HomeMy WebLinkAbout207334 03/26/2012 CITY OF CARMEL, INDIANA VENDOR: 359662 Page 1 of 1 ONE CIVIC SQUARE A T T CARMEL, INDIANA 46032 PO BOX 5080 CHECK AMOUNT: $1,647.13 CAROL STREAM IL 60197 -5080 CHECK NUMBER: 207334 CHECK DATE: 3/26/2012 DEPARTMENT ACCOUNT PO NUMBER INVOICE NUMBER AMOUNT DESCRIPTION 1091 4344000 317571413003 147.26 31757141302606 1125 4344000 317571413603 70.52 31757141365314 1091 4344000 317815176303 141.03 31781517630544 1125 4344000 317816030803 231.68 31781603081593 1110 4344100 317M26200703 491.92 317M2620072696 601 5023990 317RO3069403 564.72 317RO603945861 Pi m CITY OF CARMEL Page 1 of 2 3450 W 131ST ST Account Number 317 R06 0394 586 1 CARMEL, IN 46074 8267 Billing Date Mar 1, 2012 at Web Site att.com Invoice Number 317RO6039403 Monthly Statement Feb 2 -Mar 1, 2012 ents Detail of Ad justm Previous Hill 4,272.79 Item No. Date Descri Ad Pa Payment .00 1 3 -05 Late Payment Charges 105.30 Totals 105.30 .00 Ad 105.30 Past Due Please Pay Immediately 4,378.09 Plans and Services Current Charges 3,034.39 Mon thly Service Mar 1 thrn Mar 31 Total Amount Due $7 ,412.48 Monthly Charges 2,951.50 Surch and Ot Fees Current Charges Due in Full by Mar 24, 2012 9 -1 -1 Emergency System Billed for Hamilton County 2.00 Federal Universal Service Fee 11.87 FCC Complex Line Port Federal Charge 15.53 Billing Summary j IN Universal Service Surcharge 11.69 IN Utility Receipt Surcharge 41.11 Billing Questions? Visit att.comibiiling Telecom nunications Relay Service .69 Total Surcharges and Other Fees 82.89 Plans and Services 3,034.39 1 -BOO- 480 -8088 Total Plans and Services 3,034.39 Repair Service: 1- 800 727 -2273 ews e Total of Current Charges 3,034.39 so PREVENT DISCONNECT Thank you for being a valued customer. It is importantto inform you AI.. that all charges must be paid each mouth to keep your account current and prevent collection activities. In addition, please be aware that 5 L we are required to inform you of certain charges that MUST be paid in order to prevent interruption of basic local service. These charges are already included in the Total Amount Due and are 57,412.48. It you don't agree with the amount due, you should dispute the portion t you disagree with before the payment due date. INOIANA USF Effective 5/1/2012, the monthly Indiana Universal Service Surcharge IIUSF►, which is included on all Indiana customer hills, will be increased from its current level of 0.40% to 0.52 This surcharge helps Indiana companies in high cost areas maintain affordable rates for their customers. For more information, please call us at the v number listed on the front of your bill. PREVENT DISCONNECT INDIANA USF CHANGE TO BSA See "News You Can Use' for additional information. Local Services provided by AT &T Illinois, AT &T Indiana, AT &T Michigan, AT &T Ohio.or.AT &T Wisconsin based upon the serv add locat ion. �d Prinlgd on Recyclable Paper Return bottom portion with your check in the enclosed envelope. GO GREEN Enroll in paperless billing. CITY OF CARMEL Page 2 of 2 3450 W 131 ST ST Account Number 317 R06- 0394 586 1 at&t CARMEL, IN 46074 -8267 Billing Date Mar 1, 2012 Invoice Number 317RO6039403 News You Can Use Continued CHANGE TO BSA This is to advise you of a change to the Business Service Agreement (BSA) thatyou previously received. Effective May 1, 2012, Paragraph 5a will be revised to read as follows: 5. PRICES; CHARGES; BILLING; PAYMENT AND CREDITS; CHANGES TO AGREEMENT a. Prices and Surcharges. You agree to pay AT &T for the Services atthe prices and charges provided in die applicable Guidebook or Service Guide or Tariff, without deduction, setoff or delay for any reason. The prices do not include, and You agree to pay, all applicable taxes, regulatory surcharges, recovery fees, shipping charges, and other similar charges specified or allowed by any governmental entity to be imposed on You or AT &T relating to die sale, use or provision of die Services. Taxes and government surcharges will be in die amounts that federal, state, and local authorities require or permit AT &T to bill You by statute, tariff, order, ordinance, law or otherwise. You shall continue to be bound by any applicable Tariffs which relate to die adding to your bill or charges for Services any taxes, fees or surcharges (including but not limited to any franchise, occupation, business, license, excise, privilege or other similar tax, fee or charge) now or hereafter imposed upon AT &T by any taxing body or authority and whether presently due or to hereafter become due. If you do not agree to this change, you must contact us no later dean May 1, 2012 to disconnect your service(s). You can contact us by calling your AT &T Sales Representative or call die AT &T Customer Care Center atthe toll -free billing inquiries number shown on your bill. Your failure to cancel, and your continued use of your AT &T business servicels) after the effective date of this change constitutes your acceptance of revised terms and conditions of the BSA, as well as die applicable Guidebooks or Service Guides, 7244.006.065931.01,01.0000000 NNNNNNNY 43101.131965 2006 AT &T Knowledge Ventures .All rights reserved. VOUCHER 113996 WARRANT ALLOWED 359662 IN SUM OF AT &T8100 PO BOX 8100 AURORA, IL 60507 Carmel Water Utility ON ACCOUNT OF APPROPRIATION FOR Board members PO INV ACCT AMOUNT Audit Trail Code 317R060394� 01- 6360 -06 $564.72 I i Voucher Total $564.72 Cost distribution ledger classification if claim paid under vehicle highway fund r a Prescribed by state Board of Accounts City Form No. 201 (Rev 1995) ACCOUNTS PAYABLE VOUCHER CITY OF CARMEL An invoice or bill to be properly itemized must show, kind of service, where .performed, dates of service rendered, by whom, rates per day, number of.units, price per unit, etc. Payee 359662 AT T 8100 Purchase Order fro. PO BOX 8100 Terms AURORA, IL 60507 Due Date 3/20/2012 Invoice