HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes BZA 10-24-19942i. FifihThird Bank (SV-79-94) Petitioner seeks approval for a variance from Section 25.7.04-1(b)(ii) of the Carmel/Clay Sign Ordinance to construct an additional sign on the west elevation of the new Kroger building. The site is located at 1217 South Rangeline Road. The site is zoned B-8/Business. Filed by Mr. Randal Anderson on behalf of Fifth Thrd Bank. Randal Anderson, 9100 Keystone Crossing, Indianapolis, appeared before the Board on behalf of the petitioner. Also present were: Tim Cling, property manager for Fifth Third Bank, Ken Hall, manager of the proposed branch, and Mr. Alley, president of the local Fifth Third Bank. The property is located at 1217 South Rangeline Road, Carmel, in the new Kroger Superstore. Two options had been proposed for signage: Option A, a box sign design, backlit, white letters; and Option B, and individual letters in a three square foot sign cabinet, displaying the logo of Fifth Third Bank. Mr. Anderson reported that Kroger, by letter, had indicated their consent to the individual letters in a wall sign. The petitioner has agreed to amend its petition to withdraw the Plan Commission's review of option A and commit to option B which is further described as follows: wall sign, cabinet type, 28 square feet, individual letters of white to match the existing design of Kroger's lettering currently on the building. The logo design is as follows: cabinet type, approximately 4 square feet, blue background of white letters with a small band of red trim around the edge of the letters. The petitioner is also committing to no future, additional requests for bank signage on this particular property. Mr. Anderson reported that at this point, Kroger has communicated that they are proposing no additional signage on the site. Kroger is well aware that any additional requests for signage will be reviewed by the Plan Commission, and the review would include signage for Fifth Third Bank as well as Kroger. Fifth Third Bank claims hardship under the present Sign Ordinance, in that the Kroger signage is already in place and there is no option for Fifth Third to have a ground sign or a wall sign. In view of the hardship, Kroger has consented to allow the petitioner to install the option B sign on the property. Mr. Klineman reiterated his position that Kroger, as Fifth Third's landlord, should have committed to some sort of sign package with Fifth Third Bank, and this should have been done at the time the lease was signed. Diana Cordray moved for approval of Docket SV-79-94, seconded by Bill Ensign. The vote was four in favor, none opposed; MOTION APPROVED.