HomeMy WebLinkAbout208360 04/25/2012 CITY OF CARMEL, INDIANA VENDOR: 00351017 Page 1 of 1 it ONE CIVIC SQUARE KIRBY RISK ELECTRICAL SUPPLY CHECK AMOUNT: $943.62 CARMEL, INDIANA 46032 PO BOX 664117 w; o� INDIANAPOLIS IN 46266 CHECK NUMBER: 208360 CHECK DATE: 4/25/2012 DEPARTMENT ACCOUNT PO NUMBER INVOICE NUMBER AMOUNT DESCRIPTION 651 5023990 S10609906500 102.10 OTHER EXPENSES 651 5023990 S10617287000 518.00 MATERIALS SUPPLIES 601 5023990 S10621210900 140.03 OTHER EXPENSES 651 5023990 S10622169100 78.76 OTHER EXPENSES 651 5023990 510622178300 159.50 OTHER EXPENSES 651 5023990 510622591900 149.43 OTHER EXPENSES DETACH UPPER PORTION AND RETURN WITH YOUR PAYMENT 11788 WELL 20 ORDERED PHO MARK S BAYS PK PICK -UP BRIAN TOLAN FISHERS 317 598 -6170 04/02/12 1000ft 1000ft WIRE THHN- STR- 12- BLA -500FT 140.03 1000ft 140.03 SPOOL Billing Questions: Billing (765) 446 -3054 4r21201212:31:36 PM s106212109.001 Invoice Numberl S106212109.001 Subtotal 140.03 SOH Charges 0.00 Invoice is due by 05/02/12. L r Sales Tax 0.00 BRIAN TOLAN ''mot 140.03 0002:0002 Kirby Risk Page 1 of 1 TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF SALE ACCEPTANCE {}F THE GOODS PURCHASED ONT00INVOICE CONSTITUTES AND AC,[EPTANCE0F THE TERMS AND C.OND[[lONS0F SALE WHICH FOLLOW: (1) Stock Merchandise is suhjoc|tn u o|um charge. No t_ be returned p/i'6onta shipping iicke, and/or invoice. number and pfliorauthorization. (2) Non-Stock Merchandise is not returnable unless we call secirre a"Rem Goods Autho the vendor. Thc agrees t in all pu,chuxoyyFgoods and services from Seller, 5cUu, oo express war o,imp!icJworon|ioyufmu,6un:8i|(tyuodGmcebrunypauiruJu, po,po^ A0 The CAjston that Sd\crviU no|he |iuh|okxuuy u»uscqvco/in\ mxd incidental JmnuL,` urising 600 :nycxoxc luted With /bcLmdyp'ochmsud From SL:Ib� 'Faxes Prices shown do not hulodc odcx ur ot taxes imposed on the sale uiguoJo. Iuxcu now or hcrcu8o/ilnpuycJ Upon sales or shipments will hc added tn the purchase price. JioycrugTcosm reimburse Seller for any such. tax or provide Seller with acceptable tax cxcmpdou��niGou10 (6) Delay in Delivery Seller is not to be accountable J'()r delava in deli­very occasioned by acts of God or other circumstances over which Sc\|crhos oo direct control. Fumory shipment ordelivery dates are the best estimates of our suppliers, and in no case shall Seller be |iuNcfibrany conseque or special dumugcnmisioa from any d6oyiudrUvcr7 (7) Waiver —The filtilurc of Sellcr to insist upon t performance ofany ofthe ternis or condition, of this c"mmctorrocxo"cisouoyrigh|hc'rmnJc/xhuUoo|bcJccmcJ»u6cupoircrofxoCh/cnnn, conditions orh� in the h/1urc., nor shall it hc Jocnndu` be waiver uf any other ^cno cooditinn, or right under this cno|mct. m> Modification ofTormy and [ooddi000 No uonux and conditions ot than |koxc omeJ 6umin, and no agreement orundcrmxndiucl.iounyvmyyuzponbg to modify these terms, or conditions, shullbu Prescribed by State Board of Accounts City Form No. 201 (Rev 1995) ACCOUNTS PAYABLE VOUCHER CITY OF CARMEL An invoice or bill to be properly itemized must show, kind of service, where performed, dates of service rendered, by whom, rates per day, number of units, price per unit, etc. Payee 351017 KIRBY RISK ELECTRICAL SUPPLY Purchase Order No. PO BOX 664117 Terms INDIANAPOLIS, IN 46266 Due Date 4/17/2012 Invoice Invoice Description Date Number (or note attached invoice(s) or bill(s)) Amount 4/17/2012 106212109.1 $140.03 hereby certify that the attached