HomeMy WebLinkAbout179054 11/10/2009 CITY OF CARMEL, INDIANA VENDOR: 042595 Page 1 of 2 ONE CIVIC SQUARE CARMEL CLAY SCHOOLS -FUEL PAYME NECK AMOUNT: $44,140.67 CARMEL, INDIANA 46032 EDUCATION SERVICE CENTER 5201 E 131ST ST CHECK NUMBER: 179054 CARMEL IN 46033 CHECK DATE: 11110/2009 D EPARTMENT ACCOUNT PO NUMBER INVO NUMBER AMOUNT DESCRIPTION 1110 4231400 21,622.85 GASOLINE POLICE -1115 4231400 258.26 GASOLINE -COMM CENTER 1120 4231300 2,680.77 DIESEL FUEL -FIRE 1120 4231400 1,482.31 GASOLINE -FIRE 1120 4239099 5.00 CARD -FIRE DEPT 1125 4231300 3.56 DIESEL FUEL -PARKS 1125 4231400 1,771.15 GASOLINE -PARKS 1192 4231400 395.61 GASOLINE -COMM SERVICE 1205 4231400 271.80 GASOLINE ADMINISTRN 2200 4231400 430.37 GASOLINE ENGINEERING 2201 4231300 3,211.49 DIESEL FUEL STREET 2201 4231400 4,738.50 GASOLINE STREET 601 5023990 5,506.04 FUEL UTLITIES a��,� CITY OF CARMEL, INDIANA VENDOR: 042595 Page 2 of 2 ONE CIVIC SQUARE CARMEL CLAY SCHOOLS -FUEL PAYMEt1T CARMEL INDIANA 46032 EDUCATION SERVICE CENTER CHECK AMOUNT: $44,140.67 5201 E 131ST ST CHECK NUMBER: 179054 CARMEL IN 46033 CHECK DATE: 11/10/2009 DEPARTMENT ACCOUNT PO NUMBER INVOICE NUMBER AMOUNT DESCRIPTION 651 5023990 1,762.96 FUEL UTILITIES CLAY Carmel Clay Schools Continuing Excellence in ..C9 CL IH��P�P•. E ducation L FUEL INVOICE Carmel Clay Schools Educational Service Center 5201 E. 131 Street Carmel, IN 46033 Attention: Sue Ardiaolo Bill To: Carmel Police Department, Teresa Anderson Carmel Fire Department, Denise Snyder Carmel Utilities, Lisa Kempa Carmel Street Department, Bonnie Callahan Carmel Communications, J. Arnone D.O.C.S., Lisa Stewart O Carmel Engineering, Katie Nevillle Carmel Parks and Recreation, Paula Schlemmer Driver's Education, Tom Pagan Carmel City Administration, Shelley Lingelbaugh Billing Date: 11/1/09 Nov 0 5 zoos West Side Transportation fuel charges Facilities Transportation Department 5185 East 131 Street, Carmel, IN 46033 3171844 -8207 Fax 3171571 -9659 A�counL #Q0� Account name PARKS PAULA SCHLEHHER Account address 1411 E 116 STRFET CARMEL,lN 46032 573-4023 Date Time Ton Act Drivr Yehcl 0domY feyboerd Type Fuq Prod Duantib Price Amnunt OCT 85. 20Q9 1029 882 2 00R 2154 @333 08222? Moral 63 81-1106ED 08021.l0D 2.12J 0A4.88 OCT 85 2009 13Q 8824 009 2186 0614 8D245 7 G'Norua'! 83 0 1'UML[AD[b 0003&.JWO 2.123 O064.�J OCT 03. 2009 1 0\ 8008 8Q9 3486 0608 012383 0-Normal 83 O1-UULEADEU BOON 18N 1 2.O47 O&6Q.J9 MT 12 2009 1155 8028 8Q9 2154 833Y 082561 ?????W? D-Uo/mai OJ 01'ULE4D[8 O0Q23100 2.B47 034110 OCT 15 2009 08d1 8007 OF 2186 664 81J5i8 ??r??M7 Mo'md 83 Ql-UNLEADE8 ON78.8UB 2.O47 DQ57.32 HT 16, 2089 1184 OO86 609 2161 8619 O12420 0????7??? U'Normal B3 81-UNLEADED 80&32.G8O 2.047 v 8065.50 OCT 281 2Q89 8O58 0002 009 26J0 86&9 80055 747?????? 01 ormal O3 01'UNLEADED 8Q814.48B 2.D47 8A29.48 OCT 20 2M9 11:83 8814 009 2061 8614 013667 B-Korma} 03 81MEADED 008115M 2.047 88J3.78 OCT 21 2003 U�84 8611 0 i 1892 0525 joi 00 �i& M??????? 8'Wormo} 83 81-UNLEAU[D 86001300 2.047 802Q.27 OCT 21 2M9 1146 -05 0, F, 809 2154 0339 882760 B-Nnrma} 03 81'UNUADED 000D.180 2.047 Q05 .0Q OCT 21 2009 11M 0884 809 090 86l6 885119 H'Norma} 03 01-UNLEADED 8080Q.088 2.360 8Q80.80 OCT 21 2089 11:12 8Q05 009 1090 8616 0Q5119 O-Nnrma} OJ B1-UNLEADED OD015A0W 2.J6N 8QJ624 OCT 28 2009 1140 8014 889 2397 0613 821234 U-Uorma} 0 81-UNLEADED S8831.000 1 2.JH 1 Q873.16 OCT 29 2889 08:J2 8088 0&Y 1892 0559 014541 ????????H &-Uurmo} 83 81-UNLEADE8 000- 6N', 2.J6Q I B072.22 OCT 29 200Y 0 918 800 9- Q09 2397 0615 018999 8'Uorma} F 81-UULEADE0 88827.508 2.360 t O864.90 OCT 29 2689 0430 8011 069 3432 W 97M43 ????????A U-Nurmd 03 5 1'0 LEA5E5 0028.6OG 2.J6& 804R.62 OCT M 2009 18:15 8814 009 2154 E03 883018 M??????? 00 urmal 03 81 -UHLE&DEh O0 828.9Q0 2.36Q 1 00 43.32 OCT 38, 2009 14:14 8027 809 1O9Q 0616 885427 rma} 83 81-UNLEADE8 880\9.8 0 0 2.368 010 46.7J Usage Total Product 01 UNLEADED 388.100 Gallon 850.06 P NOV O 5 y000 CLAY S(y0 Carmel Clay Schools Continuing Excellence in Education FUEL INVOICE Carmel Clay Schools Educational Service Center 5201 E. 131 Street Carmel, IN 46033 Attention: Sue Ardiaolo Bill To: Carmel Police Department, Teresa Anderson ()Carmel Fire Department, Denise Snyder O Carmel Utilities, Lisa Kempa o Carmel Street Department, Bonnie Callahan 0 Carmel Communications, J. Arnone O D.O.C.S., Lisa Stewart ()Carmel Engineering, Katie Nevillle Carmel Parks and Recreation, Paula Schlemmer Driver's Education, Tom Pagan o Carmel City Administration, Shelley Lingelbaugh Nov 0 5 2009 Billing Date: 11/1/09 East Side Transportation fuel charges Facilities Transportation Department 5185 East 131 Street, Carmel, IN 46033 317/844- 8207 —Fax 3171571 -9659 Ac�ount name PARKS PAULA SCHLE�MER Account address 1411 E 116 ST�FET CAR�FL,IN 4603 573-4.... l Date Tiwe 7rao Am� Dd�r Vohcl Ddomtr Kevhoard Type Punp P'ud Ouanti�� Price AmnunL OCT 1Y 2 9 i- 00E�DED ��27.�Q8 2.W47 8056.0Y DCT 20 2009 07�0J 000 009 109� 0616 00^9uZ �-No,mal W� 01' UNiEADED 000Z2.300 2.047 0045.65 8CT 28. 20�9 1J�J3 �04W 009 J432 056� 072JO9 ~?rr?�rr?� Q'Norna} 0Z �L- UNLEADED �00�6.6Q0 2.047 00JJ.98 OCT 23, 2Q09 37�47 000Y 0W9 1089 0612 0Z40�� N'Nurma] C2 01- UNLEAUED Q0017.000 2.36& 0�40.12 OC� 24. 200Y D�J3 Q022 O09 2698 W55O Q227�� ?rr?�????? 0-Normal O� 0L' UN| [4DED 0QQ13.500 2.36Q 0031.86 OCT 2Y. �00Y O�48 0024 00Y 206 0614 0l387Q ?r??�????? 0-Normal B2 Q1 UNL[A8[D 0Q021.70W 2.3�0 0051.2� 0CT 29. 2009 13�J1 0Q2O 0Q9 J486 Q6Q8 QD964 rr?`?��?r? 0'Nur 0002Y.3Q0 2.360 0Q69.L5 OCT 0'Norma� 0� Q1' UNLE�D[D 000D.5W0 2.368 8041.3Q 2009 ]J�22 8038 0Q9 1Q92 �6�4 0�000Q DlBEL 00W01.500 Usage Total Product 01 UNLEADED 200.20Q Gallon 440.80 Product 02 DIESEL 1.500 Gallon 3.56 J�0 1H NOV O 7000 CLAY Carmel Clay Schools Continuing Excellence in EL Education .IN� FUEL INVOICE Carmel Clay Schools Educational Service Center 5201 E. 131 st Street Carmel, IN 46033 Attention: Sue Ardiaolo OCT 2 3 2009 Bill To: A Z: A Q Carmel Police Department, Teresa Anderson 0 Carmel Fire Department, Denise Snyder O Carmel Utilities, Lisa Kempa O Carmel Street Department, Bonnie Callahan Carmel Communications, J. Arnone 0 D.O.C.S., Sue Coy C) Carmel Engineering, Judy Stohler Carmel Parks and Recreation, Paula Schlemmer O Driver's Education, Tom Pagan O Carmel City Administration, Shelley Lingelbaugh Billing Date: 10/15/2009 East side Transportation fuel charges Facilities Transportation Department 5185 East 131 Street, Carmel, IN 46033 3171844 -8207 Fax 3171571 -9659 Account 4009 Account name PARKS PAULA SCHLEMMER Account address 1411 E 116 STREET CARMEL,IN 4603 573-4023 Date Time Tran Acnt Drivr Vehcl Odoptr Keyboard Type Pump Prod Guantity Price Amount OCT 0\ 2009 11J6 0023 007 3435 0565 071507 0-Nurmal 02 BY UNLEADED 00017.700 2,123 00718 OCT I 2009 1020 0036 00; 109 06\2 023481 M�????? 44PD 02 01- UNLEADED 00016.3M 2.123 0034.60 OCT 82 2009 15:17 0N7 009 1090 0M6 004600 Q'Normal 02 81' UNL[AD0 00025.100 1123 Q053.29 OCT 061 2009 09;55 Q023 009 2397 @63 8000B0 ???????n? 04orw0 02 &1- UNLEADED 08Q02. N0 1123 0004.67 OCT 07. 2009 0700 0006 009 2397 0613 020874 W'Normal 02 01- UNLEADED Q0032.900 2.123 0069.85 OCT 07 Q20 0035 009 7161 0565 07D5Q ???r???r?? 0'Normal Q2 01' UNLEADED M19, NO 1123 8041.82 OCT 01 2009 08:12 087 009 1089 0612 023668 Q'Norma} 02 BY UNLEA0ED 00016100 LOU 003327 OCT 09 2009 W8 0N9 009 2297 0607 004711 ??Or?r???v 0-Nurma} 01 0k UNLEADED 0@043.000 2047 0088.02 OCT 09. 