Normal 83 81-UNLEADED QQ033.6@8 1.620 D054.43 JAN 3l, 2Q09 0 @N82 003 3B08 0288 Q27956 B-Normal 03 0i-UHL[ADED 0B009.80Q 1.620 B015.88 JAN Jl 2089 09�1J Q004 &03 250} 0557 Q46QQ4 8-Hormal 8J G1-UNL[ADED Q8Q30.108 1.620 8048.76 JAN J1 20BY 13�56 0087 NQ3 5926 0554 040696 0-Hormal 03 0L'UNL[ADED 0@029.2S0 1.620 8047.J@ Usage Total Product 01 UNLEADED 2012.000 Gallcm 3Q04.87 Product 02 DIESEL 193.400 Gallon 356,69 Prescribed by State Board of Accounts City Form No. 201 (Rev 19951 ACCOUNTS PAYABLE VOUCHER g CITY OF CARMEL An invoice or bill to be properly itemized must show, kind of service, where performed, dates of service rendered, by whom, rates per day, number of units, price per unit, etc. Payee 42595 CARMEL CLAY SCHOOLS Purchase Order No. ATTN: TERRY RICH Terms 5201 E 131 ST ST Due Date 2/10/2009 CARMEL, IN 46033 Invoice Invoice Description Date Number (or note attached invoice(s) or bill(s)) Amount 2/10/2009 011609 $1,110.10 hereby certify that the attached invoice(s), or bill(s) is (are) true and :orrect and I have audited same in accordance with IC 5- 11- 10 -1.6 Date Officer VOUCHER 095046 WARRANT ALLOWED 42595 IN SUM OF CARMEL CLAY SCHOOLS ATTN: TERRY RICH 5201 E 131ST ST CARMEL, IN 46033 Carmel Wastewater Utility ON ACCOUNT OF APPROPRIATION FOR Board members PO INV ACCT AMOUNT Audit Trail Code 011609 01- 7500 -02 $477.57 011609 01- 7502 -06 $551.00 011609 01- 7500 -08 $81.53 r 1} Voucher Total $1,110.10 Cost distribution ledger classification if claim paid under vehicle highway fund Account 1T 003 Account name CARMEL UTILITIES LISA KEMPA Account address 1 CIVIC SQUARE, CARMEL 571-2443 Date T�me Tran Acot Orivr Vehcl 0domtr Ceyboard Type �op Prod Quantity Pdce Amu oi JAN W5, 200 12�27 001O �M2 0261 0668 7 i7 .49 JAN B5. 20G9 16�52 0037 003 3845 0288 827157 B-Norma} 03 �1'UNLEAD[D 80828.��0 �.283 0036.57 JAN 86 2009 11�21 8014 003 2258 0505 0D8479 0-Norma� 83 01-UNLEADED 0BW16.780 1.28J 0021.4J JAN 06. 2�R 11;31 08L6 803 5174 W275 Q89�40 0-Hnrma} 83 0i-UNLEADED 00816.000 JAN 86 2809 1 9 0019 00J 5158 0498 0 89393 8-Norma} N3 01-UNL[AUED 00025.&00 1.283 0032.QR JAN 06 200 14�09 0026 0 03 2063 0469 0��39 03 01-UNLEADED ��21.P08 1.28J 0026.94 JAN W6, 2009 1h42 �O8 00J 5145 0437 W73655 0-Ncrmol 03 01'UNLEAD[D 00D.96 JAN 06. ��9 15�25 0036 803 2581 8557 84�925 H-Norma} 03 O1-UNLEA0ED 0Q029.10Q 1.283 0037.34 JAN 87, 2009 10�06 0816 3391 0278 889316 0-142rm81 00�1 0B40.41 JAN 07 2009 1B�1� 00l7 80J 3392 0246 0l1319 0-Norma} 03 Q1-UWLEADED 00028.1&@ 1.283 003�.05 JAH 07, 2�R 13/87 B026 803 5989 0416 023048 0-Nurma\ 0J B1-UNLEA0ED 0��8.500 1.283 N018.91 JAN 07. 4H.- 15�D B0J4 0WJ 2588 0290 0654�6 8-Normal 0J 01-UNLEADED 00012.60M 1.283 &Q\6.17 JAN 07 28Q9 17�08 0038 003 2374 043D Q84828 0'Nurmal @2 02'DlESEL 00016.5Q0 1.718 �028.35 JAW 07 200Y \7�03 0039 0Q3 3O47 0506 09N58� 0-Normal 83 &1-UNLEADE8 0002�.5BQ 1.283 0027.58 JAW Q8 2Y 0 Y �5 0 4 0\5 1 003 2\5 0286 03�27W 0'Norma} 03 01-UNLE��D ��28.�� 0035.92 00 JAN Q8 2&89 1Q�J3 0021 00J 271J &436 085648 Q-Nurmal 03 01'UNLEADE8 000D.00R 1.28J 002L.81 JAN &D 2009 10�42 0022 0&3 33Y8 0267 028782 8-Normal 0J 0l-UNLEADED 000JQ.}00 1.283 8039.D JAN 89 2089 1h45 O028 00J 2J74 041� 00�998 0'Normal 02 Q2-D1 ESEL 00@N9.908 1.D20 0&18.02 JAN Q9. 2089 15�01 ��29 W03 2374 N283 804878 8-Norma} 03 01-UNLE��D 0001Y.800 1.283 0024.J8 JAN 09. ZH 13 OR 8@3 300Q 042B 016R64 0-Nnrma} 03 0\-UNLEADEO 008]5.7&@ i.283 8&20.14 JAN 09 2BB9 �6d9 B0 J8 003 5158 04Y8 0896�0 0-Wnrma} 0J M' 08&28.00Q 1.283 QD35.92 JAN W9, 2009 16�42 0039 003 JO45 0494 10394J 0-Normal @J 01-UNLEADED �0021.00W \.28J QQ26.94 JAN 12 20 M 9 Q9 3O &804 883 25R3 0297 044462 8-Normal 03 01-UNLEAD[D Q0 1.2B3 JAN �2, 200Y 11�16 0808 5435 8555 0275R1 N-Normal B3 81-UNLEAUED B0Ql6.5Q� 1.283 0021.17 JAN 12 2009 D�&0 0825 00J 2500 u290 865759 04orm 01-UHLEADED 00018.2Q8 \.283 8023.35 JAN 1J. 2089 &9�43 W0 D9 &03 3845 8300 005995 O-Ho/mal 03 01-��EADED &0B00.5N0 1.2S3 0080.64 JAN 13 20Q9 09�52 8010 J845 0300 ��5995 8'Norma} BJ N1'UNLEADED 0��1.�00 1.283 Q0J9.77 JAN 13 2009 14�19 Q023 003 5145 0437 873875 0-Normal &J 01-UNLEADED 000\2.800 1.28J 00l6.�2 JAN 13, 2�� 16�18 �D1 2863 0469 056394 0'Normal 0J 01-UNLEADED 00&23.080 1.283 0B29.51 JAN 14 2009 10/01 08&7 00J 5158 0498 8D9976 0-Normal 03 01-0&EADEO 00027.�� 1.2O3 8034.64 JAN 14 2B09 10�2J B010 �O 3J9Q 84J9 052872 0-Hormal 03 01-UNL[AD�D 0QO1Y.500 1.283 Q025.B2 JAN l4, 200 l0�J8 0012 2258 0505 880 49 0-Honnal 03 0\'0�[ADEU ��\8.�� 082 .\2 JAH 14 2089 10�32 0013 00J 2132 051B ��0680 8'Horma} 03 01-UNL[AD[D 0QQ10.500 JAN 14 2N09 27 00 20 2j1 0271 &80165 ??????n 0-Horma} 01 02-UlESEL 80�\4.900 JAN 14, ��9 \3 5 B028 083 535J W308 &18352 &-Horma} Q3 01-UNL[A0EU 00026.4W0 QOJ3.87 JAN 14 2QN9 14�55 0&33 083 2376 03N1 004368 0-Normal 03 0l-UNLEAD[0 08020.0B8 1.28J 0025.66 JAH \4 2009 8035 B03 25Q1 Q557 04521J &'Hurma} 03 01-UNLEADED 00027.0Q0 1.283 0034.64 JAN l4 2809 16�00 004Q 003 5876 0419 0J94�7 0-Norma\ 03 01-UULEADED 0Q8\2.�� 1.283 0N16.04 JAN }4 2889 16�18 0844 083 5O42 0261 067121 B-Normol 03 Q1-UNLEADED N0032.000 1.283 804�.06 AN �6 2009 09�49 00&6 003 3847 0267 02YQ94 &-Norm�l Q3 Q1-UNLEADED 00032.3Q0 1.620 N052.33 1l�1� 0N10 0Q3 5841 055J 8154�1 Q-Normal 83 81-UNLEADED 00Q20.Q08 1.628 80J2.40 JAN 16 2009 16 41 002Q 003 2374 B506 Q910Q2 Q-Normal 03 01-UNLEA0ED 0BB2J.QQ0 JAN 17. 2R09 l8�42 B014 0 029.N00 JAN l9 20O9 16�39 0004 0@3 33Y1 8414 Q05025 0-Hormal 81 02-DlESEL 0882J.50Q !.8Y8 00�4.42 JAN 20, 2009 09�55 0B14 003 2038 M255 004178 0-Normal 03 01-UNLEADE0 B00J2.Q00 1.620 JAN 2B, 2 a 71 10�D 8@16 883 515R 0498 890268 0-Normal 03 B1'UNLEADED 08826.8&0 1.62Q 0W42.12 JAN 2B. 20&9 1B�19 0018 003 3846 8271 01J844 B-Nn,ma\ B1 02-UlBEL Q0033.60Q 1.890 8063.5O JAN 20 2�R 10�21 0B19 80J 2038 0271 004852 8-Normal 02 U2-DlBEL 08024.000 \.89B 0045.J6 JAK 20, 2809 15 82 003 25 6 003 00 Q290 066022 0-Normai Q3 1-UNLEADED B0 Q16.30 0 1.620 &026.41 JAN 2W 28Q9 16�01 0&�4 QB3 237� 0283 B&�Y69 Q-Nnrma} Q3 01'UNLEAD [D 00026.380 1.62Q JAN 20, N09 1113 ON! ON 2581 0557 845524 G-No,mal 03 81'UNL[ADED 80831.1QQ 1020 0050.38 JAN 21. 2G09 0004 08Q3 003 5765 0275 OB9716 04ormal 03 81-UNLEADED 115.BN0 1.620 &B24.30 JAN 21, 2009 16; 41 0023 003 2374 8506 09L275 04nr90 Q3 01-UNLEADED 00026 120 1020 0042.�2 JAN 21 200Y 17 a 0024 003 3J91 B278 809853 ??????r?? 04ormal D3 01-UNLEADED 00030.000 1.62& 8048.b0 ON 22, 2B09 11;16 0011 823 5435 0555 &27816 &-Normal 03 0\-UNLEAD£D 8Q017 .400 1.620 0028 19 JAN 22 2089 12:24 O80 083 2265 0288 027654 &'Uo,mal Q3 01'UNLEADED 80030.000 1.62Q 0048.60 JAN 22, 2009 1120 0015 ON 5989 Q416 023i62 14ormal 03 01'UNLE#DED 000D6.080 1.62& 000172 J08 22 2009 1044 8019 803 2063 0469 056731 W-Kormai N3 @1'UNUEADED Q0023.&0B 1.62Q @037.26 JAN 22 20Q9 16�00 0024 083 213 0436 005857 840mal 03 01-UNLEADED 00Q19300 1.62Q 603048 JAN 20 2009 16, 11 0027 083 3846 1271 013998 4?77?7 0'Hormal 22 02-DlESEL 80B21 N0 }.O98 1 Q037.88 JAN 22 20 09 16:19 0028 003 3000 0W 0&5260 B-Hbrm»l @i 0211ESEL 00028100 I 1.89B B852.92 JAN 22, 2W29 1037 0829 063 2038 SHE 0&6259 0'Normal 03 01-UNLEADED 08028.000 1.620 8Q45.36 ]&N 23 2009 1208 0016 063 5926 W265 011638 f-Nnrma} 03 Ol'UNLEADED 0002O.400 1.620 0046.01 JAN 23 2009 W0 N817 ON 5i45 8437 174157 00orma| 03 Ql-UNLEADED 00016130 1128 8026.08 JAN 23. 2109 1047 0019 W 5842 0261 067431 0-Nur0 03 Q1-UNLEADED 00@3l.500 1,620 0051.03 JAN 23 2009 1406 Q020 003 5158 0498 &90580 ?7?7?17 0-Normal 03 01-UNLEADED 00020.008 1.62Q B645,36 JAN 26 2009 18:19 0010 083 2634 0420 042747 0'Normal 03 81'0NLEAD[D 00626AN 1.620 0042.12 JAN 26 2009 11:08 BB14 063 2500 0290 066367 0-Normal 03 01-UNLEAD[D 0&019.1N0 1.620 003014 ON 26 2009 1712 0036 013 2374 05N6 091568 B-Normal 03 01-UNLEADED 00Q27.580 1.620c O 2_144.55 JAN 27 2009 0055 BQ13 003 3392 8246 0WS4 0-Normal 03 &1-UNL[ADED 00028.500 1.620 it 0046.D JAN 27, 20? 1088 0014 003 3391 0267 Z29329 0-Wonnal B3 Q\-UNLEADED 0 1.620 0042.93 OAR 27. 2009 1006 0815 003 2115 0286 83NB6O 0-Normal 03 Q1'UNLEADED 80028.080 1A20 0045.36 JAN 27, 2B0Y 11�22 0819 003 5760 0429 811298 0-Norma\ 83 @1-UNLEADEU 080�4.50Q 1.620 s 0823.49 JAN 27, 2009 1244 0022 003 5989 8416 023273 BAorma\ 03 01-UNLEADED BOOK, NO 1.620 QA05.67 JAN 27 2009 W49 8033 003 528 0498 090827 8'Normal 83 81-UNLEADED BOOK .200 l.620 8035.96 JAN 2009 �5. 18 �037 003 2374 0275 090006 0'Ho,ma} 03 81-UNLEADED 0004.500 1.620 0823.49 OAH 27. 2809 15:21 0038 003 |014 054Y 06087 ?75= 14=81 0 01-UNLEADEO Q0016.0Q0 1.620 0025.92 JAN 27, 2009 15:58 0040 003 5842 8261 Q67566 04or:a1 03 01-UNLEADED 08014.QQ0 1.62B 0022.68 JAN 28 2009 06:56 8009 583 5174 0292 093848 ?475?7? 0-Normal 03 01-UNLEADED Q0026.000 1020 Q842.l2 JAN 28, 2009 1110 0025 003 2U5 Q557 045730 00u/mal 03 Q1-UNLEADED 00025.0Q8 1.620 0040.50 JAH 28, 2009 14'16 N0J8 003 2376 QJ&1 B04563 0-Norma1 @J 0l-UNiUDED 00019.5Q8 1120 0031.59 OAR 28 2109 1409 0Q44 803 3845 0586 091712 0-No,ma} 03 81-UNL DA. D[D 00020.500 1620 8033.2l JAN 28. 2009 16:43 0051 603 3391 027B 010250 8'Ho,m3 1 "J 01-UNLEADED 08007308 1.62Q 00l1.34 JAN 28 2N9 1005 0052 003 2063 0469 056931 84ormal 03 01-UNLEADED 00B15.808 1320 D024.30 JAN 28 2009 17;L5 8053 883 5158 0498 090930 N-No,mal 03 01-UNLEADED 060L2.5@0 1.620 6020.25 JAN 29. 2 UR 0Y 1\o31 0012 083 5657 0439 053089 0-Normoi Q3 01-UNLEA0ED 00019102 1.620 003Q.78 JAM 29, 2QW9 1115 1017 003 2281 1281 017168 04ormal 83 01-UNLEADED 000WQ00 1.620 0838.88 jAN 29 200 13:55 0021 0 1 2500 0:90 066665 0-11 orma1 03 01-UNL EA. D[D 00018.800 1.620 NO38.46 JAN 29, 2009 1004 00 0 Z 3 2374 0506 091855 0-Nurmd 0J 01'UNLEADED 08®r 2 4.18Q 1.620 071 39.04 jAN 31 2009 09:30 8086 003 5158 0498 091161 Q-Norma\ &J 01-UNLEADED 08026.000 1.620 0042.12 JAN 30 28&9 0050 N008 003 2501 0414 0Q4865 ?54477 8-Uormal 01 82-DlES[L ONE. No 1172 0038,46 JAN M. 2B09 Wi0 0N8 003 2375 Q30l 004611 0'Normol 03 01-UMLEAQED 0Q0@5.500 1.620 000O.91 JAN 3Q 2089 1043 0033 003 3847 0278 NN476 0-Hormal 03 01-UK[ADED 00Q34.0@0 1420 QQ55.08 OAR 30 2009 1601 0043 003 3390 8267 82Y572 04urma\ 83 01'UNLEAD£D 80O33.580 1.620 1054.27 JAN M. 2809 1803 0Ml 003 3QB0 82B8 627930 04orma1 03 01-UNLEADE0 0003 7 .8N0 1.620 0061.24 JAN 31 2B09 21:03 0052 003 30W 0283 805176 0-Normo} 03 O1-UNLEADED 0Q833.600 1.62Q 00%4J jAN 31 2069 03:02 0N2 003 38B8 02BD 027956 8-Norml 03 81-&NLEADED 00009.000 1.628 0015.88 JAN 31. 