HomeMy WebLinkAbout207955 04/10/2012 CITY OF CARMEL, INDIANA VENDOR: 00352387 Page 1 of 1 ONE CIVIC SQUARE LOWE'S COMPANIES INC CHECK AMOUNT: $149.96 CARMEL, INDIANA 46032 Po BOX 530954 ATLANTA GA 30353 -0954 CHECK NUMBER: 207955 CHECK DATE: 4/10/2012 DEPARTMENT ACCOUNT PO NUMBER INVOICE NUMBER AMOUNT DESCRIPTION 1093 4350100 98002018533 113.86 BUILDING REPAIRS MA 1125 4350100 98002018533 36.10 BUILDING REPAIRS MA Fft Commercial SERVICES Secondary Account: 9800 201853 3 Statement Date: 03/25/12 Page: 1 of 4 Call ahead, fax or order online before 3 PM, pick up in just 2 hours. Order by 6 PM, pick up the next day at 7 AM. See Lowesforpros.com for details. Irlliilllllll�l��l��l�lllll�lllll�lrlllirll�llrl�lll�llllll�ll�ll CARMEL CLAY PARKS RECRE 47571 AWN AP K122 1411 E 116TH ST w CARMEL, IN 46032 -3455 Customer Service Online at www.lowescredit,com This account is already registered. See your Online Admin to get a User ID Password Account Balance Summary C lurrent nviices Returns I I I I I 30 Da Past ILJI ILII U $0.00 1 1 3-60 Day Pas Due 0.00 Over'60 Days Past Due 0.00 Un pa plie ymen djustments b 0.00 'I��� Statement- i3alance_,, F F 549.96 [�L) U o 0 II t MAR 2 9 2012 BY. Send payments to: F= Send Inquiries Lowe's (not payments) to: P.O. Box 530954 P.O. Box 2918 Atlanta GA 30353 -0954 Shawnee Mission, KS 66201 (W For Customer Service: call 1 -866- 232 -7443 Purchases, returns, and payments made just prior to the statement dale may not appear until the next month's statement. Any payments received after 5pm on any business day or on any day other than a business day, at the address above, will be credited on the next business day. If the payment is made at a location other than such address, credit may be delayed. Continue- 5879 0086 001 07 PACE 1 of 4 Definitions Payments Received: Money received and posted to the account since the previous billing period. Current Invoices Returns: New purchases and credits given for merchandise returned since the previous billing period. Past Due Invoices Returns: Previously billed invoices that have not been closed (by a payment or a credit) or merchandise returns that have not been applied to a specific invoice. Unapplied Payments Adjustments: Payments or non merchandise credits that have been applied to the account, but not applied to a specific invoice. Commercial SERVICES Secondary Account: 9800 201853 3 Statement Date: 03/25/12 Page: 2 of 4 ACCOUNT ACTIVITY MIMCEs Account Number: 9800 201853 3 Payments Received Date Reference Amount Description 03/16/12 0207150 (745.72) PAYMENT RECEIVED -THANK YOU e w Current Invoices Returns Date Invoice Original Due Date Store /City Reference Amount 02/13112 914629 62.64 04/15/12 1525 DOOR REPAIRS CARMEL, IN p 02/29/12 914647$-44.52 04/415112 1525 SUPPLYS C EL, IN 03/0 902873 $6:70 04/15/12 1 MELIN CARMEL, IN ZZ 03/14/12 917955 (60.60) 04/15/12 1525 0 r CARMEL; IN 03/14/12 902449 L 5/12 X1525 �0 CARMEL, IN Sufitotal U r 0 0 [AC Continue- 5879 0086 001 07 PAGE 2 of 4 Definitions Payments Received: Money received and posted to the account since the previous billing period. Current Invoices Returns: New purchases and credits given for merchandise returned since the previous billing period. Past Due Invoices Returns: Previously billed invoices that have not been closed (by a payment or a credit) or merchandise returns that have not been applied to a specific invoice. Unapplied Payments Adjustments: Payments or non merchandise credits that have been applied to the account, but not applied to a specific invoice. Commercial SERVICES Secondary Account: 9800 201853 3 Statement Date: 03/25/12 Page: 3 of 4 Current Invoice Details Mail Payments to: LOWE'S P.O. BOX 530954 ATLANTA, GA 30353 -0954 CARMEL CLAY PARKS RECRE Date of Sale: 02/13112 Account: 9800 201853 3 Invoice: 914629 Store /City: 1525 CARMEL, IN P.O. I JOB: DOOR REPAIRS W Buyer: RANSFORD JIM S.K.U. DESCRIPTION QUANTITY UNIT PRICE EXT. PRICE 000000000071875 DOOR SWEEP ALUM RUB 1- 1/ 6.00 EA 10.44 62.64 000000000155670 PROMOTIONAL DISCOUNT 1.00 EA 0.00 0.00 Subtotal: 62.64 Tax: 0.00 Balance Due: 62.64 Mail Payments to: LOVII E'S P.O. BOX�53Q954 ATLANTA, GA 30353 =0.954 CARM CLAY PARKS REGRE C I Date of Sale: 02129112 Account 9800 201853 3 Invoice: 914647 Store /City: I 1525 CARMEL, IN j P.O. JOB: SUPPLYS Buyer: RANSFORDIJIM ;S.K.U. DESCRIPTION