HomeMy WebLinkAbout168391 02/04/2009 I> CITY OF CARMEL, INDIANA VENDOR: 053750 Page 1 of 2 ONE CIVIC SQUARE CSO SCHENKEL SHULTZ CARMEL, INDIANA 46032 PO BOX 6069 DEPT 94 CHECK AMOUNT: $56,003.58 INDIANAPOLIS IN 46206 -6069 CHECK NUMBER: 168391 CHECK DATE: 2/4/2009 DEP ARTMENT ACCO NUMBER I NVOI CE NUMBER AMOUN DESCRIPTIO 6 902 446089 37594 506.25 W MAIN 2ND AVE NW 902 4460847 37595 3,125.98 HEARTHVIEW OLD TOWN 902 4460899 37596 1,698.00 LURIE GALLERY OFFICES 902 4460892 37597 18,480.31 APOSTOLIC CHURCH SITE 902 4460894 37598 339.88 RANGE LINE ROAD -SOUTH 902 4460867 37599 5,340.18 INDIANA DESIGN CENTER 902 4460889 37600 735.00 902 4460878 37601 2,100.00 3RD AVE SW /SOUTH 902 4460805 37602 104.25 RETAIL SITE #5 902 4460807 37602 104.25 PERFORMING ARTS CENTE 902 446,0807 37603 8,787.50 PERFORMING ARTS CENTE 902 4460873 37604 1,012.50 PARCEL 5 STREETSCAPE 902 4460891 37605 135.00 HISTORICAL SOCIETY CITY OF CARMEL, INDIANA VENDOR: 053750 Page 2 of 2 ONE CIVIC SQUARE CSO SCHENKEL SHULTZ CHECK AMOUNT: $56,003.58 CARMEL, INDIANA 46032 PO BOX 6069 DEPT 94 INDIANAPOLIS IN 46206 -6069 CHECK NUMBER: 168391 CHECK DATE: 2/4/2009 DEPARTMENT ACCOUNT PO NUMBER INVOICE NUMBER AMOUNT DESCRIPTION 902 4460886 37606 270.00 UTILITIES S OF PARCEL 902 4460805 37607 405.00 RETAIL SITE #5 902 4460848 37608 4,777.26 4TH GATEWAY /RANGELINE 902 4460847 37609 3,947.31 HEARTHVIEW OLD TOWN 902 4340200 37612 4,134.91 ARCHITECTURAL FEES I fJ CSO Architects Invoices Submitted January 21, 2009 Invoice No. Date Acct# Amount 37594 12/23/2008 4460896 $506.251 37595 12/23/2008 4460847 $3,125.98 37596 12/23/2008 4460899 $1,698.00 37597 12/23/2008 4460892 $18,480.31�J 37598 12/23/2008 4460894 $339.88/` 37599 12/23/2008 4460867 $5,340.18!. 37600 12/23/2008 4460889 $735.0 37601 12/23/2008 4460878 $2,100.00/ S y (,o 37602 12/23/2008 4460805 $208.5 split between P. 5 &7) 37603 12/23/2008 44608076 $8,787.50 i v LA S L4 c/ o 37604 12/23/2008 4460873 $1,012.50 Y/ 37605 12/23/2008 4460891 $135.00 37606 12/23/2008 4460886 $270.00`/ 37607 12/23/2008 44608056 $405.00 37608 12/23/2008 4460848 $4,777.26 37609 12/23/2008 4460847 $3,947.31�J/ 37612 12/23/2008 4340200 $4,134.91 TOTAL 4O S-P CSO Architects December 23, 2008 Project No: 26179HC Invoice No: 37594 Les Olds Carmel Redevelopment Commission One Civic Square Carmel, IN 46032 Project 28179HC CCC- PARCEL 96 -MONON TRL W MAIN /1ST ST NW For professional services rendered for the period December 1, 2008 to December 19, 2008 for the referenced project. Phase 04 Construction Documents Professional Personnel Hours Rate Amount Olson, Robert 1214108 1.00 135.00 135.00 Meet with surveyor and review work to do and order survey. Olson, Robert 1219108 .50 135.00 67.50 Phone Mosson for survey information. Olson, Robert 12/17108 2.25 135.00 303.75 Review survey with Mosson and contact Crossroads with error issues. Totals 3.75 508.25 Total Labor 506.25 Total this Phase $506.25 Total this Invoice $506.26 Billings to Date Current Prior Total Labor 506.25 0.00 506.25 Totals 506.25 0.00 506.25 l/ Please remit to: CSO Architects, PO Box 6069, Dept 94, Indianapolis, IN 46206 -6069. Unpaid amounts over 30 days will be subject to 1 112% monthly interest charge. CSa Architects December 23, 2008 Project No: 28109HC Invoice No: 37595 Les Olds Carmel Redevelopment Commission One Civic Square Carmel, IN 46032 Project 28109HC CCC- PARCEL 47 SITE DEMOLITION For professional services rendered for the period December 1, 2008 to December 19, 2008 for the referenced proiect. Phase 06 CONST. ADMINISTRATION Professional Personnel Hours Rate Amount Bogan, Brandon 1116108 1.00 125.00 125.00 Construction meeting. Bogan, Brandon 11120/08 1.00 125.00 125.00 Construction meeting. Bogan, Brandon 11/24/08 1.50 125.00 187.50 Team coordination meeting. Bogan, Brandon 1218/08 1.00 125.00 125.00 Construction meeting. Bogan, Brandon 12/15/08 1.50 125.00 187.50 Construction meeting. Moody, Kirt 11/24/08 2.00 125.00 250.00 Met w /Bloodhound representative on site, photographed findings, returned to office, downloaded and emailed to Mr. Hoyes at the Hamilton County Surveyor's office. Moody, Kirt 11125108 3.00 125.00 375.00 Studied grades per the latest floor plan and sent team comments re: concern for auto exhausting from below grade. Moody, Kirt 12/1108 1.00 125.00 125.00 Prepared a drawing for new design for Alley vacation. Moriarity, Daniel 11/25/08 1.00 195.00 195.00 Project admin with Patriot. Moriarity, Daniel 12/10/08 1.00 195.00 195.00 Project admin with Patriot. Olson, Robert 11/24108 4.50 135.00 607.50 Prep for meeting and progress meeting. Olson, Robert 1211108 ,50 135.00 67.50 Review site and location of the Nut sign to be stored by the city. Contact the street dept. and make arrangements to pick up sign and store off site until sign is needed to be reinstalled at Parcel 47. Please remit to: CSO Architects, PO Box 6069, Dept 94, Indianapolis, IN 46206 -6069. Unpaid amounts over 30 days will be subject to 1 1/2% monthly interest charge. Proje 28109HC CCC- PARCEL 47 SITE DEMOLITION Invoice 37595 Olson, Robert 12/3/08 .75 135.00 101.25 Phone call from contractor and then reviewing the proposed plans with Kirt to remove the existing curbs around the perimeter of the site now or later, drainage issues. Olson, Robert 12/16/08 1.50 135.00 202.50 Barricade issues checking spec's and drawings. Totals 21.25 2,868.75 Total Labor 2,868,75 Total this Phase $2,868.75 Phase 09 REIMBURSABLE Reimbursable Expenses Travel 39.00 Delivery/Shipping 12.00 Total Re €mbursables 51.00 51.00 Unit Billing 11 X 17 B/W COPIES 0.34 30 X 42 BLUELINE /BLACKLINE 1.49 8.5 X 11 B/W COPIES 1.70 24 X 36 BLUELINEIBLACKLINE 9.18 8.5 X 11 COLOR COPY 189.00 ACETATE COVERS 3.20 PUNCH BIND 1.32 Total Units 206.23 206.23 Total this Phase $257.23 Total this Invoice $3,125.98 Billings to Date Current Prior Total Labor 2,868.75 36,775.00 39,643.75 Expense 51.00 16.00 67.00 y Unit 206.23 170.63 376.86 Totals 3,125,98 36,961.63 40,087.61 Please remit to: CSO Architects, PO Box 6069, Dept 94, Indianapolis, IN 46206 -6069. unpaid amounts over 30 days will be subject Page 2 to 1 1/2% monthly interest charge. Billed Detail Tuesday, December 23, 2008 CSO ARCHITECTS, INC. As of 12/19/08 1:40:46 P Billing Labor Code Employee/ Hours/ Billing Billing Status Date Account Reference Description Units Rate Amount Project Number: 28109HC CCC- PARCEL 47 SITE DEMOLITION Phase Number: 09 REIMBURSABLE Expenses: B 1213/06 516.00 000000049542 Kirt Moody 15.00 B 12112/08 516.00 000000049777 Brandon Bogan 4.00' B 12/12/08 516.00 000000049777 Brandon Bogan 4.00' B 12/12/08 516.00 000000049777 Brandon Bogan 4.00 B 12/12/08 516.00 000000049777 Brandon Bogan 4.00 B 1211210a 516.00 000000049777 Brandon Bogan 4.00 B 12/12/08 516.00 000000049777 Brandon Bogan 4.00 i 3 1213108 518.00 000000049558 Black Tie Courier 12.00' Total Billable Expenses 51.00 Total Expenses 511.00 Units: B 12/12/08 ACETAT 000000000044 B:2.0ACETATES 1.60 2.000 1.60 3.20 B 12/12/08 C01-8.5 000000000044 8:90.0 COPIES 2.10 90.000 2.10 189.00 B 12/12/08 PUNCH 000000000044 B:1.0 PLOT 1.32 1.000 1.32 1.32 B 12/12108 BL2436 000000000048 BA.0 BONDS 1.02 4.000 1.02 4.08 B 12/12/08 COP8.5 000000000048 B:8.0 COPIES 0.17 8.000 .17 1.36 B 11/28/08 BL2436 000000000218 B:1.0 BOND 1.02 1.000 1.02 1.02 B 11!28/08 BL2436 000000000218 B:4.0 BONDS 1.02 4.000 1.02 4.08 B 11/28/08 BL3042 000000000218 B:1.0 BOND 1.49 1.000 1.49 1.49 B 11/28/08 COP11 000000000218 6:2.0 COPIES 0.17 2.000 .17 .34 B 11/28108 COP8.5 000000000218 6:2.0 COPIES 0.17 2.000 .17 -34 Total Billable Units 206.23 Total Units 206.23 Total for 09 257.23 CSO Architects Expense Report AACKITECTtME It%rTMIORDFSICN gam Employee No.: lips Month Q vr, l Year. j6 64 (k4d Sk2 g G,00 SOO I~ 3 147" PIJ?4 Ito Ov 1 jV9 144-A purchase orders are required for all expenses other than parlcing/mileage. No payment will be issued without proper receipts. may-08 'Mileage Rate $0.50 per mile CSO Architects Expense Report ARCHITECTURE INTERIOR DESIGN Name: Brandon Bogan Employee No.: 0719 Month: --I9'' Year. 2008 terainme 10106/08 24408H DePauw Final Walkthrough N 124 $62.00 $62.00 10/05108 25310H Carmef RPAC Meeting N 6 $3.00 $3.00 10/08108 25310H Carmel RPAC Meeting N 6 $3.00 $3.00 10/09/08 26203H Ball State Meeting N 112 1 $56.00 $56.00 ,5�. Walk through with 10110108 2 WH Nashville, TN contractors N $62.00 $18.00 612 $306.00 $386.00 10113/08 ZSiO Carmel P47 Pre-Bid R 8 $4.00 $4.00 10/13/08 25310H Carmel RPAC Meeting N 6 $3.00 $3,00 10114/08 26203H Ball State Meeting N 112 $56.00 $56.00 10115/08 25310H Carmel RPAC Meeting N 6 $3.00 $3.00 10117/08 25310H Carmel RPAC (2) Meetings N 16 $8.00 $8.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 10,00 $0.00 i 1 1 Purchase orders are required for all expenses other than parking/mileage. No payment will be issued without proper receipts. Mar-07 Grand Total CSQ Architects Expense Report ARCHITECTURE INTERIOR DESIGN Ci' jrJ00 Name: Brandon Bogan Employee No.: 0 Month: Year: 2008 Reim tir :Non Ref ,�oocf Mileage C l a t e Pro�eet No Locatron Purpose {R orN) Enterainment P2rng Fees Mileage amount iVlcellaneaas Total 10120/08 2810gH Carmel P47 Meeting R 8 $4.00 $4.00 10/21/08 28107 CRC Office Meeting R 8 $4.00 $4.00 10!22108 25310H Carmel RPAC Meeting N 6 $3.00 $3.00 10/23/08 26203H Ball State Meeting N 112 $56.00 $56.00 10127/08 28 9H Carmel P47 Meeting R 8 $4.00 $4.00 10/27/08 084 Keystone's Office Meeting R $8.00 22 $11.00 $19.00 10/28/08 25310H Carmel RPAC Meeting N 6 $3.00 $3.00 10/30/08 45134Qi Carmel RPAC Meeting N 6 $3.00 $3.00 0% 11/03108 (28 Carmel P47 Meeting R N 8 $4.00 $44,0C# 11/03/08 28084}) Keystone's Office Meeting R $8.00 22 1 $41.00 $19.00 Site Review with BSU 11/05/08 26203H Ball State Structures Classs N 112 $56.00 $56.00 11/05/08 25310H CRC Office Meeting N 8 $4.00 $4.