HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes PC 02-21-12City of Carmel
FEBRUARY 21, 2012
Carmel City Hall
2 floor Council Chambers
One Civic Square
Carmel IN 46032
Members Present: John Adams, Jay Dorman, Brad Grabow, Nick Kestner, Joshua Kirsh, Steve Lawson, Alan
Potasnik, Kevin "Woody" Rider, Ephraim Wilfong
Members Absent: Steve Stromquist, Susan Westermeier
DOCS Staff Present: Director Michael Hollibaugh, Angie Conn; Legal Counsel John Molitor
Also Present: Ramona Hancock, Plan Commission Secretary
The Minutes of the January 18, 2012 meeting were approved as submitted
Announcements, Angie Conn: The CoCo Commons rezone petition was withdrawn before hearing at City Council.
The proposed amendments to the Plan Commission Rules of Procedure will be discussed as the last item of business.
The Department suggests re- ordering the Agenda to hear Public Hearing #3West Carmel Commons, and New
Business Item #1 West Carmel Commons Outback Steakhouse concurrently.
1. Proposed amendments to Plan Commission Rules of Procedure moved to the end of the meeting.
H. Public Hearings
1. TABLED TO MAR. 20: Docket No. 11100022 DP /ADLS: Gramercy PUD (Mohawk Hills
2. Docket No. 11120027 Z: Highpointe on Meridian PUD.
The applicant seeks approval to rezone 27 acres to PUD/Planned Unit Development for commercial,
office, and residential uses. The site is located at the southwest corner of 136 St. Illinois St. It is
zoned B- 5/Business within the US 31 Corridor Overlay Zone. Filed by Paul Reis of Krieg Devault for
Frank Regan, owner.
Note: Woody Rider moved to Suspend the Rules of Procedure to allow additional time for comments; motion
was duly seconded and approved 9 -0
Present for Petitioner: Paul Reis, Krieg Devault,12800 North Meridian Street, Carmel,; Members of the
development team: John Hart, Todd May, Johnny Hart of J C Hart Company; Mike Longfellow, Spectrum
Retirement Communities; representative from The Opus Group; Gary Weaver Randy Shuman, Weaver
Sherman Architects Site Design Consultants; Jim Shields, Weihe Engineers.
Site consists of 27 acres
Site is located south west of the intersection of 136 Oakridge Rd, west of Illinois Street, Bentley
Oaks residential neighborhood to the north, City pumping station, Parks at Springmill, Village of
Mount Carmel is north of 136` Street
Significant Site Features:
o A 50 -foot gas pipeline easement is located adjacent to the multi -use path
o A 10 -foot, storm -water drainage easement on the north side of the site
o A 20 -foot, storm -water drainage easement in Bentley Oaks in favor of the County and the County
drainage system
o Along 136` Street there are overhead power lines that will come into play, primarily in dealing
with perimeter landscaping
Lighting standards will be in accordance with US 31 Overlay
No wall signs on any facade that faces a single family residential area
Petitioner has met with 3 HOA groups and discussed the project
Many of the issues discussed with the neighborhood groups are not reflected in the information packets
distributed to the Commission members
6 -foot privacy fence with an earthen berm was discussed with neighbors will continue to discuss
Site is designated as an `Employment Node" in the Comprehensive Plan
Comprehensive Plan also provides for:
o Professional business office
o Hospital medical office
o Small scale restaurants, coffee houses, print shops office supply stores
o Residential on 4 or higher floors (contradictory with bldg height)
o Maximum bldg height of 3 stories along Illinois Street where adjacent to existing residential
o Significant bldg setback from single family residential areas
Proposed PUD Provisions:
o Professional, general business medical office uses consistent with the Comp Plan
o Limited retail service uses per US 31 Overlay Zone
o Multi- family Senior Living uses with residential bldg design
o Maximum bldg height currently under review
o Bldgs brought up to Illinois Street to maximize setback from single family residential areas
Site landscaping will include a screen fence and retaining wall
A &F Engineering has been engaged to conduct a traffic analysis
Traffic will be discussed further at the Committee level
Todd May, J C Hart Company, 805 City Center Drive, Carmel
Overview of Apartment Component:
J.C.Hart Company has been developing apartments since 1976 in central Indiana and Ohio
J.C.Hart Company has developed over 35 communities in this area
Developments enumerated displayed
Most recently completed community includes Legacy Towns Flats
Continuing dialogue with neighboring communities' representatives
