HomeMy WebLinkAbout209869 06/19/2012 CITY OF CARMEL, INDIANA VENDOR: 358340 Page 1 of 1
CAROL STREAM IL 60197 -5017 CHECK NUMBER: 209869
CHECK DATE: 6119/2012
2201 4344000 839002189 15.98 839002189
Page: 1
CITY OF CARMEL Corporate ID: 1211568
3400 W 131 ST ST Invoice BAN: 839002189
CARMEL IN 46074 -8267 Statement Date: 06/01/2012
Payments Current TOTAL
Amount of Adjustments Applied to *Balance from
Applied through Charges Due AMOUNT
Last Bill 05/19/2012 Balance Due Previous Bill by 07/16/2012 DUE
33.26 19.34CR 0.00 13.92 15.98 29.90
Bill Summary For CITY OF CARMEL
Previous Charges and Credits
Amount of Last Bill 33.26
Payments Applied through 05/19/2012 See Account Summary (Invoice BAN) 19_. 34CR
Adjustments Applied to Balance Due
AT &T Long Distance 0.00
Total Adjustments Applied to Balance Due 0.00
*Balance from Previous Bill 13.92
Current Charges
AT &T Long Distance 15.98
Total Current Charges Due by 07/16/2012 15.98
Total Amount Due 29.90
*Balance from Previous Bill Detail
Charges due by 06/15/12 13.92
Total Balance from Previous Bill 13.92
Helpful Numbers
For Billing Questions 1- 888 270 -6565
For Repair Service 1- 877 286 -0200
For Payment Arrangements 1- 888 851 -1116
To Place an Order 1- 888 270 -6565
Page: 3
Corporate ID: 1211568
Invoice BAN: 839002189
Statement Date: 06/01/2012
Invoice Summary by AT &T Company
AT &T Long Distance Current Charges
Credits and Adjustments 0.00
Call Charges 14 B 9
Charges to Account 0.00
Surcharges and Other Fees 1.09
Government Fees and Taxes 0.00
Total AT &T Long Distance Current Charges $15.98
Page: 4
Corporate ID: 1211568
Invoice BAN: 839002189
Statement Date: 06/01/2012
Invoice Account Summary for All BANs
BAN: 839002189 (Invoice BAN) AT &T Long Distance Current Charges
CITY OF CARMEL Credits and Adjustments 0.00
Call Charges 14.89
Charges to Account 0.00
Surcharges and Other Fees 1.09
Government Fees and Taxes 0.00
Total for BAN: 839002189 $15.98
4740.002.012104.02.05.0000000 NNNNNNNY 20964.20964
Page: 5
Corporate ID: 1211568
Invoice BAN: 839002189
BAN: 839002189
Statement Date: 06/01/2012
Account Summary
BAN: 839002189 (Invoice BAN) AT &T Long Distance Current Charges
CITY OF CARMEL Credits and Adjustments 0.00
Call Charges 14.89
Charges to Account 0.00
Surcharges and Other Fees 1.09
Government Fees and Taxes 0.00
Total Current Charges 15.98
Abbreviation Key
Call Types: Direct (Direct Dialed), Card (Calling
Card), Coll (Collect), 3rd (Third Party), DA/Dir
Asst (Directory Assistance), Oper (Operator
Assisted), Ovrflw (Network Overflow), PP /Off
(Price Plan Off Network Route Advanced); Person
(Person to Person), Station (Station to Station).
Call Rates: Day, Eve (Evening), Std (Standard),
Econ (Economy), Dscnt (Discount).
Acct Account; Add'I Additional Period; Auth
Codes Authorization Codes; BAN Billing Account
Number; cr credit; min minute; PP Price
Plan; Promo promotional offer; Qty quantity;
Sec second; Sery Ord Service Order; yr year.
Effective August 12, 2012, the out of term rates
for High Volume Calling ll, High Volume Calling II
Plus, High Volume Calling_Ill..and High Volume
Calling IV (including out of term rates for
customized term contracts based on those plans)
will increase by 20% over the currently published
guidebook/tariff rates. If you are currently under
term agreement, you will not experience this rate
increase until your term agreement expires.
