HomeMy WebLinkAbout208015 04/10/2012 CITY OF CARMEL, INDIANA VENDOR: 354950 Page 1 of 1 0 ONE CIVIC SQUARE R W ARMSTRONG ASSOCIATES CHECK AMOUNT: $91,120.60 CARMEL, INDIANA 46032 300 S MERIDIAN ST INDIANAPOLIS IN 46225 CHECK NUMBER: 208015 CHECK DATE: 4/10/2012 DEPARTMENT ACCOUNT PO NUMBER INVOICE NUMBER AMOUNT DESCRIPTION 920 R4470101 25803 92317 44,140.60 ASA #2 96TH /KEYSTONE D 920 R4470101 27466 92317 46,980.00 96TH /KEYSTONE DESIGN L f d RW R S Mike McBride, P.E. March 9, 2012 City of Carmel Invoice No: 92317 Department of Engineering One Civic Square Carmel, IN 46032 Project 20075030 -000 CARMEL 96TH KEYSTONE TEARDROP RAB INTERCHANGE CONTACT: David Henkel (317) 780 -7227 Contract #0707.04.08 dated July 7, 2004. Professional Services per the Notice to Proceed dated 2/7/08. Purchase Order No. 183080 Keystone Fund dated February 7, 2008; NTE $174,300.00. Refer also to Purchase Order No. 19796 96th and Keystone dated January 13, 2009; NTE $167,700.38. Refer also to Additional Services #5A Supplemental to Purchase Order No.19796. NTE $879,999.62 Additional Services #5B Supplemental to Purchase Order No. 19796 dated October 21, 2009; NTE $969,665. Supplemental to Purchase Order No. 27466 dated January 24, 2011; NTE $46,980. Supplemental to Purchase Order No. 25803 dated July 6, 2011; NTE $1,129,510. Total contract amount now $3,483,580.00 Professional Services Through February 24, 2012 0 Percent Previous Current Billing Phases Fee Complete Fee Billed Fee Billing Phase 10 Traffic Study 107,000.00 100% 107,000.00 0.00 Phase 20 30% Traffic Simulation 13,600.00 100% 13,600.00 0.00 Phase 30 30% Visualization 44,000.00 100% 44,000.00 0.00 Phase 40 30% Survey Field Work 60,000.00 100% 60,000.00 0.00 Phase 50 30% Survey Compilaton 95,200.00 100% 95,200.00 0.00 Phase 60 SUE Work 30,000.00 97% 29,100.00 0.00 Phase 70 30% Hydraulics 66,400.00 100% 66,400.00 0.00 Phase 71 30% Hydraulics Environmental 16,300.00 100% 16,300.00 0.00 Phase 80 Phase 1 Environmental Assessment 12,600.00 100% 12,600.00 0.00 Phase 81 NEPA Documentation 90,400.00 100% 90,400.00 0.00 Phase 90 30% Road Design Indy 491,000.00 100% 491,000.00 0.00 Phase 91 TIGER Renderings 36,400.00 100% 36,400.00 0.00 Phase 92 TIGER Presentation /Simulation 43,300.00 100% 43,300.00 0.00 Phase 100 30% Bridge Design 58,300.00 100% 58,300.00 0.00 Phase 110 30% MOT 48,100.00 100% 48,100.00 0.00 Phase 120 Preliminary ROW 39,400.00 100% 39,400.00 0.00 Phase 130 Geotech 40,000.00 100% 40,000.00 0.00 Phase 140 Roundabout QA/QC 9,700.00 0% 0.00 0.00 Phase 150 Project Mgmt/Coordination Efforts 171,100.00 57% 94,884.00 3,036.00 Phase 160 Additional Topographic Survey 51,800.00 100% 51,800.00 0.00 Phase 170 Interchange Justification Concept Approval 56,100.00 25% 14,025.00 0.00 Phase 180 Final Hydraulics Analysis 243,700.00 85% 196,909.60 10,235.40 Phase 190 Roadway Design 100% 1,026,400.00 75% 735,970.40 32,099.20 Phase 200 Structural Design 100% 267,500.00 57% 107,000.00 45,750.00 Phase 210 MOT Design 100% 53,500.00 25% 13,107.50 0.00 Phase 220 Final ROW Engineering 110,900.00 100% 110,900.00 0.00 Phase 230 Environmental Document Modification 153,900.00 25% 38,475.00 0.00 Phase 240 Animation Revisions 8,800.00 100% 8,800.00 0.00 Phase 900 Extra Work(Haver/Threel) 38,180.00 79% 30,028.00 0.00 Total Fee 3,483,680.00 2,692,999.60 91,120.60 Total Project Billing Limits Current Billing Prior Billing Billed To Date Total Billings 91,120.60 2,692,999.50 2,784,120.10 Billing Limit 3,483,580.00 Remaining 699,459.90 Total Due This Invoice $91,120.60 Union Station 300 S. Meridian St. Indianapolis, IN 46225 PH 31 7.786.0461 TF 800.321 .6959 FX 317.788.0957 rwArmstrong.com Form Prescribed by State of Accounts City Form No. 201 Revised 1964 A claim, to be properly itemized must show; Kind of Service, where performed, dates service