Invoice Description Date Number (or note attached invoice(s) or bill(s)) Amount 3/20/2012 317R060394� $564.72 I hereby certify that the attached invoice(s), or bill(s) is (are) true and correct and I have audited same in accordance with IC 5- 11- 10 -1.6 Date Officer CARMEL CLAY PARKS REC Page 1 of 2 1411 E 116TH ST Account Number 317 571 -4130 260 6 CARMEL, IN 46032 -3455 Billing Date Mar 7, 2012 at&t Website att.com In 0 eAu —aL7511413003 Monthly Statement MAR 16 20I2 Feb 8 Mar 7, 2012 BY AT&T Benefits Previous Bill 147.26 Total AT &T Savings 184.00 Payment Received 2 -24 Thank You! 147,26CR Adjustments .00 and Balance .00 Monthl Service -Mar 7 thru Apr 6 Charges for 317 571 -4130 Current Charges 147.26 Monthly Charges 5.56 Bus Local Calling Unlimited B 30 -00 Total Amount Due $147.26 Individual Message Business Unlimited Local Usage Mar 29, 2012 Caller Name Display Amount Due in Full by Caller Identification By choosing Bus Local Calling Unlimited B, you are saving $60.50 over the cost of the same Billing Summary services purchased separately. Billing Questions? Visit att.com /billing Charges for 317571 -4131 Monthly Charges 5.56 Plans and Services 147.26 Bus Local Calling Unlimited B 30.00 1 -800- 480 -8088 Individual Message Business Repair Service: Unlimited Local Usage 1- 800 727 -2273 Calling Name Display Caller Identification Total of Current Charges 147.26 By choosing Bus Local Calling Unlimited B, you are saving 560.50 over the cost of the same services purchased separately. Charges for 317 571 -4132 Monthly Charges 5.56 Bus Local Calling Measured 24.00 Individual Message Business Measured Plan Calling Name Display Caller Identification By choosing Bus Local Calling Measured, you are saving $31.50 over the cost of the same services purchased separately. Charges for 317 571 -4133 Monthly Charges 5.56 ,News You Can Use Summary PREVENT DISCONNECT LOCAL TOLL INFO -LONG DISTANCE INFO -PRICE INCREASE INDIANA USF CHANGE TO BSA See "News You Can Use" for additional information. Local Services provided by AT &T Illinois, AT &T Indiana, AT &T Michigan, AT &T Ohio or AT &T Wisconsin based upon the service address location. Return bottom portion with your check in the enclosed envelope. GO GREEN Enroll in paperless billing. Printed on Recyclable Paper I L r CARMEL CLAY PARKS AEC Page 2 of 2 1411 E 116TH ST Account Number 317 571 -4130 260 6 ..yet at&t CARMEL, IN 46032 -3455 Billing Date Mar 7, 2012 f Invoice Number 317571413003 News You C an Use Con INDIANA USF Monthl Service Continued Effective 51)/2012, the monthly Indiana Universal Service Surcharge Bus Local'Calfing Measured 2400 (IUSF), which is included on all Indiana customer bills, will be Individual Message Business increased from its current level of 0.40% to 0.52 This surcharge Measured Plan helps Indiana companies in high cost areas maintain affordable rates Calling Name Display for their customers. For more information, please call us at the Caller Identification number listed on the front of your bill. By choosing Bus Local Calling Measured, CHANGE TO SSA This is to advise you of a change to the Business Service Agreement you are saving over the cost of the same (BSA) that you previously received. Effective May 1, 2012, Paragraph services purchased d s separately. 5a will be revised to read as follows: Total Monthly Service 130.24 5. PRICES; CHARGES; BILLING; PAYMENT AND CREDITS; CHANGES TO Surchar and Other Fees AGREEMENT a. Prices and Surcharges. You agree to pay AT &T for the 9 -1 -1 Emergency System Services at the prices and charges provided in the applicable Guidebook Billed for Hamilton County 8.00 or Service Guide or Tariff, without deduction, setoff or delay for any Federal Universal Service Fee 7.28 reason. The prices do not include, and You agree to pay, all applicable IN Universal Service Surcharge .34 taxes, regulatory surcharges, recovery fees, shipping charges, and IN Utility Receipt Surcharge 1.23 other similar charges specified or allowed by any governmental entity Telecommunications Relay Service 12 to be imposed on You or AT &T relating to the sale, use or provision of Total Surcharges and Other Fees 117.02 the Services. Taxes and government surcharges will be in the amounts that federal, state, and local authorities require or permit AT &T to bill You by statute, tariff, order, ordinance, law or otherwise. You Total Plans and Services 141.26 shall continue to be bound by any applicable Tariffs which relate to the adding to your bill or charges for Services any taxes, fees or surcharges (including but not limited to any franchise, occupation, business, license, excise, privilege or other similar tax, fee or charge) now or hereafter imposed upon AT &T by any taxing body or PREVENT DISCONNECT authority and whether presently due or to hereafter become due. Thank you for being a valued customer. It is important to inform you If you do not agree to this change, you must contact us no later than that all charges must he paid each month to keep your account current May 1, 2012 to disconnect your service(s). You can contact us by and prevent collection activities. In addition, please be aware that calling your AT &T Sales Representative or call the AT &T Customer Care we are required to inform you of certain charges that MUST be paid in Center at the toll -free billing inquiries number shown on your bill. order to prevent interruption of basic local service. These charges Your failure to cancel, and your continued use of your AT &T business are already included in the Total Amount Due and are 5106.85. service(s) after the effective date of this change constitutes your If you don't agree with the amount due, you should dispute the portion acceptance of revised terms and conditions of the BSA, as well as the you disagree with before the payment due date. applicable Guidebooks or Service Guides. LOCAL