20M 12�54 0042 ON 2148 0563 039276 Mum] 02 W UNL[4DED 00024.600 LOU 0050 A-6 OCT 11 2009 1023 0811 009 3432 0565 071958 77 Q-Norma} 02 01- UNLEADED 00016200 2.W47 0Q3J.16 HT 15 2009 12:37 0033 009 3430 0565 072DL 0-Norma) 02 01- UNLEADED 0K016200 2.0U SOU. 37 Usage Total Product 01 UNLEADED 230.300 Gallon 480.09 400 .09 ACCOUNTS PAYABLE VOUCHER CITY OF CARMEL An invoice of bill to be properly itemized must show; kind of service, where performed, dates service rendered, by whom, rates per day, number of hours, rate per hour, number of units, price per unit, etc. Payee Purchase Order No. 042595 Carmel Clay Schools Terms 5201 E. 131 st St. Date Due Carmel, IN 46033 Invoice Invoice Description Date Number (or note attached invoice(s) or bill(s)) Amount 1111109 009 Unleaded as East side 440.80 11/1109 009 Diesel -East side 3.56 11/1/09 009 Unleaded gas West side 850.26 10/15/09 009 Unleaded qas East side 480.09 Total 1,774.71 1 hereby certify that the attached invoice(s), or bill(s) is (are) true and correct and I have audited same in accordance with IC 5- 11- 10 -1.6 1 20 Clerk- Treasurer Voucher No. Warrant No. 042595 Carmel Clay Schools Allowed 20 5201 E. 131 st St. Carmel, IN 46033 In Sum of 1,774.71 ON ACCOUNT OF APPROPRIATION FOR 101 General Fund PO# or INVOICE NO. ACCT #/TITLE AMOUNT Board Members Dept 1125 009 4231400 440.80 1 hereby certify that the attached invoice(s), or 1125 009 4231300 3.56 bill(s) is (are) true and correct and that the 1125 009 4231400 850.26 materials or services itemized thereon for 1125 009 4231400 480.09 W iich charge is made were ordered and received except 5 -Nov 2009 Signature 1,774.71 Accounts Payable Coordinator Cost distribution ledger classification if Title claim paid motor vehicle highway fund ccAY Carmel Clay Schools Continuing Excellence in c R MfL, INO� Education FUEL INVOICE HZ'S Carmel Clay Schools Educational Service Center 5201 E. 131 Street Carmel, IN 46033 D Q NOV 0 9 ZIDA Attention: Sue Ardiaolo Bill To: By 0 Carmel Police Department, Teresa Anderson 0 Carmel Fire Department, Denise Snyder 0 Carmel Utilities, Lisa Kempa 0 Carmel Street Department, Bonnie Callahan 0 Carmel Communications, J. Arnone 0 D.O.C.S., Lisa Stewart 0 Carmel Engineering, Katie Nevillle 0 Carmel Parks and Recreation, Paula Schlemmer ()Driver's Education, Tom Pagan Carmel City Administration, Shelley Lingelbaugh Billing Date: 11/1/09 East Side Transportation fuel charges Facilities Transportation Department 5185 East 131 Street, Carmel, IN 46033 3171844 -8207 —Fax 3171571 -9659 Tl tccynt 4W Account name 4D�I�ISTRATIO� JIM SPELBRI�G Account address 1 CIVIC SQUARE CARVEL IN 571-2465 Date Tipe Ton AM Drivr Vehcl Mtr Keyboard Tvoe Pao Pad oyantity Pric; win HT 16 2H9 0053 003 011 1954 7????? T???????? 0-Normal 02 01' N&FADED 00010120 1047 0021.01 OCT 16 2089 006 0035 0U 2453 0397 071182 ?44 0-Nunra> 02 0l- 0&EA 02"17.0 LOU 2'. 0 J4.80 OCT 16 2009 1 8;13 0083 011 592Y 0MS 09"49 0'Normal 01 0l- UK[A[ED OOM3.4@d LOU 3027.43~ 03 21 2209 M8 0@35 011 200 0399 0J1990 ??v??T?" FNo 02 21' LEADED 0 6.� -Z 2.047 0034.39� OCT 21 2009 11:1 DUO 011 2453 OW 071J99 ????????T 0-Nomal 02 01' M[ADE0 00016.700 2. 0 0O9.41/ OCT 27, 20 0 R 10;54 Q@J6 011 2340 0399 032HO W?????? 03orma} 82 01' UNiEADED 8Q0D.7Qo 2.M? 004L77/ OCT H. 2009 09:48 0030 0l1 5�9 0398 084666 ?7??M7 W'Normd 01 Q! WAND ONE, NO 2.J60 00J2 .D0 OCT 30 2009 18;28 0234 0L1 2453 0397 07105 ???r?TT?~ Q-Nomai 02 Q1- L FEE Al LED 02 2NO 2: 0 .l2/ Usage Total Product 01 UNLEADED 127.800 Gallon 271.80 Prescribed by State Board of Accounts ACCOUNTS PAYABLE VOUCHER City Form No. 207 (Rev. 1995) CITY OF CARMEL An invoice or bill to be properly itemized must show: kind of service, where performed, dates service rendered, by whom, rates per day, number of hours, rate per hour, number of units, price per unit, etc. Payee Purchase Order No. Terms Date Due Invoice Invoice Description Amount Date Number l (or note attached invoice(s) or bill(s)) t\ oq wtry S1c�4 �Ve� C-A" ?r. ZV Total I hereby certify that the attached invoice(s), or bill(s), is (are) true and correct and I have audited same in accordance with IC 5- 11- 10 -1.6. 20 Clerk- Treasurer VOUCHER NO. WARRANT NO. ALLOWED 20 5 IN SUM OF ON ACCOUNT OF APPROPRIATION FOR Board Members Po# or INVOICE NO. ACCT #/TITLE AMOUNT DEPT. I hereby certify that the attached invoice(s), or bill(s) is (are) true and correct and that the materials or services itemized thereon for which charge is made were ordered and received except 20 Cost distribution ledger classification if Title claim paid motor vehicle highway fund Account name CAR�E| FT�E C�PT �ENISE E�vDE� Account addr�ss 2 CIVIC SQUARE, CARMEL 5�1-262� Da�e Time Tran Acct D'ivr Yehd 0domtr Kovboard T�pe �unp �rod Quandty Price Ammmt 0CT 1�. �0Y 09�49 OCT l6 19�13 ��7 2lc4 0545 828991 0'Noraal 02' Dl[S[L N0Q14.�00 2.090 00Z9.�@ 03 16. 20Q9 19dO ��8 D l ESEL @0026.4%0 2.Q9O 0055.0 UCT ]7. 20N 20�&2 00!9 W8Z 5103 ��5Y 05941J 0'Nurmal D1 01' ��EADED ��13.5�� 2.047 0827.6J L6�2@ 0016 JCT 19. 20�9 07�j3 0QL2 00� 5736 0527 077861 ???r��???? 0-Normal 02 81- UNL[ADED Q0Q1O.5O0 2.047 O037.87 0CT l9 2009 08�24 0&Z1 @02 593l 054J 0Z 01- UNL[ADED 0@009.7@Q 2.047 001Y.86 DCT 19. �09 02 ��29 002 5869 0232 85504 Q-Normal B4 Q2- D[ESEL 0W016.400 0 0N38.70 OCl ]Y, 20Q9 1 6/08 005� �N nrmal 0l 0l' �KEADE0 000�5.500 2.047 OCT 19 20Q9 1Y�09 0062 002 5945 0�31 07Q0d 0-Norma| Q3 02- DlES[L 08018.500 2.360 0O43.66 OCT 20� 20QY �W�33 0028 QQ2 574J 02J0 072YZ5 Q'Noru�l WJ 02- Dl[S[L �O02L.70Q 2.360 0051.21 OCT 28. 2009 16N4 0066 0W2 5UQ 0259 059257 ??r????v?? 0-Ncrmal B2 01- UNLEADED �00D.20g 7.047 0027.�2 G[T 21� 20QY 12�37 002Y �02 5YJ0 0232 05�2l7 0-Nnrmal Q4 02' Dl[SEL 00012.2&� OCT 21 2�09 O�J5 0O33 WQ2 593\ Q543 �966Z4 ?�?????r?? 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O-Uurma\ Q2 82'DlESEL 8O817.3Q0 0Cl 28. 28O9 08�47 O889 002 2014 BJJ7 879656 0-Norma\ OJ ��-UNLE�DED 8QQ3J.2BQ 2.N47 8�6/.Y� 0CT 28. 2009 \0�11 BQ12 O02 5785 04L5 8998Q3 Q'Uormal 81 82-DlESEL 80018.508 2.36B 8CT 2l. 2889 88�28 8087 8Q2 5594 8533 8S2311 8'Norma\ 83 0L-UHLEADEU O8013.900 2.847 O82S.45 UCT 2l 2Q09 88�59 8009 2.O47 0029.87 OCT 21, 2B89 15�15 8818 0B2 2176 W54 SEL 00&12.Q�& 2.37U 8028.44 OCT 22 2089 16�16 8&16 082 59J2 8496 102536 ????7????7 8'�urmal O3 @1'UKLEADED V, t, 2.Q47 0873.O8 OCT 2J, 2009 0�82 0809 �82 5875 84B9 83Y838 O-Uorma} 82 O2-0ESEL OG015 0Q .J 2.J7W 80J6.26 0CT 24 28R9 8O�22 80&4 082 574D 057G 801008 B-Norma} 0J 01-UULEAD[D 00G\2.00@ 2.36� 0Q28.32 0CT 24, 2009 09�54 00W6 802 59JD 0545 8292U8 0-Horm�} 0\ 02-DlESEL 80812.Y08 2.378 803Q.57 OCT 0 ��9 �2�12 0808 002 5564 0259 00 0596�0 8-Uorma} QJ O1'UNLEADEU BWB89.6 2.368 D072.66 OC7 25, 2089 06�02 0801 0W2 5291 8529 8822�J 8-Norma\ �2 82'DlESEL 00821.008 2.37O 0049.77 0CT 2� 20B9 L5�D7 &B&3 882 5875 84B9 0J9875 Q'Norma} 02 D2-Dl[SEL 88W10.Z0& 2.370 8024.17 0CT 25 2089 16�39 8006 002 2D6 8415 0999\D Q-Hormai 81 02-D�ESEL 00021.18W 2.J7O 88D OCT 26, 2889 88�34 0B85 0 N2 5422 0258 05745� 0-Nur ma 81 l 02-Ul[SEL 80825.680 2.37Q 006B.67 0CT 26 2809 1\�85 WO0Y 802 �4�4 �259 85Y6l4 B-Uorma} 0J B1-UNLEA0E0 O0086.7N8 2.360 O815.8� UT 23 28W9 12�41 8011 W82 5869 8232 O99999 R-Uormal 81 B2-DlESEL M8&D.80@ 2.J78 W032.71 DCT 28 20 6-012 0P2 2165 8459 093534 B-Uorma} 82 0. 2-D1 ESEL 00O26.808 2.J70 8061.62 OCT 28 2809 16�1\ 802� 0W2 103R 8529 882315 O-Uorma} 8\ B2-blESEL 00R\6.JBW 2.370 Q038.63 OCT 3� 288 1 7 80 \5 802 54\� 0259 B5Y7J9 0-Worma} 8J Q1-UNLEAD[D 80&05.l80 2.36Q 8Q12.O4 Carmel Clay Schools November 2, 2009 5201 E. 131st St Carmel, IN 46033 Phone: 317 844 -9961 Bill To: Carmel Fire Dept Denise Snyder 2 Civic Square Carmel IN 46032 Account #2— Carmel Fire Department Quantity Description Unit Price Total 1 Fuel Card 5.00 $5.00 Balance Due $5.00 Prescribed by State Board of Accounts City Form No. 201 (Rev. 1995) ACCOUNTS PAYABLE VOUCHER CITY OF CARMEL An invoice or bill to be properly itemized must show: kind of service, where performed, dates service rendered, by whom, rates per day, number of hours, rate per hour, number of units, price per unit, etc. Payee Purchase Order No. Terms Date Due Invoice Invoice Description Amount Date Number (or note attached invoice(s) or bill(s)) $1,482.31 I hereby certify that the attached invoice(s), or bill(s), is (are) true and correct and I have audited same in accordance with IC 5- 11- 10 -1.6 20 Clerk- Treasurer VOUCHER NO. WA RRANT NO. ALLOWED 20 Carmel Clay Schools IN SUM OF 5201 East 131st Street Carmel, IN 46032 ON ACCOUNT OF APPROPRIATION FOR Carmel Fire Department PO# Dept. INVOICE NO. ACCT /TITLE AMOUNT Board Members 1120 42- 314.00 $1,482.31 1 hereby certify that the attached invoice(s), or bill(s) is (are) true and correct and that the materials or services itemized thereon for which charge is made were ordered and received except NOV Fire Chief Title Cost distribution ledger classification if claim paid motor vehicle highway fund �ccoynt #2�� Account name C�RUEL UTILITIES LISA kEHP� Account address 1 CIYIC SQUARE. CARHEL 571-2443 Ua�e Time Tran Aco� Drivr Vehc} Udomtr ����rd Type ��p Prnd Ouanbty Price Amou t D valo 19.