Same company will be responsible for construction, managing operating on a daily basis, and ownership
Owner intends to be in being for a long time
Randy Sherman, Architect Land Planner, 6201 North Carrollton Avenue, Indianapolis
Overview of Site Plan:
Lay -out of bldgs, size, scale placement on site
Bldgs brought closer to Illinois Street for a consistent streetscape
All bldgs designed to have a front back
Guest parking on street
Bldgs along Illinois Street are a little larger in scale
Main entry is off Illinois Street clubhouse would anchor the view
Smaller buildings are clustered closer to single family residential neighborhood of Bentley Oaks those
homes along 136 Street to the north
Open space adjacent to the street is a dry detention area
Mike Longfellow, Senior Vice President of Construction Development, and in -house architect for Spectrum
Retirement Communities, 200 Spruce Street, Denver, Colorado 83130
Overview of Retirement Community
Developer, Owner Operator of Retirement Communities,
Operations will be by citizens /residents of Carmel
Spectrum builds operates Independent Living, Assisted Living Memory Care Communities
Proposal is not for institutional structures or "Nursing Homes"
Structures are residential in character designed to create a life style for the residents
Typical location is on the boundary of residential and commercial shopping area
Retirement communities provide a transitional buffer
Resident homes offer one bedroom and two- bedroom suites
Amenities include lounges, library, beauty salon, theatre, multiple dining rooms
Spectrum is positioned between Opus Office and J.C.Hart multi family
Proposal is for independent living, assisted living, and memory care
Exterior is very residential in appearance
John Cumming, Opus Development, Indianapolis
Overview of Office Component
Pictures were displayed of completed Opus Office Developments
Opus is a 59 -year old, privately held, family owned company based in Minneapolis
Opus has been in the Indianapolis market for 13 years
Opus is primarily an office and industrial developer, but also retail, institutional, residential, government
and mixed use developments
This particular proposal takes advantage of the visibility along US 31
Site is to be positioned for a build -to -suit, whether general office or medical healthcare project
Proposal is a cohesive, mixed -use project
Public Comments:
General/Favorable None
Organized Remonstrance Unfavorable
Brad Cisco, 221 Wyandotte Drive, Park Meadow, currently serving 2 consecutive term as President of
the Parks Springmill HOA which incorporates the Park Meadow and Park Place neighborhoods. As
of today, residents have had very limited input, although two meetings have occurred with Paul Reis and
some members of the development team with limited exchange. Many of the residents have expressed
that they do not want high density development on the Regan parcel; however, they are amenable to
responsible development in accordance with the current zoning and Comprehensive Plan. We support
the west Carmel policies objectives, City-wide policies objectives, as well as the US 31 Corridor
Plan, and objectives section of the C -3Plan as it pertains to preserving the character of west Carmel,
protecting large lot, residential areas, encouraging neighborhood support centers, encouraging walk
ability and bike ability, promoting appropriate transition, limiting building heights to two stories, the
preservation of residential areas, limiting the mass scale of developments, and requiring appropriate
buffers. However, with the exception of the buffer on 136th Street, the plan before the Plan Commission
is mostly void of these issues and this request for rezoning is not supported.
Note: Brad Cisco submitted an extensive document of opposition to the proposed rezone to PUD the original
of which is included in the public records file.
Robert White, 1346 Bentley Way, President, Bentley Oaks HOA does not want this parcel developed as
a PUD, since it will directly affect approximately 43% of the homeowners that abut this property. The
biggest concern is the density of the apartments, and related problems it would bring into the
neighborhood surrounding areas such as crime; the traffic study was not done correctly and does not
take into account the homes that will be directly affected. Also, a 3 -foot berm with a shadowbox fence
will not provide an adequate, visual screen between the homeowners and the proposed development. The
homeowners vote "No" for the proposed rezone to PUD and request that the C3 Plan be adhered to.
