HomeMy WebLinkAbout208425 04/25/2012 CITY OF CARMEL, INDIANA VENDOR: 359491 Page 1 of •1 ONE CIVIC SQUARE PIP CHECK AMOUNT: $344.75 CARMEL, INDIANA 46032 11711 N PENNSYLVANIA ST CARMEL IN 46032 CHECK NUMBER: 208425 CHECK DATE: 4/25/2012 DEPARTMENT ACCOUNT PO NUMBER INVOICE NUMBER AMOUNT DESCRIPTION 851 5023990 41592 344.75 OTHER EXPENSES PP Printing and Marketing Services 1 171 1 N. PENNSYLVANIA STREET NO. 41592 CARMEL, INDIANA 46032 317 843 -5755 317 843 -5754 FAX PIP @ORI.NET DATE 4/11/12 o CARMEL FIRE DEPT. CUSTOMER P.O. NO. JO 2 CIVIC SQUARE U CARMEL IN 46032 PICKED UP JUSTIN COX Phone: 317- 753 -8910 LOCATION p '.DESCRIPTION'-', 350 PROGRAM OUTSIDE, 8.5 x 11 #100 GLOSS TEXT, copied on 1 side 175.00 SETUP /MINIMUM CHARGE 30.00 350 HALF FOLD 1 1 .35 350 PROGRAM INSIDE INSERT, 8.5 x 11 #100 GLOSS TEXT, 3 originals, copied on 1 78.75 side 1,050 HALF FOLD 19.05 350 HALF SHEET INSERT, 8.5 x 5.5 #100 GLOSS TEXT, copied 2 up on 2 sides 26.25 1 Normal Cut 4.35 Account Type: Charge Wanted: Mon 4/16 Subtotal 344.75 INVITATIONS AWARD Tax BANQUET PROGRAMS Shipping Total Received by: Date: Number of Cartons: NOTIFICATION DATE RESPONSE INITIAL ORIGINALS FILED BY PAID: CASH CHECK CREDIT CARD DATE BY C PIP Printing and Marketing Services 2008 TERMS AND CONDHT90NS (The printing terms used below are normal and customary terms in the printing business; a glossary of customary printing terms is available from PIP Printing on request.) L F57IlIATE PIP Printing may give eustorner an Estimate (probably cost of job based 11 PRESS PROOF(S). Unless separately listed in the Quotation, no Press Proofs) (Proof(;) on initial specification from customer) orally or in writing, with or without re iewing the original made on the press using the plates. paper and ink specified for the job) will be provided. I1 Press copy (written material, art. photographs and!or graphics). An Estirnue is not binding on PIP Pioof(s) are not separately listed in the Quotation, upon customer's request 1'IP PrintiMl will quote Pf intinL. a charge (including any off premises printin cost.,). Ali Inspection Sheet (a one sheet /page sample Press Proofol a multiple sheet/page job) ofany torn (i.c. loose, composite- unfinished. not or 1 QUOI ATION Customer may cancel anv verbal or Nhritten Order (acceptance of a otherwise) will be submitted for customer approval at Ho additional charge provided that customer QUOlation) upon compensation (which will include eu:tomary profit) to PIP Printing for the work is aysilable at the press (unless other arrangements ate made) during the time of Make -readv already performed on the Order by PIP printing prior to cancellation. P1P Printing will suspend all (activities required i, set up the press before pioduciion begins). Cult to r Agree; to pav PIP work on I)Ider upon cancellation and will nol be liable to eustoner of others for tailor to meet any Printing for charges (inclining off premises printing costs) for lost press time due to customer delivery date, finish any work or complete any job. delay or customer changes and corrections. I ORDER Customer may cancel any verbal or written Order (acceptance of a 13. OVER -HUNS AND UNDER -RUNS. Over -runs and under -runs not to exceed 10 Quotation) upon compensation (which will include customary profit) to PIP Printing for the work (Quantity Range oil quantities ordered. or the Quantity Range otherwise separately listed in the aheady performed on life Order by PIP Piintiny prior to cancellation. PIP Printing will suspend all Quotation specifi cation, shall coustilure acceptable del iverv. If customer reg tit res guaI ant ced exact work on Order upon cancellation and trill not be liable to customer or other,; for failure to meet slily quantities, Iumtily Range will be doubled. Customs i agrees it) pay for actual quantin' delivered dclirery date, finish any work or complete any lob. within Quantity Range based upon unit price per Quotation. 