HomeMy WebLinkAbout208657 05/10/2012 CITY OF CARMEL, INDIANA VENDOR: 361104 Page 1 of 1
CARMEL, INDIANA 46032 PO BOX 8500 -1401 CHECK AMOUNT: $112.50
CHECK DATE: 5/10/2012
1096 4237000 829983 112.50 REPAIR PARTS
Global Headquarters Remit to:
_<WME R 10 Trotter Drive Cybex International, Inc. INVOICE
Medway, MA 02053 P.O. Box 8500 -1401
Cybex International, Inc. (508) 533 -4300 Philadelphia, PA 19178 -1401
(508) 533 -5500 fax United States Page: 1 of 1
Sold To: Carmel Clay Parks Recreatioi Ship To: Carmel Clay Parks Recreatior Invoice Information
1411 E. 116th St. 1235 Central Park Dr. E. Invoice Date: Apr 10 2012
Carmel IN 46032 Monon center Invoice: 0000829983
USA Carmel IN 46032
USA Customer No: CYB0037634
Payment Terms: Net 30
Due Date: May -10 -2012
BIII To: Carmel Clay Parks Recreation AMOUNT DUE: 112.50 USD
Carrie Keaveney
1411 E. 116th St.
Carmel IN 46032
United States Shipment Information
Date Shipped: Apr -09 -2012
Sales Order No: SVCO581633
Purchase Order No: MC002764
Pro No: 1Z5638020354954099
Carrier: United Parcel Service Inc.
Ship Via: GROUND
Freight Terms: Prepaid
Line Product No. Description Quantity UOM Unit Amt Tax Net Amount
1 9101 -002 CABLE SA 2.00 EA 52.50 N 105.00
2 OWTPRTFRT Shipping and Handling Charge 1.00 EA 7.50 N 7.50
Subtotal: 112.50
Subtotal (Sales /Use): 0.00
Order entered by Martin Stewart. Thank you for your order.
Part number provided by customer
1� Description A /1_
7�1" i�"'�"_
P.O. W O_P boo p° APR 1 a 2012
G.L. ld9lo •21 /�Z�a
Line Dtscr
Date BY:
L SE LLER:S TERMS TO GOVERN: This document, whether designated as it quote. offer, 9. CANCELLATION or ALTERATION: No order may be canceled or altered after the
or sales acknowledgment. is an offer to sell made by Cybex International. Inc. i" Cybex" of mailing of the sales acknowledgment unless agreed to by Seller. Cancellation or alteration of
"Seller Acceptance is expressly limited to tine teens of Cybex`s contact, and in the event orders. if agreed in writing by Seller, will obligate Buyer to pity to Scher it handling charge
that Buyer's acceptance or other response hereto states tenns additional to or different from of 25% of the, sales order amount plus any and all expenses incurred and damages sustained
those set fitnh herein, this document shall be deemed a notice of objection to such additional by Seller to return the product to the point of manufacture, Custom orders obligate Buyer to
of different tends and rejection thereof. pay Seller 100?� of the sales order amount plus any and all expenses sustained by Seller to
2 PR1C:'l.S: Prices shown on quote ae Seller's prices iu effect on that date and are shown in refuel the product the point of rnamufacnire. Seller will make every reasonable effort to
U.S. dollar. Quotes shall expire in thirty (30) days unless otherwise noted thereon. Verbal ship by the estimated date, but failure to do so shall not be cause for cancellation,
prim representations carrot supersede a written price quote. Seller reserves the right to 10. RETURNED GOODS: When agreed to by Seller in waiting. Buyer may return products
coocct any clencal or mathematical errors prior to Buyer acceptance. Shipments will Ire with a Return Authorization Number, obtainable by writing to Cybex International, Inc.,
Idled at pries stated on accepted orders unless delays have been initiated or requested by Attn: Customer Service Department, 10 Trotter Drive. Medway. MA 02053 or by calling
fluycr which shall entitle- Seller to any and all additional costs and expenses resulting from the Customer Service Depattment at 1- 888- GO -CYBI X. Buyer's failure to obtain this
tile delay. Return Authorization Number will prevent Seller from being liable whether or not the
3. LSXE:.S AND DUTIFS: The price (toes not include any federal, state or local taxes, product is accepted by Seller's receiving dock. Buyer roust ship all returned products freight
asscasments or duties. 'Ilaerefore, in addition to the price; stated herein, any applicable sales, prepaid.