TOLL INFO Our records indicate that you have not selected a local toll company for all of your lines. LONG DISTANCE INFO Our records show thatyou have selected AT &T Long Distance or a company thatresells services of AT &T Long Distance as the presubscribed carrier for all of your long distance services. PRICE INCREASE Effective May 1, 2012, the month -to -month price of Business Local Calling (BLC) Unlimited A, Unlimited B, Block of Time and Measured packages will increase by $2. BLC Unlimited A will increase from $40 to S42, BLC Unlimited B will increase from S35 to S37, BLC Block of Time will increase from S34 to S36 and BLC Measured will increase from S31 to $33. Customers currently on a BLC term plan will continue to receive their current BLC term package price. For questions about this change, please contact an AT &T Service Representative atthe toll -free number on your bill. 8717.004.045918.01.01.0000000 NNNNNNNY91897.91897 d2008AT &T Knowledge Ventures All rights reserved ACCOUNTS PAYABLE VOUCHER CITY OF CARMEL An invoice of bill to be properly itemized must show; kind of service, where performed, dates service rendered, by whom, rates per day, number of hours, rate per hour, number of units, price per unit, etc. Payee Purchase Order No. 359662 AT &T Terms P.O. Box 5080 Date Due Carol Stream, IL 60197 -5080 Invoice Invoice Description Date Number (or note attached invoice(s) or bill(s)) Amount 3!7112 317571413003 Monon Community Center Alarms Elevators 147.26 Acct# 31757141302606 Total 147.26 1 hereby certify that the attached invoice(s), or bill(s) is (are) true and correct and I have audited same in accordance with IC 5- 11- 10 -1.6 20 Clerk- Treasurer Voucher No. Warrant No. 359662 AT &T Allowed 20 P.O. Box 5080 Carol Stream, IL 60197 -5080 In Sum of 147.26 ON ACCOUNT OF APPROPRIATION FOR 109 Monon Center PO# or iNVOICE NO. ACCT #/TITLE AMOUNT Board Members Dept 1091 317571413003 4344000 147.26 1 hereby certify that the attached invoice(s), or bill(s) is (are) true and correct and that the materials or services itemized thereon for which charge is made were ordered and received except 22 -Mar 2012 Signature 147.26 Accounts Payable Coordinator Cost distribution ledger classification if Title claim paid motor vehicle highway fund at &t p MAR 2 3 2012 Print Download PDF .pe..�.e Close CARMEL CLAY PARKS Account Number 317 815 -1763 054 4 1411 E 116TH ST Billing Date Mar 16, 2012 CARMEL, IN 46032 -3455 Web Site att.com Invoice Number 317815176303 Feb 17, 2012 Mar 16, 2012 Bill At Glance Billing Summary Previous Bill 141.03 Billing Questions? visit att.com /billing Payment Received 3 -1 Thank Plans and Services 141.03 You! 141.03 CR 1- 800- 480 -8088 Repair Service: Adjustments 0.00 1- 800 727 -2273 Total of Current Charges 141.03 Balance 0.00 Local Services provided by AT &T Illinois, Current Charges 141.03 AT &T Indiana, AT &T Michigan, AT &T Ohio or AT &T Wisconsin based upon the Total Amount Due $141.03 service address location. 2006 AT &T Knowledge Ventures. All rights Amount Due in Full by Apr 7, 2012 reserved. News You Can Use Summary PREVENT DISCONNECT CARRIER INFO INDIANA USF CHANCE TO BSA See "News You Carl USe" for additional information. Plans and Services Monthly Service Mar 16 thru Apr 15 Charges for 317 815 -1763 Monthly Charges 65. 56 Charges for 317 815 -1874 Monthly Charges 65.56 Total Monthly Service 131.12 Surcharges and Other Fees 9 -1 -1 Emergency System Billed for Hamilton County 4 00 Federal Universal Service Fee 3.64 IN Universal Service Surcharge 48 IN Utility Receipt Surcharge 1.73 Telecommunications Relay Service .06 Total Surcharges and Other Fees 9.91 Total Plans and Services 141.03 News You Can Use PREVENT DISCONNECT. Thank you for being a valued customer. It is important to inform you that all charges must be paid each month to keep your account current and prevent collection activities. In addition, please be aware that we are required to inform you of certain charges that MUST be paid in order to prevent interruption of basic local service. These charges are already included in the Total Amount Due and are $141.03. If you don't agree with the amount due, you should dispute the portion you disagree with before the payment due date. CARRIER INFO. Qwest Communications Corp., or a company that resells their service, is your long distance and local toll carrier. INDIANA USF. Effective 511!2012, the monthly Indiana Universal Service Surcharge (IUSF), which is included on all Indiana customer bills, will be increased from its current level of 0.40% to 0.52 This surcharge helps Indiana companies in high cost areas maintain affordable rates for their customers. For more information, please call us at the number listed on the front of your bill. CHANGE TO BSA. This is to advise you of a change to the Business Service Agreement (BSA) that you previously received. Effective May 1, 2012, Paragraph 5a will be revised to read as follows: 5. PRICES; CHARGES; BILLING; PAYMENT AND CREDITS; CHANGES TO AGREEMENT a. Prices and Surcharges. You agree to pay AT &T for the Services at the prices and charges provided in the applicable Guidebook or Service Guide or Tariff, without deduction, setoff or delay for any reason. The prices do not include, and You agree to pay, all applicable taxes, regulatory surcharges, recovery fees, shipping charges, and other similar charges specified or allowed by any governmental entity to be imposed on You or AT &T relating to the sale, use or provision of the Services. Taxes and government surcharges will be in the amounts that federal, state, and local authorities require or permit AT &T to bill You by statute, tariff, order, ordinance, law or otherwise. You shall continue to be bound by any applicable Tariffs which relate to the adding to your bill or charges for Services any taxes, fees or surcharges (including but not