2089 0903 W084 003 25Q1 0557 Q46004 8-Aormal 03 Q1-UNL[ADED 0083@,1Q0 \.62G 80@.76 jAN 31. 2089 1156 8007 003 5926 0554 040696 B-Norm»l 03 M-UNLEADED 0W029.200 1.620 0847.30 Usage Total Product 01 UNLEADED 2012.000 Gallon 3004.87 Product 02 DIESEL 193.400 Gallon 356.69 3361 6 ^�6S.� 5 Prescribed by State Board of Accounts City Form No. 201 (Rev 1995) ACCOUNTS PAYABLE VOUCHER CITY OF CARMEL An invoice or bill to be properly itemized must show, kind of service, where performed, dates of service rendered, by whom, rates per day, number of units, price per unit, etc. Payee 42595 CARMEL CLAY SCHOOLS Purchase Order No. ATTN: TERRY RICH Terms 5201 E 131 ST ST Due Date 2/10/2009 CARMEL, IN 46033 Invoice Invoice Description Date Number (or note attached invoice(s) or bill(s)) Amount 2/10/2009 010509 $3,056.41 hereby certify that the attached invoice(s), or bill(s) is (are) true and ;orrect and I have audited same in accordance with IC 5- 11- 10 -1.6 Date Officer VOUCHER 091100 WARRANT ALLOWED ,42595 IN SUM OF CARMEL CLAY SCHOOLS ATTN: TERRY RICH 5201 E 131 ST ST CARMEL, IN 46033 Carmel Water Utility I ON ACCOUNT OF APPROPRIATION FOR Board members PO INV ACCT AMOUNT Audit Trail Code 010509 01- 6500 -04 $727.83 010509 01- 6500 -05 $2,199.78 010509 01- 6500 -07 $128.80 Voucher Total $3,056.41 Cost distribution ledger classification if claim paid under vehicle highway fund Y Account 400�1 Account name CARMEL UTILITIEP LISA KEMPA Account address 1 CIVIC SQUAW. CARrFL 571-2A43 Date Tie Tron Amt Drivr Vehd Odmntr Keybnard WE Pump Prod [�aAity Price Amouot JAN 16, 2N7 0152 ON? 003 212P 0551 0IH75 Q'Norma) W3 02' DlESEL 0§&15.10& 0 0 1.8Y0 0028.35 JAN 16. 2003 L1/09 Q@16 003 51E 0474 019125 8'Noroal 01 BY UNLEADED 00021200 1120 0034.99 jAN D, 2009 131D §011 003 202 8510 040978 0'NormaL 01 Q1' UNLEADED O0020.8QQ 1220 @032.4O AN it 2809 1057 QQ15 003 5761 8W3 Q03862 0-Noreai 02 01- UNLEADFD 00033.500 1.620 8Q5437 NN 20 2009 0020 0018 003 22&8 0280 115KQ 0-Auraal 02 N1- UNLEADED 0f0l3.0U0 1.620 0021.86 JAN 20 2O09 0048 N24 003 5433 0295 022025 0'Norma! 01 01 UNLEADED 08014.42 1.620 0023.33 JAN 20 209 1006 0028 003 5777 0552 03044 0'Normal 01 0l- UNL LEE AD[D g0&22300 1'620 00­5.64 JAN 20 2009 1312 ON! 003 5557 0249 047293 2 5?????5 0-Normal 02 0i- UNLEADED Q0024.800 1.620 00J8.88 JAN 0 2009 13:06 0042 003 3916 0244 128670 0-Nmmal 02 BY UNLEADED 00011000 1.620 N0%9.16 AN 20 2U9 1000 0048 083 2526 0467 068107 0-Normul 02 0L' UNLEADED 00010000 1.620 Q022.68 JAK 2l 2009 09:40 0024 003 59R5 0497 077343 Q-Norma} 02 01' UNLEADED 00024.00U l.620 003838 JAN 21. 20W9 1t28 OMQ 003 1004 0277 049051 0'Nornal 02 N1' UNLEADED 20022 AN i.620 0035.64 AN 2l 2007 110 00N ON 5643 0305 028122 0-Norma1 01 01' UNLEADED 80015.0O0 l.620 0N24.35 HN 2L. 2009 14;55 0059 003 5/60 0429 B11070 04ormal 02 01' UNLEAUED 0 0 0 L.620 Q027.54 JAN 2l, 2009 150 0060 ON 2629 0276 120071 O-Normal QZ 01- UNL[AD[D G0022.800 1.620 0035.64 CAN 2L 2@09 Q12 0069 003 202 050 041302 ?r???????? B-Norma1 02 BY UNLEADED 0002l.500 1.620 08340, JAN 22 2809 1049 0033 003 5O41 0f3 004047 0'Worma} 02 01- UNLEADED 0002B,800 1.62O 004166 AN 22 2209 1402 0040 103 5876 0419 039755 84urmal 02 0l' UNL[ADFD 0 NO1L.5N0 i.620 0018.63 JAN 22, 2009 14:49 0043 003 2716 0284 056955 Q-Nnrma| 02 01' UNLEADED 80012.008 l.62Q 0019.44 AN 22 2009 15:34 0849 003 2264 0287 061874 0-Normal 02 01' UNLEADED BUD, NO 1220 0034.83 JAN 21 2009 0057 Q023 003 2234 0267 056832 0-Nnr7I.-_ i\ 02 01- UNLEADED QQ017.000 1120 0027.54 AN 21 2009 1007 003. 2 003 5185 0333 827518 ?r???????? 23andie 01 01' UNLEADED 00004.3&0 1120 0806.97 JAN 23 2d09 12:11 O0J3 003 505 0333 02750 N'Normal 02 OF U AD[D 00026.700 1 .6DD 0 043.2� AN 21 2N9 1157 Q0J7 003 2281 028i dI6O37 04ormal 02 0l' UNLEADED 00018.00 0 1.62@ o Z 9.\6 JAN 23 20Q9 1112 Q072 003 527B Q507 052656 Q-Nnnna} 84 02' DIESEL 00022.200 1.890 0041.96 NH 241 2009 0n16 U006 no 1014 8549 676778 ?r??r????? Q-Norpa! 02 01- UXLEAND 00@16.Q00 1.620 s 0025,12 JAN 26. 2009 8702 0012 003 2369 N56 038939 Q'Xurmal 02 TO UNLEADED 00014.600 l.620 002J.65 AN 26, 2009 1022 8025 003 2258 0505 08106D ??????r'/? 0-Noroal 02 21- UNLEADED 0W022.480 1622 8036.29 JAN 26 2009 12:11 0034 003 5262 338 028174 0-Normal 01 BY UNiEA0ED 00 On. 12.000 1,620 0019.4� 20QY 1500 005! 0@3 I12 0518 0408 7 04 1 777 0-Norpai 01 01' UALEADED 00021000 1.620 0032.40 JAN 26 2009 1503 0052 ON 5885 0256 000654 0-Norma! 04 02- DIESEL K0036.000 1.890 8N8W AN 2, 2W9 1519 O54 003 M85 S SOQ654 7?7?7 'F -Nurma1 04 02' DIESEL O030 A0 1. Ho 005632 JAN 26 2007 i6;49 0065 903 5167 0J32 QJJ209 04urm6 02 BY UNLEADED WQO14.00N 1120 Q02168 AN 27 2009 08:59 0Q16 QOJ 5433 R295 822230 8-Norm0 01 O1- UNLEADED 00011900 L620 0022.52 AN 27. 200; 1005 8023 003 3916 0519 015159 0-Norma| 02 01- UNLEADBD DO0l6.N0W S 1220 082512 AN 27. 2009 12:22 0N34 003 2526 0467 068282 0-Murmal 02 01- UNLEADED W0013 A00 1120 1021.06 AN 27. 2003 13/45 00 3 0 OK� !US 0552 030631 777?07? 0-Norma} 02 W1' UNLEADED 30221.200 i L628 0834.34 AN 27. 2U9 1054 QV3 003 5977 8358 039504 ?????7??? Q-Numal 02 01- UNLEADED 00022.000 1.620 y 003514 AN 27, 2N9 1410 0045 003 59B5 0553 015555 0-Norma) 12 01- UNLE.-Il. ED E:0 0001J.200 1.620 00210 AN 27, 20M WAS 0051 003 1026 0437 077571 Q'Norma� Q2 01' LEADED Q002 2, 0 0 0� L6 2Q 0035.64 JAN 27 2007 15:04 0055 0O3 2375 4 156747 @-Nomal 82 01' UNL[�M0 000W00 1120 002133 AN 27, 2009 15,12 0058 No 5841 0493 OOK47 ??????r??? 0luma} 02 81- UKEADED BOO19.10 1.620 0031.91 JAN 27, 200 15:51 0Q62 005 5353 0300 010830 W-Normal 02 01' 0&EADED 00020.000 1.62N 8032.40 JAN 2B 2009 08, 16 0018 003 2375 014 156856 0-Normai 02 BY ISLEADED 00115.OR 100 i 0024.30 JAN 28, 200 9 !0f35 0032 003 2258 K82 056S? 77?77777 0-Noruol 02 W1' WAND 050l5.180 1120 N24.46 JAU 28, 2009 1109 0037 083 3847 027O 010146 ?????7 W-Normal 02 QL' UNLEADED 1.A.28 s 0048.��O JAN 28, 200 11�44 BOB §03 10l6 0354 011984 40=7 0-Normal H 0l- UNL�D[D ��25.00 l.620 1 �N1.31 AN 28. 2@9 1135 0@56 003 2264 0519 815287 ?????????l INumal 02 0i' UNLEAVED 00021.HO L620 O034.83 JAN 28, 200 15;44 0057 003 5841 0493 004365 077 O-Normal 82 BY UNLEADED 01019 100 1.6N 0030.78 JAN 28 2009 1044 0061 083 03 Q308 019026 0-Nnrmal 02 Ql' UNLEADED 00029.J00 1.620 N047.47 JAN 28, 2009 1044 001 003 576| XH6 060916 0'Uurmal Q3 02' DIESEL 08O34.000 1.R9Q Q0&4.26 J4W 28 2NO3 1:54 0075 0 O H38 Q300 00495 ???????r?? O-Numal 02 01' UNLEADED 00026.500 1.621 0042.93 JA 200? 19�0l 0082 QQ3 5935 04Y7 077725 ME= 02 8]- UNLEADED W0023.000 1 1.620 00�7.26 N 28 JAN 26 2009 1003 0083 803 5777 0552 830789 0'Nornal 01 01' UNLEADED 03027 AN 1.620 O04 3.74 JAU 2% 2003 816 O091 003 5842 0261 067638 ???7????? 0-%nma> 02 Q! UNLEADED 0QQ|1.0QQ l.620 0Q17.82 AN 29 2009 80:15 8081 003 2120 0507 052902 ?v?rr??v?? 04o'ea\ 23 02- Dl[SEL 10027 100 L.O9U 0052.16 AN 29 2009 0N:16 O002 003 2120 0276 120170 0-Normal DZ 00 UNLEADED O00l9.0@O 1.62Q 0Q30.78 JAN 29 2809 1317 1042 003 5168 0474 019482 ?r?????rr 8'Norma} 01 0L' UNLEADED 00025.100 L.62N ON046 JAN 29 2009 14/18 0045 003 216 02D4 057157 Q'Norma) 02 01' UNLEADED 00014.000 1120 002248 JAN 29, 2N9 1021 0M6 003 H41. 0493 004512 0-Nornal 02 01' UNLEADED 00021100 1020 00J4.83 JAN Q 20N9 0BM6 0M4 003 564J 0305 0Q0000 04oroal 01 01- UNLEADED 00011100 1120 008.7Y JAN 30 2009 89:37 80!8 003 2132 051D 042002 W-Nurmal 01 @L' UNLEADED 00024.000 1.670 0038.88 NN 30 NOY 1014 00h 003 5145 04J7 8MJY3 0'Normai Of &1' UNLEADED 00013.00 1, KO OQ22.03 JAN 30 N09 1124 0043 003 2J69 0556 039095 Q-Normal 02 @1' UUiEADED 20027. WO 1.620 0012.31 JAN 38 2009 1J 32 0Q44 003 5760 0429 011459 ?????7???? 0'Nnrmal 02 0l' UNLEADED 00N1X0 l.620 0018.6J JAN 30 20X9 17 36 0045 003 2634 000 Q4N72 ?????r???? 0-Nurmal 02 0L- UMiEAK 0O016.000 1.62O QQ25.92 JAW 30 2689 1306 0048 003 2375 0264 156893 0-Nurmal 02 0l- UNLEADED 00016.000 1 A 0025.92 JAN 3; H@Y 1430 0051 @0Z 2?64 0287 062215 ???r?????? 0-Nurmai 02 01' UNLEADED 08025.000 1.620 0040.50 JNW JQ, 2009 15:03 QQ54 003 2629 Q507 §5H95 ???N????? 04orm*} 04 02' Dl[S[L 000l0.700 1.672 0017 .8 9 Usage Total Product 01 UNLEADED 1162.800 Gallon 1883.72 Product 02 DIESEL 175.500 Gallon 329.36 Prescribed by State Board of Accounts City Form No. 201 (Rev 1995) ACCOUNTS PAYABLE VOUCHER CITY OF CARMEL An invoice or bill to be properly itemized must show, kind of service, where performed, dates of service rendered, by whom, rates per day, number of units, price per unit, etc. Payee 42595 CARMEL CLAY SCHOOLS Purchase Order No. ATTN: TERRY RICH Terms 5201 E 131ST ST Due Date 2/10/2009 CARMEL, IN 46033 Invoice Invoice Description Date Number (or note attached invoice(s) or bill(s)) Amount 2/10/2009 010509 $305.15 hereby certify that the attached invoice(s), or bill(s) is (are) true and ;orrect and I have audited same in accordance with IC 5- 11- 10 -1.6 /LA Date Officer VOUCHER 095047 WARRANT ALLOWED 42595 IN SUM OF CARMEL CLAY SCHOOLS ATTN: TERRY RICH 5201 E 131 ST ST CARMEL, IN 46033 Carmel Wastewater Utility ON ACCOUNT OF APPROPRIATION FOR 11 Board members PO INV ACCT AMOUNT Audit Trail Code 010509 01- 7500 -02 $30.48 010509 01- 7502 -06 $187.18 010509 01- 7500 -08 $87.49 I Voucher Total $305.15 Cost distribution ledger classification if claim paid under vehicle highway fund Account CARME| FIRE DFPT DE�ICE SN\DER Account address 2 CIVIC SQUARE, C�RMEL 571-2627 0ate Time Trm Acnt Drivr Vehd Udoatr Vpyboard Type Pump PmJ Quantity Price Amoy t JAN 16 20Q 08�05 0007 �O �736 Q52 1l0926 0-Nnrmal 02 0l 11 p" 1 2.�� 1.�� 0RQ.90 JAN 16 2Q�Y 0O�17 0008 0@2 5296 05�6 072222 ???????r?