Use or other taxes and government charges imposed by any governmental body upon the 11. PRODUCT CHANGES: Seller reserves the right to change of revise specifications and
u Jll1atti0n Shall be an additional charge and shall be the responsibility of the Buyer, unless product design in connection with any feature of Seller's products. Such changes do not
the Pave; is exempt front such taxes and the Sellr receives the Buyer's Certificate of entitle Buyer to corresponding changes, improvements, additions, or replacements for
Exemption prior to shipment. product previously sold or shipped.
d. 1 HZN OF PAYMIitiT: Unless the Seller's credit department has given the Buser its 12. INDEMNIFICATION BY NON CONSUMER BUYERS: Non consumer Buyers agree
;,nor written approval, the terms of payment are as they appear at the top of the quote or to and do hereby indemnify and hold harmless Seller against all costs and expenses,
ales order documents. Seller reserves tile right to require full or partial payment in advance including attorney's fees, damages, liabilities and judgments for personal injuries. including
of :mv shipment. or other payment atTangenientS whenever, in its judgment, the Financial death, resulting from the use of misuse of Seller's products, the Buyer's failure to provide
condition of Buyer flocs not justify shipment of the goods on the terms specified. U payment adequate instmcfions to individuals using the products, failure to provide required product
on the goods to Seller is in .irresrs, Seller shall have the right and option to ,,ithhold maintenzu -cc, arnUor I'mitire to bolt product as provided in Seller's Owner's Manual, however
warrt:rty rights. as outlined in the Cybex written Limited Warranty pertaining to each caused or alleged to have been caUSrd directly or indirectly by Buyer, its agents otficci:,
product or service sold or provided hereunder (the "Limited Warranty"), of to withhold directors andemployccs.
service and parts. If Buyer does not make payment(s) when due, Seller may declare all 13. AJOENDMENT, MODIFICATION or SUBSTITUTION: This document, together with
invoice amounts due and payable without notice to Buyer and shall have the right to charge it the Limited Warranty, shall contain the entire agreement between the patties. Any
finance fee of I t�z ;o or the highest rate allowed by law, if less) per each 30 day period. or modifications thereof must he in writing and signed by Seller. No prior dealings of the
pan thereof. for any invoice that is past due. Should Seller commence any actionts) or parties of trade custom not embodied herein shall alter the interpretation or enforcement of
otherwise seek to enf+.nce this agreement against Buyer, Buyer agrees to pay all attorneys) this contract.
Court and other collection expenses incurred by Seller, whether or not a law suit is filed. Id. DISCLAIMER OF WARRANTIES AND LIMITATION OF REMEDIES:
All disputes arising under this clrtcument shall be governed by the laws of the State of SELLER MAKES NO WARRANTIES, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, IVITH REGARD TO
5 S11IP1vtFN(': All products we shipped P.O.B. front origin, unless otherwise specified. THE APPLICABLE LIrb1ITAI) WARRAATY. BUYER SHOULD CONSULT 771E LIMITED
Howovei. it Buyer fails to make full payment as required, title shall revert to Seller upon IVARRAA"TY FOR THE TERMS, CONDI"TIOA'S AND LIMITATIONS OF "THE EXPRESS
detaolt by Buyer. Buyer is responsible for any loss of damage to shipments after leaving the WARRANTY PROVIDED HEREUNDER. BUYER ,ACKNOtVLEDGES AND AGREES
point of manufacture. Buyer is responsible for recording any shortages. damages or losses THAT BUYER HAS RECEIVED A COPY OF THE. LIA1171-1) WARRANTY APPLICABLE
on the Delivery Receipt at the time of delivery. A copy of Buyer's Delivery Receipt must be TO THE PRODUCT OR PRODUCES PURCHASED IIEREUNDF,R. ADDITIONAL
forwarded to the Cybex Customer Service Department. at the address identified in paragraph COPIES OF THE LIMITED IVARRANTY XIAY BE OBTAINED BY CALLING CYBEX
10 hereof, when damage or losses are claimed. All concealed damage, or damage not C'USTOXIERSERVICE TOLL FREPAT1- 888 GO- CYBEX.
apparent until the equipment is unpacked and examined, must be repotted to the Cybex NO PERSON HAS AUTHORITY TO AIAKE ANY STATFAIEN7S ABOUT THE
Customer Service Department at the address or telephone number identified in paragraph 10 PRODUCES SOLD IIERE:U.NDER AND SUCH STATEMENTS DO NOT CONSTITUTE
hereof within 48 horn of delivery. All concealed damage claims must he matte within WARRANTIES, .SHALL NOT BE RELIED UPON BY TI1E BUYER, AND ARE N'O'1 PART
iiican i 1 t days from fie delivery date. Buyer is responsible for notifying the Carrier to OF THESE STANDARD TERMS AND CONDITIONS, INCLUDING TIIE LIA111 1.1)
perllmn art inspection of the damages before the close of business on the tifteentlh day after WARRANTY INCORPORATED HEREIN. AL I. WARRgA "TIES OTHER THAN 7
kliwcry All packaging materials must be kept available by Buyer for the inspection. Failure WARRANTIES EXPRESSLY PROVIDED IIEREIN AND IN THE LlitfITLD WARRANTY
to rel?on it concealed dannage claim as outlined above will affect Buyer's ability to fully ARE SPECIF'IC'ALI Y EXCLUDED. IN THE CASE OF NON CONSUMER BUYERS, ALL
recover damages from the Carrier and will result in Buyer assuming any costs incurred for Lb1PLIED WARRANTIES OF AIERCHAN7ABILITY OR FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR
ieplacing or repairing the damage. PURPO.SEAREIIERE13YDISCI -4fAIED,
fi. BIDS AND PERFORMANCE: BONDS: Any or all administrative and handling charges IN THE CASE OF CONSUMER BLiYERS, THE, DURATION OF ALL I.�IPI_!FD
ihai may occur over surd above the prices quoted will be assumed by Buyer. WARRANTIES OF AIE'RCHAA OR FITNESS FOR A PARI'ICUI_AR PURPOSE
INSTALLATION: Buyer is responsible for installation of the equipment.. °zcept as IS 161 TO THE DURATION OF THE EXPRESS LVARRANTIES PRO1 %IDED
othhewise Provided herein or requested by Seller. In.stalla6on includes mmpackmg, 11F.R1 ANN) hV 771FAP1 LI.1,113F'I) tb':ARRAN _'Y.
