HomeMy WebLinkAbout210245 07/05/2012 CITY OF CARMEL, INDIANA VENDOR: 364397 Page 1 of 1 ONE CIVIC SQUARE AKZO NOBEL PAINTS CARMEL, INDIANA 46032 21033 NETWORK PLACE CHECK AMOUNT: $774.00 CHICAGO IL 60673 CHECK NUMBER: 210245 ITUM 4 CHECK DATE: 7/5/2012 DEPARTMENT ACCOUNT PO NUMBER INVOICE NUMBER AMOUNT DESCRIPTION 601 5023990 0496- 3005291 -30.00 MATERIALS SUPPLIES 601 5023990 0496- 305007 804.00 MATERIALS SUPPLIES O E 148 W CARMEL DR den CARMEL IN 46032 P R OFES SIONAL (317) 846 -4221 )TM SOLD TO SHIPPED TO 003888 CARMEL UTILITIES CARMEL UTILITIES WATER OPERATIONS WATER OPERATIONS 3450 W 131ST ST 3450 W 131ST STREET CARMEL IN 46074 -8267 WESTFIELD IN 46074 6214 GATE SHIPPED" JO8 REFEAENGE CONTRACT NBR ORDER TYPE TERMS,OF;SALE� 06/12/12 NET 30 DAYS PONUIv16ER(S), ft »E P,:ODATE a «.BILLOF,LADINGNBR SHIPPED= VIA.'_: OUR TRUCK ,;'CUSTOMER'NB,R CARMS,NBR- N,;SHIPPEDFROM Customer Service Telephone Number 0496 0246200 05159984 0496 C317) 846 -4221 ra c t' €IaE i PRODUGT CODE�� SIZE PRODUCT COLOR UNIT CUSTOMER F AKZO DESCEiIPTION /INFORMATION „NUMBER aUANTY WW 4216 -9400L 01 1 GAL DEVFLEX HP WB /ACR /SG ENA SAF Y 24 33.50 804.00 REMARKS COMMENTS -`SUBTOTALS 24 804.00 SALES TAX: EXEMPT 0.00 TINT BASES MAY BE SHORT FILLED TO ALLOW ADDITION OF COLORANT. THIS MATERIAL IS SOLD SUBJECT TO v 'V c THE TERMS AND CONDITIONS CONTAINED ON THE REVERSE SIDE. RETAIL SALE OF AKZO NOBEL PAINTS LLC PRODUCTS REQUIRES THE USE OF AKZO NOBEL PAINTS LLC COLOR CARDS AND RELATED COLLATERAL; AKZO NOBEL PAINTS LLC PROVIDES THESE MATERIALS ALONG WITH ORDERS OF AKZO NOBEL PAINTS LLC INVOICE TOTAL 804.00 SHIPPED SEPARATELY WITH FREIGHT PREPAID AND THE TITLE PASSING ON DELIVERY TO CARRIER. POIALI(04 /10) Please Remit To: AKZO NOBEL PAINTS LLC ORIGINAL INVOICE 21033 NETWORK PLACE CHICAGO I L 60673 -1210 InvoiceNbr: 0496 305007 Invoice Date: 06112112 Page 1 of 1 TERMS AND CONDITIONS T h e sale m any products desc or referred to herein is expressly conditioned upon the terms and conditions set forth below. Any order for or any statement or intent to purchase any such products, or any direction to proceed with such purchase shall constitute assent to said terms and conditions. Any additional or different terms or conditions set forth in any such communication from the Buyer are hereby objected to by the Manufacturer and/or Akzo Nobel Paints LLC DBA Glidden Professional (Seller) and shall not be effective or binding unless assented to in writing by an authorized representative of Seller. 1� Risk of loss shall pass from Seller to Buyer m the time the pmuvmo are removed from aoxw,'s premises or, if applicable, tendered m the carrier. After risk m loss has passed m Buyer, Buyer shall file all claims for loss o, damage with the carrier. Buyer shall be liable to Seller for the full price of the goods, irrespective of loss or damage in transit. Seller shall not be required to prov freight cos receipts to Buyer and freight charges may ua estimated at the time nrinvoice. ompnmo dates are estimates and Seller shall not be responsible i, delays occur despite Sellers reasonable efforts. u. Prices