HomeMy WebLinkAbout209593 06/05/2012 CITY OF CARMEL, INDIANA VENDOR: 00351017 Page 1 of 1 ONE CIVIC SQUARE KIRBY RISK ELECTRICAL SUPPLY CHECK AMOUNT: $20,265.84 s4 a CARMEL, INDIANA 46032 PO BOX 664117 INDIANAPOLIS IN 46266 CHECK NUMBER: 209593 CHECK DATE: 6/5/2012 DEPARTMENT ACCOUNT PO NUMBER INVOICE NUMBER AMOUNT DESCRIPTION 651 5023990 5106227839 19,879.16 OTHER EXPENSES 651 5023990 S106285765 163.50 OTHER EXPENSES 651 5023990 S106293227 170.40 OTHER EXPENSES 651 5023990 S106304518 52.78 OTHER EXPENSES 74918 VERBAL KEVIN KEVIN R FORD WC29 WILL -CALL KEVIN BUHMANN FISHERS 317 598 -6170 05/15/12 3Oft 30ft PAND G1.5X2WH6 4.41 1ft 132.30 2.65 SLOTTED DUCT, PVC,1.5X2X6',WHT 30ft 30ft PAND C1.5WH6 1.04 1ft 31.20 0.62 DUCT COVER, PVC, 1.5W X 6', WHITE Billing Questions: Billing—request@kirbyrisk.com (765) 446 -3054 501502012 9:51:07 AM S106285765.001 Invoice Number S106285765.001 Subtotal 163.50 If paid by 06/10/12 you may deduct $3.27 S&H Charges 0.00 Invoice is due by 06/30/12 net of any cash discount. Sales Taxi 0.00 KEVIN BUHMANN e 163.50 0001:0001 Kirby Risk Page 1 of 1 TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF SALE ACCEPTANCE <}F THE GOODS PURCHASED ONTHIS INVOICE CONSTITUTES AND ACCEPTANCE OF THE 17E0!X1S AND CONDITIONS 8F SALE Nk"HICXIFOLLOW: Stock Merchandise is subject to u return charge. No goods may bcreturned without shipping ticket aud/nr invoice nomborund prior authorization. (Z) Nun'S1ockMenchaudioc is not returnable unless we can secure a "Returned Goods Authority" hnn.i the vendor. The CusNmorxcknn`v}cdg�:omndogocs that in all po,chuvcs i,rsoouxp,oavannmics.orimp}ie6wu,on|ioxo[nic,JanuabJi|yund6mco6runypxrticuJm pLIrmSe. AU The CUStOnier agrees that Seller will not be liable for any conscquential and Incident daniagesarising from any cause oysudaud Nvith the gnodspHocbosed from Seller. 'Taxes Prices shown do not iflCILKIC sales or ot taxics im on the."ale of goods. Taxes now or hc,exDorimgoyCJxpon`alcso,sbipuznxu`viUbcuddrdLo\bepozrbmucprice. F3u>zro21mrs'o njmbveu Seller for any such tax or provide Seller "jth ucccyuub)c tax exemption ccuifico/x. (o) Delay in DeliN ery Seller is not to be accountable for delays in delivery occasioned by acts ot'God or other circumstances over which Seller has no direct control. Factory shipment vr delivery dates are the best estimates nf our suppliers, and in no case dmU Seller be |iu6|o for any consequential nrspecial dmnugen a 6nm any do|uvindelivery. (7) Waiver The failure of Seller to insist upon the performance of any of the terins, or conditions of this contr or to exercise any right hereunder shAl not be dmiled to be a waiver of'such terms, conditions orn0hi in the future. nor shall it be deemed tohc u waiver ufuoy