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0 -00 Purchase orders are required for all expenses other than parking/mileage. No payment will be issued without proper receipts. Mar-07 Grand Total 1 ,np' CSO Architects Expense Report ARCHITECTURE INTERIOR DESIGN r� w Name: Brandon Bogan Employee No.: 0719 Month: Year: 2008 :N on -ReimE �aad M ileages$ [life Pro ect No Locatloo f'u ose`. (Rtar Enter�Inrnerit Parkin 1 ees MVGfea e, Amaunt Ntlscellaneoas Tatfil 11/06108 2531 OH Carmel RPAC Meeting N 6 $3.00 $3.00 11/06108 26203H Ball State Meeting N 112 $56.00 $56.00 11/10/08 1 28Q84H Keystone Meeting R $8.00 22 1 $11.00 $19.00 and coordination with 11112/08 2531 OH Carmel Chris garland N $29.00 10 $5.00 $34.00 11/13/08 28158H Oxford, Ohio Site Reviews N 200 $100.00 $100.00 11/17108.28084 Keystone Meeting R $5.00 22 $11.00 $16.00 11/18/08 253 "OH Carmel RPAC Meeting N 6 $3.00 $3.00 11/19/08 25310H Carmel RPAC Meeting N 6 1 $3.00 $3.00 11120108 26203H B all State Meeting N 112 $56.00 $56.00 11121/08 28171H Anderson I MEeetinag eeting R 75 $37.50 $37.50 11/24/08 8109 Carmel P47 R 8 $4.00 $4.00 11/24/08 28084H Keystone R 8.00 22 $11.00 $19.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $Q.oQ Purchase orders are required for all expenses.other than parking/mileage. No payment will be issued without proper receipts. Mar -07 Grand Total r� Vim► CSO Architects Expense Report ARCHITECTURE INTERIOR DESIGN Name: Brandon Bogan Employee No.: 0719 Month-, ..satyr Year: 2008 'Reim or 2 Non Reign Food t4liEea date Pro ect Nq ::�ocatton t?u bse R or N 1= rtterairsritent� �Patkin SFees Mllea` e` t bm�unt i4fiscellane'ous, tofat 12/02/08 2LQ71 H St. Vincent Meeting R 7 $3.50 $3.50 12/02/08 28084 Keystone Meeting R 22 $11.00 $11.00 12/03/08 25310H Carmel RPAC Meeting N 6 $3.00 $3.00 12/04/08 2620ZH Ball State Meeting N 112 $56.00 $56.00 12!05108 CRC Office Punch list N 8 $4,00 $4.00 12/08/08 8109H Parcel P47 Meeting R 8 $4.00 $4.00 12/10/08 25310H Carmel RPAC Meeting N 6 $3.00 $3.00 12110108 28071H St. Vincent Meeting R 7 $3.50 $3.50 12111/08 28107H CRC Office Final Punch R 8 $4.00 $4.00 12112/08 2531 OH Circle B's Office Mockup Review N 54 $27.00 $27.00 12/08/08 28133 State Su bmittal R $0.00 $272.16 $272.16 12/12/08 28133 CRC Office. Meeting R 8 $4.00 $4.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 Purchase orders are required for all expenses other than parking/mileage. No payment will be issued without proper receipts. Mar -07 1 Grand Total k_ _$35510 l c 1 f INV. Com 'r' vc i 0-0&1 O ODLUYP_/ DATE 1& P.O. BOX 501425 INDIANAPOLIS, IN 46250 COURIER DISPAT 595 -3500 PICKUP TIME BONDED *INSURED SHIPPER RE EIVER NAME NAME G�.'�/�1 ADDRESS ADDRESS PHONE ZIP U I U PHONE ZIP MODE 1 HOUR 2 HOURS SAME nAY BY NOON NEXT DAY C.O.D. CALL BY NOON NEXT OAY CALL BY NOON SPECIAL 1NSTRUCTI f4S; OUNT DUE T IS INVOICE RECD BY /r THANK YOU FOR USING B.T.C. LTD. WE OPERATE UNDER I.U.R.C. GUIDELINES'_ BECAUSE YOU CARE WE CARE V� CSO Architects December 23, 2008 Project No: 28107HC Invoice No: 37596 Les Olds Carmel Redevelopment Commission One Civic Square Carmel, IN 46032 Project 28107HC CCC- PARCEL 99 CRC NEW OFFICES For professional services rendered for the period December 1, 2008 to December 19, 2008 for the referenced proiect. Phase 04 Const. Documents Professional Personnel Hours Rate Amount Cox, Katherine 12/3/08 1.00 95.00 95 -00 Site Visit, Investigation of Installation Issues -Doors Carpet. Cox, Katherine 1214108 1.25 95.00 118.75 Site Visit, Investigation of Door Issues Meeting with Client, Contractor Distributor, Cox, Katherine 12/5108 2,25 95,00 213.75 Coordination of Door Issue Walk- Through, Cox, Katherine 12/8108 .25 95.00 23.75 Coordination of Final Punch. Cox, Katherine 12/10/08 .25 95.00 23.75 Punch Write Up -1st Walk. Cox, Katherine 12/11/08 2.25 95.00 21175 Punch Write Up -1st Walk. Cox, Katherine 12/11/08 1.75 95.00 166.25 Punch Write Up -2nd Punch. Cox, Katherine 12/12/08 1.25 95.00 118.75 Researching furniture issues recommendations for Client. Cox, Katherine 12112/08 1.00 95.00 95.00 Typing up additional comments from 2nd Walk Thru. Cox, Katherine 12/17108 3.25 95.00 308.75 Furniture comments and follow up with Allsteel. Totals 14.50 1,377,50 Total Labor 1,377.50 Total this Phase $1,377.50 Phase 06 Const. Administration Professional Personnel Hours Rate Amount Please remit to: CSO Architects, PO Box 6069, Dept 94, Indianapolis, IN 46206 -6069. Unpaid amounts over 30 days will be subject to 1 112% monthly interest charge. Proj 28107HC CCC- PARCEL 99 CRC NEW OFFICES Invoice 37596 Bogan, Brandon 1116/08 .50 125.00 62.50 Punch list. Bogan, Brandon 12/3108 1.00 125.00 125.00 Construction Review. Bogan, Brandon 12/11/08 1,00 125.00 125.00 Punch list. Totals 2.50 312.50 Total Labor 312.50 Total this Phase $312.50 Phase 09 Reimbursable Reimbursable Expenses Travel 8.00 Total Reimbursables 8.00 8.00 Total this Phase $8.00 Total this Invoice $1,698.00 Billings to Date Current Prior Total Labor 1,590.00 10,157.50 11,847.50 v Consultant 0.00 413.50 413.50 Expense 8.00 250.59 258.59 Unit 0.00 429.85 429.85 Totals 1,698.00 11, 251.44 12,949.44 Please remit to: CSO Architects, PO Box 6069, Dept 94, Indianapolis, IN 46206 -6069. Unpaid amounts over 30 days will be subject Page 2 to 1 112% monthly interest charge. Billed Detail Tuesday, December 23, 2008 CSO ARCHITECTS, INC. As of 12/19/08 1 :43:37 PM Billing Labor Code Employee/ Hours/ Billing Bailing Status Date /Account Reference Description Units Rate Amount Project Number: 28107HC CCC- PARCEL 99 -CRC NEW OFFICES Phase Number. 09 Reimbursable Expenses: B 121112108 516.00 000000049777 Brandon Bogan 4.00 B 12112/08 516.00 000000049777 Brandon Bogan 4.00/ Total Billable Expenses 8.00 Total Expenses 8.00 Total for 09 8.00 CSO Architects Expense Report ARCHITECTURE INTERIOR DESIGN Ac.'r ltjc7) Name: Brandon Bogan Employee No.: 0719 Month: Year: 2008 Non Reim oo 1Ncle� DaEe P1eat No tocatuin Purpose, (R or N) Enteramment Park €ng F4 es; Mllege� Amount F tNlsr eltaneous Total; 10/20/08 28109H Carmel P47 Meeting R 8 $4.00 $4.00 10/21/08 28107FN CRC Office Meeting R 8 $4.00 $4.00 10/22/08 2531 OH Carmel RPAC Meeting N 6 $3.00 $3.00 10/23/08 26203H Ball State Meeting N 1 112 $56.00 $56.00 10/27108 28jk9H armel P47 Meeting R 8 $4.00 $4.00 10127/08 084 Keystone's Office Meeting R $8.00 22 $11.00 $19.00 10/28/08 2531 OH Carmel RPAC Meeting N 1 6 $3.00 $3.00 10/30108 Carmel RPAC Meeting N 6 $3.00 $3.00 0� 11103/08 8 Carmel P47 Meeting R $40.00 N 8 $4.00 $44.00 11/03/08 28084 Keystone's Office Meeting R $8.00 22 $11.00 $19.00 Site Review with BSU 11/05/08 26203H Bafl State Structures Classs N 112 $56.00 $56.00 11/05108 2531 OH CRC Office Meeting N 8 $4.00 $4.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 Purchase orders are required for all expenses other than parking/mileage- No payment will be issued withouf proper receipts. Mar -07 Grand Total CSO Architects Expe Report ARCHITECTURE INTERIOR DESIGN Name: Brandon Bogan Employee No.: 0719 Month: Year: 2008 Dafe Pralec !o >LoCatlon Purpose (R orM) yErrteralnrMt Parking�ees tr Mileage Y Amount Mlsellalgaus Teal 12/02/08 g§Z1H St. Vincent Meeting R 7 $3.50 $3.50 12102/08 28084 Keystone Meeting R 22 $11.00 $11.00 12/03/08 25310H Carmel RPAC Meeting N 6 $3.00 $3.00 12/04/08 1 Ball State Meeting N 112 $56.00 $56.00 1210510$ CRC Office Punch List in 8 $4.00 $4.00 12/08/08 k281 09H Parcel P47 Meeting R 8 $4.00 $4.00 12110108 25310H Cannel RPAC Meeting N 6 $3.00 $3.00 12/10/08 28071H St. Vincent Meeting R 7 $3.50 $3.50 12111/08 28107H CRC Office Final Punch R 8 $4.00 $4.00 12/12/08 253101-1 Circle B's Office Mockup Review N 54 $27.00 $27.00 12/08/08 28133 State Submittal R $0.00 $272.16 $272.16 12112!08 281331 CRC Office. Meeting R 8 $4.00 $4.