� 0-No'mal Q1 0L' UNLEADED 00W15.30Q �.620 O024.79 JAN 16 2009 18�29 8035 W02 5095 OJ�9 Q50034 Q'Nnrma) O2 01- UNLEAD[D 0U�14.200 l.620 �023.00 JAN D. 2009 �2;�1 00W9 002 5598 Q440 039765 0-Nurmal 02 Q1- UNLEADED 00008.5QQ 1.628 N0\3.77 JAN D 200Y 14�J5 0015 002 2164 05�5 8|5456 0-Normal �J &2' DI[SEL 00020.0W0 :t 1.890 0§37.R0 JAN 17 2009 15�2� 00\7 �02 5736 0527 111021 8'Noraal 02 Q\' UNLEADED B000D.000 1.620 0012.Y6 JAN 17 2009 16/08 Q018 002 5868 02J2 Q49279 0-Normal 0J 02- Dl[S[L 00021.5&W 1.89N O04N.6� JAN 0, 2@09 QY Z2 Q014 Q02 �291 0359 05012Y 0'Normal 02 Q1' UNLEADEU ��0�2.100 L.62N W019.68 002 5570 426000 04 02' D7ESEL 00Q26.B00 {.890 Q050.65 JAN 19, 9 1l�32 0Q�3 QQ2 2�6O 04Q9 ��5�5 0'Norma} 04 &2- Dl��L ��13.m 0 1.890 NO24.57 'N 20 20QY 08:0J 0009 082 5594 0:53J 065 84 0016.52 JAN 20, ��9 88�3� 0015 002 5Y J1 0543 074328 0-No'ma! 02 01- UNL[AU[D 000U.600 1.62O W018.79 JAN 20 200Y 1 2 0027 002 5869 Q232 04432? Q-Normal 0� 02' DlE3EL 00013.100 1.89Q ��4.76 JAN 20. 2009 l2;57 0040 002 5076 0@2 04�2# O2 Q1- UNLEAD[D B00Q9.400 i.620 0015.23 JAN 20 2Q09 15 10 0057 0 02 533O 0230 069BJ9 W'Normo\ 01 02- Dl[SEi Q0016.60Q 1.89Q 083l.37 JAN 20. 2009 15�5J 0Q64 W02 2171 Q��5 0l5206 ??r?????r? 0'Nurmal DlESEL ��2Q.400 |.890 0038.56 JAN 20. 2&09 20/00 0075 Q02 217J 0544 B75537 0-Nnrmal 04 02' D�ESEL 0002J.9@0 1.89N 0045.D JAN 21 20@9 Q5�43 0006 0@2 5945 0�J] 068000 0-Noroal 0J 02' DlESEL 0003Q.4@0 J�N 21 200Y 17�25 Q078 002 594� 0531 056296 �-Normol QJ 02' Dl[S[L 00026.0Q0 1.OYQ 0049.1� JAN 22' 2009 09�33 0Ql9 Q02 5@98 W237 003291 8-Norma\ 02 81- UNLEADEh Q0017.300 1.62Q 0D28.B3 JAN 22 2089 11/26 0�� 002 5594 05JJ &656D9 0-Nnrmai 02 0!' UNLEAD[D 0�012.200 l.620 Q019.76 JAN 22 2009 15�53 0855 002 5296 05�6 0/245O ??????rr?? 0-Normal Q2 01- UNLEAD[D Q8�L5.100 1.620 0024.46 JAN Z2 2009 \6 a0 04 0J460 N-Nora*i Dl[SEL QN017.700 0033.45 JAN 22, 2009 1k��9 0067 002 5931 0�43 0745�Y ??r??�???r N-Normal Q2 01' UNiEAUED 08810.580 1.6ZQ 80D.0� JAN 23 2009 Q9�04 QQ2l 002 5Q8� 04\J 075368 0-Noraal 02 O� UNLEADED 000D.500 1.620 �Q2R.J5 JAM 2J, 20�9 O�23 8840 002 575� 0232 049J91 0-Normal 03 02' DlESEL tip, 02i.i00 1.89& no�9.88 JAN 23 200 9 16�4J 006D 002 2Q1J 0544 0755 45 0-Nnrmal 04 02' DlESEi 000l5.500 1.B90 0029.30 JAN 23. ��Y 22�22 0075 5Y39 0459 08J�R0 0-Normal 84 �2' Dl[SEL �Q022.J00 1.890 0042.�5 JAN 2� 2009 07�4l 000J 0Q2 574� 0531 096087 0-Normal 0� 02' DIFS[L 00Q18.000 1.890 QO3�.02 JAN 24, n�Y 07�57 00Q4 002 �LQJ W35Y 050291 2-Ha�d\e X1 Q1- UNiEADED ��04.40% �.620 0007.l3 �AN 2� 2009 0R�QQ 0005 0Q2 510J 0359 05029l 2'Hand}e 0l 01 ��[AD[D 00084.700 |.62Q Q007.6� JAM 24, 2089 10�]2 00Q8 002 5869 0232 049421 ?r???????? 8-Nnrpa\ 04 82- DlES[L ��W07.9D0 1.890 0W �AN 25 2009 89�51 001O 082 50T6 05�2 049J4N 0'Nnrma} 02 0!' UNL[AUED Q0007.5�0 l.62� 0012.l5 JAN �5. 280Y 10�16 Q�14 002 5 7J 2 O461 B3000W 8'Mnrma� 0T 02- DI[SEL Q0032.40Q 1.8Y0 Q061.24 JAN 26 200Y O7�56 00|� 002 559� 05J3 065827 �'Norma} Q2 0> UNLEADED 00010.500 �.620 &017.0� JAN 26. 2009 Q8�l0 0Q16 0@2 5747 023� 0 1 On Q-Norua� Q3 Q2- DlESEL ��016.0Q0 1.898 00JQ.24 JAN 26 2Q09 14�15 00AJ 0&2 5Y3l 0543 074746 0-�oro�l 82 0l' UNLEADED 00007.7@0 1.62W 00]2.47 JAN 27, �o9 09NJ 0020 002 5732 046L 038000 �-Normal 04 O2- 0lESEL 0@§14.800 1.89� 0027.Y7 JAN 27 2�R 09�47 00D Q02 5750 0232 0��O98 0-%ormal 0 ES J 0?' DlEL 00015.6 00 l,8Y� 0029.4B JAV ?7. 2009 11/47 �O2 002 2014 0337 067661 0'Norma\ 0l 01- ��[AD[D 0001O.Z� �.h� 0829.48 JAN 27 2009 12 48 0036 002 5181 8496 09305� 0-Normal �2 W1' UNL[A0[D 00033.400 1.628 N054.0 JAN 27 2009 O��7 0044 002 5746 0251 05@404 ??r??v???? 0-Normal 01 0�' UNL[A8[D ��11.0Q0 1.620 W017.82 JAN 27, ��9 1�/07 0847 W02 59J8 0�45 0158J6 W-Nnrmal 0� 02' D\BEL W0017.50N 1.8Y0 0�3.0R JAN 27. 2009 L4�25 Q%50 002 5744 P229 ???rry ?r???�??n @'Nerma\ 04 Q2' �IESEL 00014.5�� 1.89Q 0Q27. JAN Z/. 2�� \6�§Q 8064 �O 5736 0527 11l57� Q'Norma} 02 0�' UNLEADED 00020.600 1.620 Q03J.J/ JAN D. 2009 2\�12 W08l 002 5296 Q546 0727�2 0-Norma� 02 8l' 0&EADED 000\4.400 �.628 Q02J.JJ JAN 28 2809 10�25 00�l 002 5076 �#35 0{576J 0'Nurmal 02 0�- UNiEAD[U 000l7.J00 l.620 8028.0J JAN 2O. ��9 l0�4J 00. 002 5877 0251 058460 0'Nnrmal 02 01' UULEAUED 0Q�R.�� 1.620 J l0;49 5 002 5Q9R 0237 00JJ60 0'�orma> 02 0� �KEAD0 00�R,68N l.620 0012.Jl AN 28 2 JAN 28 2009 19/�6 0090 Q0� 5940 Q250 W55326 0-Normal 03 02' 8�[S[L 0002�.500 1.�� 0050.09 JAN 2Y 200 08 35 Q0\6 8Q2 ��1 O543 074Y@8 W'Normal N2 Ql- U1'.1 iEA0[0 00007.100 1.620 00]].50 JAN 29. 280Y 1445 0Q58 002 5736 0527 11l6Y ?r/77 0-NurmA 02 Qk UNLEADFD B0OGY500 L.620 0015.39 JAU 29 200 13:33 N64 QQ2 5945 05J! 01500 ?777?7 Olormal @J 02' DIESEL 00826.900 1.672 0N4.98 RH JQ. 200? M48 0229 002 2015 8230 06Y988 V 0-uurna\ 21 02' DIESEL 00017.900 1.672 0029.93 JAN 38, 2009 12:33 003 002 2176 0223 77??? 77 0- N l 04 02' DIESEL 0Q025.800 l.672 0013.14 JAN 31 2009 1117 ON! 002 5076 0542 0A944^ 0727 0'Mormai 02 0' UNLEADED 800M600 1120 Q017.D JAN 30. M 1516 0055 Z02 5570 041 Q42779 ???7?77? 049raal 04 02' DIESEL OBN0.000 l.672 0033A I JAN 200 9 0�38 0072 002 5868 0232 0 0-xbrmai 03 02- H[SEL NO20.00O 1.672 0033.44 JAN 30, 2009 18:44 0073 002 5939 O545 015965 0'Uoroa} 03 02' DlE6EL 000|9.3@0 1.672 0032.27 jAN J1 2009 07;57 0Q06 002 5745 8l60 @96249 ??r???V?? 4-MPD 02 W UNLEADED 000N.M 1.620 0U1.7B JAN 3| 2009 08:50 00N 002 505 526D 096249 04006 02 Nl' UNLEADED N@§0.50Q 1.62Q 0QQW.81 Usage Total Product 01 UN&EADED 369.900 Gallon 599.22 Product 02 DIESEL 581.400 Gallon 1070.56 IM? .7R v Account #002 Account name CARMEL FIRE DEPT DENISE SNYDER Account address 2 CIVIC SQUARE, CARMEL 571-2622 Date Time Tran Acnt Drivr Yehcl Udomtr Keyboard Tvpe Pump Prod Quantity Price Amount JAH 02 2009 11 77 8005 002 2165 0459 082465 0-Norma\ 01 02-DlESEL Q0022.50B }.718 0 8 S.66 JAN 8J, 0-Normal Cl 2 &2-1) lESEL 00B89.7Q@ \.718 0016.66 JAW 04. 2009 10 56 0003 002 2335 0 229 8-Normal &2 02-DlESEL 00807.2Q0 1.718 0812.37 3 A 94 20 09 11 03 01 004 002 5730 8529 0 77�54 0-Normol B1 02-DlESEL 000l6.2W0 1.71D 0027.83 JAN 05 20 89 10:01 0008 002 2014 0337 066550 0-Normal 03 01-UNLEADED 0800O.O00 1.28J 80l1.29 JAN Q5 2809 13:1R 0024 002 5594 8533 064533 B-Nurma> 83 01-UNLEADED 0B811.800 1.283 0015.14 JAN 05 20&9 18:89 004-1 5426 02J8 007891 B��rma} 03 01'LEADEU 80016.40Q 1.2RJ 0 0, *2\.04 JAN 07 2089 08: 0806 002 5785 0258 0W923 0-Norma} 01 02'DlESEL 80000.W00 1.70 000B.00 JAN N7 2009 &8�0 0007 B02 57R5 0258 043923 0'Wormal Q1 02-0l[SEL 00022.60W �.7\8 0838.83 JAN Q7 2009 1 13 55 &829 002 5W67 0532 081911 0-Norma} 03 81-UNLEAU[D 00818.000 1.283 §012.83 JAW 08 288Y 111:07 8026 002 5565 8529 077504 0-Normal Q2 02'DlESEL &001\.888 1.820 0&21.48 JAN 0R 2&89 19�Q6 0047 0B2 5867 �258 044109 8-Normal &2 02'DlESEL 00026.5G0 1.828 0Q48.73 JAN l0. 2089 21:J8 0012 002 5426 Q238 007345 0-Normo} 03 Q1-UNLEAUED 08&18.000 1.2R3 0023.09 JAN 11 20Q9 12�36 0805 0Q2 �742 848Y 0J4387 8-Hurma} 02 02-Dl[SEL 08815.40Q 1.D2& 082S.03 JAN 12 2809 16�B6 &0L9 0&2 5736 0527 110627 Q-Hormal 03 01-UNLEADED 00&08.300 L.283 W&1A.65 JAN 13 2009 !2:17 0015 082 5730 0529 077577 0'Normal 0l 02'DlESEL 08016.800 1.87& 0831.42 JAN \4 2Q09 09�30 0086 &02 5954 B459 082738 0-Norm�\ 02 N2-DlESEL 0B0l2.500 1.870 Q023.38 JAH N. Q9 1 �26 001L 8 02 11 5736 0527 0 78J 0'Normal 0J O1-UNLEAD[D 80011 28 .208 1.2D3 0014.37 JAN 14. 20Q9 l4�3� N829 082 5876 Q542 048D2 8-Norma\ 03 0-UNLEADED 08809.50B 1.283 &012.1Y JAN \4 2889 18�34 0057 002 5596 0�95 105�R0 8-Hurmal 03 01-UNL[AQED 08815.300 1.28J B0]9.63 AN 14 2009 0868 002 5785 N258 0442Q6 Q'Hormal 81 82-OlESEL 0&&25.580 1.870 0Q47.69 All L5 2009 12�43 0016 002 5742 N4&9 034458 0-Horm*l &2 &2-DlFSEL 00020.000 1.870 00 AN L6 2&89 &Y 15 0805 002 5336 0529 B77638 N-Norma\ 02 02-DlESEL 00811.508 1.890 8021.74 JAN 16. 2W89 D�55 8022 002 5954 0459 082847 R_ 09 02 @2'DlESEL 0M@1J.108 1.890 0024.76 JAN !7 20Q9 12�1J 0004 082 5570 0461 04255i 0-Nnrmal Q1 82-DlESEL 08&14.90W 1.890 002D.16 W 17 2N09 l2�23 08 W5 00 2 5942 84Q9 0349Q8 N-Horma} N2 02-DlESEL 0&�17.200 1.890 JA 00J2.51 JAN D 2009 1J�J9 0006 W82 5426 02J8 0W7605 0-Hormal Q3 01'UNLEAUED 0@B22.�0Q 1.620 0Q36.29 JAN D, 2809 \5�29 0Q10 002 5886 0413 N75179 B'Horma} &3 01-UNLEA0EU 80W18.680 1.620 8W3Q.13 JAN 18 2B09 88�39 0007 002 C144585 8 5785 0258 �4585 'Normal W2 02'Dl[SEL 0 B1 &Q29.000 1.DY8 8054. JAN 18 2009 12�41 B011 002 2l65 P459 0829Q9 @'Horma\ &1 02-DlESEL &&812.3&0 1.D9G 0023.25 JAN 20. 20Q9 12�27 0027 N82 510J 0359 058204 0-Nurma} 03 01-UNLEADED W0009.JW0 1.628 001 JAN 20, 2009 22 21 8052 &02 2165 0459 W8JN47 0-Norma} 8\ G2'DlESEL �002&.8Q0 1.89B 8839.31 JAN 21. 200 9 11:89 0806 802 5565 N529 Q7774\ 0-Norma} 02 02'DlESEL &0024.6Q0 l.890 08`6.49 JAN 21 20W9 \5�51 002W 802 5736 0527 l\12YY 0-Norma} 0 01 NLEADEO 0@&19.30Q 1.628 00J1.27 JAN 21, 2009 16�28 0022 0&2 5O67 8258 044499 0'Nnrmal 01 02'DlESEL B0026.2B0 L.89Q 8049.52 JAN 21 2009 19�22 0029 082 5415 Q2J8 4�4�44 0-Norma} 03 01-UNLEADED W0016.0&8 1.620 0025.92 JAN 22. 200Y 11:43 0013 002 2014 0337 067442 0-Hormal 83 01-U1 [AD[U W0028.488 1.620 8046.81 JAN 23 2009 23:82 0034 002 5938 0545 N15517 0-Norma\ 02 02'OlESEL W80L4.908 1.898 W028.16 JAN' 25, ��9 10:17 00 8J 0B2 5291 0359 B50329 13 C Q3 &\-UNLE��D Q0008.100 1.62-0 NOO.12 JAH 26 9 Cj9 20 21 0044 0, 0 2 5375 0409 034666 8-Norma 1 81 012-DlESEL 00018.800 1. 