�� 2.123 OCT G� 2�R �5�29 O0]9 003 25Q 266 054449 B-Normal RJ 81-��EADED 88033.308 2.123 8070.70 OCT 81 2�R \5�36 W�2O QQ3 5158 0498 1B4J35 0-Uormai 03 0l'�I [ADED 8&82Z.R0O 2.12J 8846.71 OCT Q2 2009 11 \2 8&l9 8Q� 2115 8267 8 nrmal 8J 8\-UhLEAI 0Q8J3.B@0 2.O3 8g78.06 03 82, 20O9 1\�54 ��2 5989 04L6 82786J ???????v?? 8'Nmrm�l �3 B1-UULEADED 0009.7Q& 2.123 882O.59 0J 02 2009 Mi18 B 0 29 00J 5842 8261 B79264 8-Norma} B3 U1-UNLEA0E0 0Q032.O00 OC7 8J 2Q09 28i 46 0 0 0 7 8&J 2 5 0286 841J22 8'Nurmal 83 81-UNL[A0EU 0R&27.00Q &0�7.J2 OCT 04, 20Q9 21�41 0009 883 3J91 02Y2 89�298 0-Worma} 8� 8�-UNLEAUED 00822.80B 2.123 @046.7i OCT 85 2B09 0�41 OCT 14 003 5l4 84J7 882/2& 8-Uormo} Q3 81-UMLEADE8 8W815.0Q0 2.l23 0W31.85 OCT 05 2809 13�23 0021 803 5926 0265 814879 0-Nurma} 03 01-UNL[AO�3 8t!8 123 B855.20 OCT B5 20Q9 16�82 803\ 803 250L 8557 85518l ????7????� 8-Horma\ B3 81-UNLEA0ED �0028.OB8 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D00J4.0QN 2.847 0869.68 OCT l9, 28S9 88�46 D&89 fA 83 2115 0411 0O5148 0-Norma} 02 82-DIESEL 888l7.800 2.O90 8035.5J 0CT \9 2&89 ll�84 8815 RD3 5657 8439 859314 0-Nurma} 03 M1-UNLEADE0 00 318.500 2.047 BB37.S7 UCT 19 2QG9 �3��6 B028 �W3 2258 0585 88g411 8-Norma} 83 �\'UHL[AUED 80824.180 2.847 QB49.33 OCT B 28U9 L5�59 0029 B&J 3J91 �288 8J9376 01 'UNLEADED O0834.000 2.047 0069.�� OCT 28 2809 89�27 8G1M B03 �979 0267 B39348 O-Horma} 83 01'UNLE ADED 0&KJ3.BQ8 2.O47 G067.55 OCT 20 20Q9 1123 8017 603 283 0297 058842 0-Wormal 03 01-UH ERDED 00017.NO 2.047 0034.88 OCT 20 2089 12:34 008 003 5989 0416 027245 D-Horma} 83 01-0&EAUED 8W0, 05.5QQ 2.847 00L1.26 OCT 21 2809 O;50 8823 003 3847 0271 816378 0-Horma} 81 82-DlESEL @0634 109 2160 1 8081.;2 OCT 28 28B9 1601 8037 003 5158 8498 105621 04o,ma} 03 81'UALEADEV 06Q23XOP 2147 i B047.08 OCT 20 2809 1125 8839 003 2374 8411 085155 Q-Horma\ 02 02-blESEL 0 0 �1 6.7O8 2 8,S QB39.4\ OCT 1 2009 15:06 0Q17 803 5643 83G5 032777 0-Norma 03 Q1-U�LEADEk 80014.8B0 47 O@28.66 OCT 21. 2009 15:34 8819 003 3847 85Q6 1W9 B-Qorma} 83 81 'UWL[ADED Q0 Q27.5&8 2.847 1 8856.2Y OCT H. 2009 15:55 8821 883 21\5 0286 642589 D'Norm\ 63 0L-WIEA0ED 00Q261@0 2.047 0 0H.22 UCl 22. 2009 W8 8011 803 3845 0428 81292 ??????V? 8'Nuw} 83 01-UNLEADED 88Q37.00& 2.047 0075.74 UCT 22 20B9 1125 8014 803 25@0 8W BWD Q'Horma} 83 81-UNLEADED 08032100 2.&47 80152D OCT 21 2009 0:50 0006 003 L814 8547 B79877 44P8 8S 8\'11EADED 00015.200 2010 8OJ507 OCT 23 2889 14:38 8018 033 3847 8557 855852 WN???? 84orma\ 83 81-UNLEADED 08021600 2.368 1 0D68.44 OCT 26 2909 1043 800 003 3R0 827R 825868 8-Normal 03 81'U%L[ADED 88027.568 2.J68 0 064 .9Q OCT 26 2089 1507 0&26 B 0-1 5765 0439 259598 8-Nurmal 03 8L-UMLEh-u 08018.0 0 0 2.360 0042.4D 03 26 2009 1120 B827 003 3847 8283 000434 R'Wurma} QJ @1'UNLEADED 81 019.ZOO 2.360 0044.E4 OCT 26, 2009 15:34 0029 003 3 847 0414 000904 8-Uormo1 01 82-DIESEL 00013KI; 2078 B032.80 OCT 20 2109 16:13 88J4 003 5435 0555 036405 8-Horma1 M3 0'UMLEADED *0 0 C,19.7C0 2.380 00-1-46.49 OCT 27 2009 16:11 0807 083 J390 6506 118352 B-Nnrma\ 03 O1'UNLEADED 8UW21 5W0 t 2.J60 0055.46 OCT 27 2807 12:36 8089 803 524J 8275 895744 80ormal 03 Oil 'UNLEADED 0 0014.5G& 2.36R Q@34.22 OCT 27. 2009 14:21 0013 003 5145 0437 88J557 8'Normal 03 81-UNLEADED 68814.180 1 2.360 6033.20 OCT 27 2889 1406 8814 003 2063 0469 872947 ?777?7 B-Worma} 83 01-UNLEADED 60022.500 2268 1 005J.18 OCT 27 2809 1158 0018 803 2501 R288 NJY684 ?074?4 8-Norma} 83 81'UWLEA0E0 O0830.800 i 2.360 80 78.8� OCT 28 2809 15:55 8022 003 2115 0286 043195 84orma1 D3 01'UHLEADE0 8Q029.Q80 i 2.J60 0868.44 OCT 28 2809 1047 0829 803 5158 8498 185973 8-Uormal 83 81' 'UNLEADED 80828.Q0Q 2.36D &066.Q8 OCT 29 2009 18:53 O015 803 3008 0292 095680 8-Uormal 03 81-UNLEADED 8D022100 2.36Q 0051.92 OCT 30, 2009 8151 8007 003 2374 8411 985169 7?77?7 05urm6 82 02-DlESEL 00024.808 2.J70 8&56.88 UCT 38 2089 8049 8813 003 5876 816 052991 04orma} 03 8PUHL[AD[D 80Q14100 2.360 1 BQ33.D4 OCT JQ 2009 1800 W816 803 3845 8283 888543 8-Worm& 03 01-UREADED 00021.8D& 2. TO 8849.56 OCT 30 2809 18/39 8O17 883 2374 8255 005205 8'Norma} 83 O1'UNLEAUED �00 2B.500 2.360 8867.26 OCT 1 2089 14:06 8826 883 5979 8267 039734 ????P???? 8-Noma} 8J 0 1-UULEADED 80BJ2.DQ8 2.368 0 0 75.52 OCT 38. 2809 1423 0031 883 5353 Q338 02764B D-Nurma} 83 01-UHLEADE0 80818080 2.360 S 0847.95 OCT 30. 2809 15�52 0033 803 3390 8300 015458 O'Nurmal 83 Q1-UXL[ADED 86031.500 2.36W 8074.34 Usage Total Product 01 UNLEADED 1848.800 G.alion 3958.52 Product 02 DIESEL 122.700 Gallon 280.26 1 4208 78 Prescribed by State Board of Accounts City Form No. 201 (Rev 1995) ACCOUNTS PAYABLE VOUCHER CITY OF CARMEL An invoice or bill to be properly itemized must show, kind of service, where performed, dates of service rendered, by whom, rates per day, number of units, price per unit, etc. Payee 42595 CARMEL CLAY SCHOOLS Purchase Order No. ATTN: TERRY RICH Terms 5201 E 131ST ST Due Date 11/5/2009 CARMEL, IN 46033 Invoice Invoice Description Date Number (or note attached invoice(s) or bill(s)) Amount 11/5/2009 100109 $3,830.92 I hereby certify that the attached invoice(s), or bill(s) is (are) true and correct and I have audited same in accordance with IC 11- 10 -1.6 i. t It /C 4 C P& Date Officer /OUCHER 093533 WARRANT ALLOWED 42595 IN SUM OF CARMEL CLAY SCHOOLS ATTN: TERRY RICH 5201 E 131 ST ST CARMEL, IN 46033 Carmel Water Utility ON ACCOUNT OF APPROPRIATION FOR i Board members PO INV ACCT AMOUNT Audit Trail Code 100109 01- 6500 -04 $808.41 100109 01- 6500 -05 $2,781.28 100109 01- 6500 -07 $241.23 �P Voucher Total $3,830.92 Cost distribution ledger classification if claim paid under vehicle highway fund Account #003 Account name C�RMEL UTILITIES LISA KEMP� Account �ddress 1 CI;IC SOUARE. CARHEL 571-2443 Date Timo Tran Aco� Drivr Vphcl UdomLr Keyboard T/pe Pump Prnd Uuantd� Pdce Amount 0CT B1, ��9 15�18 0B18 8Q3 22O1 8281 828&52 ???�??7??? B'Norma} 8J 81-U��[A0ED ��L9.�� 2.123 N04B.34 03 BL. 2�R 15�29 B@19 25QB 8266 054449 ??7??????? O'Worma} 83 81-UMLE��D 880J3.30& 2.123 887Q.7� OCT 81 2�� �5�36 �D8 QQ3 �158 0498 l04335 Q-Normal 8� 8\-UULEADED 8QD Z.�� 2.123 B046.71 03 Q2, �09 11�12 8819 0Q� 2L15 Q267 Q38636 8'Uorma} 83 B1'��EADED O08 3.�� 2.123 8R7B.06 03 82 2�� 1b54 ��Z 5987 0416 027863 8�mrma1 N3 81-0&EADED D8809.7Q� 2.123 8028.59 03 O2 2Q89 �4�1B �29 ��3 58�2 0261 B79264 0-Uurmal B3 O1-��EADED &��2.080 2.123 &B67.94 03 8J, 2�R 28�46 �07 BQ3 2L15 ��6 �M1J22 B-Mormal 81'UNLEA8 D O��7.B0� 2.123 O0�7.32 03 &4, 2089 2�'41 0�0Y 003 3J91 ��2 895298 0��rma} 83 01-UNLEAD D &@822.�� 2.123 0N46.71 OC7 05 2B09 �0�41 0Q14 08J 5145 ��7 CO2728 8-Uormal 03 0L'UNLEADED B0D15.00Q 2.�23 0031.R5 OCT N5 Z�� 13�23 �O1 59Z6 O265 �14879 8-Norma} 03 01'UNLEADED Q8QZ6.�� 2.l23 0B55.2� OCT 05 20Q9 16�82 80J� Q03 2501 O557 855181 ????7????� Q-Uormol 03 81'��EADED @��8.�O 2.\23 8N59.44 03 N6 20Q9 88�27 �04 003 2\15 841L 805L4Q B-Horma\ O2 82-DlES[i 8Q�17.�� 2.860 Q035.O2 DCT &6 2B89 g0�29 00N5 80J 3846 82O3 ��332 O-Uo,ma} D3 D1-UNLE��U BQ014.6�� 2.O3 8031.O8 0% Q6, 2O0 B9�35 ��8 08J 27O Q548 ��J540 8-Worsal Q3 81-UULE��D O�0�.88B 2.123 ��7.6O 03 86 2�R 13�29 R015 3845 8278 O24L87 ????�?7??? 8-�nma} 8J 81-U�L[ADEC Q0& 7.�� 2.�23 0057.J2 03 87. 20Q9 89�47 �05 �0J 5158 ��98 l84647 0'No,mal QJ Q1'UM EADED ���6.�0 2.L2J 0Q55.2� OCT 87, 28D9 12�43 0011 2�� 0�� 8�4829 8-Normal 83 Q1'0&[ADED 80��.�� 2.123 ��3.69 OCT B7, ��9 15�55 0Q26 Q83 2374 Q�� 10929Q 8-Norma> QJ N1'��EADED B0829.�� 2.12J ��2.63 OCT �8 2Q09 1B'18 D8Q9 QQJ 2583 8297 8��6B5 ??????7??? 8-Nurm�� B3 �1-UA EAD[0 U00l7.5QB 2.D47 0835.82 OCT 08 2�� 1��08 80l7 00J ��7 0300 8147�4 0�b,mal BJ 8l-UUL[ADED 80032.808 2.Q47 �&5.50 OCT 88, ��9 15:17 8818 80J 3391 0267 83R976 &-Nurmol 83 81'��EADEu 0QQ30.�� 2.B47 O��3.85 0CT 88. 208 15�21 08\9 003 3847 84J9 859849 O-Norma} 03 D1'UHLEADED 0BO18.�� 2.@47 ��7.66 03 08 2D0 L5�38 Q020 �D 2115 &286 841622 8-Nurme! 03 N1-UNL[��D 808 7.�� 2.Q�7 8N55.27 OCT 12 208Y ND�16 B0B9 Q03 2634 0428 850B49 8'Uormai 83 O1-UALEAUED B0Q28.400 2.047 8058.13 OCT L2, 2809 88�47 0811 OQJ 1850 B247 O14459 8'Horma} 83 O1-UNLEADED BB028./8� 2.047 B058.75 OCT 12, 20G9 B9�13 &014 0�3 27�3 O548 QJ3697 Q -Norm,� �3 D1'UNLEADED 80812.D80 2.847 0024.56 OCT 12, 2089 13�25 B022 Q03 5435 0555 036&57 8'Nurmol 8� O1-U�LEADED QQQL6.000 s 2.Q47 8832.75 OCT 12, 28�9 \4�29 8&28 003 J847 8586 1B9636 Q-Uurmu} 0J O1-UNLEADED 00028.600 2.O47 Q858.54 OCT 12. 