HomeMy WebLinkAboutCorrespondence GOMEL TECHNICAL ADVISORY COMMITTEE MEETING AGENDA Date: Wednesday, NoVerriber '16; 2011 Place: Dept. Of Conuritinity'Sefyices Hall. 14otel: of Public'Lltilities of City of Indianapolis d/b/a Citizens Water (CW) flas:10 below listed TAC agenda tOpics.:OVV'S response for each topic is tioteilAn the Bold BlUeleXt belOWeaeli •topic.descripitiOn. .9:00 AA. -St: Mary St. Mark COPOc.'0fthodox Church. The applicant seeks the folIOWing special use•&deVelopment.standards variance approvals: DoCket.No..11100013.S11 ZO Ch 5.02: Special. Uses, religious use Docket No I110001 4 V ZO Ch 5:04;01: Ma/‘:;bUilding height exceeds 35 The site is 'located at 12174, ShelboThe Rel. It is zoned S-1/Residence Filed by Don '17Iighlander;of LL:C. CW has no objection to the above described request This site is not served by CVV. The-Sitels withiri:the:Oainiel Service Terrifory2 serving this Vidinity. Carey Addition, Lot 3 Starting Line PreSchool. The,applicariVseeks use approval Docket No 11100019 SU ZO 'Ch. 8.02: Special Uses, preschool; The Site'is'locatedat, Ave NE It is zoned R-2/Residence and lies with the Old 'Torn Overlay Character Filed, by Diane, Atkins. cyv, has no objection tithe aboyedesCribed request This site is not served by CW. The site is within the Carmel Utilities Service Territory, currently serving this vicinity. 9:20 a.M.. -T abled indefinitely:' Merchants' Square, Enterprise Rent-A-Car (former Hardee's site). 1 he applicant :Seeks the-folloVing use variance=approVaffcif.an 'auto leasing business: Docket No 11 100006 1T ZO Ch. 0.01: Permitted Uses. The site is located at 2350-:K 11 e St. ItiS Zoned11-8/BuSiness, FiletrbY Jeff Gowdy of Enterprise. CW has rib abjeCtibr it& the above described ..requeSt. This site is not served by CW The site theCarnriellitilitieSSeriteTerrifory,ourrently Serving this vicinity. 9 30 a ni Doekti;No.1_1140 OP/ADIS: Gramercy PUlll':(114ohmvk Hills Redevelopment) The applibatifseeksssite plan and design, approval tor a'iritiltifamily apartments infill•and rehabilitation project on 1 0:4 acres. ThqSiteiSlocatediat.approximately- 751 E. 126th Street, at the southwest corner 126 St. and KeyStoneTkWy. .The "-Site is zoned PUD/Planned Unit Deve)OP4*lit. Filed by MaltheNy20iiffin of Buckingnam 'OW 6e:nts"objeCtiOn to the above deScribed.reqUeSt'ThiS site is not served by CW The site is 'Within' the.Carmel Utilities Service Territory, -citrientlY:serving this Vicinity. File: TA02011-1116.d6e Page 1 of 1' WWW.CARNIEL.IN:QOV ONE CIVIC SQ. CARMEL,1N46032 (317)571-2417 �`�Y C ity of Cr e1 ANN DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY SERVICES November 10, 2011 Ms. Diane Atkins 110 3' Ave NE Carmel, IN 46032 RE: Starting Line =Preschool Dear Ms. Atkins: The following letter represents comments for this project specifically addressing the area of alternative transportation. .I have reviewed the project submitted for review for the November 16. 2011 Technical Advisory Committee meeting, and the coiinments from the Alternative Transportation review have been satisfactorily addressed. We request that all responses to our comments be provided in writing. Failure to provide written responses may result in delay of the review process. It is critical that this office be made aware of all modification made on the plans being re- submitted, particularly if any such changes are considered "new" or fall outside of our previous reviews. Please provide revised plans indicating all revisions. Please notify us of any changes and specifically state any changes, including changes resulting from Plan Commission, Special Studies or other committee meetings. The Department of Community Services: reserves the right to provide additional comments based on subsequent reviews. If you have questions, please contact me at 571 -2417. Sincerely, David Littlejohn Alternative Transportation Coordinator Department of Community Services cc: Angie Conn, Department. of Community Services Engineering Department Review Project. File Page 1 ONE CIVIC SQUARE CARMEL, INDIANA 46032 317/571 -2417 0 ,I:1, V pp S vg FC ZTV i 7 •-,:.,y-. (Th c'y c� n�q L I .1: j q j t I 11'7: 11 I B i A i t L .491 4 i 1 f t /-1-22=_:: tF d, `x l 4 1 c `c i Xenton- C `lard, OT.,�vf Suite z 88 Surveyor of 3- (amilton County One Marathon County Square Toone (3 r7) 7764495 ✓1 oblesville, Indiana [1.6060 -2230 Tax 3 1 7 776 -9628 November 10, 2011 Diane, Atkins 575 West Carmel Drive Carmel, IN 46032 VIA E- MAIL dkatkins22@msn.com RE: Use Variance —110 3 Avenue NE Dear Ms. Atkins: We have reviewed the use variance submitted to the Hamilton,County Surveyor's Office on October 23, 2011, for this project and have the following comments: 1. The proposed project falls in the incorporated area and:MS4 jurisdiction of the City of Carmel. 2.. The proposed project DOES NOT fall in a Cannel Wellhead Protection Zone. 3. The proposed project falls in the Morrow Follett Regulated Drain Watershed. 4. The Hamilton County Surveyor's Office has no coriiments on the use variance. Should you have any questions, I can be reached at 317 -776 -8495. Sincerely, ..4 Greg'Hoyes, AC, CFM, CPESC Plan Reviewer CC Angie Conn Carmel DOCS John Thomas Carmel Engineering Dave Barnes Cannel Engineering Greg Ilko Crossroad Engineers �(p 1 ti City of Car Fire Department Headquarters 2 CIVIC SQUARE CARMEL, INDIANA 46032 Voice (317) 571 -2600 Fax (3:17) '571 -2615 Fire Prevention Bureau Diane Atkins, Director Starting' Line Pre- School 575 W. Carmel Drive Carmel;, IN 46032 RE: Proposed Pre School Relocation 1103r Ave NE Carmel, IN 46032 TAC Review Comments The: undersigned has reviewed the information provided for the above proposed listed project and is forwarding the following comments for your review. The comments below are requirements established'by the State of Indiana General Administrative Rules (675 IAC 12- 1 -.1 =1). 675 IAC 12 -4 -11 Occupancy of existing buildings Authority: IC 22- 13 -2 -13 Affected: IC 12 -17.2; IC 22- 12 -6 -6; IC 22-13-2-2; :IC 22- 13 -2 -8; IC 36- 8 -17 -13 Sec. 11 (b) No change in the character or use of any building or structure shall be permitted that shall cause the building or structure to be classified within a different occupancy group or within a different division of the same occupancy °group, unless the building or structure complies with, or is made to comply with the: ('1) current rules of the commission for new construction for the proposed revised use of the building; or (2) provisions of:' (A) Chapter 34 of the Indiana Building Code (675 IAC 13- 2.5 -32); or (B) 675 IAC 12 -13. (e) Subsection (b) shall. not prohibit the following accessory uses within Class 2 structures provided they are in one (1) room that does not exceed five hundred (500) square feet in floor area: Instructional classrooms for fewer than twenty (20) adults or children when used not more than twelve (12) hours per week or four (4) hours in any one (1) day. Date: 1'0/31/11 By: Chris Ellison, Deputy Fire Marshal Carmel Fire Department Conn, Angelina V From: Greg Ilko [gilko@crossroadengineers.com] Sent: Monday, October 24, 2011 2:05 PM To: 'Diane Atkins' Cc: Conn, Angelina V; Greg Noyes; Duncan, Gary R Subject: RE: BZA zoning meeting I have no comments with regards to the Special Use application; however, at such time as construction plans and drainage calculations. are generated for any improvements, I will require one full -size hard copy set of each delivered to my attention for review of conformance to.the Stormwater Technical Standards Manual. G From: Diane Atkins (mailto:dkatkins22 @msn.coml Sent: Sunday, October 23, 7 :50 PM To: Conn, Angelina V; awold @carrnel:in.gov; dmindham @carmel.in.gov; dlittlejohn@carmel.in.aov; wakers @carmel.in.aov; dhuffman @carmel.in.aov; ithomas @carmel.in.aov; area .hoves@hamiltoncounty.in.aov; gilko @crossroadengineers.com; aduncan @carmel in.gov; nredden@carmel:in.gov; david.Iucasfthamiltoncounty.in gov; whohlt@carmel.in:gov jblanchard @carrnel:in :gov, iduffv @carmel.in.aov; tareen @carmel.in.gov; cellison @carmel.in.aov; tkrueskampOcarmel.in.aov; mwestermeier @carmelclavparks.com; iason. lemasterfthamiltoncountv .in.aov; brooke. gajownik@hamiltoncountv.in.aov jason.kirkman@mvbriahthouse: coma shirley .hunterftduke- eneray.com; gary.mcnamee @duke- energy.com; ilclark vectren:com dan.davenport@aes.com duane .whitina @veoliawaterna.com; rfarrand(accs.k12.in us; rvan:hartmanCacfrwd.ora; trov.yackle@ sua.com; doland.w.wise @usps.aov; sk4986 @att.com Subject: BZA zoning meeting BZA Board; Members, My name is Diane Atkins, I have lived in Carmel since 1972 and ,for the last 17 years have owned and operated the Starting Line Pre School here in town. Due to unforeseen circumstances, the building we are in being sold, am going have to move the Starting Lihe and that is what brings me before you today. We will be moving, if approved, from our current Iocation,at 575 W. Carmel Dr. to our new home at 110 3` Ave NE. This is a house that need some renovation to accommodate our needs as a school. A few of the changes that will need to be made that -will be visible from the outside are the installation of a circle drive to facilitate pick up and drop off: We would also be fencing in the back and side yard to give us a secure and safe play area for the children and I would like to place a sign in the front corner the lot so it would face both 1st street and 3` avenue. We have classes 5 days a week from 9 to 11 :30am for children ages 2 -5. The 2 years olds meet on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 9- 11:30am The 3 year olds meet Monday, Wednesday, and Friday from 9- 11:30am The 4/5 year olds meet on Monday thru Thursday from 9- 11:30am There is also an enrichment class and a Pre -K class offered Monday thru Thursday 11:30-2 For more information on the school or any of the programs offered please visit our website; www.startingIinepreschool.com. If you cannot find the answers to your questions there please feel free to contact me directly by email dkatkins22 @msn.com or on my cell phone at 317 -753 -6148. 1 Conn, Angelina V From: Conn, Angelina V Sent: Sunday, October 23. 2011 9:49 PM To Green, Timothy J; shirley:hunter @duke- energy.com; Krueskamp, Theresa A; dan.davenport @aes Donahue- Wold,Alexia K;:Huffman, David; duane. whiting @veoliawaterna.com; Hohlt.William G: sk4986 @att.com; Ellison, Christopher M; Littlejohn, David W; gary.mcnamee @duke= energy.com; david .Iucas @hamiltoncounty.in.gov; jlclark @vectren.com; Forward for Westermeier, Mark; jason. lemaster @hamiiltoncounty.in.gov; Duffy, John M; gilko@crossroadengineers.com; rfarrand ccs.k12:in:u s; .jason.kirkman rnybrighthouse.com; greg .hoyes @hamiltoncounty.in.gov; Redden, Nick; Akers, William P; troy.yackle @sug.com; ryan.hartman@ctrwd:org; doland.w.wise @usps.gov; Mindham, Daren; brooke, gajownik @hamiltoncounty.in.gov; Blanchard, Jim E; Duncan, Gary R; Thomas, John G; dkatkins22@msn.com Subject: Re: BZA zoning meeting TAC members, This special use item will be on the Nov. 16 TAC meeting agenda (and the Nov. 28 BZA meeting agenda). Angie Conn Planning Administrator Sent from my Verizon Wireless Phone Reply message From: "Diane Atkins" <dka'tkins22Pmsn.com> Date: Sun, Oct 23, 2011 7:49 pm Subject: BZA zoning meeting To "Conn, Angelina V" <aconn@carmel.;in.gov>, "awold(7acarmel. in. gov" <awold@carmel.in.gov>, "dmindham @carmel.in.gov" <dmindhamPcarmel.in.gov>, "dlittlejohn(icarmel <dlittlejohntcarmel.in.gov "wakers(dcarmel.in.gov" <waker- s@carmel.in.gov>, "dhuffman(carmel.in. gov" <dhuffman @c "armel <ithomas@carmel.in.gov>, greg. .hoyesPliamil,toncounty.in.gov" greg. hoyes(hamiltoncount,y.in..gov>, gi lkoOcrossroadengineers.com" gilko(icrossroadengineers.com>, '`gduncantcarmel.in.gov <gduncan(carrnel.in.,gov>, nredden( icarmel. in. gov <nredden(eilcarmel.in.gov>, david .lucas@hamiltoncounty.in.gov" david. 