invoice(s), or bill(s) is (are) true and correct and I have audited same in accordance with IC 5- 11- 10 -1.6 Date fficer VOUCHER 114305 WARRANT ALLOWED 351017 IN SUM OF KIRBY RISK ELECTRICAL SUPPLY PO BOX 664117 INDIANAPOLIS, IN 46266 Carmel Water Utility ON ACCOUNT OF APPROPRIATION FOR Board members PO INV ACCT AMOUNT Audit Trail Code 106212109.1 01- 6200 -02 $140.03 Voucher Total $140.03 Cost distribution ledger classification if claim paid under vehicle highway fund DETACH UPPER PORTION AND RETURN WITH YOUR PAYMENT RiF Elf 74918 BLAINE NEN BER SHIP DATE SAILESPERS ON SHIP VIA JASON PHILLIPS PK PICK -UP BLAINE FISHERS 317 598 -6170 04/06/12 -,�DESCRI PTION ITEM PRICE U EXTAMOUNT- CASH DISC 50ea 50ea PHIL F32T8/TL741 PLUS ALTO HV 25PK 3.19 lea 159.50 3.19 360131 Billing Questions: Billing—request@kirbyrisk.com (765) 446 -3054 41612012 1:34:38 PM 6106221783.001 Invoice Number S106221783.001 Subtotal 159.50 If paid by 05/10/12 you may deduct $3.19 q9 S&H Charges 0.00 Invoice is due by 05/31/12 net of any cash discount. Sales Tax 0.00 BLAINE o 159.50 0001:0001 Kirby Risk Page 1 of 1 I'll ANT) CONDFFICONS OF SAJ:F AC CLI'VANCE OFTIIIII GOODS PURWILXSED ONIHIS INV()ICIF" CONSTITU'T.EISAND AC'CEPT ,NCE OF I'll VI"I EWMS AN-9 CONOFFIONS OFSALV�NVIJJCII F01-:1,0W.- (1) Stock.Mei is suhwct fo; i rewn dla No Lwocls lu be lettimco", t.v�*Uhouil a �Iu tizkc k2) ox (3) aa,�:Cs tl all Wt:cods sc ,C,us fron) sehes" v, "Ves no ewress v--xranu��y., or i'nplizd "'rid fitne.ss 1 ""r a1 ou! 'I�I I' I �Rl, S III k C re e s t 1 r w: 11 n o i tie I �a 1) ff" I a' �n ted Ehe in 'cd on fhc 1�ooc,; Ya� a-s �ho .1 do ,o( cludo m othcn �npos or ne'l cs itc- upon I "-'F, or shipm"If wl be a(kk"d tothi purch,a c p ico. Buw agvocs to cilitic Rw ilnv sw) tax or providc w€ c""emptio [)Clay in D'viivery SClicr k not to cfiudats in OCC&,IODedi ol 1); upment or dci",Vc� CMIO�; ake n� oi I C! uki'll OVC,' "-d Sei Icr 1 is n;o d illre'l coyl',roh F'aclory s'; cSil o ano, I nO C'ds"' cst n"nIcs O t s 11 Se 1 1 cr b, I b IL to ny con8cquem'.C. or danlak,,cs ansing.. From dc!i �n ofthe t U�r I o�'Lhis (7) waher Ifie ol" efier to insilst urnn une pel "onn"Ict o, to I—KerciSe Mht ficreundv shall not be deen to be 1 cA al'such icrn ,s, tcnu, cond'iion, of comdhuio: in (he filu!"c' liol he dcenwd tkl be vv, ver oi, oiilj�l 1 uldcr flh�s conln,10, (8) NiodificJdoj= of Terms Oad Canditions --.No tern -Id conou"llons 011 o �s" I ku <11 CICIUI'111 or undors rdi<I,-, 61 -mv W,, -Iv pul t bindim on �?-I ler vJlhoua en coi,sem, DETACH UPPER PORTION AND RETURN WITH YOUR PAYMENT USTOMER NUMBER CUSTOMER NUMBER 74918 JEFF COOPER D BY SALES OFFICE PHONE DATE MARK S BAYS PK PICK -UP JEFF FISHERS 317 598 -6170 04/10/12 ORDER SHIP OTY DESCRIPTION 1000ft 1000ft WIRE THHN- STR- 12- BLA -500FT 132.38 1000ft 132.38 2.65 SPOOL 100ft 100ft "PVC 3/4" SCH 40 NM CONDUIT 10' 17.05 100ft 17.05 0.34 CARL 49007 -010 OR CTX A52AG12 Billing Questions: Billing (765) 446 -3054 41101201212:31:11 PM s106225919.001 Invoice Number S106225919.001 Subtotal 149.43 If paid by 05/10/12 you may deduct $2.99 S&H Charges 0.00 Invoice is due by 05/31/12 net of any cash discount. yr Sales Taxj 0.00 JEFF e 149.43 0001:0001 Kirby Risk Page 1 of 1 TER.NNI0AND CONDITIONS OF SALE ACCEPTANCE OF THE GOODS PURCHASED ON THIS INVOICE (.ONsTl'r0TES AND AC( ..EPTAN( ..E@FTHETERMS AND CONDITIONS 0F SALE WIIlC14 FOLLOW: Stock Merchandise is subject to urc|ozo charge, No pods may hnreturned without shippin, riokei