20D9 16�38 N�J B83 5158 8498 1Q4985 7???????7? 8'Uorma} 83 0l'UNLEADED 0O826.800 2.R47 B053.22 OCT 13, 2089 09�56 0�88 803 5243 B275 8954J6 0'Korma} O3 U1'UNLEADED Q0Q14.8Q� Z. 2.847 Q02R.66 UC} 13, �09 l8/39 B013 003 5876 8316 0�2212 M-Uormal O3 81-U%LEA8EU 8B011.508 2.8�7 B023.54 OCT 1J. 2809 1��43 0B14 0Q3 5145 B437 882998 8-Uo/mo\ 03 01'UMLEADED 8Q0\5.&0O 2.847 B0J0.7L OCT 13, 2N&9 11�36 0018 0QJ 25�1 8557 855533 8-Wo,ma} �3 81'UNLEAUEU O8029.B@� 2.O4T 8O59.36 OC7 13 2BQ9 13�22 0824 Q03 5765 8292 O9�624 Q'Hu,ma\ 83 D1-UNLEADED B�029.GQ8 2.847 B��9.36 OCT D. 28W9 1��59 8Q3J 08� 2115 8286 8�1943 �'Qorma} 0J 81'UULEADED Q083LJ08 2.D47 QQ6�.89 OCT D. 2009 1��07 DQ34 Q0J 250O O266 855229 ????7????? Q-Hormal 83 81-UHLEAD�D BQQJ1.6QD ?.O47 8Q64.69 OCT 1J 2�� 1��44 88J7 ��3 }l74 838L 88881L ??�?�??7?? 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[1 2 a, j 21 ig !I ag aa !A -I.:" �P P Is 01 00 14 1 i 1 14 r I el 0& CA A 14 CA 01 l i C-1 "1 4 04 14 r& 14 01 14 r, Is 1:1 1.1. 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EL 43 Date Time Tsn Acn� Drivr Yetd Ddomtr Keyboard Type Pypc Prod Quonti�v Price �ount 0CT l6. ��9 W8�22 Q08 1014 0549 079676 ?r???????? 0'Noraa| 02 0�- ��EA0ED ��2Q.700 2.047 ��2.37 UCT 16. 200Y 09�A� a a a -a� 5841 0493 �R537 ?r�?????r? �-Nnnel �2 U�fADED a a a24.0@0 ?.0I/ 03 16 20N 10�QJ a�� W32557 0-Norwal 02 Ol' UNL A�� ���5.500 2.047 00J1.7T OCi 16. ?009 �1�38 014Q 003 27\6 DED QQ013.000 2.047 0W26.61 0CT 16. 2009 12�18 004J 003 5167 0332 839445 .a 7!i 0Q32.14 OCT 16. 20N9 16�Q9 0G57 003 2l3Z �51R 056428 rr??rr??~� Q'Norpal 0l �1' UNLEACED 08�23.50Q 2.047 0048. OCT D 2��9 22�29 0Q2J 0Q� 5456 03�8 0��60 Q'Ao,nal 02 Q�- UNL[AD[D W0025.�QW 2.d47 0051.18 00 19 20Q9 1 �07 0034 Q03 576a QA29 ??r? 8-Normal D2 UNLEAD[D 0001J.4N0 ?.047 0027.43 0CT B 20Q9 1a 34 0Q43 an 5977 Q551 0l6140 0-Norma\ 0J 0Z' DlES[L 0002B.50Q 0067.26 0Ci �9 2009 16�J8 ��5� 00J 5185 0J J3 040101 0-Normal Q1 01- UNL[AUED WQ028.2Q0 2.0�7 0Q57.73 0CT ?0 200Y 09�23 0021 7 5885 il2m6 �a97B 02' D[ESEL 00WJ3.9QQ 2.360 un 00.00 0CT 2W, 2009 1Q�29 v�27 0QJ 5\45 0AJ7 08J272 0'Normai UNLEAU[U 8Q014.300 2.Q47 W02Y.27 0CT 20 2009 10�45 0�2Y 08J 2526 Q467 07522J 0-Normal 01 UWL[AD[D 0001�.000 2.Q47 0N28.66 0CT 20 2009 1@d9 C0J0 Q03 2369 0556 045392 ?????r??r? Q-*ornu} 0\- U�L[ADED 000i2.4Q0 2.�47 a �Q25.38 OCr 20 200Y Q0*l a0J 38W0 �278 02477J 0-Normol 02 01 VNLE4D�D 0002S.400 2.Q47 Q0�8.|J OCT 20. 2�B9 1J�44 Q042 0�3 5262 0T�6 0�25�8 ??�~rr?r?� D-�ormal O� 01 UNLE�DED 0Q011.5B0 2.047 NO2J.54 [�T 20. 20Q9 14��� 0N46 Q03 5�56 0^�D a�l�7� �'Normo) 04 0Z' DlES[L 00�U.0Q0 2.36W 0�25.96 OCT 20. 2009 14�24 �04O 0�3 54�6 ��a8 �1L472 ?r?rr??r?r 0-No'nal 0� 02- DTESEL O00\0.W�0 2.36N s 082J.60 OCT �B. 2�09 1��06 0053 @03 5926 82�5 0�5C9Y O'No,mal 02 Q�- UNLEAD[D Q0826.080 2.047 0053.22 0CT 2@. 2�09 �5�42 00 70J ??64 02S7 Q77�06 ?r??r???r� 0-wnrmai 02 0�- UNLE�0ED QQ019.00% 2.0�7 00 B.89 2%09 0Q6 NO3 5278 Q�07 05E!55 ????r????? Q'Norae� 8J 02' Dl[E[L Q0Q15.4&0 2.360 0W36.J4 OCT 2�. 2089 1W�26 0n21 003 2063 n 469 07Z576 ?r?rr?,rr� 0'Norma| �2 @1- SNL[ADED 0Q0�4.0la �049.13 0CT 21. 2009 10�36 0022 Q03 588� QZ56 Q009B6 ??7??????� 0'Nnrma\ 0Z' DlES[L �Q040.000 2.370 009�.80 OCT ?1. 2Q�9 1Q�41 002J 0 0S986 ??rrrrrr,r D-Nornal O @2' -lESEL Q00J2.000 UCT 20Q9 10�56 0025 003 2I31 0261 02YQ84 ????.?.r?? 0-Normal QI 01 UNLEAO[D 00Q20.000 2.047 Q84N.9� OCT 2l. 2Q09 12�2� �028 �03 3916 0244 �3J5�4 ??r`???rrr 0'Norsa| 2Z 01- UNLE�DED �0017.�QQ 2.0�7 003�.8O 0CT Zl ZQQ9 14�1l 00�1 �03 5J53 Q338 0Z74J8 ?????�?r?` Q'�orsal 0� 0l' XNLEAD[D 0Q032.0Q� ?.047 Q065.50 OCT 21. ��9 1��55 0047 083 5842 0Z61 079975 �?rr??~r?? 0'Nurna| �2 01' UNLEADED @0028.5Q0 Q058.34 0CT 22� 2Q09 09�22 00l� 003 it DlB[L 00Q37.000 u 2.J78 0B87.69 007 �2. 2809 1O�?2 002Q 0Q3 2716 0284 Q6678� r??r?????? 0'Nu'mal UNLE4DED 0W013.000 2.Q47 0026.6� 3CT 2~ 200Y L���0 0021 003 54J3 Q295 027565 'r,~�r�~?? �'�o,na} 01 01' UNi[A0ED 0002.580 2.047 0025.�9 0% 22. 2089 �1�20 ��3 2�J2 Q51O Q5�799 ???r?�??? �-�brmai OZ 01' UNLEA�ED 00821.200 2.047 OQ43.4Q OC7 22 200 15/J@ 00J0 0QJ 2J76 O55� Q4D301 0-Norma} Q2 01' UNLEAD�U 00827.200 2.047 0055.68 OC7 2J, -a --9 09� 0018 00J JJY2 0246 02Q72W UNiEADED 0NO24.680 W&58.06 OCT 23. 2009 12�1Y W027 00T 22l4 @262 064964 0-Normal 0� Wl UNL[ADED 000ZQ.00Q 2.3�Q 8Q47.20 O T 2J. 20Q9 l3�58 0033 003 Z��� 05�9 �23397 ?rr?rrrr�r o'mal W2 O1- UWLEADED 0B034.8QQ 2.J60 0QO2.13 O[T �3. 200Y 15�J7 00J6 003 2264 0287 077705 N1 UNLEADED Q0020.0N0 2.360 0047.20 0018 0i- UNLEADED 80026.Q00 UCT 26 2009 W9�58 00Z0 0Q3 52�Z 04J6 088917 �???r�?r7? Q-ho'ma} �1 01- UNL�A�ED �Q014.50Q 2.36Q Q034.22 0CT 26 20�9 10��3 0Q24 003 5885 0256 00L00 r'n,r,rr� 0-Nurmal O4 82- D[ES[� 0Q042.QQQ 2.370 0099.54 -CT 26. 2@09 10�48 0W25 00J 58B5 0?56 001@01 0'4orma} 0� 0Z' D�ES8 0Q034.00N 0080.5B 3C 26. 2009 13�2� 003J QQ3 236� Q556 045�96 rr??rr??r? N-Norwa1 �2 01' UNLEADED 00�l�.90� 2.360 0028.0O OCT 26. 20Q9 1J��8 00J5 803 51�8 0�74 0-7200 ????.?�??r 0-Normal &l 01' UNLEAUED 0&02l.�Q� 2.360 0049.80 0CT 26. 2Q09 a5 0013 003 2629 0551 Qi6267 03 Q2- Dl[SEL D�@16.a00 2.370 0 J7.92 CCT 27. 20Q9 08��� Q014 a0J 25�6 Q467 '75 ?????r???? 0-Norma\ 02 01- UNLEADED 000l2000 2.36Q WQ0.J2 PCT 27. 2QQ9 0Y�02 Q0LY 80J 564J f a 3n 0330 C'Narpal O2 01 UNLEADED 00014.000 2.36Q -Q33.� OC� 27. 2Q09 09�30 Q024 a0J 5977 850J 1812G8 ???�????r� Q'Nornal 02 01- UNL[�0ED Q0025.500 2.J6Q 0@60.0 O�r �7 2Q89 0��3� 0W25 Q83 i850 0247 01�833 ?r?rr�r?rr 0'Nnrmal 02 Q1- UXLE48[D 00Q27.900 2.36N 0065.84 UCT I7 20§9 09��7 0026 Q03 1014 �549 QO8130 0'Aormal 02 01- UNL[ADED 0W0|7.7U� 8041.77 CCr 27. 2��9 18�45 003J a a3 2713 Qm�8 O34Q46 ?r�?r???r? W-Noro�l 02 UNLEAOED 8�0 2.360 0030.6O OCr 27. 0 1J�59 0&46 &B3 �777 ��52 0J767J 0-Noraal 8Z 01- U�iEADED 80027.200 ?.J6Q Q064.\9 03 27 2009 A; 01 ON9 003 5H5 0256 801012 7 0'Normal 04 02' DIESEL 0@011 AN 2.370 0005.32 OCT 2, 2009 10:28 00?2 003 206 0284 066923 ?77?????? 0'Nomal 02 BY UNLEADED 0501L.500 2.360 0027.\- OCT 28, 2009 1051 GK5 003 2614 000 051243 ??�rT?n N'Norm& 02 01- UNLEADED 00025.Q00 7.J60 0M9.00 OCT 2R, 2009 13:40 0034 803 2281 021 029468 ??????V?? 0-Nornal 02 01' UNLEADED 00021.000 1 2160 000.56 OCT 28, 2M9 1150 Q037 083 3000 0557 056128 ?r?????n? 44PD 02 01- UNLEADED ONE. NO 2.360 00552 OCT H. 2009 1503 0045 OF 1500 0266 056374 7779?7 W'Noroa} 02 �-1- UNL[AUED @0031 NO 1 2.360 0078.l2 OCT 291 2009 15:34 0044 003 2264 0297 078M ?rrrrr?'r? Mum 02 §L UNHADED @N21 .60Q 1360 a 0 650.Y8 OCT 2Y. 200Y 15;44 0047 003 5N2 Q261 @803N 0-Norad 01 BY UNL[AUED 00029.0W0 2.J60 W. 44 OCT 31 2009 09:28 0q28 003 1028 0501 047164 ?~vr?~???r 0dnrnei 02 01- UNLEADED 0002J.000 2.3_0 005438 OCT it 2009 15:34 0049 803 2404 04I9 019720 r??rr77? 0'Anrsal 82 0l- MADED 0@016 AN 2.360 Q0J7.76 Usage Total Product 01 UNLEADEn 1013.500 Cal !on 1 2235.37 Product 02 DlE5EL 335.800 Gallon s 79�.85 Prescribed by State Board of Accounts City Form No. 201 (Rev 1995) ACCOUNTS PAYABLE VOUCHER CITY OF CARMEL An invoice or bill to be properly itemized must show, kind of service, where performed, dates of service rendered, by whom, rates per day, number of units, price per unit, etc. Payee 42595 CARMEL CLAY SCHOOLS Purchase Order No. ATTN: TERRY RICH Terms p 5201 E 131 ST ST Due Date 11/5/2009 11 CARMEL, IN 46033 Invoice Invoice Description Date Number (or note attached invoice(s) or bill(s)) Amount 11/5/2009 101409 $1,355.10 I hereby certify that the attached invoice(s), or bill(s) is (are) true and correct and I have audited same in accordance with IC 5- 11- 10 -1.6 Date Officer VOUCHER 096711 WARRANT ALLOWED 42595 IN SUM OF CARMEL CLAY SCHOOLS ATTN: TERRY RICH 5201 E 131 ST ST CARMEL, IN 46033 Carmel Wastewater. Utility ON ACCOUNT OF APPROPRIATION FOR Board members PO INV ACCT AMOUNT Audit Trail Code 101409 01- 7500 -02 $290.15 101409 01- 7502 -06 $993.08 101409 01- 7500 -08 $71.87 Voucher Total $1,355.10 Cost distribution ledger classification if claim paid under vehicle highway fund c►.nv 4 Carmel Clay Schools Continuing Excellence in Education L IN FUEL INVOICE Carmel Clay Schools Educational Service Center 5201 E. 131 Street Carmel, IN 46033 Attention: Sue Ardiaolo Bill To: Carmel Police Department, Teresa Anderson Carmel Fire Department, Denise Snyder Carmel Utilities, Lisa Kempa G) Carmel Street Department, Bonnie Callahan Carmel Communications, J. Arnone 5 0 O D.O.C.S., Lisa Stewart V Lo 0 Carmel Engineering, Katie Nevillle 1 5 Carmel Parks and Recreation, Paula Schlemmer 0 Driver's Education, Tom Pagan Carmel City Administration, Shelley Lingelbaugh L 7 Billing Date. 11/11/09 d -�e'�- a West Side Transportation fuel charges 3, I I Facilities Transportation Department 5185 East 131 Street, Carmel, IN 46033 3171844 -8207 —Fax 3171571 -9659 07ccunt ��Q4 Account name CARME| STREET DEPT BONNIE CPLL4 Account address 3400 W 131 3T WESTFlE|D IN 46074 733-2@81 Date Time Ton AM Drivr Vehcl Odomtr Keyboard Tvpe Pop Prod Quantity Price Amount OCT it 200 0;32 0003 004 2W W 814753 0-Nnroa\ 03 82' DIESEL 0@030120 I low 0063.12 OCT it 2009 WAS 0024 004 2679 0456 0W73 ??????r??