HomeMy WebLinkAbout170561 04/01/2009 CITY OF CARMEL, INDIANA VENDOR: 00350958 Page 1 of 1 ONE CIVIC SQUARE SAMS CLUB DIRECT b CARMEL, INDIANA 46032 P 0 BOX 530930 CHECK AMOUNT: $34.90 y'? ATLANTA GA 30353 -0930 CHECK NUMBER: 170561 CHECK DATE: 4/1/2009 DEPARTMENT AC COUNT PO NUMBER INVOICE NUMBER AMOUNT DESCRIPTION 601 5023990 003606 34.90 MATERIALS SUPPLIES SAINTS CLUB DIRECT CREDIT Account: 0402 70240115 9 Statement Date: 03/20109 Page: 1 of 2 We never call or send e-mail in solicitation of your "Personal information (social security number or birth date). If someone calls you to ask for this, do not divulge it but instead call the toll -free number on your statement. CITY OF CARMEL 3709 ATTN: ACCOUNTS PAYABLE TWO CIVIC SQUARE CARMEL, IN 46032 -2584 Payments Received �s EM 031 0;:6 08 (285.17) PAYMENT RECEIVED Current Month's Invoices (Details Enclosed) Date Invoice Amount Due Date Club Reference it m 03/09/09 003606 34.90 04/08/09 6316 03092009 v v e Current4nvolces: $34.90 Send payments to PasAIMIn $0.00 P.O. Box 930 Atlanta 6A ^30353 Uh P�nents 8 y tlitsn $0.00 o a Send inquirij (t� s) to: P.O. Box 876 Dayton OH 45401 -8726 Total $34.90 For Customer Service: Call 1- 800 362 -6196 Credit Line $10000.00 Retain left hand portion for your records, send right hand portion noting Items paid by a with your payment. If not sending stub, note account number, Invoice number and amounts being paid on your check. -Continue 5966 0001 001 07� PAGE 1 of 2 ��++pp pC i SAW CLUB DIRECT CREDIT Account: 0402 70240115 9 Statement Date: 03/20/09 Page: 2 of 2 I SAM'S CLUB DIRECT P.O. BOX 530930 ATLANTA, GA 30353 -0930 CITY OF CARMEL Date of Sale: 03/09/09 Account: 0402 70240115 9 Invoice: 003606 Club /Name: 6316 P.O.: 03092009 Buyer: JERRY SMITH e S.K.U. DESCRIPTION QUANTITY UNIT PRICE EXT. PRICE 005278116 48 AA BATTERIES 2.00 EA 17.45 34.90 Subtotal: 34.90 Tax: 0.00 Balance Due: 34.90 I a I i i H1 i I i I I H I i 596 b01 001 07 PAGE f 2 COLR654A 3709 SA SAWS r DI COMMERCIAL PAYMENT STUB p�����++ `7 CLUB RECT CREDIT Page of 2 Account: 0402 7024011 5 9 Statement Date: 03120/09 Page: 1 of 2 Account: 0402 70240115 9 We never call or send e-mail in solicitation of your CITY OFCARMEL personal information (social security number or ATTN: ACCOUNTS PAYABLE birth data). If someone calls you to ask for this, TWO CIVIC SQUARE do not divulge it but instead call the toll-free CARMEL, IN 46032 -2584 number on your statement. PLEASE INDICATE ADDRESS CHANGES CITY OF CARMEL 3709 ATTNi ACCOUNTS 'PAYABLE EATLANTA, T ADDRESS T CIVIC SQUARE CARMEL, IN 46032 -2584 DIRECT 0930 A 30353 -0930 SUE, QATE �4d0�1Q9�>: Payments Received 08 (285.17) PAYMENT RECENED Current Month's Invoice (Details Enclosed) Date Invoice Amount Due Date Club Reference Date Invoice Amount C Please Indkate by R Invoices Pel 03109/09 