Please call your Account Manager or the number
4 aW
Page: 6
Corporate ID: 1211568
Invoice BAN: 839002189
BAN: 839002189
Statement Date: 06/01/2012
on your bill for more information.
Message Regarding Terms Conditions:
To view your Terms Conditions for AT &T Long
Distance, access www.att.com /servicepublications
or call AT &T at the toll free number on your bill.
Payments Applied to Balance Due
Date Applied Payment Method Payment Number Amount
1. 05/18/2012 Payment by Check 0000208951 19. 34CR
Total Payments Applied to Balance Due 19.34CR
Call Charges
Calls for 317 733 -0545
Switched Outbound Voice
Date Time Place and Number Called Type Rate Min:Sec Amount
2. MAY 09 2:30pm WOODLAWN MD 410 594 -9428 Direct Day 00:57 0.14
Subtotal Domestic Calls for 317 733 -0545 0.14
Total Domestic Calls for 317 733 -0545 0.14
Total Switched Calls for 317 733 -0545 0.14
Calls for 317 733 -1481
Switched Outbound Voice
Date Time Place and Number Called Type Rate Min:Sec Amount
3. MAY 18 8:21 am MCCORDSVL IN 317 336 -2628 Direct Day 01:05 0.16
Subtotal Domestic Calls for 317 733 -1481 0.16
Total Domestic Calls for 317 733 -1481 0.16
Total Switched Calls for 317- 733 -1481 0.16
4740.002.012104.03.05.0000000 NNNNNNNY 20965.20965
at &t
Page: 7
Corporate ID: 1211568
Invoice BAN: 839002189
BAN: 839002189
Statement Date: 06/01/2012
Calls for 317- 733 -2001
Switched Outbound Voice
Date Time Place and Number Called Type Rate Min:Sec Amount
4. MAY 01 2:52pm WHEATON IL 630 668 -8463 Direct Day 01:30 0.22
5. MAY 03 2:53pm CICERO IN 317- 984 -3551 Direct Day 01:57 0.29
6. MAY 07 1:38pm TIPTON IN 765 675 -7595 Direct Day 00:42 0..10
7. MAY 15 2:00pm MUNCIE IN 765 747 -0869 Direct Day 00:42 0.10
8. MAY 24 2:55pm CUMBERLAND IN 317 894 -6484 Direct Day 01:32 0.23
Subtotal Domestic Calls for 317 733 -2001 0.94
Total Domestic Calls for 317 733 -2001 0.94
Total Switched Calls for 317 733 -2001 0.94
Calls for 317- 733 -2003
Switched Outbound Voice
Date Time Place and Number Called Type Rate Min:Sec Amount
9. MAY 15 1:57pm ANDERSON IN 765 617 -2082 Direct Day 01:22 0.20
Subtotal Domestic Calls for 317 733 -2003 0.20
Total Domestic Calls for 317 733 -2003 0.20
Date Time Place and Number Called Type Rate Min:Sec Amount
10. MAY 03 1:26pm TORONTO 416- 392 -8345 Direct Discount 01:00 0.04
Subtotal International Calls for 317 733 -2003 0.04
Total International Calls for 317 733 -2003 0.04
Total Switched Calls for 317 733 -2003 0.24
Calls for 317- 733 -2004
Switched Outbound Voice
Date Time Place and Number Called Type Rate Min:Sec Amount
11. APR 26 9:39am CUMBERLAND IN 317 894 -0120 Direct Day 00:50 0.12
12. APR 27 2:59pm CICERO IN 317 385 -7550 Direct Day 01:13 0.18
13. APR 27 3:06pm WASHINGTON DC 202 659 -2229 Direct Day 04:22 0.65
14. APR 27 3:38pm MILWAUKEE WI 414- 271 -7250 Direct Day 02:01 0.30
4.% at &t
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Corporate ID: 1211568
Invoice BAN: 839002189