` 0'Nurpal OT Q2- D{ESEL 00829.88N 2.0-On. 0Q62.28 OCT 19 2009 09,52 0026 004 Zl97 0591 029925 04orzo} 04 02' DIESEL 00M3.00Q 2260 ONO OCT it 2009 11,38 Q037 004 5360 0587 066D83 0-Mnrmal 02 0 UNLEADED 2@017, NO 2147 0Q35.00 OCT A. 2009 1029 OUR 004 3900 039 108R91 44PD 02 ON UNLEADED 00013.020 LOU 0026.61 OCT 20 2009 1401 0050 084 3Y00 0319 9»9Y99 ?vn?????? 2'Norpal 82 01- UNLEADED @000 40 2147 00QW OCT 21 2009 07:41 0012 004 5972 0M0 099D16 ?47474 Q-Nnrmal 02 01' UNLEADED H028.000 1047 0 057.32 OCT 211 2009 FU 30 HIS 004 2J63 005 03631 ??v???r?r? 04ormai 04 02- DIESEL 00027.200 2.170 0064.46 OCT 21 2009 13 ;09 0032 004 1031 000 N84lN 71???????? 0-Nurma) 02 01' UNLEAD[D 0006002 LOU 1 012102 OCT 21, 2009 14!00 0039 004 2285 W5Y0 0J7311 Q-Normai 03 02- DIESEL O0Q25.7O0 2.J/0 0060.91 OCT H. 2009 15:41 0050 004 186 0R9 006340 @Normal 02 01' LE D 2U 0W0 2-2.400 2.N7 2 2-N5.85 UCT 22, 2U9 104 0028 004 2n1 02J6 085416 0'Norna} 02 00 UNLEADED 00021400 2.047 0045.85 8CT 23 N09 09/@0 002 004 2366 05Y2 023294 0'Norma} 04 02' DIESEL 000J0.400 2, NO 0072.05 OCT 23, 2009 0028 0016 004 206 0456 04702 0-Nu,nal 04 02- DIESEL 0003J.000 2.370 8078.21 OCT 21 2009 1403 0WJ4 004 2J63 005 036518 0-Normal 01 02' DIESEL 0002210& 2.370 005323 OCT 23. 2009 1400 0W35 004 2365 O594 034O23 0-Normal 03 02' DlESEi U0Q29.000 2.770 0068.73 OCT 26 2059 14;56 0042 004 39QQ 019 109009 ???P?7??? Q-No'mal 02 AS UNLEADED 00021.000 2,J60 0049.56 OCT 27 2009 10!52 0035 004 2638 Y585 080885 ??r?????? Q'No,nal 02 01- UNLEADED 00021700 2.360 0067.7J OCT 27 2009 1400 00M 001 2363 W591 030070 7?77?7 0'Norma) 04 02' DlES[L 00010.60Q 2.37Q 0025.1Z OCT 27 2009 14:33 0056 004 5860 Q322 095187 ?5?7?4? 04orea} 52 0\' UNiEADED 20026.400 2.J60 E. 0062.30 0CT 2R 2039 1N;43 0024 204 2365 0454 04112 04o'aa\ W^ 02' DlES[L Q0030.W0@ 2.370 0071.1Q NT 2e, 2009 13,46 0035 004 2192 0351 046470 ??rr?r??r? Q'Nornai 03 0Z- D/ES[L 00034 IN 2. NO o 0Q80.58 OCT I8 2009 1025 0047 004 2639 0456 04053 0'Noraal 04 82' DIESEL 00O32.9@0 1370 0077.Y7 OCT 29. 2009 03:52 0815 004 2197 2591 030164 777777 0'Nurwd 04 02- DlECEi 00012.1B0 2170 0028.68 OCT 31 2009 14/14 0044 204 5571 340 091057 04nrmd 02 51- UNLEADED @0023.20W 2.360 0054.75 Usage Total Product 01 UNLTADED 264.700 Gallon 572.90 Product 02 DIESEL 360.4V0 Gallon 837.22 1 1410.12 Account name CARMEL STREET DEPT BUNN1E CALLAHAN Account address 3400 W 131 ST WESTFIELD IN 460�4 733-2001 Date Time Tr»n Am� 8dvr Yehc\ Odomtr ���e,d 7 ype ��p Prod Quantity Price �nu nt 03 01 2009 08�J3 ��5 8&4 2179 Q�A 079092 8'Uorma} OJ 0'UNL OCT 81 2889 13/3& 8012 OO4 5769 833U 8/7550 8-Norma1 0Z O1-UNLEAD[D 88Q2J.80O 2.12J 8858.53 UCT B1. 2QQ9 13�54 0013 ON4 2633 852Q @8}690 8Cl 82. 20�9 88�34 8018 0Q4 2D39 859Q 837O39 O'Hormal 82 82-DlESEL QO&2?.000 2.868 Q8�9.74 03 82 2�R B 8 0&4 5 'Aormd 83 81-UNLEADEU B8Q26.�0Q 2.123 0056.26 0CT 02 2�� WY�42 8012 084 5128 &589 863557 0��rma} 83 81-UNLEADED 80��.4Q8 2.12J 8860.29 03 B2 2009 11�51 8021 N04 1820 8236 884576 0't�rma} 83 01-0&EADEU 8&047.�� 2.123 00 1 3 OF' T! 82 28Q9 O�15 0B25 004 1QJ1 8457 898J0N 8-Norma} R3 01-UMLEA8ED GQ0D.00U 2.12J Q03�.�9 0CT 02 2W09 l4�40 803N 884 39B 8583 B77485 8'Uorma} BJ �1'UMLEADED D0014.900 2.123 O0J1.63 OCT B2 2B8Y 15�2O 00J6 884 5860 8J2Z 89J87J Bmo\ Q3 O1-UHLEADED 08016.00 2.123 0BJ4.0 OCT 85 2Q09 09�48 8Q1� 884 5463 8458 012999 B'Hormo} 83 Q1-U4 LEAUED 00830.788 2.123 O865.l8 OCT 85 2089 0�48 &815 8O4 2J66 8422 141237 ?????????7 8-Uurma\ 82 OZ-DlESEL B00J1.3Q8 2.O6Q 0064.48 OCT 8� 2QB9 13�18 M 8-Uorma\ B3 81'UkLE�DEU BQ024.50B 2.123 8Q52.8i OCT 8� 28Q9 O!37 0823 QB4 5769 03J0 874D77 0-Uurmol 83 81-UNLEADED 0d823.48O 2.123 8U49.68 OCT 85 2089 L5�31 O029 BQ4 2648 0584 8/937J 8'Norma} 83 81'UNLEA8ED OB1OO.9Q0 2.�2J �214.21 UCT 85. 2889 \5�42 Q8J8 884 2366 O594 Q33955 B-Uomo} 82 82'DlESEL 8082R.4@Q 2.K6O O058.5W OCT B6 2089 09�24 88B6 804 �727 8J29 8JL228 0-Uurm�\ 83 81-UNLEAD[D 80&28.6Q0 2.123 &068.72 OCT 86 884 2638 D585 Q7986U O-Uarma\ 03 O1-UN�[4DED 8QQ24.6U0 2.12J OW52.23 OCT 06 2B�9 89�44 8889 BQ4 2638 85R5 888OB0 D'Uormal 8J U1'UNLEAD[D 80067.\OQ 2.12J 0142.4� OCT 86 2009 13�16 0&13 M04 236J 8591 829JY2 8-Uorma\ 81 U2'DlESEL 0&0L2.5B8 2.86O 8025.75 OCT 06 2889 �3�28 8B14 B04 2639 8456 046378 82-�lESEL B0Q32.7Q8 2.0�8 B867.36 UCT 06. 2009 �3�54 8016 084 l8J4 0326 O63128 8-Uurma} �3 01'UNLEAhE6 08823.6O8 2.123 0850.0 UCT 87. 2009 89�89 8804 UQ4 5727 8574 82Q�23 O'Kurma\ O2 D2-DlES[L 88&2O.30Q 2.&6Q 8841.82 OCT 07, 208Y \0�84 0Q86 804 2633 0528 O83D86 O-Horma} O3 O1'UNLEADED &883Q.O88 2.l2J 8�65.J9 UCT 07 2089 101 52 0&W7 8Qd 2365 8575 81YLY5 0-Hormol 82 02-UIESEL 8Q878.308 2.&60 061.J0 T 87 2&09 15/22 8W22 084 5Y72 05�8 8991Ol 0-Worma} OJ 01-UNL[AUEU Q0026.700 2.i23 D056 0C .68 0CT 87 2009 1��J9 802J 084 5273 0512 @J 01-UNL[AD[D 8N832.700 2.123 006Y.42 0CT 87, 2Q09 l8�24 88J2 8O4 5360 8322 894146 0-Norma} 03 D1-UNL[A0ED 80822.000 Z 2.\23 OCT 88. 2N89 88�51 B006 804 5769 R338 O7818@ 8-�orma} 83 81'UNLEADED 08Q25.30Q 2.8�7 0Q51.79 OCT 88. 2889 89�29 B0O7 QQ4 5571 8518 OS8298 O-Xormai B3 O1-UAL[ADED 0082�.780 2.847 D850.56 OCT O8 28�9 13�2J B813 804 23 3 8591 8295L3 K-Uorma\ 81 O2'DIESEL 88BL4.40& 2.O9O B8JO.1B OCT 88. 2809 16�38 0823 B04 3919 858J 877859 O'Uorma\ B3 8l'UNLEAD�D Q8027.080 2.O47 B055.27 0CT G9 2009 88�84 B88 D 08B27.880 7.847 8055.27 0CT &9. 2@&9 \3�2J 00D 8O4 26J8 8734 O78354 8-Uorma} OJ 81-U�LE4DED O003Q.18O 2.047 8861.6� OCT 0Y 2009 14�11 8014 �84 54�9 �235 D11877 8-Ncrma} O3 81-UkL[ADED 08817.88U 2.Q47 O8J4.8Q DCT 89. 20�Y 14�48 0016 8&4 22D 8236 0848Y5 8'Uorma\ 83 8l-UNL[ADE0 0B&3&.788 2.847 8O62.84 UCT 12 2807 88 58 B812 0O4 2197 &591 829629 U-Uormal 8l 82-0IBEL 0001L.700 OCT j2 2009 89�0 08l3 8Q4 5769 8338 0784Y4 O-%orma} D3 81-UNLEADEU B0O25.500 2.047 DW52.20 OCT 12 2009 G9�46 001 5 884 577D B572 011785 d'Normo\ O2 O2-D[ES[L 88O2Y.200 2.&9Q 006 .03 UCT 12, 2B& D W�� 2191 8@4 D�0578 0-Korma} 8l B2'DlESEL 00018.808 2.09& 0039.2Y 0CT O 2009 O�23 0021 0Q4 2178 Q42J 812189 8-Knrma} 0\ 02'UlESEL 00031.8N0 2.O9O 8066.46 UCT 12 208Y lJ�44 B02J 004 577B 857J B11523 B'Worma\ 82 Q2'DlESEL 0QBJ5.60D 2.�90 807�.4Q 8CT 12, 200Y 15 8830 0Q4 586Q �322 W94A 01 O-Korm*} O3 81-UNLEADED B8B21.0M0 2.847 0042.99 OCT D. 2889 W8�43 88&5 QB4 2640 83L7 G287�5 ??????7??? 0'Uorma} 82 W2-DIESEL 80876.8WB 2.Q98 0056.01 L. 13 2BNY \1�35 88\7 004 2197 D�91 Q2971O 8821.53 OCT 1J 2809 13�3\ 0Q25 B04 2Q29 8592 238201 �'Hurm�} 0 02-DlESEL 8O012.100 2.O9Q B025.2Y OCT l3 2009 O�57 802Y 084 5972 B510 09 0-Uormal Q3 Q1-UNLEAUE0 08025.1D0 2.Q47 0051.38 OCT D 2009 I5 37 0B36 084 2365 8594 034234 8-Hormal 82 R2-Dl[SEL Q803O.9Q0 2.890 DB64.5R 0CT 13 2089 1 1 8N41 B04 2191 0457 89\058 U [AO[0 UD027.J&Q 2.047 8855.O8 OCT 14 9 1B �58 0086 O84 102O Q585 888364 0-Norma\ 8J 8�-UHLEADE0 80�28.508 2.O47 805 208 8.34 0CT N 20 0Y D� 7 O888 8Q4 54�9 8235 812Q56 0'Wormal 0 Bl-UNLEAD[D B0Bl5 80 .4 2.047 80J1.52 03 14. ZcR l5:40 8B18 804 ��6 B322 8Y4�� 0'Aorma} 83 81-UNL[��D ��\6.780 2.047 ��4.18 2&89 MB�31 8885 0Q4 2197 85Y1 029973 8-%orma> 81 82 'DlESEL 80O1O.608 2.O 9Q 80Z2.15 OCT 15, 208Y 18�58 8812 8Q4 2365 B522 827835 0-Uu/mal O1 82'DlESEL D8B69.0&& 0CT 15. 