and an olmati(mal check of the equipment. Unless otherwise specifically provided ill SETLER WILL ArOT Bli LLARIX FOR ANY DIRECT OR 1.1`DIREC7:
writing. Buyer has full responsibility for assuring the Carrier places the equipment in its final COA'SEQX FN7IAL OR INC'IDE;VIAh DA.b1AGES, LOSSES OR EXPEASES,
use location. Shipping and handling charges cover truckin and placement of equipment in INCLUDhVG. BUT N07' LIMITED TO COAIMERCLAI, LOSSES, BUSINESS
any predctennined location in your facility or home. Buyer will assume all costs and INTL;RRUPTION, OR DAMAGE TO PROPERTY OTHER THAN THE PRODUCT OR
cspertses uncwrcd as a result of deliveries requiring the equipment to be carried more than PRODUC'ISSOLO HEREUNDER.
100 feet front the closest point accessible by it commercial tractor trailer or those deliveries Notice to Consumer Buyers: Sonde States do not allow imitations on how long an
requiring the use of a hoist, other special equipment, services or additional manpower. implied warranty [asts, so the above limitation may not apply to you. Some States do not
Installation does not include the anchoring of product. Buyer is responsible for all anchoring. allow the exclusion or limitation of incidental or consequential damages, so the above
Buyer will asurnc all costs and expenses associated with transportation, storage, manpower, limitation or exclusion may not apply to you. `Chis warranty gives you specific legal rights,
and waiting tune for the equipment that is delivered to the requested location when delivery and you may also have odherrights which vary from State to State,
8- DFL.]VFRY: Any delivery date stated under this contract is the Seller's best estimate and ONLY:
is based upon prompt receipt of all necessary information and payment from Buyer. Seller SELLER RESERVES THE RIGHT TO ..MANDATE ALTERNATIVE DISPUTE
stakes no guataince of delivery by such date and shall have no liability of other obligation RE.SOLUTIO.N TO SETTLE ANY OR ALL 0,41AIS RESULTING FRO:1_1 THIS SALES
foe rdlurc to deliver on such date, regardless of cause, unless expressly stated otherwise. TRANSACTION. ALTERNATIVE DISPUTE RESOLUTION PROC'E'EDINGS WILL BE
Seiler shall have it( 'liability of other obligation hereunder if its performance is delayed or CONDUCTED IN THE STATE OF AIASSACHUSETTS ACCORDING TO THE
prevented to any extent by any event such as. but not limited to, any act of God, strike or C'O ;VAIF,RCIAL RULE'S OFTIIEAAIERICANARB ITRA770NASSOCIATIO:Sr.
work stoppage. fire. flood, accident, allocation or other controls of the Government It is understood between the parties that damage to the product, ineffectiveness of the
a ttlhorities, shortage of transportation. fuel, material and labor, or any other cause beyond tine product, or other unintended consequences may result because of many factors including the
Seller's reasonable control. nnanner of use or application of the product, all of which arc beyond the control of the Seller.
All such risks shah] be assumed by the Buyer.
An invoice of bill to be properly itemized must show; kind of service, where performed, dates service rendered, by
whom, rates per day, number of hours, rate per hour, number of units, price per unit, etc.
Purchase Order No.
361104 Cybex International, Inc. Terms
P.O. Box 8500 -1401
Philiadelphia, PA 19178 -1401
Invoice Invoice Description
Date Number (or note attached invoice(s) or bill(s)) PO Amount
4/10/12 829983 Cable for fitness machine 112.50
Total 112.50
1 hereby certify that the attached invoice(s), or bill(s) is (are) true and correct and I have audited same in accordance
with IC 5- 11- 10 -1.6
Clerk- Treasurer
Voucher No. Warrant No.
361104 Cybex International, Inc. Allowed 20
P.O. Box 8500 -1401
Philiadelphia, PA 19178 -1401
In Sum of
109 Monon Center
PO# or INVOICE NO kCCT #rrITLl AMOUNT Board Members
1096 -21 829983 4237000 112.50 1 hereby certify that the attached invoice(s), or
bill(s) is (are) true and correct and that the
materials or services itemized thereon for
which charge is made were ordered and
received except
3 -May 2012
112.50 Accounts Payable Coordinator
Cost distribution ledger classification if Title
claim paid motor vehicle highway fund