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 Purchase orders are required for all expenses other than parking/mileage. No payment will be issued without proper receipts. Mar -07 Grand Total CSO Architects December 23, 2008 Project No: 28133HC Invoice No: 37597 Les Olds Carmel Redevelopment Commission One Civic Square Carmel, IN 46032 Project 28133HC CCC- PARCEL 92 APOSTOLIC CHURCH SITE For professional services rendered for the period November 22, 2008 to December 19, 2008 for the referenced proiect. Phase 03 Design Development Professional Personnel Hours Rate Amount Moody, Kirt 12/15/08 8.00 125.00 1,000.00 Working on the Erosion Control and Water Quality Plan. Moody, Kirt 12/16/08 8.00 125.00 1,000.00 Adjusted water main route, construction limit line and grades. Moody, Kirt 12/17/08 4.00 125.00 500.00 Working on the Erosion Control and Water Quality Plan. Moody, Kirt 12/18/08 6.00 125,00 750.00 Working on the Erosion Control and Water Quality Plan. Totals 26.00 3,250.00 Total Labor 3,250.00 Total this Phase $3,250.00 Phase 04 Construction Documents Professional Personnel Hours Rate Amount Bogan, Brandon 11124108 1.00 125.00 125.00 Plan updates. Bogan, Brandon 11/25108 2.00 125.00 250.00 Plan updates. Bogan, Brandon 1218/08 1.50 125,00 187.50 Elevation reviews. Bogan, Brandon 12/10/08 .50 125,00 62.50 Plan coordination. Bogan, Brandon 12/12/08 1.00 125.00 125.00 Plan coordination. Crapnell, Daniel 11/25/08 2.00 75.00 150.00 VFW Constructions Documents. Crapnell, Daniel 12/9/08 .75 75.00 56.25 VFW Construction Document Revisions. Please remitto: CSO Architects, PO Box 6069, Dept 94, Indianapolis, IN 46206 -6069. Unpaid amounts over 30 days will be subject to 1 112% monthly interest charge_ Project 28133HC CCC- PARCEL 92 APOSTOLIC CHURCH Invoice37597 SITE Crapnell, Daniel 12/11/08 4.50 75.00 337.50 VFW Alternate Elevations. Crapnell, Daniel 12/12/08 6.75 75.00 506.25 VFW Alternate Elevations. Crapnell, Daniel 12/15/08 8.50 75.00 637.50 New VFW Construction Documents, Crapnell, Daniel 12/16/08 9.00 75.00 675.00 New VFW Construction Documents. Crapnell, Daniel 12/17/08 9.00 75.00 675.00 New VFW Construction Documents. Crapnell, Daniel 12/18/08 1.00 75.00 75.00 New VFW Construction Documents. Moody, Kirt 11/24/08 4.00 125.00 500.00 Eliminated circular drive in front of VFW building and indicated as second phase. Moody, Kirt 11/25/08 5.00 125.00 625.00 Revised grades per phased construction detention calculations. Moody, Kirt 11/26/08 5.00 125.00 625.00 Revised site layout to reflect comments received via email from the City. Moody, Kirt 12/1/08 6.00 125.00 750.00 Prepared a drawing for VFW phase 1 w/ new circle, graded the future area, and drew a cross section through the proposed building with existing grades. Moody, Kirt 12/2/08 2.00 125.00 250.00 Met w /Mike McBride re: VFW phase only requirements including storm detention and water quality. Moody, Kirt 1212/08 5.00 125.00 625.00 Reviewed stormwater detention requirements for the proposed bio- aquifer system. Moody, Kirt 12/3/08 6.00 125.00 750.00 Redesigned drainage system per Mr. McBride's suggestion that 2nd BMP for the VFW phase be a bio swale. Moody, Kirt 12/4/08 7.00 125.00 875.00 Redesigned site for 60' half right of way for main street. Moody, Kirt 12/5/08 3.00 125.00 375.00 Revised layout dimensions, hatching, and notes for the angled parking to accommodate the additional right of way. Moody, Kirt 1218108 4.00 125.00 500.00 Modified grades supplied drawings to the Environmental group. Moody, Kirt 12/9/08 7.00 125.00 875.00 Added overall Old Meridian Improvement drawing to site base autocad by changing from meters to feet and rotating. Moody, Kirt 12/10/08 2.00 125.00 250.00 Plotted and queried CRC re: Landscape requirements and modified plan per 60' future setback. Moody, Kirt 12/11/08 2.00 125.00 250.00 Studied applicability of BMP (vegetated swale vs bio retention). Please remit to: C50 Architects, PQ Box 6069, Dept 94, Indianapolis, IN 46206 -6069. Unpaid amounts over 30 days will be subject Page 2 to 1 1/2% monthly interest charge. Project 28133HC CCC- PARCEL 92 APOSTOLIC CHURCH Invoice37597 SITE Moody, Kirt 12/12/08 3.00 125.00 375.00 Regraded south swale as required for a "Vegetated Swale BMP Moody, Kirt 12/17/08 1.00 125.00 125.00 Attended Technical Advisory Meeting (TAC). Olson, Robert 11/25/08 1.50 135.00 202.50 Utility issues and plans to state. Olson, Robert 12/3108 2,50 135.00 337.50 Meeting with Mike Hollibaugh reviewing requirements for approval through the TAC and city for Parcel 92 with Les Olds. Olson, Robert 1213108 1.00 135.00 135.00 Review and setting up meeting and gathering information for meeting. Olson, Robert 1213108 ,75 135.00 101.25 Review changes with Kirt and Brandon and calling Mike and Les for final decissions of materials to use on the building. Olson, Robert 1214108 1.00 135.00 135.00 Site visit and taking pictures. Olson, Robert 12/8108 1.75 135.00 236.25 Design. Olson, Robert 1218108 .75 135.00 101.25 Siding issues and phone with Mike and Les. Olson, Robert 1219108 .75 135.00 101.25 E -mail water request information to city. Olson, Robert 12/10108 4.00 135.00 540.00 Proposal review and meeting with Duke over utility design, schedules and cost for work. Olson, Robert 12/12/08 2.00 135.00 270.00 Meeting with Matt and Brandon over building changes. Olson, Robert 12/15/08 2,00 135.00 270.00 Drawing review. Olson, Robert 12/16/08 1.75 135.00 236.25 Electrical lighting. Olson, Robert 12/17/08 2.50 135.00 337.50 TAC meeting and information for project gathering. Olson, Robert 12/19/08 1.50 135.00 202.50 Site review. Totals 133.25 14,818.75 Total Labor 14,818.75 Total this Phase $14,818.75 Phase 09 Reimbursable Reimbursable Expenses Travel 9.00 Agency Filing Fees 272.16 Total Reimbursables 281.16 281.16 f Unit Billing Please remit to: CSO Architects, PO Box 6069, Dept 94, Indianapolis, IN 46206 -6069. Unpaid amounts over 30 days will be subject Page 3 to 1 112% monthly interest charge. Project 28133HC CCC- PARCEL 92 APOSTOLIC CHURCH Invoice37597 SITE 24 X 36 BLUELINE /BLACKLINE 73.44 30 X 42 BLUELINE /BLACKLINE 10.43 36 X 48 BLUELINE /BLACKLINE 4.08 11 X 17 B/W COPIES 0.17 8.5 X 11 B/W COPIES 35.87 11 X 17 COLOR COPY 2.21 8.5 X 11 COLOR COPY 4.20 Total Units 130.40 130.40 Total this Phase $411.56 Total this Invoice $18,480.31 Billings to Date Current Prior Total Labor 18,068.75 16,672.50 34,741.25 Expense 281.16 6.00 287.16 Unit 130.40 359.90 490.30 Totals 18,480.31 17,038.40 35,518.71 Please remit to: CSO Architects, PO Box 6069, Dept 94, Indianapolis, IN 46206 5069. Unpaid amounts over 30 days will be subject Page 4 to 1 112% monthly interest charge. Billed Detail Tuesday, December 23, 2008 CSO ARCHITECTS, INC. As of 12/19/08 1;45'05 PM Billing Labor Code Employee! Hours/ Billing Billing Status Date /Account Reference Description Units Rate Amount Project Number: 28133HC CCC- PARCEL 92 APOSTOLIC CHURCH SITE Phase Number: 09 Reimbursable Expenses: B 1213108 516.00 000000049542 Kirt Moody 5.00 B 12 /12 /08 516.00 000000049777 Brandon Bogan 4.00 B 12112108 519.00 000000049777 Brandon Bogan State Submittal 272.16 Total Billable Expenses 281.16 Total Expenses 281.16 Units: B 1215108 BL2436 000000000046 6:8.0 BONDS 1.02 8.000 1.02 8.16 B 1215108 COL8.5 000000000046 8:1.0 COPY 2.10 1.000 2.10 2.10 B 1215108 COP8.5 000000000046 B:76.0 COPIES 0.17 76.000 .17 12.92 B 12112108 BL2436 000000000048 B:20,0 BONDS 1.02 20.000 1.02 20.40 B 12/12/08 BL3648 000000000048 13:1.0 BOND 2.04 1.000 2.04 2.04 B 12112/08 C0P11 000000000048 8:1.0 COPY 0.17 1.000 .17 17 B 12/12108 COP8.5 000000000048 B:55.0 COPIES 0.17 55.000 17 9.35 8 12119/08 BL2436 000000000123 6:16.0 BONDS 1.02 16.000 1.02 16.32 B 12/19/08 BL2436 000000000123 8:2.0 BONDS 1.02 2.000 1.02 2.04 B 12/19/08 COL11 000000000123 B:1.0 COPY 2.21 1.000 2.21 2.21 B 12/19/08 COL8.5 000000000123 B:1.0 COPY 2.10 1.000 2.10 2.10 B 12/19/08 COP8.5 000000000123 8:23.0 COPIES 0.17 23.000 .17 3.91 B 11128/08 BL2436 000000000218 B:1.0 BOND 1.02 1.000 1.02 1.02 B 11/28/08 BL2436 000000000218 B:25.0 BONDS 1.02 25.000 1.02 25.50 B 11/28/08 BL3042 000000000218 B:7.0 BONDS 1.49 7.000 1.49 10.43 B 11128!08 BL3648 00D000000218 13:1.0 BOND 2.04 1.000 2.04 2.04 B 11/28108 COP8.5 000000000218 B -57.0 COPIES 0.17 57.000 .17 9.69 Total Billable Units 130.40 Total Units 130.40 Total for 09 411.56 CSO Architects Expense Report ARCHITECTURE INTERIOR DESIGN Name: ��,r- mo d Employee No.: NOS Month: 6 1.T, 44, Year: LOD$ JVo'' n. Res food.:•: :•:•:2:: >:2.:::::: to ca .A ur#�O e �rr;:N�::::::Etlterairirsient_ :f �':ees..:14Til��ge:;: Arinoiirit':`;::: Misce9aneovs S"` o rp C pl22 b s l ���1 T� R, 10 M-a�m 01A Afy�m 1;�e 10 6,0D go 10'00 ID l ad 1 444 Purchase orders are required for all expenses other than perking /mileage. No payment will be issued without proper receipts. May-08 `Mileage Rate $0.50 per mile Grand Total CSO Architects Expense Report ARCHITECTURE INTERIOR DESIGN Name: Brandon Bogan Employee No.: 0719 Month: --*r T Year: 2 Rd m Late PJect No n 12/02/08 2 �711-1 St. Vincent Meeting R 7 $3.50 $3.50 12/02108 L28084U) Keystone Meeting R 22 $11.00 $11.00 12/03108 2531 OH Carmel RPAC Meeting N 6 $3.00 $3.00 12/04/08 QH 26fiQ Ball State Meeting N 112 $56.00 $56.00 12105108 L a CRC Office Punch List N 8 $4.00 $4.00 12/08/08 8109H Parcel P47 Meeting R 8 $4.00 $4.00 12/10/08 2531 OH Carmel RPAC Meeting N 6 $3.00 $3.00 12/10108 28071 H St, Vincent Meeting R 7 $3.50 $3.50 12/11108 28107H CRC Office Final Punch R 8 $4.00 $4.00 12/1 2/08 25310H Circle B's Office Mockup Review N 54 $27.00 $27.00 12108/08 C28133 b State Submittal R $0.00 $272.16 $272.16 *t 12/12108 2813*_ CRC Office, Meeting R 8 $4.00 $4.00 WOO $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 Purchase orders are required for all expenses other than parking1mileaga. No payment wilt be issued without proper receipts, Mar-07 MR--d Chase Online Activity for CREDIT CARD (...3466) Show Me... my account activity All Transactions Trans Date Post Date Type Description Transaction Number Amount 12/17/2008 12/19/2008 Sale QUIZNOS SUB #I6630(Dlning and 24341298353249549010571 $17.04 