4. PIP ORIGINAL. ARTWORK /OWNERSHIP OF ARTWORK. Rc iaidless of anv 14. DELIVERY. Unless separately listed in the Quotation, the Quitulion is for a single term or condition to the conuarv. Arttvrk;l ?speiimentali(,reatiyc Work Ii.e. design and layiout of shipment f *i.c.. one continuous, uninterrupted delivery of complete job order without storage). Customer Copy and-01 ideas. artwork, sketches, copy, logos duumiics and all preparatory work F.O.R. local (umonur's place of business or E.0.13. PIP Printing's platform for out -of town (`PIP Arrtvoik ")l performed at the customer's request and Cleated. developed and furnished by PIP customers Unless epwately fisted int Of Quotation, the Quotation will not include charges tclated Priming specifically fir elt3tortner will remain PIP Printing's exclusive property and will be to delivery from customer or customer's supplier to PIP Printing or special priority pickup or charged in the amount eparately lured in the Quotation Or Irroice (writing deliy�eicd stn dclivcn, eryicu. Cumonler' sorcustomcr' ssupplicrsdclivery or special prioniv pickup OFde lit -etq Completion of Job, siring= all chance, fin (obi err separately quoted If)on customer', rrquc,t scn-ice upon answmcn s request will b hgreed I'N' m PIP Ptturs. Materials delivered from (wlnetlm before or after the completion or deliNety of job) for PIP Artwork. costumer or customer's supplier will he verified with supphers ticket(s) only as to cartons, packages, or other items delivered. The accuracy of quantities contained in such materials EXCLUSIVE: RIGHTS GRANTED. Upon PIP Printing being paid in full both the delivered as indicated on supplier's ticket(s) will not be verified, and PIP Printing will not be amount separately listed for the PIP Artwork and the remainder of the Invoice amount for tile job, liable for shortage based on supplier's ticket(s). PIP transfers to Customer the exclusive right to use the Artwork only for the purpose described on the reverse heteof "(;sage`). 1)[P reserves all rights not expressly g E. ranted to Customer. Any other 15. CYCL. Subject to paragraphs 4 5. title and risk of foss for finished w u work will pass usage by Customer shall require the payment of an agreed upon additional fee. Unless otherwise customer upon identification or completion of job. whichever Occurs first. agreed W, all Artwork shall be produced and printed ecclusiveh by PIP. 16. PRODUC1ION SCIILDULE(S) Production Schedule(s) and delivery dates(s) will be h. ClfSrOiY1F;R- FtIRNISHF :U MA I ERLAL(S). Customer Furnished Muterial(s) (i.e., separately listen in the Quotation. Customer and PIP Printing agree to adhere to production paper stocks. inks, cunem -readv copy. film and color separation and other such items) shodl be schedule(s) and delivery° date(s): provided that neither will be liable for delay due to slue of war. manufactured and delivered in accordance with the specifications separately listed in the not, civil disorder. fire, labor trouble. strikes, accidents. encrgv failure. equipment breakdown. QLIOI jOr1. Cott and Cxpense Hot separatelyr listed in the Quotation due ter delays or impaired delays of suppliers of carriers, actions) of government or civil authority. aci(s) of God or other production caused by failure to comph. with specifications will be charged to customer. cause(s) be the control of PIP Printing Where production SelledilC(S) is (are) not adhered to by customer, delivery date(s) will he renck- CONDITION OF ORIGINAL COPY upon Review of original Copy, if the condition, state. Chacicteristics, components. composition, appearance, fitness or other 17. I E.RAIS. C ustoner agrees to pav amoutmt) on termts) sepamtelp listed in the Quotation. circumstance, of the original Copy differ from that which had been initially