Peter Ten Eyck, 13451 Versailles Drive, Park Meadow Subdivision. More specific concerns regarding
this proposal include: 1). What is the plan for this PUD? The purpose of a PUD is: a) To provide
opportunities to create more desirable environments thru flexible diversified development standards
b) Intended to encourage the application of new techniques new technologies to the community
resulting in superior living, and c) Development arrangements with lasting values. 2) Failure to meet the
5 criteria necessary for a rezone recited in Indiana Code Section 36 C 74603, and 3) Additional
recommendations if the Commission approves this rezone application. The components of the PUD do
not seem to go together at all. It is doubtful that senior citizens are clamoring to live within a stone's
throw of a huge, commercial office complex, and most apartment dwellers would rather not live within
an office complex, or next door to a retirement home. There does not seem to be a site design or
landscape plan linking this all together, other than separation by a roundabout in the middle. This
proposal seems to be more not less specific than a straight development under B -5 zoning, because it is
writing its own rules. There also does not seem to be any benefit to the community with this
development. This seems to be a PUD in name only and an attempt to squeeze 3 square pegs in a round
hole on an odd shaped parcel with not a lot of space. The PUD also provides for a 35% variance of its
plan upon approval —we think that is way too much. There is insufficient buffer between the PUD and
Park Meadow; light pollution, hours of operation, other commercial aspects of the development, as
well as a six -foot privacy fence on top of a small mound will not stop noise or screen a six -floor bldg.
The height of the buildings is unacceptable compared to the height of the homes in the area. The density
of the PUD is way too intense for the area, and this will lead to traffic concerns as well. The proposal
does not show compliance with the C3Plan; the buildings are not unique, nothing that stands out from
existing bldgs along US 31, no protection in the plan for existing vegetation next to Park Meadow and
Bentley Oaks, very little landscaping on the parking lot/commercial side of the development and very
little green space as well. The plan should provide two -story buildings with sloped roofs that would
match the residential character of the area. The proposal discourages homogenous development and
corporate brand, proto typical architecture. Mr. Ten Eyck referred to covenants /commitments made at the
time the land was originally rezoned in 1991 that would limit the height of buildings along US 31 to two
stories that those specific covenants /commitments should run with the land and should control the
development of this parcel. The proposed PUD will weaken property values in the area, and does not
provide for responsible development and growth. The plans are vague, the drawings are conceptual, and
there is little in the plan to link it all together, either within the PUD or to the surrounding neighborhoods
We would like to see a lot more planning go into this PUD and would like the Commission to deny this
proposal; however, if it does go forward, we would suggest: building height restrictions of 35 feet
imposed, brick exteriors, pitched roofs, elimination of the 35% post approval dimensional variance,
significant bldg setbacks from single family residential areas, shielding of building and parking lot
lighting, no lighting within 200 feet of current single family residence, hours of operation limitations,
trash and mechanical areas/loading docks should all be hidden from view, no recycling or trash dumpster
service in the evenings or early morning, preservation of mature trees on the property, no big -box 24-
hour operation, more green space, require extensive preservation of the existing vegetation along the
perimeter, much taller landscape mound, much nicer shadowbox fence with stone columns or maybe
masonry fence much better buffering than proposed thus far, and would like a berm constructed around
entire site before construction commences.
General Public Comments/Unfavorable:
Mary Hogan, Bentley Oaks Subdivision, has spoken with a lot of neighbors who are in opposition and
would like to protect their investment in their homes which will be sorely affected by this PUD it is not
the right plan for this land; requests denial of this proposal.
John Westermeier, 595 Memory Lane, Village of Mount Carmel, objected to the proposal by reason of
traffic which would make his dead -end street a thru street and increase traffic substantially throughout
the entire subdivision. Mr. Westermeier agreed with previous speakers.