Entertainment) 12115/2008 12/17/2008 Sale SUBS CAFE(Dining and Entertainment) 24254778351469952630040 $90.00 12208/ 0 1210912008 Sale STATE OF IN WWW INGOV(Other) 24158028343290912760026 $272.16 WNW ow 11/17/2008 11/1912D48 Sale S PARKING LLC(Travel)_ 24498138 $5.00_ 11/12/2008 11/14/2008 Sale MULDOONS(Dining and Entertainment) 24089138318318200235500 $29.00 11/10/2008 1111212008 Sale SIDELINE PARKING LLC(Travel) 244981383167 0687755315 $8.00 11103/2008 11/0612008 Sale SIDELINE PARKING LLC(Travel) 24498138310700687756616 $8.00 11/03/2008 11105/2008 Sale SUBS CAF'E(Dining and Entertainment) 24254778309469952630142 $40.00 FRWRIMM 10/27/2008 10/29/2008 Sale SIDELINE PARKING LLC(Travel) 24498138302700687755691 $8.00 WIN 10 /10 /2008 10/12/2008. Sale PALM RESTAURANT(Dining and 24323028285573002010133 $62.00 Entertainment) https: /Icards. chase .com /Account/AccountActivity.aspx 12/22/2008 V►! CSO Architects December 23, 2008 Project No: 28168HC Invoice No: 37598 Les Olds Carmel Redevelopment Commission One Civic Square Carmel, IN 46032 Project 2816SHC CCC- PARCEL 94 STREETSC RANGELINE S P12 For professional services rendered for the period November 22, 2008 to December 19, 2008 for the referenced proiect. Phase 04 Construction Documents Professional Personnel Hours Rate Amount Olson, Robert 11/26/08 2.50 135.00 337.50 R/W issue along South Range Line Road with Don Masson and Mike McBride. Totals 2.50 337.50 Total Labor 337.50 Total this Phase $337.50 Phase 09 Reimbursable Unit Billing 36 X 48 BLUELINE /BLACKLINE 2.04 8.5 X 11 BM/ COPIES 0.34 Total Units 2.38 2.38 Total this Phase $2.38 Total this Invoice $339.88 Billings to Date Current Prior Total Labor 337.50 540.00 877.50 Unit 2.38 0.00 2.38 Totals 339.88 540.00 879.88 t7 Please remit to: CSO Architects, PO Box 6069, Dept 94, Indianapolis, IN 46206 -6069. Unpaid amounts over 30 days will be subject to 1 112% monthly interest charge. Billed Detail Tuesday, December 23, 2008 CSO ARCHITECT INC. As of 12/19/08 1:48:14 PM Billing Labor Code Employee/ Hours/ Billing Billing Status Date /Account Reference Description Units Rate Amount Project Number: 28168HC CCC- PARCEL 94 STREETSC RANGELINE S P12 Phase Number: 09 Reimbursable Units: B 12/12/08 BL3648 000000000048 B:1.0 BOND 2.04 1.000 2.04 2.04 B 12/12/08 COP8.5 000000000048 B2.0 COPIES 0.17 2.000 .17 .34 Total Billable Units 2.38 Total Units 2.38 Total for 09 2.38 CSO Architects December 23, 2008 Project No: 26236HC Invoice No: 37599 Les Olds Carmel Redevelopment Commission One Civic Square Carmel, IN 46032 Project 26236HC CCC- PARCEL 67 STREETSCAPE IND DSGN CTR For professional services rendered for the period November 22, 2008 to December 19, 2008 for the referenced proiect. Phase 06 CONST. ADMINISTRATION Professional Personnel Hours Rate Amount Gault, Mary 11/26/08 .50 70.00 35.00 Administrative; Correspondence. Gault, Mary 12/8108 .25 70.00 17.50 Administrative; Correspondence. Gault, Mary 12111/08 .50 70.00 35.00 Administrative; Correspondence. Moody, Kirt 11/24/08 2,00 125.00 250.00 Checked shop drawings and returned same. Moody, Kirt 11/26/08 1.00 125.00 125.00 Checked shop drawings and returned same, Moody, Kirt 12!1/08 2.00 125.00 250.00 Reviewed prices for overcut and impact of Crossroads design for Crawford curb cut. Moody, Kirt 1212108 1.00 125.00 125.00 Reviewed RFI information. Moody, Kirt 1215108 2.00 125.00 250.00 Reviewed shop drawings and "stoop" RFI. Moody, Kirt 12/8/08 3.00 125.00 375.00 Checked and returned shop drawings. Moody, Kirt 12/10/08 6.00 125.00 750.00 Met for bi- weekly progress meeting, worked on requests for Proposals #001 #002. Moody, Kirt 12/11/08 3.00 125.00 375.00 Worked on reply to RFI #00011. Moody, Kirt 12117/08 2.00 125.00 250.00 Answered Stoop clarification for added doors along Range Line Road. Olson, Robert 11124/08 1.25 135.00 168.75 Water line issue in 1st Street SW. Olson, Robert 11/25/08 1.50 135.00 202.50 Water line issue with City inspectors in 1st Street SW. Olson, Robert 1214108 2,50 135.00 337.50 Reviewing dirt issue and cost to undercut. Please remit to: CSO Architects, PO Box 6059, Dept 94, Indianapolis, IN 46206 -6069. Unpaid amounts over 30 days Mil be subject to 1 112% monthly Interest charge. Project 26236HC CCC- PARCEL 67 STREETSCAPE IND Invoice37599 DSGN CTR Olson, Robert 12/8/08 .25 135.00 33.75 E -mail info to Lilly at the city about street lights. Olson, Robert 12/8/08 .75 135.00 101.25 Review cost once again with Signature Construction. Olson, Robert 12/9/08 1.25 135.00 168.75 Site visit reviewing BMP issue. Olson, Robert 12/15/08 2.00 135.00 270.00 Progress mtg. Olson, Robert 12/16/08 1.00 135.00 135.00 Change order review. Olson, Robert 12/19/08 1.75 135.00 236.25 Review and approve change order for water line work in 1st Street SW. Totals 35.50 4,491.25 Total Labor 4,491.25 Total this Phase $4,491.25 Phase 09 REIMBURSABLE Consultants Reim. Consultants 12/19/08 L'Acquis Consulting 100% CA 800.00 Engineers, LLC Total Consultants 800.00 800.00 Reimbursable Expenses Travel 35.00 Total Reimbursables 35.00 35.00 Unit Billing 11 X 17 COLOR COPY 4.42 8.5 X 11 B/W COPIES 5.78 11 X 17 B/W COPIES 0.51 24 X 36 BLUELINE /BLACKLINE 3.06 8.5 X 11 B/W COPIES 0.16 Total Units 13.93 13.93 li Total this Phase $848.93 Total this Invoice $5,340.18 Billings to Date Current Prior Total Labor 4,491.25 52,453.75 56,945.00 Consultant 800.00 5,280.68 6,080.68 Expense 35.00 39.66 74,66 Unit 13.93 770.31 784.24 Totals 5,340.18 58,544.40 63,884.58 Please remit to: CSO Architects, PO Box 6069, Dept 94, Indianapolis, IN 46206 -6069. Unpaid amounts over 30 days will be subject Page 2 to 1 1/2% monthly interest charge. Billed Detail Tuesday, December 23, 2008 CSO ARCHITECTS, INC. As of 12/19/08 1 :49;28 PM Billing Labor Code Employee/ Hours/ Billing Billing Status Date /Account Reference Description Units Rate Amount Project Numbers 26236HC CCC- PARCEL 67 STREETSCAPE IND DSGN CTR Phase Number: 09 REIMBURSABLE Consultants: B 12/19/08 515.00 000000049785 L'Acquis Consuiting Engineers, LLC 100% CA 800,00 Total Billable 800.00 Total Consultants 800.00 J Expenses: B 12/3108 516.00 00DOD0049542 Kirt Moody 5.00 B 12/12108 516.00 000000049748 Robed R. Olson 9.00 B 12/12108 516.00 000000049748 Robert R. Olson 9.00 B 12/12/08 516.00 000000049748 Robert R. Olson 6.00 B 12/12/08 516.00 000000049748 Robert R. Olson 6.00 Total Billable Expenses 36.00 Total Expenses 35.00 Units: B 12/12/08 COP8.5 000000000044 8:4.0 COPIES 0.17 4.000 .17 .68 B 12/12/08 COP8.5 000000000044 B:5.0 COPIES 0.17 5.000 .17 .85 B 1215/08 BL2436 000000000046 813.0 BONDS 1.02 3,000 1.02 3.06 B 1215/08 COP11 000000000046 6:2.0 COPIES 0.17 2.000 .17 .34 B 1215108 COP8.5 000000000046 6:5.0 COPIES 0.17 5 -000 .17 .85 B 12/5108 COP8.5 000000000046 13:15,0 COPIES 0.17 15.000 .17 2.55 B 12/12108 COP8.5 000000000048 B:1.0 COPY 0.16 1.000 .16 .16 B 12/19/08 COP8,5 000000000123 6:3.0 COPIES 0.17 3.000 .17 .51 B 11/28/08 COL11 000000000217 6:2.0 COPIES 2.21 2.000 2.21 4.42 13 11128/08 COP8.5 000000000217 13:1.0 COPY 0.17 1,000 .17 .17 B 11/28/08 COP11 000000000218 B:1.0 COPY 0.17 1.000 .17 .17 B 11128/08 COP8.5 000000000218 B:1.0 COPY 0.17 1,000 .17 .17 Total Billable Units 13.93 Total Units 13.93 1 Total for 09 848.93 L'ACQUIS CONSULTING ENGINEERS P.O. Box 6069 -Dept. 191 Indianapolis, Indiana 46206 -6069 INVOICE December 18, 2008 Invoice No: 008062.000 3385 Kurt Moody CSO Architects, Inc. 280 East 96th Street Suite 200 Indianapolis, IN 46240 Project 008062.000 Carmel Parcel 67 Streetscape Engineering Services Billing Period December 1, 2008 to December 31 2008 Fee Fee Prior Current Fee Complete Earned Billing Fee Construction Documents 3,000.00 100.00 3,000.00 3,000.00 0.00 Bidding 200.00 100.00 200.00 200.00 0.00 Construction 800.00 100.00 800.00 0.00 800.00 Administration Total Fee 4,000.00 4,000.00 3,200.00 800.00 Total Fee 800.00 Billing Limits Current Prior To -Date Total Billings 800.00 3,200.00 4,000.00 Limit 4,200.00 Remaining 200.00 Total this Invoice $800.00 Project Man ger U Fi oject k oject Narn 7 Circle One 'fcc;uded ;n Fee OR eirnbursab I-Gark Up? Ye No c u4 Approved i;c„ounung Use U /Fd Task Code B/S TERMS: NET 30 DAYS. A FINANCE CHARGE IS COMPUTED ON A PERIODIC RATE OF 1.5% PER MONTH WHICH IS AN ANN[ IAI PFRrFNTAr;F RATF nF IAO/. ON ANY PRFVIOI I.Q RAI ANrF Nr)T PAIn WITHIN q0 1 nAVC +CSO Architects Expense Report ARCHITECTURE INTERIOR DESIGN s Marne: Employee No.: �OS Month: Cr, 401 Year: Uo$ on. fteii= o. ....t= rlieraFr .....t ,Fark�ng,F es ......Amount ;M.sceltan...... z o l t7 p rgor Hit S, Ord bd 10 -flg 2 0►�, 4S�A fteoew t1r� v x,00 ID i�-n� too t Y 4 Irri v r, .0 0 f�2Z -b r� fizvo, 00 �6v 1 2b- poi �wg�a��4t ID'0�1 Purchase orders are required for all expenses other than parkinglmileage. No payment will be issued without proper receipts. May -08 *Mileage Rate $0.50 per mile Grand Total °�'�0 CSO Architects Expense Report ARCHITECTURE INTERIOR DESIGN Name: Robert R. Olson Employee No.: 178 Month: Nov. I Dec. Year. 2008 v 10/21/08 m Pedcor People Lunch R $41.08 $0.00 $41.08 10/28/08 21 01 OHC Pedcor Office Mtg. R 12 $6.00 $6.00 10/29/08, 2,53631-!C,barrnel Moving House Site Mtg. R 12 $6.00 $6.00 10/30/08 5117HC, Zarmel Site Mtg, R 12 $6.00 $6.00 10/31/08 616 