deuriben and upon Invoice or other agreement Customer agrees Ihat cLum(s) fur Nonconformity Ire delecmcr which initial description an Estimaue was made. such F'SlimffiC will auwmaticaliv be rendered null damaged, short or other claim) will be nude in ivriing within fifteen (I5) days after delivery of and void. and PIP Printing will issue a new Estimate or Quotation_ Original Copy or Tile'upplicd each shipment of job claimed to be in Nonconlbrmit Customer's failure I(, make Nonconfornnity to PIP Printing by cu .,roust is considered "Camera Ready''. Mistakes or errors in condition, state, claim timely will constitute irrevocable acceptance and admission that shipment full complied with characteristics. componems, composition, appearance. f fitness or otherciicunismnces in the original leans. conditions and specifications. copy or file is not the responsibility of PIP Printing IR. I,IABI1.1'fY. Customer agree; that subject to anv right to cure. PIP Printing's liability will 8. PREPARATORY MATERIALS Regardless of anv term or condition to the be limited to the unit Invoice price of any Nonconfunning work and will in no event include contrat v. and subject to paragraphs 4 K 5, preparatory materials (final Copy used to go to print; i.e. special, incidental or consequential damages, including profits or lost prof'iG. \,or!,mv uiechomcal .nl. type, nc posits cs. hats. plates and other such nuns) when cleated. &,clopcd or lutuished b, I'll' Pnnin g will remain PIP Pii tim_'� .xclusiyc pi rpcity. u,touer 19. Ct STOMEWS PROPERTY. PIP [Tinting trill mamtain line, cmendrd corera;,c. will acquire title to. and!or the right to use. Picparator} %latenaf, onk upon PIP Printing being vandalism. 171;dici rm nuschi c I and sprinkler leak a insuran e on all pi ..pert I e k n ing to paid in full Both the amount separately listed in the Quotation or Invoice Of sepan+tCIY quoted upon customer while in I'll' Printin pusses,na. PIP Pumin)!'s liability for c ustonnci', property shall customers request 1 whether before or after completion or delivery ofjob) for Prepaiatoiv materials not exceed the amount of insma icc proceeds actually received. PIP Printing will not be liable to and uhc relflainder of the Invoice amount for the job. customer to the extent of ;in Y deductible. Customer's property of extraordinary %able will not be so insured unless separately specificallw listed in the Quotation. 9. AI,, "1'ERAP IONS /CORRECIIONS. Alterations represent work performcol u1 addition to or changes ofthe original specifications listed in the Quotation, PIP Printing will quote 20. SECURITY IN 1'FRES I. As security for payment of any sum due or u> become due per customer separate charges for Alterations. If Alterations are made at customers request, customer the Quotation. Invoice or other agreement, Customer hereby grants and Conveys to PIP Printing a agrees to pay PIP Printing Alteration Charges in addition to the original Quotation or Itoice lien and security interest on, and the right to retain po until paid in full of all eustorner amount for the job. Correction, represent rectification's of typos. mistakes and unauthorized property in PIP Printing's possession (including, without limitation, original Copy. we in process deviations fi'onn the original Copv and or specifications listed in the Quotation. and finished work). Anv extension or release of credit_ or acceptance or release of notes. trade ncceprances or guarantee of payment. shall not affect I'll) Printings security intemst and lien. lo_ PRE. PRESS PROOF(S) Pro Press Paoof(s) (pre printing test sheet made to reveal error s or Haws and how job will appear) will lie submitted to customer with original Copy. it 21. INDE:MIN'IFICA'HON. Customer a to indemnify and hold harmless PIP Printing provided by customer. t onections will be made oil one set tit' pre -press Proof(s) only from