Margaret Abbott, 13702 Thistlewood Drive East, feels the school system will be greatly impacted by
multi family, apartments housing on this parcel. Ms Abbott also agreed with points made by previous
Rebecca Hubbard, 1170 West 136"' Street, represents 3 of the 4 homes directly across from this proposed
PUD. A median was placed in front of their homes at the time 136 Street was re- constructed access
out of their driveway, directly west, is now limited—cannot cross the median to head east. In order to
exit their drive, must either make a u -turn, or drive around the block. There is already a traffic problem;
did not know about the traffic study, never saw it, and were never asked. Agreed with previous speaker
regarding building height. Rush hour is not the only time residents are affected by the traffic it is all
the time. Please keep in mind that requests to rezone this property to multi family in the past were
denied; multi family housing was not found to be a good use of the ground at that time. The neighbors
are not opposed to development and not opposed to progress, but feel this proposal in appropriate for
this ground.
Karen Stromquist, 1363 Stoney Creek Circle, agreed with previous speakers, especially regarding the
impact on the school system, and any development from here on out needs to be strongly looked at and
monitored. Ms. Stromquist stated that there are a lot of apartment complexes in Carmel do we need
more? For this development and this parcel of land, is this the best use? Do we need this? As you make
a decision and vote, please think about all of the other things that have come into fruition with your
planning decisions.
Rob Nellis, 1339 Bentley Way. The whole issue is about trust. Before we purchase our home, we
researched the zoning and found the vacant parcel was zoned B -5. Carmel is successful, it is growing,
and a lot of that is because the citizens and business leaders trust what the Plan Commission has always
done —you have always made good decisions —we trust that you will make the right decision in this case.
It has been pointed out that this project is ill- conceived, poorly planned, and not a good fit for this
property. The residents trust that the Plan Commission will make the best decision for the City of
Carmel and our neighborhood. Within B -5 uses, we would love to have an office building of the proper
scope we just don't think this development is a good choice.
Public Hearing Closed.
Rebuttal, Paul Reis:
Thanked everyone for coming forward with their input and constructive ideas. The ground was rezoned in
1991 from residential to B -5 district. There are no recorded covenants on this property. The actual ordinance
does not reference any covenants whatsoever, and the minutes of the meeting reflect that the Councilors
approved the Ordinance with no conditions on the approval. Mr. Reis' opinion is that there are no binding
covenants on this land and the maximum height and standards are governed currently by the B -5 district and
US 31 Overlay Zone. However, we will consider all comments and look at design, height, traffic. This
ground is currently zoned for business; the reference to the C3Plan to west Carmel does not apply to this
particular site and its location relative to the US 31corridor. However, we will look again at screening and
landscaping. When a particular piece of this project is ready to go, it will go through the ADLS process set
forth in the PUD and will be considered again. The petitioner looks forward to working with the Committee
and the adjacent homeowners.
Dept Report, Angie Conn:
Most topics covered by the remonstrance
In reviewing the1991 rezone file, a draft copy of covenants was found that restricted bldg height also
referred to residential architecture for any buildings built on this site
Several factors within the Comprehensive Plan help guide policies and design, i.e. transition and scale
and mass of the buildings, to respect the residential areas that are mostly two stories tall
Dept would like to see more buffering trees shrubs —in addition to the wall and berm
Dept is OK with the mix of uses, but site design would play a big role as well transitions, building
height, shielding of lights, adding greenspace
Outstanding comments regarding PUD text can be gone over at Committee level
Dept recommends forwarding to the Special Studies Committee
Commission Members' Questions /Comments:
Uncomfortable with apartment use on the property, since it does not seem to be a compatible use and
does not create a transition
Would like a cross access easement to alleviate any future problems
Why deviation from Urban Forestry Standards?
No apparent reason for deviating from on -street parking requirements, sidewalks, paths, bike parking,
and sign ordinance changes
Would like to see backyard property lines /sight lines adjacent to the subject site
Would like to consider maximum height with no variances
Concern regarding traffic study traffic back -up on 136 Street
Connectivity, bike trails, etc.
Design Uncertainties
Walking/on -site recreation opportunities for Senior as well as multi- family living
Not a lot of useable greenspace, other than the pipeline area inherited with this site
Opus renderings, even thought conceptual, are disappointing long, blank facades, little variety in bldg
Would like Ordinance to prohibit any drive -thru for any purpose
Would like improvement in integration/compatibility of the three uses, i.e. one single development and
not three developments that happen to be next door to one another
Trying to find the sensitivity in this real estate between the remonstrators and the petitioner
Question concerning the status of the commitments on this property recorded, enforceable?