Carmel Invoice Review R 12 1 $6.00 $6.00 11/03/08 6163H Progress Mtg. R 12 $6.00 $6.00 11103/08 1261631-IC Carmel Mtg. Hiring of Combs R 18 $9.00 $9.00 11/04/08 21 OHC Pedcor Office Mtg. R 12 1 $6.00 $6.00 11/05I04.25363HQ,&mel BoPW Mtg. R 12 $6.00 $6.00 Pick up Light Base, For 11/05108 �26236HC l R 18 ico rme Review R $9.00 $9.00 11/0610 -253&3HC_ armel Site Mtg, R 12 $6.00 1 $6.00 11/061081,26236HC armel Drop off light base R 18 $9.00 $9.00 11/06/08 26163HC Carmel Lunch with Les R $24.66 1 $0.00 1 $24.66 I L11/10/08 26163HC armel Monthly Mtg. R 12 iLoo $6.00 Purchase orders are required for all expenses other than parking1miteage. No payment will be Issued without proper receipts. Mar-07 TOT16'u CSD Architects Expense Report ARCHITECTURE iNTER10R DESIGN Name: Robert R. Olson Employee No.: 178 Month: Nov. I Dec. Year. 2008 RN r Or a `NOR,e.111T.. OOd r :x k r ;it z 11/14/08 6163H Carmel Mtg w/ Duke Energy R 12 $6.04 $6.00 11/11/08 21010HC Pedcor Office Mtg. R 12 $6.00 $6.00 11111/08 26163H Street Dept. Take picture of statues R 18 $9.00 $9.40 11/17/08 25363HC armel Progress Mtg. R 12 $6.04 $6.00 11/18/08 21010HC Pedcor Office Mtg. R 12 $6.00 $6.00 11/21108 6236HC ite Compation Mt. R 12 $6.00 $6.00 11/24/0 5363H Carmel Progress Mtg. R 12 $6.00 $6.00 11/24/08 25363HC Carmel Breakfast Progress Mtg. R $52.21 $0.00 $52.21 11/25/08 2 10 0 H C cor Office Mtg. R 12 $6.00 $6.00 12/01/08 3H Carmel Progress Mtg. R 12 $6.00 Land Use Mfg. Alleyway $6.00 1 Carmel Approval R 12 $6.00 Motor Court 5B Cost $6.00 12102/0 6163 Carmel Mtg. R 12 $6.04 Mtg. at Signature review $6.00 12/02/08 6163H Carmel cost and add R 12 $6.00 Mtg. w/ cBride, $6.00 12/03/08 6163H Carmel Carmel project rev(ew. R 12 $s.00 $s.oa Purchase orders are required for all expenses other than parking/mileage. No payment will be issued without proper receipts. Mar -07 1[ T -g CSO Architects Expense Report ARctirrEMRE INTERTQR DESIGN Name: Robert R. Cason Employee No.: 178 Month: Nov. I Dec. Year: 2008 12/08108 5353HC )Carmel Progress Mtg. R 12 $6.00 $6.00 12/09108 21010HC Pedcor Office Mtg. R 12 $6,00 $6,00 12109108 27182HC Carmel Mtg- Review Theater R 12 $6.00 $6.00 12110108 26236HC Carmel Progress Mtg. R 12 $6.00 $6.00 12112108 .35363HC D!rmel Measure Bldg Height R 12 $6.00 $6.00 e 12/15/08 25363HC C rmel Progress Mtg. R 12 $6.00 $6.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0,00 $0.00 KOO $0,00 $0.00 WOO $0.00 $0.00 $0-00 $0.00 Purchase orders are required for all expenses other than parknglmileage. No payment W111 be issued without proper receipts. Q Mar-07 1,11 V� CSO Architects December 23, 2008 Project No: 28068HC Invoice No: 37600 Les Olds Carmel Redevelopment Commission One Civic Square Carmel, IN 46032 Project 28068HC CCC- PARCEL 89 PAC STREETSCAPE For professional services rendered for the period November 22, 2008 to December 19, 2008 for the referenced project. Phase 04 CONST. DOCUMENTS Professional Personnel Hours Rate Amount Sellers, Kevin 11/26/08 7.00 105.00 735.00 Working on Construction Documents Site Layout Plan, Grading Drainage Plan and Details. Totals 7.00 735.00 Total Labor 735.00 Total this Phase $735.00 Total this Invoice $735.00 Billings to Date Current Prior Total Labor 735.00 3,040.00 3,775.00 Totals 735.00 3,040.00 3,775.00 0� Please remit to: CSO Architects, PO Box 6069, Dept 94, Indianapolis, IN 46206 -6069. Unpaid amounts over 30 days will be subject to 1 1/2% monthly interest charge. V✓ CSO Architects December 23, 2008 Project No: 27035HC Invoice No: 37601 Les Olds Carmel Redevelopment Commission One Civic Square Carmel, IN 46032 Project 27035HC CCC- PARCEL 78 3RD AVENUE SW /CITY CTR S For professional services rendered for the period November 22, 2008 to December 19, 2008 for the referenced project. Phase 04 CONST. DOCUMENTS Professional Personnel Hours Rate Amount Sellers, Kevin 11/25/08 10.00 105.00 1,050.00 Working on Construction Documents Site Layout Plan, Grading Drainage Plan and Details. Sellers, Kevin 12/3/08 2.00 105.00 210.00 Working on Construction Documents Site Layout and Erosion Control Plan. Sellers, Kevin 12/4/08 8.00 105.00 840.00 Working on Construction Documents Site Layout and Erosion Control Plan. Totals 20.00 2,100.00 Total Labor 2,100.00 Total this Phase $2,100.00 Total this Invoice $2,100.00 Billings to Date Current Prior Total Labor 2,1 00.00 13,720.00 15,820.00 Consultant 0.00 10,500.00 10,500.00 b v Unit 0.00 19.20 19.20 Totals 2,100.00 24,239.20 26,339.20 Please remit to: CSO Architects, PO Box 6069, Dept 94, Indianapolis, IN 46206 -6069. Unpaid amounts over 30 days will be subject to 1 1/2% monthly interest charge. CSO Architects December 23, 2008 Project No: 25117HC Invoice No: 37602 Les Olds Carmel Redevelopment Commission One Civic Square Carmel, IN 46032 Project 25117HC CCC- PARCELS 5 -7 SITE PREP For professional services rendered for the period November 22, 2008 to December 19, 2008 for the referenced proiect. Professional Personnel Hours Rate Amount Olson, Robert 1218108 1.50 135.00 202.50 Response letter to Shuck about cost of excavation and backfcll. Totals 1.50 202.50 Total Labor 202.50 Reimbursable Expenses Travel 6.00 Total Reimbursables 6.00 6.00 Total this Invoice $208.50 Billings to Date Current Prior Total Labor 202.50 27,447.50 27,650.00 Expense 6.00 25,850.80 25,856.80 Unit 0.00 4.20 4.20 Totals 208.50 53,302.50 53,511.00 ,J r Please remit to: CSO Architects, PO Box 6069, Dept 94, Indianapolis, IN 46206 -6069. Unpaid amounts over 30 days will be subject to 1 1I2% monthly interest charge. Billed Detail Tuesday, December 23, 2008 CSQ ARCHITECTS, INC. As of 12/19108 1:52:50 PM Billing Labor Code Employees Hours/ Billing Billing Status Date /Account Reference Description Units Rate Amount Project Number: 25117HC CCC- PARCELS 5 -7 SITE PREP Phase Number: RE REIMBURSABLE Expenses:. B 12/12/06 516.00 000000049748 Robert R. Olson 6.00 Total Billable Expenses 6.00 Total Expenses 6.00 Total for RE 6.00 V CSO Architects Expense Report ARCHITECTURE INTERIOR DESIGN Name: Robert R. Olson Employee No.: 178 Month: Nov. i Dec. Year: 2008 IN 5WNW 10/21108 m Pedcor People Lunch R $41.08 $0.00 $41.08 10/28/08 21 01 OHC Pedcor Office Mtg. R 12 $6.00 $6.00 10/29/08 25363HC R;armel Moving House Site Mtg. R 12 $6.00 $6.00 10130/08 7 �,5117HC7armel Site Mtg, R 12 1 $6.00 $6.00 10/31/08 616 Carmel Invoice Review R 12 $6.00 $6.00 11/03/08 61V63H armel Progress Mtg. R 12 $6.00 $6.00 11/03/08 26163HC Carmel Mtg. Hiring of Combs R 18 $9.00 $9.00 11/04/08 i10610HC Pedcor Office Mtg. R 12 $6.00 $6.00 11/05/04_25363HC armel BoPW Mt R 12 $6.00 $6.00 Pick up Light Base, For 26236HC C rmel Review R 18 $9.00 $9,00 11/06/0( armel Site Mtg, R 12 $6.00 1 $6.00 11/06108 26236HC armel Drop off light base R 18 $9 $9.00 11/06/08 1 26163HC Carmel Lunch with Les R $24.66 $0.00 $24.66 11/10108 K26163HC Monthly Mtg. Purchase orders are required for all expenses other than panldnglmileage. No payment will be issued without proper receipts. ffi-k"U Mar-07 Grand Total '0; TOTO'L F GSO Architects December 23, 2008 Project No: 26237HC Invoice No: 37603 Les Olds Carmel Redevelopment Commission One Civic Square Carmel, IN 46032 Project 26237HC CCC- PARCEL 781 VILLAGE GREEN WEST Fo r r f p servicq§ rgadered for the period November m r 19, 2008 tQr the referenced�ject. Phase 04 CONST. DOCUMENTS Professional Personnel Hours Rate Amount Sellers, Kevin 1213108 8.00 105.00 840.00 Working on Construction Documents Site Layout and Erosion Control Plan. Sellers, Kevin 1214108 2.00 105.00 210.00 Working on Construction Documents Site Layout and Erosion Control Plan. Totals 10.00 1,050.00 Total Labor 1,050.00 Total this Phase $1,050.00 Phase 09 REIMBURSABLE Consultants Reim. Consultants 1215108 L'Aequis Consulting 52.5 Hours Electrical 4,447.50 Engineers, LLC 12119/08 L'Acquis Consulting 36.50 Hours Electrical 3,290.00 Engineers, LLC Total Consultants 7,737.50 7,737.50 Total this Phase $7,737.50 Total this Invoice $8,787.50 Billings to Date Current Prior Total Labor 1,050.00 38,256.25 39,306.25 Consultant 7,737.50 43,951.36 51,688.86 Expense 0.00 790.00 790.00 Unit 0.00 99.54 99.54 Totals 8,787.50 83,097.15 91,884.65 Please remit to: CSC Architects, PO Box 6069, Dept 94, Indianapolis, IN 46206 -6069. Unpaid amounts over 30 days will be subject to 1 1/2% monthly Interest charge. Billed Detail Tuesday, December 23, 2008 CSO ARCHITECTS, INC. As of 12119/08 1:57:34 PM Billing Labor Code Employee/ Hours/ Billing Billing Status Date /Account Reference Description Units Rate Amount Project Number: 26237HC CCC- PARCEL 761 VILLAGE GREEN WEST Phase Number: 09 REIMBURSABLE Consultants: B 12/5/08 515.00 000000049637 L'Acquis Consulting Engineers, LLC 52.5 4,447.50 Hours Electricai B 12/19/08 515.00 000000049784 L'Acquis Consulting Engineers, LLC 36.50 3,290.00 Hours Electrical Total Billable 7,737.50 Total Consultants 7,737.50 Total for 09 7,737.50 UACQUIS CONSULTING ENGINEERS RO. Box GOG8'DnpL191 Indianapolis, Indiana 4G20G'GO69 INVOICE November 39.2OO8 Invoice No: 008100.000 -3312 Brendnn8ogan C8O Architects, Inc. 2GO East 0GthStreet Suite 200 Indianapolis, IN 48240 Project 006100,000 Cmrme| ViQageGneonServiueo Engineering �gtyices Billing Perigd N12yember 1. 