o/kcrlerm. uondidmn, or right under this cno|mux. Modification of Term and Conditions NntunmyoodcwndidnoyoderdmnUmx siucJhcrci,,and no agreement u,muermodUoQ.iuuuy*mypuqpoubng/omoJif�/bcse/onos.orcondhions.sbulihc Prescribed by State Board of Accounts City Form No. 201 (Rev 1995) ACCOUNTS PAYABLE VOUCHER CITY OF CARMEL An invoice or bill to be properly itemized must show, kind of service, where performed, dates of service rendered, by whom, rates per day, number of units, price per unit, etc. Payee 174625 KIRBY RISK SUPPLY CO Purchase Order No. PO BOX 664117 Terms INDIANAPOLIS, IN 46266 Due Date 5/21/2012 Invoice Invoice Description Date Number (or note attached invoice(s) or bill(s)) Amount 5/21/2012 S106285765. $163.50 I hereby certify that the attached invoice(s), or bill(s) is (are) true and correct and I have audited same in accordance with IC 5- 11- 10 -1.6 Date Officer VOUCHER 125010 WARRANT ALLOWED 174625 IN SUM OF KIRBY RISK SUPPLY CO PO BOX 664117 INDIANAPOLIS, IN 46266 Carmel Wastewater Utility ON ACCOUNT OF APPROPRIATION FOR Board members PO INV ACCT AMOUNT Audit Trail Code S106285765.1 01- 7202 -06 $163.50 Voucher Total $163.50 Cost distribution ledger classification if claim paid under vehicle highway fund DETACH UPPER PORTION AND RETURN WITH YOUR PAYMENT 74918 kevin MARK S BAYS PK PICK -UP KEVIN FISHERS 317 598 -6170 05/25/12 lea lea IDEA 35 -485 52.78 lea 52.78 TURN -LOCK PD TOOL W 110 BLADE Billing Questions: Billing_ request @kirbyrisk.com (765) 446 -3054 5f25720127:45:17AM S106304518.001 Invoice Number S106304518.001 Subtotal 52.78 S &H Charges 0.00 Invoice is due by 06/30/12. Sales Taxi 0.00 KEVI 2.78 0003:0003 K irby Risk Page 1 of 1 TERMS W41) OF SAAi kCCTPTAQ0V OF ME X) PURCHASED ON111HIS INS OIC.F CONSI'HIU VES N.ND AUTUTANCE (WHYMITNIS AND (XAMTIONS OF SA LV AWCH FUI LOVV WeliNbrehan(Use in pdrect to a i a ur�i, I �oge' Nk"' n�ny be leu shi G'Jk�!' invo,"c­c n I eltb�r azno I Nou-Stock ","ie-rehand6c i� ioot rernmWe indiss m: co" �_ecurc a We (3) `s Usyn, 1 in W vuvhmv� vs ervices >a r" PATS no Oman Wrimax0v (a 1 Y 1had numawks of MUMMAility for ar"'Y t 0 The UnQunr agmy Owl S Ter 01 nva In Mble Am vw ewwapemkol nA Arks"n KnigM ap. 1 1 law pacus no do P)i ..Aide salmowhor raxas p"Y on W" Wk of vqv� Wnpawn 1- ­414 uj'�' oz,',di loan 'K be W)"! unk pvchvc !Tiuv 10yu Ito" cmnany svj WN ovpl,' i fil Dei i c q Se 1 V iu a to bc at A pW. W kq§ :n de I i vc 1 iot l'-di b" s", G" I mi en i nvaus o F n ir s qT 1 n oid in v n shall SAM i lahle Or a I onsequm 1 or lux W (7) IS giver-- W Whize oeS, Wrin Aski ipw doe perM �v ace ofany or? inns m �o MY, WAS Lynom! or &V =WK ap"Q! Qr mv Awl! no In W Yd to boa v &wv ;m iemv "'Ji lit thf" bc Mend W bo 1 MAW ccmy I nit UnW W cowry 1, WdWkw kin of I