HomeMy WebLinkAboutPacketTo: Carmel Plan Commission Special Studies Committee From' Thrifty Car Sales. Steve Schwartz representing Date: June 17, 2004 RE: Addendum to ADLS Amend. Docket No. 04050037 In reference to your report dated June 1, 2004 we have prepared the following additional information for your review. Please note that upon the recommendation of the committee Thrifty Car Sales tabled this item so that more information can be presented at the July 8 meeting. The department listed 4 concerns in their report. This additional information is for the purpose of addressing those concerns: 1. Concerning changes to the building exterior. Upon planned use by Thrifty Car Sales the build exterior was refurbished and painted to improve the appearance of the building exterior (formerly Highland Motors). The building was painted white with a blue stripe along the top of the south exterior. A photo is attached that shows this improvement. In addition, 4 existing light poles are being shortened and 4 new light poles added to add improved lighting to the building area. These changes reflect the improvements made as Thrifty Car Sales as a tenant. 2. Concerning banners were attached to poles in the parking lot. They have been removed per your request. 3. Concerning a banner was installed on the east elevati6n of the building. This banner has been removed per your request. 4. Concerning window signs. A non-permanent window graphic Thrifty logo was installed above the door to identify the entrance. This logo can be seen in the photo representation of the sign. The graphic is blue and is 6" x 24" in size. We have also installed our hours and address on the front door. The text is white and is 20" x 36" in area. We may change our hours as our business progresses so the number may differ in the future. We ask that this be included in your review. We met with Angelina Butler from the City on June 1 to review your report and to address any concerns. Her recommendations were what has been performed and included in this letter. If you require an~f further information please feel free to contact me at 250-0343. Thank you, Steve Schwartz Thrifty Car Sales 3400 E. 96th St. Carmel, IN 46032 West Elevation East Elevation VIA FACSIMILE ro~ City of Carmel Special Studies Committee Dept. of Community Services 1 Civic Square Carmel, IN From: Thrifty Car Sales 3400 E. 96th St. Carmel, IN 46032 May 28, 2004 RE: Request to table ADLS Amendment hearing Jon, Upon your advice and request for additional information we would like to table the scheduled June 1 review of our ADLS amendment and plan on presenting at the July meeting. We would also like to schedule a meeting with you to address the departments concerns at your earliest convenience. We would like to meet Tuesday, June 1, early afternoon if possible. We will call to confirm a time. Thank you for your assistance, Thrifty Car Sales Steve Schwartz ~ 0 - o.'e'-/'3 Water bY: _ ' Sewer by:._____ . .----- L!GItTING~ T~e of Fixt'are:___.__ ................ :----- Height of Fixture: * Plan~ to b, $.~-m,'~i~ ~'iO~d,'gF~otcandle ~prea& azproperF lines per the ordinance. , No. of Si.~: .... ~ Dirnensi~ of each si~: Bi x~ ) Square Fc:~.g~ of,.ac.k ai~ ~ ~ ...... - ............. Total ~eight of each ~i~:_~ ~ ~ ~ 3" , , , ~~ .... ~ . ~,,, - * Plan,s to be s~bmitted .showing.plant ~pes, s~es, and kcations i ~o unde~i~ed, 'm '~e be~t of my ~owle~e ~d holier, mbmt the above Illuminated channel letters 24" height letters"Thrifty". Total sign area is 31"x 155." (33 sq.ft.) ! ,,o The building sign is composed of logo white channel letters mounted on raceways painted to mat~~ the build?~, it is available in two sizes: - ,~1~ 2,4" ("T" height)xt3'3" wide The size to be used is dete~i~ by the heioht of the blueband fascia: Under 4'. Use the ~4" ,'l~ight Over 4'. Uee the 36" heioht eign - Any deviations from this desi~ must be approved in writing by the Image and Compliance department. A~I eigns are obtained for DTO Supply, Inc. oo'_ SO H OD O, 04'2c 15' SANITARY SE'i~.R AND UTIUTY EASEMENT PER: ER '1,, PG 88 ANO ER 1, PG 620 LF~GAL DESCRIPTION OF ~ ti~ST HAI~ OF ~ ~UI'~~' QU.~~ OF S~T[ON 7, ~~SHIP 17 NOR~ ~GE 4 ~l ~~LTON C~N~, ~DI~.& MORE P~~CU[~¥ D~t~~ ~ FOLLOW: BEG/NN~G 1159,59 F~ SO~H fl9 DEGREF~ 57 ~UT~ ~ S~ND$ ~ (~~ B~~G) ~ T~ SOUI}~gT CORN~ OF ~ EkW ~ OF ~IE ~U'~~ QH~~ OF ~CI1ON 7, ~~~t~ 17 S~ON~g ~W P~. ~~1 T~ ~ L~ OF ~ ~W ~~ 331,66 ~~ T~CE ~~I 89 LINE OF SAID ~ ~I~; ~CE NOR'~ ~ DBGRF~ 57 ~~~ ~~' ON ~ ~ONG ~~ L~E a62.33 DE~ TO ~ P~E OF BF~~G. DESCRIPTION dated !7 i~R'~ RANGE 4 AS FOLLOWS: 8~INNING AT A polr, rr ON T~;E SOUlrrI QUART~R OF SF~~ L T~~P 17 ~NGE. 4 ~T ~'~CH IS 698.97 ~~ 57 BFARING) OF ~ sotrr.~~r C~F~ OF l~: OF ~ ~IY~~T Qu~~ ~CE D~~t?~ 57 ~bq~ ~ ~ ~U~ LINE 1~).~ ~ TO A POI~ W~HCH IS ,;72.95 ~JF NOK'IH 57 ~O~ W~F OF ~IE ~r I~E ~ ~IE H~; OF $~D ~~CE ~RTH ~) 05 M~U~8 ~ ~O~ ~1' DES C~ION · V _ DESCRIPTION VIII from Lawyers Title I~,ronc¢ 1999 ~t 8:00 ~) PdtS~T NUMBER FOIl Paree 10, 1999 PAGE 477. ~tio, n~:: Pat~ 1 limit~, of S~ 2aa d~: - Ag $L:rI' FOR' LF~AL Parcel X (Quo~ ~ 10,1999 at AS SET PRO'I OF JANUARY 3 NOTES 7509 East U.S, Highway 36 34~30 E. 96th Street Avon, IN 46123 Ind!anapolis, 1N 46240 272.5108, Fax 272.5182 815.8121 * Fax 272.5158 Highline Motors 6784 Hawthorn Park Drive Indianapolis, IN 46220 (31T) 815-0800 April 27, 2004 Attn: Erin Remmick . Sign-a-rama I approve Sign-a-rama to install a sign at 3400 E. 96t~ Street per the drawing attached. Thank you. Sincerely, Dave Mann President