2009 1 B 1_1 16 8W 89B 806D.34 2809 14N7 882L 884 02O O�54 84B778 0'�oma� 0 B2-Dl[SEL 00G0.20N 2.89& O03S.84 OCT 15 ��9 ]5�28 O823 004 182B 8236 BO5164 Q-Kormal QJ 81-UUL[ADED QOQ23.J08 2.847 8047.7Q 0CT 16 20B9 88�48 00Q2 8&4 2Q39 0598 Q37238 BQQZ4.6K8 2.B9& UO5l.41 UCT 16 2B09 16�4W 8B l9 804 5468 845D OD256 Huroel 83 0l'0ALEAUE0 O08Z9.8DU 2.O47 O86�.80 UCT D. 2QOY 89�86 QWQ5 0B4 1028 M2J4 C74119 8'Nornal 83 0'UNLEADED 08823.��0 2.84/ UO47.9Q OCT \9 2@8Y N9�57 8811 8Q 3' t;0 2.D47 OQ59.57 OCT 19 20&9 8� 8799D B-Worm�l B3 81-UNLE�DED 8O828.2O0 2.047 8&n7.73 OCT l9 20O9 \3�49 8O1Y B84 5J33 8394 80242S 8-Uormo\ 03 8!'UNLEADED QQ030.9B0 2.847 8CT B 2889 14�45 8&27 084 5D6& 0J22 094846 8-Uorma\ O3 81'UNLEADEh 0O028.288 OO i9 2889 16�07 O&3Q 084 2638 83JD B787B9 &-Hn/mpl 83 8�'UKLEADED 880Z4.211 .&47 8Q49.54 03 20, 2B89 13�36 0�21 804 2363 U591 82990 02 02'8{ESFL 80B\8.�8Q 2.J68 D024.54 DCT 2� 2089 D�38 ��2 084 2Q29 B479 828150 0-Uormal R1 82 60.42 UC7 28, 20B9 14/ 2 8026 804 Q89 &594 0J5442 B-Worma} R2 0 2 2 0,00N.600 2.�O 00 20 OCT 20 2009 16�26 8036 004 2640 O457 89l3Y7 8'Hurma\ 03 81-UNLEADED 8003B.080 OCT 21. 2009 1Q�2N 8 01 Q &Q4 5727 8329 031772 8-Norma} D3 01-UNLEA0ED 8ON24.88B 00 5Q.77 DCT 21. 20Q9 19 8Q12 8Q4 l-, j 4 B1 82'DIE�EL 80B16.308 2.378 8038.63 0CT 21. 2009 16�18 8824 0G4 2178 �2J4 872269 8-Ho/m�} DJ O1-UN�EADED 08020.50O 2.B47 8041.Y6 OCT 22 2W89 88�46 BB0� 004 2192 0585 88062& ????r��??? D'Uorm�l 83 81'UNLEADED D08Z9.3B8 2.047 805Y.9D OCT 22 O-Hurma\ 0 Q�-UNLEAXED 8QS37.JQ0 2.O47 BQ76.35 OC7 22. 2im"� 10�25 8&07 804 18J4 O326 863376 O1-UNLEAbED 01" 048.8D8 OCT 22. ��9 12�l8 881J O84 5273 O512 OZ3479 0'Wnrma} 8J 0l-UNLE&DE� 8QBJ3.808 t 2.Q47 D069.19 0CT 22 2009 1438 88�5 884 18J1 0@7 8915�5 ?7???????? 8-Norme� O3 81-UNLEADE6 O0018.�Q0 2.U47 OO21.2Y UCT 23 2009 87�37 8B82 B04 264B 8457 Q9\595 8-�orm�\ 0J 81- LEAU[D 8@Q&5.3O8 OCT 23, 2009 13�57 8888 084 5368 8587 867158 8-korm�� 8J 0'UHLEADED D8Q23.2B� 2.360 8Q54.75 0CT 24 2�R 86�B 8003 Q04 2285 8422 O2 O2-DlESEL 00026.7&0 2.J78 OQ6J.Z8 DCT 26, 20Q9 09�43 7 884 J919 0533 078579 8-Norma\ 83 Q1'UNL[ADED ��28.3&8 2.360 8866.79 OCT 26 28@9 1\�14 8B 1O 8Q4 Q3 K1'UULEAhED 88022.5O8 2.368 885J.18 03 26 2�R L1�31 8�11 804 5778 Q582 8Y77!2 r�???????? O-Nurm�� OJ 81-UUL[ADED O0O22 3O0 2.J6B 8859.71 03 26 2809 L2��R 0QN 0Q4 546S 845S K13757 8'%orma} B3 �1-��EAD[8 �Q831.300 �.368 8W/J.87 L. 26 200 B0\ M 5T69 8330 879867 B-Nurmal 0J 01-UNLEADE3 �022.908 2.36U 8Q54.84 0CT 26 200Y 14/12 Q021 M0� 2J65 8�23 8D676 O-Norma} N1 82'DlESEL 000J1.�� 2.37O ��5.Air �7 27 17419 11/45 80i 0 0W4 5972 0518 10 010 0024.6O0 UCT 28 2089 \1�86 &088 WB4 2D9 8422 815J2Q 8-Norma\ 82 O2'UlES[L N0028.300 2.378 8848.11 0CT 2B 2809 1L�19 0009 084 3980 8423 �12838 8-Uurmal 01 02'DlESEL 808l7.8�0 2.37O U048.29 n 29 2MB9 09�8Y O818 084 2l94 8592 82�4J1 8-Norma\ 81 O2'0lESEL 80O3L.Y0O 2.J78 8B75.68 OCT 29. 2009 8Y�34 8812 0Q4 5769 8330 079381 ?????�?7?? B'%orm�\ 8J 81'UNLEA0ED 8802J.908 2.360 Q056.4& OCT 29, 2089 18�49 88l4 804 5489 O2J5 8L2J7O U-Normal B3 0|-UNL[ADED 08026.�Q8 2.J68 8861.36 UCT 29 2009 1 :49 801Y 804 3595 8Z36 885739 8-Norma} 03 81'UNLEADED O0831.60Q 2.36U DO74.58 OCT 29 208Y 13�45 0821 B04 53J3 8394 882744 8-Hcrm�l 83 8l-UNLEADED 8�Q28.O80 2.J68 Q066.08 0CT 29. 89 15 �2 D02 512 5 6 6 8�4 O 88 Y &644&0 8-Uurm�l 28 O3 8}-UNLE4U[D 8N0Z3.6OB 2.J6& 8055.7� OCT 29. 2Q09 15 J1 8027 8&4 2363 851� O1712Q 8-Aorma} 81 82'DlES[L UCT 29 20Q9 15�J2 D828 Q04 2363 B5l4 Q17128 2-Hoodle 0� 82'DlESEL 80Q00.0OB 2.J7D BQ80.80 OCT 29 2009 15�32 Og29 0�� 1086 052Q 88�!9L 0-%orm�} O3 O�'UULEADEU 0�043.4O0 2.J6& 81O2.42 T 9 2Q�9 1 0&30 8�4 2363 OC 2 5�35 05l4 8D12Q 8-Norma} 0 O2-D�ESEL O8015.Q8& 2.J78 8835.55 OCT 29 2089 15 3 6 &83\ 084 39L9 8583 87888Q O002J.JQG 2.J60 F;054.99 UCT 2Y 2889 15�46 0Q32 804 2D9 0421 0J45�1 O'Uormyl 01 O2-DlESEL 80064.100 2.370 Q151.92 OCT J0 280 0 N0R 004 2191 0478 &26756 08073.4Q0 ODJ.96 OCT J0 2809 0Y�81 88Q9 084 21Y6 8521 8D194 0-Uurmal 02 02-DlEGEL 80856.B00 2.378 0132.72 OCT J8. 2089 13/5J 0023 804 5727 0329 0J2D61 0-Ncrma} B3 0l-UNLEAUED 88026.8Q8 2.36Q O863.25 OCT 38 2QQ9 L4�02 0025 88� 2285 8593 828�67 D'Hormal 02 B2-DIESEL B8031.20Q 2.378 8073.94 OCT J0 208Y 15�27 B032 884 5B6& B322 8954l7 0'Kom�\ 0J 81-UNLEADEG B0Q19.680 2.J60 0046.26 OCT J0, 2Q09 16�42 M838 08� 2J67 Q457 09l885 8-No/ ma\ 0J 01-UNLEADEU O0Q23.78Q 2.J6 9J OCT J1 2W09 06�08 800J 08� 2285 82J4 874675 O-Norma\ BJ 0i-UNLEA0ED QQ026.6W8 Usage Total Product 01 UNLEADED 1937.200 Gallon 4165.69 Prescribed by State Board of Accounts City Form No. 201 (Rev. 1995) ACCOUNTS PAYABLE VOUCHER CITY OF CARMEL An invoice or bill to be properly itemized must show: kind of service, where performed, dates service rendered, by whom, rates per day, number of hours, rate per hour, number of units, price per unit, etc. Payee Purchase Order No. Terms Date Due Invoice Invoice Description Amount Date Number (or note attached invoice(s) or bill(s)) 10/31/09 $4,738.59 10/31/09 $3,211.49 1 hereby certify that the attached invoice(s), or bill(s), is (are) true and correct and I have audited same in accordance with IC 5- 11- 10 -1.6 20 Clerk- Treasurer VOUCHE NO. WAR NO. ALLOWED 20 Carmel Clay Schools IN SUM OF 501 E. 131st Street Carmel, IN 46033 $7,950.08 ON ACCOUNT OF APPROPRIATION FOR Carmel Street Department PO# Dept. INVOICE NO. ACCT /TITLE AMOUNT Board Members 2201 42- 314.00 $4,738.59 1 hereby certify that the attached invoice(s), or 2201 42- 313.00 $3,211.49 bill(s) is (are) true and correct and that the materials or services itemized thereon for which charge is made were ordered and received except Thursday; November 05, 2009 Street Commissioner Title Cost distribution ledger classification if claim paid motor vehicle highway fund Y Account name DO[S LISA STEWART Account address 1 Civic Square Carmsl 5 Date Time Tran lat Driv' Vphci Odcmtr Kevkard Type Pop Prod Quantity Price Amunt OCT 20 2009 06:59 000 007 10@5 0472 BAJ5 O-NormQ 01 On UNLEADED M\.5Q0 T 2.047 t 002154 OCT 201 M 004 M ON 1023 0387 020591 ?r???r???? 0-No':al 22 OL' UNLEADED GOMM@ 2.047 0Q2416 OCT 21 2009 11/56 M 007 M 0W9 046O9O TM 7 Olomal 02 01- UKEA[ED 00012200 2.360 W029.0J OCT 26, 200Y 1008 0021 007 2360 8339 M67 71771n 0-N5rael 01 O1- UNLEADED 00010.200 1360 0024.87 OCT 27. 2009 1M 0032 007 2402 0401 021381 TM????? N-Nomol 02 01- UNWED 0M1.800 2,J60 0027.R5 OCT 28 2009 MO2 000 807 5120 8406 015825 ??rr?rr?r? 0'Normal QZ 0\- UNLEADED 00014000 2.360 08JJ.51 OCT 29 2009 14,14 0035 907 3915 04Q5 860585 0'Nnrna} V Jb UNLEADED 00011300 1 1360 2031.39 OCT 30 200 9 0M5 OQ32 807 2253 8632 0Q8260 '??rr??rrr Q-%o,aai 02 Q1- UNLEADED 00016.]0Q 2.J6Q I 00J8.00 Usage Total Product 01 UNLEADED 101.40Q Gallon 231.95 RECEIVED NOV 4 200 CIA DOCS Account name D O C S Lisa Stewart Account address 1 Civic Square Carmel 571-2418 Me Time Tmn Acnt Drivr Yuhd 0domtr beykard Type Pump Prod OuaSity Price Amount 03 82 200 11�32 ��D 8�7 236O 838 O��53 Q-Uorm�} 83 O1-U�E�E ��11.08 2.123 O023.57 OCT 81 2B89 1144 0012 087 248 8389 0590O8 ?TF???N 00urm0 83 W\'UHLEA0E0 O0 011.000 2.047 OK212 OCT 16 2809 1082 000 087 2J6Q 8389 D5Y326 MA???T Morph 00 Q1-UUiEAUED 0801Q.6OO 1 2.847 1 6021.70 OCT L9 2009 1031 B824 807 3947 8JJ6 850274 D-Norma} OJ R1-UhLEA 0 Q81 00 s 2.Q47 0839.10 OCT 20 2009 12:12 8816 007 3915 0465 860172 ???????Y? O-Uorma} 83 01'UNLEADE0 000 1J.9Q0 2.047 O028.45 OCT 3Q, 20 0, 3 11:28 0819 607 lW23 8J87 8209&5 83urmal 03 61-UREA0[U 00012.00- 2.36 8828.J2 Usage Total Product 01 UNLEADED 77.700 Gallon 163.66 RECEIVED NOV 4 2009 COM DOGS Prescribed by State Board of Accounts City Form No. 201 (Rev. 1995) ACCOUNTS PAYABLE VOUCHER CITY OF CARMEL An invoice or bill to be properly itemized must show: kind of service, where performed, dates service rendered, by whom, rates per day, number of hours, rate per hour, number of units, price per unit, etc. Payee Purchase Order No. Terms Date Due Invoice Invoice Description Amount Date Number (or note attached invoice(s) or bill(s)) 11/04/09 Gas city vehicles $163.66 11/04/09 Gas city vehicles $231.95 I hereby certify that the attached invoice(s), or bill(s), is (are) true and correct and I have audited same in accordance with IC 5- 11- 10 -1.6 20 Clerk- Treasurer VOUC NO. WARRANT NO. ALLOWED 20 Carmel Clay Schools IN SUM OF 5201 E. 131st Street Carmel, IN 46033 $395.61 ON ACCOUNT OF APPROPRIATION FOR Carmel DOCS Department PO# Dept. INVOICE NO. ACCT #/TITLE AMOUNT Board Members 1192 42- 314.00 $163.66 1 hereby certify that the attached invoice(s), or 1192 42- 314.00 $231.95 bill(s) is (are) true and correct and that the materials or services itemized thereon for which charge is made were ordered and received except Monday, November 09, 2009 6 z irector, A, CS Title Cost distribution ledger classification if claim paid motor vehicle highway fund Acnount name CARW ENIlNEFRI%O K4TlE NZVI Account address 1 CIVIC SQUARE CAP|1EL 571-2432 WE Time Trao Amt Drivr Vphcl Odomtr Keyboard Type Pumc Prod Quantity Price Amou t KT 16, 2009 0436 0026 000 W02 0561 062346 ???????7? W'Norma/ 02 01- UNLEADED OOM6.900 2147 005.53 OCT 19, 2N9 1WQ W 008 1068 0560 096064 ??????r??? 04urmal 02 01- AKEADED -0 0 11. 