s ms and anuo in any my vwVmhi,'1� t%nodi�'�' �"'N�111s, Cm sha;l l�' vwhwn conew DETACH UPPER PORTION AND RETURN WITH YOUR PAYMENT CUST EASE NUMBER' NUMBER REL 74918 S13016 TOM MYERS DIRECT JEFF COOPER FISHERS 317 598 -6170 05/25/12 ITEM P EXT AMOUNT CASH DISC DESCRIPTION ORDERQ TYj�SHIPQTY'j UNIT lea lea SEW 00046000 25.00 lea 25.00 0.50 PINION SHAFT KRPNM *SUBJECT TO VENDOR RETURN POLICY LEAD TIME 3 WORKING DAYS ITEM #5 2ea 2ea SEW 00106224 3.75 lea 7.50 0.15 OIL SEAL A35X47X7 NBR SEAL KRPNM *SUBJECT TO VENDOR RETURN POLICY 3 DAY LEAD TIME ITEM 9 AND 10 lea lea SEW 00104965 33.13 lea 33.13 0.66 6206ZJ BEEP GROVE BRG KRPNM *SUBJECT TO VENDOR RETURN POLICY LEAD TIME 3 WORKING DAYS ITEM 11 lea lea SEW 06413927 2.50 lea 2.50 0.05 SPACER TUBE D130XDE38XL32 KRPNM *SUBJECT TO VENDOR RETURN POLICY 3 WORKING DAYS ITEM 17 lea lea SEW 00117374 18.13 lea 18.13 0.36 6005 DEEP GROOVE BEARING KRPNM *SUBJECT TO VENDOR RETURN POLICY LEAD TIME 3 WORKING DAYS ITEM 25 Billing Questions: Billing (765) 446 -3054 If paid by 06/10/12 you may deduct $3.12 Invoice is due by 06/30/12 net of any cash discount. 0001:0003 A K irby Risk Page 1 of 2 I'E:., -AS 'rC"'--1) CONDITEM (MF nil AL]i', ACCEPTANCE OF THE (ARMIS PURCHASED HIS 1NV0ICE(',"0NSJ I'CUTFS AND .ACC EFTAACE OF! 11 Timms ATOD CONDIT WNS CHI SAIX WH KAI FIMMAY nw, raww5b nQns we c nure a Auimcd Mods Aw nxit," hu;n o f gcood. "i lid Sox wes Rom S eu cr. SeW lve�� 110 vvarrwaw�'W lypHed wpnwks f"or"o n"n'ficul�oz' H c Costow agree, that Winn wil rhn h Able W any incroarG Qnmys TOW, W-n Is -m No ;qmckwi yk A to pod V n AM 0. n SAW, (51 or e Ks F: nus S wini a at il:"� hj i.. �'l iel% -"ZhQV Who> A qKxcd m On ."W PMW c 1 Mi M V 'di ip n� T bw &I ::11 b 1 he purch` c wn. u 4) MY in 1')�'-Iivery scliel A ]UM to be 0 wo, Owe IN &W in vwy� chnnyvan"s over "Von scyor ha�� -'nj K Wim or mc anllt in, no n -a W SAW K Bble IN n-v 'Co" Speck or :;i dt"'� AW no be A cmed in he a "whTr of Rwh uaw, WOMM" u 01 Fernks '-'ondkionx Ho tenu and c .£?t.i' on! 7 Rion lose im theyw 6 ro agrmymm of undo Anmhng in nq mv pmpnily a imfe: these mov, ry c(wjW—. AM I&Kirby Risk INVOICE 1815 Sagamore Pkwy Lafayette, IN 47904 05/25/12 S106293227.001 74918 06/30/12 170.40 KIRBY RISK CORPORATION P.O. BOX 664117 INDIANAPOLIS IN 46266 -4117 SHIP TO: 297 1 AB 0.374 E0006X 1007 D485300952 P1073902 0002:0003 CARMEL WWTP 9609 HAZEL DELL PKWY x' CARMEL WWTP 760 3RD AVE SW INDIANAPOLIS IN 46280 -2935 CARMEL IN 46032 -2072 DETACH UPPER PORTION AND RETURN WITH YOUR PAYMENT Cus NUMBER RELEASE NUMBER 74918 S13016 SALESPERS SHIP DATE LIE UMBER TOM MYERS DIRECT JEFF COOPER FISHERS 317 598 -6170 05/25/12 lea lea SEW 13241265 45.00 lea 45.00 0.90 INA F- 554185.01 BRG KRPNM SUBJECT TO VENDOR RETURN POLICY LEAD