5 (V) 12085 River Rd Pole Barn.
The applicant seeks the following development standards variance approvals for:
Docket No. 11100008 V ZO Ch. 25.01.01.A: accessory building with no principal building
Docket No. 11100009 V ZO Ch. 25.01.01.B.5: maximum ground floor area
The site is located at 12085 River Rd. It is zoned S- 1/Residence, within the Flood Hazard District. Filed by
Kimberly Wise, owner.
General Info: This site is
currently zoned S -1 /Single
Family residential. It is also
within the Flood Hazard
District. The petitioner seeks a
variance to allow a Pole Barn to
be constructed on the site (which
is considered an accessory use)
without a principal building
being built. The petitioner also
wishes to construct the pole barn
to a size that is larger than
allowed for an accessory
building. The proposed use of
the pole barn is to store
landscaping equipment. The site
is located on River Road just south of 122n Street. Surrounding the property is single family housing, and directly to the
south of the property is a water treatment plant. Please see the petitioner's informational packet for more detail.
Analysis: Single family residential surrounds this site and the construction of a pole barn would detract from the
residential character of this area. The proposed pole barn is large in size, with four 12 foot overhead doors, and is not
architecturally compatible with the existing single family homes built in the surrounding developments. There is also
concern that this site would function more as a business since it would be used for the storage of landscaping equipment
for a business. Granting these variances would essentially allow this site to operate in a non residential way and could
have an adverse affect on the area.
Findings of Fact. Variance for accessory building without a principal building:
1. The approval of these variances will be injurious to the public health, safety, morals, and general welfare of the
community because: it is not consistent with the zoning or the existing land uses surrounding this site.
2. The use and value of the area adjacent to the property included in the variance will be affected in a
substantially adverse manner because: this site will not function as a single family residential site, and will be used
by a business for storage.
3. The strict application of the terms of the Zoning Ordinance to the property will not result in practical
difficulties in the use of the property because: a single family home could be constructed on this parcel.
Findings of Fact, Variance for an increased maximum floor area:
1. The approval of these variances will be injurious to the public health, safety, morals, and general welfare of the
community because: the large pole barn is not compatible with the surrounding single family homes, architecturally
or otherwise.
2. The use and value of the area adjacent to the property included in the variance will be affected in a
substantially adverse manner because: this site will not function as a single family residential neighbor, and will be
used by a business for storage.
3. The strict application of the terms of the Zoning Ordinance to the property will not result in practical
difficulties in the use of the property because: a single family home could be constructed on this parcel.
Recommendation: The Dept. of Community Services recommends negative consideration of Docket No. 11100008 V
and Docket No. 11 100009 V after all questions and concerns have been addressed.