HomeMy WebLinkAbout207419 03/26/2012 CITY OF CARMEL, INDIANA VENDOR: 366125 Page 1 of 1 ONE CIVIC SQUARE COINMACH CORPORATION CHECK AMOUNT: $762.16 CARMEL, INDIANA 46032 PO BOX 27288 NEWYORKNY 10087 -7288 CHECK NUMBER: 207419 CHECK DATE: 3/26/2012 DEPARTMENT ACCOUNT PO NUMBER INVOICE NUMBER AMOUNT DESCRIPTION 1093 4350000 2027046 364.04 EQUIPMENT REPAIRS M 1093 4350000 2027048 78.50 EQUIPMENT REPAIRS M 1096 4350000 2028466 319.62 EQUIPMENT REPAIRS M Remit To: INVOICE Date: 03/05/12 Coinmach Corporation NY Account: 264948 PO BOX 27288 0 JR Page: NEW YORK NY 10087 -7288 MAR 1 9 1011 Mq By. R 4 2012 Billing Address: BY '••••Customec+Address: Monon Community Center Morton Community Center 1235 Central Park Dr. East 1235 Central Park Dr. East Carmel IN 46032 Carmel IN 46032 Date Number Type Item Due Date Remark Amount 03/05/12 2028466 Invoice 001 04/04/12 Service Call 2/17/12 55.00 Attachment: Maytag35 Washer MF535 C Z� Replaced hot water valve (left Machine) Replaced both micro switches on Right Machine Door latch. 002 04/04/12 Labor 2/17/12 1 hour 70.00 UJ�C� 003 04/04/12 Labor 2/23/12 1 hour 70.00 004 04/04/12 Fuel Surcharge 6.00 005 04/04/12 Parts 118.62 Total Amount Invoiced 319.62 Tax Amount rA1 69 8.30 FOR BILLING INQUIRIES, CALL: 800 -590 -0036 264948 Please put your account number on all checks and correspondence. If payment has been remitted, please disregard this notice Please return bottom portion with your payment. 03/05/12 invoice Number 2028466 Payment is due upon receipt Account: 264948 Finance charges will accrue after 30 days. Service Call 2/17/12 REMIT TO: TOTAL DUE: 3 2 Coinmach Corporation NY PO BOX 27288 NEW YORK NY 10087 -7288 Purchase n Description P.O.# MC �Z&ODI/ncoy y PorF G. L. q 3 SvUU o Budget Line Descr Motion Community Center Purchaser Date 1235 Central Park Dr. East Approval Dat 1 Carmel IN 46032 Remit'A'o: INVOICE Date_ 03/19/12 Coinmach Corporation NY AccounL: 264948 PO BOX 27288 Page: 1 NEW YORK NY 10087 7288 Billing Address: Customer Address: MA 9012 0 2 Monon Community Center �d V L L Motion Community Ccntcr 1235 Central Park Dr. East 1235 Central Nark Air. East Cartel IN 46032 Carmel IN 46032 BY Date Number 'type Item Due Date Remark Am ount 011271l2 2027046 Invoice 001 02/26/12 Service Call 1 /17/12 55.00 Attachment Rcphood 2 water valves 002 02/26/12 Labor 3 hours 210.00 003 02/26112 kuel Surcharge 6.00 004 02/26/12 Darts 93 04 Total Amount Xnvoiced 364.04 Tax Amount Balance Due 3(4.04 FOR B11 -UNG INQUIRIES, CALL; 800.590.0036 264948 Please put your account number on all checks and corre5pondmcc. if payment has been remitted, please disregard this notice. Please return bottom portion with your payment 03/19/t2 Invoice Number 2027CM Payment is clue upon receipt. Account! 269498 Finance charges will accrue after 30 days. Scrvicc call 1/17112 REMIT TO TOTAr. ntJa-: 364.04 Cointnach Corporation NY PO A0X 27288 NEW YOKK NY 10087 -7288 Purchase 1_ Description /X.k'l /.e Ritz/J�t P.O. P or F bSonon Community Ctmtcr G. L. X 1235 Central Park Or, bast Bud'' 7 G Carmel IN 46032 Line tiescr C 4d r�.n Purchaser Date Approval Date 5k- )/a Remit To: INVOIC TDatc: 03/19/12 Coimnach Corporation NY Account: 264948 PO F30X 27288 Page: 1 NEW YORK NY 10087 -7288 Billing Address: Customer Address: o Monon Community Center M AR 20 Monon Community Center 1235 Central Park Dr. Eae A R t 1235 Central Park Dr. East Carrncl IN 46032 Carmel IN 46032 B Date Number Type Item Due Date Remark Amount 01/27/12 2027048 Invoice 001 02/26/12 Service Cal 1/29/12 55.00 Att.9chment: Cleaned out Dump Valve 002 02/26/12 Labor _25 hours 1750 003 02/26/12 Fuel Surcharge 6.00 Total Amount Invoiced 78.50 Tax Amount Balance Due 78.50 FOR BLLL1NG INQUIRIES, CALL: 800 590 -0036 2041A8 Please put your account number on all checks and correspondence. Ir payment has been remitted, please disregard this notice, Please return bottom portion with your payment_ 03/14 /12 Invoice Number 2021048 Payment is due upon receipt Account: 264918 Finance charges will accnle after 30 days. Sorvioo Gtll 1/29/12 REMPr To 'IUrAL DUE 78.50 Coinm;lch Corporation N PO BOX 27288 NEW YORK NY 10087 -7288 P n archaSe sc C Deription .A )a6 P a, P.C. _MCOO ZS lq PorF Monon Community Center 3 1 1 4 3 JUW O 1235 Central Park Dr. East Carmel IN 46032 61 1 :.':.,rcnaser Date 11 Dat ACCOUNTS PAYABLE VOUCHER CITY OF CARMEL An invoice of bill to be properly itemized must show; kind of service, where performed, dates service rendered, by whom, rates per day, number of hours, rate per hour, number of units, price per unit, etc. Payee Purchase Order No. Coinmach Corporation Terms P.O. Box 27288 New York, NY 10087 -7288 Invoice Invoice Description Date Number (or note attached invoice(s) or bill(s)) PO Amount 3/5/12 2028466 Washer /Dryer repair 319.62 1/27/12 1 2027046 Washer repair 364.04 1/27/12 2027048 Washer repair 78.50 Total 762.16 1 hereby certify that the attached invoice(s), or bill(s) is (are) true and correct and I have audited same in accordance with IC 5- 11- 10 -1.6 20_ Clerk- Treasurer Voucher No. Warrant No. Coinmach Corporation Allowed 20 P.O. Box 27288 New York, NY 10087 -7288 In Sum of 762.16 ON ACCOUNT OF APPROPRIATION FOR 109 Monon Center PO# or INVOICE NO. ACCT #/TITLE AMOUNT Board Members Dept 1096 -21 2028466 4350000 319.62 1 hereby certify that the attached invoice(s), or 1093 2027046 4350000 364.04 bill(s) is (are) true and correct and that the 1093 2027048 4350000 78.50 materials or services itemized thereon for which charge is made were ordered and received except 22 -Mar 2012' V bb bnmmi Signature 762.16 Accounts Payable Coordinator Cost distribution ledger classification if Title claim paid motor vehicle highway fund