7 i 0 01 2.047 022J.54 OCT 72 2003 8903 0N3 000 WE 0560 096250 ?757?7 04ormal 62 BY UNLFADEJ 00011.NO 1047 8023.1J OCT 21 2N9 8044 0019 ON 5202 056l 062622 04urmal 91 81- 1ALEAUE0 �'OL6.2 7-- 2.360 0W38.23 OCT 78 2108 10,15 030 008 1N68 0560 W05 0'Normal 02 01- UNLEADE0 00015.400 2.J60 0336.34 OCT 28, 2009 1020 QQ20 ON 2238 018 01571 ??????r??` Q-Nurmal 02 01' U*LWED 000 12.7QU 2.380 0029.97 Usage Total Product 01 UNLEADED 84,000 GaHon 1q5.80 r �85.80 4ccoo�� #Q�6 Account name CARAEL ENGIHEERING Katie Neville Account address 1 C]VIC SQUARE CARUEL 571-243Z Date We Ton Acnt Urivr Vehcl Odomtr keyboard Type Pump Prod Uuantlty Price Amount OCT BE 288 11:19 0610 068 5082 8561 061779 ?7?7?7? Blwma} 63 81-UNLEADED OND.180 2.123 8036.3Q OCT 81. 2QB9 1024 0011 000 2338 0562 043996 ???????Y? O'Homa} 83 81-UREADED 8Q015.40W 2.123 803Z.6Y OCT O5 2089 0:14 B&13 008 1 u t@ 0560 09538B 85brma} 63 81'UHLEADEb O0013.1U0 1 7.123 00 27.81 OCT 88 M 1159 8012 088 2338 0562 844286 8-Uo,ma} OJ 01-UNLEADED 00013.688 1 2.047 i 0027.84 OCT 89 2M 1049 880 808 502 O561 862053 ???r?????? 8'Qormal 03 81-ML[A8[U 80 816.4QQ 2.847 08J3 1 57 OCT 09, 2M9 1204 8811 008 1068 0560 8Y5618 7=77 D-Uorma} 83 01-UNLEADED 88814.4N 2.047 1 0029.48 DEJ It 2089 14:34 8025 NO 2952 0241 623940 ??????E?? 8-Uzrmal 8J 81- UM! L[A0[8 80817.0 0 2.847 0024.56 Usage Total Product 01 UNLEADED 102.0Q0 Gallon 212.25 G, I U Ifl.-D L. c Go :J.: ..!Il V�hicle #05 Date Time Tran Acnt D,ivr ��cl Udomtr Leybnard T,pe Pump Oumt�ty Pr�ce Amuu t OCT2Y 2B89 88�32 ��O O09 1892 8559 814541 8-Hnrmol 0J %1'U�L[ADE6 U00JQ.6Q8 2.J60 0872.22 Usage Total Product 01 UNLEAD�D 3Q.600 Ga1lo�` 72.22 72.2Z Mileage Total Beginning 14541 Ending 14541 Tra�eled M�G CPU ??.??7? Vehicle #0560 Uate Time Tran Acnt D'irr Yehcl Odomtr Ard Type Pump Prod Quan�ity Price Ama nt 0CT 89 2QQ9 12�24 80i1 O0B 1O68 8560 Q9560 0-%orma\ O� 01-��E��D 80014.4D� 2.8�T QB29.48 Usage Total Product 01 UNLEADED 27.500 Gallon 57.29 57.29 Mileage Total Beginning 95388 Ending 95618 Traveled 230 MPG 15.97 CPM .1281 Vehicle #0561 Da�o Time Tron &cot Drivr Yehcl Odnmtr Keyboard T/pe Pump Prod Ooantity Price &mount UCT 81 2009 11�1Y O80 888 5�82 Q561 861779 Q-Hnrmd OJ 81'UNL0DED O0Q17.lO8 2.123 Q036.39 OCT 89 2009 1O�4Y 881O U08 5082 @561 862B�J 0-Xorma| Q3 01-UNLE4UED QDB�6.400 2.�47 O933.57 Usage Total Product 01 UNLEADED 33.50� Gallon �9.87 Mileage Total Beginning 61779 Ending 62053 Traveled 274 HPO 16.7Q CPM .1225 Vehicle #0562 Date Time Tmn Acnt Drivr Vekc\ 0domtr Ceyboard Type Pump P,od Quantity Pdce Amount 03 0l 28B9 1J/24 0&1\ _U­ 2J3O 8562 843996 83 U1'UNLEA0EU 2.12J 0032.6Y OCT W8 20; Pi l2/ B012 0Q8 23J D 8�62 Q4��� 8-Uorma} D3 8l-UNLE�c0 2.847 002 Usage Total Product 01 UNLEADED 29.��0 Gallor/ 60.53 Mileage Total Beginning 43996 Ending 44206 Traveled 210 MPG 15.44 CPM .1325 Vehicle #0560 Datp Time Tnm �m� Urivr Vehc\ Odomtr Keyboard Tvpe P�� Quaotit� Price Anou t OCT 11 200 14�06 �O4 �0 1�� 8560 Q95�� ?�????r?? 0'Nanoal 02 0l- UNLEADED ��15.800 2.047 00J2.34 Usage Total Product 01 U�LEADED 15.8Q0 Gallon 32.34 32.34 Mileage Total Beginning 95882 Ending 95882 Tra�eled 0 MPG :T ill i. LI C4. Cv, Vehicle #0560 Dato 7ime 7ran Amt Drivr yohcl OdnpLr K�ybuard Type Pmop Prcd Quantity Price Anou L 0�23.54 03 22, 2009 09�13 Q013 V 0 OCT I8. 20N9 0�15 08]9 �08 1068 0560 096505 0'Norpa} 02 0� UNL[ADE8 Q0015.400 2.360 0036.34 Usage Total Product 01 UNLEADED 38.20Q Gallcr 83.01 Mileage Total Be�innin� 96064 Ending 96505 Traveled 4u1 wpG i6.51 CPM .1348 Vehicle ¥0561 Date Time Tran Acnt Driv' V*Ic� Odm"�r ��hoard Tvpe Pymp P�W Quan�ity Prico �mo nt �J 16 2Q0 0Y�36 0026 ��16.�� 2.047 ��k59 OCT 26, 2009 0Y/44 0019 00O 5O82 056� 062622 0-Nurmai 01 01- UNLEAUED 08W�6.20W 2.36W ��8.2J Usage Total Product 01 UNLEADED 33.100 Gallon 72.82 72.82 Mileage Total Bsginnin� 6�3�6 Ending 6262� Traveled 276 MF3 17.03 CPM .13R5 Vehicle #0241 Qua bty Date Time Tran Acnt Do Vehc\ OWN Leyhoard TyPo Pump P,od ��U Q Price Amou OCT LY. 20Q9 14,34 8025 099 2957 0241 O23940 MM? O'Kormal 01 o1-uw�E 2.047 Usage Total 12 �0� Gallon 24^56 Product 01 UNLE�DED Z4.56 Mileage Total 23940 Traveled Q Hp8 ?7??.?? CPM ??,707;:: Beginning 23940 Ending 'Prescribed by State Board of Accounts ACCOUNTS PAYABLE VOUCHER City Form No. 201 (Rev. 1995) CITY OF CARMEL An invoice or bill to be properly itemized must show: kind of service, where performed, dates service rendered, by whom, rates per day, number of hours, rate per hour, number of units, price per unit, etc. Payee Carmel Clay Schools Purchase Order No. 5201 E. 131st Street Terms Carmel, IN 46033 Date Due Invoice Invoice Description Amount Date Number (or note attached invoice(s) or bill(s)) 09/15/09 n/a East side fuel October $32.32 09/01/09 East side fuel October $185.80 09/01/09 West sid fuel October $212.25 Total I hereby certify that the attached invoice(s), or bill(s), is (are) true and correct and I have audited same in accordance with IC 5- 11- 10 -1.6. 20 Clerk- Treasurer VOUCHER NO. WARRANT NO. f. ALLOWED 20 Carmel Clay Schools IN SUM OF 52 01 E. 131 st Street Carmel, IN 46033 $430.37 ON ACCOUNT OF APPROPRIATION FOR Department of Engineering Board Members PO# or INVOICE NO. ACCT #/TITLE AMOUNT DEPT. I hereby certify that the attached invoice(s), or bill(s) is (are) true and correct and that the materials or services itemized thereon for n/a accnt #8 ENG 423140 $430.37 which charge is made were ordered and received except 20 L� Signature Cost distribution ledger classification if Title claim paid motor vehicle highway fund �1 If Account #003 Acco�nt na�� [�n*�� U��LIT7E� L��� /(��7/'� Accoun� addre�s 1 ��VIC S�U���. �����EL �7i-2443 bate Time Tra` «cn� Dr�'' �ekc� Odam�r Keboard T�op �upp Pr »d Quanti�v P�ico uesunt DCT 16 2NB9 8R/22 QQ!Y Q03 !0�4 0��9 0r�76 Q'Noraal W2 0l- UNL��DED Q00ZQ.700 �.W47 Q8��.37 OCT 16 2�09 09�4� ��2� ��3 �841 04YJ �R537 ?rr?�?��,� O- �o'nal �2 D1' UNLE�UE5 @��24.8@0 ?.Q�7 0W�v.�J OCT �6, 2�R 1Q�0J ��l @0� 5643 Q305 �32557 ��??�??��r 0-No/wal &2 §1' ��FAD[D ��01�.500 2.W47 00J1.7� DCT �6, ?009 11�38 0Q4Q ��3 2716 �2S4 ��6��4 �??n???`? �'Noraal 02 B1' UNLE�DED D0Q13.0Q0 ?.��7 s 0026.�1 0CT 16. 2009 1��18 004� 003 51�7 C�32 �J9�45 �'Noroal 0' ��[AD[D Q0�15.700 2.0�7 0Q32.�� OCT 16. 2&0Y 1��O9 0B57 2�3Z �518 0�64Z8 rr???�??~� Q- Nar�al 0| �1� ��E��ED O002J.500 2.047 C�48.l0 OCT D. 2QQ9 2I��� 0Q23 5456 0T�8 04461D &'�orua� 02 �1' UNLEAD[D WQ025.�00 2.047 Q051.1R 03 \9 ��9 11�Q7 003� W8T 5�6� �u2� 0lv45� r?r?,r?�,r @-�orm�) D2 �1- ��EA0[D ��1J.400 2,047 �027.�3 OCT lY 2009 14�34 0O4 59�r �5�1 N1�140 ????�??r?? 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Fzodyct 91 i: i:� DR n 1 217 VZZ col 2R T 2 17 5 prodant 02 ME50- 7010 12 Prescribed by State Board of Accounts City Form No. 201 (Rev 1995) ACCOUNTS PAYABLE VOUCHER CITY OF CARMEL An invoice or bill to be properly itemized must show, kind of service, where performed, dates of service rendered, by whom, rates per day, number of units, price per unit, etc. Payee 42595 CARMEL CLAY SCHOOLS Purchase Order No. ATTN: TERRY RICH Terms 5201 E 131 ST ST Due Date 11/5/2009 CARMEL, IN 46033 Invoice Invoice Description Date Number (or note attached invoice(s) or bill(s)) Amount 11/5/2009 101609 $1,675.12 I hereby certify that the attached invoice(s), or bill(s) is (are) true and correct and I have audited same in accordance with IC 5-11-10-1.6 Date Date Officer r.