HomeMy WebLinkAbout206931 03/13/2012 CITY OF CARMEL, INDIANA VENDOR: 366015 Page 1 of 1 ONE CIVIC SQUARE WRIGHT EXPRESS FSC s CHECK AMOUNT: $699.92 CARMEL, INDIANA 46032 Po eox 6293 CAROL STREAM IL 60197 -6293 CHECK NUMBER: 206931 CHECK DATE: 3/13/2012 DEPARTMENT ACCOUNT PO NUMBER INVOICE NUMBER AMOUNT DESCRIPTION 1120 4231400 28725525 699.92 0453 -00- 794529 -6 FLEET SERVICES INVOICE/STATEMENT INVOICE NUMBER: 28725525 ACCOUNT NAME: CARMEL FIRE DEPARTMENT PAGE 1 OF 1 ACCOUNT NUMBER CREDIT LIMIT DAYS THIS PEREOD BILL CLOSING DATE PAYMENT DUE DATE AMOUNT DUE 0453.00- 794629 6 8100.OD 29 02 29 -2012 03 -26 -2012 699,92 DATA: ACTkVITY DESCRIPTION ?EE-t,A PAYMENTSICREDITS 02 p9 2( ?t2 GOODWILL LATE FEE WRITE OFF 10.00 02 EZ 21?12 PAYMENT RECEIVED -THANK YOU 666.34 0229t}1 RETAIL FUEL PURCHASESg 42 29 2{ 12 MONTHLY CARD CHG 22 pp REMINDER PLEASE BE SURE TO INCLUDE REMITTANCE STUB WITH PAYMENT. MAIL TO THE ADDRESS SHOWN IN THE RIGHT PORTION OF THE REMITTANCE STUB. PURCHASES, RETURNS AND PAYMENTS MADE JUST PRIOR TO BILLING DATE MAY NOT APPEAR UNTIL THE NEXT INVOICEISTATEMENT PREVIOUS BALANCE PAYMENTS PURCHASES )DEBITS CREDITS LATE FEE NEW BALANCE 666.34 666.34 687.92 22.00 10.00 0.00 699.92 $10.00 MINIMUM LATE FEE PAY ONLINE AT: www.wexonline.com CALL CUSTOMER SERVICE TO PAY BY PHONE The Late Fee is determined by Which is an ANNUAL To the Balance subject to late FEDERAL TAX ID: 84- 1425616 applying a monthly periodic rate of PERCENTAGE RATE of fee for this period which is 2.08 24.99 0.00 SEE REVERSE SIDE FOR MORE INFORMATION AND TERMS. TO ENSURE PROPER CREDIT, TEAR AT PERFORATION AND INCLUDE BOTTOM PORTION WITH Y OUR PAYME Balance Subject to Late Fee Payment Options The late fee will be calculated by determining the total balance Mail due on the date your account becomes delinquent, as follows: Be sure to include bottom portion of invoice with your payment. adding the total amount due on your account on the payment due Write your account number or invoice number on the check to help date together with any purchases posted to your account from avoid delays in payment processing if the check and remit stub the end of the last billing cycle through the payment due date and become separated. subtracting from that amount any payments and/or credits entered during that period. The total balance due will then be multiplied Allow 10 business days prior to the due date for mailing to help by the applicable periodic rate to determine your late fee. In the avoid late fees. Mail payments to: event that the calculated late fee is less than ten dollars ($10.00), Fleet Services a minimum late fee of ten dollars ($10.00) will be charged. PO Box 6293 Your account will be delinquent if you do not pay it in full within Carol Stream, IL 60197 -6293 26 calendar days of the billing date appearing on your invoice. Online Certain customers, based upon our credit review, may be required Authorized users can elect to receive an email notification when an to make payment in less than 26 calendar days on a cycle that we invoice is ready for online viewing and payment. Log in or register to may establish for you. In addition, certain customers may elect a set up an online account at www.wexonline.com. shorter billing or payment cycle as offered by us. Online payments scheduled by 3:00 PM ET (on business days) If your payment due date falls on a non- business day, payment is are credited to your account on the same day. There is no fee for due on the business day before the payment due date. Delinquent online payments. accounts will be subject to late fees, suspension, or termination of credit privileges, without notice. All charges must be paid in Phone full regardless of disputes. Charges must be disputed in writing Call Customer Service at 1 -888- 387 -5665 and select the menu no later than sixty (60) days from the billing date or they will be option for Billing Inquiries. In addition to scheduling a payment, you considered final and binding. can also check your balance, Card Issuer Payments scheduled by 3:00 PM ET (on business days) The Fleet Services Card is issued by, and all card transactions are credited to your account on the same day, are funded by and payable to, Wright Express Financial Services Be prepared with your fleet card account number and a sample Corporation, under a Business Charge Account Agreement with check to enter your bank account number and routing number. the cardholder named on the reverse. There