BAN: 839002189
Statement Date: 06/01/2012
Calls for 317- 733 -2004
Switched Outbound Voice
Date Time Place and Number Called Type Rate Min:Sec Amount
15. APR 27 3:40pm MILWAUKEE WI 414 276 -1234 Direct Day 03:42 0.55
16. APR 27 3:44pm MILWAUKEE WI 414 935 -5940 Direct Day 00:50 0.12
17. MAY 03 8:41 am FORT WAYNE IN 260- 747 -2312 Direct Day 02:36 0.39
18. MAY 03 10:18am PLYMOUTH MI 734 454 -5525 Direct Day 01:11 0.18
19. MAY 03 1:14pm FORT WAYNE IN 260- 747 -2312 Direct Day 02:19 0.35
20. MAY 10 1:30pm SHERIDAN IN 317 758 -4456 Direct Day 00:52 0.13
21. MAY 16 8:46am FORT WAYNE IN 260 747 -2312 Direct Day 00:18 0.04
22. MAY 17 1:11pm LAFAYETTE IN 765 494 -1898 Direct Day 01:28 0.22
23. MAY 22 10:55am LAFAYETTE IN 765 494 -4255 Direct Day 11:29 1.72
24. MAY 22 2:21 pm GREENWOOD IN 317 534 -4573 Direct Day 00:18 0.04
25. MAY 24 11:00am FORT WAYNE IN 260- 747 -2312 Direct Day 05:03 0.75
26. MAY 24 1:43pm FORT WAYNE IN 260- 747 -2312 Direct Day 00:44 0.11
27. MAY 25 8:03am BLOOMINGTN IN 812 335 -1084 Direct Day 00:18 0.04
28. MAY 25 8:13am FORT WAYNE IN 260- 747 -2312 Direct Day 20:13 3.02
Subtotal Domestic Calls for 317- 733 -2004 8.91
Total Domestic Calls for 317 733 -2004 8.91
Total Switched Calls for 317- 733 -2004 8.91
Calls for 317 733 -2005
Switched Outbound Voice
Date Time Place and Number Called Type Rate Min:Sec Amount
29. APR 26 2:OOpm LAFAYETTE IN 765 494 -0567 Direct Day 00:33 0.08
30. MAY 01 9:53am HOMEWOOD IL 708 799 -7747 Direct Day 00:21 0.05
31. MAY 01 11:30am CUMBERLAND IN 317- 894 -2121 Direct Day 00:27 0.07
32. MAY 01 11:33am CUMBERLAND IN 317 894 -2121 Direct Day 00:35 0.09
33. MAY 01 11:35am CUMBERLAND IN 317- 894 -2121 Direct Day 00:39 0.10
34. MAY 02 2:10pm KNIGHTSTN IN 765 345 -1024 Direct Day 00:55 0.14
35. MAY 04 7:55am MILWAUKEE WI 414 371 -6679 Direct Day 00:37 0.09
36. MAY 09 1:29pm HOMEWOOD IL 708 957 -4662 Direct Day 00:55 0.14
37. MAY 11 9:33am HOMEWOOD IL 708 957 -4662 Direct Day 01:49 0.27
4740.002.012104.04.05.0000000 NNNNNNNY 20966.20966
at &t
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Corporate ID: 1211568
Invoice BAN: 839002189
BAN: 839002189
Statement Date: 06/01/2012
Calls for 317 733 -2005
Switched Outbound Voice
Date Time Place and Number Called Type Rate Min:Sec Amount
38. MAY 11 9:40am HOMEWOOD IL 708 957 -4662 Direct Day 00:58 0.14
39. MAY 11 10:09am COLUMBUS OH 614 365 -2222 Direct Day 01:25 0.21
40. MAY 11 10:14am COLUMBUS OH 614 365 -2222 Direct Day 01:31 0.23
41. MAY 15 7:58am HOWELL MI 517 -540 -4570 Direct Day 00:24 0.06
42. MAY 15 10:20am COLUMBUS OH 614 365 -2222 Direct Day 02:58 0.44
43. MAY 22 3:16pm TIPTON IN 765 675 6736 Direct Day 02:17 0.34
44. MAY 22 3:27pm TIPTON IN 765 675 -6736 Direct Day 00:51 0.13
45. MAY 24 1:33pm LAFAYETTE IN 765 494 -0567 Direct Day 00:28 0.07
46. MAY 24 4:00pm TIPTON IN 765 675 -6736 Direct Day 01:30 0.22
Subtotal Domestic Calls for 317 733 -2005 2.87