rendered, by whom, rate per day, number of hours, rate per hour, price per foot, per yard, per hundred, per pound, per ton, etc. City of CARMEL To R. W. ARMSTRONG ASSOCIATES. INC. ON ACCOUNT OF APPROPRIATION FOR CARMEL 96TH KEYSTONE TEARDROP Address UNION STATION, 300 S. MERIDIAN, INDPLS IN 46225 ORDER ITEMIZED CLAIM DOLLARS Cts. 2011 No. 2/24/12 Professional services rendered per the agreement between the City of Carmel and R. W. Armstrong Associates Inc. CARMEL 96TH KEYSTONE TEARDROP RAB INTERCHANGE p er the attached invoice 91, 120 6 0 Project 20075030 -000 Pursuant to the provisions and penalties of Chapter 155, Acts of 1953, 1 hereby certify that the foregoing account is just and correct, that the amount claimed is legally due, after allowing all just credits, and that no part of the same has been paid. Date March 9, 2012 Title CLAIM NO. WARRANT NO. I have examined the within claim and hereby certify as follows: IN FAVOR OF That it is in proper form. That it is duly authenticated as required by law contract That it is based upon statutory authority That it is apparently correct incorrect ON ACCOUNT OF APPROPRIATION Clerk-Treasurer FOR m a M az 7 N :r m 3 d d Ito' N N r ALLOWED 19_ 3 m IN THE SUM OF Q) a a rn O a CL a ova 3 a 0 n o• m CD m a CD o CL COST DISTRIBUTION LEDGER CLASSIFICATION E 05 IF CLAIM PAID FROM MOTOR VEHICLE 0 g HIGHWAY FUND x (D N o ACCT. ACCOUNT TITLE AMOUNT Z NO. a m m J o- 3 C v =M 0` v C N i J N N p� (D m a m m a CL o R it RwA A=Q iRMSTRONG.- Inspiration to reality. CONTACT: Mike McBride, PE, City Engineer DATE: February 10, 2 CLIENT: City o f Carmel PROJECT NO.: 20075030 PROJECT: 96th St at Keystone Parkway Interchange BY: David A. Henkel, PE, PTOE PAGES 1 of 3 PROGRESS THIS REPORT (Thru February 24, 2012): Project Coordination Continued with INDOT 465 project coordination to develop project tie -in plans. Continued with interim design (Stage 3 plans), including hydraulics revisions. Developed month's project invoice. Continued coordination with utility and right -of -way subconsultant (United). NOTE: utility relocation plans are currently on hold pending determination of final project configuration. Continued coordination with appraising /buying consultant (Crossroads). Continued coordination with INDOT on EA approval. Appraisals will not be conducted until the appropriate stage in the federally funded local project process. Topographic Survey Previous item: Enterprise Drive topo survey complete and incorporated into plans. Cost $17,700. Previously, it was indicated that the City of Carmel may be invoiced for this amount at end of project, dependent upon project costs. Recent re -work required on the project has necessitated the need to include this cost in a supplemental design fee amendment. The amendment will be developed pending final project scope based on value engineering recommendations. Previous item: Additional topo survey obtained at north end of project to facilitate tie -in at 98th St. Per Gary Duncan of City of Carmel, striping plan at 98th was not constructed per plans. Therefore, survey was required to verify tie -in. Cost $3,20o. This will be included in the supplemental design fee amendment. Design Previous item: Completed right -of -way line revisions for interim plan set, including the design of the tie -in to I -465 /Keystone interchange project. The work to tie in to the I -465 interchange project is out -of- scope, and will be tracked separately. Previously, it was indicated that the City of Carmel may be invoiced for this amount at the end of the project, dependent upon project costs. Recent re -work required on the project has necessitated the need to include this cost in a supplemental design fee amendment. The amendment will be developed pending final project scope based on value engineering