0034.02 JAN 27 2009 12 0@23 00 2 5424 835Y 046216 83 01'UNLEADED 0Q015.900 1.620 8025.76 AN 27 2009 12�25 0024 0B2 5785 0258 044619 0-Norms! W2 02'DlES[L @00J0.180 1.89Q 08�6.89 AN 27 2009 12 26 8025 00 2 2172 0532 000000 Q-Nnrma} 03 01-UNLEADED 00010.500 1.628 00l7.01 JAN 28, 2809 \3�29 0Q35 002 5181 W495 105644 0-Norma} 0 01'UNLEADED 008D.800 1.620 802l.06 JAN 28 2009 15:41- 0&47 882 5�65 0529 077824 Q'Norma\ W2 02-DlESFL 0@01Y.2&N �.890 �B36.2Y JAN 29 2B09 14�J7 0023 002 5594 0533 066052 0-Nurma} 0J Q1-UNLEADED 00Q12.708 \.628 Q020.57 JAN 29 2009 14; 0 024 &Q2 2163 0489 034736 Q-Hormal 81 H2-DlESEL 80024.1�0 L.672 80 40 .30 JAW 7 10 2009 06:33 W084 1602 2165 0459 W83337 0'Hormal 01 02-UlESEL 00029.500 l.672 0849.J2 JAN 30 2&0Y 11:48 0023 002 5747 0 230 06997Q 8-NormA1 02 02-DlESEL 800&4.608 1.672 0007.69 j J0 2009 17:25 0058 002 5954 0J59 046678 0-Normal 03 0}-UNLEADED 80013.40Q \.620 0021.71 I0 J�. ?R�9 1�/J5 80Q5 002 503 8251 N5052� ??????r??? 0-Normsl 03 01-UNLEADED 08809.6O0 1.620 0015.55 JAN I, 280 14:0 0008 162 5742 009 834762 &INmal it 82-DlESEL EIN6100 1.672 002159 JAN 31 2089 19:21 00L1 002 5W 0258 003753 O-Normal 02 02-DIESEL 08072.900 1.672 0055.01 IAN 31 2809 28/38 0012 082 5422 0250 152848 0-Norma\ 11 02'DI[SEL OB027.603 1.672 08460 Usage Total Product 01 UNLEADED 306.500 Gallon 459.70 Product 02 DIESEL 593.700 Gallon 1073.95 1533.65 Prescribed by State Board of Accounts City Form No. 201 (Rev. 1995) ACCOUNTS PAYABLE VOUCHER CITY OF CARMEL An invoice or bill to be properly itemized must show: kind of service, where performed, dates service rendered, by whom, rates per day, number of hours, rate per hour, number of units, price per unit, etc. Payee Purchase Order No. Terms Date Due Invoice Invoice Description Amount Date Number (or note attached invoice(s) or bill(s)) Diesel Fuel $2,144.51 Gasoline $1,058.92 I hereby certify that the attached invoice(s), or bill(s), is (are) true and correct and I have audited same in accordance with IC 5- 11-10 -1.6 20 Clerk- Treasurer VOUCHER NO. WARRANT NO. ALLOWED 20 Carmel Clay Schools IN SUM OF 5201 East 131 st Street Carmel, IN 46032 $3,203.43 ON ACCOUNT OF APPROPRIATION FOR Carmel Fire Department PO# Dept. INVOICE NO. ACCT /TITLE AMOUNT Board Members 1120 42- 313.00 $2,144.51 1 hereby certify that the attached invoice(s), or 1120 42- 314.00 $1,058.92 bills) is (are) true and correct and that the materials or services itemized thereon for which charge is made were ordered and received except Fire Chief Title Cost distribution ledger classification if claim paid motor vehicle highway fund Account #007 Account name D O C S SUE COY Account address 1 Civic Square Carmel 571-2418 Date Time Tran Ant Ddvr V c 1hd Odomtr Keyb n mrd Type Pump Prod Quonbty Pdop Amou t JAN 86, 2�kR 11:35 00 7 Oa LEADED QN009.70& 1.283 &B12.�5 JAN QR 20& 7 08 9 15�4�B 08 7 N 4 B 5 50Q35 0-Normal 03 01-UNLEA0[3 00812.9QQ 1.283 8016.55 JAN 89 2009 11;37 0014 007 0387 0i076\ 0-Wu/ma1 0J 01-UNL[AD�D 00013.8B0 1.283 8016.68 JAN 09 2@@9 11 59 &&D 807 8-Horma\ 03 01-UNLEADED 00812.400 1.2S3 &015.91 JAW 14 HF 12�47 ��5 Q07 0389 04S460 8-Hurmal 83 N1-UNLEADEU @001Q.40Q 1.283 001J.34 �AW 16 20Q9 \Q�00 0008 Q07 �N05 Q5Q320 N'Normal W3 81-UNLEADED ��12.700 1.620 O028.57 JAN !6 2009 12 80\J 007-24-0r? 0 401 010]00 0-Normal RJ Q1-UNLEADED 0002.Lao 1.620 0020.4\ JAN 16, 20 &9 12�59 0014 Q07 R 3 0J87 818 989 -Norma} 0J Q -UNLEAUEU 00011.500 l.620 00\8.6J JAN 21 2009 12�08 0010 087 ��H� 0472 W31542 0-Norma} Q3 01-UNLEADED 00&11.6&0 1.62Q 80l8.79 JAN 23 2089 12 2 00O B07 ^��0 038Y 048688 0'Norma1 03 0\-UNLEAUED 0000.100 L.628 0N16.36 AN 2Y 280 9 12 03 001 OF !Zg�� 8472 031783 0-Uorma\ &3 01-UNLEADEU 00004.100 JAN 29, 2009 D�30 0019 N87 040\ 015150 0'Norma\ Q3 01'UNLEADED 80012.600 1.620 0Q20.4L JAN 29 208 0O20 Q07 0JR7 01-UNLEAUED 000-14.000 1 28 8022.68 JAN J0, 2009 12�56 B026 0&7 0J89 0�8904 03 01-UNLEA� ED 0Q009.0Q0 1.628 &814.58 Usage Total Product 01 UNLEADED 156.600 Gallon 234.00 234.00 Account #007 Accnunt name D O C S SUE COY Account address 1 Civic Square Carmel 571-2418 Dote The Ton Amt Drivr Vohcl 0dnmtr Keyhoard Type nump Prod Quantity Price Aemunt AN 05 2Q09 0424 00 2 0 On 0 7 0472 031057 ??????75? W'Nnmal 02 01' UNLEADED 00012.510 1.283 00160 AN 05. 2009 1001 0046 007 -W& 0407 014159 0'Norma\ 02 01- UNLEADED 0 0013.3 1.28J 0017A6 JAN 09 2009 10:56 0027 007 145 0P2 031314 Moral 02 01- UNLEADED 00011.9010 1.23J 0015.27 AN it 2009 1033 Q048 OF 115 0407 014481 ?7???77 04ormal 02 01' UNLEAD[D 00012.8Q0 1.28J Q016.42 JAN D, 2009 0042 0035 007 04� 009712 ???????r? 0-Noma� 02 W UNiEA8ED 08012.500 1.283 00\6.04 LI Usage Total Product 01 UNLEADED 63.000 Gallon 80.83 80.83 ~T> Account name D O C S EUF COY Account address 1 Civic Square Carmel 571-2418 Date Time Ran Acnt Drivr Vehcl Udnmtr Keyboard Type Pump Prod Quantity Price Amount JAN 16 20Q7 0156 0010 0 107 -22�. NS6 037692 Q'Nnnel 82 01' UNIL EA ED 00110 1J.6 -7 0, 1.620 0022.0 JAN 20 2009 14-07 0049 007 0487 014735 Q'murmh 02 01' UNLEADED 00012.600 1020 o 0020.41 JAN 26 20D9 10;38 0027 007 046 009912 g'Normal 02 01- UUL[AUED 00012.000 1.620 WA4 JAN 26 2003 13:37 00J9 007 WIF 0404 015235 03urma} 01 DL- UNLEADED 00811M 1220 0018.14 JAN JQ 2009 13:15 0040 007 206 Q386 837Y76 0-Normal 82 01- UNLEADED Q0012100 1.620 0020 34 Usage Total Product 01 UNLEADED 62.200 Gallon 100.76 100.76 ��/"/l ��u~r° 12-5 /7 Prescribed by State Board of Accounts City Form No. 201 (Rev. 1995) ACCOUNTS PAYABLE VOUCHER l CITY OF CARMEL An invoice or bill to be properly itemized must show: kind of service, where performed, dates service rendered, by whom, rates per day, number of hours, rate per hour, number of units, price per unit, etc. Payee Purchase Order No. Terms Date Due Invoice Invoice Description Amount Date Number (or note attached invoice(s) or bill(s)) 02/11/09 Gas $100.76 02/11/09 gas $80.83 02/11/09 Gas $234.00 I hereby certify that the attached invoice(s), or bill(s), is (are) true and correct and I have audited same in accordance with IC 5- 11- 10 -1.6 20 Clerk- Treasurer VOUCHER NO. WAR N ALLOWED 20 Carmel Clay Schools IN SUM OF 5201 E. 131 st Street Carmel, IN 46033 $415.59 ON ACCOUNT OF APPROPRIATION FOR Carmel DOCS Department PO# Dept. INVOICE NO. ACCT #(TITLE AMOUNT Board Members 1192 42- 314.00 $100.76 1 hereby certify that the attached invoice(s), or 1192 42- 314.00 $80.83 bill(s) is (are) true and correct and that the 1192 42- 314.00 $234.00 materials or services itemized thereon for which charge is made were ordered and received except Friday, Febru ry 13, 2009 Director, &CS Title Cost distribution ledger classification if claim paid motor vehicle highway fund Vehicle #0241 Date Time Tnm Acnt 0rivr Yehc} UdumLr ��board |ype ��p rna 0W�� 55 JAN 8D 2Q�9 14�28 0W34 52 8241 019886 0-Norma\ 83 01-��[AU[D 08009.�� l. 62 enu.28 JAN 2Q 2809 11 52 ��4 0241 03 0\-��E��O Usage Total 17 200 Gallon 24^S3 Product 01 UNLEADED 24.83 Mileage Total86 Ending 20056 Traveled 170 MPG 20.73 CPM .0781 Beginning 8 r.::7. r :�:I:i 0;7; n li trr i r T C'„ jr_r, `.1Crti I,ri vnn?i;i �t� mn Prod jl: rt[1 `'f! f?,?id ?nT 12,. 2 il, kf� �jrit' ;_ntt !'t_.2, ?1_ S�t ��t iii_; i 1 �;l =i firi; nib{�i_. +Lt _.i�ti' i ti' _lyr? n7. 10 t lae.'•.' !14'+ i �ti; !_i t:,L 2 1 8 0 N 27 F Not m!a_ 0 L i I EA- t iE +lG. it_; j' 0914. P r t r,4 r r::: 'i" i i .1 I t`' l.... t s r Y.::. a_2, i i z C -t i::? j..: i.::! s.2,' i 1: r.: I. t t:.::.l. j: ?1;=2 _t.,_. Da -LE Tlme Tr in Arne !?rlvr te =i Wing —r S:_rJl=;r_iar �_rc ;'•r;:2, !'ilan :;iy t; rF ia6;nu rl.* l,0 r• ,2 a; _t yi C. 7H {o iz't U!' 1 5 0- Eti7i'y' 6_,L'_i ?_;;i a7 lt'i1?i!n, 1 2,J t1 i t{vri! 3 l3 b. e, 'v l.L?' F 01 •H"'N 14, 7!3019 14.? tit_t'i liiY =_';y O1t t 1 1 i' t t rq "11 i_;� 05 n:. 1' ili?i �n t 2,7 0 _1'%t .2� 1t F?i _!L7' 1 .2,4 0 E tit r... i t 0' =NvE3 4_ .'tip t __0' 0 7 0 f l l..! t..? t... 01. t ,...:t tsa it:! ....:it... .!..L t: t:2 r::: C: ?'I:: 1' ?2 0 :1. 1 i F t. ?..0'1[: ,:.:r::, Vehicle #0408 D t Am Ddvr Vehcl Odom�r Kayboa,d Tyyo Pump Prod UNL[ADE0 Quantity0 Prica Time Tran uunt6 a e 019 Q408 0O681 r???�???v? Q-Nnrm«l 02 w�' JAN 22 2� U Usage Total 12 2�0 Gallon 19^76 Product 01 U�LEADED 19.76 Mileage Total Beginning 12681 Ending Vehicle #0560 Do�e 7iae Tron Acnt Driv, Vehcl Odom�r Koybnard Type Pupp P�od Ooantity Price �mun� JAN 22 21L 7 D/07 JAN 30 ��9 14�41 ��5J W08 0�� 084122 ??????�??r 0-Nnrmal 0? 01- ��EAUED ��lJ.800 L.�� �O2.36 Usage Total Product 01 UNLEAD�D 30.2�0 Gal]on 48,93 48.93 Mileage Total Beginning 83736 Ending 84l22 Traveled 3G6 MPG 27.97 CPM .0579 Yehicle #0561 Date Time T�an Acnt Drivr Vohd Odomtr Kpyboard Type Rmp Prnd Qu�n�i�y Price Aammt JAN 22 2�R 1 7 �L O5 �0 5�O 0561 0��Q ?????r???? 0-Nbrmal 02 01- UNLEADE8 ��16.9O0 1.620 0027.JB JAN 2Y, ��9 0'No,ma! 01 01- �m[ADED L620 O9 Usage Total Product 01 UNLEADED 33.50� Ga]lon 54.27 54.27 Mileage Total Beginning 53010 Ending 53262 Traveled 252 MPG 15.18 CPM .1067 Account name CARMFL JUDY STOH|-E� Account address 1 CIVIC SQUARE CARMEL 571-2432 Date Time Ton Acnt Drivr Vehcl [domtr Keyboard Type Pump Prnd Quaotity Price Amount JAN 22 200 10;47 0025 U0 5H2 0561 0'1 010 7?4�7?7 &Wmal 02 0!- UNLEADED QQ516100 1.620 0027.38 JAN 22 2009 11:11 0026 000 1019 0408 012681 0-Normal 02 01' U-IN LEAUED 00012.200 1.620 0019.76 JAN 22 2009 17f07 006O 008 l068 0560 OSN36 0'Normal 02 06 UNLEADED 00016.480 1220 0026.57 JAN 29, 2EZ9 0 0031 008 50R2 0561 05J262 ?r??????r? 0-Normai 01 0i' UNLEADED 00016200 1.620 0026.89 JAN 301 2009 14;41 0053 80D 1068 0560 084122 84ormal 02 01' UNLEADED U013.800 1 1.620 0022.36 Usage Total Product 01 UNLEADED 75,900 Gallon 122.96 127 .96 Account #008 Account name CARMEL ENGINEERING JUDY STOHLER Account address 1 CIVIC SQUARE CARMEL 571-2432 Date Time Tran Acnt Drivr Vehd 0domtr Keyboard Type Pump Prod Quantity Price Amount JAN 08 2009 1408 004 000 2952 ON! Q19D86 ????????T W-No/ma} 83 81-UNLEAD[D 10009 All 1.2H 001115 JAN 88, 2009 1 h03 0839 008 2338 0562 837331 0-Hnrmal 03 01'BLEAOED 00016.700 1.283 8821.43 JAN 12, 2809 10:45 0016 808 N68 8566 083345 0-Wormo} 83 01'UWLEAD[D 08011900 1.28J 007.8J JAN 14 2M9 1410 0032 000 2338 0562 037446 0-Hmrma} 83 01-UNL[ADED 0@009. NO 1.283 00 11.68 JAN 20 2H9 11:58 1024 888 2952 0241 020056 R-Nurma} 13 0l-UNLEAbED 8008D.200 1.620 0013.28 JAN 27 2009 \��43 083 1�� 0560 08392 0 Normal 03 0l U��ADED B0012 200 1 &019 /6 JAN 28 2009 11:24 0026 060 2338 0562 037628 0-Nlorm3i RJ 01-Ur-IL[ADEU 00015.000 1.620 8024.30 Usage Total Product 01 UNLEADED 84.100 Gallon 119.83 1 119 .83 4 Prescribed by State Board of Accounts ACCOUNTS PAYABLE VOUCHER City Form No. 201 (Rev. 1995) CITY OF CARMEL An invoice or bill to be properly itemized must show: kind of service, where performed, dates service rendered, by whom, rates per day, number of hours, rate per hour, number of units, price per unit, etc. Payee Carmel Clay Schools Purchase Order No. 5201 E. 131 st Street Terms Carmel, IN 46033 Date Due Invoice Invoice Description Amount Date Number (or note attached invoice(s) or bill(s)) 02/01/09 n/a West side Fuel 01/08 -01/22 $119.83 02/01/09 n/a East side Fuel 01/22 -01/30 $122.96 Total I hereby certify that the attached invoice(s), or bill(s), is (are) true and correct and I have audited same in accordance with IC 5- 11- 10 -1.6. 