limited to any franchise, occupation, business, license, excise, privilege or other similar tax, fee or charge) now or hereafter imposed upon AT &T by any taxing body or authority and whether presently due or to hereafter become due. If you do not agree to this change, you must contact us no later than May 1, 2012 to disconnect your service(s). You can contact us by calling your AT &T Sales Representative or call the AT &T Customer Care Center at the toll -free billing inquiries number shown on your bill. Your failure to cancel, and your continued use of your AT &T business service(s) after the effective date of this change constitutes your acceptance of revised terms and conditions of the BSA, as well as the applicable Guidebooks or Service Guides. ACCOUNTS PAYABLE VOUCHER CITY OF CARMEL An invoice of bill to be properly itemized must show; kind of service, where performed, dates service rendered, by whom, rates per day, number of hours, rate per hour, number of units, price per unit, etc. Payee Purchase Order No. 359662 AT &T Terms P.O. Box 5080 Date Due Carol Stream, IL 60197 -5080 Invoice Invoice Description Date Number (or note attached invoice(s) or bill(s)) Amount 3/16/12 317815176303 DTS Alarm West Conf room, MDF 141.03 31781517630544 ,Total 141.03 I hereby certify that the attached invoice(s), or bill(s) is (are) true and correct and I have audited same in accordance with IC 5- 11- 10 -1.6 20_ Clerk- Treasurer Voucher No. Warrant No. 359662 AT &T Allowed 20 P.O. Box 5080 Carol Stream, IL 60197 -5080 In Sum of 141.03 ON ACCOUNT OF APPROPRIATION FOR 109 Monon Center PO# or Board Members Dept ept INVOICE NO. ACCT #/TITLE AMOUNT 1091 317815176303 4344000 141.03 1 hereby certify that the attached invoice(s), or bill(s) is (are) true and correct and that the materials or services itemized thereon for which charge is made were ordered and received except 23 -Mar 2012 Signature 141.03 Accounts Payable Coordinator Cost distribution ledger classification if Title claim paid motor vehicle highway fund rt Print Download PDF Close CARMEL CLAY Account Number 317 816 -0308 159 3 1411 E 116TH ST Billing Date Mar 16, 2012 CARMEL, IN 46032 -3455 Web Site att.com Invoice Number 317816030803 Feb 17, 2012 Mar 16, 2012 Bill -At -A- Glance Billing Summary Previous Bill 213.97 Billing Questions? Visit att.com /billing Payment Received 3 -1 Thank Plans and Services 166.93 You! 213.97 CR 1 -800- 480 -8088 Repair Service: Adjustments 0.00 1- 800 727 -2273 AT k:l.. Long Distance 64.75 Balance 0.00 1 -800 -480 -8088 Current Charges 231.68 Total of Current Charges 231.68 Local Services provided by AT &T Illinois, Total Amount Due $231.68 AT &T Indiana, AT &T Michigan, AT &T Ohio or AT &T Wisconsin based upon the Amount Due in Full by Apr 7, 2012 service address location. 2006 AT &T Knowledge Ventures. All rights reserved. Amount if Paid After Apr 7, 2012 $235.62 News You Can Use Summary PREVENT DISCONNECT CARRIER INFO PRICE INCREASE :INDIANA USE CHANGE TO BSA See "Ne vo, You Can Use" for additional information. AT&T Benefits Total AT &T Savings 242.00 Plans and Services Monthly Service Mar 16 thru Apr 15 Charges for 317 816 -0308 Monthly Charges 11. 06 Bus Local Calling Unlimited B 30.00 Indiv Msg Business Hunting Ln Unlimited Local Usage Calling Name Display Caller Identification By choosing Bus Local Calling Unlimited B, you are saving $60.50 over the cost of the same services purchased separately. Charges for 317 816 -0312 Monthly Charges 5.56 Bus Local Calling Unlimited B 30.00 Indiv Msg Business Hunting Ln Unlimited Local Usage Calling Name Display Caller Identification By choosing Bus Local Calling Unlimited B, you are saving $60.50 over the cost of the same services purchased separately. Charges for 317 816 -0314 Monthly Charges 5.56 Bus Local Calling Unlimited B 30.00 Indiv Msg Business Hunting Ln Unlimited Local Usage Calling Name Display Caller Identification By choosing Bus Local Calling Unlimited B, you are saving $60.50 over the cost of the same services purchased separately. Charges for 317 816 -0345 Monthly Charges 5, 56 Bus Local Calling Unlimited B 30.00 Indiv Msg Business Hunting Ln Unlimited Local Usage Calling Name Display Caller Identification By choosing Bus Local Calling Unlimited B, you are saving $60.50 over the cost of the same services purchased separately, Total Monthly Service 147 .74 Local Calls Call(s) Charged to 317 816 -0308 Unlimited Local Usage Plan Summary 135 Call(s) billed at no charge per call 00 Total Call(s) Charged to 317 816 -0308 00 Call(s) Charged to 317 816 -0312 Unlimited Local Usage Plan Summary 74 Call(s) billed at no charge per call 00 Total Call(s) Charged to 317 816 -0312 Q Call(s) Charged to 317 816 -0314 Unlimited Local Usage Plan Summary 74 Call(s) billed at no charge per call .00 Total Call(s) Charged to 317 816 -0314 .00 Total Local Calls 00 Information Charges 411 and 555 -1212 1 Listing(s) requested from 1 +411 1 Listing(s) billed at $1.89 each 1.89 Surcharges and Other Fees 9 -1 -1 Emergency System Billed for Hamilton County B.00 Federal Universal Service Fee 7.28 IN Universal Service Surcharge .30 IN Utility Receipt Surcharge 1.60 Telecommunications Relay Service .12 Total Surcharges and Other Fees 17.30 Total Plans and Services 166.93 AT&T Long Distance Message Regarding Terms Conditions: To view your Terms Conditions for AT &T Long Distance, access www,att.comiserviCePubiications or call AT &T at the toll free number on your bill. Invoice Summary (as of March 03, 2012) Current Charges Service Charges 10.00 Credits and Adjustments .00 Call Charges 45.12 Surcharges and Other Fees 9.63 Taxes .DO Total Invoice Summary 64.75 Service Charges Monthly Service Charges Type of Service Period Qty 2 -01. BUS BOT 200MIN II lY 03/02 -04/01 1 10.00 Total Monthly Service Charges 10.00 Total Service Charges 10.00 Call Charges Feb 2nd thru Mar 1st Calls