any aril all loss, cost. expense. fees, habihics,judgments and damages (including court costs ("nnsfcrscl and returned marked "OK" or "OK with otrecions." signed by customer. Ifmaster and reasonable counsel fees and disbursements of counsel) on account of any and all manner of set of pre -press Pioof(s) is returned marked "OK with Corrections" at Lillie of return of the master claims. demands. actions and proceedings (including imcetig anions and responding to subpocnns set, customer A -11 aT request. m wurin�., corrected pre-press Pmolls). PIP Printing will not be whether or not customer or PIP Printing is a party, collectives. Claims that snap be made or liable for errors. mistakes or breaches of any express and /or implied warranties (including of instituted against PIP Printing alleging that the job (,r work violates anv copYi ight(s). trademark(x) fitness and /or merchantability) if the customer has failed to return master set of pre -press or other proprietary right(s) ofany person or entity or that it Contains:uny matter that is libelous or Proof(s) or corrected pre -press Proof(s) with indication of corrections and /or if eustorner has obscene cr scandalous or invades any persons right to privacy or other person :d right(,), except to instructed 1'11' Printing to proceed without submission of pre -press Proof(s) or corrected pre- the content caused by recklessness or willful nusconduct of PIP Printing. Customer agrees. al press Proof(s). customer's own co,t and expense. to promptly defen n d and continue the defense Of av Claims aeninsl PIP Printing_ plovikled that PIP Printin* },;Ives customer such reasonable tittle a> the 11. COLOR PROOF(S). Recautve Of differrnces in equipuent, processing, proof exigencies of the situation may permit in which to undertake and conlinuc such del nsc- substrates (sal. t a Cc P'OOf IS on. i.e t in%L pal er plastic. or other). p tp't (includul; color ]lases), inks. pigments And other Conditions. there mar be differences betty -een color I tecfls) and actual 22. IiN'VOICF_. 1'ER.MS /IN F 'FERSI7ATTORNLI'S FEES. Payable upon reCCipt. Aft amounts finished work per the Quotation specification_ PIP Printing will not be liable for breaches of which are 30 days past due shall bear interest at the rate of 1.5`a, per 17101101 until paid in toll, any express and /or implied warranties (including fitness and /or tit' merchantability) by Customer agrees to pay all reasonable collection costs. and attorneys fees and costs incurred by PIP reason of reasonable color variations(s) between color Proof and finished work. and such Printing tit collect any amounts due under this invoice. reasonable color variation(s) in finished work shall constitute acceptable (fell,erk. PIP Printing and Marketing Services 2008 WARRAN NO. Prescribed by State Board of Accounts City Form No. 201 (Rev. 1995) ALLOWED 20 ACCOUNTS PAYABLE VOUCHER IN SUM OF CITY OF CARMEL sylvania Street An invoice or bill to be properly itemized must show: kind of service, where performed, dates service rendered, by 132 whom, rates per day, number of hours, rate per hour, number of units, price per unit, etc. $344.75 Payee Purchase Order No. SIT OF APPROPRIATION FOR Terms iel Fire Department Date Due Invoice Invoice Description Amount )ICE NO. ACCT #/TITLE AMOUNT Board Members Date Number (or note attached invoice(s) or bill(s)) 41592 1 120- 851.00 I $344.75 1 hereby certify that the attached invoice(s), or 41592 $344.75 bill(s) is (are) true and correct and that the materials or services itemized thereon for which charge is made were ordered and received except APR 4 23 2612, l a Fire Chief Title bution ledger classification if I hereby certify that the attached invoice(s), or bill(s), is (are) true and correct and I have audited same in accordance motor vehicle highway fund with IC 5- 11- 10 -1.6 20 Clerk- Treasurer