20 Clerk- Treasurer VOUCHER NO. WARRANT NO. ALLOWED 20 Carmel Clalt Schools IN SUM OF 5201 E*. 131 st Street Carmel, IN 46033 $242.79 ON ACCOUNT OF APPROPRIATION FOR Department of Engineering Board Members PO# or INVOICE NO. ACCT #!TITLE AMOUNT DEPT. I hereby certify that the attached invoice(s), or bill(s) is (are) true and correct and that the materials or services itemized thereon for n/a accnt #8 ENG 42314CO $242.79 which charge is made were ordered and received except Signature Cs-F:!�j E nCc Title Cost distribution ledger classification if claim paid motor vehicle highway fund CLAY y Carmel Clay Schools Continuing Excellence in Education p.F •c R 'MC41ND�� FUEL INVOICE Carmel Clay Schools PIECFTVFD Educational Service Center 5201 E. 131 Street FEB 0 5 2009 Carmel, IN 46033 BY: Attention: Sue Ardiaolo Bill To: Carmel Police Department, Teresa Anderson Carmel Fire Department, Denise Snyder Carmel Utilities, Lisa Kempa Carmel Street Department, Bonnie Callahan Carmel Communications, J. Arnone D.O.C.S., Sue Coy Carmel Engineering, Judy Stohler CarmehP- arks and- Recreation,_P_aula_Schlemmer��� Driver's Education, Tom Pagan Carmel City Administration, Shelley Lingelbaugh Billing Date: February 1, 2009 East Side Transportation fuel charges Facilities Transportation Department 5185 East 131 Street, Carmel, IN 46033 3171844 -8207 —Fax 3171571 -9659 Accou�t ��G� Account name PARKS PAULA SCHLFMAIER Account address 1411 E 116 STREET CARMELM 4603 573-4023 Date Time Wo Amt Drivr Vehcl Odomtr Keybourd Type Pump Prod Quavity Price Amount JAN 17, 2003 14:01 0013 009 WO 0559 006 77 0-Normal 02 0\- UNLEADED 00012.500 1.620 002Q.25 JAN 19. 2N9 0814 O0Q8 009 2186 WM9 0N8462 0-Normal 82 0L' UNLEADED 08024.800 1.62Q S 0040.0 JAW 1Y 2G0Y 0013 0009 007 1089 062 001773 0-Normal 82 01' UNLEADED 00015.300 1.620 0024.79 JAN 19. 2009 1153 0016 009 206 0614 006423 0-Normal 02 Q1' UNLEADED 80020100 1.62Q 0033.70 JAN 20 2009 16:43 0070 009 1090 0565 061737 0-Noraa} 02 01' UNLEA0[D 00021.50W 1.620 0034.83 JAN 21 2009 12:49 0Q38 009 343N 0615 086513 ?r???????? 8-Normal 02 0P UNLEADED 00024.000 1.620 O0J8.88 JAN 21 2309 1 0049 009 206 0W 0@6633 Q-Normol 02 01- UNLEADED 00020.300 1.620 0032.E3 JAN 71, 2N9 17:36 0879 109 2148 0563 833362 ??????n?? 0-Normh 02 Q1- 0NLEA0ED 0@Q21.900 1.620 00J5.4B JAN 22 2009 14:36 ON! 009 2161 061J 01 ME 0'Nnrma} 02 BY UNLEADED 00030.408 l.620 004 JAN 25 H@R 0054 00I1 009 J430 O559 Q06505 2'Handle 81 B1' U I'll LEADED 0, 0, 2.9Q0 1.62Q 00Q4.70 JAN 25 200Y l0/00 0013 009 3432 0559 006505 0-Nnmml 02 01' UNLEADED EONS, NO 1220 004518 JAN 26, 2009 09:12 0821 809 2621 0566 Q030Q7 ?????????r Q-Nnrmal 02 01- 0&[AUED 000Q5.580 1.628 0008.91 JAN 27 2807 10/02 0Q22 009 2186 0525 0l8788 Q-Nnrma| 02 01- UNLEAD[0 00030.200 1.620 0048132 JAN 29. 200? 1\�01 Q033 009 2186 0612 017639 ??r??????? 0-Norma} 02 0l- UNL[ADED 00015.600 1.628 0025.27 JAN 29, 2009 110 QQ35 00Y 343N 8M5 006795 0-Normal 02 0l- UNLEADED 000 2 9.000 1,620 0046.78 Usage Total Product 01 UNLEADED 302.900 Gallon 490.71 �M.7L FEB 0 5 2009 HIT CLAY Carrel Clay Schools Continuing Excellence in c,CL.IN4P�'• E ducation FUEL INVOICE Carmel Clay Schools C Educational Service Center FEB 0 b 2009 5201 E. 131 Street Carmel, IN 46033 �3X. Attention: Sue Ardiaolo Bill To: Carmel Police Department, Teresa Anderson Carmel Fire Department, Denise Snyder Carmel Utilities, Lisa Kempa Carmel Street Department, Bonnie Callahan Carmel Communications, J. Arnone D.O.C.S., Sue Coy Carmel Engineering, Judy Stohler Carme P_arks,and- Recreation;- Paula- Schlemmer- Driver's Education, Tom Pagan Carmel City Administration, Shelley Lingelbaugh Billing Date: February 1, 2009 West Side Transportation fuel charges Facilities Transportation Department 5185 East 13PI Street, Carmel, IN 46033 3171844 -8207 Fax 3171571 -9659 Account #009 Account name PARKS PAULA SCHLEMMER Account address 1411 E 116 STREET CARMEL.IN 46032 573-4023 Date Time Tran Acot Drivr Vehc> Odumtr IVeyboard Type p u f i ip yro 1amtity Pdce Amou rl t JAN 05 2009 W OT 27 OR 0R 1EvvO, Q565 00000@ Q-Nor Pg. a} 0J v- LEADED cl Ol 0%14.400 1.2 8 0018.4D JAN 85 2009 JJ 8 009 18Y8 0565 061000 0-Norma} 03 01-UNL[ADED Q0010.20Q 1.283 00O.0Y JAN 09 2009 \N��6 N8l& 089 215� 03J9 0-Norma} BJ 01-UNLEAUED 0&022.400 1.23J 0028.74 JAN 09. 28W9 \4�05 002 21 009 2l�1 06N8 0Q�1\6 0-Hormal 0J Q1-UNLE��D ��22.0Q0 1.2�J 0028.2J JAN 09 2009 14:18 BW2J 989 21D6 0613 @13065 Q-Normal W3 01-��[ADED 0W028. 0B0 0035.92 JAN 19 200 O 54 000 OF 2630 8609 080194 0-N or mal 03 01-0&EADED 1.62B 0021.06 JAN L9 2809 \9�42 0806 Q�9 2�54 8339 �75\49 0-Uormal Q3 81-UNLEADEU O00l7.30N 1.62& 0828.Q3 JAN 2l, 2B09 11��5 0008 0&Y 1889 86�2 �D283 0-Norma} 03 01-UNLEADED 08010.000 1.62B 0816.20 JAN 2 2009 \1;4J 0010 009 2l86 0565 061860 0-Worma} 83 Q1-UNLEADEU 0N017.800 1.67R 002R.84 JAN 26 2009 �2�02 801S 009 1089 0612 &\7445 0-Normal 0J 01-UNLEADED 00014.380 1.620 0023.D JAN 27 -10F @9:7C. 0Q9 2l86 @6�4 �06760 0-Worma} 03 &1'UNLEAOED 0Q0\2.700 \.�2W 8020.57 JAN 27. 20BY D JW 0044 009 2630 0 609 0087J5 Q-Nnrmal 03 01-UNLEADED 000BY.9BQ \.628 8816.04 JAN 23, 2009 Q7 03 0810 0Q9 2397 06�3 0L3539 0-Normal 83 8L-UNL[ADED 00�28.10Q \.62Q 00@.52 JAN 2R 2B09 18�25 0061 08Y 2154 Q339 0753R8 D-yormol @J 01-UNLEA0ED QQD21.480 1.62D 8034.67 JAN 29 2QB9 14;27 0022 08Y 2186 0525 0 18892 8J 81-UNLEADE0 0GQ16.988 !.62Q 8027.38 JAN 29 2W09 14 4 0025 009 2297 06Q7 034665 8-Worma} 83 &1 'UNLEADED 00N35.B08 \.628 JAN 29 2089 14�54 �026 B09 2397 &613 0137\C� 0-Normal 03 B1-UNL[A0[D W0821.900 1.628 JAN 29 200 9 15:1 0Q32 009 2186 0614 B06Y61 0-Hnrmal 0 01-UHLEA0EU 00028.000 l.628 B045.36 JAN 7 0 2889 M12 001 80-9 lQ92 D619 0Q8472 0'Normal �3 81-UNLEADED 0B011.100 \.620, Q017.9D JAN 30, 2009 11:41 0024 8B9 1092 0608 008266 8-Hormal 0J W1-UNL[ADED 0B02J.60 Q 1.620 &838.23 Usage Total Product 01 UNLEADED 378.000 Gallon 579.69 FEB 0 5 2009 579.69 ACCOUNTS PAYABLE VOUCHER CITY OF CARMEL An invoice of bill to be properly itemized must show; kind of service, where performed, dates service rendered, by whom, rates per day, number of hours, rate per hour, number of units, price per unit, etc. Payee Purchase Order No. 042595 Carmel Clay Schools Terms 5201 E. 131 st St. Date Due Carmel, IN 46033 Invoice Invoice Description Date Number (or note attached invoice(s) or bill(s)) Amount 2/1/09 9 East side transportation fuel charges 490.71 2/1/09 9 West side transportation fuel charges 579.69 Total 1,070.40 1 hereby certify that the attached invoice(s), or bill(s) is (are) true and correct and I have audited same in accordance with IC 5- 11- 10 -1.6 ,20 Clerk- Treasurer icher No. Warrant No. VP_060r-4 0+25q5 12595 Carmel Clay Schools Allowed 20 5201 E. 131 st St. Carmel, IN 46033 In Sum of 1,070.40 ON ACCOUNT OF APPROPRIATION FOR 101 -General Fund PO# or INVOICE NO. ACCT#/TlTLE AMOUNT Board Members Dept 1125 9 4231400 490.71 1 hereby certify that the attached invoice(s), or 1125 9 4231400 579.69 bill(s) is (are) true and correct and that the materials or services itemized thereon for which charge is made were ordered and received except 13 -Feb 2009 Signature 1,070.40 Accounts Payable Coordinator Cost distribution ledger classification if Title claim paid motor vehicle highway fund CLAY Carmel Clay Schools Continuing Excellence in McL Education FUEL INVOICE Carmel Clay Schools Educational Service Center 5201 E. 131 Street Carmel, IN 46033 Attention: Sue Ardiaolo Bill To: Carmel Police Department, Teresa Anderson Carmel Fire Department, Denise Snyder Carmel Utilities, Lisa Kempa Carmel Street Department, Bonnie Callahan Carmel_Communications, J.._Arnone D.O.C.S., Sue Coy Carmel Engineering, Judy Stohler Carmel Parks and Recreation, Paula Schlemmer Driver's Education, Tom Pagan Carmel City Administration, Shelley Lingelbaugh Billing Date: February 1, 2009 East Side Transportation fuel charges Facilities Transportation Department 5185 East 131" Street, Carmel, IN 46033 3171844 -8207 —Fax 3171571 -9659 rT Acr�urt �0�� Account name COMMU�ICATIONS JA�ET ARNO�E Account address 31 1ST NW CARnEL IND 571-2586 Date Tim* Ton AM Drivr Yehcl Oduwtr Keyboard Type Pump Prod Quantity Prics Wmot JAN 22. 2009 16/07 0057 006 1Q82 2516 028515 04ome) Q1 01- UN LE� 00021-.407-1 It 1.620 I. 0034.67 JAN 28 20 8 4R 002J 006 M73 0517 012919 8-Nnrmal @1 01' 1. j NLEADE8 @001 1Q8 L.62Q 0017.98 JAN 28 2009 10W 0033 086 5305 0476 OB7538 04orma\ 02 Q1- UNL[AUED 0O819.500 1.620 0031.59 HN 30 2@09 W53 0031 006 082 0516 028831 ???????rr? O-Normai 01 W UNLEADED 0082100 1.62Q 0034.5L Usage Total Product 01 UNLEADED 73.300 Gallon 118.75 !1O.�� wti c►.nrsc Carmel Clay Schools Continuing Excellence in '•c R 'YEL, 1N4���'• EM ucat1 on FUEL INVOICE Carmel Clay Schools Educational Service Center 5201 E. 131 Street Carmel, IN 46033 Attention: Sue Ardiaolo Bill To: Carmel Police Department, Teresa Anderson Carmel Fire Department, Denise Snyder E] Carmel Utilities, Lisa Kempa Carmel Street Department, Bonnie Callahan (M Carmel Communications,. n D.O.C.S., Sue Coy Carmel Engineering, Judy Stohler Carmel Parks and Recreation, Paula Schlemmer Driver's Education, Tom Pagan Carmel City Administration, Shelley Lingelbaugh Billing Date: February 1, 2009 West Side Transportation fuel charges Facilities Transportation Department —5185 East 131 Street, Carmel, IN 46033 3171844 -8207 —Fax 3171571 -9659 Account #006 Account name COMMUNICATIONS JANET ARNONE Account address 31 16T NW CARMEL IND 571-2586 Date Time Wm Amt Drivr Vehcl Odomtr Keyboard Type Pump Prod Quaotity Nice Amou JAH 21 2089 11:35 0003 006 5473 057 12769B Q'Wonna} 03 8l'0&EADED 8002N.600 1.620 0033.37 Usage Total Product 01 UNLEADED 20.600 Gallon 33.37 33.37 'T U U U I F jAj z Wj; '4 �2 fTCR C T T 413G �ji lirINQ A o i T Uff, 4 li rl.4 -UA Hi T j Duz 1 UY Uz U C Ej D T L] Vehicle #0476 Date' Time Tran ~SO! rivr �l HOW OWN OWN Type Pump Prod Quandty Price Amount JAN 28 2009 10,41 00J J05 0176 88538 0-Normal 02 1.62 Usage Total Product 01 UNLEADFD 19.500 Gallon 31.59 Mileage Total Beginning uu/ P 538 Ending 88753S Traveled 0 MG CPM Vehicle #0516 Da e Tine Tren Acot Drivr Vehc) 0domt' Keyhoard Type ��p P,nd Quaotity Price Amnu i JAN 22 2009 1 0Q57 JAM 30, ��9 0�brmai Q1 0�- ��EA0ED Usage Total Product 01 UNLEADEn 42.7�� Sallon 69.18 69.18 Mileage Total Be�inning 28515 Ending 28831 Traveled 316 MPG 14.83 CPM .1092 Vehicle #0517 Da�e Time Tran �cnt Drivr Vehd Odomtr Key�ard Type Pump P,ud &uantib/ Price Aoount AN 28. 