for 317 816 -0308 Domestic No. A Date Time Place Called Number Code Min Amount 2 -02 2 -01 205P CHESTERFLD IN 765 378 -4103 D 2:25 .12 2 -03 2 -01 348P CICERO IN 317 385 -0253 D 0:53 .04 2 -04 2 -02 829A COKATO MN 320 286 -6382 D 0:30 .00 2 -05 2 -02 1226P COKATO MN 320 286 -6382 D 5:45 .00 2 -06 2 -06 1227P GREENWOOD IN 317 881 -1477 D 5:21 .00 2 -07 2 -07 5172 NAPERVILLE IL 630 961 -8864 D 8:16 .00 2 -08 2 -08 1224P GREENWOOD IN 317 859 -2535 D 4:13 .00 2 -09 2 -08 210P CICERO IN 317 984 -4845 D 2:26 .00 2 -10 2 -09 920A COKATO MN 320 286 -6382 D 6:18 .00 2 -11 2 -09 947A SOUTH BEND IN 574 235 -9805 D 3:20 .00 2 -12 2 -09 952A FTTHCMPSON SD 605 477 -2100 D 53:31 .00 2 -13 2 -09 253P MTWASHIGTN KY 502 538 -4766 D 0:30 .00 2 -14 2 -10 846A MTWASHIGTN KY 502 538 -4766 D 3:42 .00 2 -15 2 -10 217P WALLEDLAKE MI 248 255 -1148 D 0:30 .03 2 -16 2 -10 218P VERSAILLES MO 573 569 -1666 D 0:52 .04 2 -17 2 -10 405P CINCINNATI OH 513 345 -6878 D 1:10 .06 2 -18 2 -13 149P FRANKLIN IN 317 736 -8277 D 2:01 .10 2 -19 2 -14 339P TOPEKA KS 785 235 -6533 D 15:26 .77 2 -20 2 -14 410P TRAVERSECY MI 231 421 -4903 D 1:47 .09 2 -21 2 -16 1000A VALPARAISO IN 219 462 -5144 D 0:30 .03 2 -22 2 -16 1102A VALPARAISO IN 219 462 -5144 D 6:08 .31 2 -23 2 -17 922A DENVER CO 303 539 -8585 D 2:19 .12 2 -24 2 -17 1112A LEXINGTON VA 540 463 -1410 D 4:48 .24 2 -25 2--21 959A AKRON OH 330 703 -1802 D 0:30 .03 2 -26 2 -21 1028A DENVER CO 303 539 -8506 D 0:30 .03 2 -27 2 -21 1035A DENVER CO 303 539 -8512 D 1:02 .05 2 -28 2 -21 3372 ELGIN IL 847 695 -5840 D 1:36 .08 2 -29 2 -22 905A NWYRCYZNIO NY 347 809 -0850 D 0:48 .04 2 -30 2 -22 1043A ATLANTA NE GA 770 724 -7461 D 2:38 .13 2 31 2 -22 221P PETALUMA CA 707 766 -6000 D 14:43 .74 2 -32 2 -23 840A GREENWOOD IN 317 859 -2535 D 1:34 .08 2 -33 2 -24 845A MCLEAN VA 703 610 -0257 D 1:27 .07 2 -34 2 -24 857A BLOOMINGTN IN 812 856 -4422 D 2:00 .10 2 -35 2 -24 1107A DANVILLE IN 31`7 451 -2254 D 1:30 .08 2 -36 2 -24 1.2192 KOKOMO IN 765 480 -5107 D 0:33 .03 2 -37 2 -24 12442 DENVER CO 303 539 -8512 D 8:45 .44 2 -38 2 -24 108P DENVER CO 720 289 -6488 D 3 :50 .19 2 -39 3 -01 1257P HOMEWOOD IL 708 799 -7400 D 3:23 .17 3 -01 3 -01 209P COLUMBUS IN 812 350-6789 D 8:52 .44 Subtotal Domestic Calls for 317 -816 -0308 4.65 Total Domestic Calls for 317 816 -0308 4.65 International No. a Date Time Place Called Number Code Min Amount 3 -02 2 -06 1101A VANCOUVER 604 603 -0929 T 5 :00 7.05 3 -03 2 -22 I011A RICHMOND 604 273 -1068 T 1:00 1.41 3 -04 2 -23 930A RICHMOND 604 232 -3310 T 1:00 1.41 Subtotal International Calls for 317 816 -0308 9.87 Total International Calls for 317 816 -0308 9.87 Total Calls for 317 -816 -0308 14.52 Calls for 317 816 -0312 Domestic No. A Date Time Place Called Number Code Min Amount 3 -05 2 -01 1233P GREENWOOD IN 317 215 -5398 D 4:44 .24 3 -06 2 -02 121P ATLANTA GA 404 879 -2800 D 2:11 .00 3 -07 2 -09 214P LAFAYETTE IN 765 426 -6483 D 0:43 .00 3 -08 2 -13 316P W CHICAGO IL 630 818 -5923 D 0:35 .03 3 -09 2 -14 935A MADISON IN 812 273 -6699 D 0:55 .05 3 -10 2 -14 357P VALPARAISO IN 219 462 -5144 D 2:42 .14 3 -11 2 -16 1016A LAFAYETTE IN 765 426 -6483 D 0:58 .05 3 -12 2 -16 1202P ANDERSON IN 765 621 -7393 D 1:37 .08 3 -13 2 -17 927A AKRON OH 330 703 -1802 D 0:30 .03 3 -14 2 -21 959A DENVER CO 720 289 -6488 D 4:08 .21 3 -15 2 -21 1031A CICERO IN 317 984 -4845 D 0:30 .03 3 -16 2 -21 300P DANVILLE IN 317 745 -3015 D 1:26 .07 3 -17 2 -21 425P SOUTH BEND IN 574 259 -9976 D 1:42 .09 3 -18 2 -23 911A GREENWOOD 114 317 859 -2535 D 0:31 .03 3 -19 2 -23 328P KOKOMO IN 765 480 -5107 D 0:40 .03 3 -20 2 -24 1013A TERREHAUTE IN 812 462 -3392 D 0:55 .05 3 -21 2 -27 809A DANVILLE IN 317 451 -2252 D 1:00 .05 3 -22 2 -28 1217P DEER PARK WI 715 269 --5619 D 7:22 .37 3 -23 2 -29 806A BROWNSTOWN IN 812 358 -3621 D 8:55 .45 Subtotal Domestic Calls for 317 -816 -0312 2.00 Total Domestic Calls for 317- 816 -0312 2.00 International No. A Date Time Place Called Number Code Min Amount 3 -24 2 -14 1155A VANCOUVER 604 603 -0929 T 1:00 1.41 3 -25 2 -22 12262 RICHMOND 604 273 -1068 T 5:00 7.05 3 -26 2 -24 1112A RICHMOND 604 232 -3310 T 1:00 1.41 3 -27 2 -24 113P RICHMOND 604 273 -1068 T 9:00 12.69 Subtotal International Calls for 317 -816 -0312 22.56 Total International Calls for 317 -816 -0312 22.56 Total Calls for 317 -816 -0312 24.56 Calls for 317 -816 -0314 Domestic No. A Date Time Place Called Number Code Min Amount 3 -28 2 -03 1224P COLUMBUS OH 614 625 -9075 D 0:30 .00 3 -29 2--07 1159A SCHENCTADY NY 518 847 -5870 D 3:14 .00 3 -30 2 -08 843A COKATO MN 320 286 -6382 D 0:30 .00 3 -31 2 -08 1050A GREENWOOD IN 317 859 --2535 D 1:41 .00 3 -32 2 -08 1231P PETALUMA CA 707 766 -6000 D 3:10 .00 3 -33 2 -09 931A NEWBUFFALO MI 269 612 -7126 D 1:08 .00 3 34 2 -09 1138A NEWBUFFALO MI 269 612 -7126 D 9:01 .00 3 -35 2 -09 140P GREENWOOD IN 317 882 -8933 D 14:44 .00 3 -36 2 -10 1052A FTTHOMPSON SD 605 477 -2100 D 9:10 .00 3 -37 2 -10 1102A FTTHOMPSON SD 605 477 -2100 D 118:44BP 2.93 3 38 2 -10 220P CICERO IN 317 385 -0253 D 1:01 .05 3 -39 2 -10 257P WASHINGTON DC 202 483 -3000 D 5:56 .30 3 -40 2 -13 12522 SYRACUSE IN 574 457 -4532 D 4:03 .20 3 -41 2 16 1100A VALPARAISO IN 219 462 -5144 D 0:50 .04 3 -42 2 -17 5062 PETALUMA CA 707 766 -6000 D 7:55 .40 3 -43 2 -21 950A POKAGON IN 260 833 -1077 D 0:50 .04 3 -44 2 -21 1014A AKRON OH 330 703 --1802 D 0:30 .03 3 -45 2 -21 1032A DENVER CO 303 539 -8512 D 0:30 .03 3 46 2 -21 1054A LANSING MI 517 488 -9469 D 2:25 .12 3 -47 2--21 353P SOUTH BEND IN 574 257 -0255 D 1:15 .06 3 -48 2 -22 950A SNCA SGCC CA 661 673 -8600 D 26:00 1.30 3 -49 2 -23 839A GREENWOOD IN 317 859 -2535 D 1:19 .07 3 -50 2 -23 912A GREENWOOD IN 317 859 -2535 D 1:46 .09 3 -51 2 -23 202P LANSING MI 517 468 -9469 D 0:57 .05 3 -52 2 -24 1242P MUNCIE IN 765 744 -6459 D 0:37 .03 3 53 2 -29 1209P DENVER CO 303 618 -5592 D 2:44 .14 3 -54 2 -29 221P DANVILLE IN 317 745 -1964 D 0:50 .04 3 -55 3 -01 915A