is no fee for phone payments. Customer Service Automated Clearing House (ACHI For account Inquiries and correspondence in regard to account To make a one -time electronic payment go to: service or billing: http: /twww.e- fleet.com Call 1- 888 387 -5665, or ACH payments scheduled by 2:30 PM ET (on business days) are credited to your account on the same day. There is a fee for each Fax to 1 -800- 395 -0809, or ACH payment. Mail to P.O. Box 639, Portland, ME 04104 Be sure to include your account number on all correspondence. ACCOUNT: CARMEL FIRE DEPARTMENT CLOSING DATE: 02 -29 -2012 F LE ET SE RVI C E S ACCOUNT NO: 0453 -00- 794629 -6 DELIVER TO: DENISE SNYDER CARMEL FIRE DEPARTMENT 2 CIVIC SQ CARMEL IN 46032 -2584 Tax Summary TAX JURISDICTION ID EXPIRATION EXEMPTED TAX REPORTED TAX TAX TYPE TAX PRODUCT CLASS GALLONS GROSS COST TAX RATE FEDERAL 356000972 -42.05 0.00 FEDERAL E85 229.820 712.22 0.18300 3.74, 000 FEDERAL GASOLINE 20410 69.38 018300 F Q �?A� C�TAkS "t5, ?9.. 4 dp 2 00. 7$1.;64 IN 356000972 0.00 3.67 STATE EXCISE GASOLINE 20.410 69.38 0.18000 -43,84 0.00 STATE SALES E85 229.820 712.22 0.07000 -4-05 0.00 STATE SALES GASOLINE 20.410 69.38 0.07000 ;.IN, STATE TOTALS III ACCOUNT TOTALS -83.68 3.67 (c) WRIGHT EXPRESS CORPORATION 2012 PAGE 1 FLEET SERVICES STANDARD REPORT INVOICE NUMBER: 28725525 ACCOUNT NAME: CARMEL FIRE DEPARTMENT PAGE 1 OF 2 ACCOUNT NUMBER CREDIT LIMIT 7S THIS PERIOD BILL CLOSING DATE PAYMENT DUE DATE AMOUNT DUE 0453.00 794629 8,100.00 29 02 -29 -2012 03 -26 -2012 699.92 CARD LOCATION DATE TIME DRIVER ODOMETER PRODUCT UNITS COST/ ITEM TOTAL NO. NO, UNIT TOTAL AMOUNT 0001 MH 001 078 02 -02 -2012 19:47 SMITH, KEITH 14,500 E85 18.610 3.099 57.68 57.66 MH 001 078 02 -09 -2012 19:48 SMITH, KEITH 14,500 E85 16.640 3.098 52.17 52.17 MH 001 074 02 -21 -2012 12:32 SMITH, KEITH 14,500 UNL 20.410 3.399 69.38 69.38 MH 001 074 02 -24 -2012 12:02 SMITH, KEITH 14,500 E85 15.980 3.099 49.53 49.53 CARD SUBTOTALS 71,840 228 0002 MH 001 074 01 -31 -2012 12:28 HULETT, MARK 99,384 E85 12.420 1100 38.50 38.50 MH 001 074 02 -08 -2012 14:52 HULETT, MARK 99,833 E85 13.580 3.100 42.10 42.10 MH 001 078 02 -10 -2012 14:39 HULETT, MARK 100,017 E85 11.490 3.098 35.60 35.60 MH 001 078 02 -19 -2012 14:20 HULETT, MARK 100,377 E85 10.010 3.098 31.01 31.01 MH 001 074 02 -26 -2012 01:08 HULETT, MARK 100,787 E85 10.970 3.100 34.01 34.01 CARD SUBTOTALS 58.470 181.22 0003 MH 001 074 02 -01 -2012 12:16 STEELE, JEFF 12,865 E85 24.360 3.099 75.50 75.50 MH 001 074 02 -15 -2012 16.42 STEELE, JEFF 13,449 E85 27.290 3.099 84.57 84.57 CARD SUBTOTALS 51.650 160.07 0004 MH 001 074 02 -02 -2012 09:41 HABOUSH, DAVE 10,600 E85 24.710 3.098 76.56 76.56 MH 001 095 02 -10 -2092 12:07 HABOUSH, DAVE 10,842 E85 23.170 3.098 71.79 71.79 MH 001 074 02 -17 -2012 08:28 HABOUSH, DAVE 11,051 E85 20.390 3.100 63.20 63.20 CARD SUBTOTALS 88.270 211.55 TOTAL PURCHASES 250.230 781.60 Y -T -D PURCHASES 447.310 1,407.81 SITES USED THIS MONTH NO, PURCHASES TOTAL AMOUNT Location No. Brand Street City State Zip MH 001 074 MEIJER 1426 W CARMEL DR CARMEL IN 46032 9 533.35 MH 001 078 MEIJER 5303 E SOUTHPORT RD INDIANAPOLIS IN 46237 4 176.46 MH 001 095 MEIJER 8225 E 96TH ST INDIANAPOLIS IN 46256 1 71.79 PRODUCTS; E85= ETHANL85 UNL- UNLEADED FLEET SERVICES This page is intentionally left blank. VOUCHER NO, WARRANT NO. ALLOWED 20 Fleet Services IN SUM OF P.O. Box 6293 Carol Stream, IL 60197 $699.92 ON ACCOUNT OF APPROPRIATION FOR Carmel Fire Department PO Dept. INVOICE NO, ACCT /TITLE AMOUNT Board Members 1120 I 28725525 42- 314.00 $699.92 1 hereby certify that the attached invoice(s), or bill(s) is (are) true and correct and that the materials or services itemized thereon for which charge is made were ordered and received except 11 l.r Y Fire Chief Title Cost distribution ledger classification if claim paid motor vehicle highway fund Prescribed by State Board of Accounts City Form No. 201 (Rev. 1995) ACCOUNTS PAYABLE VOUCHER CITY OF CARMEL An invoice or bill to be properly itemized must show: kind of service, where performed, dates service rendered, by whom, rates per day, number of hours, rate per hour, number of units, price per unit, etc. Payee Purchase Order No. Terms Date Due Invoice Invoice Description Amount Date Number (or note attached invoice(s) or bill(s)) 28725525 $699.92 1 hereby certify that the attached invoice(s), or bill(s), is (are) true and correct and I have audited same in accordance with IC 5- 11- 10 -1.6 20 Clerk- Treasurer