and/or (ovnicc number and prior ouUhodzodmm Non-Slock Merchandise is not returnable unless we cansecure a"Ret Goods Autliority"froill the vendor. The Customer xckovw|cJ�rsm�dm�nuxthu�inxUpo"chuxoyuF�oodxund services from Seller, Seller C i,cxnn express vonmxiuo.mr implied warranties ofmcrchunmhilityundfimesu6ocunypaniudm pv,pna. (4) The Customer agrees that Seller will not be liable for any consequciihaland Incidental damagesarlsiiig from uoy cause associated ,vitb the 1200bDurxhused from Sd&c Tuxcx Puccy s6u"m do not include oobs Of- ot mxzx imposed Oil tile ,ale of goods. Taxes now u/ lzcmuDc/impuyu|//puo sales orchipmnumv, ill bc added /othe purchase price. 8oyczo��cosm oimbmscSoUor6zrunysuo6|uxorpnu"iJcS6lcrxi/hao,cgm6lcumcxcmy/ioocouiOua/c. kD Delay inBdi`ery— Seller (s not mboaccountable for delays io delivery occasioned hy acts ofOndnr other circumstances over which Seller has no direct control. Factory shipment or delivei-,- dates are the best estimates nf our suppliers, and in no case shall Seller be liable for aoyconsequential or special damages nriaiug6om any delay iudelivery. (7) Waiver The fiallurc of Seller to insist upon the performance ofany of the te or conditions of this contract or to exercise any right hereunder shall not be deemed to be a WIiVer Of Such WI-111S. conditions or 60it in the future. nor shall it be deerned to be a wai-ver of ariv other icrin. conditio or rig Under this contract. (8) pJudUicuduuofTarmsuodCnndbiouw Nnzenioxudcuodirinnoothc,dxu t xuuolhumin.and oo agreement or understanding, io any nmypoqmo6ng,onsxbf� these teoos or con s be binding on Seller without Seller's written conserit. DETACH UPPER PORTION AND RETURN WITH YOUR PAYMENT •i e 74918 LARRY SALESPERSON ORDERED BY SALES PHONE MARK S BAYS 23 INDIANAPOLIS LARRY FISHERS 317 598 -6170 04/09/12 DESCRIPTION ITEM PRICE ORDER 6TY SHIP CITY 4ea 4ea BRAD M21- 500 -499 19.69 lea 78.76 1.58 CARTRIDGE WHITE CLOTH Billing Questions: Billing (765) 446 -3054 Invoice Number S106221691.001 Subtotal 78.76 If paid by 05/10/12 you may deduct $1.58 S&H Charges 0.00 Invoice is due by 05/31/12 net of any cash discount. 04/"/12 Sales Tax 0.00 Date ar to ame Time 1 78.76 0001:0001 Kirby Risk Page 1 of 1 TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF SALE ACC:EPTANCT o THIE GOODS PURC: HASID ON THIS HIS :INVCDICE CONSTITUTES AND A('CEPrANC'F €)F 7THIL N" D CONDITIONS OF SALE WHICH FOLLOW: (1) Stock Merchandise is subject to a return charge. No goods may be returned 4N ithout a shipping ticket and/or invoice number and prior authorization. (2) Non -Stock Merchandise is not returnable unless ki�e can secure a "Returned Goods Authority" from the vendor. (3) The Customer acknov.vledges and agrees that. in all purchases of goods and services from Seller, Seller gives no express warranties, or implied warranties of mcrcllantability and fitness for any particular purpose. (4) The Customer agrees that Seller ill not be liable for any consequential and incidental <hwi� iges arising front .any cause associated with the good-, puichased from Seller- (5) Taxes Prices Shown do ]lot iticlude sales 01• other taxes imposed on the sale of goods. I axes now or hereafter imposed upon -,ates or shipments -will be added to the purchase price. Buyer a_ >,ree" to reimburse Seller for any Such tax or provide Seller with acceptable tax exemption certificate. (6) IDeias in Delivery- Seller is not to be accountable for delays in d.elivery occasioned by acts of God or other circumstances over which Seller has no direct control. 