QUANTITY UNIT PRICE EXT. PRICE X0000000001= 1287 DOUBLE SIDED MOP= BUCKET -J 1.00 EA 10.94 10.94 r000000000278379 SQUEEGEE, ALL PURPOSE 16 1.00 EA 3.84 3.84 000000000108329 0114 i PROG /4 IP WINDOW WASC 1.00 EA 12.79 12.79 0 3 ���jjj J u e 000000000176510 1 X`3 TOGGLE BOL -T 12PK 1.00 EA 4.89 4.89 0000000000411611 PINIT-ORIGINAL CONTACT- CEM 1.00 EA 8.34 8.34 00000000010340 D LR O HIZZ 1I" +CHIP "BRUSH 4.00 EA 0.93 3.72 000000000155670 MOT IONAVDIS000N7 -I 1.00 EA 0.00 0.00 Subtotal: 44:52 Tax: 0.00 Balance Due: 44.52 Mail Payments to: LOWE'S P.O. BOX 530954 ATLANTA, GA 30353 -0954 CARMEL CLAY PARKS RECRE Date of Sale: 03105112 Account: 9800 201853 3 Invoice: 1 902873 Store /City: 1525 CARMEL, IN P.O. JOB: NO Buyer: BUSH MATTHEW S.K.U. DESCRIPTION QUANTITY UNIT PRICE EXT. PRICE 000000000246677 1116 "X1 /16 "X3/32" U NOTCH 1.00 EA 3.40 3.40 000000000220816 4 OZ LN SMALL PROJECTS 1.00 EA 3.30 3.30 000000000155670 PROMOTIONAL DISCOUNT 1.00 EA 0.00 0.00 Subtotal: 6.70 Tax: 0.00 Balance Due: 6.70 H Continue- 5879 0086 001 07 PAGE 3 of 4 COLR649A 47571 Definitions Payments Received: Money received and posted to the account since the previous billing period. Current Invoices Returns: New purchases and credits given for merchandise returned since the previous billing period. Past Due Invoices Returns: Previously billed invoices that have not been closed (by a payment or a credit) or merchandise returns that have not been applied to a specific invoice. Unapplied Payments Adjustments: Payments or non- merchandise credits that have been applied to the account, but not applied to a specific invoice. a i I Comnxrcial i SERVICES Secondary Account: 9800 201853 3 Statement Date: 03/25/12 Page: 4 of 4 I Mail Payments lo: LOWE'S P.O. BOX 530954 1 I ATLANTA, GA 30353 -0954 CARMEL CLAY PARKS RECRE Date of Sale: 03114/12 Account: 9800 201853 3 Invoice: 1 917955 Store /City: 1525 /CARMEL, IN P.O. I JOB: 0 Buyer: SNYDER MICHAEL TODD I S.K.U. DESCRIPTION QUANTITY UNIT PRICE EXT. PRICE 000000000207441 36" LAFAYETTE SCREEN DOOR 1.00 EA (60.80) (60.80) Subtotal: (60.80) Tax: 0.00 Balance Due: (60.80) I Mail Payments to: LOWE'S P.O. BOX 530954 ATLANTA, GA 30353 -0954 CARMEL CLAY PARKS. &RECRE Date of Sale: 03114112 Account 9800:201853'3 Invoice: 902449 Store /City: 15257'CARMEL, IN P.O. JOB: 0 buyer: SNYDER MICHAEL TODD I S.K.U. I I DESiCRIPTI �U QUANTITY UNIT PRICE EXT. PRICE 000000000207387 36" i I BAR SCRE DOOR VIN 1.00 EA 36.10 36.10 0000000002074411 36" LAFAYETTE 1.00 EA 60.80 60.80 000000000155670 PROMOTIONAL DISCOUNT 1 1.00 EA 0.00 0.00 Subtotal: 96.90 Tax: 0:00 Balance Due: 96.90 \-3 EM Q) IM E E I D I i 1 I I I I I I I 5879 0086 001 07 PAGE 4 of 4 COLR649A 47571 i I I I I I Definitions Payments Received: Money received and posted to the account since the previous billing period. Current Invoices Returns: New purchases and credits given for merchandise returned since the previous billing period. Past Due Invoices Returns: Previously billed invoices that have not been closed (by a payment or a credit) or merchandise returns that have not been applied to a specific invoice. Unapplied Payments Adjustments: Payments or non- merchandise credits that have been applied to the account, but not applied to a specific invoice. I I I i I i I i i i I I I Lowe's I Fund 109 V# 0 Invoice 1 4350100 4350100 -i Building Bldg. Repairs Repairs Maint Maint 11251 10931 2/13/20121 14629 f I I 2/29/2012 14647 3/5/2012 2873 44.52 I 96.90 6.70 3/14/2012 2449 /201 (60.80) 3/142 redit c 36.10 113.86 149.96 Lowe's Fund 109 V# 00352387 Invoice 4350100 4350100 1� Building Bldg. Repairs Repairs Maint Maint 1125 10931 1 ACCOUNTS PAYABLE VOUCHER CITY OF CARMEL An invoice of bill to be properly itemized must show; kind of service, where performed, dates service rendered, by whom, rates per day, number of hours, rate per hour, number of units, price per unit, etc. Payee Purchase Order No. 00352387 Lowe's Date Due P.O. Box 530954 Atlanta, GA 30353 -0954 Invoice Invoice Description Date Number (or`note attached invoice(s) or bill(s)) PO Amount 3/25/12 98002018533 Building repairs Maintenance 36.10 3/25/12 98002018533 Building repairs Maintenance 113.86 Total 149.96 1 hereby certify that the attached invoice(s), or bill(s) is (are) true and correct and I have audited same in accordance with IC 5- 11- 10 -1.6 20_ Clerk- Treasurer