Total Domestic Calls for 317 733 -2005 2.87
Total Switched Calls for 317- 733 -2005 2.87
Calls for 317 733 -2053
Switched Outbound Voice
Date Time Place and Number Called Type Rate Min:Sec Amount
47. MAY 01 3:22pm WESTNEWTON IN 317 821 -5850 Direct Day 01:19 0.20
48. MAY 07 9:23am CARNEGIE PA 412 747 -7343 Direct Day 00:41 0.10
49. MAY 10 1:54pm FRNK OLIVR CA 510 492 -0832 Direct Day 00:33 0.08
50. MAY 14 8:42am HOMEWOOD IL 708 799 -7400 Direct Day 00:39 0.10
Subtotal Domestic Calls for 317 733 -2053 0.48
Total Domestic Calls for 317 733 -2053 0.48
Total Switched Calls for 317- 733 -2053 0.49
Calls for 317 733 -2153
Switched Outbound Voice
Date Time Place and Number Called Type Rate Min:Sec Amount
51. MAY 21 11:01am GREENWOOD IN 317- 534 -4573 Direct Day 00:41 0.10
Subtotal Domestic Calls for 317 733 -2153 0.10
Total Domestic Calls for 317 733 -2153 0.10
Total Switched Calls for 317 733 -2153 0.
at &t
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Corporate ID: 1211568
Invoice BAN: 839002189
BAN: 839002189
Statement Date: 06/01/2012
Calls for 317- 733 -4600
Switched Outbound Voice
Date Time Place and Number Called Type Rate Min:Sec Amount
52. APR 30 4:16pm BRIGHTON MI 810 227 -7775 Direct Day 01:35 0.24
53. MAY 01 8:53am SANTA ANA CA 714 619 -3600 Direct Day 01:08 0.17
54. MAY 04 12:07pm FORT WAYNE IN 260- 437 -9218 Direct Day 01:20 0.20
55. MAY 24 3:51 pm FORT WAYNE IN 260- 437 -9218 Direct Day 02:56 0.44
Subtotal Domestic Calls for 317 733 -4600 1.05
Total Domestic Calls for 317 733 -4600 1.05
Total Switched Calls for 317 733 -4600 1.05
Grand Total Call Charges 14.89
Surcharges and Other Fees
Description Amount
56. Federal Regulatory Fee 0.11
57. Federal Universal Service Fee 0.80
58. IN Universal Service Surcharge 0.04
59. IN Utility Receipts Tax Recovery 0.14
Total Surcharges and Other Fees 1.09
4740.002.012104.05.05.0000000 NNNNNNNY 20967.20967
Prescribed by State Board of Accounts City Form No. 201 (Rev. 1995)
An invoice or bill to be properly itemized must show: kind of service, where performed, dates service rendered, by
whom, rates per day, number of hours, rate per hour, number of units, price per unit, etc.
Purchase Order No.
Date Due
Invoice Invoice Description Amount
Date Number (or note attached invoice(s) or bill(s))
06/01/12 839002189 $15.98
1 hereby certify that the attached invoice(s), or bill(s), is (are) true and correct and I have audited same in accordance
with IC 5- 11- 10 -1.6
Clerk- Treasurer
A T T Long Distance
P. O. Box 5017
Carol Stream, IL 60197 -5017
Carmel Street Department
2201 I 839002189 I 43- 440.001 $15.98 1 hereby certify that the attached invoice(s), or
bill(s) is (are) true and correct and that the
materials or services itemized thereon for
which charge is made were ordered and
received except
F iday �J ne 15, 2012
Street Commissl IV
Street Corr Qji6jissioner
Cost distribution ledger classification if
claim paid motor vehicle highway fund