1. Factory shipment or delivery -fates are the bent estimates of our Suppliers, and in no case shall Seller be liable for and consequential or special damages arising from :ntv delav in delivery. (7) Waiver —The failure of Seller to insist upon the performance of any of the terms or conditions of this contract or to exercise any right hereunder shall not be deemed to be a waiver of such terns, conditions or right in the future. nor shall it be deemed to be a waiter of anv other term, condition_ or right tender this contract (K) Modification of Terms and Conditions No teens and conditions otller than those Stated herein, and no agreement or Understanding, in any way pu.rporti.ng to modify these term,, or conditions., ;hall be binding on Seller W111 -10ut Seller'S W•ritten consent. DETACH UPPER PORTION AND RETURN WITH YOUR PAYMENT O e e 74918 S13032 SALESPERSON-. IA MARK MORRIS DIRECT JEFF COOPER FISHERS 317- 598 -6170 04/05/12 ORDER Q SHIP CITY lea lea 7A_ LC OT125F3C 380.00 lea 380.00 3P TRANSFER SWITCH ABB KRPNM "SUBJECT TO VENDOR RETURN POLICY tea 2ea GALC OTPS125FP 54.00 lea 108.00 4TH POLE ADD FOR OT125F3C KRPNM "SUBJECT TO VENDOR RETURN POLICY" lea lea GALC OHBS11/1 30.00 lea 30.00 OPERATOR LEVER KRPNM "SUBJECT TO VENDOR RETURN POLICY Billing Questions: Billing (765) 446 -3054 Invoice Number S106172870.001 Subtotal 518.00 S&H Charges 0.00 Invoice is due by 05/31/12. Sales Taxi 0.00 e 518.00 000t:000i Kirby Risk Page 1 of 1 TF�RMS AND (J)NDYFIONS OF SALE ACCEPTANCE OF THE NUMS PURCHASED ONI HJS INVOICE (xvisruiruEs ME) ACCEPTANCE OFTHETERNIS AM) U)NDITIONS Oil SALE MUCH FOI JX)%V: (1) is stfl?j 1"'3 n return charge, No pods i,uny be returned vvildihou1 sllippurl, ain-d. nu.1-ber 'and p�:ioi (2) N(iu-SiockNlerchancUse is w renu uAWS WC 50 "Retiti n Goods t vcvdor, (3) f lie ag gri.es in al! iii g,:K)ds aW services Roni Seller, SAW gwes no expvss Yvanandes, or iniphied waumitics 1 Dui y particular putpoo, (4) 1 lie t. €�,G rees tilat .Jev ill 1w hable for Rny oww"awil WO WAMHA sm,qu or I "q- Wnn a ny causo ass ulatol nth the pywN p"Mwcl thru S:...or, (51 FaXCS P&Q4 �)o0',V1 t10 n0i :rcludc ofl !cn maq nyowd on No wkAqpwds- Twus now or knpo cd, upon o'C Shipn`lCfll. Will be ad€ yl. to tk puzvha pi icc, 13upy qweh io rcirnbu!.- so ro uclh tax tai "vi th acceptable (6) Dwki� ift DIiivevy Selor 0 MM W tz 6� lx, in of(iod or caky mcmanAmmi ovor WWI SeHer his W) MCI CMW. Facton, .,hip a l or dch,ury dates ave th; bc. esimaws orOLM SUPPIM. and in in ease Mail Sch,, he liab][L 1 orpxial da.na�_. �n.-'sing F�orn. any in (7) Walver 11.c faik= of S elo to IBM uNm Aw pulnuawc of any oCks tans or caRTAns of"t,"nis contract c.ur to exembe my right howurkin Kh no be decn to ocsuch, wrn".s condit"ions orriglu in lh�, fiitun;, noor sha,, I it be dwnwd w be a ,vaivor i r ar-y oth;ct^ t�'nv, or 1 i,J'.( un �his conlract, (Sp 51ndlUcaUlmi of Tenus and Wndftion No (era. "'..Id conidiu",ols el m. ,nal flho I'mod a ld "'0 ndccsinrling? inj and puunortbn, niocfit1 thoi e tc�:Ivs' of co ldifiorls. t di<fll be bni(Lng r Seller v�ivhout Seller's wriil: i to jls N, DETACH UPPER PORTION AND RETURN WITH YOUR PAYMENT 21 =111 74918 LARRY SALESPERSON SHIP VIA DA TE MARK S BAYS PK PICK -UP LARRY FISHERS 317 598 -6170 02/22/12 ITEM PRICE UNIT EXT AMOUNT CASH DISC ORDER QTY SHIP QTY DESCRIPTION� -lea -lea LUTR MRF2- 8S -DV -WH 102.10 lea 102.10 MRF 8A