20� 08�48 0Q23 0N6 5473 D517 Q12919 0-Nnrual Usage Total Product 01 UNLEADED 11.1Q0 Gallon 17.98 17.98 Mileage Total Beginning 12919 Ending 12919 Traveled 0 MPG CPM Prescribed by State Board of Accounts City Form No. 201 (Rev. 1995) ACCOUNTS PAYABLE VOUCHER CITY OF CARMEL An invoice or bill to be properly itemized must show: kind of service, where performed, dates service rendered, by whom, rates per day, number of hours, rate per hour, number of units, price per unit, etc. Payee Purchase Order No. Terms Date Due Invoice Invoice Description Amount Date Number (or note attached invoice(s) or bill(s)) 02/01/09 I I I $152.12 I hereby certify that the attached invoice(s), or bill(s), is (are) true and correct and I have audited same in accordance with IC 5- 11- 10 -1.6 20 Clerk- Treasurer VOUCH NO. WARRANT NO. ALLOWED 20 Carmel Clay Schools Ec:ucational Services Center IN SUM OF 5201 E. 131st Street Carmel, IN 46033 $152.12 ON ACCOUNT OF APPROPRIATION FOR Carmel Clay Communications PO# Dept. INVOICE NO. ACCT #/TITLE AMOUNT Board Members 1115 42- 314.00 $152.12 1 hereby certify that the attached invoice(s), or bill(s) is (are) true and correct and that the materials or services itemized thereon for which charge is made were ordered and received except Wednesday, February 11, 2009 Director Title Cost distribution ledger classification if claim paid motor vehicle highway fund CLAY Carmel Clay Schools Continuing Excellence in N Education c 'gae. iNO`� FUEL INVOICE Carmel Clay Schools Educational Service Center 5201 E. 131 Street Carmel, IN 46033 Attention: Sue Ardiaolo Bill To: Carmel Police Department, Teresa Anderson Carmel Fire Department, Denise Snyder Carmel Utilities, Lisa Kempa ®Carmel= Street= Department,= Bonnie Callahan A Carmel Communications, J. Arnone D.O.C.S., Sue Coy Carmel Engineering, Judy Stohler Carmel Parks and Recreation, Paula Schlemmer Drivers Education, Tom Pagan a_,O) a Carmel City Administration, Shelley Lingelbaugh 3 Billing Date: February 1, 2009 �h� a G 5, 6 P East Side Transportation fuel charges I o, 4 L0 Facilities do Transportation Department 5185 East 131 Street, Carmel, IN 46033 3171844 -8207 —Fax 3171571 -9659 Account 41:004 Account name CARMEL STREET DEPT BONNIE CALLAHAN Account address 3400 W 131 ST WESTFIELD IN 46074 733-2001 Date Timp Tran Acnt Ddvr Yehc} Odomtr �ey��rd Ty Pump P�� Quontity Pdce Hffi[Urit JAN W5 28M9 N9�50 0086 586N 0594 82333 0-Hormal 02 02-DlESEL 00027.�� 1.70 004 .J9 JAN 05. 208Y 09;54 ��7 004 5967 0574 0D466 0'Norma� 01 02-DlE�l 00Q6�.200 �.7\8 8l&6.86 JAN 05. 2009 1l:19 8012 084 2637 83B 181875 8-Norma} 0J 01-UNL[ADED 21.0N0 1.283 8026.Y4 JAH Q5, 2009 12:22 00D 084 2lY6 0584 0�6570 8-Normal �J 01-UNLE��D 08030.680 1.2S3 8039.26 JAN 85 20&9 12;35 0019 00' 2197 0592 B12188 B-Normo} 02 &2-DlESEL &0 0 Q 1.718 0050.51 JAN 85 2009 4 14.19 0026 10 0 4 2640 0317 024934 0-Norma} 82 02'DlESEL OO@ 1.718 OOA-8.J8 JAN 05 2089 15;W4 OK-1 004 1034 8510 087�J B��rma\ 03 01-��EAD[D 00018.700 ��3.99 JAN 05 2Q09 D 01 0038 004 10-1- 0585 067179 0-Norma} 0 01-UNLEADEU 00025,000 1.28J 0032.08 JAN 06 200Y 06/42 00 02 004 5571 0518 068660 0'8nrm 83 01-UNLEADE8 00025.800 1.283 0033.10 JAN 06 2009 86:47 0003 004 2\97 0591 021�71 B'No/mal Q2 02'DlESEL 00809.200 1.718 001c.81 JAN 06 20B9 88�l5 &006 QB4 2029 0�79 029605 0-Nurma} 02 02'DlESEL B0016.QN0 1.7\S 8027.49 JAN 8A 20O 9 88�28 0007 884 2191 0478 025436 B-Norma} 01 82'DlBEL 00QJ1.600 1.7\8 8054.29 JAN B6 2B&9 08 40 8008 801 4 2039 0 417 022593 8-Normal 02 0 2-D1 ESEL 0003 B80 1.70 8061.R5 JAN 06, 20O9 08�47 00Q9 N04 2039 04l7 02259J 0'Normol 82 N2-DlESEL 8N0J6.8N0 1.70 0061.85 JAH Q6 20&9 12�16 0018 Q04 2J65 Q522 02586l 0-Norma} 01 02-GlESEL 00021.9Q0 1.7l8 00 .62 JAN 06. 2009 12�25 0828 004 2373 0422 0024\4 0-Normo\ 01 82-0l[SEL 00022.50Q \.718 B038.66 JAN 86 2089 13�Q9 8823 004 570 033& 0�7135 0'Hormal 03 81-UNLEADED 00023.508 1.2RJ NO30. L5 JAN 06 2BQ9 1��45 0029 Q04 2197 0591 02155l 0-Nurm�} 02 P2-DlESEL 08011.008 JAN 06 200Y D:58 0042 004 2029 0479 026027 @-Nurmol Q1 82-Ul LESS Ei 00014.000 \.718 8M24.05 JAN 06. 2009 D 59 0 843 0 84 3 919 058J 062034 0'Norma\ 03 01-UNLEADED 0 0015.8i 019.25 JAN 87 2809 07 7C 0Q8� 004 21Y2 0572 010345 Q-Normal 02 82-Dl[SEL BQ037.0B0 1.718 0063.57 JAK 07, 2009 09:10 0088 084 7285 0571 01J80& 8'Worma} 02 02-DlESEL 00839.600 �.718 O068.83 JAH &7, 20 0 9 11 �32 008 0 04 223L 0457 Q77269 0-Norma} 03 01-UNLEADED &8012.6Q0 1.2 DJ 801 16.17 JAN 87 2009 11:3� 8�2Q 004 586Q 052J 022�80 B-Normal 02 02-DlESEL QB0J7.QQ0 }.DD 0063.57 JAN 07 2889 12;13 0 82I 004 1034 8573 &11864 0-Hormal 02 02-DlESEL 00044.300 1.718 0076.11 JAN 07, 2009 ]5�84 Q832 0B4 2B7 0591 021600 0-Norma} 02 02'UlESEL 00807.2Q0 1.718 80L2.J7 JAN 08 2089 04�23 NB0\ 804 5368 0587 055724 0-Normal &3 01-UNLEAUED Q0015.0QN 1.28J 0019.25 JAN 08, 2809 05 24 0002 004 2J63 05l4 815629 8-Normal 01 82-DlESEL 00000.400 1.713 0000.69 JAN Q8. 2009 05�26 00&J &04 2J63 0514 01562Y 8-Uormol 02 02-UlESEL Q0025.20Q 1.718 8Q43.29 JAW 08 2009 05�2Y 8884 004 236J 05\4 015629 0 -No rm a 02 02-UlESEL 0Q823.500 l.718 0040.37 JAN 08, 2Q0Y 85�41 8NB5 804 26J6 0391 025506 or Uma 0L 82-DlESEL Q00 82.40N 1.71D 0004.12 JAH 08 2009 0 44 800 6 004 2636 8J9\ Q255W6 0-Normal &2 2-0lESEL 000 J0.000 1.718 0Q5l.�4 JAN 08 2009 08:19 @088 004 2192 0572 0\0488 0-Nom41 02 0 2-DlESEL 000J8.�I08 1.718 8066.14 JAN 08 20N9 &8�22 0Q0Y 804 2192 0572 010�88 8-Uorma} Q2 Q2-DlES[L 80035.908 1.70 80c1.6O JAN QO 7W09 09�27 Q013 W84 2179 042\ 831&58 8'Nurm 4 02 82-DlES[L 00Q68.2Q8 1.82Q 0124.12 JAH 08 2 0�26 1 0020 084 5860 051-1 061 3 57 8-Worma1 03 01-UNLEADED 00028.300 l.28J Q0J6.31 JAN B8 2009 10:43 &823 0N4 10J4 0455 @28131 0-Normal 02 82'DlESEL 8B029.8QB 1.820 QW54.24 JAN 88, 2009 11:80 0825 004 2197 0 021649 8-Normal 01 02-DlESEL 00007.J8Q 1.828 Q81J.29 JAH 08 2009 11:27 8027 0 04 5769 0JJQ 057425 0-Normal Q3 0\-UNL[ADED &B022.2&0 1.283 W028.48 JAN 88 2009 14:52 0035 804 2197 0592 812382 0-Uormal B\ 82-D1 E15 EL 8&082.700 1.820 Q004.9L JAN 08. 2009 14:54 08J6 804 2 97 0592 012J82 &-No rma} Q2 82-Dl[SEL 00024.200 1.820 0044.0-4 JAN 08 2&09 �6�20 0�43 00� 533J Q322 083619 0-Normal 03 01'UNLEADED 00024.00& 1.283 W830.79 JA 9 1\ N 09 28Q;82 0011 094 5727 0329 02Q906 8-Normal 03 01-UHLEADED NQ031.708 1.28J 0040.67 JAN 09. 20@Y 14:33 0025 Q84 54&9 &235 002887 0-Norm a\ Q3 W\-UNLEADED 00025.000 1.283 80 JAW 09 2009 \6:58 0043 004 2640 0518 087472 0'Normal 03 01-UNLEA0ED 8Q019. !.28J 0024.51 JAH 18 20NY 09�5l 08&5 00� 2638 W5Y1 W21700 0-Hormal 82 N2'DlESEL QQ807.2Q0 1.828 0013.10 JAN 10, 2009 09:52 0006 004 5972 0524 8!7Y25 0-Norma} 01 02-DlES[L 00022.400 \.820 0040.77 JAW 10 2009 1 0&07 004 5860 0523 022522 0-Horma\ 02 02-Ul[SEL 80034.000 1.82Q 0Q61.88 JAN _10, 2009 20:17 0011 O04 2285 0571 011',50 0-Normal 01 02-DIESEL 00879.200 1.820 0l44.14 JAN \2 2809 12�10 8818 0B4 2�39 B423 803360 0-Normal 02 N2-Dl ESE, L 00030.2W0 \.820 0054.Y6 JAN 12. 2809 14/25 0 8]2 004 5 468 04 5D 0 03357 n 8-Hnrma\ 0 0 1'UNLEADED 0@KIZ.UR MOJ 0039.52 JAN 12. 28&9 16: 4 4 OLO 0 0� 2194 ��3 Q&027.400 l.820 320 0049. 87 JAN 12 2009 16�47 Q821 Q84 2194 86J3 �254�9 W-Uorm�} 02 82-DlESEL ��24.20& l.O2G 004 JAN 13. 20. o 9 89:2D 000O Q04 5967 0586 072339 8'1: ormal &3 01'UNLEADED 88827.50% 1.283 Q0J5.28 JAN 13 2089 1 41 &012 004 &3 01-UNLEADED B0Q26.98o 1.2R3 Q834.51 JAN 1J 2Q89 �1�22 0014 084 2197 8591 Q21767 0-No,mal 0 1 02'1 1 ESEL 00009.900 11870 000.51 JAN 13, 2�R 12�33 0N\6 804 2366 0574 QD923 8'Norma} 01 Q�-Dl[S[L ��51.6W8 1 .87Q 000'.49 JAN D, 2009 14 11 0021 0&� 237J 0479 826253 8- Norma} 02 W2-DlESEL WQ025.700 1.87& 0Q48.06 JAN O 2009 14 14 W822 Q IV' 4 2J73 0479 026253 0-Norm- 02 82-DIESEL &0027.980 $1.870 1 8052.D JAN 1, 2N89 14:32 0024 00 2 2363 0592 812562 0-Normal 01 02'UlE [L 00022.48 W &041.8Y JAN LJ 208Y 15 50 0027 804 2J64 8455 028402 8-Norma} 82 S2-DlESEL 80826.�80 1.87B 0W�9.37 JAN 13. 20B9 16�8J �029 B04 2365 0522 026183 8-Normal 81 82-DlESEL 08052.�� 1.87W D897.8@ JAN 14 200Y Q7�22 08B2 004 5769 @330 057718 0-Horma\ Q3 01'UNL[ADED 08027.280 1.28J &034.90 JAK 1� 2�� 0.J6 0014 W04 2363 B5R4 867427 &-Normal 03 01'UNL[ADEU JAN 14, 288 10 17 0&17 004 21Y7 0591 02\833 N�brmal 81 Q2'DlESEL 00010.6&Q 1.870 Q0l9.82 JAN \4 200 11�N1 0018 804 J9\9 0�� 0623Q5 8��rmal 03 01-UNLEADED 00Q22.Q00 1.28J 0028.2J JAW N 2009 11:14 0819 004 1034 0573 0\2122 0-Norma} 0\ 02-U1 ESEL Q00591900 1.R70 JAH l4 2009 11..7' &822 004 2638 05R5 067S0 1 &-Norm 0J 01-UNLEADED 00029.600 1.283 0037.98 JAN 14 2889 12�29 0023 004 2D8 8J9l 826080 0-Uormal 01 Q2-0ESEL 00035.00 l.870 8065.64 JAN \4 2009 12�32 &024 &0� �03\ 05R6 072442 B-Normal 03 8l-UNL[ADEU &&M\1.10Q 1.28J 80}4.24 JAN 14 2009 13 30 0026 004 2D9 &421 03l272 Q-Hormal 02 02-DlESEL 00000.480 1.870 0880.75 JAN 14 2009 13:33 0&27 BQ4 2D9 042\ 0J1272 0-Hormal 01 02-DlESEL 00034.700 1.878 0064.R9 JAN 14, 2009 15�24 0W36 004 263J 0457 0774D5 Q'Uorma} Q3 01-UNLEAUED 80&29.Y0Q 1.283 0038.J6 JAW 14 2M09 15�J0 8Q37 0&4 26J3 &520 87D�52 N-Normol 8J O1-UNLEADED 80027.880 1.283 0835.67 JAN 14, 2009 15, 40 Q&3S 08 4 5727 0329 B2l1A� 0-Kormal 03 01-UNLEADED B0Q27.200 1.283 8Q34.90 JAN N. 2809 15:52 0039 884 263J 0326 056949 0-Norma} 03 Q1-UNL[ADE0 8@019.2Q0 1.283 0024.6J JAN 14 2889 16 1D 8843 8 2217 0477 026729 0-Normal Q\ �2-OlESEL 00832.688 1.870 006�.96 JAW 0 2089 1 3B 0 047 80 4 558� 0479 026980 8-Norm�\ 01 82-DlESEL 8&026.0B0 1.87Q 0848.62 JAN 14 28N9 D�22 0849 Q04 5967 0574 WD968 B'Normal Q2 02-DlESEL 800@&.68& 1.870 0001.12 JAN 14 2009 17�26 0Q51 004 5967 0574 B17Y68 0-Hormal 01 &2'Dl[SEL 80031.Q0& 1.87Q B057.97 JAN 14 20W9 18 02 0B52 004 2366 0523 02 2811 0-Hormal 0 1 82'Dl[SEL 00@77.500 l.870 &l44.93 JAN \4 20W9 18 03 0053 004 21 97 059l 021 0-Norma} &2 82-DlESEL 08000.408 1.87B Q008.75 JAN 14 2009 0:04 0054 804 2197 8591 021896 &'�ormal 01 02-UlESEL 00008.980 1.878 8016.64 JAN 14 2Q09 18:03' 8855 084 2 19 1 0 47 S. W258QR N-Uormal 01 &2'DlESEL 80045.48N �.870 00R4.90 JAN 14 28Q9 18;18 0056 004 5273 0512 01 8-Normal 03 Q1-UNL[ADED 0W0JQ.9Q0 1.283 0039.64 JAN 14, 2009 18:46 00 &04 5489 82J5 8031 0 0-Norma} 0J 81'UHLEADED 0003\.800 \.28J 80J9.77 JAN l4 208Y 19:04 0059 004 2192 0572 010746 0-14 urmo1 02 02-D1 ESEL Q00&0.800 1.070 0001.5N JAN l4, 208Y 1Y�B6 0W60 004 2\92 0572 807�6 0-Norma} 81 02-DlESEL 00029.JQ8 1.B78 Q054.79 AN 14 2089 _13:17 0061 804 2\93 g422 002983 0-Norma} 82 02'DlES[L 000W3.100 JAK 14 2009 l9 22 00 62 0&4 219 0422 00, 2983 02-111 ES[L 80026.500 1.87W N049.56 JAN \4. 