Not convinced this PUD is appropriate for this site
At the time of rezone to B -5, the area residents expected that this parcel would be developed under that
particular zoning, not a PUD
What is the exact number of multi family unites?
How many units in the senior living area and in the memory care unit?
How can it be stated that something will be done when approval has not yet been obtained?
What are the two buildings in the greenspace amenity area?
What date was traffic study done?
From an ecological standpoint, would like to see as much space conserved as possible watersheds,
wetlands, etc.
From a social perspective, would like to see both developer neighbors encourage walk ability, ease of
access to alleviate congestion
Problem with the proposal is the degree of non conformance with the existing standards requirements
The PUD is a total remake of the underlying, existing Ordinances Why? can only assume it is based
on commercial financial reason; maybe under B -5 zoning, it would not be viable from that standpoint
Uncomfortable with the level degree of non conformance in the proposal with respect to current
Overlay Zoning
There is an obligation to ensure that neighboring residential commercial areas are not infringed upon
and there is reasonable transition and we preserve the privacy, enjoyment, security safety of those
neighborhoods that are impacted by this kind of development
There must be a lot of dialogues with the neighborhoods their interests must be preserved
As soon as an opinion is available regarding commitments /conditions on the property, it should be
distributed to the Commission public asap
Opposed to the 35% change in development provision the building height will also be "locked in —no
possibility of a variance
Cannot see building height exceeding what is already allowed in the Overlay
Buffers for this type of proposal would have to be unique a simple shadowbox fence is inadequate
A PUD done properly would allow us to work with adjoining properties to give them specific things
needed that can't always be done with the underlying zoning
Recommend petitioner meet with the neighbors prior to committee to work out details
Questions regarding location of the gas line
Michael Hollibaugh addressed the Commission and reported that the gas line was moved as part of the
construction for Illinois Street, not as a part of the original rezone.
Criteria for traffic study requirements?
Angie Conn noted that a resolution was adopted in the 1990's that spelled out criteria for traffic studies will
pass it along to the petitioner.
Traffic Study should be funded by the petitioner but contracted by the City of Carmel
Senior Living Facility percentage of each type of facility how would the memory care facility
residents be protected from the ponds
Suggest ponds contain fountains rather than standing water only
Buffering fencing needs to be up- graded substantially
Dumpster location, time of pick -up, deliveries needs to be addressed
Public Input at Committee will be at the discretion of the Committee Chair
Building Height covenants/commitments, whether recorded or not, would depend on dialogue, intent,
and understanding of the parties as indicated in the minutes and should be enforced
Docket No. 11120027 Z, Highpointe on Meridian PUD was referred to the Special Studies Committee for further
review on March 06, 2012.
Note: Jay Dorman asked that the Subdivision Committee establish criteria under which a PUD should be
proposed or considered rather than leaving it up to the discretion of a petitioner.
After a 5- minute recess, the Commission continued with the Agenda items
3. Docket No. 11120029 DP /PP: West Carmel Commons.
The applicant seeks development plan primary plat approval for 4 commercial lots on 8.64 acres. The
site is located at 10220 N. Michigan Rd. It is zoned B-2/Business I- 1/Industrial, within the US 421/
Michigan Rd. Corridor Overlay Zone. Filed by Don Potter of Thompson Thrift Development, Inc.
Note: Docket No. 11120028 ADLS, West Carmel Commons, Lot 1 Outback Steakhouse, Item 1 under New
Business, was heard together with Docket No. 11120029 DP /PP, West Carmel Commons.
Present for Petitioner: Don Potter, Thompson Thrift Development, Fishers, Indiana, appeared on bealf of West
Carmel Commons Development Plan and Primary Plat; Joe Calderon, attorney, Bose, McKinney Evans,
appeared on behalf of Lot 1, West Carmel Commons, Outback Steak House.