TIME 3 WORKING DAYS ITEM 34 lea lea SEW 00105058 20.00 lea 20.00 0.40 6301 B.BRG DEEP GROOVE BRIG KRPNM "SUBJECT TO VENDOR RETURN POLICY LEAD TIME 3 WORKING DAYS ITEM 37 lea lea SEW 00108537 1.25 lea 1.25 0.03 O RING 58X2 KRPNM SUBJECT TO VENDOR RETURN POLICY'" LEAD TIME 3 WORKING DAYS ITEM 81 lea lea SEW 0641396X 1.88 lea 1.88 0.04 GASKET KRPNM SUBJECT TO VENDOR RETURN POLICY LEAD TIME 3 WORKING DAYS ITEM 102 lea lea SEW 00124966 1.25 lea 1.25 0.03 CLOSING CAP KRPNM SUBJECT TO VENDOR RETURN POLICY'" LEAD TIME 3 WORKING DAYS ITEM 131 Billing Questions: Billing_request @kirbyrisk.com (765) 446 -3054 Invoice Number S106293227.001 Subtotal 155.64 If paid by 06/10/12 you may deduct $3.12 S&H Charges 14.76 Invoice is due by 06/30/12 net of any cash discount. Sales Tax 0.00 0 170.40 0002:0003 Kirby/ Risk Page 2 of 2 DETACH UPPER PORTION AND RETURN WITH YOUR PAYMENT 74918 S13086 C -mom C HRIS LENTS WC51 WILL -CALL FISHERS FISHERS 317-598-6170 05/17/12 C HRIS LENTS Z= m 24ea 24ea HITA FRP CHANNEL FLIGHT 152.78 lea 3666.72 73.33 8" X 16-10 BLANK FLIGHT 7**SUBJECT TO VENDOR RETURN POLICY** 480ea 480ea HITA NM720S 12.79 lea 6139.20 122.78 NON-METALLIC DRIVE CHAIN (PER SPEC) KRDP SUBJECT TO VENDOR RETURN POLICY** with F228 attachments every 10feet 48ea 48ea HITA FILLER BLOCK 3 X 8 4.59 lea 220.32 HITACHI CHAIN KRDP SUBJECT TO VENDOR RETURN POLICY** 24ea 24ea HITA HARDWARE-FLIGHT MOUNTING KIT 21.42 lea 514.08 BAGGED 316SS KRDP SUBJECT TO VENDOR RETURN POLICY" 48ea 48ea HITA WEARSHOE, FLOOR, UHMW, REVERSI 5.21 lea 250.08 5.00 LE KRDP "SUBJECT TO VENDOR RETURN POLICY** 48ea 48ea HITA WEARSHOE, RETURN, LUG, UHMW 4.87 lea 233.76 REVESIBLE, 4-1/2"X3X3X1 /2 A KRDP SUBJECT TO VENDOR RETURN POLICY" 24ea 24ea HITA WEARSTRIP 26.37 lea 632.88 3/8 X 2-5/8 10FT, UHMW (FLOOR) KRPNM SUBJECT TO VENDOR RETURN POLICY" 24ea 24ea HITA HARDWARE-WELD WASHERS 8.10 lea 194.40 Billing Questions: Billing-request@kirbyrisk.com (765) 446-3054 If paid by 06/10/12 you may deduct $201.11 Invoice is due by 06/30/12 net of any cash discount. 0001:0002 Kirby Risk Page 1 of 2 i S A t\1, 24 1 1 V I 10 PC S 0 F SVA 1. 1!- ACCEPTANCE (IF THE MUMS PUR4 MASLD CONSI UNITS AN D ACcEPTA%CE ov Ttwrnnis,%oll) CONDFIT MS OFS ALL 111(1` 14TLAAM (2) N( 3.1 erchandise is V 7 YWOT-d 1-, '\,nd.css wk� CAT) "Rena'.ned (..goo& Aw fi the vanhu, TO Cusmmv ledf, and agees dw a 01 puRlawo of govk and �v Mcs honi SOW Wiler gov; no eNmws xvgrrart� (a Wphad wawuks of f""'T Wj ­10 CTSOM cylves That Jler -,vill no't �w l! 0 ic Q; a-Y %��OM�W my Mynx j"ITIS a7l (5, Gves Prices shown do Y 1 lude salm 3v other laws inyowd on cc wkwf qwd, Tmcs womr act tipon ales to shipawr v ill be Wo 1 tk,! purchaT�c p, ice. I (61 Wo in 1M SAW ow to be anw, =MW Rq dUVS h. dch�:, acts of