HomeMy WebLinkAbout209214 05/22/2012 CITY OF CARMEL, INDIANA VENDOR: 163800 Page 1 of 1 ONE CIVIC SQUARE INTERNATIONAL ASSOC OF CHIEF PO SECK AMOUNT: $435.00 CARMEL, INDIANA 46032 PO BOX 62564 BALTIMORE MD 21264 CHECK NUMBER: 209214 CHECK DATE: 5122/2012 DEPARTMENT ACCOUNT PO NUMBER INVOICE NUMBER AMOUNT DESCRIPTION 210 4357000 26164 1001030546 435.00 CONFERENCE IACP Invoice IACP Invoice 4,10 International Association of Chiefs of Police PAY THIS AMOUNT: 5435.00 P.O. Box 62564, Baltimore, MD, 21264, USA Return this portion with payment or fax a Phone: (703) 836 -6767 Fax: (703) 836 -4543 credit card information. Federal ID: 53- 0227813 Remittance Fax: 703 836 -5375 Tim Green Customer Number:01682694 Chief of Police Invoice /Order Number: 1001030546 Flake checks payable US funds to IACP or charge it to a credit card. Carmel Police Dept PO Number: 3 Civic Sq Date: May 15, 2012 Carmel, IN 46032 Customer: 1682694 Tim Green Order No.: 1001030546 Charge Amount: Balance Due (USD): 435.00 Credit Card Exp. Date: Check Amount: Credit Card Holder Name (Please Print): Check No: Signature: Credit Card Accepted (AE, MC, Visa, Discover) Circle One Please Send Payment To: International Association of Chiefs of Police, P.O. Box 62564 Baltimore, MD 21264 Product Order Date Fulfill Status Status Qty Unit Price Total LEIM2012_REG -LEIM 2012 Registration 05/15/2012 Active Active 1 435.00 435.00 Paid To Date 0.00 Current Amount Due: 435.00 Questions: (800) TI -IACP or email AcctsReceivable @theiacp.org Please disregard ifpaynrent has already been sent. Thank You! Keep this portion for your records Customer Number: 1682694 Invoice /Order Number: 1001030546 PO Number: Date: 5/15/2012 Balance Due (USD): 435.00 Tim Green Chief of Police Check Amount: Carmel Police Dept Check No: 3 Civic Sq Carmel, IN 46032 Charge Amount: Credit Card Used: The Intemational Association of Chiefs of Police Technology LEIM Section LEIM Page] of 3 INTERNATIONAL ASSOCIATION of CHIEFS of POLICE global leadership in policing 36th Annual IACP LEIM Training Conference Exposition May 21 -23, 2012 Indianapolis, IN 36th Annual LEIM Conference Technology Exposition The 2012 LEIM Conference is being hosted in Indianapolis, Indiana on May 21 23, 2012 at the Marriott Indianapolis Downtown Hotel The conference includes both plenary sessions and a host of workshops addressing excutive, operational, technical, and communications technologies, policy and practice. The Detailed Conference Agenda is now available, including speakers and workshop abstracts. IACP Committees (CJIS, Communications Technology, CCDE, and PSLC) will meet over the weekend (May 19 20) immediately preceding the LEIM Conference. lfe note Sp Baker Announced Lord Gordon Wasserman Police Technology in the New Economy: Responsible and Sustainable Planning for the Future In his keynote address, Lord Wasserman will discuss economic pressures facing police chiefs around the world. Too many chiefs have had to cut their scientific and technological support services to keep officers on the streets and visible. Lord Wasserman will discuss responsible and sustainable ways of using technology to meet this challenge. Gordon Wasserman served as Assistant Undersecretary of State for Police Science and Technology in the British Government 1983 1995, and has been the British Government's Adviser on Policing and Criminal Justice since June 2010. In January 2011, he became a member of the House of Lords where, as Lord Wasserman, he sits on the Conservative benches. Lord Wasserman previously served as special adviser on science and technology to the Police Commissioner of New York City and as special adviser and chief of staff to Police Commissioner John F. Timoney, Philadelphia Police Department. Questions? Please contact David J. Roberts Senior Program Manager, with any questions regarding the 2012 LEIM Conference, 800 843 -4227, ext. 858. http: /www.thelacp.org /Technology /LEI MSection /LEIM2012Conference /tabid /977 /Defaul... 5/15/2012 The International Association of Chiefs of Police Technology LEIM Section LEIM Page 2 of 3 Quick Links Conference Registration Hotel Reservations LEIM Exhibitors Sponsors Detailed Conference Agenda Win a new Amazon bindle Fire or an Apple Wad 3! Registered, paying LEIM Conference Attendees will have the change to win a new Amazon Kindle Fire and an Apple iPad 3rd Generation tablet (White, 16GB, WiFi) in raffle drawings held each day in the Technology Exposition Hall. Just visit our world class solution providers, gather tickets, and enter random drawings to be held each day of the conference. In addition, you will also have chances to win complimentary registrations to the 2012 IACP Annual Conference (in San Diego this fall), the 2013 LEIM Conference (in Scottsdale, AZ next May), and many other prizes! Register today! Conference Registration Online registration is now open for the 2012 LEIM Conference. Register Today to take advantage of the Late Registration