Overview, Don Potter:
Developing property into 3 lots western-most lot is already a part of Park Northwestern Subdivision
will include the detention pond
2 lots front Michigan Road; lot 3 to the west of lots 1 2
Existing curb -cut off Michigan Road to access lots 1 2
Access Easements on the property
Right in/right -out off Michigan Road provides access for Lot 3 and onto Lots 1 2
Existing curb -cut at light at Retail Parkway
Will install a temporary drive thru Lot 2 to provide access to Lot 1
Petitioner has met with INDOT regarding the existing curb cuts provided INDOT with traffic analysis
Outback Restaurant is proposed for Lot 1
Public Remonstrance:
Brian Shapiro, 4610 Woodhaven Drive, Clay Township, Zionsville. The Outback is needed for this area
and sure to be successful. Brian Shapiro worked with a number of persons to create the Michigan Road
Overlay Zone and the "TIF" District —one of the most successful TIF Districts in Carmel. The
architectural design of the Outback is not apparent Georgian, Italianate, or Colonial. The Outback can
be a great opportunity for us to work together. The residents want "the feel" of Michigan Road, we do
not want this corridor and west Carmel to look like a hodge -podge of design; we would rather have some
resemblance of a common theme. The wall of the Outback is not broken up, it is pretty straight; also the
front of the building needs to be re- worked to be more in line with Georgian architecture. If the patio
were to the rear of the building, it is another opportunity for screening —the building would screen noise.
The parking to the front of the building should be adequately screened.
Shelley Williams, 9789 Mill Creek Place, Shelley and her Father own the building directly behind this
project. Question is: What is going to happen with that area of the land? a retention pond?
Rebuttal: Don Potter:
There is a row of trees behind the building, the building, a pipeline easement, and more trees before the lot.
The trees on the west side will stay as well as the pipeline, then the location of the detention pond.
Public Hearing Closed
Dept Comments, Angie Conn:
Two outstanding issues relate to the Engineering Dept
o Drainage petitioner is working with Engineering
o Extension of Retail Parkway which currently dead -ends into the site
o Proposed Extension would be along the southern edge of proposed lots 2 3
Dept recommends forwarding to March 06 Subdivision Committee
Commission Members Comments /Questions:
Request Staff bring specifics from Michigan Road Overlay to Committee
Would like to continue to adhere to Overlay
Is this proposal for a new cut on Michigan or utilize existing? (existing)
Lot 1 used for Outback, Lot 2 used for retention?
Don Potter responded Lot 1 is Outback, lot 2 is temp access to light-- -up to lot 1, Lot 3 shows a building pad, lot
4 is a part of Northwestern and contains the detention pond
When the temporary access crossing lot 2 goes away, what happens to the curb cut between lots 1 and 2?
Don Potter responded that the right in/right -out will stay in place
Would like to explore the temporary access at Committee level opposed to this access point
Difficult to determine access and how to access lots 2 3 eventually
Architectural design does not comply with Michigan Road Overlay
Would like to see a pedestrian route across parking lot, bicycle racks
Who controls the property to the south?
Coverdale Darden Group
When does the expansion of Retail Parkway come into play?
Once Retail Parkway is extended, the connections will be made and temporary access eliminated
Rather than having the road cut through lots 1 2 and connect to the right in/right -out, why wouldn't
you start this in the initial approach, or are you waiting for lot 3 to occur before considering; does that
affect the parking numbers?
It is just a matter of when lot 3 comes in it would eliminate two parking spaces
The overall flow is very uncomfortable
It would seem the east/west road that splits lots 1 2 would be better served if lots 1 2 were accessed
from the rear of the site let's not put a lot of splinter roads that detract from the safety of Michigan Rd
Docket No. 11120029 DP/PP, West Carmel Commons was referred to the Subdivision Committee for further
review on March 06, 2012.