an aymments. Product prices may uo revised from time to time uySeller. All payments shall be made in U.S. currency. All late payments will bear interest at the rate mxthe |eoee, mum per month or the max/mum onowumo by applicable |mx. All uo"pmmnm xnamem upon the numuution, mmnmeo,, oa|e, storage and m,ppoa/ of the p,ouvuts, inmumns, but not :m/veu tv, uno, occupm/on, export and import taxes and uuums, shall be paid by Buyer. n credit isextended, Seller may withdraw u, modify credit terms m any time without notice. n Seller determines it is insecure concerning Buyer's financial nwnunmn or Buyer has failed to timely pay for pmu"cts, Seller may revoke Buyer's credit, suspend or terminate performance on this andlor other orders, agreements or shipments, and seek other legal and/or equitable relief. a. RETURNED GOODS. No goods may be returned for any reason without Seller's written permission, x returned for reasons other than Seller's error m filling Buyer's order, the Buyer will receive a credit in the amount of the billed price of the goods returned less a handling charge not to exceed 25% on wallcovering and 15% on all other items, if returned in 90 days (30 days for wallcoverings) of the invoice date. Amount or credit given for materials returned after yo(an) days iesubject to negotiation. avnua returned tn Seller are touwshipped by the Buyer ro.B. Seller's designated warehouse. 4. FAIR LABOR STANDARDS ACT. Seller warrants that all goods furnished hereunder have been produced in nnmpxpooe with all applicable laws and m9v/ononn, mn/umno the applicable mno/,emoom of the F*/, Labor Standards Act, as umenuou, and of ,anv/uuvna and oruo,n of the U.S, Department v, Labor issued :*rxvnur,. Seller also is in compliance with applicable requirements o, Executive Order /1141 and 112*e. am well wuthe noxamotuonn Act uv1erx. as amended. s. FORCE MAJEURE. Seller shall not be liable for delays in uvovory or v*rformonvp, nr for failure tv munvoovm,o, uex"o, or perform, due to (1) a nav,v ueyvou its reasonable control, ,,(2) an act m God, act vrBuyer, act m civil m military um |ty ta/ priority, strike or other labo mstumanoo, flood, epidemic, war, not, myav in transportation o, car shortage, o,(3) inability on account mw cause beyond the emsunmu/e cnmm/ of Seller to obtain necessary materials (including energy source), components, services or facilities. Quantities so affected shall be eliminated from this contract nimvm oauixtv, but this ommram ooux otherwise remain vnammot*u. noxo, moy, during any period of shortage due tvany of the ouo", causes, allocate its supply m raw materials among its various uses therefor (e.g, manufacturing and sales) in such manner as Seller deems practicable and allocate its supply of such goods among such various users thereof in any manner which Seller deems fair and mao^mamo. n. LIMITED WARRANTY. Subject tome "limitation of nomxty" section uumw the Manufacturer and/or Seller warrants that the yvuuo sold hereunder will conform ov Manufacturer's standard specifications. MANUFACTURER AND/OR SELLER MAKES wo REPRESENTATION oR WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, WITH RESPECT TO THE GOODS, WHETHER AS TO MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE OR ANY OTHER MATTER. r. LIMITATION OF LIABILITY. avve,sow//yi,ew,iu=nncumeoxnnyv|u/mwumntmn»(xv) uay*ortxeuu,eufuenveryauuaovacunnfvroneachn/tms contract must uo commenced within one year after the cause of action has accrued. MANUFACTURER AND/OR SELLER SHALL NOT BE RESPONSIBLE, OBLIGATED OR LIABLE FOR ANY APPLICATION OR USE OF OR TO WHICH THE PRODUCTS DELIVERED HEREUNDER MAY BE PUT EITHER SINGLY on/w COMBINATION WITH OTHER PRODUCTS unINGREDIENTS. FURTHER, IT IS EXPRESSLY UNDERSTOOD AND AGREED THAT BUYER'S EXCLUSIVE REMEDY AND MANUFACTURER'S AND/OR SELLER'S SOLE LIABILITY FOR ANY AND ALL LOSSES AND DAMAGES TO BUYER RESULTING FROM ANY CAUSE WHATSOEVER INCLUDING MANUFACTURER'S AND/OR SELLER'S NEGLIGENCE, ALLEGED DAMAGED OR DEFECTIVE GOODS, IRRESPECTIVE OF WHETHER SUCH DEFECTS ARE DISCOVERABLE on LATENT, SHALL /mwo EVENT EXCEED THE PURCHASE PRICE orTHE PARTICULAR PRODUCTS WITH RESPECT ro WHICH LOSSES on DAMAGES ARE CLAIMED, onxT THE ELECTION orTHE MANUFACTURER AND/OR SELLER. THE REPAIR on REPLACEMENT oF DEFECTIVE on DAMAGED PRODUCTS. IN NO EVENT, INCLUDING IN THE CASE OF A CLAIM OF NEGLIGENCE, SHALL MANUFACTURER AND/OR SELLER ecLIABLE FOR INCIDENTAL on CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES. o. Related Products. ''nmatou products" are goods not manufactured by Seller, vr that are supplied aoan accommodation tnBuyer. Seller has no responsibility for related products, and such products, as between Buyer and oeoo,, are accepted by Buyer ''os is", all prices are F.o.B, n//wteu product manufacturer's factory. SELLER MAKES NO, AND HEREBY DISCLAIMS ANY WARRANTY FOR RELATED PRODUCTS. EITHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING, WITHOUT LIMITATION, ANY WARRANTIES OR MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. THE SOLE WARRANTY, IF ANY, CONCERNING RELATED PRODUCTS SHALL BE THAT OF THE RELATED PRODUCTS MANUFACTURER. Buyer agrees that Seller shall not be liable for claims, damage, injuries, delays or other mye unpmo from related p,uuuvu*. mmmos» Buyer and Seller agree Seller h as no respons ibility for related products, x Seller is nonetheless determined to be liable for such products, Seller's SOLE AND EXCLUSIVE OBLIGATION oxun be limited unthe mneemoe between the related pmuvm maoumcm,n,'s price to Seller and muno,'a price to Buyer for mmmu product which is the subject mthe specific dispute or claim. FORM 7680-^m PRINTED /w"�^w`w GLIDDEN PROFESSIONAL 148 W CARMEL DR CARMEL, IN 46032 PH: (317) 846 FX: (317) 575 -8013 TRANSACTION EID INVOICE N0. DUPLICATE INVOICE Nlisc Credit 049603005291 STORE NO. CUSTOMER NONVOI C ED THIS IS A MEMO ONLY 0196 0246200 6/22/12 13:47 s CARMEL UTILITIES s CARMEL UTILITIES O 04960246200 H (317) 733 -2855 Please Remit To: D (317) 733 -2855 P WATER OPERATIONS NOBEL PAINTS LLC T WATER OPERATIONS T 3450 W 131ST STREET AKZO AKZO NETWORK PLACE 0 3450 W 131ST STREET 0 WESTFIELD, IN WESTFIELD, IN 46074 CHICAGO, Iv 60673-1210 46074 TERMS CODE: NET 30 