Rate ($435 for IACP Members thru May 15, 2012). If you are not already a member, Join IACP today and register at the discounted member rate. IACP members also enjoy discounted rates at the IACP Annual Conference, a subscription to Police Chief magazine, and other benefits. LEIM Exhibitors Sponsors The LEIM Technology Exposition Hall features world -class solution providers with technologies and services to meet the evolving needs of law enforcement practitioners. Click here to see all the Exhibitors Sponsors featured at this year's LEIM Conference in Indianapolis! Hotel Reservations The 2012 LEIM Conference is being hosted at the Marriott Indianapolis Downtown Hotel IACP has negotiated a very favorable LEIM Conference rate of $91.00 plus tax for a single OR double room. We often sell out our hotel room block, so Make Hotel Reservations immediately to take advantage of this special discounted rate. The conference room block is quickly filling. Conference registration rates end April 20, 2012, or whenever the room block has sold out. Act today to guarantee your room! Learn more about what to do, where to eat, and all of the activities in lovely Indianapolis at Visit Indy! 2012 IACP. All Rights Reserved. 515 North Washington St Alexandria, VA, 22314 USA I phone: 703.836.6767 or 1.800.THE IACP I fax: 703.836.4543 Created by Matrix Group International, Inc. http: /www.theiacp.org /Technology /LEIMSection /LEIM2012Conference /tabid /977 /Defaul... 5/15/2012 INDIANA RETAIL TAX EXEMPT PAGE Ci o f Car XY� Y el CERTIFICATE NO. 003120155 002 0 PURCHASE ORDER NUMBER FEDERAL EXCISE TAX EXEMPT 35- 60000972 23M ONE CIVIC SQUARE THIS NUMBER MUST APPEAR ON INVOICES, A/P CARMEL, INDIANA 46032 -2584 VOUCHER, DELIVERY MEMO, PACKING SLIPS, FORM APPROVED BY STATE BOARD OF ACCOUNTS FOR CITY OF CARMEL 1997 SHIPPING LABELS AND ANY CORRESPONDENCE. 'URCHASE ORDER DATE DATE REQUIRED REQUISITION NO. VENDOR NO. DESCRIPTION Siii2 Intomiational Aowelation of Chlofo of Pollee CarmGI Pollco Dopmrtmonf VENDOR Bost 62664 SHIP 3 Civic Squ TO Camel, IN 46M Saltimom, PAD 212M (317) 079 CONFIRMATION BLANKET CONTRACT PAYMENTTERMS FREIGHT A ccount gip fOUNII�T�OF MEASURE DESCRIPTION UNIT PRICE EXTENSION ,account 00-6.00 9 Each Annual 1ACP LEDA training conference $435.00 $435.00 Sub Total: $435.00 s r� t m {ae m j 57 m Ij 4 Selc�� Pollnetrj lACP LEN conforanco fo Chiof C n i In Indianapolis -7)...� _...E Camel Polico Department Attn: Tema& Andam 3 Civic sguam Carmel, IN 2- PLEASE INVOICE IN DUPLICATE DEPARTMENT ACCOUNT PROJECT PROJECTACCOUNT AMOUNT Carmel Police Depot. f PAYMENT x.00 A/P VOUCHER CANNOT BE APPROVED FOR PAYMENT UNLESS THE P.O. NUMBER IS MADE A PART OF THE VOUCHER AND EVERY INVOICE AND VOUCHER HAS THE PROPER SWORN AFFIDAVIT ATTACHED. SHIPPING INSTRUCTIONS I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THERE IS AN UNOBLIGATED BALANCE IN SHIP REPAID. THIS APPROPRIATION SUE �E T TO PAY FOR THE ABOVE ORDER. /E� C.O.D. SHIPMENTS CANNOT BE ACCEPTED. PURCHASE ORDER NUMBER MUST APPEAR ON ALL ORDERED BY SHIPPING LABELS. ��aa THIS ORDER ISSUED IN COMPLIANCE WITH CHAPTER 99, ACTS 1945 TITLE Chl daf Police AND ACTS AMENDATORY THEREOF AND SUPPLEMENT THERETO. CLERK TREASURER DOCUMENT CONTROL NO. 2 6 16 4 A.P.V. COPY SIGN AND RETURN TO CLERK'S OFFICE VOUCHER NO. WARRANT ALLOWED 20 IN THE SUM OF ON ACCOUNT OF APPROPRIATION FOR Board Members PO# or INVOICE NO. ACCT #/TITLE AMOUNT DEPT. I hereby certify that the attached invoice(s), or bill(s) is (are) true and correct and that the materials or services itemized thereon for which charge is made were ordered and received except 20 Signature Title Cost distribution ledger classification if claim paid motor vehicle highway fund Prescribed by State Board of Accounts City Form No. 201 (Rev. 1995) ACCOUNTS PAYABLE VOUCHER CITY OF CARMEL An invoice or bill to be properly itemized must show: kind of service, where performed, dates service rendered, by whom, rates per day, number of hours, rate per hour, number of units, price per unit, etc. Payee Purchase Order No. Terms Date Due Invoice Invoice Description Amount Date Number (or note attached invoice(s) or bill(s)) 05/15/12 1001030546 payment for training conference $435.00 1 hereby certify that the attached invoice(s), or bill(s), is (are) true and correct and I have audited same in accordance with IC 5- 11- 10 -1.6 20 Clerk- Treasurer VOUCHER NO. WARRANT NO. ALLOWED 20 International Association of Chiefs of Police P.O. Box 62564 IN SUM OF Baltimore, MD 21264 $435.00 ON ACCOUNT OF APPROPRIATION FOR CPD Continuing Ed Fund PO# Dept. INVOICE NO. ACCT #/TITLE AMOUNT Board Members 26164 I 1001030546 I 570.00 I $435.00 1 hereby certify that the attached invoice(s), or bill(s) is (are) true and correct and that the materials or services itemized thereon for which charge is made were ordered and received except Thursday, May 17, 2012 4 T� Chief of Police Title Cost distribution ledger classification if claim paid motor vehicle highway fund