20W9 2G�22 8864 0B4 5J68 B5O7 056124 8-Normo\ 03 N1-U NIL EAUED &&0D.000 1.28J 0821.81 JAN 14 20Q9 21�0J 8B65 004 5770 0511 061 8'Nurma} &3 Q1-UNLEAD[D 00025.600 L.28} 8Q32.8� JAN 14 2809 22�49 &N66 �04 5468 Q458 NO367Y 8-Norma\ 0J 01-UNLEADED 00031.B00 1.28J 0040.8@ JAN \4, 2009 22 53 8067 0,04 2J67 0�\0 087787 8-Worma\ 83 W1'UHLEADE8 NQ821.808 ].283 0027.97 JAN 14, 2009 23:44 8869 &Q4 2285 0571 011656 041c ,al 0l 82-DlESEL 08001.60Q 1.87� 00&2.99 JAN 14 2009 23�46 ��0 004 2285 8571 011656 0-Norm�l 02 Q2-D}ESEL 00Q01.60Q 1.878 0WQ2.99 JAN 15 2B09 02:14 0001 804 2192 0572 010840 8-Normal 8\ 02-DIESEL 00W3J.50Q 1.878 8062.65 JAK 15 2009 08:13 0005 004 5967 0574 018293 0-Normal 01 02-DIESEL 00072.600 P 1.870 &O5.76 JAN 15 2089 09:147 0006 804 2197 0591 &21937 8'Nurmal 01 02-UlES[L 0N0Q7.B0B 1.870 0014.59 JAN 15 2Q09 l0:B7 0007 0 04 1086 058Y 0 55 6 U3 7 1 7 8-Nnrmal QJ 01-UNLEADED 00B27.�0B 1.283 O034.64 JAN l5 2WQ9 14/24 000 0B4 5JJJ 0J22 0DJ576 0'Uorma\ 03 B\-UNLEADED 0NO28.180 1.2OJ BWJ6.O5 JAN \5 2009 15i0Q 00\9 004 576Y 033& 05O02O 0-Norma\ QJ 01-UNLEAUED 0 0 823.300 1.283 0029.89 JAN �5 2009 16�51 0026 @04 2636 0510 087832 B-Norma� 03 01-UNLEADED &0014.100 1.283 8818.09 "AN 16 2009 09:59 0087 004 2285 0571 01D80 0-Nnrma\ W1 02-DlESEL 008J61008 1.898 0068.W4 JAN 16 200 10:17 0 0 09 084 2192 0585 068040 0'Norma} 0J 01-UNLEADED 00026.200 1.620 0042.44 JAN 16 2009 11:46 0012 884 5409 8235 00J24Y 0-Norma} 8 01-UNiEA8EO 00017.10O 1.620 0027.70 JAN 16 2&0Y 15;J8 Q817 00 J919 058J 062528 N-Nnrma} &J 01-UNLEADED 00023.500 1.620 00J8.Q7 JAN 16 2@O9 15:49 0018 004 2179 0586 W72658 0-Nnrmal 03 01-U NIL EAUED 00028.48N 1.620 Q046.01 JAW 0 2089 07:J4 0003 004 2197 0591 Q22&96 8'1110rma1 01 02-DlESE1 000B9.580 1.890 8017.96 JAN 18, 2009 87:44 0005 004 2029 0479 8266l6 0-Norm a\ 02 02-DlESEL 00030.DWN \.O98 Q056.7M J4 J8, 2009 08:14 Q0B6 004 10J4 W573 012326 &-Nnrma} 01 02-DIESEL 80@73.800 1.890 8139.48 J� 1 00 0 10:11 �l5 004 21� 0��Y 0-�rmal ��lES� 0�19.9� \.8� 0�7.61 JAH 28 200Y 0�15 0Q17 80� 21Y� ��3 Q23456 �'Nurma} 02 02-D{ES[L 00820.180 1.8Y8 00J7.99 JAN 28 2Q09 11�36 0022 084 5972 0456 035�49 8-Nnrmal 84 B2'DlESEL 00013.800 1.89N 8026.88 JAN 20 2809 1\:47 Q023 0�4 5368 0587 B5�R8 8-Nu,ma\ 03 0l-UNL[ADED Q��9.�� l.�2Q R015.87 JAN 2B 2809 _14:21 00J3 B�4 576Y 033& 0��42 0'Norma} 03 01-��E��U �O27.3&0 1.620 0044.23 JAN 20. 2009 14 2 0034 084 21 0A2\ 031584 0-Horma} 81 02-5IE -9 JAH 21 200Y 1-1-12 0807 B84 2197 0592 812977 Q-Hormal 01 82-DlESEL 00027.500 1.89Q 085 98 JAN 21 2009 12��2 @0l1 804 5727 0J29 @2\337 0'Horma} 03 0 -UM FADED 0&024.JN0 1.620 W039.J7 JAN 21 Z 15�17 8817 0Q4 5778 05O2 90085 0-Uurmal B3 01-0&EADEU Q0824.788 1.628 0840.01 JAN 22, 2089 89:58 Ol C 0D 004 287 059l 822146 0-Nnrmo} 02 0 2-Dl[S[L &Q007.Q08 1.89& Q013.23 JAN 22 2�R 10�16 0009 804 2J64 0J26 057198 8'Normal O3 Q1-0�EADEU 80021.500 \.620 00J4.83 JAN 22 2&09 11 -11 001& Q84 5769 @330 8586J4 8-Wormal &3 81'UNLEADEO 80Q23.700 1.620 7Q JAN 22, 2009 14�18 08\8 00- 2285 0584 067686 0-Hnrma} 03 01-�iEADED 00Q26.700 1.620 N0L3.25 JAN 23 20Q9 W9�23 ��7 &0� 2L79 8586 072Y3O B'Norma\ 0J 01��LEADED 00NJQ.�� 1.620 0049.60 JAN 23, 2009 i6�10 0026 804 39B 0583 862788 0'Nnrma} 8J &1-UNLEAUEU ��22.600 1.620 0036.61 AN 23 200 16�5Q ��7 004 1031 B511 0620J1 0�brma} 03 01-UNLEADED ��16.20W l.�0 0026.24 JAN 25 2009 14:43 8B04 004 2191 0478 026047 0-Hormo} 01 02-DIESEL 00004.480 1.890 0808.32 JAN 25 200 9 14:45 N&05 004 2191 0478 026047 0-Normal 02 &2-DlESEL 00029.1N0 1.890 0055.00 JAN 25 2Q&9 15 54 8086 0@4 5860 052J W2J12Y 0-Normal 02 �2-DIESEL 00048.8Q8 �.89B 0892.2J JAN 25. 2009 15 55 0007 004 2640 0391 &25Y65 O-Norma} 01 82-0ESEL 00055.10Q \.890 8104.14 JAN 26. 2009 09 6 0803 004 21Y7 0591 022197 0'Norma] Q1 02-DlESEi &0006.90Q 1.898 00\ .04 JAN 26, 2&B9 F4;44 0R84 084 2365 0522 026675 0-Nurma\ 02 p2-DIESEL 08Q44.B0& 1.890 8084.67 JAN 26. 20Q9 09�53 00N5 004 2363 0592 @1J159 &-Nurma} 01 82-DlESEL 00 027.100 1.890 0051.22 AN 26 20B9 l0�09 BQ08 00� 2217 0477 Q27019 0-Horma} Q1 82-DlES[L 80Q51.600 1.898 0097.52 JAN 26 2009 \8�l3 0809 8&4 2839 0 17 023158 0-10rmal Q2 82'D{ESEL 000J1.6Q0 1.890 0059.72 JAN 26 2009 l0�27 0Q11 004 2285 8584 069790 8-Norma\ Q3 0]-UNLEADED &Q027.088 1.620 8043.74 JAN 26, 2NQ9 10 50 00\2 80 4 2J6� 0574 0184�7 0-No,ma> 82-UlES[L 00&45.4Q0 1.89Q 8&85.81 JAW 26 2809 1\�28 0N\6 884 5368 0587 05568O 8-Worma} Q3 11 N' 80016.500 1.628 0026.7J JAN 26 2&0Y 12 12 0819 084 5489 W235 &0J486 Q-Wormal 0J 81-UNL[AD[D 08023.5B0 1.62Q 0&38.B7 JAN 26 2009 12 17 Q02\ 0 @4 26J*S Q514 0162J5 B-Norma} 81 82-D1 ESE1 9B 8BJA.21 JAN 26. 2089 12 ?l 0022 004 2638 0514 0162J5 0-Hormal 01 02'D1[CEL 00Q16.608 1.89B 08 JAN 26, 20 89 1 7 &030 004 5333 0J22 084j39 8-Normal 03 01-UNLEAD[D &8B25.900 l.620 0041 96 JAN 27 2009 01:46 000 2 1 004 196 8521 816238 8-Hormal 01 82-DlESEL 00060.700 1.890 0114.72 JAN 27. 2009 02/07 0002 80� 2285 0571 W11871 0-Nurmal 01 Q2' 111 E S[L 0&057.900 1.O 90 009.43 JAW 27 2089 0J;01 0004 804 5571 &5\0 069 9J7 8-Normal 03 01-UNLEAUEb O0021.200 1.620 QWJ4.34 JAW 27, 2089 85:&7 0006 0Q4 2029 0479 02855 B-Nuraa} 01 Q2-UlESE1 000 1.R90 0056.70 JAN 27 200Y 09/21 O0N9 084 2N29 047Y 026801 B-Norma} Q1 02-DlESEL 00 000 1.890 &041.58 JAN 27 2009 09 22 00 004 2197 059i &22244 0'Norma1 82 02'DlESEL Q0007.JQ0 l.R9@ 0013.O0 JAW 27 2009 09 46 Q012 084 39G 8524 0�8480 0-Normal Q2 02-DlESEL 0N054.100 1.D90 0102.25 JAN 27. 20&9 1B�29 0016 W0� 1031 Q5\1 8612J1 Q'Norma} 0J 01-UNLEADED 08816.208 1.62O 0Q26.24 JAN 27. 200Y 18�43 8Q17 0Q4 103\ 0478 Q26112 8'Horma} 01 02-8lESEL 08QO.40& 1.89Q 0Q25.33 JAN 27. 2009 18:47 0818 001 1Q31 8478 0 26112 B-Wormal 02 B2-DlESEL 00023.480 1.898 0044.23 JAN 27, 2009 1 002Q 004 5769 8330 058929 0-Nurma} 0J 01'UNLEADED O8@24.Y08 �.628 0840.34 JAN 27 2009 14�N6 0830 004 2366 0592 089089 0-Nurma} 02-DlESEL 08026.0QN 1.89Q 0K4Y.14 JAN 27 2889 17 5 0045 004 5468 045R 00J995 0-Nnrma1 83 01-UNLEAD[D 00029.D08 1. 2 0 0048.28 JAN 27 2809 1 38 8046 804 5727 1329 0215R3 0-Norma} 03 01-UNL[ADED 8NO25.D00 1.620 014,50 JAN 27 2009 D�45 0047 004 236J 057J 012582 0-Nnrmal 01 02-0lES[L 0QB42.Q00 1.8Y0 NQ79.38 JAN 27 2009 22�46 80�8 0&4 2648 0591 022J4Q Q'Nnrmo\ 0L 02-DlESEL 00Q14.68Q l.D9@ 8027.59 JAN 27 2089 22�46 004 Q04 2194 W6JJ 825J69 0-Hurma} 82 02-UlESEL 00029.�� 8055.38 JAN 27 2009 22:51 0050 004 2{94 0633 025369 B-Wormal 02 02-DIESEL 00032.3Q0 1.890 &061.05 JAN 27 Z Z9 23�37 0052 004 2D9 N421 �31846 O-Uurma} R. 02'DlESEL S0800.lQ8 1.R98 0B00.19 JAN 27, 2009 23:4 0053 004 2D9 Q421 03\846 Q-Nnrmal 01 02-DlESEL 00077.�0W 1.890 0146.29 JAN 28 2 Q0 9 00:\6 08&1 Q8� 2J64 047Y D2Y613 8-Norms l 02 g2-UlESEL 80028.2Q0 1.89W 005. JAN 28, 1009 M26 0002 084 219l 0478 B26249 0-Norma} Q2 02-01 ESEL 00040. 1.898 007 JAN 28. 2&09 00:4J N 08 J W84 2D8 0J91 026}47 R'Nnrma} &1 W2-DlESEL Q0WJ2.600 i.99Q 0061,61 JAN 28 2009 00:44 00 04 084 2J66 0574 018699 0-Norma\ 82 02-DI[SEL 0003M_00 1.898 0867.66 JAN 28 2009 B1;00 &005 004 2633 0514 016437 8-Normal 02 82'DlESEi 00049.40W 1.890 0093.J7 JAN 29 2009 01�2G ��6 00� 3919 05OJ W62940 Q-Norma} BJ 0\-UNLE��D 0081J.800 .628 0 R22.36 JAW 2S 2089 08:52 8012 8Q4 1W34 W57J 012B28 T) TT? 0-Norma\ 01 02-DlE SSE L 80072.108 1.890 0136.27 JAN 28. 2B09 89:14 0014 004 5769 0JJ0 @59111 Q-Hnrma} 0J W1-UNLEADE8 00024.PQ0 1.0Q QQ38.88 JAN 09�21 Q015 85�68 ��rmal 03 01����� 0��.5� 1.6� �44 .55 JAN 2S. 28G9 09�25 0016 Q04 5571 05\0 070�09 �-Norma\ QJ 0l'UNLEA0ED Q@@22.�� 1.620 003 .l8 JAN 28 20 0 R 09 29 801 804 533J 0322 0B4285 Q-Horma| @3 Q1-UNLEADED Q8Q23.600 1.620 0B3B.23 �AN 28 2�R 09�41 80L8 804 2367 0421 N32Q1l �-Hormal 02 02-DlES[L 000&2.3Q0 004.35 JAN 28 1 S Y 89 45 00B 084 ��7 0421 8J2011 0-Norma} 0\ 02-DlESEL 8Q83J.BQ0 4 1.890 �I62.37 JAN 28, 280Y 09�52 8020 0B� 2367 0421 Q320L1 0-No,ma\ 01 B2-DlESEL 08822.9@0 1.898 084J.28 JAN 28 2Q8Y 0021 00 4 2285 �57� 012068 0'Wormal 82 Q2-DlESEL 0Q000.400 1.890 80Q2.76 JAN 28 2009 MZ& 0022 004 59Q 0571 Q18845 8-�nmal &1 Q2-DlESEi 0B082.4Q8 1.890 I 8155.74 JAN 28, 20Q9 10:21 0023 004 2285 0571 012068 0-Normal 04 O2-DlESEL 800L8.200 1.898 0834.40 JAH 28. 2009 18�25 Q024 004 2285 0571 012O68 0-Norma| 01 Q2-DIESB- ��J1.900 1.8Y0 N060.29 JAN 28 2009 12�41 0�27 Q04 2636 8633 NJ1OQ2 ?�???????7 0-Uo,ma} �1 02'0lESEL 0W03 .108 1.89Q 0372.N1 JAN 2B 2009 12�51 002 6 0.4 1.390 �AN 28, 2�� 12�54 8829 004 \086 B524 8186�6 Q-Nnrmal 02 Q2-Dl[SEL 00000.JQ0 l.O90 0000.57 JAN 28 2&G9 }2�57 803Q B04 3919 058J 063�32 ?????7???? Q-N NLEADED 8Q016.20S 1.628 ��6.24 JAH 28 200Y 12�5J �31 0&4 1�8� 8524 018656 8'Normal O\ N2-DlES[L 800 l.890 N067.66 JAN 0. 2809 1J�l5 @g 0Q4 202Y 0�79 025705 8��rma} 0\ Q2-DlES[L 00�32.Q80 i.89W ��0.48 JAN 28, ��Y 13/16 0BJJ 2364 @454 032�� 0'�ormal Q2 82'0lES[L ��1Y.300 1.890 D036.48 JAN 28 7NQ9 13 22 W8J4 Q04 26J7 058" 6 073244 ??????7??? 