2008 to NoverrIter 2a. 2008 Phase 01SD Schematic Design Task ELE Electrical Professional Personnel Hours Rate Amount Professional Engineer Simpson, Barry 1.50 125�00 187.60 Senior Engineering Designer Butler, Timothy 33-00 98.00 3.234.00 Engineering Technician Renner, Matt 18.00 57.00 1.026.00 Totals 52.50 4.447.50 Total Labor 4,447.50 Total this Task $4.447.50 Total this Phase $4.447.50 Total this Invoice $4.447.50 Outstanding Invoices Number Oa1m Balance 3145 8116108 270.00 Total 270.00 TERMS: NET30 DAYS A FINANCE CHARGE IS COMPUTED ONA PERIODIC RATE OF 1.5% PERMONTHWHICH ISAN ANNUAL PERCENTAGE RATE Op1u%0N ANY PREVIOUS BALANCE NOT PAID WITHIN uoDAYS Billing Backup Tuesday, December 23, 2008 L'Acquis Consulting Engineers Invoice 3312 Dated 1 1/29/ 08 3:50:07 PM Project 006100.000 Carmel Village Green Services Phase 01SQ Schematic Design Task ELE Electrical Professional Personnel Hours Rate Amount Professional Engineer 040 Simpson, Barry 11/4/08 1.00 125.00 125.00 040 Simpson, Barry 11/6108 50 125.00 62.50 Senior Engineering Designer 003 Butler, Timothy 11/6/08 5.00 98.00 490.00 003 Butler, Timothy 11/7/08 8.00 98.00 784.00 003 Butler, Timothy 11/10/08 4.00 98.00 392.00 003 Butler, Timothy 11/14/08 1.00 98.00 98.00 003 Butler, Timothy 11/17/08 3.00 98.00 294.00 003 Butler, Timothy 11/18/08 4.00 98.00 392.00 003 Butler, Timothy 11/19/08 2,00 98.00 196.00 003 Butler, Timothy 11/20/08 3.00 98.00 294.00 003 Butler, Timothy 11/21/08 3.00 98.00 294.00 Engineering Technician 023 Renner, Matt 11/6/08 1.00 57.00 57.00 023 Renner, Matt 11/10/08 6.00 57.00 342.00 023 Renner, Matt 11/11/08 4.00 57.00 228.00 023 Renner, Matt 11/13/08 3.00 57.00 171.00 023 Renner, Matt 11/14/08 2,00 57.00 114.00 023 Renner, Matt 11117/08 1.00 57.00 57.00 023 Renner, Matt 11/19/08 1.00 57.00 57.00 Totals 52.50 4,447.50 Total Labor 4,447,50 Total this Task $4,447.50 Total this Phase $4,447.50 Total this report $4,447,50 I!ACQUI S;l.!'4 4',. CONSULTING ENGINEERS P.O. Box 6069 -Dept. 191 Indianapolis, Indiana 46206 -6069 INVOICE December 18, 2008 Invoice No: 006100.000 3387 Brandon Bogen CSO Architects, Inc. 280 East 96th Street Suite 200 Indianapolis, IN 46240 Project 006100.000 Carmel Village Green Services Ena ij)eering Services Billing Period November 24 tg December 4, 2008 Phase 01SD Schematic Design Task ELE Electrical Professional Personnel Hours Rate Amount Senior Engineering Designer Butler, Timothy 29.50 98.00 2,891.00 Engineering Technician Renner, Matt 7.00 57.00 399.00 Totals 36.50 3,290.00 Total Labor 3,290.00 Total this Task $3,290.00 Total this Phase $3,290.00 Total this Invoice $3,290.00 Outstanding Invoices Number Date Balance 3312 11/29108 4,447.50 3145 9116108 270.00 Total 4,717.50 TERMS: NET 30 DAYS. A FINANCE CHARGE 1S COMPUTED ONA PERIODIC RATE OF 1.5% PER MONTH WHICH IS AN ANNUAL PERCENTAGE RATE OF 18% ON ANY PREVIOUS BALANCE NOT PAID WITHIN 30 DAYS. Billing Backup Tuesday, December 23, 2008 L'Acquis Consulting Engineers Invoice 3387 Dated 12118108 4:13 19 PM Project 006100.000 Carmel Village Green Services Phase 01510 Schematic Design Task ELE Electrical Professional Personnel Hours Rate Amount Senior Engineering Designer 003 Butler, Timothy 11124/08 6.00 98.00 588.00 003 Butler, Timothy 11125/08 6.50 98.00 637.00 003 Butler, Timothy 11/26/08 7.00 98.00 686.00 003 Butler, Timothy 1211/08 4.00 98.00 392.00 003 Butler, Timothy 1212108 2.00 98.00 196.00 003 Butler, Timothy 1213108 2.00 98.00 196.00 003 Butler, Timothy 12/4108 2.00 98.00 196.00 Engineering Technician 023 Renner, Matt 12/2108 5.00 57.00 285.00 023 Renner, Matt 12/3/08 2.00 57.00 114.00 Totals 36.50 3,290.00 Total Labor 3,290.00 Total this Task $3,290.00 Total this Phase $3,290.00 Total this report $3,290.00 CSO Architects December 23, 2008 Project No: 26225HC Invoice No: 37604 Les Olds Carmel Redevelopment Commission One Civic Square Carmel, IN 46032 Project 26225HC CCC- PARCEL 73 PARCEL 5 STREETSCAPE For professional services rendered for the period October 25, 2008 to December 19, 2008 for the referenced proiect. Phase 04 CONST. DOCUMENTS Professional Personnel Hours Rate Amount Olson, Robert 1212108 1.00 135.00 135.00 Review fill requirements with Pedcor for the extra cost they will be billing to the CRC for streetscape backfill work. Olson, Robert 12/10/08 4.00 135.00 540.00 Review design and grades. Olson, Robert 12/17/08 2.50 135.00 337.50 Review soil back fill for estimation for Signature. Totals 7.50 1,012.50 Total Labor 1,012.50 Total this Phase $1,012.50 Total this Invoice $1,012.50 Billings to Date Current Prior Total Labor 1,012,50 1,770.00 2,782.50 Totals 1,012.50 1,770.00 2,782.50 0 Please remit to: CSO Architects, PO Box 6069, Dept 94, Indianapolis, IN 46206 -6069. Unpaid amounts over 30 days will be subject to 1 112% monthly interest charge. V►r CSO Architects December 23, 2008 Project No: 28121 HC Invoice No: 37605 Les Olds Carmel Redevelopment Commission One Civic Square Carmel, IN 46032 Project 28121 HC CCC- PARCEL 91 HISTORICAL SOCIETY For professional services rendered for the period December 1, 2008 to December 19, 2008 for the referenced proiect. Phase 04 CONST. DOCUMENTS Professional Personnel Hours Rate Amount Olson, Robert 11/26/08 1.00 135.00 135.00 Issues with location of house to be moved to site. Totals 1.00 135.00 Total Labor 135.00 Total this Phase $135.00 Total this Invoice $135.00 Billings to Date Current Prior Total Labor 135.00 4,555.00 4,690.00 Unit 0.00 207.94 207.94 Totals 135.00 4,762.94 4,897.94 0� Please remit to: CSO Architects, PO Box 6069, Dept 94, Indianapolis, IN 46206 -6069. Unpaid amounts over 30 days will be subject to 1 112% monthly interest charge. CSO Architects December 23, 2008 Project No: 27160HC Invoice No: 37606 Les Olds Carmel Redevelopment Commission One Civic Square Carmel, IN 46032 Project 27160HC CCC- PARCEL 86 UTILITIES S OF PARCEL 7C For professional services rendered for the period November 22, 2008 to December 19, 2008 for the referenced protect. Phase 04 Construction Documents Professional Personnel Hours Rate Amount Olson, Robert 12116/08 2.00 135.00 270.00 Email and phone call with Crossroads and Duke over easement for future transformer. Totals 2.00 270.00 Total Labor 270.00 Total this Phase $270.00 Total this Invoice $270.00 Billings to Date Current Prior Total Labor 270.00 21,331.25 21,601.25 Consultant 0.00 1,875.00 1, 875.00 Expense 0.00 35.2.0 35.20 0 Unit 0.00 368.52 368.52 Totals 270.00 23,609.97 23,879.97 Please remit to: CSO Architects, PO Box 6069, Dept 94, Indianapolis, IN 46206 -6069. Unpaid amounts over 30 days will be subject to 1 112% monthly interest charge. V►� CSO Architects December 23, 2008 Project No: 27103HC Invoice No: 37607 Les Olds Carmel Redevelopment Commission One Civic Square Carmel, IN 46032 Project 27103HC CCC- PARCEL 5B MOTOR COURT For professional services rendered for the period November 22. 2008 to December 19, 2008 for the referenced proiect. Phase 05 BIDDING Professional Personnel Hours Rate Amount Olson, Robert 1212108 .75 135.00 101.25 Review addendum changes with Pedcor. Olson, Robert 1212/08 .75 135.00 101.25 Review addendum with Pedcor. Totals 1.50 202.50 Total Labor 202.50 Total this Phase $202.50 Phase 06 CONST. ADMINISTRATION Professional Personnel Hours Rate Amount Olson, Robert 12/19/08 1.50 135.00 202.50 Phone call, bid amounts to bidders. Totals 1.50 202.50 Total Labor 202.50 Total this Phase $202.50 Total this Invoice $405.00 Billings to Date 1 p� Current Prior Total p� Labor 405.00 15,137.50 15,542.50 Expense 0.00 19.60 19.60 Unit 0.00 4,023.01 4,023.01 Totals 405.00 19,180.11 19,585.11 Please remit to: CSO Architects, PO Box 6069, Dept 94, Indianapolis, IN 46206 -6069_ Unpaid amounts over 30 days will be subject to 1 1 12% monthly interest charge. CSQ Architects December 23, 2008 Project No: 25407HC Invoice Noy 37608 Les Olds Carmel Redevelopment Commission One Civic Square Carmel, IN 46032 Project 25407HC CCC- PARCEL 48 4TH GATEWAY CIVIL /SURVEY For professional services rendered for the period November 22. 2008 to December 19, 2008 for the referenced proiect. Phase RE REIMBURSABLE Consultants Reim. Consultants 12/19/08 L'Acquis Consulting 45.50 Hours 4,753.50 Engineers, LLC Total Consultants 4,753.50 4,753.50 Reimbursable Expenses Travel 23,76 Total Reimbursables 23.76 23.76 Total this Phase $4,777.26 Total this Invoice $4,777.26 Billings to Date Current Prior Total Labor 0.00 41, 935.00 41,935.00 Consultant 4,753.50 0.00 4,75150 Expense 23.76 4,524.66 4,548.42 Unit 0.00 1,014.65 1,014.65 Totals 4,777.26 47,474.31 52,251.57 Please remit to: CSO Architects, PO Box 6069, Dept 94, Indianapolis, IN 46206-6069. Unpaid amounts over 30 days will be subject to 1 112% monthly interest charge. Billed Detail Tuesday, December 23, 2008 CSO ARCHITECTS, INC. As of 12119108 2:02:50 PM Billing Labor Code Employee/ Hours/ Billing Billing Status Date /Account Reference Description Units Rate Amount Project Number: 25407HC CCC- PARCEL 48 4TH GATEWAY CIViIJSURVEY Phase Number RE REIMBURSABLE Consultants: B 12/19/08 515.00 000000049783 L'Acquis Consulting Engineers, LLC 45.50 4,753.50 Hours Total Billable 4,753.50 Total Consultants 4,753.50 Expenses: B 12/19/08 515.00 000000049786 L'Acquis Consulting Engineers, LLC Mileage 23.76 Total Billable Expenses 23.76 Total Expenses 23.76 Total for RE 4,777.26 LIACQUIS CONSULTING ENGINEERS P.O.. Box 6069 -Dept. 191 Indianapolis, Indiana 46206 -6069 INVOICE December 18, 2008 Invoice No: 006078.010 3388 Robert Olson CSO Architects, Inc. 280 East 96th Street Suite 200 Indianapolis, IN 46240 Project 006078.0'{ 0 Carmel Gateway #4 Additional Services Engineerinq Services Billing Period November 1. 