� VOUCHER 093529 WARRANT ALLOWED 42595 IN SUM OF CARMEL CLAY SCHOOLS ATTN: TERRY RICH 5201 E 131 ST ST CARMEL, IN 46033 Carmel Water Utility ON ACCOUNT OF APPROPRIATION FOR Board members PO INV ACCT AMOUNT Audit Trail Code 101609 01- 6500 -04 $924.36 101609 01- 6500 -05 $520.57 101609 01- 6500 -07 $230.19 Voucher Total $1,675.12 Cost distribution ledger classification if claim paid under vehicle highway fund CLAY rc Carmel Clay Schools Continuing Excellence in 0 Education cp 'MEL, IND \P� FUEL INVOICE Carmel Clay Schools Educational Service Center 5201 E. 131' Street Carmel, IN 46033 Attention: Sue Ardiaolo Bill To: Carmel Police Department, Teresa Anderson Carmel Fire Department, Denise Snyder Carmel Utilities, Lisa Kempa 0 Carmel Street Department, Bonnie Callahan Carmel Communications, J. Arnone D.O.C.S., Lisa Stewart Carmel Engineering, Katie Nevillle ()Carmel Parks and Recreation, Paula Schlemmer Driver's Education, Tom Pagan O Carmel City Administration, Shelley Lingelbaugh Billing Date: 11 West Side Transportation fuel charges Facilities Transportation Department 5185 East 131 Street, Carmel, IN 46033 3171844 8207 —Fax 3171571 -9659 �cco`v�t #OO6 Account name JANET ARNONE Account address 31 1ST NW CARUEL IH,0 571-2586 Date Time Tran Ant Drivr Vehcl Odumtr Kpybond Type Pump Fnd Quantity Price Amount 03 05, 2Q89 1022 0&J6 00J6 5473 8517 09126 ?�?r????? Momal 83 0-UNLEADEh COMM 1 1123 1 DQ43.110 OCT 30 2809 15:16 ONE 066 1824 0334 15537 ?????R??? 8'Qornal 03 Bl-UNL[ADED DOB15.8Q8 136Q 083148 Usage Total Product 01 UNLEADED 35.3DQ Gallon 78.5� `Vehicle #0334 Date Time T/ao Acot Uriv, Yehc} 8domtr Keyboard Type Pumy Prod Qoantdo Price Amount OCT 38. 280 15:16 @NO 606 1024 034 W37 ?N?????? 8'Hnrmai 03 01-UNLEADEU 00015.060 0 200 805.40 Wage Total Product 01 UHLEADED l5.000 Go1lon 35.40 1 5.40 Mileage Total Beginning 105537 Ending 105537 7raveled 0; UPG CPM Vehicle #0517 Date Time Tran Aco� 0rivr Yehcl 8dum�r ��bo�rd Type PumP P,od Quao�it/ Pdce Aomat 03 D5 2�� 19t 22 0Q36 547J 85D 8\9126 8�mrmo} 8J 81-UH [�hEU UQQ2&.JQO 2.!2� 8Q43.0 Usage Total Product 01 UNLEADED �O.3�0 Ual 1u'� �3. 1� Mileage Total Beginning 19126 Ending 19126 Traveled CLAY Carmel Clay Schools Continuing Excellence in Education f, N� FUEL INVOICE Carmel Clay Schools Educational Service Center 5201 E. 131 st Street Carmel, IN 46033 Attention: Sue Ardiaolo Bill To: O Carmel Police Department, Teresa Anderson Carmel Fire Department, Denise Snyder Carmel Utilities, Lisa Kempa Carmel Street Department, Bonnie Callahan G) Carmel Communications, J. Arnone O D.O.C.S., Lisa Stewart Carmel Engineering, Katie Nevillle Carmel Parks and Recreation, Paula Schlemmer Driver's Education, Tom Pagan Carmel City Administration, Shelley Lingelbaugh Billing Date: 11/1/09 East Side Transportation fuel charges Facilities Transportation Department 5185 East 131" Street, Carmel, IN 46033 3171844 -8207 Fax 3171571 -9659 .11 11 I I 1 0 W 1:11 10:1 1:1 q3 Tj :,I I I A., I. I, 1: 1 -1 Ca 1 1 12IJ X. C: 1: I..0 1..1.1 a A. C I 0 1.:71 .:V 1.1 P 1!Tl Cl.; C,;, V!lt i IV I D V: CD Q: C A 1: 1 n I V! CL, r-P L L IH 1. cY, 7:i Vehicle #0 Date Time Trao Acnt Driv' Vphcl Odnmtr Keyboard Type vump Prnd Quandty Pricc Awount OC7 27. ��9 10d8 ��3� 086 10G2 05�6 0�#6J ???�?r??? �'Nurpal Q� Q1' UNLE��D ��18.�� 2.360 QN44.J7 Usage Total Product �1 U�LEAnED 39.500 Gallon 86.74 86.74 Mileage Total Beginning 40191 Ending 40463 Traveled 272 MPG 14.46 CPM .1631 Prescribed by State Board of Accounts City Form No. 201 (Rev. 1995) ACCOUNTS PAYABLE VOUCHER CITY OF CARMEL An invoice or bill to be properly itemized must show: kind of service, where performed, dates service rendered, by whom, rates per day, number of hours, rate per hour, number of units, price per unit, etc. Payee Purchase Order No. Terms Date Due Invoice Invoice Description Amount Date Number (or note attached invoice(s) or bill(s)) 10/28/09 $179.76 10/30/09 $78.50 1 hereby certify that the attached invoice(s), or bill(s), is (are) true and correct and I have audited same in accordance with IC 5- 11- 10 -1.6 20 Clerk- Treasurer VO UC H ER NO. WARRANT NO. ALLOWED 20 Carmel Clay Schools Educational Services Center IN SUM OF 5201 E. 131 st Street Carmel, IN 46033 $258.26 ON ACCOUNT OF APPROPRIATION FOR Carmel Clay Communications PO# Dept. INVOICE NO. ACCT #/TITLE AMOUNT Board Members 1115 42- 314.00 $179.76 1 hereby certify that the attached invoice(s), or 1115 42- 314.00 $78.50 bill(s) is (are) true and correct and that the materials or services itemized thereon for which charge is made were ordered and received except Friday, November 06, 2009 Director Title Cost distribution ledger classification if claim paid motor vehicle highway fund cLAr y Carmel Clay Schools Continuing Excellence in Education FUEL INVOICE Carmel Clay Schools Educational Service Center 5201 E. 131S Street Carmel, IN 46033 1 Attention: Sue Ardiaolo Bill To: Q Carmel Police Department, Teresa Anderson 0 Carmel Fire Department, Denise Snyder 0 Carmel Utilities, Lisa Kempa 0 Carmel Street Department, Bonnie Callahan 0 Carmel Communications, J. Arnone 0 D.O.C.S., Lisa Stewart 0 Carmel Engineering, Katie Nevillle 0 Carmel Parks and Recreation, Paula Schlemmer 0 Driver's Education, Tom Pagan 0 Carmel City Administration, Shelley Lingelbaugh Billing Date: 11/1/09 East Side Transportation fuel charges Facilities Transportation Department 5185 East 131 Street, Carmel, IN 46033 3171844 -8207 Fax 3171571 -9659 CLAYSCy Carmel Clay Schools Continuing Excellence in U Education IND� FUEL INVOICE Carmel Clay Schools Educational Service Center 5201 E. 131 Street Carmel, IN 46033 Attention: Sue Ardiaolo Bill To: Q Carmel Police Department, Teresa Anderson 0 Carmel Fire Department, Denise Snyder 0 Carmel Utilities, Lisa Kempa 0 Carmel Street Department, Bonnie Callahan 0 Carmel Communications, J. Arnone 0 D.O.C.S., Lisa Stewart 0 Carmel Engineering, Katie Nevillle 0 Carmel Parks and Recreation, Paula Schlemmer 0 Driver's Education, Tom Pagan 0 Carmel City Administration, Shelley Lingelbaugh Billing Date: 11/1109 West Side Transportation fuel charges Facilities Transportation Department 5185 East 131 Street, Carmel, IN 46033 3171844 -8207 Fax 3171571 -9659 CLAYS 4w�� cy Carmel Clay Schools Continuing Excellence in N Education FUEL INVOICE Carmel Clay Schools Educational Service Center 5201 E. 131 st Street Carmel, IN 46033 Attention: Sue Ardiaolo 5,/Y Bill To: Q Carmel Police Department, Teresa Anderson 0 Carmel Fire Department, Denise Snyder 0 Carmel Utilities, Lisa Kempa 0 Carmel Street Department, Bonnie Callahan 0 Carmel Communications, J. Arnone 0 D.O.C.S., Sue Coy 0 Carmel Engineering, Judy Stohler 0 Carmel Parks and Recreation, Paula Schlemmer 0 Driver's Education, Tom Pagan 0 Carmel City Administration, Shelley Lingelbaugh Billing Date: 10/15/2009 East side Transportation fuel charges Facilities Transportation Department 5185 East 131 Street, Carmel, IN 46033 3171844 -8207 Fax 3171571 -9659 Prescribed by State Board of Accounts City Form No. 201 (Rev. 1995) ACCOUNTS PAYABLE VOUCHER CITY OF CARMEL An invoice or bill to be properly itemized must show: kind of service, where performed, dates service rendered, by whom, rates per day, number of hours, rate per hour, number of units, price per unit, etc. Payee Carmel Clay Schools Purchase Order No. Educational Service Center 5201 E. 131st STreet Terms Carmel, IN 46033 ATTN: Sue Ardiaolo Date Due Invoice Invoice Description Amount Date Number (or note attached invoice(s) or bill(s)) monthly payment 21 622.85 Total I hereby certify that the attached invoice(s), or bill(s), is (are) true and correct and I have audited same in accordance with IC 5- 11- 10 -1.6. ,20 Clerk- Treasurer VOUCHER NO. WARRANT NO. ALLOWED 20 C armel Clay Schools IN SUM OF Educational Service Center 5201 E. 131st Street C armel, IN 46033 ATTN: Sue Ardiaolo 21,622.85 ON ACCOUNT OF APPROPRIATION FOR police general fund Board Members PO# or INVOICE NO. ACCT #!TITLE AMOUNT DEPT. I hereby certify that the attached invoice(s), or 1110 314 21, 622.85 bill(s) is (are) true and correct and that the materials or services itemized thereon for which charge is made were ordered and received except November 5 20 09 D. Signature Chief of Police Cost distribution ledger classification if Title claim paid motor vehicle highway fund