DAYS HQ TXN 000305291 CUSTOMER P.O. NO. SHIP VW DATE SHIPPED TERR. EMP. ID PAYMENT TYPE O PKGS. Unknown 6122.12012 328 JK Charge PRODUCT CODE SIZE DESCRIPTION ORDERED SHIPPED UNIT PRICE PRICE EXTENSION a .Soo 7 s Q 14 O D 'C kQ to 1--0 0 6 1 cr2a� SUB TOTAL -30.00 TOTAL Tax 0.00 R!L NO.: SHIPPED: 0 AUTHORIZED APPROVAL Tracking ID: 049603005291 INVOICE TOTAL -30.00 Reason Code: CUSTOMER SATISFACTION MFG Comments: price was 1.25 too high per gallon ON ACCOUNT -30.00 EMERGENCY CONTACT 1 $00 4 D.O.T. OERTIF. CATION: THIS IS TO CERTIFY THAT THE HERE IN NAMED MATERIALS HAZARDOUS MATERIAL SHIPPING PAPER ARE PROPERI.Y CLASSIFIED, DESCRIBED, PACKAGED, MARKED AND LABELED, AND ARE IN PROPER CONDITION FOR TRANSPORTATION ACCORDING TO THE APPUCASLE 7 5F2 2 CYY_. :'�Nlf. 5 CP4 D -GI. 1AWfIM)s REGUL0.7IONS OF THE DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION. IN RURELX ('14UMS MA"IE14AC Pft '13t v2 13!t NO PG;i. ND. frX S3 NOME AKZO NOBEL P AINTS, LLC SHIPPER tkv 126 3 Prtlra i a, fX;a TNT BASES MAY M 9 HORT FILLE D TO ALLOW ADDITION OF COLORANT. THIS MATERIAL UN '1 iYi;!, PAI147" ;y, Ra 11! IS SOLD SUBJECT TO THE TERMS AND CONDITIONS CONTAINED ON THE REVERSE SIDE AND YOUR SIGNATURE BELOW CONFIRMS YOUR ACCEPTANCE OF THE SAME. FORM 3340 PRINTED IN U.S.A oven TOTAL X CUSTOMER SIGNATURE T CI Xd.I 1317631Sd dH wU8 T G. Z T OZ SZ unr ti i Glod.dn PROFESSIONAL TM GLIDDEN'PROFESSIONAL f 148 W GARMEL DR CARMEL, IN 46032 PH: (317) 846 -4221 FX: (317) 575 -8013 Tuesday, 12 June 2012 9:53 AM Cashier: CB Txn Type: Commercial Transaction HQ TXN 000305007 .Track ID: 049603005007 Customer 04960246200 0 ..'C UT ARMEL ILITIES THIS IS A MEMO ONLY DE LEX HP WB /ACR /SG ENA SAF Y $804.00 4216- 940OL01 24 33.50 Total Item(s) 24 II II II SubTotal: $804.00 II II Tax: $0.00 II II TOTAL PAID: $804.00 II 11 II ice_._ Tender Details On AccountC804.00 (III�II III I (IIII ��III VIII I�III ��I�I VIII VIII �IIII IIII IIII 0496 03 005007 r' HQ TXN 000305007 Tracking ID: 049603005007 Please refer to Terns and Conditions posted in store VOUCHER 121287 WARRANT ALLOWED 364397 IN SUM OF AKZO NOBEL PAINTS LLC- GLIDDEN 21033 NETWORK PLACE CHICAGO, IL 60673 -1210 Carmel Water Utility ON ACCOUNT OF APPROPRIATION FOR Board members PO INV ACCT AMOUNT Audit Trail Code D Cq 00 0496- 305007 01- 6200 -06 $774.00 (w m Voucher Total $774.00 Cost distribution ledger classification if claim paid under vehicle highway fund Prescribed by State Board of Accounts City Form No. 201 (Rev 1995) ACCOUNTS PAYABLE VOUCHER CITY OF CARMEL An invoice or bill to be properly itemized must show, kind of service, where performed, dates of service rendered, by whom, rates per day, number of units, price per unit, etc. Payee 364397 AKZO NOBEL PAINTS LLC- GLIDDEN Purchase Order No. 21033 NETWORK PLACE Terms CHICAGO, IL 60673 -1210 Due Date 6/26/2012 Invoice Invoice Description Date Number (or note attached invoice(s) or bill(s)) Amount 6/26/2012 0496- 305007 $774.00 I hereby certify that the attached invoice(s), or bills) is (are) true and correct and I have audited same in accordance with IC 5- 11- 10 -1.6 Date Officer