2008 to November 30, 2008 sr Phase 03CD Construction Documents Task ELE Electrical Professional Personnel Hours Rate Amount Senior Engineering Designer Butler, Timothy 32.00 114.00 3,648.00 Engineering Designer Griego, Christopher 9.50 89.00 845.50 Engineering Technician Renner, Matt 4.00 65.00 260.00 Totals 45.50 4,753.50 Total Labor 4,753.50 Total this Task $4,763.50 Total this Phase $4,753. ProjecthlanagerUse Total this Invoice $4,753.50 Praiect o PrnjectName Circle One Inciuded;n Fee O eirnbursabl Wv ark Up? Ye No Rernarks Approved Accounbng Usc DJw Task Code CIS TERMS: NET 30 DAYS. A FINANCE CHARGE IS COMPUTED ON A PERIODIC RATE OF 1.5% PER MONTH WHICH is AN ANNUAL PERCENTAGE RATE OF 18% ON ANY PREVEOUS BALANCE NnT PAIn WITHIN an naYS UACQUIS CONSULTING ENGINEERS P.O. Box 6069 -Dept. 191 Indianapolis, Indiana 46206.6069 INVOICE December 19, 2008 Invoice No: 006078.010 3395 Robert Olson CSO Architects, Inc. 280 East 96th Street Suite 200 Indianapolis, IN 46240 Project 006078.010 Carmel Gateway #4 Additional Services Engineering Services Billing Period December 1, 2008 to becember 31, 2008 P hase R eim Reimbur Task REM Reimbursables Reimbursable Expenses Mileage 23.76 Total Reimbursables 23.76 23.76 Total this Task $23.76 Total this Phase $23.76 Total this Invoice $23.76 v' I�roject t�•1�na er Use Project c Project Name G €rcleOr�e �f� r ;r.c;t,ucd sn Fee OR anoursahle P�iar"k Up? Y 5/NO Pe €€rar'r:s Approved k,auoting Use DIN Task Cade 'GERMS: NET 30 DAYS. A FINANCE CHARGE IS COMPUTED ON A PERIODIC RATE OF 1.5% PER MONTH WHICH IS AN ANNUAL PERCENTAGE RATE OF 18% ON ANY PREVIOUS BALANCE NOT PAID WITHIN 30 DAYS. Billing Backup Tuesday, December 23, 2008 L'Acquis Consulting Engineers Invoice 3395 Dated 12/19/08 2:21:51 PM Project 006078.090 Carmel Gateway #4 Additional Services Phase Reim Reimbursables Task REM Reimbursables Reimbursable Expenses Mileage EX 0000002 90/9/08 Butler, Timothy Mileage 7.04 EX 0000002 90/28/08 Butler, Timothy Mileage 7.04 EX 0000002 10/30/08 Butler, Timothy Mileage 9.68 Total Reimbursables 23.76 23.76 Total this Task $23.75 Total this Phase $23.76 Total this report $23.76 1/12/2009 9:46:48 From: To: 317 -571 -2789 2/2 Detailed Expense Report Monday. ,January 1Z 2004 L`Acquis C o n sult i ng Eng 9 :35:04 AM Employee 003 Butler, Timothy Wayne Signed Buller, Timothy Wayne Posted Approved Martin, Elizabeth J Organization:. IND Expense Report: October Expenses Report Date: 10/27108 Date Category Description Project Phase Task Bill Paid Account Amount 9 10/9/08 Mileage Mileage 006078.010 Reim REM 0 5250.00 7 Carmel Gateway #4 Additional Services Business Reason: Meeting at Carmel Travel: 16.00 mi .440 Communications Center with Todd Luckowski. 10120108 Mileage Mileage 007061.000 Reim REM EX F 5250.00 28.16 Anderson High School Phase III Business Reason: Final Electrical Punch Travel: 64.00 mi .440 101240 Mileage Mileage 000001.000 INDY ELE 7620.00 10.56 General Administrative Business Reason: Kick -off meeting for ISD Travel: 24.00 mi A4o Sculpture. 10/28!08 Mileage Mileage 006078.010 Reim REM I E 5250.00 7.04 Carmel Gateway #4 Additional Services Busies Reason: Sile review Travel From(ro: Office to Gateway #4 Travel: 16.00 nni .440 10130108 Mileage Mileage 006078,010 Reim REM 0 5250.00 0.68 Carmel Gateway #4 Additional Services( Business Reason: Punch list Travel From/To: Office to Georgetown Apts_ Travel: 22.00 mi .440 Total Expenses 62.48 Company Paid Total Due 62.48 v5.0,15 (BMARTfN) Page 1 of 1 �l✓ CSO Architects December 23, 2008 Project No: 25363HC Invoice No: 37609 Les Olds Carmel Redevelopment Commission One Civic Square Carmel, 1N 46032 Project 2.5363HC CCC- PARCEL 47 OLD TOWN CRC For professional services rendered for the period November 22. 2008 to December 19, 2008 for the referenced proiect. Phase P6CA CONSTRUCTION ADMINISTRATION Professional Personnel Hours Rate Amount Moody, Kirt 12/11/08 3.00 125.00 375.00 Compared spot elevations for new survey of Monon and Bub's w /Crossroads. Moody, Kirt 12/12/08 2.00 125.00 250,00 Completed survey elevation comparisons, printed and met w /Trent Newport of Crossroads at the City Engineers Office, Moody, Kirt 12/15/08 3.00 125.00 375.00 Attended alley vacation meeting at City Hall. Olson, Robert 11/24/08 2.25 135.00 303.75 Abandoning alley issues with city on Parcel 47. Olson, Robert 11/25/08 1.50 135.00 202.50 Camera and digging of VFW site for legal drain solution with Bloodhound. Olson, Robert 11/25/08 1.50 135.00 202.50 Email and phone calls to gain letters from all utility companies of availability of services. Olson, Robert 11/25/08 1.50 135.00 202.50 Street digging for water line turn off issue with City. Olson, Robert 1211/08 2.25 135.00 303.75 Prep for Land Use meeting and attend meeting at City Hall for vacationing of alleyways. Olson, Robert 12/1108 1.25 135.00 168.75 Review county's concerns about the storm line through site on Parcel 47. Olson, Robert 12/3/08 .75 135.00 101.25 Contact Shiel Sexton to get schedule of the removal of dirt form Parcel 14 to be used as a construction parking lot. Olson, Robert 12/11/08 4.50 135.00 607.50 Review survey issues and meeting with Mosson resolving problems. Olson, Robert 12/15/08 2,50 135,00 337.50 Progress mtg. Olson, Robert 12/15/08 1.50 135.00 202.50 Signage document. Please remit to: CSO Architects, PO Box 6069, Dept 94, Indianapolis, IN 46206 -6069. Unpaid amounts over 30 days will be subject to 1 112% monthly interest charge. Project 25363HC CCC- P 47 OLD TOWN CRC Invoice37609 Olson, Robert 12/19/08 1.50 135.00 202.50 Drawing for street speed reduction. Totals 29.00 3,835.00 Total tabor 3,835,00 Total this Phase $3,835.00 Phase RE REIMBURSABLE Reimbursable Expenses Travel 60.00 Total Reimbursables 60.00 60.00 Unit Billing 24 X 36 BLUELINE /BLACKLINE 2,04 8.5 X 11 B/W COPIES 3.52 8.5 X 11 COLOR COPY 20,00 FAXES 2.24 8.5 X 11 B/W COPIES 5,61 8.5 X 11 COLOR COPY 18.90 Total Units 52.31 52.31 Total this Phase $112.31 Total this Invoice $3,947.31 Billings to Date Current Prior Total Labor 3,835.00 22,378.75 26,213.75 Expense 60.00 203.50 263.50 Unit 52.31 369.82 42213 Totals 3,947.31 22,952.07 26,899.38 Please remitto: C80 Architects, PO Box 6069, Dept 94, Indianapolis, IN 46206 -6069. Unpaid amounts over 30 days will be subject Page 2 to 1 112% monthly interest charge. Billed Detail Tuesday, December 23, 2008 CSO ARCHITECTS, INC. As of 12/19/08 2:24:20 PM Billing Labor Code Employee/ Hours/ Billing Billing Status Date /Account Reference Description Units Rate Amount Project Number: 25363HC CCC- PARCEL 47 OLD TOWN CRC Phase Number: RE REIMBURSABLE Expenses: B 12/12108 516.00 000000049748 Robert R. Olson 6.00 B 12/12/08 516.00 000000049748 Robert R. Olson 6.00 B 12/12/08 516.00 000000049748 Robert R. Olson 6.00/ B 12/12/08 516.00 000000049748 Robert R. Olson 6.00 B 12112/08 516.00 000000049748 Robert R. Olson 6.00 B 12/12/08 516.00 000000049748 Robert R. Olson 12.00-/ B 12/12/08 516.00 000000049748 Robert R. Olson 6.00 B 12/12/08 516.00 000000049748 Robert R. Olson 12.00./ Total Billable Expenses 60.00 J Total Expenses 60.00 Units: 8 12/12/08 BL2436 000000000044 81.0 BOND 1.02 1.000 1.02 1.02 B 12/12/08 FAX 000000000047 6:6.0 FAXES 0.28 6.000 .28 1.68 B 12/12/08 COL8.5 000000000048 8:10.0 COPIES 2.00 10.000 2.00 20.00 B 12112/08 COP8.5 000000000048 6:22,0 COPIES 0.16 22,000 .16 3.52 B 12/19108 BL2436 000000000123 13:1.0 BOND 1.02 1.000 1.02 1.02 e 12/19!08 COL8.5 000000000123 6:8.0 COPIES 2.10 8.000 2.10 16.80 B 12/19108 COL8.5 000000000123 B:1.0 COPY 2.10 1.000 2.10 2.10 B 12/19/08 COP8.5 000000000123 13:33.0 COPIES 0.17 33.000 .17 5.61 B 11124108 FAX 000000000164 B:2.0 FAXES 0.28 2.000 .28 .56 Total Billable Units 52.31 Total Units 52.31 Total for RE 112.31 c� CSO Architects Expense Report ARCHITECTURE INTERIOR DESIGN Name: Robert R. Olson Employee No.: 178 Month: Nov. I Dec. Year: 2008 U, 140 10121108 m Pedcor People Lunch R $41.08 $0.00 $41 10/28/08 21010HC Pedcor Office mtg. R 12 WOO $6.00 101291081 25363HC,barmel Moving House Site Mtg. R 12 $6,00 $6.00 10/30/08 5117HClarmel Site Mtg, R 12 $6.00 $6.00 E 10/3 616 Carmel Invoice Review R 12 $6.00 $6.00 08 6163H armel Progress Mtg. R 12 $6.00 $6.00 11103/08 26�1 6 3 HjCarmef Mtg. Hiring of Combs R 18 $9.00 $9,00 11104108 1 21010HC Pedcor Office Mtg. R 12 $6.00 WOO 11105/0 4 25363H C Lrmei BoPW Mtg. R 12 $6.00 $6.00 Pick up Light Base, For 11/05/08 26236HC �C rmel Review R 18 $9.00 $9.00 11106/0 -2�3HC_ armel Site Mtg, R 12 $6.00 1 $6.00 11106/084,26236HC armel Drop off light base R 18 $9,00 $9.00 11106/08 26163HC Carmel Lunch with Les R $24.66 $0.00 $24.66 111/10/08 63giarmel iMonthly Mtg. R —L 1 1 12 $6.00 $6.00 Purchase orders are required for all expenses other than parking1mileage. No payment will be Issued without proper receipts. Mar-07 4 CSO Architects Expense Report ARCHiTE=RE