DUAL VOLT SWITCH Original Sale S106099065.003 Billing Questions: Billing_request @kirbyrisk.com (765) 446 -3054 Invoice Number S106099065.004 Subtotal 102.10 S &H Charges 0.00 Sales TaxI 0.00 v 102.10 0001:0001 Kirby Risk Page 1 of 1 TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF SALE E: ACCEPTANCE OF THE GOODS PURCHASED ON THIS INVOICE CONSTITUTES AND ACCEPTANCE OF THE TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF SALE- WHICH FOLLOW: (1) Stack Merchandise is subject to a return charge. No goods may be returned without a shipping ticket and/or invoice number and prior authorization. (2) lion -Stock Merchandise is not returnable unless we can secure a "Returned Goods Authority" from the vendor. (3) The Customer acknowledges and agrees that in all purchase of goods and services from Seller, Seller gives no express warranties. or implied warranties of merchantability and fitness for any particular inn pose. (4) The Customer agrees that Seller will not be liable for any consequential and incidental cl miages arising from any CMISO 3 SOCiated N ith the goods purchased from Seller. (7) "faxes Prices shmv %n do not include ,ales or other taxis imposed on the sale ofgoods. faxes now or hereafter imposed upotl ales or shipments will be added to the purchase price. 5LIVCr aL�rees to reimburse Seller for any such tax or provide Seller with acceptable tax exemption certificate. (6) Delay- in Deliver- Seller is not to be accountable for delays in delivery occasioned by acts of God or other circumstances over which Seller has no direct control. f=actory shipment or delivery date, are the best estimates of our suppliers, and in no case shall Seller be liable for any consequential or special damages arising from any delay in delivery. (7) Waiver `rhe failure of Seller to insist upon the performance of any of the terms or conditions of this contract or fo exercise any right hereunder shall not be decmed to be a tivaiver of .Such t.crms, conditions or right in the future, nor shall it be deemed to be a waiver of any other term, condition, or right under this contract. (8) Modification of Terms and Conditions No terms and conditions other than those stated herein, and no agreement or understanding, in any way purporting to modify these terms, or conditions, shall be Wilding on Seller Without Seller's written consent. Prescribed by State Board of Accounts City Form No. 201 (Rev 1995) ACCOUNTS PAYABLE VOUCHER i CITY OF CARMEL An invoice or bill to be properly itemized must show, kind of service, where performed, dates of service rendered, by whom, rates per day, number of units, price per unit, etc. Payee 351017 KIRBY RISK ELECTRICAL SUPPLY Purchase Order No. PO BOX 664117 Terms INDIANAPOLIS, IN 46266 Due Date 4/16/2012 Invoice Invoice Description Date Number (or note attached invoice(s) or bill(s)) Amount 4/16/2012 S106172870i $415.90 I hereby certify that the attached invoice(s), or bill(s) is (are) true and correct and I have audited same in accordance with IC 5- 11- 10 -1.6 Date off ic VOUCHER 117153 WARRANT ALLOWED 351017- IN SUM OF KIRBY RISK ELECTRICAL SUPPLY PO BOX 664117 INDIANAPOLIS, IN 46266 Carmel Wastewater Utility ON ACCOUNT OF APPROPRIATION FOR Board members PO INV ACCT AMOUNT Audit Trail Code of S1061728700 01- 7202 -06 $40 C reA k s I0609 06500 y �0�'10) s i 062Z 691 rr s (06�4' Do I X035°1 Voucher Total41 X90 Cost distribution ledger classification if claim paid under vehicle highway fund