LOMITA CA 310 326 -1704 D 2:24 .12 BP Call continued beyond plan minutes Subtotal Domestic Calls for 317 -816 -0314 6.04 Total Domestic Calls for 317 -816 -0314 6.04 Total Calls for 317- 816 -0314 6.04 Total Call Charges 45.12 Surcharges and tither Fees 3 -56. Federal. Regulatory Fee 1.06 3 -57. Federal Universal Service Fee 8.46 3 -58. IN Universal Service Surcharge .02 3 -59. IN Utility Receipts Tax Recovery .09 Total Surcharges and Other Fees 9.63 Taxes 4 -01. Federal .00 4 -02. State .00 4 -03. Municipal .00 4 -04. Non Home State .00 Total Taxes .00 Total Invoice Charges 64.75 Key for Calling Codes: A Anytime B Collect C Calling Card D Day E Evening F Call Forwarding H Third Number I Special Intrastate L Late Night M Multiple Rate Period N Night/Weekend 0 Operator Completed Dial Rates Apply P Person to Person R Standard Overseas S Station to Station T Discount Overseas X Conference Y Economy Overseas 3 Three Way Total AT&T Long Distance 64.75 Nevus You Can Use PREVENT DISCONNECT. Thank you for being a valued customer. It is important to inform you that all charges must be paid each month to keep your account current and prevent collection activities. In addition, please be aware that we are required to inform you of certain charges that MUST be paid in order to prevent interruption of basic local service. These charges are already included in the Total Amount Due and are $169.97. If you don't agree with the amount due, you should dispute the portion you disagree with before the payment due date. CARRIER INFO. AT &T Long Distance, or a company that resells their service, is your long distance and local toll carrier. PRICE INCREASE. Effective May 1, 2012, the month -to -month price of Business Local Calling (BLC) Unlimited A, Unlimited B, Block of Time and Measured packages will increase by $2. BLC Unlimited A will increase from $40 to $42, BLC Unlimited B will increase from $35 to $37, BLC Block of Time will increase from $34 to $36 and BLC Measured will increase from $31 to $33. Customers currently on a BLC term plan will continue to receive their current BLC term package price. For questions about this change, please contact an AT &T Service Representative at the toll -free number on your bill. INDIANA USF. Effective 5/1/2012, the monthly Indiana Universal Service Surcharge (IUSF), which is included on all Indiana customer bills, will be increased from its current level of 0.40% to 0.52 This surcharge helps Indiana companies in high cost areas maintain affordable rates for their customers. For more information, please call us at the number listed on the front of your bill. CHANGE TO BSA. This is to advise you of a change to the Business Service Agreement (BSA) that you previously received. Effective May 1, 2012, Paragraph 5a will be revised to read as follows: 5. PRICES; CHARGES; BILLING; PAYMENT AND CREDITS; CHANGES TO AGREEMENT a. Prices and Surcharges. You agree to pay AT &T for the Services at the prices and charges provided in the applicable Guidebook or Service Guide or Tariff, without deduction, setoff or delay for any reason. The prices do not include, and You agree to pay, all applicable taxes, regulatory surcharges, recovery fees, shipping charges, and other similar charges specified or allowed by any governmental entity to be imposed on You or AT &T relating to the sale, use or provision of the Services. Taxes and government surcharges will be in the amounts that federal, state, and local authorities require or permit AT &T to bill You by statute, tariff, order, ordinance, law or otherwise. You shall continue to be bound by any applicable Tariffs which relate to the adding to your bill or charges for Services any taxes, fees or surcharges (including but not limited to any franchise, occupation, business, license, excise, privilege or other similar tax, fee or charge) now or hereafter imposed upon AT &T by any taxing body or authority and whether presently due or to hereafter become due. If you do not agree to this change, you must contact us no later than May 1, 2012 to disconnect your service(s). You can contact us by calling your AT &T Sales Representative or call the AT &T Customer Care Center at the toll -free billing inquiries number shown on your bill. Your failure to cancel, and your continued use of your AT &T business service(s) after the effective date of this change constitutes your acceptance of revised terms and conditions of the BSA, as well as the applicable Guidebooks or Service Guides. ACCOUNTS PAYABLE VOUCHER CITY OF CARMEL An invoice of bill to be properly itemized must show, kind of service, where performed, dates service rendered, by whom, rates per day, number of hours, rate per hour, number of units, price per unit, etc. Payee Purchase Order No. 359662 AT &T Terms P.O. Box 5080 Date Due Carol Stream, IL 60197 -5080 Invoice Invoice Description Date Number (or note attached invoice(s) or bill(s)) Amount 3116112 317816030803 Telephone line charges AO 231.68 Acct 31781603081593 Total 231.68 1 hereby certify that the attached invoice(s), or bill(s) is (are) true and correct and I have audited same in accordance with IC 5- 11- 10 -1.6 20 Clerk- Treasurer Voucher No. Warrant No. 359662 AT &T Allowed 20 P.O. Box 5080 Carol Stream, IL 60197 -5080 In Sum of 231.68 ON ACCOUNT OF APPROPRIATION FOR 101 General Fund PO# or INVOICE NO. ACCT #/TITLE AMOUNT Board Members Dept 1125 317816030803 4344000 231.68 1 hereby certify that the attached invoice(s), or bill(s) is (are) true and correct and that the materials or services itemized thereon for which charge is made were ordered and received except 23 -Mar 2012 LdLiu)2ia Signature 231.68 Accounts Payable Coordinator Cost distribution ledger classification if Title claim paid motor vehicle highway fund -g e CARMEL CLAY PARKS REC. Page 1 of 2 1411 E 116TH ST Account Number 317 571 4136 5314 CARMEL, IN 46032 