003606 34.90 04/08109 6316 03082009 03/09109 003606 34.90 m LAWS CLUB DIRECT CREDT RGIAL P f Account: 0402 70240115 9 Statement Date: 03120109 Page: 2 of 2 SAM'S CLUB DIRECT P.O. BOX 530930 ATLANTA, GA 30353 -0930 CITY OF CARMEL Date of Sale: 03109/09 Account 0402 70240115 9 Invoice: 003606 Club/Name: 6316 P.O.: 03092009 Buyer: JERRY SMITH 0 S.K.U. DESCRIPTION QUANTITY UNIT PRICE EXT. PRICE 005278116 46 AA BATTERIES 2.00 EA 17.45 34.90 Subtotal: 34.90 Tax: 0.00 Balance Due: 34.90 m H *596" 001 07 COLR654A 3709 r 3 SMtz� �u f b.i N, CLUB MANAGER PATTI- MITCHELL .317) 471 7135 Fax and. Pu11 11:: 317 )871' =7153: INDIANAPr'JLIS, IN k 03/09/09.14:48 3606 MS-410 2193 E MEMBER 101711 ""W 169 THANK CITY OF CRRMEL FIRE DEPARTMENT 266361 AA BAT,IERIES; 17.45.Ez 265361 AR BATTERIES 17,45E SUBTOTAL 34.90: 't TOTAL 34 90. -SAMS O'CREDIT 3430 P.0 .03092009:- t ACCOUNT 1.159 APPROVAL 000217 CHANGE DUE 0. r�=� 4 a 8454 0518 201.2 0895 7, TC# I �NIIIIIIIIIIIIIII IIIIIIIIIIII IIIIIIIIIIIIlIIfl�II.II_LI, -y .._�e ed i. VtiIE VALUEYOUR OPINION e<4 WE -WANT TO KNOW'ABOUT YOUR SHOPPING EXPERIENCE TODAY AT SAWS 'CLUB Please complete a survey about tad s' club visit att'.. u x http :1fwww:survey.samsol IN RETURN FOR YOUR T U COULD RECEIVE �t p ONE OF FIVE $1.000,5 B'SHOPPING_CARDS t You must be 18 or older.and a legal resident of the 4 United- Sleles -enter ;.No purchase necessary lo win t a To enter without purchase and�tor otliciavrules visit: www.entry.survey.samsclub:aom Sweepslal,es period ends on the date shown, in the oR�oial rules. Survey must be taken within TWO weeks of today.... Esta encueala tambibn -se encuentra en espaRol on la pfipina de Internal; .THANK YOU Share wour thought. Rate,.eraducta and"_ read member•revie:s at samsclub,co� 03/09/09 1448,59' Y s *a MEMBER COPY- *tt.f Prescribed by State Board of Accounts City Form No- 201 (Rev 1995) ACCOUNTS PAYABLE VOUCHER CITY OF CARMEL An invoice or bill to be properly itemized must show, kind of service, where performed, dates of service rendered, by whom, rates per day, number of units, price per unit, etc. Payee 00350958 SAM'S CLUB DIRECT Purchase Order No. PO BOX 530930 Terms ATLANTA, GA 30353 -0930 Due Date 3/26/2009 Invoice Invoice Description Date Number (or note attached invoice(s) or bill(s)) Amount 3/26/2009 003606 $34.90 I hereby certify that the attached invoice(s), or bill(s) is (are) true and correct and I have audited same in accordance with IC 5- 11- 10 -1.6 Date Officer VOUCHER 091428 WARRANT ALLOWED 00350958 NT4 IN SUM OF r SAKS CLUB DIRECT PO BOX 530930 C) ATLANTA, GA 30353 -0930 Carmel Water Utility ON ACCOUNT OF APPROPRIATION FOR Board members PO INV ACCT AMOUNT Audit Trail Code 003606 01- 6200 -06 $34.90 .r Voucher Total $34.90 Cost distribution ledger classification if claim paid under vehicle highway fund