Wd w Selic-i nodirec.l. Win nocav shall Sc1b; Z k3ble Rn From, :it delivcl,�, (7 Waiver 1 1- Qd1we NOW ;a WK !iAwri the petka Way urK runs or co Whin a fv, n_["act ot l u any right haeui A of hcKmwd to be a swinv of ail: h snow Anwhims oi Opt A thic hxT, nor W KY dwnwd w bv aWNIM Of 00 000 IM, LWATOM Ot' cownw 0 Modifivau of Terw W Cindk9w No term, "Wons wher than thow YnnaMinvim ani Lt, 4c. i xn e n t wrji,�en o'ns, Kirby Risk V IC 1815 Sagamore Pkwy Lafayette, IN 47904 05/17/12 S106227839.001 74918 06/30/12 19879.16 s KIRBY RISK CORPORATION P.O. BOX 664117 INDIANAPOLIS IN 46266 -4117 SHIP TO: 342 1 AB 0.374 E0018X 10024 D483567512 P1070965 0002:0002 CARMEL WWTP C/O KIRBY RISK ELECTRICAL «vy CARMEL WWTP 760 3RD AVE SW 11110 ALLISONVILLE RD CARMEL IN 46032 -2072 FISHERS IN 46038 -1837 DETACH UPPER PORTION AND RETURN WITH YOUR PAYMENT 74918 S13086 CHRIS LENTS 6WC5 WILL -CALL FISHERS 317 598 -6170 05/17/12 5 PIECE SET, BAGGED 316SS KRPNM *SUBJECT TO VENDOR RETURN POLICY 4ea 4ea HITA 720,23T,NYLON SPROCKET,SPLIT,STD KEY 555.56 lea 2222.24 HITACHI SPROCKET KRPNM "SUBJECT TO VENDOR RETURN POLICY 12ea 12ea HITA 720,17T,NYLON SPROCKET,SPLIT IDLER 356.48 lea 4277.76 HITACHI IDLER SPROCKET KRPNM "SUBJECT TO VENDOR RETURN POLICY 12ea 12ea HITA 6PAL STATIC SLEEVE FOR 2 -318" SHAFT 127.31 lea 1527.72 HITACHI STATIC SLEEVE KRPNM "SUBJECT TO VENDOR RETURN POLICY Billing Questions: Billing_request @kirbyrisk.com (765) 446 -3054 5018020121:48:16 PM s106227839.001 Invoice Number S106227839.001 Subtotall 19879.16 If paid by 06/10/12 you may deduct $201.11 S&H Charges 0.00 Invoice is due by 06/30/12 net of any cash discount. 1 Sales Tax 0.00 Vl (f 0 19879.16 JOE 0002:0002 Kirby Risk Page 2 of 2 Prescribed by State Board of Accounts City Form No. 201 (Rev 1995) ACCOUNTS PAYABLE VOUCHER CITY OF CARMEL An invoice or bill to be properly itemized must show, kind of service, where performed, dates of service rendered, by whom, rates per day, number of units, price per unit, etc. Payee 351017 KIRBY RISK ELECTRICAL SUPPLY Purchase Order No. PO BOX 664117 Terms INDIANAPOLIS, IN 46266 Due Date 6/4/2012 Invoice Invoice Description Date Number (or note attached invoice(s) or bill(s)) Amount 6/4/2012 S106227839. $19,879.16 I hereby certify that the attached invoice(s), or bill(s) is (are) true and correct and I have audited same in accordance with IC 5- 11- 10 -1.6 Date Officer VOUCHER 125043 WARRANT ALLOWED 351017 IN SUM OF KIRBY RISK ELECTRICAL SUPPLY PO BOX 664117 INDIANAPOLIS, IN 46266 Carmel Wastewater Utility ON ACCOUNT OF APPROPRIATION FOR Board members PO INV ACCT AMOUNT Audit Trail Code S106227839.1 01- 7202 -06 $19,879.16 Dv Voucher Total Cost distribution ledger classification if claim paid under vehicle highway fund