recommendations. Continued with development of Stage 3 "interim condition" plan set, including hydraulics, I -465 tie in, 98th St NB RT lane, and modifications to Haver connector, 96th parallel connector, Threel Rd, and Enterprise connector alignments as requested. Continued with Stage 3 structural design (Keystone bridge) for current configuration (3 NB thru lanes, 2 NB thru lanes). Geotechnical Geotechnical report is complete and has been delivered to City of Carmel. No revisions required. Pavement design has been completed. Currently reviewing status to determine if any additional modifications or geotechnical information are required. Utility Coordination Utility coordination is on hold. Once the final configuration of the interchange is confirmed, coordination will continue in accordance with INDOT LPA process. Requests for relocation plans have been sent, and responses are being received. Revised plans will be sent out for the final confirmed configuration. PATransportation\20075030 Keystone Parkway \00 Administration \10 Operations \08 Invoices \final design status report #8 2012- Mar- 9.docx Union Station 300 S. Meridian St. Indianapolis, IN 46225 PH 317.786.0461 TF 800.321.6959 Fx 317.788.0957 rwArmstrong.com PROJECTSTATUS 96 St at Keystone Parkway �wARMSTR®NG.. March 9, 2012 Inspiration to reality. Page 2 IPL has requested reimbursement for "extraordinary circumstances although they have no easements within the project right -of -way. No relocation plans will be approved until final project design scope has been agreed to by all agencies. Subconsultant (United Consulting) is requesting $7,500 for additional utility coordination efforts for interim project. This cost will be included in the supplemental design fee amendment. Environmental Permitting Revised CE to EA, including addition of Threel Rd into interim project. EA draft submitted to FHWA and INDOT for final review. INDOT and FHWA comments addressed. Stormwater permits and best management practices for Carmel and Indianapolis are being developed. Will not be submitted until final interchange configuration determined. Right -of -way Previous item: Right -of -way engineering revisions are required to 25 parcels in order to accommodate revised full build -out configuration. Additional revisions were required on 20 parcels to accommodate revised interim project alignments. Plat revisions for 3 parcels were also required. Subconsultant (United Consulting) is requesting additional fee to cover the re -work. This has been discussed between the City and the subconsultant. Per agreement between the City and the Subconsultant, the additional revisions will be tracked and invoiced at the completion of the right -of- way revisions. Previous item: 6 additional parcel revisions are required due to the addition of Threel Rd back into the project. Total cost for 25 parcels to be revised for full build -out and the additional 20 parcel and 3 plat revisions for interim project, plus the 6 parcels for Threel Rd $75,600. Parcel packet revisions resulting from the changes to the interim configuration will be required based on the requested alignment changes. Packet revisions will be included in the additional right -of -way engineering fee invoice. Property owner contact will start upon FMIS approval, which will in turn be dictated by EA approval and determination of final interchange configuration. ANTICIPATED WORK DURING NEXT MONTH: Project Coordination: Obtain INDOT and FHWA approval (FONSI) of EA document. Incorporate final value engineering recommendations into project scope. Determine if Indy Interlocal Agreement is needed for land acquisition. Develop agreement if required. Design Continue development of tie -in design to I -465 project, NB RT lane at 98th St, and project tie -in at north end. Continue