3455 Billing Date Mar 7, 2012 Web Site att.COm at &t Invoice Number 317571413603 Mon thly Statement Feb 8 Mar 7, 2012 Previous Bill 70.52 Monthl Service Mar 7 thru A 6 Monthly Charges 65.56 Payment Received 2 -24 Thank You! 70.52CR Surchar and Other Fees Adjustments .00 9 -1 -1 Emergency System Billed for Hamilton County 2.00 Balance .00 Federal Universal Service Fee 1.82 IN Universal Service Surcharge 24 Current Charges 70.52 IN Utility Receipt Surcharge .87 Teleconnnunications Relay Service 03 Total Amount Due $70.52 Total Surcharges and Other Fees 4.96 Total Plans and Services 70.52 Amount Due in Full by Mar 29, 2012 Billing PuMmary PREVENT DISCONNECT Billing Questions? Visit att.corm /billing Thank you for being a valued custorner. It is important to inform you that all charges must be paid each month to keep your account current Plans and Services 70.52 and prevent collection activities. in addition, please be aware that 1 -800 -480 -8088 we are required to inform you of certain charges that MUST be paid in Repair Service: order to prevent interruption of basic local service. These charges 1- 800 727 -2273 are already included in the Total Amount Due and are S70.52. If you don't agree with the amount due, you should dispute the portion Total of Current Charges 70.52 you disagree with before the payment due date. CARRIER INFO AT &T long Distance, or a company that resells their service, is your long distance and local toll carrier. INDIANA USF Effective 5/1/2012, the nnonthly Indiana Universal Service Surcharge IIUSFI, which is included on all Indiana custorner bills, will be increased from its currentlevel of OAS% to 0.52 This surcharge helps Indiana companies in high cost areas maintain affordable rates for their customers. For more information, please call us at the number listed on the front of your bill. I S (a MAR 1- 2012 BY V PREVENT DISCONNECT CARRIER INFO INDIANA USF CHANGE TO BSA See "News You Can Use' for additional information. Local Services provided by AT &T Illinois, AT &T Indiana, AT &T Michigan, AT &T Ohio or AT &T Wisconsin based upon the service address location. Z Printed on Recyclable raper Return bottom portion with your check in the enclosed envelope.! �..,,.,GO GREEN Enroll in paperless billing. CJIY!tl.9.°AAIU CARMEL CLAY PARKS REC. Page 2 of 2 1411 E 116TH ST Account Number 317 571 -4136 531 4 at&t CARMEL, IN 46032 -3455 Billing Date Mar 7, 2012 Invoice Number 311571413603 News You'Cah Use' News You Can Use Continued CHANGE TO BSA This is to advise you of a change to the Business Service Agreement (BSA) that you previously received. Effective May 1, 2012, Paragraph 5a will be revised to read as follows: 5. PRICES; CHARGES; BILLING; PAYMENT AND CREDITS; CHANGES TO AGREEMENT a. Prices and Surcharges. You agree to pay AT &T for the Services at the prices and charges provided in the applicable Guidebook or Service Guide or Tariff, without deduction, setoff or delay for any reason. The prices do notinclude, and You agree to pay, all applicable taxes, regulatory surcharges, recovery fees, shipping charges, and other similar charges specified or allowed by any governmental entity to be imposed on You or AT &T relating to the sale, use or provision of the Services. Taxes and government surcharges will be in the amounts Mat federal, state, and local authorities require or permit AT &T to bill You by statute, tariff, order, ordinance, law or otherwise. You shall continue to be bound by any applicable Tariffs which relate to die adding to your bill or charges for Services any taxes, fees or surcharges (including but not limited to any franchise, occupation, business, license, excise, privilege or otlier similar tax, fee or charge) now or hereafter imposed upon AT &T by any taxing body or authority and whether presently due or to hereafter become due. If you do net agree to this change, you must contact us no later than May 1, 2012 to disconnect your service(s). You can contact us by calling your AT &T Sales Representative or call the AT &T Customer Care Center at the toll -free billing inquiries number shown on your bill. Your failure to cancel, and your continued use of your AT &T business service(s) after the effective date of this change constitutes your acceptance of revised terms and conditions of the BSA, as well as the applicable Guidebooks or Service Guides. 8717.004.045919.01.01.0000000 NNNNNNNY 91899.91899 Q 2006 AT &T Knowledge Ventures. All rights reserved., ACCOUNTS PAYABLE VOUCHER CITY OF CARMEL An invoice of bill to be properly itemized must show; kind of service, where performed, dates service rendered, by whom, rates per day, number of hours, rate per hour, number of units, price per unit, etc. Payee Purchase Order No. 359662 AT &T Terms P.O. Box 5080 Date Due Carol Stream, IL 60197 -5080 Invoice Invoice Description Date Number (or note attached invoice(s) or bill(s)) Amount 317112 317571413603 AO Fax machine 70.52 Acct# 31757141365314 Total 70.52 hereby certify that the attached invoice(s), or bill(s) is (are) true and correct and I have audited same in accordance with IC 5- 11- 10 -1.6 20_ Clerk- Treasurer Voucher No. Warrant No. 359662 AT &T Allowed 20 P.O. Box 5080 Carol Stream, IL 60197 -5080 In Sum of 70.52 ON ACCOUNT OF APPROPRIATION FOR 101 -General Fund PO# or INVOICE NO. ACCT #/TITLE AMOUNT Board Members Dept 1125 317571413603 4344000 70.52 1 hereby certify that the attached invoice(s), or bill(s) is (are) true and correct and that the materials or services itemized thereon for which charge is made were ordered and received except 22 -Mar 2012 Signature 70.52 Accounts Payable Coordinator Cost distribution ledger classification if Title claim paid motor vehicle highway fund CITY OF CARMEL Page 1 of 2 POLICE DEPT Account Number 317 M26 -2007 369 6 3 CIVIC SO Billing Date Mar 7, 2012 CARMEL, IN 46032 -1510 at&t Web Site att.COm 1 