INTERIOR DESIGN Name: Robert R. Olson Employee No.: 178 Month: Nov. I Dec. Year: 2008 t m N ge 11/10/08 6163H Carmel Mtg w/ Duke Energy R iz WOO $6.00 11/11/08 21010HC Pedcor Office Mtg. R 12 $6.00 $6.00 11,111/08 26163H Street Dept. Take picture of statues R 18 $9.00 $9.00 11/17/08 25363HC armel Progress Mtg. R 12 $6.00 $6.00 11/18/08 1 21.010HC Pedcor Office Mtg. R 12 $6.00 $6.00 11/21/08 6236HC ite Compation Mt. R 12 $6.00 $6.00 11/2410 5363H Carmel Progress Mtg. R 12 $6.00 $6A0 11/25108 10HC dcor Office Mfg. R 12 $6.00 $6.00 i 2/01 /0 1 63 H Carmel Progress Mtg. R 12 1 $6.00 $6.00 Land Use Mtg. Alleyway 12/01/08 25363H Carmel Approval R 12 $6.00 $6.00 Motor Court 513 Cost 12102/0 6163 Carmel Mfg. R 12 $6.00 $6.00 Mtg. at Signature review L 12/02/08 6163H Carmel cost and add R 12 $6.00 $6.00 Mfg, w/ McBride, LL 12/03108 26163H Carmel Carmel project review. R 12 $6.00 $6.00 Purchase orders are required for all expenses other than parking/mileage. No payment will he issued without proper receipts. Mar -07 Grand Total f CSO Architects Expense Report ARCHITECTURE INTERIOR DESIGN Name: Robert R. Olson Employee No.: 178 Month: Nov. I Dec. Year: 2008 Mia p A 12108108 25363HC Parmel Progress Mtg. R 12 $6.00 $6.00 12/09108 21 01 0HC, Pedcor Office Mtg. R 12 $6.00 $6.00 12/09/08 27182HC Carmel Mtg. Review Theater R 12 $6.00 $6.00 12110/08 26236HC Carmel Progress Mtg. R 12 $6.00 $6.00 12J12J08( -()Rrmel Measure Bldg Height R 12 $6,00 $6,00 12115/081 25363HC C rmel Progress Mtg. R 12 $6,00 $6.00 $0,00 $0.00 $0.00 $0,00 $aoo WOO $0.00 $0.00 $0,00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 Purchase orders are required for all expenses other than parking/mileage. No payment will be Issued without proper receipts. Mar-07 �;gx IRS V CSO Architects December 23, 2008 Project No: 26163HC Invoice No: 37612 Les Olds Carmel Redevelopment Commission One Civic Square Carmel, IN 46032 Project 26163HC CRC MATTERS For professional services rendered for the period December 1, 2008 to December 19, 2008 for the referenced project. Professional Personnel Hours Rate Amount Moriarity, Daniel 1212108 1.00 195.00 195.00 Meeting with Les. Moriarity, Daniel 1214108 1.00 195.00 195.00 Meeting with Les. Moriarity, Daniel 12/10/08 1.00 195.00 195.00 Meeting with Les. Olson, Robert 11/25/08 2.00 135.00 270.00 Pedcor meeting and meeting afterwards. Olson, Robert 1211/08 .50 135.00 67.50 Review and contact Andrea at the CRC and give her the number of street lights for Parcel 67 and 1 st Avenue project to give to the street dept. request. Olson, Robert 12/1/08 1.25 135,00 168.75 Review meeting information to cover with McBride and Les Olds, Olson, Robert 12/2108 2.50 135.00 337.50 Meeting with Mike McBride reviewing 10 projects with him and Les Olds. Olson, Robert 12/2108 1.25 135.00 168.75 Pedcor meeting. Olson, Robert 1212/08 .75 135.00 101.25 Phone with Mike McBride reviewing issues with Carmel project meeting. Olson, Robert 1212108 2.00 135.00 270.00 Review payment request for processing. Olson, Robert 1213108 .75 135.00 101.25 Contact street dept. to review streetlight replacement. Olson, Robert 12/4108 2,00 135.00 270.00 Meeting report from meeting with Mike McBride and Les. Olson, Robert 12/11/08 3.50 135.00 472.50 Drawing signs for 15 MPH. Olson, Robert 12/12/08 1.75 135.00 236.25 Construction parking layout street dept. site. Olson, Robert 12/12/08 1.00 135.00 135.00 Location of Sculpture for cameras at Parcel 12. Please remit to: CSO Architects, PO Box 6069, Dept 94, Indianapolis, IN 46206 -6069. Unpaid amounts over 30 days will be subject to 1 112% monthly interest charge. Projec 2 6 1 63HC CRC MATTERS Invoice 37612 Olson, Robert 12/12/08 1.00 135.00 135.00 Walk city street dept, site with Matt to review future construction parking. Olson, Robert 12/18/08 2.75 135.00 371.25 Parking layout for 47 construction workers. Olson, Robert 12/18108 2.75 135.00 371.25 Research for description of Duke Energy invoices for Parcel 12 and 47 for payment. Totals 28.75 4,061.25 Total Labor 4,061.25 f Reimbursable Expenses Travel 60.00 Delivery/Shipping 12.00 Total Reimbursabies 72.00 72.00 Unit Billing 30 X 42 BLUELINE /BLACKLINE 1.49 8.5 X 11 B/W COPIES 0.17 Total Units 1.66 1.66 Total this Invoice $4,134.91 Billings to Date Current Prior Total Labor 4,061.25 125,712.50 129, 773.75 Consultant 0.00 2,881.25 2,881.25 Expense 72.00 2,677.26 2,749.26 Unit 1.66 4,982.41 4,984.07 Totals 4,134.91 136,253.42 140,388.33 Please remit to: CSO Architects, PO Box 6069, Dept 94, Indianapolis, IN 46206.6069. Unpaid amounts over 30 days will be subject Page 2 to 1 112% monthly interest charge. Billed Detail Tuesday, December 23, 2008 CSO ARCHITECTS, INC. As of 12/19108 2:37:57 PM Billing Labor Code Employee/ Hours/ Billing Billing Status Date (Account Reference description Units Rate Amount Project Number: 26163HC CRC MATTERS Expenses: B 12/12/08 516.00 000000049748 Robert R. Olson 21.00 B 12/12/08 516.00 000000049748 Robert R. Olson 6.00 B 12/12/08 516.00 000000049748 Robert R. Olson 6,00 B 12112/08 516.00 000000049748 Robert R. Olson 9,00 B 12/12/08 516.00 000000049748 Robert R. Olson 18.00 B 12/3108 518.00 000000049558 Black Tie Courier 12.00 Total Billable Expenses 72.00 Total Expenses 72.00 Units: B 12/19/06 BL3042 000000000123 B:1.0 BOND 1.49 1.000 1.49 1.49 B 12119/08 COP8.5 000000000123 B:1.0 COPY 0.17 1.000 .17 .17 Total Billable Units 1.66 v Total Units 1.66 V Total for 26163HC 73.66 0 La I.- CSO Architects (Expense Report ARCHITECTURE INTERIOR DESIGN V TI O Name: Robert R. Olson Employee No.: 178 Month: Nov. I Dec. Year: 2008 0 t t s ps i c rrr.: r r^-, a t,�t s 2 t t 'yips »mfi f 1'i t.a Y 3 Nan_IZelmti a k�OOCI :Date Iro�ectNa Loc�tr n Pu ose R'b C N CC �y ieram t' ir'drk° Fees y -Y o-bs f a V F- I rQ V co 10/28/08 21010HC Pedcor Office Mtg. R 12 $6.06 $6.00 10/29/08d 4363HC armel Moving House Site Mtg. R 12 $6.00 $6.00 10/30/08 5117HC armel Site Mtg, R 12 $6.00 $6.00 10/31108 616 Carmel Invoice Review R 12 $6.00 $6.00 11103108 61 33H armel Progress Mtg. R 12 $6.00 $5.00 11/03/08 26163HC Carmel Mtg. Miring of Combs R 18 $9.00 $9.00 11/04/08 21010HC Pedcor Office Mtg. R 12 $6.00 $6.00 11/0510 25363HC armel BoPw Mtg. R 12 $6.00 $6.00 Pick up Light Base, For 11/05/08 26236HC C rmel Review R 18 $9.00 $9.00 1110610 63HC armel Site Mtg, R 12 $6.00 $6.00 11/06/08 26236HC armel Drop off light base R 18 $9.00 $9.00 11/10/08 26163HC armel Monthly Mtg. R 1 12 L $6.00 $6.00 Purchase orders are required for a# expenses other than parking/mileage. No payment will be igsu ithout proper receipts. Mar -07 w �nd Tofal $146:74 w f V N O O [D Fc C$Q Arc hit ects Expense Repo ARtwrEcruRE TN MIGN v N iCae: RQt W R. Qlsan Employee No.: 178 Month: Nov. r Dec. Year: 2008 S R A, non c 1111010$ 6163H Carrhel: Mtg wl Duke Energy R 12 $6,00 $6.00.. 11/1110$ 2 1Q10MC P6dcorOffice Mtg: R 12 $6,00 $6.0O_ 11/11/08 26163H Street Dept. Take picture of statues R 18 $9.00 $9;00 11/17/08 2536.3H amtel Prmress Mtq. R 12 $6.00 $6.00 11118/08 21 Q:1,OH.0 Pedcor Office Mtg R 12 $6.00 1 36HC rite Compationmt. R 1 12 $8:00 $6pt7 11/24/0 53631 Carmel Arsress Mtg. R 12 $6.00 $6:00„ 4,1125/98 10HC cor Office Mtg. B 12 $6.00 12!0110$ c 3H Carmel Progress R: 12 $6.00 $6.00,,.. Land Use Mig Alleyway 12/01/08 25363H Carmel Approval R 12 $G:00 $6.01x. Motor court 5B Cost i 2/02 ibi 6163 Carm Mtg R 12 $6.00 s 0a Mtg at Sigriafure review'.. .&O 12 8. 61 t33H Carrnel. cast and add R 12 $6.00 $6.00. Mtg w! cBndd, 12/03!08 fi163H Carrriel Carmel project review R 12 $6.t)D $6'.00 �urahase orders are ruquirsd fDF all expenses other than paiicing/mileage: No pajlm9nt will he issued Without proper rsceipf5: Mar 07 A w LO i J INV. Yf' �o ooae`'�l DATE P.O. BOX 501423 INDIANAPOLIS, IN 46250 COURIER DISPATCH 595 -3500 BONDED INSURED PICKUP TIME SHIPPER y RECEIVER NAME 2k,, NAME ADDRESS C) ADDRESS PHONE ZIP PHONE ZIP RY MODE: 1 HOUR 2 HOVRS SAME DAY BY NOON NEXT DAY CALL BY OON NEXT DAY CALL BY NOON SPECIAL INSTRU ONE S AMOUNT DUE (Q THIS INVOICE RECD BY y r THANK YOU FOR USING B.T.C. LTD. WE OPERATE UNDER I.U.R I .C. GUIDELINES BECAUSE YOU CARE WE CARE Prescribed by State Board of Accounts ACCOUNTS PAYABLE VOUCHER City Form No. 201 (Rev. 1995) CITY OF CARMEL An invoice or bill to be properly itemized must show: kind of service, where performed, dates service rendered, by whom, rates per day, number of hours, rate per hour, number of units, price per unit, etc. Payee C,50 A►-c4 Lte—c 6S Purchase Order No. FU 00X 6U6 ��P�` 9� Terms 00e"2o 3� /iC/ �6Z ��069 Date Due Invoice Invoice Description Amount Date Number (or note attached invoice(s) or bill(s)) l� -2 -Uvv S56 vu 3: Total I hereby certify that the attached invoice(s), or bill(s), is (are) true and correct and I have audited same in accordance with IC 5- 11- 10 -1.6. 20 Clerk- Treas� VOUCHER NO. WARRANT NO. ALLOWED 20 IN SUM OF 00 3 5� ON ACCOUNT OF APPROPRIATION FOR Board Members PO# or INVOICE NO. ACCT #/TITLE AMOUNT DEPT. I hereby certify that the attached invoice(s), or is (are) true and correct and that the materials or services itemized thereon for which charge is made were ordered and received except Z 20 v9 Signature Title Cost distribution ledger classification if claim paid motor vehicle highway fund