1ucas@hamiltoncounty.in.gov "whohlt@carmel.in.gov" <whohlt(1carmel.in.gov "-blanchard(carrel.in.gov" <jblanchard(acarmel.in.gov>, "iduffy0carmel.in.gov <iduffv0carmel. ''tgreenalcarmel.in..gov" <tgreen(carmel.in.gov>, "cellisonPcarmel.in.gov <ceilison(1car-mel.in.gov>, "tkrueskamp@carmel.in.gov" <tkrueskamr carmel.in.gov>, mwestermeler Ocarmelclayparks..com" mwestermeier @carmelcla.yparks.coim>, "jason. lemaster ,(aihamiltoncounty.in -.gov" <iason. lemaster @harniltoncounty.in.gov>, brooke. gajownik(hami1toncountv.in.gov" brooke. gajownik (ahainiltoncountv.in..gov jason .kirkman @mybrigh:thouse.com" jason. kirkmanimybrighthouse.com "shirley .hunter @duke- energy.com" <shirley. hunter @duke energy.com>, ''gary.mcnamee @duke- energy.com" <garv.rcnamee @duke- energy .com>, "jlclark @vectren..com" <llclark(avectren.tom>, "dan.davenport@aes,..com" <dan.davenport(aes.com>, duane. whiting(aiveoliawaterna.com" duane. whiting(veoliawaterna.com "rfarrand @ccs.k12. in. us" <rfarrandOccs.k12. in. us>, "ryan.hartman(ctrwd.org" <ryan.har-tman(ctrwd.org>, "troy .,yackle@sug<.com" <troy.yackle@sug,.com>, "doland.w.wise @usps.goy" <doland.w.wise@usps.gov>, "sk4986(att.com" <sk4986 @att.com> 1 Conn, An. elina V From: Diane Atkins [dkatkins22@msncom] Sent: Sunday, October 23, 2011 7:50 PM To: Conn, Angelina. V; Donahue- Wold, Alexia K; Mindham, Daren; Littlejohn, David W; Akers, William P; Huffman, David; Thomas, John G; greg .hoyes @hamiltoncounty.in.gov; gilko @crossroadengineers.com; Duncan, Gary R; Redden, Nick; davidaucas @hamiltoncounty:in.gov; Hohlt,, William G; Blanchard, Jim E; Duffy, John M; Green, Timothy J; Ellison, Christopher M; Krueskamp, Theresa A; Forward for Westermeier, Mark; jason. lemaster @hamiltoncounty.in.gov; brooke. gajownik @hamiltoncounty.in.gov; jason .kirkman @mybrighthouse.com; shirley.hunter @duke energy.com; gary.mcnamee@ duke energy.com; jlclark©vectren.com; dan.davenport @aes.com; duane .whiting @veoliawaterna.com; rfarrand @ccs.kl2.in.us; ryan.hartman @ctrwd.org; troy.yackle @sug.com; doland.w.wise @usps.gov; sk4986 @att.com Subject: BZA zoning meeting BZA Board Members, My name is Diane Atkins, I have lived in Carmel. since 1972 and for the last 17 years have owned and operated the Starting Line Pre- School here in town. Due to unforeseen circumstances, the building we are in being sold, I am going to have to move the Starting Line and that is what brings me before you today. We will be moving, if approved, from our current location at 575 W. Carmel Dr. to our new home at 110 3` Ave NE. This is a house that will need some renovation to accommodate our needs as a school. A few of the changes that will need to be made that will be visible from the outside are the installation of a circle drive to facilitate pick up and drop off. We would also be fencing in the back and side yard to give us a secure and safe play area for the children and 'I would like to place a sign in the front corner of the lot so it would face both 1S street and 3r avenue. We have classes 5 days a week from 9 to 11 :30am for children ages 2 -5. The 2 ears olds meet on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 9- 11:30am Y Y Y The 3 year olds meet Monday, Wednesday, and Friday from 9- 11:3Oam The 4/5 year olds meet on Monday thru Thursday from 9- 11:3Oam There is also an enrichment class and a Pre =K class offered Monday thru Thursday 11:30 -2 For more information on the school or any of the programs offered please visit our website; www.startinglinepreschool.com. If you cannot find the answers to your questions there please feel free to contact me directly by email dkatkins22@msn.com or on my cell phone at 317- 753 -6148. I look forward to meeting with you and the future of The Starting. Line Preschool here in Carmel. Respectfully, Diane Atkins, Director Starting Line Preschool 1