Invoice Number 317M26200703 Monthly Statement Feb 8 Mar 7, 2012 Detail, of Adjustments Previous Bill 413.77 Item No. Date Descri Adjustments Pa Payment Thank You! 491.92CR 1 3 -01 Payment 491.92 2 3 -06 Transfer Payment- 317 574 -1207 78.15 Adjustments 78.15 ?ota!s 78.15 491.92 Balance .00 Current Charges 491.92 Total Amount Due $491 .92 Charges appearing in this section are for services provided by AT &T Illinois, AT &T Indiana, AT &T Michigan, AT &T Ohio, or AT &T Wisconsin, based upon your service address locatiaih. Amount Due in Full by Mar 30, 2012 Itemized Char and Credits No. Date Descri Services for 012 035 -1289 CKT 12.HCFM.000572..SUV CARMEL CLAY COMM C TR BiL'ing Questions? Visit att.com /billing 31 1ST AV N'U'J CARMEL, IN AT &T Advanced Solutions 491.92 OLD CKTHCGS.659747..NB 1- 800- 972 -7826 1 03 -01 FR I.536M ACCESS LINK .00 Service date: 03/01/12- 03/31/12 Total of Current Charges 491.92 2 03 -01 FR 1.536M PORT 491.92 Service date: 03/01/12 03/31/12 Total for CKT 12.HCFM.000572..SUV 491.92 Total Services for 012 035 -1289 491.92 Total Itemized Charges and Credits 491.92 Total AT &T Advanced Solutions 491.92 PREVENT DISCONNECT Thank you for being a valued customer. It is inhportantto inform you that all charges must be paid each month to keep your account current and prevent collection activities. In addition, please be aware that we are required to inform you of certain charges that MUST be paid in order to preventinterruption of basic local service. These charges are already included in the Total Amount Due and are $.00. If you don't agree with the amount due, you should dispute the portion you disagree with before the payment due date. L; .-News You Cah,Use SurnMar' PREVENT DISCONNECT INDIANA USF CHANGE TO BSA See "News You Can Use" for additional information. Local Services provided by AT &T Illinois, AT &T Indiana, AT &T Michigan, AT &T Ohio or AT &T Wisconsin based upon the service address location.— Printed on Recyriable' Return bottom portion with your check in the enclosed envelope. GO GREEN Enroll in paperless billing. �s e CITY OF CARMEL Page 2 of 2 POLICE DEPT Account Number 317 M26 -2007 3696 at&t 3 CIVIC SQ Billing Date Mar 7, 2012 CARMEL, IN 46032-7570 Invoice Number 317M26200703 News News You Can Use Continued INDIANA USF Effective 5/1/2012, the rnandily Indiana Universal Service Surcharge (IUSF), which is included on all Indiana customer hills, will be increased fron its current level of 0.40% to 0.52 This surcharge helps Indiana companies in high cost areas maintain affordable rates for their customers. For more information, please call us at the number listed on the front of your bill. CHANGE TO BSA This is to advise you of a change to the Business Service Agreement (BSA) that you previously received. Effective May 1, 2012, Paragraph 5a will he revised to read as follows: 5. PRICES; CHARGES; BILLING; PAYMENT AND CREDITS; CHANGES TO AGREEMENT a. Prices and Surcharges. You agree to pay AT &T for the Services at the prices and charges provided in the applicable Guidebook or Service Guide or Tariff, withoutdeduction, setoff or delay for any reason. The prices do notinclude, and You agree to pay, all applicable taxes, regulatory surcharges, recovery fees, shipping charges, and other similar charges specified or allowed by any governmental entity to be imposed on You or AT &T relating to tie sale, use or provision of the Services. Taxes and government surcharges will be in the amounts that federal, state, and local authorities require or permit AT &T to bill You by statute, tariff, order, ordinance, law or otherwise. You shall continue to be bound by any applicable Tariffs which relate to the adding to your bill or charges for Services any taxes, fees or surcharges (including but not limited to any franchise, occupation, business, license, excise, privilege or other similar tax, fee or charge) now or hereafter imposed upon AT &T by any taxing body or authority and whether presently due or to hereafter become due. If you do not agree to this change, you must contact us no later than May 1, 2012 to disconnect your service(s). You can contact us by calling your AT &T Sales Representative or call the AT &T Customer Care Center at the to[khee billiltg inquiries number shown on your bill, Your failure to cancel, and your continued use of your AT &T business service(s) after the' effective date of this change constitutes your acceptance of revised terms and conditions of the BSA, as well as the applicable Guidehooks or Service Guides. r 9665.003.019126.01.01.0000000 NNNNNNNY 38293.38293 cb 2006 AT &T Knowledge Ventures, All rights reserved. VOUCHER NO. WARRANT NO, ALLOWED 20 AT &T-T1 Line IN SUM OF P.O. Box 8100 Aurora, IL 60507 -8100 $491.92 ON ACCOUNT OF APPROPRIATION FOR Carmel Police Department PO# Dept. INVOICE NO, ACCT #/TITLE AMOUNT Board Members 1110 I 317M26200703 I 43- 441.00 I $491.92 1 hereby certify that the attached invoice(s), or bill(s) is (are) true and correct and that the materials or services itemized thereon for which charge is made were ordered and received except Wednesday, March 21, 2012 Chief of Police Title Cost distribution ledger classification if claim paid motor vehicle highway fund Prescribed by State Board of Accounts City Form No. 201 (Rev. 1995) ACCOUNTS PAYABLE VOUCHER CITY OF CARMEL An invoice or bill to be properly itemized must show: kind of service, where performed, dates service rendered, by whom, rates per day, number of hours, rate per hour, number of units, price per unit, etc. Payee Purchase Order No. Terms Date Due Invoice Invoice Description Amount Date Number (or note attached invoice(s) or bill(s)) 03/07/12 317M26200703 monthly payment $491.92 I hereby certify that the attached invoice(s), or bill(s), is (are) true and correct and I have audited same in accordance with IC 5- 11- 10 -1.6 20 Clerk- Treasurer