0'Normal 03 01-UNLEAD[D 00029.60W 1.620 0B47.95 �AN 28 2089 13�47 0036 &04 1086 0512 Q1000Q &-Ncxmal 83 01-UMLEADED 08024.600 \.620 003Y.85 JAH 2S. 2009 15�B3 ��5 00� 5778 0582 896528 ????????Y? 0-Norma} 03 81-UNLEADED ��013.0Q� l.628 &02!.06 JAN 28. 20N9 17�29 8054 0Q4 1831 05l1 062305 0-Normal 03 &1-UNUEADED 80016.400 �.620 8026.57 JAN 28 2089 17t55 QQ55 &04 217Y 0421 0321 Norma} @1 02'UI[SEL 0Q030.2 QN JAH 2B 2�89 1R�00 0056 004 236J N592 QO276 ?????7???? 8'Normal 8\ @2-DlESEL 00021.8&0 V l.O98 B �AN 28, 2089 1S�07 Q&57 �04 26JL 03J1 W2J263 0-Normal 01 02-DlESEL 80829.B00 �.89B 8N54.81 JAN 28. 2009 0�12 00�8 8Q4 5�09 0235 0�36LH N-Norma} 03 Q\'UNLEADED 80021.l00 1.620 0834.18 JAN 28 28@9 18 0059 004 5727 0 021789 Q'Norma) 03 0FUNL[AUED 8001Y.58Q 1.628 0031.59 JAN 28 280 Q 2640 8J19 101959 O-No,mal 03 D1-UNLEADEU 00Ni2.80Q \.6?8 802N.74 JAN 28, 2009 28�47 0863 P 2193 0326 B57 J63 0- orma| 03 Q 08 0W 0061.I2 2009 -j .07 N864 W04 2023 U582 806666 Q-Nurmal 03 01-UNLEAD[O 0W006.90Q L.620 8Q11.18 JAN 28 20N9 2��28 0Q6� BQ� 5972 0524� 018739 0-Wormo� 0 Q2'DIESEL N8024.9M0 0047.06 JAN 28, 2Q09 23�49 0Q68 0�4 2366 0594 824830 8-Wormal 01 &2-DlESEL 0�031.78N 1.890 0B59.Y1 JAN 28 2009 23�54 Q069 Q&4 2191 0478 826�15 0'Hurma} Q2 @2-DlESEL Q0QJ6.20� 1.R90 0Q68.0 JAN 2Y. 200? B3��2 N001 0N4 �76Y 03I0 Q59254 Q-Norma} 03 81-UNLEADED 0Q02J.980 \.620 0938.72 JAW 29 2009 03/4 0 002 0B 5 B5/4 019000 ??7???? 0-Normal Q1 02-DI[SE1 000�.700 1.890 JAN 29 2B09 1l�JY QQ13 00� 3595 &521 8l6757 W-�ormal B\ 02-DlESEL 0 1.672 8N53.17 JAN 29 2089 15:00 0027 004 2029 0455 828789 8-Normal 01 B2-DlESEL 0Q028.900 i.672 0Q48.32 JAN 29 ��0Y 15�37 0035 004 26J6 D592 81JJ95 �'Nnrmal N1 82-DlES[L 00021.0WQ 1.672 O N3 5.11 JAM 29 2089 15�37 8036 &04 2363 0514 016769 ??????7??? Q-Norm3l 82 Q2-DlES�L 00017.6WQ 1.672 8829.4J JAN 29, 2009 16:03 8B38 G0A �489 0235 NO3768 8'Normal 83 D1-UN LEADED 80021.�0Q 1.62@ 0D34.67 JAN 30. 2�09 10�0} 001Q 004 2639 8423 083666 ????????7? 8-Uormal �1 82'DlESEL 00829.3N8 l.672 8048.99 JAH 30 �Q6 N011 N�4 2285 8422 0l20W0 0-Normal Q1 02-DIESEL &0�&3.008 1.672 08�5.82 JAN 30 288Y 1@;08 0812 004 2285 0422 0@1200 8-Worma} 82 O2-DlES[L 0__ 23.2�0 1.672 8Q3D.79 JAN 38 2Q09 10�J8 001� N04 2633 8457 @77773 0-Uormol BJ 01-UNL[A0EU NQQ72.800 1.628 81D.94 �AN 30 2009 1G�55 G016 004 iO34 B573 N13061 ????Y????? 4-MPD 0l 02'DlBEL WB077.60B l.672 0129.75 JAN 30 2009 18�58 0017 W04 5972 0456 035648 �-Nurma! 04 02-D|[SEL 0QB11.9QB 1.672 O019.9B JAN J8, Cl Y 14117 0029 084 2365 0 31Y 102|07 m 0-Aormal 03 01-UNLEADEy 0809.6G8 1.628 8031.75 JAN 38, 2009 i";'4 W830 004 2197 0 591 G22569 0-Normal 81 82'DI[S[L 00812,0� {,&72 WQ20.90 JAN J0 2009 0;J2 08 004 2638 8331 8-Normal 81 Q2-DlE[�L 08Q \.672 0053.67 JAH 3N, 28@9 15;2 Q0J8 004 5972 0�24 8080 0-Normal 02 02'DI[SEL 00024.5QB 1.�J2 0Q40.96 JAN -30, 20G9 15;28 00J9 Q04 5972 0 524 018818 0-Norma\ 04 02-8l[S[1 80014.J00 AAN 30 2809 16��1 0N�4 Q04 1Q3\ 051i 06263Q 81-UNLEADED N00\9.300 1.620 Q&31.D Usage Total Product 01 UNLEADED 1884.700 Gallon 2754.57 Product 02 DIESEL 4110.200 Gallon 7540.25 10294.82 Account #TY; Account nams CnRMEL STREFT DEPT BONNIE C'AUP Account address 3400 W 131 ST WESTFIELD IN 46074 733-20Q1 Dab Time Ton Amt Drivr Vnkc} Ojnmtr Xeyhoard WE Pump Prnd Quantity Prics Amount JAN l6 208 10:37 0013 084 5571 0M0 06YN6 0-Nomal 01 01' UR[AD0 N0 4,200 1.6@ 0039.25 NN it 2009 1309 8021 004 2637 0421 031485 04�=10 F-Nornl R4 02' DIESEL 0003? 100 1190 O75.22 JAN it 2HR 1402 5K4 004 2364 OF31 022810 0'Norma| 03 02- DIESEL 00023100 ENO ON4.04 JAN 16, 209 1406 OO8 ON 1034 YW1 0Z2Q32 NITT??? 0-Ncrmal 14 BY DIESEL 00013.000 1.810 0224.57 JAN 18, 7809 0632 0N4 004 5368 0587 8563Q8 0-Nnr0 02 M' UNLEADED 00021800 1120 W033.70 JAN 18 2009 06,32 0085 004 2l92 0572 010965 ??r?r?r??? Q-Nurel 04 02' DIESEL 08033.80U 1.890 006128 JAN 18, 2009 0938 8006 ON Z192 0K2 0{0965 70 0-Noma| 04 02' Dl[S[L 00033.N0 1190 0062.37 JAN i8. 2MV 0005 0d07 ON 2231 0514 016142 &'Norsal 13 ON DIBEi @0025.680 1.890 O04B.38 AN 18 2009 0701 0818 ON 2217 N477 026914 0-Normal 04 02- DIESEL 00031100 1190 0066.34 JAN it 7009 07N8 0809 004 5972 0524 010271 04urma| 04 82' DIESEL 00H3.700 1, NO QQ630 jAN 18 2009 0813 OQU 004 2363 Q575 016114 70007? 44PD 04 0I- DIESEL 00024.100 I.00 8045.55 JAN 18 2DW9 8035 0012 004 2063 Q575 016111 ??????r??? 04ormal 04 02' DIESEL 20025.800 1.SH 004125 JAN 28 28N9 0028 08l9 004 5967 OU6 057045 ???77?4 0-Normal 12 W1' UNLEADED 00N8.200 1.62Q Q029.48 JAN 21 2009 09! 00 000 004 2D8 051i 0M863 I????????? 0'Norma\ 02 01 UNLEADED 00023,80@ L 62 0 238.56 JAN D. 2109 09;16 W021 004 5571 0%0 069703 ???497?? 04oma| 52 00 UNLEADED 00020 AN 1420 0032.40 JAN 21. 2@09 10;35 083l 0@4 2633 0454 032006 0-Normai 04 22' DIESEL DQ824.500 1.890 8046.31 JAN 21, 2009 13/4I W044 004 M0 3525 068276 :?r??????? W'Norma\ 02 0!' UWLEADED 00024.700 1120 O040.21 JAN 21, 200p 1152 O048 004 2639 N594 024293 07775 fNorm,! 23 22- DIESEL Q0034.000 L898 0m4.26 JAN 22, 2009 0905 0020 004 2J7J OUT 00133 0-Norm*l 03 02- DIESEL 000X200 l.89Q S Q045.74 JAN 2L 2A09 1206 0024 004 5128 8589 055815 V745 0'Nurmai 02 21' UNLEADED 00022.78Q 1.620 0036.77 JAN 22, 2009 13:54 QQJ5 204 2637 8J3l 0230!Q Q-Nnrnal 04 02' DIESEL Q0031.800 1.890 OQ60.1O JAN 22. 2009 1010 0046 C04 2039 0455 028761 ??r??????? Q-Noma| 03 02' DIESEL 00029.8N LEO 1 0A4.81 JAN ZJ 20N9 1105 00M 004 2V 0319 01868 Q'Norma| 02 01 UNLEADED Q0820.8&0 1.620 0W32.40 AN 26, 2009 0408 0020 804 2192 0585 86562 g-Nurmal 82 QL' UNLEADED Q0024.680 1.620 003915 JAN 27 2009 0908 0218 004 1034 W51@ 088076 Q'Normal 82 01- UNLEADED &0026.3B0 1120 0 N2.61 JAU 27, 2N9 1007 0Q56 004 3128 0589 X967 ??????r??? 04ormai 22 01- UNL[A0[D MOIL 2Q0 1.62Q 0021.38 JA# 27, 2009 1038 0078 ON 1026 0575 N16354 4-RD 04 02' D{ESEL 00028.500 1,090 0053.87 JAN 27 2009 19/3B gQ79 ON 1Q86 0594 024629 ?75?4??? O'Normal 03 02' DIESEL 00034.600 1190 0065.39 JAN 27 2009 21/48 000 004 2039 0417 023307 4-HP0 03 02- DIESEL 00037.000 1.890 00193J JAN Z/ 2N9 21;54 0, 0 W3 004 2039 0417 023317 7 0-Normal 03 82' DIESEL 00028.000 1,890 0052.92 JAN D 2009 22:43 0084 004 2192 0572 01D14 0-Normo| 03 212- Dl[SEi 00032.608 1.890 0061.61 JAN 27, 2009 22; 49 0085 004 2192 0572 011214 0-Normal 03 02' DIESEL N0031 180 1.8Y0 0070.12 JAN 27 2009 23:32 0086 004 586 0 2 52J 023310 04ormal 04 02' DIESEL 00052.000 1.89Q 0098.28 JAN 23, 2009 0 2�J6 0004 804 1020 0575 016478 W-Nnrmal 24 22- DlESEL 00060.400 1.890 01140L JAN 28 2009 0027 W0Q7 004 206 0521 016527 0-Norma\ M 02- DIESEL 0200, WA i.890 012055 JAN H. 2009 0500 0009 004 2373 039i 026242 r???'??r?? 84oraal 01 02' D]BEL 0Q01 30.50: 0 1.890 8857.65 JAN 28. 209 0152 2311 004 2J65 0522 026986 4-HFD 04 02' 8lBEi g0040.800 1 A 0877.L1 JAM 28, 2009 0516 0012 004 2365 0522 076986 990777 0'No'mal 04 02- DIESEL 00031200 1190 0Q60.86 JAN 28 2009 %6Q2 O0iJ 004 2197 Q59! 822416 04ormal 04 02' DIESEL 0Q01 .300 1.89Q 0025.14 JAN 0 2003 1045 0Q39 004 2231 0514 016584 0-Norma\ W4 02' DIESEL 00041000 1.892 t 008105 JAN 28, 2W3 13,02 0043 004 1086 0422 003475 85orma| 03 02' DIESEL 00034.500 {.B90 0065.21 JAM 21 2009 13:16 0044 004 086 0575 016578 7?75 N-Normd 04 02- DIESEL 0%056.700 i.890 0107.16 JAN 28 2009 1025 0H5 004 182W 0457 077674 B-Norma> 02 00 UNLEADED 00021800 1020 0540.50 AN 28 20Y 003 005S 004 2D8 0 2-Handie 03 02' DIESEL 00000.000 1.890 0000.W0 AAN 28, 2153 1600 0Q59 004 2178 0391 826396 Q-Norna} 03 02' DiESEi 000Q.7 2 0 0 1.89Q Z 0 0�.70 AN 28 2009 |6:M 0Q60 004 2373 0585 0687B1 ??r??????? 04ursal 02 BY UNLEADED 00025.000 1.620 004150 AN 28 2119 16:46 0062 004 227 007 027285 4-#PD 04 02' Dl[SEL 06029 000 1.B90 0055.J8 JAA 2B 2009 1001 0064 004 2039 0417 023521 0-Normt 04 02' DIESEL Q0034.000 1.89Q 0064.26 JAN 28 2009 1718 0Q65 004 2638 0584 0623N8 4APD 02 01' UNLEADED 00024.0 10 1.620 8.88 JAN 28. 2009 17;09 0066 203. 9 0417 023521 Q-Normal 04 02' DIESEL B0030.700 l.890 0058.&2 JAN 28 20U9 108 0061 004 1 0O6 Q' 09 0559QD ????????N @-Normal 01 M- UNLEADED 80010. ,B10 8 1 1.6620 Q217.50 JAN 28 2H9 1702 M 204 M33 044 0/�48 ??�??r???? 44PD 04 02- DlBEi 00011000 1.890 002805 JAN 2R, 2H9 l7;23 0071 004 2231 0520 078889 047400 0Mrmal 21 01- UALEL. ED P 0 �,I6.v, 0 0 1.62Q 0042.1? JAN 28 200 17i26 0032 504 253 0514 016"8 771777? 0-4omml 04 W7- DlESEi Q�086.E3 0 0 1 e 89� 0812.B5- j 28 2089 1709 0074 004 2194 003 023569 Moral M 02- DIESEL 08037.700 1190 007l.25 JAN 28 2009 D;57 ON6 004 274 0673 023569 r??rr??r?r Q-Uursa1 04 Q2- DIESEL O0029.200 1.890 0055.19 JAN 28, 2809 Wal 0077 004 2364 0R9 82428 YKPD 03 OF DIESEL 0&031.2§0 |.R�� 3 0N58.Y7 JAN 28 2Q09 1805 0078 00 2364 0479 02920 Q'Normal 03 22' DIESEL 8W025.100 1.890 0047 A4 JAN 28 2009 1106 0079 004 3919 0583 063093 Q-Noraul 02 01- UNLEADED 00Q0B.600 ].620 0013.93 JAX 28, 2Q09 0,55 0080 QS4 26J7 @586 073309 57777 0'Mu'mal 02 Q UNLEADFD 00011.3Q0 1120 0818.31 SAN 28 2009 1807 0081 0Q4 2192 0572 011475 0-Normal 04 02' DI E'S EL 00041.100 i 1.890 D077.68 JAN 28, 2007 19,05 8084 004 2192 0572 011475 Q-Nornai 04 Q2- DlESEL 00838,008 1.O90 0Q71.82 NN 28. 2009 19:08 0085 004 2197 8591 022413 4773??? N'Normd 03 02- DlES[i §0016.500 1.890 0031.19 JAN 28. 2009 1014 Q@N6 004 2365 0522 027154 4'MPU 04 82' DIESEL 00021080 1190 Q047.25 JAN 0 200Y 1907 Q087 004 2365 0522 02054 N'Noroml @4 52' DI[SEL 00021.500 1.890 0040.64 JAN 28 2009 1906 8089 004 5860 8523 0235\8 ????????r? 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WARRANT NO. ALLOWED 20 Carmel Clay Schools IN SUM OF 5201 E. 131st Street Carmel, IN 46033 $14,048.16 ON ACCOUNT OF APPROPRIATION FOR Carmel Street Department PO# /Dept. INVOICE NO. ACCT #/TITLE AMOUNT Board Member; 1875 42- 314.00 $3,582.55 1 hereby certify that the attached invoice(s), or 18756 42 313.00 $10,465.61 bill(s) is (are) true and correct and that the materials or services itemized thereon for which charge is made were ordered and received except n fi Friday F bau 3, 2009 U-0-2A' X149� Street Commission $treat TTfie' n'�"4,gigr,0e Cost distribution ledger classification if claim paid motor vehicle highway fund