development of Threel Rd add -back. Finalize hydraulic calculation revisions and report for Indy and Carmel. Continue stage 3 road /traffic design plans, including revisions required due to any changes in interchange configuration. Develop Carmel and Indy stormwater /BMP permits. Right -of -way Finish right -of -way engineering and plan revisions for "Interim plans" plus Threel Road and any subsequent revisions to the interchange configuration. Continue to coordinate with Crossroads Engineers for ROW appraisal info. Utilities o Continue with Utility coordination process once interchange configuration is established (relocation plans) Union Station 300 S. Meridian St. Indianapolis, IN 46225 PH 317.786.0461 TF 800.321.6959 FX 317.788.0957 rwArmstrong.com PROJECT STATUS 86th St at Keystone Parkway `WARMSTR®NG.M March 9, 2012 Inspiration to reality. Page 3 SCHEDULE: EA approval /FMIS late February /early March. "Interim configuration" to be advanced to Stage 3 submittal unless funding dictates otherwise. Current funding agreement negotiations between City of Carmel and INDOT ongoing. STATUS OF PERMITS: All ESA evaluations complete. Rule 5 permit pending. Stormwater permits, BMP permits under development. SCOPE OR BUDGET CHANGES (CUMULATIVE): Add'l topo survey for Enterprise Drive ($17,70o, to be requested in supplemental design fee agreement) Add'l topo survey for north end of project tie -in ($3,200 to be requested in supplemental design fee agreement) ROW engineering revisions to accommodate changes to full build -out footprint and interim footprint ($75,600 requested by United Consulting) may be more depending on INDOT value engineering recommendations. Utility coordination supplemental to account for additional round of utility coordination for "interim" plan set ($7,5oo requested by United Consulting). Design fee supplemental based on INDOT mtg September 15, 2011 requiring RW Armstrong team to design the I -465 /Keystone interchange tie -in (amount TBD). INFORMATION NEEDED FROM CLIENT OTHERS: Construction/ ROW Funding amount and sources. Interlocal agreement with Indy for land acquisition determination if document is needed. Determination of final scope and schedule of project based on City of Carmel and INDOT value engineering recommendations /responses. Determination of final project ownership (City of Carmel or INDOT?) Union Station 300 S. Meridian St. Indianapolis, IN 46225 PH 317.786.0461 TF 800.321.6959 Fx 317.788.0957 rwArmstrong.com Prescribed by Slate Board of Accounts City Form No. 201 (Rev. 1995) ACCOUNTS PAYABLE VOUCHER CITY OF CARMEL An invoice or bill to be properly itemized must show: kind of service, where performed, dates service rendered, by whom, rates per day, number of hours, rate per hour, number of units, price per unit, etc. Payee RW Armstrong Purchase Order No. 27466 300 S. Meridian Street Terms Indianapolis IN 46225 Date Due Invoice Invoice Description Amount Date Number (or note attached invoice(s) or bill(s)) 03/09/12 Z.j 96th Keystone Preliminary Design Stage 2A $46,980.00 Total 4.1 1 moo_ t�G I hereby certify that the attached invoice(s), or bills(s), is (are) true and correct and I have audited same in accordance with IC 5- 11- 10 -1.6. 20 Clerk- Treasurer VOUCHER NO. WARRANT NO. RW Armstrong ALLOWED 20 300 S. Meridian Street IN THE SUM OF Indianapolis IN 46225 X20 (oC ON ACCOUNT OF APPROPRIATION FOR RW Armstrong PO# or INVOICE NO. ACCT /TITLE AMOUNT Board Members DEPT.# 27466 �I�-1� 4470101 $46,980.00 I hereby certify that the attched invoice(s), or bill(s) is (are) true and correct and that the materials or services itemized thereon for which charge is made were ordered and received except 4/9/2012 20 12 $46,980.00 Signature Cost distribution ledger classification if Cit En claim paid motor vehicle highway fund Title