Docket No. 11120028 ADLS, West Carmel Commons, Lot 1 Outback Steakhouse
Present for Petitioner: Joe Calderon, attorney, Bose, McKinney Evans; Stacey Miller, OSI Restaurant
Partners, Tampa, Florida
Have not rec'd any negative comments from staff regarding the architectural design
Parking is over by 3 spaces
Bicycle parking has been established, per the Overlay
Regarding location of the outdoor patio it is a provision for the future may or may not happen
The patio as proposed does not violate the Ordinance
Petitioner will coordinate striping for pedestrian walkway with Thompson Thrift
4 Urban Forester has accepted approved the landscape plan
Future connectivity is shown on the site plan
Petitioner believes he is in full compliance with materials, placement of windows, wall breaks
All mechanicals/HVAC will be screened behind the parapet on the roof
Meters on the ground will be screened by landscape material
Materials are less that 10% EIFS and mostly brick
Petitioner will be completely compliant with the Sign Package
Commission Members Questions /Comments:
Outside Storage specifically the dumpster stored internally or behind the wall?
Dumpster is located behind the wall enclosed, but no roof —walls will be high enough to screen dumpster
Request perspective renderings for Committee
Docket No. 11120028 ADLS, West Carmel Commons, Lot 1 Outback Steakhouse was referred to the
Subdivision Committee for further review on March 06, 2012.
4. Docket No. 12010005 OA: Patch Ordinance IX.
The applicant seeks to amend Subdivision Control Ordinance Chapter 3: General Provisions and
Chapter 7: Open Space Standards for Major Subdivisions. The applicant also seeks to amend Zoning
Ordinance Chapter 2: Compliance with the Regulations, Chapter 3: Definitions, Chapter 5: S-
1 /Residence District, Chapter 20A: I -1 /Industrial District, Chapter 21: Special Uses Special
Exceptions, Chapter 23C: US Highway 421 Michigan Road Corridor Overlay Zone, Chapter 25:
Additional Use Regulations, Chapter 26: Additional Height, Yard, Lot Area and Buffering Regulations
and Appendix A: Schedule of Uses. Filed by the Carmel Department of Community Services on behalf of
the Carmel Plan Commission.
Present for Petitioner: Alexia Donahue -Wold, DOCS.
Combined several smaller Amendments to the Zoning Ordinance into one, "Patch" Ordinance.
Purposes of Terminology changed to better reflect the C3 Comprehensive Plan
CCRC definition added to Definitions section using State Code as a guideline
Deleting lot coverage both definitions covered in lot coverage and lot coverage maximum
Propose adding a section for landscaping standards for I- 1/Industrial Zone
Old Meridian District Carmel Drive/Range Line Road Overlay sections are being changed to exempt
bldgs from the buffer -yard requirements due to their own landscaping requirements which promotes a
more urban design; these districts also contain compatible uses and promotion of connectivity between
the uses
Michigan Road Overlay proposed change basically clarifies the standard for foundation plantings and
plantings within the medians
Additional Use Regulations amendment will exempt multi- family residential developments from the
maximum accessory building size 24X30
Additional Buffering Regulations proposed amendment will clarify as to when buffer yard
requirements are triggered
Appendix A Schedule of Uses category for Continuing Care Retirement Communities added
Minor change from Keystone Avenue Overlay designation to Keystone Parkway Overlay
No Public Remonstrance
John Molitor: Some changes /amendments brought about to be in compliance with Indiana Code
Commission Members Comments /Questions:
Would like to make Overlay Section of Schedule of Uses consistent with remainder of the Table what
is permitted, what is excluded
Is it possible to add to the State's definition of CCRC? (would not recommend changing definition,
maybe change the terminology, perhaps a "Senior CCRC
Docket No. 12010005 OA, Patch Ordinance IX was referred to the Subdivision Committee for further review on
March 06, 2012.
I. Old Business
J. New Business
1. Docket No. 11120028 ADLS: West Carmel Commons, Lot 1 Outback Steakhouse.
The applicant seeks architectural design site plan approval for a restaurant on 1.7 acres. The site is
located at 10220 N. Michigan Rd. It is zoned B-2/Business within the US 421/Michigan Rd. Corridor
Overlay Zone. Filed by Joe Calderon of Bose McKinney Evans, LLP on behalf of OSI Restaurant
Partners, LLC.
Note: This item heard with Docket No. 11120029 DP /PP, West Carmel Commons, Item 3 under Public Hearings
Rules of Procedure Changes:
Executive Committee to meet prior to Next Month's Commission meeting to go over proposed Rule Changes.
K. Adjournment 9:00 PM
na Hancock, Secretary
Jay Dorman, President